88-964 WHITE - CITV CLERK CO1111C1I (/��7��" PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT x r_�� BLUE - MAVOR File �0. V 0 ��� - Counc 'l Resolution ;���� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application for th renewal of the fo�lowing On 5ale Wine and supporting Class II Licenses at the addresses stated per the attachment, be and he same are hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.ong In Fa or Goswitz � Rettman B �hQ1�� Again t Y Sonnen Wilson J�N � 1} h�88 Form Appro ed by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date • - /�✓if� Certified Pas ou cil S ry g3'— �b gy, ���`. A►ppro y IVlavor: � 1 1�+ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By Pll�IISHED J UN 2 5 1988 � . .�: .. . .. ; . .. . . Ml[ T{D . . OAIE COMM.ET� . . . � . . ��' - '." �• � . � �. c�-a�a�, _ �REEtV SHE�T': �o. 0 017 7 0 _ � �„�,�� �„���„�� . K�1$ SC�dA1P�Y1�'Vall ��iQ3.T1 NUMB FOR �""�a w�w�o�±ear�oiaECron �drv d�we "� °�°�°�+ �.2._S�cx�c�L�e�ee�r,s:h— Fin�rx� & i�atit. 29&-505b . -- ,:-, . 1 «n�rroa�v Re�aal af an. Urs Sale`Wine and.sq�po , ' l�,c�ea. HEARIl�TG L1�,TE s 6/h�/88. ,` �Tlows:(�vw�t�or�(�) R�n�iKr: x�r�r�o ca�rxssiow av�s�coMnnisa,oN o��x� o��an t vHO�No. /d mr�HO oow�ssroN reo en acr�eoe�o ��� � � STAFF CHARTER COMMI381�J A8 IS . � ADD'L � � � . . ..REf'D TO CONTA�T. . CON67TfUENT. . . . .. . . . . � . _ . �. _FOR AOD1 MiFO.. _FEEOlIIL�(ADOED* DISTRICT QOIN�- .. . . * . . . . . .. TION: . . . . ... . BIIPPf)RTS YMIICH OO�INCIL�OBJECTIHE? �. � � ' . � � . � . . . � � �� � � . � . C�ur��tl �����r�� Co��O� . �I UN ��.i� 1.�►�a�o.�.w�o�.on,uw„►�.,�.w�.�w�w�: l�equest far �uicil appxvval o� an � e Wine•and �,�t,ing 7.�.c� (�ee attachsd l�t)'. �+s�wcmioN t�xa�e.x.�:�,�r _ , Capta�.n Fd Ste�nbe�q, Lt. Don Wir�ger. L Mitchell, Phil Byrne. anl �'o�t Cax�che�da, have reviewed the follvwirig (s�e attacl�d 1 ) :On Sal� W#s�e L�.c�se applicatian arid hac� agr�ed _ that tt�e I.�ic�ae �ivisian may no�w f ttx�n t� the �aint Pau1 City Qcx�c.il. The Licer�se Diviaicm's rec�omren�dation i.s for app . ' " ���lwiw.wi,«�.a�a ro w�w�►�: , , .-. : : . If C)our�cil � zs not x�eceiv�ed, the a�p].i.cant will be sc;he�uiled fcir a revi.ew bef�e a Y�earany o�fic�r. K�piATIMES: .. PROS CON6 , ' iN�TORYiPAECEDEI�ITB: "LtAAL ISSUES: � � � � a� � � � W 3 � � � z �, �, � � w � .-� � � U cd cd t/� Rf H V] V] Li a w �n � � � a� 000x b � 0 � a � � � i. t(�!� U O p4 l� •� A .0 c�d � uN 'ti y+ q GJ O � O .--� O u d a 0 z .. � �i w z � W U � AI � � 3 0 w z � � z 0 � U F� z z � o a-� H «1 � U N O .5d � 3 0 U O 7 P4 W � � M 00 .-i \ �'1 , O� H� , � e-a V� � �b �'� , � .