88-981 WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L (J ��I BI.UE -MAVOR File NO• � Counc 'l Resolution " �-�; , l �. Presented By Referred To f � � -�= Committee: Date �r1 �' �a Out of Committee By Date An administrative solution establishing the rate of pay for the Video Production Assistant classification in t e Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RESOLVED, that the title of ideo Production Assistant be paid at the rate set forth in Grade 9, Section I D 2, Technical Standard Ranges, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; a d be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this esolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after pas age, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond P �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ,�;y� �__ Against o_____ ���+ w1�SOR AuG' —� '� For Approve by it Attorney Adopted by Council: Date " Certified Pa-s d b uncil Se a BY sv A►ppr by 14avor: D � A�G — � �, Appro e y Mayor for Submi to oun�il B Fii9�.1S�iE0 ��u G 1 `3 1988 . I . . . ' . . /w �'��� ne 0 '' e �°_. Q13290 � Person 1 f�ic , � DEPARTMENT • flaider CONTACT N 4221 PHONE � March 1 , 19 DATE ASSIGN IJtFMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See everse side.) n. ,,,,1 �,"_ � �� � Department Director � Mayor (or Assistant) �Q�Z'` �,� Finance and l�tauagement Services Dir ctor _ City C rk 2 Budget Director � City Attorney _ TOT�1L NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGLS: Clip all Zocations fo s gnature.) G C ? (�ose/'R.ati+onale) ' Council Research Center. Re: Video Production Assistant 3ee �ttached. `�uN O��� 0 T I B DG N PER 0 CT See attached RFCf/VFD ✓UN0� 19 �iq yoR,s o��i 88 S TJDG T AC VIT C G C �F (Mayor's signature not required if unde $10,000:) Total ;Amount of Trans$ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTACHIiENTS: (List and number all atta ents.) 1 . Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk 3. Attachment as noted above 4. Class specif`9ca�fion for Video Produc ion Assistant ,ADMINISTRATIVE PROC$DURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P cedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes� are they or ti etable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes _No Council resolution requi ed? Rasolution required? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _„Yes _No Yes x No Insurance attached? �t`i, — — , r . (i�'OO "! � CODE: 32382 a , BU: 02 � � EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: VIDEO RODUCTION ASSISTANT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: P rforms responsible technical video production tasks; and performs elated duties as required. Supervision Received: WorkS �xn r the general supervision of a Lead Video Production Specialist or ideo Production Specialist. Supervision Exercised: None TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a 1 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Operates video production equipm nt including studio and remote camera, lighting, and audio equipment. Operates video post production e uipment including editing and dubbing equipment. Operates character generator and videotext equipment. Performs video equipment mainten nce tasks including cleaning and minor repair work. Keeps accurate videotape stock i ventory information. Writes and edits scripts. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of video produc ion techniques and equipment operation. Working knowledge of proper handi ng and care of video equipment. Working knowledge of video produc ion planning process. Working ability to set up and ope ate video switcher, character generator, camera, audio board, and lighting system. Working ability to write clearly nd concisely. Working ability to operate video diting system. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS (continue on reverse side) VIDEO PR DUCTION ASSISTANT �� . � ��.��, , Page 2 ^ VIDEO RODUCTION ASSISTANT Completion of a certificate pro ram in Television Production from an approved Vocational/Technical Institute r equivalent certificate program, and six months experience operating video and dio equipment (i.e. studio cameras, portable video systems, switchers, chara ter generators, and audio mixers) ; or two years of experience operating the abo e video and audio equipment. VIDEO P ODUCTION ASSISTANT c . �f� � , � • n ������� . ��. m„-,. - ��- �� _ . � 2:45 . 7. Resolution 88-1207 - ending the 1987 CIB budget Laid over to August 8 . • � by adding �500,000 t he Ketlogg Park Reconstruc- - - tion pro3ect. (R err from Council Juty 19) : � 3:10 8. Resolution 88-1029 - i entifying program ob3ectives, Laid over to August 1 personnel and budget i creases for 1989 for the Police Department's Vi e Unit end requesting the � ' . Mayor to reconmend add tionai funds and personnel be assigned to the Uni . (Referred from Council June 23) . - PERSONNEL � 3:30 9. Resolution 88-908 - am nding Section 5.E of the Approved substitute Civil Service Rules pe aining to Character and resolution Fitness. (Referred fr Council June 7, laid over July 18) ,/ 3:40 10. Resolution 88-978 - cha ging the rate of pay Approved for Computer Operations Supervisor in the - Salary Plan and Rates o Compensatton Resolu- � tion in Grade 33, Secti n IDl to Grade 39, - Section ID1 of the Cler cai Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council une 16, laid over July 18) � �/3:50 11. Resoiution 88-979 - adj sting the rate of pay Approved for Park Aide and Golf anger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compe satian Resolution by striking out Secti.on II and substituting new . rates. (Referred from ounciJ June 16, laid over Ju1y 18) - __ --_�---------- � � �_ .., _.__ �___ .�_.__.__._ _ ;~ . ,�/4:00 ,�12. R�oiutiort 88-381 - est bi ishing the rate of � App�o� pay for Video Productio Assistant in the � Salary Plan and Rates o Compensation Resoiu- �� tion in Grade 9, Sectio ID2, Technical Standard � Ranges. (Referred frem Council June 16, Taid ,, over July 18) �I r (continued) Z