99-224ORlG1NAL Council File # 99-z�`i RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 62928 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aS Presented by Refezred To Committee Date An Administrative Resolution to estaUlish the rate of pay for 2 the title of "Payroll Manage�' in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Payroll Manager" be 4 established at the rate set forth in grade 018 of the Bazgaining Unit 84, Classified Confidemial 5 Non-Represented Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution will be effective on the first pay period following its passage and approval ofthis resolution. l�equested by Department oE e �/t/�,�ff ��'sX�JlLiE'c� $y: �i�L/°—,� i �d�" � �C/� Form Approved by City AtTorney �'� __=�� �-z�e,l��. Approved Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 1 \� �3-- � 1� m-a�e�ia�-- Approved by Ma � � Date ��`L� �J ��� By: � i�'n Adopted by CouncIl: Date �� 1� �`i �l DEpARTMENTp£F(CJ+/COUNC[L: DATE INC[G'CED GREEN SHEET No. 62928 qq -�y, Human Resources 02/19/99 — CONTACI PERSOi� & PHONE: �� ��� �'�� Mark Robertson - 266-6471�✓� � 1 a�e,�x.i.�r Du�'Q �jqfq s crn covr�cn. �AqggR 2 S:CfYATfOR\'EY 6 CiIYCLERK MUSP BE O�i COUNCR. AG£NDA BY (DA?L7 �R 3��CIAL SERV DiR TECH ffi MGT. SERVICES Ddt ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASSI:) CIW.SERYICECOMMiSSION ORDER TOSAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLIP ALL I.00ATTOIYS FOR S[CNATURE) wcnox x�uesreu: Approval of the resolution to establish the new position of Payroll Manager in Grade 018 of the Classi5ed Confidentiai Non-Represented Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and rates of Compensation. (B.II. 84) RECOAff�NDRTIONS:APPmvelA)aReJas(A) PER90NALSERVICEC�ON'fRACTSMUSfANSRERTHEFOLIAWlNG QIIESfIONS _PtAT.T^J�GCOA4.IISSION CNII,SFAVICE COMt�SSION i. Has8�6pa+mlfamewnai�edundc+eo�h+afarlhitdeprho�? CIB WA4ATTEE Ya No — S1'A£f _ 2 Fias9mpaaeu+famacbem�dtyempioyx? DLSTRICTCOURT Ya No SUPPOR25 WFIICki COUNCQ.OB]EC11VE1 3. DoaBm pasm?um panae a�ll eo[aamailYP� bY m+Y � MY mployee? Ya No g=p1Yn aH �es amwees m aeryry'ate a6eet � aHach to treen aheet QQCfL4T�G PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NfCP (Wh0. Wdaf. W6ea, WherqK'67). . To establish a position in a confidential, non-represented group that v�ill uaork with Finance on payroil management and payroll policy matters and with Labor Relations on payroll issues during conuact negotiations. ADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will have an individual to manage the payroll function and provide critical, confidential information about payroll issues as they relate to the City's finance and negotiations. "-`� }:_ � � e ;` �� `'� DISADVMTAGESIFAPPROVED: ,> �4�(q ��� �,J :a There aze none. ,� � ,� � e ��� �y � �a F� �., � �C* � G � � � ���� s� � DISADVAA?AGES ff NO? APPROVED: The City will not have a person Yo manage the payroll function nor will it be able to provide expert payroll representation during contract negotiations. � � TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTiON:F�?�����d�E���+�T��K3`� ro���BUDGEfED: Yes $45�737.90 (lst step, a�anua l.Ly��tO E �SN A OLZ .88 (Step 7, aanually) FOA'DINCSOURCE: Sal+�iallwd tV[IY FWAAiC7AI.INFORMAT[ON: (EXPLAIA) . AsS�`LF '��°';a.`.��-,;s :�°..�..ccP P.NSERSMOORE�CREfl. Sfif i'�� b � I��� 9q'�y`4 City o£ Saint Paul BARGAZNING IItiIT 84 Zasued 12/18/98 CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL NON-REPRESENTED Ei£ectiva 1498 *NEL3LY CREATED SOB TITLE GRADE 018 * 639C Payroll Manager 12/20/97 1704.41 1766.04 1830.91 1917.79 2005.90 2101.48 2149.11 2267.41 2327.00 09/26/98 1752.41 2815.77 1882•"47 1971.80 2062.39 2160.66 2261.03 2331.26 2392.53 CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT INCUMBENT: PRESENT CLASSIFICATION: DEPART'MENT AND DIVISION: DATE OF STUDY: STUDY BY: vacanc Payroll Manager Office of Financial Services December, 1998 Susan D. Moore APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER: '� ��yz��� � �� BACKGROUND �//9/p� ,� The new position of Payroll Manager is being created to manage the payroll function of the City's Financial Services division, maintain critical and confidential payroll information and provide expert representation on issues related to the City's finance and labor negotiations. STUDY COMPONENTS Interview with department contacts Review of proposed job duties Comparison of class Specifications Compazison of other positions QES Evaluation and analysis POSITION DESCRIPTION The new position will perform managerial and professional work in preparing and disbursing City payolls. Specific responsibilities will also assist in developing management policies related to labor contracts and payroll issues; and coordinating payroll system enhancements and modifications. Specific responsibilities of the position include the following: 1. Assigns, directs, schedules, and evaluates the work of employees involved with payroll and records auditing. 2. Interviews and selects subordinate professional and administrative support employees; prepares probation reports and annual evaluations for subordinate professional employees; trains staff and provides instruction on new procedures and technical advancements. Page Two. Classification Study Report Payroll Manager PO5ITION DESCRIPTION (ConYd.) 3. Prepazes a variety of federal and state government mandated reports, including tax withholdings and gross salaries for unemployment and pension-related issues. qq ''1 4. Coordinates deadlines and processes with other departments so that the payroll process can respond to varying cyclical and seasonal deadlines; solves problems before, during and after payroll cycles. 5. Develops short and long range plans for payroll unit staff'ing, training work projects and other related issues. 6. Works on behalf of the Financial Services Department,in conjunction with the Human Resources and Informafion Services Departments, to identify requirements and design elements essential to a payroll/personnel application which will meet the needs of the City. 7. In consultation with the Labor Relations Director, implements policies to meet the City's responsibilities with respect to labor agreements, policies and procedures. 8. Works with the Labor Relations Director during negotiations on specific contract items which will unpact on central payroll issues. 9. Analyzes and recommends changes in Citywide payroll processes to improve efficiency in payroll records maintenance. 10. In wnsultation with the Budget section, provides source data and the database structure necessary for preparing the City's annual budget; prepares salary and fringe benefit calculations used to project salary benefit costs for the ne� year. 11. Serves as data securiry administrator for payroll; determines the level of access to data on the payroll system for each employee; sets up staff access on computer system. 12. Ensures integrity of payroll data on the file server; audits field definitions and ensures that they are the same for all staff using the system. 13. Represents the City at meetings with the credit union and other £uiancial institutions for which payroll deductions occur. 14. Maintains and creates leave and deduction master records. 15. Responsible for insuring that payrolls are cosect and reflect accurate payments to employees. Classitication Stndy Report Payroll Manager qq -1 COMPARISON TO CLASS SPECIFICATIONS The duties of the new job title were compazed to the following job class specifications: Acconnting Manager, Acconntant IV, Compnter Services Manager, Electronic Data Management Snpervisor -BOE, Hnman Resonrces Specialist IV, Hnman Resoarces Manager, Training and Development Manager. Class specs for these job tifles describe supernisory work that is highly administrative, professional and managerial in nature and that which supervision is directly exereised over one or more functional units or programs within a division or department. Examples of some of the tyQical duties that are performed by these positions are descnbed as follows: 1. Performs managerial work in the operation of an accounting system of a department; assists in developing central accounting systems and procedures. Supervises and organizes an accounting system. 