88-906 WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF' SAINT PAUL Council ��l,,,(� O� CANARV -OEPARTMENT 7 BLl.1,� -N�V OR , File �O. • Or in�nce Ordinance N 0. f 7��'i�'� Presented By r� ' ✓��, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Admini trative Code by adding a new chapter the eto governing solici- tation by City of icers and employees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That the Saint Paul dministrative Code is hereby amended by adding a new chapter ' dentified as Chapter 41 which shall read as follows : Chapter 41 . Solicitat on by employees. Section 41 . 01 . Solici ation prohibited. No officer or employ e of the City of Saint Paul shall solicit any fund , property, or other object or instrument of value for any employer related or occupational related p rposes . This shall include solicitation for group or organizations which exist because of an employee employer relationship and organizations which ar sponsored primarily by City funds. Sec. 41 .02. Definitio s. l . Solicit shall mean requesting donations, funds, or other financial assistance by any method. This shall not include any federal government, state govern- ment, or foundation g ants that require a formal application process , nd receipt of which is acknowledged by the City Council . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favo coswitz Rettroan Scheibel Against BY Sonnen w�u�oo � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date p Certified Passed by Council Secretary By '✓��- �' ����' ! Jz'3 ��� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ^ .�_ � ' �� ,,_{_,_�!'-�. � ,_-j � 7� � , . , , . , ���+ ��� • . . � /����. ti; 2. Employee mea s any person who has an employment relationship with the City in any way and in either the classified or unclassified service. The term officer or employee shall not in lude a City Council person or the Mayor. 3. Donations sha 1 include cash, checks, or any item or act of value. Sec . 41 .03. This pr vision shall not prohibit the City from accepting donati ns. The City may accept any form of donation subject to he following provisions : R. Al1 donation of any type and in any amount of value shall be eceived and processed in accordance with proper and ac epted accounting processes. B. R11 donation shall be received and accepted by City Council actio . C. All donation shall be made public and subject to periodic audit. Sec. 41 .04. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit or prevent the Mayor or is or her designated person, or any Council person or h s or her designated person, from soliciting funds on be alf of the city or on behalf of any city sponsored functio or organization. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit onemployment related groups , organi- zations , or societies of any type, from soliciting funds on behalf of the cit or on behalf of any city sponsored functions or organizat ons. The names of designees created by either a council ember or the mayor pursuant to the provisions of thi_s section, th;. specific projecL or purpose of the solicitation, and the beginning and ending dates of the solicitation s all be filed with the city clerk at the time of the design tion. Sec. 41 .05. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit or prevent any union r presenting any city employee from soliciting on beh lf of an activity directly related to that partic lar union and involving only 2. :«. _� �,. ;tm Y� . . i. -( ��� � ;. ��a' �: q_ i.�- �,_ . • . . � V3rd "��"���"��'� Adopted c_z -� .,, C' c � � ~�7�� �. - ' � � ���`� Yeas . • , . Nays DI D - ������.�/ ITZ . . G � � MAN � ` : � 7 ` S �� � � -- --- 4VI SON � ✓ � � i MR. !'�t�SID•NT, SCHEIBEL � . WHITE - C1TV CLERK 1 . PINK - FINANCE COUIlCll p� BIU�RV-KAVORTMENT CITY O SAINT PAUL File NO. ��^ f � � � ' . Or indnce Ordinance N0. �'_��o� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date members of that unit represented by that union, pro- viding that such funds shall be used only for union purposes and not for y city purposes. Nothing contained in this cha ter shall prohibit any such union from soliciting on behalf of a city employees ' � picnic. Sec. 41 .06. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, any charter departmen of the city, the office of the Mayor, and the Ci y Council may enter into a contract with a fund aising agency to raise donations or funds for departme t or city wide purposes. Such agencies must agree t be subject to audit by city appointed auditors at the request of either the Mayor or the Council . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its pa sage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code and s all be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter an /or section number at the time of the next revision of the Admin strative Code. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman �he;�i Against BY senaeQ Wilson U lrT J, 198 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ,� �� Certified Pas ed by Council Secre y BY �t2'lit�-- /CT" ��.GC1� �—Z3'�� By � -�'y`� � p Approve Mayor: Date �� � t1� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pll�ISHE� : � 988 1 • . . , �� �a � R��'LES & POLICY COMMITTEE fiEPORT ' / u PAGE 2 ^ �y�, �� / ��`�>oZ V 9. Ordinance �88-621 - Amendtng Chapt r 11.1 of the Administrative Code pertaining to the Ethical Practice Board by changing the name from Election Board to Ethical Practice Board, by including reports and statements filed under Chapter 24 f the Administrative Code as items to be reviewed by the Board by all wing the Board to make recommendations regarding the City's code of ethics, by allowing citizens to file complaints with t e Board for alleged violations of - Chapter 29 of the Legislative Code and Chapter 24 of the Administrative Code, and by addin� an intent section stating the . manner in which this chapter shoul be interpreted and applied by the Board. (Referred to Committee 5/3 88, laid over in committee 6/3/88, and 8/5/88) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTA LA OVER 10. Ordinance ��88-622 - Amending Chapt r 29 of the Legislative Code pertaining to unlawful uses of Cit property to include such use for , personal, family or household purp ses. (Referred to Committee S/3/88 : and laid over in committee from 6/ /88, 8/5/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMEI3DED ONE MONTIi LA OVER 11. Ordinance 88-623 - Amending Chapte 24 of the Administrative Code pertaining to a code of ethics for city officials and employees by redefining public officials, by pr hibiting gifts to family members and employees of public officials, by defining conflict of interest, by requiring public officials and ity employees to report corruption, defining the process for such repo ts, and by providing for requests to the Ethical Practices Board for an advisory opinion. (Referred to Committee 5/3/88 and laid over in ommittee from 6/3/88 and 8/5/88) COMMITTE �-�4 -03i£I�-- �-__� -- _ _ �_ - - --�. . -Ordinance 88-�06 - Ameadiag tha Sa nt� �aul Adntitnistrative Code"�` adding a na�� �chapter°theretio gover ing solicitation by City officers and employees. (Referred to Cvmmi tee b/7/88 and laid over--in committee from 7/8/88 and 8/5/88). COMMITTEE RECOrIlKENDED APPROVAL, WI H AMENDMENT TO LAST SENTENCE IN `• SEC. 41.04 . . ' � • • , � • . . WHITE - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE COIli1C11 / CANARV -OEPARTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL File NO. ��� ��r BLUE -MAVOR / r �ndnce Ordinance N�. ., Present d By Referred To �L '} o C""� Committee: Date � � � r�� Out of Committee By Date An Admini rative Ordinance amending the ,��;�"''� -. �.,, Saint Paul dmini trative Code by adding ����'�x�� a new chapte the eto governing solici- tation by Cit of icers and employees. �A� �� �.�$� �'! '�� .. -�-�... THE COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: `'�� � ��a �� � i�j�F���+�� \ , � ection l . That the Saint Paul A m�nistrative Code is hereby amended by adding a new chapter i eritified as Chapter 41 which shall read as follows : Chapter 41 . Solicitati n by employees. Section 41 .01 . Solicit tion pr'�hibited. No officer or empl yee of t�ie City of Saint Paul shall solicit any fun s , propeYety, or other object or instrument of valu for any \employer related or occupational related urposes . his shall include solicitation for group or organiz tions which exist because of an empl yee/employer elationship and organizations which ar sponsored pr marily by City rands. Sec. 41 .02. Definition . 1 . Solicit shall me n requesting donati ns , funds , or other financial assi tance by any method. 2. Employee means a y person who has an e ployment relationship with the City in any way and i either the classified or unclassified service. T e term COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favo cos�cZ Rettman � s�ne�nei Against By Sonnen �Ison Form Approved y it Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � . � . . . -� � . . l,��- rab . . � • , � ' .�. _ ���� offi�cer or employee s all not include a City Council person or the Mayor. 3 . Donations shal include cash, checks , or any item or a��t of value. Sec. 41 .03. '`w., This p ovision shall not prohibit the City from ac�epting onations . The City may accept any form of �nation subject to the following pro- visions : �` `�,. � A. All donatioi^�s f any type and in any amount of value shall b�,. eceived and processed in accord- ance with proper °, d accepted accounting processes . B. Al1 donations hall be received and accepted by City Council act ' on. C . Al1 donations hall be made public and subject to periodic audit . Sec. 41 .04. Nothing contained 'n this � apter shall prohibit or prevent the Mayor r his or h r designated person, or any Council person or his or he designated person, from soliciting funds on behalf o the city or on behalf of any city sp nsored functior� or organization. Nothing contained her in shall prohi�' t nonemployment related groups , orga izations , or so ieties of any type, from solicitin funds on behal of the city or on behalf of any city sponsored functi�ns or organi- zations. � Sec. 41 .05. � Nothing contained 'n this chapter shall� prohibit or prevent any union representing any city \employee from soliciting on ehalf of an activity �iirectly related to that part cular union and involvir�g only members of that unit represented by that union`, pro- viding that such fun s shall be used only for union purposes and not fo any city purposes. Nothing contained in this c apter shall prohibit any such union from soliciting on behalf of a city employees ' picnic . 