88-979 wHITE - CiTr CLERK COl1t1C1I P�r«��K - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ���'��-- �T_ CAR�ARV - GjEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counci Resolution ��j ��� �___., Presented By Referred To �' �'�= Committee: Date � �� � �� Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Reso ution adjusting the rate of pay for Park Aide and Golf Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan a d Rates of Compensation be amended by striking out of Section IIB where the title appears under the heading "Special Employments", the following: Park Aide lst 500 hours of employment $4.25 per hour 2nd 500 hours of employment $4.50 per hour 3rd 500 hours of employment $4.75 per hour 4th 500 hours of employment & th reafter $5.00 per hour Golf Ranger lst 500 hours of employment $4.25 per hour 2nd 500 hours of employment $4.50 per hour 3rd 500 hours of employment $4.75 per hour 4th 500 hours of employment & th reafter $5.00 per hour (continued on next page) COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays v�mona PERSONNEL OFFICE Lo� in Favo Goswitz Rettman B �he1�� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form pro ed City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— gy, � hlpproved by �Navor. Date _ Appr v by Mayor for S is Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council � ��� G�\�ARV -.pEPARTMEN7 � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Counc l Resolution Presented By Refecred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date and substituting in lieu thereof the following: Park Aide lst 500 hours of employment $4.75 per hour 2nd 500 hours of employment $5.00 per hour 3rd 500 hours of employment $5.25 per hour 4th 500 hours of employment & th reafter $5.50 per hour Golf Ranger lst 500 hours of employment $4.75 per hour 2nd 500 hours of employment $5.00 per hour 3rd 500 hours of employment $5.25 per hour 4th 500 hours of employment & th reafter $5.50 per hour FINALLY RESOLVED, that this reso ution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passag , approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requeste rtment of: Dimond ERSONNEL OFFIC �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;y�� __��__ A ga i n s t �senne�r Wilson AUC7 — �+ �88 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s Council S tar BY gl. ppro y iNa or: Da ` " 8 � Appr e by Mayor for ion to Council PUBI.IS}if8 AU G 1 3 ]988 ' � �f��� ,� . .� : , N°_ 013307 � Personnel DEpn�,�rrr - Sher e CONTACT X4 1 PHONE ., 4-I�-$8 DATE . . ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROIJTING ORDER: (See r ver'se side.) `,��� � Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) Finance snd 1�Ianagement Sernices Di�e tor 5 C Clerk ��Budget Director � City Attorney ' TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: ( lip all locations f signatura.) 0 C D T ? (Purpose/Rationale) t Re: changing �he salary for Park Aide a d Golf Ranger (see attached) COUncii Research Center. JUN 0 71�� COST B N F UDG T AN Q C P (see attached) " FIN C SO D UDG A VI C CRED T D: (liayor's signature not required if under 0,000.) Total Amount of TransBction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTACHMEIJ�S: (List and number all attachm nts.) 1. �Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk ` 3. Attachment as noted above 4, hkmo from Lloyd Burkholder dated 3/29 8 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES � _Yes _,No Rules, Regulations, Proce ures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, ar� they or timet ble attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY �.EVIEW (�Yes _No Council resolution required Resolution required? _Yes _No ' _Yas X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? , � �- Q 79 Changing salary for Park Aide and Golf Ranger WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKI G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) : Due to the unusual nature of pecial employment titles (i.e. part-time, seasonal, variable hours) , most were not evaluated by the comparable worth consultants. For the same reasons, we do not use the Q.E.S. System to evaluate the compensation levels. Employees holding these titles are not overed by a bargaining unit and, therefore, do not receive neg tiated annual increases. Salaries are usually proposed by the Depar ent where the ma�ority of the incumbents are employed. The recommendations are based on comparability with other simil r titles, market considerations, and retention issues. This partic lar request was based upon retention issues. The proposal involves increasing the rate of pay for the titles Golf Ranger and Park Ai e. The last salary increase for these two titles occurred in 1981. COST BENEFI BUDGETARY AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPAT D: The Parks and Recreation Divis on of the Dapartment of Community Services requested these chang s. They typically hire an average of 19.8 F.T.E. 's in the title of ark Aide and 5.0 F.T.E's in the title of Golf Ranger. Of the 19.8 P rk Aide F.T.E. 's, 6 are funded by the general fund. The remaining P rk Aide positions and all Golf Ranger positions are funded by specia funds, The additional cost for one full year will be approximatel $20,592 for the title of Park Aide and $5200 for the title of Gol Ranger. The Department has indicated that they do not anticipate th s change to impact the salary of any other title. . �, � �,q�9 �����=. o,.,` , .�, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � =? DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES o a; �, a` ��������� '` �° DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION 9�'0 �c `�-�+ 3W Ciry Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street ���• St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-292-7400 MAYOR �ECEIVED�" March 29, 1988 APR 01 1988 t+onn��� TO: Sheryl Le, Personnel D artment FR: Lloyd Burkholder, Parks and Recreation Division �,Q RE: Hourly Salary Schedule Park Aides and Golf Rangers The Parks and Recreation Div'sion, Department of Community Services is requesting the P rsonnel Department review the hourly salary rate for Park Aides a d Golf Rangers for the purpose of an hourly rate increase. These two seasonal positions are in the S�ecial Employment-Salary schedule "L" unit. The last hourly rate increase that we have recorded was in 1981. PARR AIDE AND PItEBENT RECOMMENDED GOLF RANGER RATE RATE lst 500 hours $4.25 $4.75 2nd 500 hours $4.50 $5.00 3rd 500 hours $4.75 $5.25 4th 500 hours $5.00 $5.50 This increase will provide a incentive to attract and retain good employees. Your attention a d action taken on this request is appreciated. � ' RO . ROBERT P. PIRAM KATHLEEN A. STACK cc: John Poor Tom Karl O � r" � � - � �� . - �-��-��'� . . � - �, -� � S- � ' 2:45 - 7. Resolution 88-1207 - am nding the 1987 CIB budget Laid ovex to August 8 . • � by adding �500,000 t e Kellogg Park Reconstruc- - - - tion project. (R err from Councii July 19) � 3:10 8. Resolution 88-1029 - id ntifying program objectives, Laid over to August 1 _ personnel and budget in reases for 1989 for the Police Department's Vic Unit and requesting the ' . Mayor to recongnend addi ional funds and personnei be assigned to the Unit (Referred from Ccuncil June 23) PERS_ONNEL ✓ 3:30 9. Resolution 88-908 - ame ding Section 5.E of the Approved substitute Civil Service Rules pe ining to Character and resolution Fitness. (Referred fr Council June 7, iaid over July 18) ,/ 3:40 10. Resolution 88-978 - cha ging the rate of pay Approved for Computer Operations Supervisor in the - Salary P1an and Rates o Compensation Resolu- � tion in Grade 33, Secti n IDl to Grade 39, - Section ID1 of the Cler cal Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council une 16, laid over July 18) __._ _ _ ,�3:50 11. R�soiution 88-974 - ad3 sting the rate of pay �oy� ," for Park Aide and Golf anger in the Salary ; Plan and Rates of Compe sation Resoiution by t�; `'ti striking out Secti.on II and substituting new 1' �. rates. (Referred from uncil June 16, laid over July 18) � �/4:00 12. Resotution 88-981 - esta iishing the rate of Approved pay for Video Productfon Assistant in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolu- tion in Grade 9, SeCtion ID2, Technicai Standard Ranges. (Referred from ouncil June 16, laid over July 18) � (continued) 2