2. Represents an accounting manager before City officials, department heads, civic groups, business organization and other government units. 3. Performs highly responsible professional accounting work involving the planning, supervising and organizing a departmental accounting function. 4. Supervises the operation of the Public Works computer systems. Supervises unit personnel; assigns, consults, evaluates and provides training to stafF. 5. Performs supervisory and professional work involving coordinating, scheduling and monitoring systems analysis, progranuning and data entry services, etc. Supervises budget and personnel to ensure that the electronic Data Management Department operates effectively and efficiently, etc. 6. Performs supervisory human resources work in planning, directing and managing one or more major human resources program area of the City's central Human Resources office. 7. Directs and evaluates staff in assigned program areas; recommends or acts on hiring, training, coaching disciplining, conducting performance reviews, assigning and prioritizing work and discharging of employees. 8. Manages the day-to-day budget operations of the training and development section. comp./class;rcation stnay Payroll Manager q9 -�}`�l Clearly, the supe2visory and administrative responsibilities descn'bed by the above job class specs are more formal and broader than those spe�ified for the new payroll position title. For eatample, positions in these job classes primarily perform duties in managing and supervising a major progcam, ogeration or function of the City. In comparision the new job class title does perform duties in disbursing of the City's payro]l, and coordinating payroll deadlines and procesess with other City department payroll units. However, it does not directly manage or supervise the City's individual departmental payroll units and staffs. The new job class title has no responsibilities for managing a departmental or unit budget, supervising or admuiistering the day-to-day operations or activities of a major department, system or program. Rather, the managerial and supervisory duties of the new job class title are specific and limited to the technical aspeets of the payroll function of the Financial Services division related to maintaining security and integrity of the payroll system and data. Although, the supervision received by the new class tifle is under the general direction of a division head, the level and nature of supervision exercised is functional and primarily of a technical nature as described in the job class spec. For example, the supervisory aspects of the position focuses on reviewing and evaluating the technical adequacy and proficiency of tasks performed by employees in an assigned area. Overall, the level of responsibilities of the new job class tifle are not equivalent to the administrative duties of positions the job class fitles that were used in this comparison analysis. Payroll Manager Elechronic Data Maua�ement Supervisor -Board of Education These class specs describe supervisory work that is of a general and technical nature and that which is exercised over employees within a functional unit of a division or department. For example, general duties of the Payroll Manager, Board of Education focus primazily on assigning, directing and eualuating the work of employees involved in payroll records auditing, payroll and timecard entry. The general duties and level of supervision received and exercised are very closely related. For example, the new job class title does exercise general and technical supervision over a payroll unit: However, in comparing the Electronic Data Management Supervisor, it was found the level of supervisory work and technieal responsibilities of the new job class title is not equivalent. For example, while the new job class tifle does perform work in the development of short and long range staffing plans, it does not supervise a central computer system, process or service. In addition, the work of the Electronic Data Management Supervisor is both administrative and technically professional in that the duties include monitoring of a departmental budget as well as supervision of techncial and professional staff. Thus, the supervisory responsibility assigned to the new job class title is not wmparable to the supervisory duties described by this job class spec. In essence, the managerial and professional duties of the new job class title most closely conesponds to the duties of the Payroll Manager - Board of Education. Pavroll Svstems Technician and Payroll System 5upervisor. The class specs for these job titles describe general to occasional supervisory responsibilities that are primarIly of a technical and/or clerical nature. In compazison, to the responsibilities of the new position exceeds the clerical and technical duties outlined. Overall, the comparison analysis indicates that the level of responsibiliry of the new position is exceedingly higher than the levels of Payroll Systems Technician and Payroll Systems Supervisor. For example, the level of typical duties outlined in the class spec for the new position aze clearly more responsible than clerical 4 Comp/Classification Study Payroll Manager COMPARISON WITH OTHER POSITIONS Payroll Systems Supervisor and Payroll System Technician a9 -as�t Payroll Manager, Payroll System Supervisor, and Payroll System Technician are the only titles for which related job profile studies were available for analyses. However, comparison analysis of the job classification specs indicated that while some of the typical job duties are similar to the new job title, the level of responsbilities exceed levels described by the Payroll System Supervisor and Payroll System Technician classes which primarily provide technical and clerical support in the maintenance of central payroll policies and procedures. Payroll Manager, Electronic Data Management SupervisorBoard of Education In comparing the duties of the new job class title to both job classes, similar duties were described as payroll disbursements, payroll policy development, �iscal management, labor contracts and managing security of a database system and personnel records of a unit. The typical duties of the new position most closely corresponds to the duties as outlined on the Payroll Manger class spec. For example, the Payroll Manager position performs professional work in assigning, directing, scheduling and evaluating the work of employees involved with payroll and records auditing; preparing annual budget data, disbursing central payrolls, and implementing federal and state government mandated reports. Although, some of the general duties of the new job class spec are similar to duties peformed by the Electronic Data Management Supervisar position, the level of responsibilities are not equivalent. Specifically, in the level of supervision and managerial duties such as data security, systems design, systems analysis and programming. In conclusion, the level of supervisory responsibilities of the newly created position are more of a technical nature than of an admnistrative or managerial nature. Overall, the duties most closely correspond and is appropriate to the Payroll Manager/BOE class level. Q.E.S. