88-973 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll /�j CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL �'�J /� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � • Counci Resolution �'3�, � � �� �____.� Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED: That Application (I.D. #30993) for a Gambling Manager's License by David Goodman DBA S . Paul Turners at 1553 W. University Avenue (Hot Rod's Bar Grill) be and the same is hereby approved/�**??�: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman B s�ne;n�� A gai n s Y Sonneu�—^ �Ison JUN '� 4 Form Appr ed by City A rney � , Adopted by Council: Date - �X Certified Pa s Council S a By_ V By � t� r ed by 1+lavor. Date � � b � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ By PtfBliSF9ED ���v 2 � 988 CA"_�-��3 �„� ,� �,�� �Gf�EE�t S��E� No.�(�fl1$�8 _ • ��.'J. Carchedi - � � � DEPARi11EPRDIF�C'fOR� � �. . . � . MIIYON�R�/�TAtfn . � � ... . ` Chris�irre Rozek Nu � ����� ��«.�. � ,"�� . — ��, �" Council R�search FTnance & Mgmt., 298-5056 ���„� — . _Application for a Gambling Manager's icense , Nati�ication Date: 5 Z4 8� Hearin Date: � . ;`t/�aw�+UU or�tq)) n�►�navc�rr:. - ruwrwa oo�aa cmi e�co�iorr o��n+ o��a�r � w+o�No. �+o� �so aaa ecHOO�eou+o sr� a+�arEp�sron �s re nooL �ro To�rr�r .�_ —wA��so. _��* o�srncr oax+cw *� : _ a��vonrs wHxa+c�+cw aa�crrve� � Council Research Genter JUN 0 s J� ..t�un�a.none�,Msue.o�romuNm(wn�.vv�.w+,�,.wn�e,whr�i � David Goodman DBA St. Paul Turners, re uests Council approva1 of his applic�tior� . _ for a Gamblin� Manager's Li�cense. Mr. Goodman wi�l 'manage the Turner,s . pulltab "��peration at. Hot�Rods Bar & Gri.11 at 1 53 Wy University, _ _ �w�aM l�.de.�.�s.�wv...A..�,n.r. ,, . . _ . ... . All applicatior�s and fees have been su itted. 001�I1�tWhN.WMn.�no To vYh�n):'. • , ,::.. , ,. ,. If Council appraval is granted, David odman wiil act as gambling manager.�or the Turners at Hat Rods Bar � Gri11 , 15 3 W. University. 3f Cauncil approval _ is not given, Mr. Goodman will be unabl to act as gambling ;man�ger for the `St. Paui Turners. u,ewittnr� � i H/TCIIY/iR�DElITB: LEfiAL INI!!i: . � �-��-l�3 � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT A.DMINIS RATION DATE �1�� {�� � s a3 d�� INTERDF.PARTMFI�'TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Receive by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �y� (l, `aQ�,��dn Home Address Rusiness Name J�• }��(`-j�t.�rntr Home Phone �c�q-+ s �'"� , Business Address jSS � N1 UC •�'�-� Type of License(s) ��Q� ���nL� Business Phone 7 �g ( LQ r' Public Hearing Date � � �� License I.D. 4� 3 d q 93 at 9:00 a.m. in the Couneil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # � I� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �P ��� to Applicant �1 , d Federal Firearms 4� I� �T Public He�_iring DATE INSPE TION REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ��� Aealth Divn. ' , N j,� � � Fire Dept. � � � I� � Yolice Dept. �� c�,}I S����6 License Divn. � , � � z � a City Attorney r/ � �I���Od i � �� Date Received: Site Plan � /_ � To Council Research �S1 �1 Lease or Letter � Date from Landlord � ',- , _ • F � ` City of Saint Paul `ry��" �,. , . Department of inance and Management Services ��.�: ,;, y�` Lice se and Permit Division �;,'': ~' _ 203 City Hal1 :�` � • St. Pa I, Minnesoia 55102-29&5056 '*';-' APPLI ATION FOR UCENSE �m;�� CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew • �: oo _ aa � ��, .,� ,_ __ oat� �1�.