88-952 ��� i ���_� City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. �o �`�O�J � ' ,;,, -v FINAL ORDER IN r By -�,�f;,,�,��, -,:;� CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 1aSO4E File No.- Votin� In tlte Matter of i�t.�.�.... 2 Ca►adewning aad takfng s S5—toot p x�nanent sasement b�at�eex� the aaeCerly ltna oi Lat�yette Avanu� and t1a¢ antarly iine of Lhe per�anent easement tsken !or Troat Braok Se�ver const uction. the Narth lfna of said 53—foot pez�maee�t ease�aaa� �eing the �os h line of Srus�o 5tr�st aa platt�d and its era�tesly �zCension , subjsat ta e�se�ants of r:cosd an�i eaciating straet�res� ta� tt�e purpnse ot constr�►a�it�g and e�aiataittiAg a public seWer an, �nder snd acre�s thxt art of Brnno �tre4t that lias between the ea.terlp liae of Lafayetta A eme�a atnd the �rest Ii�ae a►f Soo Li�e P1at No. 8; tt�at patt of Lot• 9 and 1 . J. id. Baas Subdiviaian of Lot 8, Sass Addit�oa of 4�tlot� ; thac part o Buxlingtoa Narthern Ri�ht—Ot—'Way; thet paxt o# Sao I.#a� Plat �o. 8 , i eluded within aaid 55—foo� perm�nent ease�ee�t. (in coaneCtiun �ith h� Troat Brook 4atlet E�s�ment Phase B lxaject) .._ --- under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order a � �3 approved S l���Q A public hearing having been had upon the abo improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative ther to, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sai t Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made � FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby d ermines that the estate required G,or this improvement be as describ- ed above, and tY,at the proper City officers submit a re ort to the City Counoil tor the purpose of the Counail's making an award ot damages for the interest�p�and determinati n ot asaessmenta, if any, agafnst the benefited property. acquired COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �N � �+ �8 YeaD11D�d Nays (jpAMits Certified s Council ecretary y�,� JI�N i G 1�8� �t�p �In Favor S�b�ib�l �p��p � Against ���� Mayor PUSLISNED J UN 2 5 1988 . . - " _` . . . $ ' *� :. �i��l ''���" �: Q��.�.�5 Fi�n�nce � Mana e�nt Se cas. 4/2� � _ . _. A1cT M.:) oEr�a�w�r o�ecro� �ron EoR (�i��-- E i v� Peter White � �� Fn�wc�awwao�rse�v�su�cror+ -Tcrrva.�c�d� . ►a. �. , ,.. ��,,,�a, �Council Re�earch '�laluations & lis�mt.� < . aaor�n: : — .�$��31 fi. cm errow�r Mu$t �re_:.o�t. enda .vn or tte�ft>�e,.5 �.t� 1: Setting tteari�g date for approval of acqui n� perms�ent.,:easemen� 2. Approve acquisition of permanent sewe�r e:�s; ent for Brunci Street! Essement Pro�ect in conaection with the Trout Brook Outlet sement 1'h�se B Pro�e�t. (File Ne�mber 18504 E) . woo0�►tfc�+s:tM��IM«�(P)) c�ur�ca. Rr�nont: _ � : v��Mr+c�oo� avK e�nr�oo�rsea� o� o�rE �wu w�or�►�o. ��- ���� �a � ; . • :,�- A ar� . : awrr�� is �oa�Mra ,* +�°�i.°0�o".� — —°�°�c�*. o�srn�cr t�otN+c� *orr�uuaork � su�cRra wwa+co�c�os�crnr�v .. ��u��it ���e��ch Center :1 . 'M�Y 0 3 ��8 . .it�►'�Mlfi 1M1o.f�M.wl�.`o�o�rr ry�no.v�v,A,.R.rMsn,v�: . . , - The conatruction and future mainten�nce of he Trout-Sroo�. Outleti Pro�ect requires the ease�ent aa described ,on the attached r�solu ion. .wr�+c�►n��8�:�.