88-924 wH�TE - Cirr CLERK COII[ICil
BLUE - MAYOR File �0. � -9a
, �o il Resolution : �
Presented By —
Re Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #18059) for a Pool F� Billiard Hall License
applied for by Marshall aundries, Inc. DBA Suds America at
2045 Marshall Avenue be d the same is hereby approved with the
following stipulations:
1. No more than one pool table on the premises
2. An attendant be on d y at all times
3. The hours of the lau dromat will be 8:00 a.m. to 10;00 p.m. The hours
of the pool table ma be less than the laundromat hours, but cannot
begin before 8:00 a. . or end after 10:00 p.m.
4. Only patrons of the aundromat will be allowed to use the pool table. A
patron shall be cons'dered a person who is on the premise for the
prima.ry purpose of d ing laundry.
5. No patron will be ab e to use the pool table for more than a four hour
period in any one da .
6. There shall be no be ting or wagering on the outcome of pool games
and/or individual sh ts.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� [n Favor
Rettmaq� ' By
Scheibel � Against
VV'ilson �
JUN � �} Form App oved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Ya s d Council Se r BY ��� ��
7 'M1 r"� �
A►p ro Ylavor: Dat '4��ll� 1 � ,� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B �-/�` BY
pU�USNED J U�J 2 � 1988
�� �� � �� �
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pplication ( I .D. #18059) for a Pool and
Billiard Hall License applied for by arshall Laundries, Inc. , DBA Suds
America, 2045 Marshall Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved with the
following stipulations:
1 . No�more than o poo 1 tab 1 e on th p►�m i ses.
\ \ .�
2. One at�,endant, di erent from the laundr attendant;�,must be on duty at
all time�,when the p 1 table is i use or vailable fb�r use. The pool
table attendant's re onsibility ill be to supervise �nd oversee the
pool table pperations and games.
3. The hours of the laundromat will e 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The hours
of the pooi table may be less tha the laundromat hours, but cannot
begin before 6:00 a.m. or end aft r 10:00 p.m.
4. Oniy patrons of the laundromat will be allowed to use the pooi table. A
patron shall be considered a pers n who is on the premise for the
primary purpose of doing laundry.
5. No patron will be able to use the ool table for more than a four hour
period in any one day.
6. There shall be no betting or wage ing on the outcome of pool games
and/or individual shots.
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Lic Enf Aud
e ._ �-�' l�',vtd*�,--
Applicant �(�YS��' �Y1l�t�S �J-1'�L� Home Address ���,1� 'rn;nn�ph����Q �,S"�
Business Name ��5 ��ry��j('[� - Home Phone �?j3 —���
Business Address a,GC.�,s �,Y5h0..�� �U• Type of License(s) ��� �����,ia.r�
Business Phone ���� -SQ3� �fi��
Public Hearing Date f �� License I.D. �l i D �5�1
at 9:00 a.m. in the incil Chambers,
3rd floor City Hall nd Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� a� �o��C�J�
llate Notice Se t ���"�"^ Dealer 41 1 l I A�
to Applicant Q' � g
Federal Firearms 4� ��(�
Public Hearing
A roved Not A roved
I 3� Z �,,�. ab-�-�� �, ��.,�
Bldg I & D � �� � � � p.. ..�_ ��.o�1t�r,�A�..,�,.�,.a...
, � .�
Health Divn. '
�� � �
Fire Dept. �� �
a � � � k
Police Dept. �'� I
1 �YLO (1kCC�rCQ ,
License Divn. �
3�a�1 i o �
City Attorney � �
� `3 � o
Date Received:
Site Plan �_� I g��
To Council Research S � �(,. ` �
Lease or Letter Date
from Landlord �, �' I ��
, ' . ..«.�r � e�K�1"�G�
� � ' � � �CITY OF ST PAUL
� L�� � D��� k�-��y
These statement tonns are issued in dt�glica . Pless� ansaer all qnestio�s lti�13y aad
camQletely. This application ia thoraugh]y hecked. Any falsiricatioa will be csuse
for denial. � /
!O„ l � �� - 3-4- 19
1. AppllcaLion for � /�/r `
. ` !
