88-977 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council /'� �7 CANARV - DEPARTMENT (��/f y/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. +- + • • � - . Counci Resolution �� ��� � � -.�_. . : Presented By � � C Referred To �� � � ���� Committee: Date � � �'�'� 1� Out of Committee By Date An Administrativ Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Build ng Superintendent in the Salary Plan and Rates o Compensation. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Building Superintendent be set at the ra e set forth in Grade 10, Section ID4, of the Professional Supervisory St ndard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that thi resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period a ter the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond PE IVEL FF E �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman � � Against BY Sonnen Wilson JUL 2 8 � For Approve ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas y ouncil S ar By— � By. Approv Mavor Dat _ Appro d by Mayor for Sub 's n [o Council B PIl�US�iE� �,,'J G � 198 � G� �q�7 . " ' � .�11° Q13329 � P@1"S011t1�� DEPARTMENT - er @ CONTACT N X PHONE � � DATE ASSIGN NIIMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See r verse side.) � 1 Department Di�'ector � Mayor (or Assistant) �I ��g� Financa and Irtanagement Services Dire tor , � Ci Clerk V.�.- � Budget Director � _ � City Attorney _ �OTAL NUMBER OB SIGNATURE PAGES: ( lip all locations fo signature.) I V ING 0 0 D ? (Purpose/Rationale) � Re: Building Superjntendent ' See attached �'�Q- �/�. ��'�� U � �"' �'" -�� 0 p`��_ � , P�,�� �'�� � �� �,�. . /1-�.�"� °�' �l�ti� ��',y o o , w�.� ��� C0 B N F T UD T N J�N L P C C A a�G�^� See attached C uncii Research Center' �ECEIVED JUN 071�8$ MAY � 11988 MAYOR'S OFFICE : N C G S AN U T A VI C G D R C b ED: (�tayor's signature not required if under 10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: , Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) 1. Resolution 2: Copy for C:ity Clerk 3. Attact�nent as noted above � 4. Class ,spec for Building Superintende , ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pro edures, or Budget Antendment required? _Yes �No If yes. are they or tim table attach�d? pEPAR �TT REVIEW CITY A�TORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolution requir d? Resolution requi�ed? Yes �No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes X Na Insurance attached? , . CODE: 12431 • BU: 09 EFFECTIVE: � � � 77 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: � BUILDI G SUPERINTENDENT DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Pe forms building management activities for leased portions of City Hall and the City Hall annex; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works und r the general direction of a section head. Supervision Exercised: Exercise moderate supervision over maintenance employees within the unit. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include a 1 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Maintains contact with tenants a provides tenants with necessary services, such as access, security, furnit e, etc. Assists in repairing, replacing, nd maintaining fixtures, mechanical devices, furniture, lighting, etc. Responds to tenant complaints and requests for emergency assistance. Plans, develops, implements, and upervises annual maintenance schedules for the building. Obtains price quotes and evaluate bids for goods and services; selects, monitors, and evaluates vendors a d contractors based on cost and quality of work. Ensures that bills are paid and r nts are collected. Recommends building remodeling pr �ects for the Finance Department real estate holdings. Prepares work orders and schedule work. Interviews, hires, trains, and ev luates the work of employees in the unit. Enforces building rules and estab ishes procedures for the unit. Gathers information and provides put into the budget process. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES (continued on reverse side) BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT . .> Page 2 � BUILDI G SUPERINTENDENT D r 7 � �� � / Considerable knowledge of comput rized energy management, fire safety, and building security. Working knowledge of building co struction principles and practices. Working knowledge of building ma ntenance and remodeling. Working knowledge of inechanical, electrical, and plumbing principles and practices. Considerable ability to evaluate and recommend the goods and services necessary for the maintenance of a buildin and for the tenants' satisfaction and well-being. Working ability to interact effe tively with building tenants. Working ability to demonstrate t chniques and to train others. Working ability to assign, prior tize, and evaluate work. