88-965 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO11flC1I /1/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L ���'/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counc 'l Resolution /a��A , Presented By ��� �--- -- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Pavco, Inc. DBA Gannon's Restaurant (John Pavlick, President) at 2728 Gannon Road, has re uested a seasonal extension of the on sale lic{uor service area to t e east side of the building. Therefore be it RESOLVED: That the on sale service area be extended with the following stipulations: 1. The patio be limited to 1824 square feet. Any expansion of that to be reviewed by counc'1. 2. The 48 parking space on state owned land across from Gannon Road must continue to be vailable. If not, alternative parking would need to be provided r the patio closed. 3. The abandoned drivew y on Gannon Road must be removed and replaced with a new curb and idewalk constructed under a permit issued by Public Works. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Fav r Goswitz �be� `� Agains BY Sonnen Wilson JUN i �t Form Ap ved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date • . Certified Yass b o cil Sec y By • � � gy. �►�'�-�'i � A►pp v by Mavor: D 9$ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By pUBIISHED J U� 2 5 1 88 , , , ��� �� �. G�, �►,� � �,��.� �f�f�1 �`'i�#��E�" Ho.�fl 1�2� - �,�.,�� �„��,�, I�r�.s sc�.�t�wein].e��n I�n � — — �on R"""�`�r,""°�"B"s�+`"�ea°"es.'°" �`�"'`�" No' � �� Fin�r�c� & 1�rit.- �98-��56- ��� — ��, , ... . � - � . • : GTV A'[fORlEY - .. . .. . : .. . .. . ... . . . �. ..._. r �}Bt �Or.dt'1 OSItB:�B' eQC�'3]9�L�!1 �: :C"� 3'�s& ��' 2rt1 Qll ,$�.E I�.Qt]4�' 7.�C�2. �.+w�r^ 'NOrIC� SII�: 5/4/88 �1G> :� : •��ovrovs u►�er�t�1 �s�x+R�►car: , .rtA1�19 OOMi�810N � CIVI BBIVICE f�AlI8S10P1 �. DA"T@ W� . DA���� �� MI�LYST . . . . �/�/ aorw�a oo�o�► .. moaaa xrpo�eo�RO 5 : sr� aumEn oo�u � �s�s �wao. a�rv ro oa+r�r ooMStsn�wr —���+w. _�oenac�ooEO* +w DbTR�Cr CouNCll * rroN. �_.. &lPIKiRl81MNEN 130UNCN.oBJECnV@4 . �� � � . . . . . . -� � . . � .. . � . . . � . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . � : � _ : � . . . Council Research Cen#er _ ' MAY 181��$ ..�,.�.�.�.�.�,��.r,►�.��.�,.��: � Pawp. Tnc: I3Ei� C,ar�or�'s Restaua�ant is penni.ssic�ci t�s eact�d' tt�i�- aran t�.tt�e east ssu�e c�f �e btu. . 1�€�` �earv�t�e . .ldir�g an a seaso�nal. basis. :�- ..,xn�tu+BO�►���ar.�rrro�s.n.or�s1: ' - All rec�iraner�ta� c}f..Saint Paul I,egislati Ccxle 409.06 (E) (1) have bee�z met. ��L YMM6 and To Whomp. ,. , . , ,..,. . - . . : =f Covncil �parz�val i:s not receiv�ed, a;pP wi].1 not be allc�wed �o e�ctend the � se3vice area�to ttye cxits�de patio. _ _ K��es:: ' r�os. : cc�t�s . . rNrran►m�aoe�rts: Zc�ing has .�rnwed thi.s x�equest with 3 'Pu�l.atic3ns "(see attached letter) . , u�c+µ�uaa: . , . . ��`7� T�IVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�;RMIT A.DMIN STRATION DATE oZ. � �� SI� /��� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by �-"" Lic Enf Aud G4U Cp�C-• Applicant �ph y> �,v�iC.� _ Home Address Business Name p�, ` Home Phone Business Address p�, l�G�hYt Type of License(s)�Q�,tp�� �pY G� Business Phone � - oZ v� OvtC�1 (,�.� r �101-1 Q� 5'�U� r�e.s.