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS The results of the QES evaluation support compensating the new position to a class level that is equivalent to Grade 018 of the Non Represented Managers, Classified Confidenual bara ining unit. RECOMMENDAI'ION Based upon the results of the comparison analysis and QES evaluation, I recommend that a new classification entitled Payroll Manager be created and compensated in Grade 018 of the Classified Confidential Non-Represented Managers salary range. CODE: 639C BU: 84 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: I�:r.]�ASr_n.►_�H�:� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs managerial and professional work involving preparing and disbursing City payrolls; assists in the development of management policies on £iscal and labor contract issues related to payroll; coordinates system enhancements and modifications; and performs related duiies as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of a division head. Sunervision Exercised: °19 -a�`� Exercises within the payroll unit general and technical supervision over subordinate professional and administrative support personnel. TYPZCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, directs, schedules, and evaluates the work o£ employees involved with payroll and records auditing. Interviews and selects subordinate professional and administrative support employees; prepares probation reports and annual evaluations for subordinate professional employees; trains staff and provides instruction on new procedures and technical advancements. Responds to complaints or supplies infoXmation to employees, citizens, public officials or outside agencies; provides information or policy interpretations where a complete knowledge of departmental methods and procedures are necessary. Prepares a variety of federal and state government mandated reports, including tax withholdings and gross salaries for unemployment and pension-related issues. Coordinates deadlines and processes with other departments so that the payroll process can respond to varying cyclical and seasonal deadlines; solves problems before, during, and after payroll cycles. Develops short and long range plans for payroll unit staffing, training, work projects, and other xelated issues. Works on behalf of the Financial Services Department, in conjunction with (continued on reverse side) PAYROLL MANAGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PAYROLL MANAGER the Human Resources and Information Services Departments, to identify q9•,3 requirements and design elements essential to a payroll/personnel application which will meet the needs of ihe City. In consultation with the Labor Relations Director, implements policies to meet the Gity's responsibilities with respect to labor agreements, policies and procedures. Works with the Labor Relations Director duxing negotiations on speci£ic contract items which will impact compensation and other payroll issues. Analyzes and recommends changes in Citywide processes to improve efficiency in payroll records maintenance. In consultation with the Budget section, provides source data and the database structure necessary for preparing the City's annual budget; prepares salary and fringe benefit calculations used to project salary and benefit costs for the next year. -- -- -- --- Serves as data security administrator £or payroll; determines the level of access to daca on the payroll system for each employee; sets up staff access on compucer system. Ensures integrity of payroll data on the file server; audits field definitions and ensures that they are the same for all staff using the system. Represents City at meetings with the credit union and other financial institutions for wlZich payroll deductions occur. Responsible for insuring that payrolls axe correct and reflect accurate payments to employees. Maintains and creates, leave and decuction, master records. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENGIES Thorough knowledge of supervisoYy techniques Thorough knowledge of Civil Service Rules 'relating to payroll and time records. Thorough knowledge of data maintenance and payroll practices and procedures. Thorough knowledge of union contracts and how to interpret appropriately. Considerable knowledge of the operations, capabilities, and limitations of computer hardwaxe, software, and networks. Considerable knowled$e of databases and file structure design, PAYROLL MANAGER Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PAYROLL MANAGER � Considerable knowledge of the payroll applications oP tax and pension 1aws. Considerable knowledge of data security practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of office practices and procedures. Thorough ability to plan, organize, and delegate work. Thorough ability to interact effectively with management, other City department staff, subordinate staff, and with the general public. Considesable ability to perform arithmetic camputations by hand, adding machine, and/or calculator. Considerable ability to perform work that requires close attention to detail. Considerable ability to handle effective human relations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Business or Public Administration, Accounting, Finance, Industrial Relations, or a related field; and six years payroll or salary administration experience which includes two years of supervisory experience. Four additional years of payroll supervisory experience can be substituted for the Bachelor's degree. PAYROLL MANAGER ORlG1NAL Council File # 99-z�`i RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 62928 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aS Presented by Refezred To Committee Date An Administrative Resolution to estaUlish the rate of pay for 2 the title of "Payroll Manage�' in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Payroll Manager" be 4 established at the rate set forth in grade 018 of the Bazgaining Unit 84, Classified Confidemial 5 Non-Represented Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution will be effective on the first pay period following its passage and approval ofthis resolution. l�equested by Department oE e �/t/�,�ff ��'sX�JlLiE'c� $y: �i�L/°—,� i �d�" � �C/� Form Approved by City AtTorney �'� __=�� �-z�e,l��. Approved Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 1 \� �3-- � 1� m-a�e�ia�-- Approved by Ma � � Date ��`L� �J ��� By: � i�'n Adopted by CouncIl: Date �� 1� �`i �l DEpARTMENTp£F(CJ+/COUNC[L: DATE INC[G'CED GREEN SHEET No. 62928 qq -�y, Human Resources 02/19/99 — CONTACI PERSOi� & PHONE: �� ��� �'�� Mark Robertson - 266-6471�✓� � 1 a�e,�x.i.�r Du�'Q �jqfq s crn covr�cn. �AqggR 2 S:CfYATfOR\'EY 6 CiIYCLERK MUSP BE O�i COUNCR. AG£NDA BY (DA?L7 �R 3��CIAL SERV DiR TECH ffi MGT. SERVICES Ddt ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASSI:) CIW.SERYICECOMMiSSION ORDER TOSAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLIP ALL I.00ATTOIYS FOR S[CNATURE) wcnox x�uesreu: Approval of the resolution to establish the new position of Payroll Manager in Grade 018 of the Classi5ed Confidentiai Non-Represented Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and rates of Compensation. (B.II. 84) RECOAff�NDRTIONS:APPmvelA)aReJas(A) PER90NALSERVICEC�ON'fRACTSMUSfANSRERTHEFOLIAWlNG QIIESfIONS _PtAT.T^J�GCOA4.IISSION CNII,SFAVICE COMt�SSION i. Has8�6pa+mlfamewnai�edundc+eo�h+afarlhitdeprho�? CIB WA4ATTEE Ya No — S1'A£f _ 2 Fias9mpaaeu+famacbem�dtyempioyx? DLSTRICTCOURT Ya No SUPPOR25 WFIICki COUNCQ.OB]EC11VE1 3. DoaBm pasm?um panae a�ll eo[aamailYP� bY m+Y � MY mployee? Ya No g=p1Yn aH �es amwees m aeryry'ate a6eet � aHach to treen aheet QQCfL4T�G PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NfCP (Wh0. Wdaf. W6ea, WherqK'67). . To establish a position in a confidential, non-represented group that v�ill uaork with Finance on payroil management and payroll policy matters and with Labor Relations on payroll issues during conuact negotiations. ADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will have an individual to manage the payroll function and provide critical, confidential information about payroll issues as they relate to the City's finance and negotiations. "-`� }:_ � � e ;` �� `'� DISADVMTAGESIFAPPROVED: ,> �4�(q ��� �,J :a There aze none. ,� � ,� � e ��� �y � �a F� �., � �C* � G � � � ���� s� � DISADVAA?AGES ff NO? APPROVED: The City will not have a person Yo manage the payroll function nor will it be able to provide expert payroll representation during contract negotiations. � � TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTiON:F�?