�r• ; . . . ,.: This easement is necess�.ry for the building of the Trout `�rook Outlet �'ro�ect, �the r�suZt being ar�re efficient asid better economic ro ting of the storm •water runa�f. MIMf.v�4:arq Ta.whoaa:., : , ;:' , .. ; .;, . - • KTEIINAlf1f�: .. . YR08 , - � - To b.e determiaed. � weroerm�csau+rs: T�is :is. the nprmal proceedure fQr easeme t. acquisitions - � uau��: Nane at this time � ��;- �oZ ..... �o °° „ , � so L c�.nv ����, z �.�. • � ", , .•• , � ' � �� \ I N g� P RMN�IENT EnSEMENT AttE�. �� � 4 3 Z I •� ISTIHG EASEMYNT AR�A t.'��-' o � � � (B� �� � � � �` . l : ` 7o�S) ` E- - 3� �R.S 5�•�, � r ` '�''_-- q^� �`� �O,Q3 I �..._- - ' . , . '.` • :AT6D. . � sz .f ~" is�'. �3� � ` `, � Zno Z oso � Z, � � � • o� � . s4.3 G ` �j�� � ° � - ` � � ~`��) `\�. � 1•� / � � � �1' � �'� - 3 F 5� �.� ,�� �< ' ��:�: z. �za � , � �� � � � � �. � 2 � �t � ; �! o�s � 9q �� 1 ``50 ' V � O C�'� r-14000 5 c+� � � �2� . � i-f iv � .. � � oo`�/� -y � M� � *,� 1 • � �� S � � � `< O 6 i / �� � � � � � `� 4 O _ •._ � �� �� - - - s � � ,�,. �r • � � ,, �\ �, ! ' �•c �-� J ^ � 1 .. � � 't J - - - � `� , ,�,, `(zj� . , � � � @ � � • `♦ / ' j> _ �:-': ss =-z,a, :s) Q.. RE � s::�: ���=,�;, — ' ' � -F'- � :.. .: . .- , . �i � � �. � � ' -� � ss °, �:: . � � •�• � ,� , -.., , �f, . . - 0���3400 � � .-1 ' '� .�t�r� � � �ao P � �oo : , �. . 'S d � �� ,� � �� �, V�� lo�� 3 /� �� �� C►TY oF ST. Z$ �",� ' � �P.W.SAIl4'3 0 !'� � a� � � �`� ���. . ;� Ac..e.�'reR. ` `I` I �.J ,�`� '' � � II.�•� 3 •29•22•Z3•003(� ♦' ,� � �� ` �'a .��_ • ) ; _� �� •• o� - 14100 � ' h- '� � �-►4�0 � ? t'i ..S ..: •• �, O 1 I c. � i �� � 1 t 3�) I 2 'o'o ° 4 (7 4 3 �� �25 � • � �� i� • 3 \ _' � �if,y � I 3 � � � 46 u) ao r, M .��� s C 49 II �z ' - '�s °° � � KE NNY PATRI DGE I 2�3) , NoT VAGAT�C •� SO �' " SO 30 � � GD,j .lo n i. 3o s .. -� � �38) � A 1 1 � � ��'�: (�� i �04 3 2 I oi �f' 3�) _ $ 4 3 2 � � ` ,,L C7 � � � � i �TT � : ol-13400 � --- --- - - - - -� � � '< �o0 1 _ 9�£_ t n � _� V�icq7�';: To '� -- - - - - --� ....t ry _ �=r'I: 1 � � o OI i.i.. ��6 �3� ' S 6 7 8 0� 5 �3 h �5 I� � A / 1 � - so ,� „ sc 5p „ � � a; VAGATE� a - -- - ° -H-t R-��N ' S T. :: ISI `�g� _ ., ooc!�rc� icss�� �,� 00 .. 1 � ��� � T �5y� � .� ��. ::' � ��`;� � 0 4 3 2 2 I a� °� oi � —_ � � .t. �i 1 '� � , � _� , � "�':�'u.:,eea- _ � � 3 G ' - -t •"� � ( �..,. � � � � .. ,:: � ' g 5 6 7 8 al '�,� '3�}� t.; i 1 �:; C•t-l34de � 8 � •:. � ��r9 1 so �, ,re � o Ou A-- -- -- -� ---- -- -----,� T.�' � • - -- ,\\ -� � -- - A -- � � � . � � � . •� � ����� � . ; P�'- 9��� Members: 1 { !�'� ��` CITY Ob� AINT PAUI. Roger J. Goswitz, chair Janice Rettman . `. �iitjl�Tii� -�' OFN'ICl+: OF F-IIL' Cl�i'Y COUNCIL Tom Dimond � � Date: June 8, 1988 RECEIVED Com ittee Report JUN 0 81988 6 . CITY CLERK � - , To: Saint Paul City Counci � From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation . Committee � � Roger J. Goswitz, C air The Public Works Committee at ts meeting of June 8, 1988 took the � following action: Hearing Date 1. 6/23/88 VACATION: Petitio of the H.R.A. and West Bridge Townhomes Association for the vacation of an encroachment into an easement in vacat d DELOS STREET. , Recommended appro al on 3-0 vote. 2. 