88-983 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council �//�/y�. 2 CANARV - DEPARTMENT J{ 0���` �7 BI.UE - MAVOR File �0• V Ce\.� Counci Resolution `1���`��, _.� Presented By Referred To � ��� � � Committee: Date � ' �� �� Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Zoning Manager in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensa ion. RESOLVED, that the rate of ay for the title of Zoning Manager be set at the rate set forth in Grade 2 , Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard R nges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period af er the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requeste rtment of: Yeas Nays Dimond PERSONNEL OFFICE Lo� [n Favo Goswitz � � __ Against BY � `�' Sonnen Wilson �� ',�� 2 g �gg Form Approved by�City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • � J � Certified Pa se by Council Secret BY '� c � By Approved by M�or: ate _ L � Appr d by Mayor for u n to Council By PU�I.ISNE� G�G g 198 _ � ' ��'��`3 • � �I°_. 013304 Personnel DEp��rrr - �ul a o n �; CONTACT , � X� PHONE � 4-15-$8 DATE � ASSIGN N[�MBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See r verse side.) ��� � Department Director 4 Maqor (or Assistant)�f� ��^ Finance and I�tanagement Services Dire tor 5_ Ci Clerk �, Budget Director � City Attorney _ TOTAL NUI�BER OF S�GNATtTRE PAGEB: ( lip all locations o sigttature.) 61 G C T ? (Purpose/Rationale) � Zoning Manager . Council Research Center. (see attached) ��N �r����� COS U ND C CI (see attached) FIN SO U G T V T NUM G C TED: � (Mayor's signature not required if under 10,000:) � Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: , RECEIVED �TTACHMEI�?S: (List and number all attac nts.) 1. Resol utlon APR 2 51988 2. Copy fvr Cfity Cl�rk 3. Attachment as noted above BUDGET O�FICE 4. Class specification for Zoning Manage ADI�IINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES • Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proc dures, or Budget Amendment required? �Yes _No If yes, are they or time ble attached? DEPAR�'MEIdT REVIEW �ITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes _i�o Council resolution required Resolution required? _Yes �Dio _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? � ��-��� ' CODE: 14136 BU: 00 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Z NING MANAGER DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Pe forms supervisory and highly responsible professional work in directing the interpretation and enforcement of zoning codes, laws, and regulati ns; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works und r the general guidance and direction of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit general and close technical supervision over profes ional and technical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include al the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs and administers the inves igation and enforcement of zoning code, laws, and regulations. Directs the work of inspection st ff involved in the investigation of zoning code, laws, and regulations. Makes complex interpretations of t e zoning code and other related codes and regulations. Directs and determines investigati e options for criminal prosecution and civil injunctions against violators. Represents the Division at public earings and meetings. Testifies before City Council and n District Court on zoning matters. Acts as liaison between the Divisi n and community groups, elected officials, other governmental agencies and gr ups, and other divisions. Conducts special investigations an develops reports and studies. Meets with designers, architects, velopers, contractors, and individuals to explain the Division's policies an regulations as they relate to zoning interpretation and enforcement, and to resolve problems. Trains inspectors in zoning code ma ters and provides technical assistance to other divisional staff. Reviews and makes recommendations o proposed zoning codes, zoning ordinances, and zoning amendments. (continued n reverse side) ZONI G MANAGER . �� �� ' � Page 2 � Z NING MANAGER Interviews, hires, trains, disci lines, rewards, assigns, prioritizes, reviews work, and conducts performance r views for employees within the unit. Establishes and/or approves poli ies and procedures on a unit-wide basis. Prepares and analyzes the sectio budget; assists in planning and administering budgetary controls. Prepares monthly, semi-annual, a d annual section reports. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of zoning code and related laws and regulations. Thorough knowledge of the princip es, theories, practices, legal precedents, and governmental regulations regardin zoning. Considerable knowledge of inethods and procedures of investigation and enforcement. Considerable ability to plan, org nize, and delegate work. Considerable ability to communica e effectively, both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal effec ively with the public, elected officials, members of the building and constr ction professions, and community groups, and other governmental groups. Considerable ability to supervise thers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Urban Plannin , Architecture, or a related field and five years of experience as a Zoning Te hnician or equivalent (no substitution for education) . ZONI G MANAGER . • � (;,=�y�� Z NING MANAGER l. What will be achieved: This resolution will establis the rate of pay to a new classification entitled Zonin Manager. This title was created at the request of the Department of Community Services to be located in the Building Inspection and D sign Division. 