�����d�E���+�T��K3`� ro���BUDGEfED: Yes $45�737.90 (lst step, a�anua l.Ly��tO E �SN A OLZ .88 (Step 7, aanually) FOA'DINCSOURCE: Sal+�iallwd tV[IY FWAAiC7AI.INFORMAT[ON: (EXPLAIA) . AsS�`LF '��°';a.`.��-,;s :�°..�..ccP P.NSERSMOORE�CREfl. Sfif i'�� b � I��� 9q'�y`4 City o£ Saint Paul BARGAZNING IItiIT 84 Zasued 12/18/98 CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL NON-REPRESENTED Ei£ectiva 1498 *NEL3LY CREATED SOB TITLE GRADE 018 * 639C Payroll Manager 12/20/97 1704.41 1766.04 1830.91 1917.79 2005.90 2101.48 2149.11 2267.41 2327.00 09/26/98 1752.41 2815.77 1882•"47 1971.80 2062.39 2160.66 2261.03 2331.26 2392.53 CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT INCUMBENT: PRESENT CLASSIFICATION: DEPART'MENT AND DIVISION: DATE OF STUDY: STUDY BY: vacanc Payroll Manager Office of Financial Services December, 1998 Susan D. Moore APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER: '� ��yz��� � �� BACKGROUND �//9/p� ,� The new position of Payroll Manager is being created to manage the payroll function of the City's Financial Services division, maintain critical and confidential payroll information and provide expert representation on issues related to the City's finance and labor negotiations. STUDY COMPONENTS Interview with department contacts Review of proposed job duties Comparison of class Specifications Compazison of other positions QES Evaluation and analysis POSITION DESCRIPTION The new position will perform managerial and professional work in preparing and disbursing City payolls. Specific responsibilities will also assist in developing management policies related to labor contracts and payroll issues; and coordinating payroll system enhancements and modifications. Specific responsibilities of the position include the following: 1. Assigns, directs, schedules, and evaluates the work of employees involved with payroll and records auditing. 2. Interviews and selects subordinate professional and administrative support employees; prepares probation reports and annual evaluations for subordinate professional employees; trains staff and provides instruction on new procedures and technical advancements. Page Two. Classification Study Report Payroll Manager PO5ITION DESCRIPTION (ConYd.) 3. Prepazes a variety of federal and state government mandated reports, including tax withholdings and gross salaries for unemployment and pension-related issues. qq ''1 4. Coordinates deadlines and processes with other departments so that the payroll process can respond to varying cyclical and seasonal deadlines; solves problems before, during and after payroll cycles. 5. Develops short and long range plans for payroll unit staff'ing, training work projects and other related issues. 6. Works on behalf of the Financial Services Department,in conjunction with the Human Resources and Informafion Services Departments, to identify requirements and design elements essential to a payroll/personnel application which will meet the needs of the City. 7. In consultation with the Labor Relations Director, implements policies to meet the City's responsibilities with respect to labor agreements, policies and procedures. 8. Works with the Labor Relations Director during negotiations on specific contract items which will unpact on central payroll issues. 9. Analyzes and recommends changes in Citywide payroll processes to improve efficiency in payroll records maintenance. 10. In wnsultation with the Budget section, provides source data and the database structure necessary for preparing the City's annual budget; prepares salary and fringe benefit calculations used to project salary benefit costs for the ne� year. 11. Serves as data securiry administrator for payroll; determines the level of access to data on the payroll system for each employee; sets up staff access on computer system. 12. Ensures integrity of payroll data on the file server; audits field definitions and ensures that they are the same for all staff using the system. 13. Represents the City at meetings with the credit union and other £uiancial institutions for which payroll deductions occur. 14. Maintains and creates leave and deduction master records. 15. Responsible for insuring that payrolls are cosect and reflect accurate payments to employees. Classitication Stndy Report Payroll Manager qq -1 COMPARISON TO CLASS SPECIFICATIONS The duties of the new job title were compazed to the following job class specifications: Acconnting Manager, Acconntant IV, Compnter Services Manager, Electronic Data Management Snpervisor -BOE, Hnman Resonrces Specialist IV, Hnman Resoarces Manager, Training and Development Manager. Class specs for these job tifles describe supernisory work that is highly administrative, professional and managerial in nature and that which supervision is directly exereised over one or more functional units or programs within a division or department. Examples of some of the tyQical duties that are performed by these positions are descnbed as follows: 1. Performs managerial work in the operation of an accounting system of a department; assists in developing central accounting systems and procedures. Supervises and organizes an accounting system. 2. Represents an accounting manager before City officials, department heads, civic groups, business organization and other government units. 3. Performs highly responsible professional accounting work involving the planning, supervising and organizing a departmental accounting function. 4. Supervises the operation of the Public Works computer systems. Supervises unit personnel; assigns, consults, evaluates and provides training to stafF. 5. Performs supervisory and professional work involving coordinating, scheduling and monitoring systems analysis, progranuning and data entry services, etc. Supervises budget and personnel to ensure that the electronic Data Management Department operates effectively and efficiently, etc. 6. Performs supervisory human resources work in planning, directing and managing one or more major human resources program area of the City's central Human Resources office. 7. Directs and evaluates staff in assigned program areas; recommends or acts on hiring, training, coaching disciplining, conducting performance reviews, assigning and prioritizing work and discharging of employees. 