(Lioense (Permit)
2. pa�se of applicant htarshall Laundries, Inc. (Suds America) . Noyes)
3. If applicant is/haa been a married lemsl , list maidea name
�+. Date of birth 3-2-47 pg� 41 p�� of birth Fergus Fal l s, P1i nnesota
5. Are yau a citizen ot the United Ststea X Aativ�e Raturslized
6. Are you a registered voter Yes Maple Gr innesota
T. Rooe a�ddress 7560 Lanewood Lane, Ma le Grove, Mn 5536� ��e 612-420-4585
g. 14912 h1inneto ka Blvd 61 8888
Present business addreas �i�ss ��b�
9. Including yaur present businesa/empl , Whst bnsiness/e�loqmeat lia�e ycu
follo�+ed for the past live y�ears.
Business�FyaPic7►�� Address
P�9eridian Construction Co. , Inc. 14912 Minnetonka Blvd, httka, �In
��1oorhead Trader & Trapper, Inc. 617 Center Ave, Moorhead, hln
10. Married Yes If ansver is "yea", list and addresa ot spouse
Alicia J. Noyes, 7560 Lanewood Lane, �laple Grove, Minnesota 55369
11. ?iave yau ever been arrested tor an offe e that has reaulted in a coaviction! No
It ans�+er is "yes", list datea of arrest , �ere, chargea, com►ictioos and
Date o! arreat 19
���� SIIiTElf+CE
Date o: arnst 19 Where
CONVIG270iJ g��
.: - . C!���a�.
12. List the names and addresses (if marri , name of spanse also) ot all per��s,
� corporations, partaerships, associati or organizations �ich in an,y �r have:
a. A mortgage interest in the licens premise,
Liberty State Bank, Snelling A enue, St. Paul , P4innesota
b. A security interest in tbe licens premises, license, or lbrniahings of the
Same as A ove �
licensed premise,
c. A pramissory note for hinds loa�e t'or tt�e operation of the licensed premise
or the parchase o!'the license, Same as Above
d. Finaacially contributed to the chase oP the premise or the license it-
e. Anpr other interest either direct r indirect, either Pinancisl or otherrrise
in the licensed premise or the 1 cense itself,
Attach a copy hereto of say and all do nta referred to in this alYidsvit.
13. Give names and addresses oP tw pers , residenta of 3t. Psul, Minnesata, rho
can give information concerning you.
� 2677 Innsbru�ck Drive North
Joseph Kmetz New Brighton, Minnesota 55112
Ro er '�iilson 1698 14th Avenue N.W.
9 New BriQhton, Minnesota 55112
14. Addreas of pren�ses for ti+hich Licen e or Permit is made 2045 Plarshall Avenue
Address St. Paul , Minnesota Zone claasificstian
15. Bet�een �hat rrosa streets Clevel nd & Wilder W�ich aide of street_h
16. fta�ae under Which this bnsineas will be conducted
Suds America, htarshall Laundries, Inc
17. Busi�ss telephmie mm�ber 612-64 -5039
1�!. Attach to thia application, a detai ed description of the design, locstion, aad
square Pootage of the premises to Iicensed
Z9. ?re premises nrn+ occupied 1'es t business Suds Ameri ca How. lor� 1_ �'4onths
� ; � . G��� ���
20. List license which yau currently hold, or former]y held, or mq}r hs�re an iateze
i.n Laundr License and Snack Bar License •
21. Hsve � oP the licenses listed by y in No. 20 ever beea revoked. Yea
Na Xxx . IP ansrer is "yes", list tea and reasons: -
22. Do you have an intereat of ac� type i a�y o�her busineas or businesa premises.
I' anawer is "yes", list businesa, b iness addreas and telephoae maber. Yes
Moorhead Trader & Trapper, Inc. 6,L7 Center Avenue, Moorhead, Mn 56560 6 36-0202
23. IP business is incorporated, giw da� ot incorporation 1'1' 19 77
and attach copy oP Articles of Iacarp rstion sad ffinutes of firat meeting
24. List aIl officera of the corporation iving their nsmes, otfice held, h�e
address, and home snd buainess teleph ne numbers:
Robert T. Noyes, President& Treasur , 7560 Lanewood Lane, Rlaple Grove, t�1n 55369
Paul J Noyes, Vice President & Secr tary, 14618 Oakwood Road, Minnetonka, Mn 55345
_ , .
25. If business is partnership, liat r(s) address and telephvoe a�bers:
�� ress 11e1.1�o.
