88-908 C, � � ��- .i_ ' �- �;; W H 1 T E - C I T v C L ER K ��`�.,l'_,.).._> :... i 4�..�-� "�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � D BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• � Council esolution ` ���, � Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An administrative Re olution amending the Civil Service Rules conce ing Section S.E, Character and Fitness. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service ules be amended in Section S.E, Character and Fitness so that the second paragra h in said Section 5.E shall read as follows: "S.E CHARACTER AND FITNESS �ie-e�#g#��es-s�e�� Eli bles ma be removed from any eligible register for insufficient refere ces or because of unsatisfactory references or personal qualificati ns, e�eep� upon recommendation of the Personnel Director. ea- ��a�se��+-�e�e�et�ee-ee����ee-eemgeae�-e€-€#�ae gerset�s-�e-be-se�ee�e�- ��st�e��-�e-��te-p�ev#s#ens-e€-��e-6��}-6�eer�e�- Eli ibles so removed ma a eal the decision to the Civil Service Commission. A eals mu t be made within 10 workin da s of removal letter being sent. U on notification of a andidate�s intent to file an a eal, no a ointments will be ma e from the eli ible list until the hearin decision has been made. No action taken by the Ci il Service Commission - August 5, 1988 : j � �, , Joan A. Jeffrey S tar � 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Favor Goswitz � � R_�;�� _ Against � �-9om�e�r Wilson _ f� Form A rove by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s d Council S etar By -' � - - By Approve y Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PU�I.ISNfD AU G 1 3 198 � �, .�t .. rctc;ti VED �'�-_QD�' �- ' � � MAY u31988 �°—. 013294 � Personnel Office D�p��� , xP11� Tan2er CONTACT NA1�E N 4��1 PHONE � 5-1�-8fi DATE . ASSIGN NOI�BER FOR ROUTING OADER: (See revers side.) � �Z B9 -�Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) �I `T.. � ? Finance aad Management Services Director 4 City Glerk _ Budget Diractor 5 Civil Service Commission � City Attorney � TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) �� yl V NG T ? (Purpose/Rationale) ; This resolution will enable the City to imp e ent a system of reference chekking which is responsive, to needs of City managers and lso provides an avenue of redress for candida�,es with poor references. Civi1 Servi e Rule Change required; daes not involve a City Charter change according to the City ttorney's Office. �ot�ncil Research Cent�r S D P R C D: MAY �i 7�.7W N/A ' G AC V CHARGE 0 T D: (Mayor's signature not requirad if under $1 ,000.) i Total A�ount of Trans�ction: Activity Numbp�: � /rC Funding 3ource: qy �� �lq� '���9 ATTACHMENTS: (List and nuatber all attachm ts.) ��'SO 88 ���� 1 . Resolutinn �` 2. : Copy for City Clerk . ADMi�ISTRATIVE PROGEDURES _Yes _No Rules� Regulations, Proc dures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or time able attached? pEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes No Co�ncil resolution requir ? Rasol,ution required7 ,_Yes _No `Yes _Na Insurance required? Insura�ce sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes No Insurance attached? r !, ' , � . . • �� � C m � �'aS'�� �% �-y0�' , . . ` 2:45 . 7. Resolution 88-1207 - amend ng the I987 CI8 budget Laid over to August 8 . • � by adding �500,000 t the eliogg Park Reconstrur - tion pro3ect. (R erred f om Council July 19) � 3:10 8. Resolution 88-1029 - iden� fying program ob3ectives, Laid over to August 1 personnel and budget incre ses for 1989 far the Police Department's Vice U it and requesting the ' . Mayor to recommend additio al funds and personnei �- � be assigned to fihe Unit. Referred from Council June 23) - PERS_ _ _ (�_,___.