8. Manages the day-to-day budget operations of the training and development section. comp./class;rcation stnay Payroll Manager q9 -�}`�l Clearly, the supe2visory and administrative responsibilities descn'bed by the above job class specs are more formal and broader than those spe�ified for the new payroll position title. For eatample, positions in these job classes primarily perform duties in managing and supervising a major progcam, ogeration or function of the City. In comparision the new job class title does perform duties in disbursing of the City's payro]l, and coordinating payroll deadlines and procesess with other City department payroll units. However, it does not directly manage or supervise the City's individual departmental payroll units and staffs. The new job class title has no responsibilities for managing a departmental or unit budget, supervising or admuiistering the day-to-day operations or activities of a major department, system or program. Rather, the managerial and supervisory duties of the new job class title are specific and limited to the technical aspeets of the payroll function of the Financial Services division related to maintaining security and integrity of the payroll system and data. Although, the supervision received by the new class tifle is under the general direction of a division head, the level and nature of supervision exercised is functional and primarily of a technical nature as described in the job class spec. For example, the supervisory aspects of the position focuses on reviewing and evaluating the technical adequacy and proficiency of tasks performed by employees in an assigned area. Overall, the level of responsibilities of the new job class tifle are not equivalent to the administrative duties of positions the job class fitles that were used in this comparison analysis. Payroll Manager Elechronic Data Maua�ement Supervisor -Board of Education These class specs describe supervisory work that is of a general and technical nature and that which is exercised over employees within a functional unit of a division or department. For example, general duties of the Payroll Manager, Board of Education focus primazily on assigning, directing and eualuating the work of employees involved in payroll records auditing, payroll and timecard entry. The general duties and level of supervision received and exercised are very closely related. For example, the new job class title does exercise general and technical supervision over a payroll unit: However, in comparing the Electronic Data Management Supervisor, it was found the level of supervisory work and technieal responsibilities of the new job class title is not equivalent. For example, while the new job class tifle does perform work in the development of short and long range staffing plans, it does not supervise a central computer system, process or service. In addition, the work of the Electronic Data Management Supervisor is both administrative and technically professional in that the duties include monitoring of a departmental budget as well as supervision of techncial and professional staff. Thus, the supervisory responsibility assigned to the new job class title is not wmparable to the supervisory duties described by this job class spec. In essence, the managerial and professional duties of the new job class title most closely conesponds to the duties of the Payroll Manager - Board of Education. Pavroll Svstems Technician and Payroll System 5upervisor. The class specs for these job titles describe general to occasional supervisory responsibilities that are primarIly of a technical and/or clerical nature. In compazison, to the responsibilities of the new position exceeds the clerical and technical duties outlined. Overall, the comparison analysis indicates that the level of responsibiliry of the new position is exceedingly higher than the levels of Payroll Systems Technician and Payroll Systems Supervisor. For example, the level of typical duties outlined in the class spec for the new position aze clearly more responsible than clerical 4 Comp/Classification Study Payroll Manager COMPARISON WITH OTHER POSITIONS Payroll Systems Supervisor and Payroll System Technician a9 -as�t Payroll Manager, Payroll System Supervisor, and Payroll System Technician are the only titles for which related job profile studies were available for analyses. However, comparison analysis of the job classification specs indicated that while some of the typical job duties are similar to the new job title, the level of responsbilities exceed levels described by the Payroll System Supervisor and Payroll System Technician classes which primarily provide technical and clerical support in the maintenance of central payroll policies and procedures. Payroll Manager, Electronic Data Management SupervisorBoard of Education In comparing the duties of the new job class title to both job classes, similar duties were described as payroll disbursements, payroll policy development, �iscal management, labor contracts and managing security of a database system and personnel records of a unit. The typical duties of the new position most closely corresponds to the duties as outlined on the Payroll Manger class spec. For example, the Payroll Manager position performs professional work in assigning, directing, scheduling and evaluating the work of employees involved with payroll and records auditing; preparing annual budget data, disbursing central payrolls, and implementing federal and state government mandated reports. Although, some of the general duties of the new job class spec are similar to duties peformed by the Electronic Data Management Supervisar position, the level of responsibilities are not equivalent. Specifically, in the level of supervision and managerial duties such as data security, systems design, systems analysis and programming. In conclusion, the level of supervisory responsibilities of the newly created position are more of a technical nature than of an admnistrative or managerial nature. Overall, the duties most closely correspond and is appropriate to the Payroll Manager/BOE class level. Q.E.S. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS The results of the QES evaluation support compensating the new position to a class level that is equivalent to Grade 018 of the Non Represented Managers, Classified Confidenual bara ining unit. RECOMMENDAI'ION Based upon the results of the comparison analysis and QES evaluation, I recommend that a new classification entitled Payroll Manager be created and compensated in Grade 018 of the Classified Confidential Non-Represented Managers salary range. CODE: 639C BU: 84 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: I�:r.]�ASr_n.►_�H�:� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs managerial and professional work involving preparing and disbursing City payrolls; assists in the development of management policies on £iscal and labor contract issues related to payroll; coordinates system enhancements and modifications; and performs related duiies as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of a division head. Sunervision Exercised: °19 -a�`� Exercises within the payroll unit general and technical supervision over subordinate professional and administrative support personnel. TYPZCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, directs, schedules, and evaluates the work o£ employees involved with payroll and records auditing. Interviews and selects subordinate professional and administrative support employees; prepares probation reports and annual evaluations for subordinate professional employees; trains staff and provides instruction on new procedures and technical advancements. Responds to complaints or supplies infoXmation to employees, citizens, public officials or outside agencies; provides information or policy interpretations where a complete knowledge of departmental methods and procedures are necessary. Prepares a variety of federal and state government mandated reports, including tax withholdings and gross salaries for unemployment and pension-related issues. Coordinates deadlines and processes with other departments so that the payroll process can respond to varying cyclical and seasonal deadlines; solves problems before, during, and after payroll cycles. Develops short and long range plans for payroll unit staffing, training, work projects, and other xelated issues. Works on behalf of the Financial Services Department, in conjunction with (continued on reverse side) PAYROLL MANAGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PAYROLL MANAGER the Human Resources and Information Services Departments, to identify q9•,3 requirements and design elements essential to a payroll/personnel application which will meet the needs of ihe City. In consultation with the Labor Relations Director, implements policies to meet the Gity's responsibilities with respect to labor agreements, policies and procedures. Works with the Labor Relations Director duxing negotiations on speci£ic contract items which will impact compensation and other payroll issues. Analyzes and recommends changes in Citywide processes to improve efficiency in payroll records maintenance. In consultation with the Budget section, provides source data and the database structure necessary for preparing the City's annual budget; prepares salary and fringe benefit calculations used to project salary and benefit costs for the next year. -- -- -- --- Serves as data security administrator £or payroll; determines the level of access to daca on the payroll system for each employee; sets up staff access on compucer system. Ensures integrity of payroll data on the file server; audits field definitions and ensures that they are the same for all staff using the system. Represents City at meetings with the credit union and other financial institutions for wlZich payroll deductions occur. Responsible for insuring that payrolls axe correct and reflect accurate payments to employees. Maintains and creates, leave and decuction, master records. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENGIES Thorough knowledge of supervisoYy techniques Thorough knowledge of Civil Service Rules 'relating to payroll and time records. Thorough knowledge of data maintenance and payroll practices and procedures. Thorough knowledge of union contracts and how to interpret appropriately. Considerable knowledge of the operations, capabilities, and limitations of computer hardwaxe, software, and networks. Considerable knowled$e of databases and file structure design, PAYROLL MANAGER Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PAYROLL MANAGER � Considerable knowledge of the payroll applications oP tax and pension 1aws. Considerable knowledge of data security practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of office practices and procedures. Thorough ability to plan, organize, and delegate work. Thorough ability to interact effectively with management, other City department staff, subordinate staff, and with the general public. Considesable ability to perform arithmetic camputations by hand, adding machine, and/or calculator. Considerable ability to perform work that requires close attention to detail. Considerable ability to handle effective human relations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Business or Public Administration, Accounting, Finance, Industrial Relations, or a related field; and six years payroll or salary administration experience which includes two years of supervisory experience. Four additional years of payroll supervisory experience can be substituted for the Bachelor's degree. PAYROLL MANAGER ORlG1NAL Council File # 99-z�`i RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 62928 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA aS Presented by Refezred To Committee Date An Administrative Resolution to estaUlish the rate of pay for 2 the title of "Payroll Manage�' in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Payroll Manager" be 4 established at the rate set forth in grade 018 of the Bazgaining Unit 84, Classified Confidemial 5 Non-Represented Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution will be effective on the first pay period following its passage and approval ofthis resolution. l�equested by Department oE e �/t/�,�ff ��'sX�JlLiE'c� $y: �i�L/°—,� i �d�" � �C/� Form Approved by City AtTorney �'� __=�� �-z�e,l��. Approved Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 1 \� �3-- � 1� m-a�e�ia�-- Approved by Ma � � Date ��`L� �J ��� By: � i�'n Adopted by CouncIl: Date �� 1� �`i �l DEpARTMENTp£F(CJ+/COUNC[L: DATE INC[G'CED GREEN SHEET No. 62928 qq -�y, Human Resources 02/19/99 — CONTACI PERSOi� & PHONE: �� ��� �'�� Mark Robertson - 266-6471�✓� � 1 a�e,�x.i.�r Du�'Q �jqfq s crn covr�cn. �AqggR 2 S:CfYATfOR\'EY 6 CiIYCLERK MUSP BE O�i COUNCR. AG£NDA BY (DA?L7 �R 3��CIAL SERV DiR TECH ffi MGT. SERVICES Ddt ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASSI:) CIW.SERYICECOMMiSSION ORDER TOSAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGFS (CLIP ALL I.00ATTOIYS FOR S[CNATURE) wcnox x�uesreu: Approval of the resolution to establish the new position of Payroll Manager in Grade 018 of the Classi5ed Confidentiai Non-Represented Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and rates of Compensation. (B.II. 84) RECOAff�NDRTIONS:APPmvelA)aReJas(A) PER90NALSERVICEC�ON'fRACTSMUSfANSRERTHEFOLIAWlNG QIIESfIONS _PtAT.T^J�GCOA4.IISSION CNII,SFAVICE COMt�SSION i. Has8�6pa+mlfamewnai�edundc+eo�h+afarlhitdeprho�? CIB WA4ATTEE Ya No — S1'A£f _ 2 Fias9mpaaeu+famacbem�dtyempioyx? DLSTRICTCOURT Ya No SUPPOR25 WFIICki COUNCQ.OB]EC11VE1 3. DoaBm pasm?um panae a�ll eo[aamailYP� bY m+Y � MY mployee? Ya No g=p1Yn aH �es amwees m aeryry'ate a6eet � aHach to treen aheet QQCfL4T�G PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NfCP (Wh0. Wdaf. W6ea, WherqK'67). . To establish a position in a confidential, non-represented group that v�ill uaork with Finance on payroil management and payroll policy matters and with Labor Relations on payroll issues during conuact negotiations. ADVANiAGESIFAPPROVED: The City will have an individual to manage the payroll function and provide critical, confidential information about payroll issues as they relate to the City's finance and negotiations. "-`� }:_ � � e ;` �� `'� DISADVMTAGESIFAPPROVED: ,> �4�(q ��� �,J :a There aze none. ,� � ,� � e ��� �y � �a F� �., � �C* � G � � � ���� s� � DISADVAA?AGES ff NO? APPROVED: The City will not have a person Yo manage the payroll function nor will it be able to provide expert payroll representation during contract negotiations. � � TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTiON:F�?�����d�E���+�T��K3`� ro���BUDGEfED: Yes $45�737.90 (lst step, a�anua l.Ly��tO E �SN A OLZ .88 (Step 7, aanually) FOA'DINCSOURCE: Sal+�iallwd tV[IY FWAAiC7AI.INFORMAT[ON: (EXPLAIA) . AsS�`LF '��°';a.`.��-,;s :�°..�..ccP P.NSERSMOORE�CREfl. Sfif i'�� b � I��� 9q'�y`4 City o£ Saint Paul BARGAZNING IItiIT 84 Zasued 12/18/98 CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL NON-REPRESENTED Ei£ectiva 1498 *NEL3LY CREATED SOB TITLE GRADE 018 * 639C Payroll Manager 12/20/97 1704.41 1766.04 1830.91 1917.79 2005.90 2101.48 2149.11 2267.41 2327.00 09/26/98 1752.41 2815.77 1882•"47 1971.80 2062.39 2160.66 2261.03 2331.26 2392.53 CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT INCUMBENT: PRESENT CLASSIFICATION: DEPART'MENT AND DIVISION: DATE OF STUDY: STUDY BY: vacanc Payroll Manager Office of Financial Services December, 1998 Susan D. Moore APPROVAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER: '� ��yz��� � �� BACKGROUND �//9/p� ,� The new position of Payroll Manager is being created to manage the payroll function of the City's Financial Services division, maintain critical and confidential payroll information and provide expert representation on issues related to the City's finance and labor negotiations. STUDY COMPONENTS Interview with department contacts Review of proposed job duties Comparison of class Specifications Compazison of other positions QES Evaluation and analysis POSITION DESCRIPTION The new position will perform managerial and professional work in preparing and disbursing City payolls. Specific responsibilities will also assist in developing management policies related to labor contracts and payroll issues; and coordinating payroll system enhancements and modifications. Specific responsibilities of the position include the following: 1. Assigns, directs, schedules, and evaluates the work of employees involved with payroll and records auditing. 2. Interviews and selects subordinate professional and administrative support employees; prepares probation reports and annual evaluations for subordinate professional employees; trains staff and provides instruction on new procedures and technical advancements. Page Two. Classification Study Report Payroll Manager PO5ITION DESCRIPTION (ConYd.) 