26. Is there
ar�yone else who will have interest 3a this business o� premisasY
It aaswer is "yes", give nsme, hame dreas, telrphoese n�bers and in rbst
manner is their intrseat:
27. Are yo� goin�c to operate this busine s peraonal�y = it aot, rrho �rill vperate
R� Alicia J. Moyes H� ��,eBS 7560 Lanewood Lan��aa�420-4585
�_ � - ' • � ' �� � , t°..al�,��
_7 �f ,f� �
Are you going to have a Manager or assi taat in this business? It aasxar is
"yes", give name and home a.ddress and h telephoae m�mber:
2104 Carroll Avenue
Name Denise Leeper H address St. Paul , P1n 55104 Tel,No. 6_666
29. Has anyone yau have named in questions 22 through 26 ever been arrested? It
aaswer is "yea", list name ot person, d tes oP arrest, t+here, charges, comic-
tions and sentence No
3p, I Robert T. Noyes understaad this premise ma�y be in-
spected Ly the police, fire, health aad other city oPticials at a�r and all.
ti�s when the business is in aperati .
State of �[innesota)
County of Ramsey )
�obe��. �oc..�AS � being P st du�y sworn, deposes and says upon
oath that he has ad the foregoing stateme t beasing his si�ature and 1�o�+s the
contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own l�ovledge except as to, those
matters therein stated upon inPormation an l�eY aad as to those mstters he be
lieves them to be true.
Subscribed arid saorn to befoze me
Signature oS App t
this �da4Y oF 1?�,
�N�.�-✓�_ �SJ C�2�r� r n�.nM.�M.MnN1hnMNr.�Y � �
n � c �`:T::Lr �
Nota.ry Public. � County, M3nnesota � „ '. , ^-. :�� �`'J�:; '�
��.,yy,,. � �*st , ��r TA ' � S
��. _ :iw J...1.'G. I:i.Z 7
� co�i.ssion ires l � a � �.;�J Jy.�",�._ „
�P v�nntinn�`iv`�"`�'^'�'i`'`:v�W�ti�va
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�, � .
Jo�i F. C�,zchedi
' �"��",T`° °"�� GREEN �ttEET �0.001737
�.�_N_Yry� cT DEPANTMENT dRECTOR � ' � MAVdi�R�AB816TNR)� ..� .
- ��-��r�;il�cJ111er��V� �rn. � . � �N � �PIWMICE b 4YY�i10E�AEil�B�iVICEB��lAEC70Fl.�-- 3 CflY IXEFM(.. . .. � , .
F'ir�ar�x & Mr�mt.: 298-5055 �a �*o�cTOR ?� �;�. i�:sea�'ch
� cm arrorv�v
App�Cd't1.C�l fOt POO�. & B�I.l.�t�'1� H$�.a. Ll . _
1�0►.�IC� S�isN'P: 5/4/88 f�Al2TNG I�STE: � _ ; _ _. -.
i�o6�eNO�l�ows:W+P►ovs U)«�(R)) cOUNC�4: r�opr:
. . RAl17MIO OO�M�BBION - . ..CN�L SBiVICE COMtlA1SSION - - � � �
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- �,� �� �� � _„��. • —��,,.�� -�•
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. , '�EXPUNATWN: . � . . .. .
..BUPPORiS WNCFi COUNCIL D&IECTIVE9 r . . � - . . . . . .. � � . . .� ..
Council R�search Center
MAY 15�8
�.�►,.ra p+�.�.��►,�,,�.,�,.�,��: _ .
Mars�all Latu�dries, Inc. re�ests C,au�cil aI of the�.r applalcat;�:Qn �c�r a ��'& Sa.],l��nd
• Hall Lioense at 2045 1.Karshall Avpnta�e.
,ws,�c�n�t��d�awe..,��: , . . . , '
Applicatiom and fees ha�ne bee�i submi.ttsd. ��1. �,i.red depa;rtments haNe �ev'���ed aryd app�ro�ved
thi.s applicati�.
�i�a.w�+.�.�.na rc�.a��: _ - - . .
If Cb�cil approcFal i.S 1x)'t iet�eiVeCl r Ma.rsha7.1 tlt�drie� wi.11 not be 31�Ga�ed to 27ave pnol c-�t3d ,:
ba.11iard. tables on the p.re�p��es.