�.,. Public Hearing Date � License I.D. �� �� 3 at 9:00 a.m, in the Co ncil Chambers, 3rd floor City Aall an Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t 3-t� �,oa�-- llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4� � `P to Applicant Federal Firearms �E � �Pr Public Hearing �, � � �- a� � DATE I1�'SP 'CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CONIl�IENTS A proved N t A roved B ldg I & D 1 I a1 C7�j �-J L''('� S`t��J "cN�� I Health Divn. ' � ��� � , Fire Dept. � � I �1�a � � � Police Dept. � � I� I % � n��__ /l � � fJla �C.. License Divn. � I � � ��-�-�.;.�p�n d � ��� J f City Attorney � i Date Received: Site Plan a-� ('�, ��� To Council Research yT� � 3 � S� Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord I'1 . � , CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATfUN � Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: ,. , ' , Current DBA: ' ' � New bBAt , • , , s Current�Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: r• . � New Officers: r , ` ' Stockholders: _ �. . , . �..�.` �v,����� ' -;�: i�F � _ � - n� . _","� �, �� "� � � CI �f OF SAINT PAUL ��'`"��~ � �INTERE7��A IMENTAL MEMORANDUM �u�g� �QR �� - April 26, 1988 T0: Joe Carchedi, License Di ision FROM: Wendy Lane, Building Ins ection and Design Division RE: Patio license for Gannon's Restaurant, 2728 Gannon Road We have reviewed the proposed pat'o license request for compliance with Section 409.08(11)c. of the St. P ul Legislative Code. The existing restaurant requires 72 off-street parking spaces and the proposed patio requires 41 spaces, for a total 0 113 parking spaces. There are 117 off-street parking spaces availab e: 69 spaces on Gannon's property and 48 spaces on State-owned property across Gannon Road. We hereby approve the patio license subject to three conditions: 1) The patio is approved for 1824 square feet only. Any expansion would need to be reviewed. 2) The 48 spaces on State-owned 1 d across Gannon Road must continue to be available. If not, alternat ve parking would need to be provided or the patio closed. 3) The abandoned driveway on Ganno Road must be reaoved and replaced � with a new curb and sidewalk co structed under a permit issued by Public Works. /krz cc: John Pavlick, Gannon's Restau ant Tom Keefe, Public Works � , • , � � +••„~ �� / � ' S�F CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPAR MENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: April 11, 1988 T0: Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector FROM: Rich Jents !�-� Deputy License Inspecto RE: Patio Petition The petition submitted by Joh Pavlic for Gannon's Patio has been checked and verified. Mr. Pav ick has obtained the necessary 90�. RJ/lp • ' � ,,,,, , �� ��0� �-�Jr s���� �r_v � L�. cov� cl� ����� � �.��� �o�z�� RECEIVED . �����E �.�P�z���za�r MAY 0 3 1988 . CITY CLERK � �'---•� y�. L72435 Dear Property Owner: .. � �U"�Q�� Request for a easonal Outdoor Extension of Service Area '�PT=��� John Pavlick D A Gannon's � �d���a� 2728 Gannon Ro d� � June 14, 988 9:�J0 a.a. � i�' `�� �—'-�C C:.t7 Couac� Cs�cers, 3rd iloar C+c7 ral? - Cau�.. :ausz 3y I.�c�se d ?��.c DiT.+sioa, De�ar�e=t o= :==..�acs aa� �O�*!�s'r�.. �+J��*�► �g�ear errzcrs, 3aosa 203 C�c� raL - Caur� :ouse, Sai:c ?as�I., u;.•T,��aca Zg8-�OSo • Th�s daca �ap 6e c'�aa�e3 with ut t�e consaat �d/or �ec??esge oi t�e Lic_ns� a.aa Ps�c DivT;sion. Lc is sugaested t�a= you c�zT tSe Ci�F Cl.zrt' s 0===c� ac ?°8-423I i= you �.�s� conf=—.�at_ou..