2. Cost/Benefit, Budgetary nd Personnel Impacts: This will be a single incumba t classification. The position is anticipated to be filled in J e or July of 1988. Funds for this position are already approved 'n the 1988 Budget. The annual salary will be approximately $34,400 t the base rate and $43,160 at the five-year step (1987 rates, 19 8 rates not yet available) . The salary for this position for t e remainder of 1988 would be approximately $19,185, using 1 87 rates and assuming someone is hired at the base rate and starts wo king in mid-June of 1988. The establishement of this title i not anticipated to impact the salary of any other title. . /�,����,�.- - - . � � CITY F SAINT P.A.UL - -��'�'���� 't;i��i�i'. � . OBrFZCE B' THE CITY COUNCIL � Co 'ttee Beport . � � � l�ana eme t � Per nnel Co � � 't ee. . . ' . � . . y . ' . J y 18, 1988 Est. .. : .. - : _ �.�. __._:_ ._ -- .._. T i me . .._ �_.�. . -- _ - . - - --- 1:30 1. ' Approval of minutes of J ly 5 meeting. � - � App�� FINANCE � HANAGEMENT � - - ' � � 2. Resoiution - 88-1073 - ending the 1988 budget Appraved - . � by adding $10,000 to the Financing and Spending - - . - Pians for Police-CCPP/In ervention project. {Referred from Council J ne 30) � - . . - - Is40 3. Resolution - 88-1a7Z - ending the 1988 budget App�oved (3-1) •-_--- by adding $20,720 to the Financing and Spending . - Pians for License Divisi n-Investigative Reports. . � (Referred from Council J ne 30) - _ - _ .�----- _-- - ------- - 1:50 d. Resolut�on - 88-1a74 - a ending the t988 buctget �� �r�� __ _ - . by adding $45,110 to the Financi�g and Spending _ _ P1ans for Refugee Specia Services. ' (Referred from Council J ne 30) - 1 :55 5. Resolution - 88-l021 - a ending the 1988 budget - Approved as ametxled by adding $21,860 �o th Financing and Spending (Delete $3,860 for Plans for City Glerk-Rec rds. (Referred frnm lighting) Council June 23) 2:05 6. Resolut�on 88-984 - ame ding the 1988 budget by �d over to July 25 adding $30,274 to the �inancing and Spending �; _; Plans for Finance 8 Man gement Services-Division of Accounting and the C mmunity Services Department for the Youth Athletics and Sports Assistance Program. (Referr� fro Council June 16) (continued) CITY HALL � SEVENTH LOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTh SSI02 . d-�s• - � - ��,��3 �'i `� ' . 3:30 18. Resolution 88-977 - establishing the rate of - A��� - pay for Building 5uperintendent in �Grade 10, � . • �� - Section ID4 Professional Supervisory Sta�dard -_ _- _ - - Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compen- : : -` " sation Resolution. • (Referred from Council � ' June 16) - 3:35 19. - Resolution 88-978. - changing the rate+of pay . _ �� �� to July 25 for Computer Operations Supervisory in the _ Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoiu- tion in Grade 33, Section ID1 to Grade 34',- � Sectivrt ID1 of the Clericai Standard Ranges. . (Referred frvm Council June 16) 3:40 20. Resotution 88-979 - adjusting the rate of pay Laid over to July 25 for Park Aide and Golf Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Campensation Resalution by striking out Section lIB and substituting new rates. (Referred frorn Council June 16) - 3:45 21. Resolution 88-980 - changing the rate of pay Appm� for Real Estate Manager in the Salary Plan (Not to be placed on and Rates of Compensation Resolution from Cocmci.l agenda until Grade 20, Section I04, to Grade 21 of the budget analysis is rcvd Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. . _ (Referred from Council June 16) _ 3:50 22. Resolution 88-981 - establishing the rate of Laid over to July 25 pay for Video Production Assistant in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolu- tion in Grade 9, Section ID2, Technical Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council June 16) � 3:55 23. Resolution 88-982 - estabiishing ttie rate of pay Approved - for Zoning Aide in .the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoiution in Grade 25, Seetion ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges. (Referred from Councii June 16) ----- ------ ----- ._ . _____ 4:fl0 24. Resolution 88-983 - establishing the rate of pay '�, �.th requireme� a €���. :, � for Zoning Manager in the Saiacy Plan and Rates I �_ . ,y� rt t. � of Compensation Resolution in Grade 2Q, Section � on� change in minimtIIn � ID4, of the Professional Employess Supervisory I ��.�fications in job �; Standard Ranges. (Referred from Cauncil June 16) ; des�ription. �. _. _ _.._....._ _.�.._. � _,__..._.__.__....__. .._ . _ ..._-____--- 4:15 Adjourn. . 3 