,u.�n�: . raos . cas `
: Maxshali Lawxlries has receiv�ed a Zociing V ' ;.wi.th #�o cxu�:tic�ns to be a�tt�rch�ed to this
, 1ic�nse�.(se� atta�ed. vc�y of Va�r�) .
�eoa.�s: , .
, � ' ' � , �� '�`����
�' .
' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,-,,; ,,:..,,
ZONING FILE NUMBER: ioz�s �4E0 I,�Y -2 P;� �{; 2�
DATE: April 26, 1988 �
� WHEREAS, Marshall Laundries, Inc. has a plied for a variance from the strict application
of the provisions of Sections 60.542.1 and 6 .534.3 af the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to the requiremcnt that billiard alls be 100' from residential property in the B-
3 zoning district; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zonin Appeals conducted a public hearing on
April 26, 1988, pursuant to said appeal in a cordance with the requirements of Section
62.204 of the Legislative Code; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paut Board of Zonin Appeals based upon evidence presented at the �
public hearing, as substantially reflected i the minutes, made the following findings of �
. 1. 7he Suds America Laundromat opened or busincss in 1987 at this location. It provides
washers and dryers for self-service laun ry as well as a drop-off cleaning service.
The owner has provided amenities not n rmally found at a laundromat to make it more
attractive to customers while they wait or their clothes to wash. These include tabies
and chairs, a food-bar serving snacks, a d an area with living-room type furniture for
watching a large-screen TV.
There is also one pin-ball machine at fh laundromat. The pin-ball machine has a sign
on it which says "For Customers Only".
2. The owner wishes to instatl a coin-oper ted pool table for use by the laundromat
� customers.
3. The laundromat is open from 8 A.M to 10 P.rZ There is an attendant on duty at all
. times.
4. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of
' -'----- °---••- • •�� ����•r*.. u�hirh u,�ere nnt created bv the
4i:�•.'.. •. . �. , ! , • � ��UU �/�/
• TI�tE LII�iTT: No order ot the Bosrd of oninQ Appeals permittin� the erection or
alteration ot � buildin� or i!-street parking facility shall be v�lid
!or a period longer than o e ytar, unless a buildin� permit for :uch
erection or alteration is ob ained withln such period and :uch
erection or alteration is pr ceeding pursuant to the terms o[ such
permit. The Board of Zon aE Appeals or the C1ty Council may �raat
an exteasion not to exceed oae year. In granting such exteaslon, the
Board of Zoniog Appeals ay decide to hotd a public hearing.
APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of oning Appeals are linal subject to appeal
to the Clty Council wlthin 15 days by anyone a!lected by the
CER7'IFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretary to the Board of Zoning Appeals for the
Clty of Saint Paul, I�tinnes ta, do hereby certify that I have
compared the foregoing co y with the originat record in my office;
and find the same to be a rue and correct copy of said original and
. of the whole thereof, as ba ed on approved minutes of the Saint Paul
Board of Zoning Appeals eeting held on April 26, 1988 and on I
record ln the Saint Paul PI nning Dlvision Office, 25 West Fourth
Street, Saint Paul, Ttinnts ta.
-�=� �— �.r � �---------
r �
Secret ry to the Board
` -^ . ~ '� r. • L � . V �+ / � �I`
S��.Ll�lfi L�' r_U 1_ L`�l C� U�l�C1.�
: PtTBI�L� �. i 1.�I�- �i01Z�E
.MAY I 01988
� �'!�� �'la. L18059
Dear Property Owner:
.. :w
Application for a ool $ Billiard Hall License applied for by
Marsha}.Z Laundries, Inc. DBA Suds America with the following
PU�0 SE stipu�ations:
1. No more than o pool table on the premises
2. An attendant be on duty at a1Z times
a.Fpr.���� Marshall Laundries, Tnc.� DBA Suds America
�Q(r�1'T�I�� 2045 Marshall Avenu
_, June 7, 1988 9:�0 a.a. �
-�����'�C C:.t7 Couacl C� ' ers, 3rd �Ioor Cit7 r.a1? - Cau-_ :.ause
3y Licsase aaa ?�t Di�ris�oa, De�ar—e�c oL =�acs aa� (
�orT*��� S ,—�,��*T+ w�g�eaz Sarri as, 3ao� 203 C��� raL1 - C�urt �ausa,
Sai:c °aui, w� aca.