3. Prepazes a variety of federal and state government mandated reports, including tax withholdings and gross salaries for unemployment and pension-related issues. qq ''1 4. Coordinates deadlines and processes with other departments so that the payroll process can respond to varying cyclical and seasonal deadlines; solves problems before, during and after payroll cycles. 5. Develops short and long range plans for payroll unit staff'ing, training work projects and other related issues. 6. Works on behalf of the Financial Services Department,in conjunction with the Human Resources and Informafion Services Departments, to identify requirements and design elements essential to a payroll/personnel application which will meet the needs of the City. 7. In consultation with the Labor Relations Director, implements policies to meet the City's responsibilities with respect to labor agreements, policies and procedures. 8. Works with the Labor Relations Director during negotiations on specific contract items which will unpact on central payroll issues. 9. Analyzes and recommends changes in Citywide payroll processes to improve efficiency in payroll records maintenance. 10. In wnsultation with the Budget section, provides source data and the database structure necessary for preparing the City's annual budget; prepares salary and fringe benefit calculations used to project salary benefit costs for the ne� year. 11. Serves as data securiry administrator for payroll; determines the level of access to data on the payroll system for each employee; sets up staff access on computer system. 12. Ensures integrity of payroll data on the file server; audits field definitions and ensures that they are the same for all staff using the system. 13. Represents the City at meetings with the credit union and other £uiancial institutions for which payroll deductions occur. 14. Maintains and creates leave and deduction master records. 15. Responsible for insuring that payrolls are cosect and reflect accurate payments to employees. Classitication Stndy Report Payroll Manager qq -1 COMPARISON TO CLASS SPECIFICATIONS The duties of the new job title were compazed to the following job class specifications: Acconnting Manager, Acconntant IV, Compnter Services Manager, Electronic Data Management Snpervisor -BOE, Hnman Resonrces Specialist IV, Hnman Resoarces Manager, Training and Development Manager. Class specs for these job tifles describe supernisory work that is highly administrative, professional and managerial in nature and that which supervision is directly exereised over one or more functional units or programs within a division or department. Examples of some of the tyQical duties that are performed by these positions are descnbed as follows: 1. Performs managerial work in the operation of an accounting system of a department; assists in developing central accounting systems and procedures. Supervises and organizes an accounting system. 2. Represents an accounting manager before City officials, department heads, civic groups, business organization and other government units. 3. Performs highly responsible professional accounting work involving the planning, supervising and organizing a departmental accounting function. 4. Supervises the operation of the Public Works computer systems. Supervises unit personnel; assigns, consults, evaluates and provides training to stafF. 5. Performs supervisory and professional work involving coordinating, scheduling and monitoring systems analysis, progranuning and data entry services, etc. Supervises budget and personnel to ensure that the electronic Data Management Department operates effectively and efficiently, etc. 6. Performs supervisory human resources work in planning, directing and managing one or more major human resources program area of the City's central Human Resources office. 7. Directs and evaluates staff in assigned program areas; recommends or acts on hiring, training, coaching disciplining, conducting performance reviews, assigning and prioritizing work and discharging of employees. 8. Manages the day-to-day budget operations of the training and development section. comp./class;rcation stnay Payroll Manager q9 -�}`�l Clearly, the supe2visory and administrative responsibilities descn'bed by the above job class specs are more formal and broader than those spe�ified for the new payroll position title. For eatample, positions in these job classes primarily perform duties in managing and supervising a major progcam, ogeration or function of the City. In comparision the new job class title does perform duties in disbursing of the City's payro]l, and coordinating payroll deadlines and procesess with other City department payroll units. However, it does not directly manage or supervise the City's individual departmental payroll units and staffs. The new job class title has no responsibilities for managing a departmental or unit budget, supervising or admuiistering the day-to-day operations or activities of a major department, system or program. Rather, the managerial and supervisory duties of the new job class title are specific and limited to the technical aspeets of the payroll function of the Financial Services division related to maintaining security and integrity of the payroll system and data. Although, the supervision received by the new class tifle is under the general direction of a division head, the level and nature of supervision exercised is functional and primarily of a technical nature as described in the job class spec. For example, the supervisory aspects of the position focuses on reviewing and evaluating the technical adequacy and proficiency of tasks performed by employees in an assigned area. Overall, the level of responsibilities of the new job class tifle are not equivalent to the administrative duties of positions the job class fitles that were used in this comparison analysis. Payroll Manager Elechronic Data Maua�ement Supervisor -Board of Education These class specs describe supervisory work that is of a general and technical nature and that which is exercised over employees within a functional unit of a division or department. For example, general duties of the Payroll Manager, Board of Education focus primazily on assigning, directing and eualuating the work of employees involved in payroll records auditing, payroll and timecard entry. The general duties and level of supervision received and exercised are very closely related. For example, the new job class title does exercise general and technical supervision over a payroll unit: However, in comparing the Electronic Data Management Supervisor, it was found the level of supervisory work and technieal responsibilities of the new job class title is not equivalent. For example, while the new job class tifle does perform work in the development of short and long range staffing plans, it does not supervise a central computer system, process or service. In addition, the work of the Electronic Data Management Supervisor is both administrative and technically professional in that the duties include monitoring of a departmental budget as well as supervision of techncial and professional staff. Thus, the supervisory responsibility assigned to the new job class title is not wmparable to the supervisory duties described by this job class spec. In essence, the managerial and professional duties of the new job class title most closely conesponds to the duties of the Payroll Manager - Board of Education. Pavroll Svstems Technician and Payroll System 5upervisor. The class specs for these job titles describe general to occasional supervisory responsibilities that are primarIly of a technical and/or clerical nature. In compazison, to the responsibilities of the new position exceeds the clerical and technical duties outlined. Overall, the comparison analysis indicates that