� ,�� ` Code No. Title of License From `v � 19��To 19 �� ;i.n...�.. . ,: � C �,�, �1 �2 , �o ,00 ��-v � � �J �7vocl��,�i r� AppllcanUCompany Name :.:i.. 1� `,� C ,_j_ �� _ � Y-�Ct.. O�� • '�l.v � �I l..t V Yl1'1'� J f 100 Busfneas Name 100 � ��-�- �p C S ° Buainess Addross Phon�Na 100 � � � f 5� � � Yl� i/t�✓-�-�� U 100 Mail to Addross � PhorN No- � ����f : ,00 �� 1�1j �acx� E� c ; � �a�/-S�1 ManapeHOwne►•Nams ,o0 3� �� C� F:,�-I� � �� t ���.. ,�� 100 titanapedGwner•Home Address Phon�No. ' 4098 Application Fee 2 5a � Recelved the Sum of 100 u Gl G� h(�( � �1�� ���/� 1 t�`-t". Q(� Managx/Owner•Clty,State d Zip � 100 To al t00 ��('� -4.i.�'� .. �/�/�+ . : UCense InspeCtor � v By: ��' ` SignatureotAppiicant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiratlon Oat� Insurance• Company Name PoltGy No. Expiration Date , Mtnnesota State Identification No Social Security No. � Vehicle Information: Ssrial Number ate Numbtr Other. THIS IS A REC IPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for lic nse will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning � ordinance and completion of the inspectiona by the Health, Fi , Zoning and/or License lnspectora. ' $15.QO CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS ; _ - �/���� 1�"J W s/a31�8'� _ ..� � .. - .� Cit oE Sainc Paul /���i�Q.73 ,�����,`:,s�� Department o E Fi ance and Management Services l.ir" �� " -.��; r ' - " � Division o� Lic se`and Penait Regiscratiorc ' ,• t � � ` INFORMATION RE UIRID WITt�t APPLICATION PERMIT TQ CONDUCT CNARITABLE GAMBLING GAME IN 1:`° �AINT PAUL _ . . .P_;-: � ��' I.. FuZZ and 'compl:er�. name aF orgaaiza[ oa- vhich i.s applyiag Eor liceRS� Saint Paul Turners - � Z. Address� wher� games �tll be� hQl� 54'i Universitv' Ave.. St. PauI.,Mr1. 55104 �umhez Stresc City Zip 3_ Na�� of manager signing this• appli tioir wha wfll cncduc�,. operate and manage Gambling Games David D. Goodma Date of Bsrtn ii/29/56 (a) Leagth of ti.me- manager has beea� ember oi app].icaac organizatioir 4_ �►ddress of Manager 3688 Cente ille Rd. V'adnais H�ts. Mn. 5.512? Number � Street Cizy Zi.p 5. Day, dates, and hours chis applicaci tr fs Par Sundav.� Saturda 10a.m to 11 m _ _ 1 6� Is the applicant oz organization org aized under the. I.aws o� t:�e S tate o f �i? Yes T. Date- of i.acorporation 8. Date cshea registered with the State f :iianeseta April 15th 1977 �..- Ho� lo�tg has organizatiott beea ia: cence? 130 yrs.. LO► How Ton� has. orgaaitatioa be� ia teace ia. S.t.. Fau1.2 130 .years , (Z/6/i9�i) LI. What fs the purpasc of the orgaaiza aT �o promote phy.sical & n�entaI. culture, - : _ As is- stated in ArticZe (2) pa�e three of" our ByIaws (copy inclosed) LZ. Officers of applicant organizatfen Namc Russell W. �oodman �t��. Al Grossman Address 1430 Stanfard� Ave._. AQdr�sg 4295 TurnhilL Lane 55127 Title Pres id ent �a��',�p�g. 6 10 34 � Tit?e Fres id ent Dpg 11/ /18 9 6 Name Donna Peck Va�e Judy Mcclellan address -4796 Greenwhich way adaress 2191- Radati, Maplewood, Mn.55�0 n.w -- _ �. Title Treasure DOB• � Ticle� 2nd Vic e Pres.�DOB. 1��� 13. Give names o� officers., or any ot�er g rsons �aha pai3 Far se�ices ta tae argaaizatiorr. Name(Includ?��) . on s eperate sheet Vame Breant Greenly AddYess �a��gs 1�81 Bohland Ave. 55116 Title ?'ic?e Fina.nical Oi'�i c er (Actach separace nee� ��- add::_ar.s_ :�,�.zs. '. . �. �� ` 14.. Actached hereco is a list of aames aad addresses cf all �embers oE che organizscion ` - �_.._ _ ..