99-236Council File # • a� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presemed Refeired Approved by Mayor: 43 1 WHEREAS, the Camegie Hero Fund Commission has been recognizing acts of individual heroism in the United 2 States and Canada since 1904 through the awazding of the prestigious Carnegie Medal; and 3 WE�REAS, recipients of the Caznegie Medal aze persons who risk their lives to an extraordinary degree while saving 4 or attempting to save the lives of others; and 5 WHEREAS, Saint Paul's own Mazgazet (Peg) Hankes was awazded the Carnegie Medal on February 25, 1999 as a 6 result of her selfless actions to save the life of her neighbor Kaye (Casey) Peterson on April 24, 1998 who was being 7 viscously attacked by a pitbull; and 8 WHEREAS, Mazgaret Hankes acted with courage and foresight by leaving her home with a baseball bat upon hearing 9 the screams of her neighbor, and she then stopped the pitbull at[ack by beating the dog until it retreated; and 10 WHEREAS, Mazgazet Hankes exemplifies the spirit of the courageous pioneers who founded the City of Saint Pau1 11 150 yeazs ago; now, therefore, be it 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council, on behalf of the Citizens of Saint Paul, gratefully aclmowledges the 13 courageous actions of Mazgazet Hankes and thanks her for selflessness which stands as an example to us all; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council declazes Wednesday Mazch 10, 1999 to be Mazgazet 15 Hankes Day in Saint Paul. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Blakey f Bostrom f Coleman f Hams ✓ Lantry �/ Reiter � Q � � Green Sheet # G 3 S 3 �j Committee Date Date Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date �� � 1c� \�qq T'T � a ��`�'� °^ '� — ^--�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary P B � = - i.� r�� ,/�ii sy: 3�„��� G't y l'ou„e;/ G�![rlCi 3•/O• 49� til.'su//npeou s � 3-3-9� ,a��-S��v � ASSKM .�� nomwc onoErt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET qg_y3� No 63536 u ^o,�,�.� u aTM�..— ❑ tlMATiOpEY ❑ tl1YCLERK �..,.�,�,w��,� ❑.,�.���.� ❑rnvon�ort�smraxp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolu fion+ dal¢ec:e9 Ma.cti, /o, i f 9 9 Man /��n�Fer Daf. : n �kc G:� a�.fa.:,t !�./. �uAi ivn.vpprove yc� a we�ea PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Has this persorJfirtn everworked under a conhact tor this departmeM'7 YES NO Has this P�n/fiim ever been a city empbyee? YES NO Does ihis peBOMfiim possess a sldti not nortnalfyposses.setl by anY cu�reM cily empbyee? YE$ NO Is this pereoNfirm a terpefed vendor7 YFS NO COST/REVENUE BUIXiETEO (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUAIBER Council File # • a� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presemed Refeired Approved by Mayor: 43 1 WHEREAS, the Camegie Hero Fund Commission has been recognizing acts of individual heroism in the United 2 States and Canada since 1904 through the awazding of the prestigious Carnegie Medal; and 3 WE�REAS, recipients of the Caznegie Medal aze persons who risk their lives to an extraordinary degree while saving 4 or attempting to save the lives of others; and 5 WHEREAS, Saint Paul's own Mazgazet (Peg) Hankes was awazded the Carnegie Medal on February 25, 1999 as a 6 result of her selfless actions to save the life of her neighbor Kaye (Casey) Peterson on April 24, 1998 who was being 7 viscously attacked by a pitbull; and 8 WHEREAS, Mazgaret Hankes acted with courage and foresight by leaving her home with a baseball bat upon hearing 9 the screams of her neighbor, and she then stopped the pitbull at[ack by beating the dog until it retreated; and 10 WHEREAS, Mazgazet Hankes exemplifies the spirit of the courageous pioneers who founded the City of Saint Pau1 11 150 yeazs ago; now, therefore, be it 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council, on behalf of the Citizens of Saint Paul, gratefully aclmowledges the 13 courageous actions of Mazgazet Hankes and thanks her for selflessness which stands as an example to us all; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council declazes Wednesday Mazch 10, 1999 to be Mazgazet 15 Hankes Day in Saint Paul. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Blakey f Bostrom f Coleman f Hams ✓ Lantry �/ Reiter � Q � � Green Sheet # G 3 S 3 �j Committee Date Date Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date �� � 1c� \�qq T'T � a ��`�'� °^ '� — ^--�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary P B � = - i.� r�� ,/�ii sy: 3�„��� G't y l'ou„e;/ G�![rlCi 3•/O• 49� til.'su//npeou s � 3-3-9� ,a��-S��v � ASSKM .�� nomwc onoErt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET qg_y3� No 63536 u ^o,�,�.� u aTM�..— ❑ tlMATiOpEY ❑ tl1YCLERK �..,.�,�,w��,� ❑.,�.���.� ❑rnvon�ort�smraxp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolu fion+ dal¢ec:e9 Ma.cti, /o, i f 9 9 Man /��n�Fer Daf. : n �kc G:� a�.fa.:,t !�./. �uAi ivn.vpprove yc� a we�ea PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Has this persorJfirtn everworked under a conhact tor this departmeM'7 YES NO Has this P�n/fiim ever been a city empbyee? YES NO Does ihis peBOMfiim possess a sldti not nortnalfyposses.setl by anY cu�reM cily empbyee? YE$ NO Is this pereoNfirm a terpefed vendor7 YFS NO COST/REVENUE BUIXiETEO (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUAIBER Council File # • a� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presemed Refeired Approved by Mayor: 43 1 WHEREAS, the Camegie Hero Fund Commission has been recognizing acts of individual heroism in the United 2 States and Canada since 1904 through the awazding of the prestigious Carnegie Medal; and 3 WE�REAS, recipients of the Caznegie Medal aze persons who risk their lives to an extraordinary degree while saving 4 or attempting to save the lives of others; and 5 WHEREAS, Saint Paul's own Mazgazet (Peg) Hankes was awazded the Carnegie Medal on February 25, 1999 as a 6 result of her selfless actions to save the life of her neighbor Kaye (Casey) Peterson on April 24, 1998 who was being 7 viscously attacked by a pitbull; and 8 WHEREAS, Mazgaret Hankes acted with courage and foresight by leaving her home with a baseball bat upon hearing 9 the screams of her neighbor, and she then stopped the pitbull at[ack by beating the dog until it retreated; and 10 WHEREAS, Mazgazet Hankes exemplifies the spirit of the courageous pioneers who founded the City of Saint Pau1 11 150 yeazs ago; now, therefore, be it 12 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council, on behalf of the Citizens of Saint Paul, gratefully aclmowledges the 13 courageous actions of Mazgazet Hankes and thanks her for selflessness which stands as an example to us all; and be it 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council declazes Wednesday Mazch 10, 1999 to be Mazgazet 15 Hankes Day in Saint Paul. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Blakey f Bostrom f Coleman f Hams ✓ Lantry �/ Reiter � Q � � Green Sheet # G 3 S 3 �j Committee Date Date Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adopted by Council: Date �� � 1c� \�qq T'T � a ��`�'� °^ '� — ^--�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary P B � = - i.� r�� ,/�ii sy: 3�„��� G't y l'ou„e;/ G�![rlCi 3•/O• 49� til.'su//npeou s � 3-3-9� ,a��-S��v � ASSKM .�� nomwc onoErt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET qg_y3� No 63536 u ^o,�,�.� u aTM�..— ❑ tlMATiOpEY ❑ tl1YCLERK �..,.�,�,w��,� ❑.,�.���.� ❑rnvon�ort�smraxp ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolu fion+ dal¢ec:e9 Ma.cti, /o, i f 9 9 Man /��n�Fer Daf. : n �kc G:� a�.fa.:,t !�./. �uAi ivn.vpprove yc� a we�ea PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Has this persorJfirtn everworked under a conhact tor this departmeM'7 YES NO Has this P�n/fiim ever been a city empbyee? YES NO Does ihis peBOMfiim possess a sldti not nortnalfyposses.setl by anY cu�reM cily empbyee? YE$ NO Is this pereoNfirm a terpefed vendor7 YFS NO COST/REVENUE BUIXiETEO (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITY NUAIBER