?a8-��So �
- TIi� da�a �ap be c�an;ed. without �e cansaat �d/or �ow?eag_ o= c�e
Licens� aaa Pe��t Div+sion. r: suga°-sted t�a� pou c�?? t`�e Cit�
CI.e=�.' s Or=�c_ at 298-423 L i� you *r�a con�=—.�at=ou.
, �'�" : , , - , �'�, �� � ��
,.�• •
� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;,-,,; ,, ._,,
ZONING FILE NUMBER: io2� l�gp �;�y _2 P�� �f: 2�
DATE: Apri1 26, 1988 � �
� WHEREAS, Marshall Laundries, Inc. ha applied for a variance from the strict application
of the provisions of Sections 60.542.1 an 60.534.3 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
pertaining to the requirement that billi rd halis be 100' from residential property in the B-
3 zoning district; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zo ing Appeals conducted a public hearing on
April 26, 1988, pursuant to said appeal i accordance with the requiremeats of Section
62.204 of the Legislative Code; a�nd
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zo ing Appeals based upon evidence presented at the
public hearing, as substantially reflecte in the minutes, made th� following findings of
. 1. T'he Suds America Laundromat open d for business in 1987 at this location. lt provides
washers and dryers for self-service la ndry as well as a drop-off cleaning service.
The owner has provided amenities no normally found at a laundromat to make it more
attractive to customers while they wa't for their clothes to wash. These include tables
and chairs, a food-bar serving snacks and an area with living-room type furniture for
watching a large-screen TV.
There is also one pin-ball machine at the laundromat. The pin-ball machine has a sign
on it which says "For Customers Onl .
2. The owner wishes to install a coin-op rated pool table for use by the laundromat
� customers.
3. The laundromat is open from 8 A.M t IO P.rZ There is an attendant on duty at all
4. The property in question cannot be p t to a reasonable use under the strict provisions oC
the code due to circumstances unique to the property which were not cTeated by the
�. The proposed variance is in keeping ith the spirit and intent of the code. It will not
impair an adequate supply of light a d air to adjacent propert}•, nor will it alter the
essential character of thc surroundin area or unreasonabl�� diminish established
' property values within the surroundi g area.
6. The variance, if granted, would not p rmit any use that is not permitted in the zoning
• district where the propert}� is located.
, 7. 'The request for variance is based pri aril�� on a desire to fully utilize thc site rather
than economic gain.
. NO«', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE , by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that
. the provisions of Sections 60.542.1 and 6 .534.3 be hereby waived to ailow the installation
� and operation of one pool table on prop rty located at 2045 Marshall Avenue and legally
described as Lots 10, 1 l and 12, Block 2 Merriam's Rearrangement of Block 24 - 29; in
accordance with the application for vari nce and the site plan on file with the Saint Paul
' Planning Division, subject to the conditi ns that: 1) no more than one poot table is
installed; and 2) there is an attendant on duty at all times.
MOVED BY: Horak �
� ,
11.4iLED: April �7, 198£
u/.�•�•-� •, r �. � � ` , • • ��`��/
� ?11�1E L11�tIT: No order ot the Bo�rd of ZoninQ Appeals permitting the erection or
alteratioa o! � buildin� o o!!-street parking facility shall be v�lid
for a period longer thsn ne year, unless a buildin� Qermit for such
erection or alteratioa is o tained wtthin such period and :uch
erection or alteration is p oceedin� pursuant to the terma of such
permit. The Board of Zo ln$ Appeals or the City Councit m�y graat
an extension not to excee one year. In granting such extension, the
Board of Zoning Appeals may decide to hold a public hearing.
APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeats are final subject to appeal
to the Clty Council withi 15 days by anyone affected by the
CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Secret ry to the Board o! Zoniag Appeals !or the
City of Saiat Paul, I�tinne ota, do hereby certify that I have
compared the loregoing c py with the original record !n my office;
and find the same to be a true and correct copy of said orlginal and
of the whole thereof, as b sed on approved minutes of the Saint Paul
Board of Zoning Appeals eeting held on Aprll 26, 1988 and on
record ia the Saint Paul lannfng Dlvision Office, 25 West Fourth
Street, Saint Paul, Titnnes ta.
G ,
�-wl :.t_ �"� LL� '
r � � ---------
Secret ry to the Board