__-- _-- ---- ___----- . � 3:30 :'9. Resolution 8&-908 -: amendi g Section 5.E af the � � �d sul�s.ti�e Civil Service Rules pertai ing to Character and i �'; Fitness. (Referred from C uncil June 7, laid ' 'i over July 18) __ __. ____. ,/ 3:40 10. Resolution 88-978 - changi g the rate of pay for Computer Operations Su ervisor in the � Salary Plan and Rates of C ensation ResoTu- � tion in Grade 33, Section D1 to Grade 39, • Section 1D1 of the Clerica Standard Ranges. (Referred from Council Jun 16, laid over - July 18) . �/3:50 11 . Resolution 88-979 - adjust ng the rate of pay Approved for Park Aide and Goif Ran er in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensa ion Resolution by striking out Secti.on IIB a d substituting new . rates. (Refer-red from Cou cil June 16, laid over July 18) ' �/4:00 12. Resoiution 88-981 - estabi shing the rate of Appraved pay for Video Production A sistant in the Salary Ptan and Rates of C pensattan ResoTu- tion in Grade 9, Section I 2, Technical Standard • Ranges. (Referred frem Co ncii June 16, Taid over July 18) y _ (continued) 2 � � � 5 a5-8� wHITE - CiTr CLERK COURCII PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAITL 7 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �`D Council Resolution 'a���, � � Presented By � - Referred To N L Committee: Date � � � — �� Out of Committee By Date Ari\administrative Re olution amending the Civil Ser ce Rules concer ing Section S.E, Character and 'tness. RESOLVED, that the Civ Service R les be amended in Section S.E, Character and Fitness so that the second aragrap in said Section 5.E shall read as follows: , "5.E CHARACTER AND FIT SS �3e-e�#g#��es-s�te�� E i les may be removed from any eligible register for insufficient refe n es or because of unsatisfactory references or personal qualificati s, e�eep� upon recommendation of the Personnel Director. en-a *�#eer�-re€ere�ee-eaffie#��ee-een�pese&-e€-€#*ae gerseae-�e-�e-se�ee�e�-p teen�-�e-��Se-pre��s#eas-e€-�1�e-6���-6kereer.- Eli ibles so removed ma a eal the decision to the Civil Service Commission. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department o Yeas Nays Dimond RSONNEL OFF �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman Sc6eibel _ A g81 n s t Sonnen Wilson Form pprove by i Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By � t#pprove� by Mavor: Date Appro d y Mayor for Submi s on t Council By • r.'a, �' . . �jU �74� V�� � • CIVIL SERVICE RULES S.E CHARACTER AND FITNESS Character of eligibles sha 1 be investigated and references verified in advance of cer ification. Such investigation shall be � made with respect to the a tivity of the list, and inquiry shall be periodically updated. � ���G _ . _ ,� No eligible shall be remov d from any eligible register for ��` insufficient references or because of unsatiefactory references or personal qualificatioas, e cept upon recommendation of an advisory ' reference committee compos d of five persons to be selected pursuant to the provisions of the City Charter. Eligibles previously disch rged from the City service shall be called to the Personnel Of ice to make explanation. In default of such appearance or in case of unsatisfactory explanation, their names shall be excluded fr m the eligible list. No person who has been sep rated from the public service because of fault or delinquency on his/her part Bhall be admitted to any examination or certified t any poeition for at least one year after such separation. 5.F FALSE STATEMENTS Any false statement made w th the intent to commit fraud, any fraudulent conduct, or any attempted deception by an applicant or �� eligible, or by others wit his/her connivance, in any application, paper or docu ent submitted to the Personnel Office, or in any examination, eha 1 bar euch applicant or eligible from further examinations for at least two years; and, in addition, if such person has his/her n enrolled on any eligible or promotion or reinstatement register, uch person shall forfeit his/her rights in aaq and all regis ers on which his/her name may appear, provided that the name of n person shall be removed from a register without first havi g an opportunity to be heard on ' his/her own behalf. In the case of connivance, 11 parties thereto shall be deemed equally guiltq under this S ction. Issued March 15, 1986 5