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1�,io years of college or technica school with coursework in property management and energy usage or a related fi ld; and five years of experience in property management, one year of which sh ld be in a supervisory capacity. BUILDIN SUPERINTENDENT � �-�j 77 Build' g Superintendent WHAT WILL BE A HIEVED BY TAKI G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED TERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) : This resolution establishes t e rate of pay for the newly established title of Building Superintend nt. COST BENEFIT UDGETARY AND ERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPAT D: This is a single-incumbent ti le. The rate of pay for the new title is 10 grades lower than the t tle it is replacing. As there is an incumbent, the salary will be frozen. Therefore, there will be no immediate savings to the City The potential salary savings (if the position was filled with anot er employee in the future) would be approximately $8,889. (1987 rates) Base Pay Grade 1 = $25,512 annually (1987 rates) Base Pay Grade 2 = $34,401 annually � - ��.�-%i:y'i3t�- -. -- . . . � - • . � CITY F SAINT P�►.UL . C��`cf z� � ;� �"'��� ' j . oa�tc� a� Ts� czz*Y covivcu, Co '�tee Repart � � �`i� c� a e e t _� �ersonnel �o 'ttee. . r J y 18, 1988 � Est. . • : .. - .. - . -_=s- _.__ - -- ` -- Time . ... --�_ - -- -- - - - --- 1:30 1. � Approval of minutes of J ty 5 meeting. � - Approved FINANCE � MANAGEMENT - • ' � ' 2. Resolution - 88-I073 - a ending the 1988 budget Approved • . by adding $10,000 to the Financing and Spending � - . - Plans for Police-CCPP/In ervention project. (Referred from Cauncit J ne 30) � , � � 1 :40 3. Resolution - 88-1072 - ending the 1988 budget App�oved �(3-1) -:--� by adding $20,720 to the Financing and Spen�ing _ - Pians for License Divisi n-Investigative Reports. . � tReferred frem Council J ne 30) - 1 :50 4. Resolution - 88-1074 - a ending the 1988 bud�et �_ ApPr�� _ _ -. - by adding $45,110 to the Financing and Spending . . Plans far Refugee Special Services. - (Referred from Council J ne 30� . - 1 :55 5. Resolution - 88-I021 - ending the 1988 budget - Approved as amended by adding $21,86Q �o th Financing and Spending (Delete $3,860 for Plans for City Cler�c-�e rds. (Referred from lighting) Councii June 23) 2:05 6. Resolution 88-984 - ame ding the 1988 budget by I„aid over to July 25 adding $30,274 to the F nancing and Spending Plans for Finance 8 Man gement Services-Division of Accounting and the C mmunity Services Depa.rtment for the Yvuth Athletics and Sports Assistance Program. (Referr� fro Council June 16) (continued) CITY HALL SEVENTH LOOR SAIN'T PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �J� - - ��_q, 7� � � . . 3:30 18. R���'�`�. � ... , , . . �,:1;'�,t'� °of �� PaY''���'""�'"ui"�c'�in���Rerinten��';"f� �Grads�.Id. � . . .- - Se�fdn'`fi��'�"rofess i ona 1 Superv i sory Standard •_ _- _ . - Ranges i n the Sa I ary P 1 an and�R�t�s of Cc�npen- � : - � ' sat i oet��O tttC i on. (Referret��'I�Y"�ni'"Cr�vnCi 1 � ' 3un+�..._l fi) � - --•— . . _._ ._ __.. _ . 3:35 19. - Resolutian 88-978 - changing the rate of _pay I,,ai,d over to July 25 for Computer Operations Supervi�ory in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoiu- tion in Grade 33, Sectio� IDI to Grade 34',- � Sectiort ID1 of th� Clericai Standard Ranges. _ (Referred from Council June 16) 3:40 20. Resolution 88-979 - adJusting the rate of pay I,aid over to July 25 for Park Aide and Golf Ranger in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compen5atton Resolution by striking out Section 118 and substituting new rates. (Referred from Council June 16) 3:45 21. Resolution 88-980 - changing the rate of pay Approved for Real Estate Manager in the Salary Plan (Not to be placed on and Rates of Compensation Resolution from Council agenda until Grade 20, Section I04, to Grade Z1 of the budget analysis is rcvt�. Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. . : (Referred from Council June 16) _ . 3:50 22. Resolution 88-981 - establishing the rate of Laid over to July 25 pay for Video Praduction Assistant in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolu- tion in Grade 9, Section ID2, Technical Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council June I6) � 3:55 23. Resolution 88-982 - establishing tfie rate of pay Appraved � for Zoning Aide in .the Salary Plan and Rates of Cempensation Resoiution in Grade 25, Section ID2, af the Technical Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council June 16) 4:00 24. Resolution 88-983 - establishing the rate of pay Approved with requireme. for Zoning Manager in the Salacy Plan and Rates �t Persormel report � � of Compensation Resolution in Grade 20, Section an change in minimu�tt ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory qualifications in job Standard Ranges. (Ref'erred frorn Council June 16) descripti.on. 4: 15 Adjourn. � . 3 