6/14/88 ,�IAi��iiNER: C n��q�,,�� t�;�,�r5-f��� ° Hsewer e�ement etween the easterly line oi�r LA�'AYE-� <``E4VENUE a�, the esterly line of the permanent easemen� :�akett for,�out B ook Sewer construction. Also� the north line of said per anent easement being the north line of- J�R�NQ•ST'P�fi as p atted and its easterly extehsion subj�ct ,t:��._:.easem nts of record and existing structures for the xp��ASe_ ' const cting and maintaining a public sewe�.,,,on, ,,,., , �� acro s Bruno Street. (In conne,�t�on with =�'the u , .. __ r . � k �tl t Easem,��t, i'�a�e�rB �ro�ett�. ::;� � , �: . � - .�i" ��am�p�e�d. s� on� � vo te. - 3. RESOLUTION: To enter into an agreement between Minnesota Department of Tr nsportation (MNDOT) and City of St. Paul to share constr ction costs for PAYNE/ARCADE EAST SEWER SEPARATION PROJE T. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 4. 6/21/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary sewer in FORESTER STREET from Canton Street to Bay Street. (La d over from May 25, 1988) . Laid over in Co ittee to June 22, 1988. CITY HALL SEVENTI-I �LUUIt SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .�a .46 ���.� r 6 � 5. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: I tallation of the WABASHA STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN on Wabasha from Kellogg Blvd. to llth Street and on 5 h and 6th Streets from Wabasha to St. Peter Street. Im rovements to include the following: New decorative lighti g to accommodate banners, flower baskets �4, and other speci 1 trims; information kiosks containing lists of stores a d events, maps, telephones, news boxes and trash recepta les. (Laid over from May 25, 1988) . . Recommended appro al on 2-1 vote - Dimond voting "NO". 6. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: Th operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting System or the WABASHA-STH-6TH AREA for the year 1988 for the fol owing streets: Both sides of Wabasha Street from Kell gg Blvd. to llth Street; Both sides of � 5th Street and 6t Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street. (Laid ove from May 25, 1988) . Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 7. RESOLUTION - 88 833 - Amending the 1984, 1985 � 1986 Capital Improve ent Budget by adding $205,232.56 to COMO AVENUE OVERLAY-C PITAL HTS. COMO PARK from activities as listed. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. � 8. ORDINANCE - 88 827 - Amending Chapter 87 of the Legislative Cod pertaining to the Water Code and Water Service Connecti ns. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 9. REQUEST of Wayn Cardes for consideration of approval of a Registered La d Survey to simplify existing legal descriptions fo property located at LONDIN LANE and LOWER AFTON ROAD. Recommended app oval on 3-0 vote. 10. RESOLUTION: Rec cling contract for 100� funding, $379,542, from Ramsey Cou ty. Recommended app oval on 3-0 vote. � ���-2 r a + 11. ORDINANCE - 88-891 - Amending the Legislative Code so as to provide penaltie for unlawful removal of materials set out for recycling c llection. =,,,,, Recommended approva on 3-0 vote with amendment to include the word "alleysid " on page 2, paragraph .04 - to read "Ownership of recyclable materials set out for the purpose of particpating in curbside or alleyside recycling . programs. . . . " 12. ORDINANCE - 88-8 7 - Amending Chapter 126 of the Legislative Code ertaining to surfacing between curb and sidewalk. . Recommended approv 1 on 3-0 vote. 13. ORDINANCE - 88-8 8 - Amending Chapter 160 of the Legislative Code p rtaining to parking meter zones. