88-925 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII (�jJ JI� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L /y /I BLUE MAVOR File NO• ` � � � City Attny/JT�I , . Counc l Resol�tion � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council o the City of Saint Paul has instructed the City Attorney, in his etermination, to take all necessary or desirable action to assu e that the Noise Distribution Test proposed by the Metropolita Airports Commission (MAC) to be con- ducted by the Federal Aviat'on Agency (FAA) at Minneapolis-St . Paul International Airport e undertaken only after compliance with the Minnesota and Nati nal Environmental Policy Acts and other applicable law; and WHEREAS , the City Atto ey has requested pursuant to Section 5 . 02 of the City Charter th appointment of special counsel to assist him in this undertak'ng by providing advic.�: regarding the Federal law, representing t e City in Washington, D.C. , and providing such other services as the ity Attorney may direct, now therefore , be it AESOLVED That the City Council consents to the City Attorneys request and hereby appoints Abbe David Lowell of the firm of Brand and Lowell of Washing on, D. C. as special counsel to the City Attorney in the Noise istribution Test matter and fixes compensation at $100 .00 per hour payable from the general fund, in an amount not to exceed 7 ,500 .00 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Fav r Goswitz Rettman Q ...�;�� Against BY Sonnen Wilson J�N — 2 � Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s .e Council , ta BY / B5, ��� t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B,, PUBLISHED J�R 1 1 1988 sy Approved without the signature of the Mayor pursuant to Section 6.08 of the City Charte . BL�IE, • - MAVOR""`" � VI`1'Y F �AINT �yA � � �ile NU. �m ' •�� Csty Attny/.TTI-I , . Cou cil Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ♦ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul has instructed the City Attorney, in hi determination, to take all necessary or desirable action to as ure that the Noise Distribution Test proposed by the Metropoli an Airports Commission (MAC) to be con- ducted by the Federal Avi tion Agency (FAA) at Minneapolis-St . Paul International Airpor be undertaken only after compliance with the Minnesota and Na ional Environmental Policy Acts and other applicable law; and WHEREAS , the City At orney has requested pursuant to Section 5 .02 of the City Charter he appointment of special counsel to assist him in this undert king by providing advic� regarding the Federal law, representing the City in Washington, D.C. , and providing such other services as th City Attorney may direct, now therefore � be it RESOLVED That the Ci y Council consents to the City Attorneys request and hereby appoin s Abbe David Lowell of the firm of Brand and Lowell of Washi gton, D.C. as special counsel to the City Attorney in the Nois Distribution Test matter and fixes compensation at $100 .00 p r hour payable from the general fund, in an amount not to excee $7 ,500 .00. � , COUNCIL MEMBERS • Requested by De rtment of: Yeas Nays IKmoad �08 IIl F VOf Goawitz R_�� Q Agai st BY Sonoen VVilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN — 2 Form Approved by City Attorne Certified P s•.e Council , ta BY � gy. Approved by Wavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g ��H�Q �lJ�i`� � � ���� By Approved without the signature of the May r pursuant to Section 6.08 of the City Char er.