� � , 15.. La whose custody wi1Z orgazrfzation's records b e kept? - � ' , �Naa�c ��v;� n_ r..,��ma„ - � -� Addresg e terville Rd. Vadna.is s. � llr_ .F�rsons wha uctTl be cond cting, assisting in conducting, or aperattng the gaiaes: Nam� Dat� of Birtk _ `, _ ... . ._ Add=ess Name of Spouse Dace f Birth �'" Dates wi�en: such person wi11 co duct, assisc, ot operace Nam� Daniel A. Goodmatl Date o.f Birth 11�29�56 �ddress 979 Wilson Ave. St. Paut, Mn. 55109 � 'Name� of Spouse. Joa� Goodman Dace of Birth S � IIaces when such person wfl? con�uct, ass:st, or operate TentB.tive L7. Have ycu. read aad do pou c.horoughl.y uaderscaad che provisions of aLZ laws, ordiaaaces, aad regul.ations gnverrcing c.'�� aperat=orr az Char�table. Gambl�tg: �a�es? Yes 18. Attactted hereto an. c:i� fcr� iur�ished bv th� Citq o� S�� Pacil. is a Finaacial Report wkich ice�izes. ,3L1, recr;�cs, e:s+�eases, aad d�bursemencs cz che apgLicanc organizatian � as we1L as aL', c=ga�sac=osc� �rho- have rece=��ed `uads ror c�e orecediag calendar year , which has besn sigrted, �reaared, aad ve:i£:.ed by N/A _. ._ _.�.... Yamt � addresg � . . _ _ - .. . . Wha i� th� aE ctr� auplicaa� Organizacion. : _._.. , Vame �z Off�'ce . - 19. Operacoz nf premises where �ames .rfl_ be heLd: tvama John J�. . Bi�auette� .._ . 4'• '• . � s�sssnes� �dress.. �-�53 �zv-versity Ave.. St. PauL.. Mri..� 55104 Ho�a� Address 795 Gershwin Oakdal�e Mn. 55i1g 20. Ameaac o� reac paid: by appl�caac Organi�acion �o� reac oL che hall.; speciFy amounc paid.per 4-hour se.=.stau ���• 60 ($50.00 F�VJeek First 3 Mon�hs $ 100.00 After �� ,,:; �, . �� ����y'-j3 J M �' � .. • � ' �' ZL. The proceeds oz the� games csf.I.t b� tfsbursed a£ter deductia� prize Iayouc costs aad •-t ' a�eratiag expeases fcr tk� �olZo�s � purpose� au� uses: Ma;intain a school �'o o '' 8c « W m t' s`cal & mental w elZb e' . T'eac ' sti�''s as a c entraS skill.. Purchasing & ma.intain3:ng eccessary equipz¢ent 8� paying for instructing. Z2. Has the premises wher� th� �aares a � tQ i�e he�ld been certified for occupancy by the City oE Saint Paul? Yes 23. Has your orgaaizacion riLed cedera forar 990 T? N� Lf answer is yes, please at:�ach a copy c�2th this appiicacion_ LF nswar is rrn, exglain why: We are filing form 990 b cause this is a new applicantion. Any changes desired bv tEte apoL=caac ds ociac�orr azay be �ade only wich che consent of the City Councfl. Saint Pa.ul Turner's Organizacion Dac� 4/0�'/88 By: David D. Goodman '�iaaager ia charge• o f game m � =c� �e c us ; � rr .. r c� cn I � C � � rD O T (0. 10 a 'f A $ 7 �-�.•. � S :7. R T K �+ � Ci� 4i (0' � •T , ���;�w�� f2 fT Y► (C- � � T a � 3 t Q ��„y.• ; fT S O � Q7 rt (D T � �0" � �C. �-+3 �+"? �3 3s. ? � r "� C O r+e ►�3- m G ' R � � ;,- 2 `t � rr � f� F+ � S� �� � a_ ca r �e. m. � r� • �� � a m. � � z � �=► • S Or Q r. m �,� � � 6> 3 S rr �4 m Ot S «' IT' � +� t� n C � f0` IT' �" �� � fS. 4L I r+� C U1 �D T ir a�.~-' � r- s n- rr to- m r�r- '? �• �C��� � a � — c = � r�r = 't .'3Q � �a i 7 rr 7!' fd- � Ot. t � T f0` � !D' fQ � 14: 7L�G / �t C j � � � t �G ��� "O �sT ( .. j T „ Q h� I ^ ) � +' i Q Q T SL I I C1' r rt r— b � , +�+r S � w is n c f?' ID". �. �w.�.+,.-� .. � f0'� � R I S T fp` C'� Z rr 'w Pf S A w �� � �C„ � K � �. 3 f� �T S ro � to' I� T Ci �: ►+� ^� rII C� R �p „'� 3 J �. 41� rw = �. ►+� 3 . . - � E. T T � � S'. 2 5i. ` C f0° � � fQ � T (9 < ( m (a �i • � S Ji' et fQ- iD T � . � .. :.� �3. �+ T ►T .� � r I� �; � f0'� .� 1L h+� O� SL I �` T 't "Q @, A � � T I 1 �� I fS G 4? Y�+ Q ' � '1. !'�� 1 ' � .'?Q �► � 1 , � .1, ;`\ .