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote with the amendment to limit it to day c re facilities in the downtown district. ...:. , :•. ..:.::.,.. . � . . .. � ,,� ��-- 9v� � S . PAUL CI Y COUNCIL �.�� . T � PUBLIC HEA ING NOTICE ��� PUBLIC IMPR�VE ENT �CC?UISITION RECEIVE City Council District ��2 Planning District Council US MAY 2 71 88 File No. 18504-E CITY CLE K To decide whether to pro eed with condemning and taking a 55-foot PURPOSE Permanent easement betw n the easterly line�of Lafayette Avenue and the Westerly line of the pe anent easement tak�n for Trout Brook Sewer construction, the North line of said 55-foot permanent easement being the North line of BRUNO STREET as platted and its easterly extension, subject to easements of record and existing structures, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, and across: That paXt of BRUNO STREET that lies between the easterly line of Lafayette Avenu and the West line of Soo Line P1at No. 8; That part of Lots and 15, J. W. Bass' Subdivision of Lot 8, Bass Addition of 0 tlots; That paxt of Burl gton Northern Right-of-Way; and that part of oo line Plat No. 8, included within said 55-foot permanent easement. Tuesday, June 14, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. H EA,RIN G City Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Please note that the P blic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item and evelop a recommendation to the full City Council. Elease bring any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednes ay, June 8, 1988, in Room 707 City Hall - Call 298-4513 and ref r to the File �� abave. City staff will be QU E S TIO N S available to answer a y last minute questions on this pro,ject in Room 218 Cit3► Hall fr m 8:30 - 9:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. . MAP. � ` �l � ����r �, s? � ;,� t. . ,��,�— < _1 , �- _ ..;: � FRBLI�I� Y Q� -_ Gouncii I�`Ik�to.�98-73'Y--Sg Rog�r J.� at,ft� , . r , et,` .f .�..'r °'x . ;- Iu the M2�tter_o� . ,s�t y �i���a , Ma a betwee� f.he.�aster�y;�hit��,� 'y��,�� a� ' . perna�tner�t easem�st ta`�en�yt i��iqsfif�-' .. se�i�.35-i'aeE pBrman�t ea�eni� .' _. •I�R��'ift�oi �� �a.$���t ` o#r�cord` ior the P��,f,c�lt�c#,it}B Q�. _ �#A�}kk �and acro�th�.��$i�sno�63t�betat�'� . �eea � ett.e � . Avant�e �#se av�t line o!�� , a.8c., � _ �� � 1t�,�.1fi. Lbts. s�� ��t.s,�� a� E,t, •. �s.vara; � N�_ .=�r�. � _ � -� �� -'� , , .� .` - . , . : . . �� . ��� ` . . .� ,_ . . � _ . _ .e . �. . ., , �i� � . _: � -- j - � _ - . .� r:�ha�,::r;�_ . : � . - . . .:.—-t-� i� 1. That.,t�:said repart and th sa�ae is heareby ap� �r�ved witb. no aiteY'�tatives. �d that the est ted e�gtt thereoi is.i8,000.�inas�d,bY $to�,$��ret-3�stem Char�e. , ,_. 2. �:� r�b,�,�}�rin� be had� i�aaid '���r�aa�nt q�t2�s �of � -o' the �1 C�tbeFS� !I► �ii�oi$aint P�aul. � ' 3. �at not,�ao��'a#s�id.P�a2ic�h ��.�iEVen to the-.�ssoa�s. , �S-the_ �r pr+��!tt by the s,st�3��l�he ti�ne ars�'�a,�e�.�.�urin8, the n�ture of the itnprovemeat the total cost thereot as ssti�tRd. File No.18S4lE _ �� -: - x - Ado�t�d�iy the Ca�uncil May12. I . . _.. APAra�z'ed May I3,19�8. _ , (Map i„1988)