the level of responsibiliry of the new position is exceedingly higher than the levels of Payroll Systems Technician and Payroll Systems Supervisor. For example, the level of typical duties outlined in the class spec for the new position aze clearly more responsible than clerical 4 Comp/Classification Study Payroll Manager COMPARISON WITH OTHER POSITIONS Payroll Systems Supervisor and Payroll System Technician a9 -as�t Payroll Manager, Payroll System Supervisor, and Payroll System Technician are the only titles for which related job profile studies were available for analyses. However, comparison analysis of the job classification specs indicated that while some of the typical job duties are similar to the new job title, the level of responsbilities exceed levels described by the Payroll System Supervisor and Payroll System Technician classes which primarily provide technical and clerical support in the maintenance of central payroll policies and procedures. Payroll Manager, Electronic Data Management SupervisorBoard of Education In comparing the duties of the new job class title to both job classes, similar duties were described as payroll disbursements, payroll policy development, �iscal management, labor contracts and managing security of a database system and personnel records of a unit. The typical duties of the new position most closely corresponds to the duties as outlined on the Payroll Manger class spec. For example, the Payroll Manager position performs professional work in assigning, directing, scheduling and evaluating the work of employees involved with payroll and records auditing; preparing annual budget data, disbursing central payrolls, and implementing federal and state government mandated reports. Although, some of the general duties of the new job class spec are similar to duties peformed by the Electronic Data Management Supervisar position, the level of responsibilities are not equivalent. Specifically, in the level of supervision and managerial duties such as data security, systems design, systems analysis and programming. In conclusion, the level of supervisory responsibilities of the newly created position are more of a technical nature than of an admnistrative or managerial nature. Overall, the duties most closely correspond and is appropriate to the Payroll Manager/BOE class level. Q.E.S. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS The results of the QES evaluation support compensating the new position to a class level that is equivalent to Grade 018 of the Non Represented Managers, Classified Confidenual bara ining unit. RECOMMENDAI'ION Based upon the results of the comparison analysis and QES evaluation, I recommend that a new classification entitled Payroll Manager be created and compensated in Grade 018 of the Classified Confidential Non-Represented Managers salary range. CODE: 639C BU: 84 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: I�:r.]�ASr_n.►_�H�:� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs managerial and professional work involving preparing and disbursing City payrolls; assists in the development of management policies on £iscal and labor contract issues related to payroll; coordinates system enhancements and modifications; and performs related duiies as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of a division head. Sunervision Exercised: °19 -a�`� Exercises within the payroll unit general and technical supervision over subordinate professional and administrative support personnel. TYPZCAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Assigns, directs, schedules, and evaluates the work o£ employees involved with payroll and records auditing. Interviews and selects subordinate professional and administrative support employees; prepares probation reports and annual evaluations for subordinate professional employees; trains staff and provides instruction on new procedures and technical advancements. Responds to complaints or supplies infoXmation to employees, citizens, public officials or outside agencies; provides information or policy interpretations where a complete knowledge of departmental methods and procedures are necessary. Prepares a variety of federal and state government mandated reports, including tax withholdings and gross salaries for unemployment and pension-related issues. Coordinates deadlines and processes with other departments so that the payroll process can respond to varying cyclical and seasonal deadlines; solves problems before, during, and after payroll cycles. Develops short and long range plans for payroll unit staffing, training, work projects, and other xelated issues. Works on behalf of the Financial Services Department, in conjunction with (continued on reverse side) PAYROLL MANAGER Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PAYROLL MANAGER the Human Resources and Information Services Departments, to identify q9•,3 requirements and design elements essential to a payroll/personnel application which will meet the needs of ihe City. In consultation with the Labor Relations Director, implements policies to meet the Gity's responsibilities with respect to labor agreements, policies and procedures. Works with the Labor Relations Director duxing negotiations on speci£ic contract items which will impact compensation and other payroll issues. Analyzes and recommends changes in Citywide processes to improve efficiency in payroll records maintenance. In consultation with the Budget section, provides source data and the database structure necessary for preparing the City's annual budget; prepares salary and fringe benefit calculations used to project salary and benefit costs for the next year. -- -- -- --- Serves as data security administrator £or payroll; determines the level of access to daca on the payroll system for each employee; sets up staff access on compucer system. Ensures integrity of payroll data on the file server; audits field definitions and ensures that they are the same for all staff using the system. Represents City at meetings with the credit union and other financial institutions for wlZich payroll deductions occur. Responsible for insuring that payrolls axe correct and reflect accurate payments to employees. Maintains and creates, leave and decuction, master records. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENGIES Thorough knowledge of supervisoYy techniques Thorough knowledge of Civil Service Rules 'relating to payroll and time records. Thorough knowledge of data maintenance and payroll practices and procedures. Thorough knowledge of union contracts and how to interpret appropriately. Considerable knowledge of the operations, capabilities, and limitations of computer hardwaxe, software, and networks. Considerable knowled$e of databases and file structure design, PAYROLL MANAGER Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PAYROLL MANAGER � Considerable knowledge of the payroll applications oP tax and pension 1aws. Considerable knowledge of data security practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of office practices and procedures. Thorough ability to plan, organize, and delegate work. Thorough ability to interact effectively with management, other City department staff, subordinate staff, and with the general public. Considesable ability to perform arithmetic camputations by hand, adding machine, and/or calculator. Considerable ability to perform work that requires close attention to detail. Considerable ability to handle effective human relations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Business or Public Administration, Accounting, Finance, Industrial Relations, or a related field; and six years payroll or salary administration experience which includes two years of supervisory experience. Four additional years of payroll supervisory experience can be substituted for the Bachelor's degree. PAYROLL MANAGER