2. _ . _ _ WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PALTL Council � CANARV -OEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ���� Or indnce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Sec. 41.05. Notwithstanding th provisions of this chapter, y charter departmen of the city, the office of th Mayor, and the ity Council may enter into a con act with a fund aising agency to raise donations or f ds for departme t or city wide purposes. Such agencie must agree t be subject to audit by city appointe auditors at the request of either the Mayor or the Cou cil . ection 2. This ordinance sMall ta e effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage , pproval and publication. '`�� ection 3. This ordinance shall be eemed a part of the Saint Paul Ad- ministrative Code and shall e 'ncorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or s cti number at the time of the next revision of the Administrati e Co 3 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department Dimond � �� In Favor � c��� xenman Sc6eibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form pprove by Attorney- Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY M/NIT'� - C�TV CIEHK , ' � ���'_)(� P,N" - FINANCE C�I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council � CA!• AV - OEPARTMENT / BLU� -MAYOR File N � 0 in�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee E3y Date An Administrative Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Admini trative Code by adding a new chapter the eto governing solici- tation by City of icers and employees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ection l. That the Saint Paul Adm nistrative Code is hereby amended by adding a new chapter ident fied as Chapter 41 which shall read as follows: ' Chapter 41. Solicitati n by employees. Section 41.01. Solicit tion prohibited. No officer or emplo ee of the City of Saint Paul shall solicit any f ds, property, or other object or instrument of val for any employer related or occupational related urposes. This shall include solicitation for group or organizations which exist because of an empl yee/employer relationship and � organizations which a e sponsored primarily by City funds. - ��. Sec. 41.02. Definition . l. Solicit shall me n requesting donations, funds,, or other financial as istance by any method. Thi �'� shall not include an d r r _ m nt or a lication rocess nd recei t of which i � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: yeas Nays Dimond [.o� In Favo Goswitz Rettman ��,bei Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form rove b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date , B � Certified Passed by Council Secretary y By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY , y�' � ���- �ok � . • . . l r� � 2. Employee r.:eans any perso« who has an employment relationship with the City in any way and in either the classified or uncl ssified service. The term officer or employee sha 1 not include a City Council person or the Mayor. 3. Donations shall i clude cash, checks , or any item or act of value. � Sec. 41 .03. This pro ision shall not prohibit the City from acce�ting do ations. The City may accept any form of donation ubject to the following pro- visions : R. All donations of any type and in any ainount of value shall be re eived and processed in accord- ance with ,.proper and accepted accounting processes. B. Al1 donations s 11 be received and accepted by City Council actio . � C. Al1 donations sha 1 be made public and . subject to periodic audit. � Sec. 41.04. � Nothing contained in �. this chapter shall prohibit or prevent the Mayor or his or her designated ..person,. , or any Council person� o his or her designatEd pe"rson, from soliciting funds . n behalf of the city or on behalf of any city spon ored function or organization. . Nothing contained herei shall prohibit nonemployment : related groups, organi ations, or societies of any "• type, from soliciting funds on behalf of the city or on behalf of any cit sponsored functions or organi- zations. The names f desi ees created b either a council member or t e ma or ursuant to the - visions of this sectio shall be filed with ..- - , ,�,�— Qy y[Lc�_ Sec. 41 .05. � V � � ��7 � Nothing contained in this chapter s a p hi it � or prevent any union epresenting any city employee 7 f rom soliciting on be alf of an activity directly related to that parti ular union and involving only 2. w�+!Tr - G�TV CLEHK PIN'! - FINANCE � T *rl A COLLIICI� CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I 1 Y O SA I NT 1 t1 U L N �OLUE. -MAw�� . File NO. / �� �] • • 11 r in�cn�ce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date members of that unit r presented by that union, pro- viding that such funds shall be used only for union purposes and not for any city purposes. Nothing contained in this ch ter shall prohibit any such union from soliciting n behalf of a city employees' picnic. Sec. 41.06. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, any charter departmen of the city, the office of :the Mayor, and the C 'ty Council may enter into a contract with a fund r ising agency to raise donations � or funds for departmen or city wide purposes. Such agencies must agree t be subject to audit by city appoir�ted auditors at he request of either the Mayor or the Council. _ ection 2. This ordinance shall ake effect and be in force thirty days from� and after its pass ge, approval and publication. ection 3. This ordinance shall � e deemed a part of the °Saint Paul Administrative Code and sha 1 be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and or section number at the time , of the next revision of the Adm'nistrative Code. 3. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favo cos�� Rettman B Scheibel Against y Sonnen Wilson For Approv d b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By NiHIT': - C�TV CLEAK ' , ���/� PIN!• - FINANCE , � COU�ICIl y(y �{ CA�•,.Ar-DEPARTMENT �� �I TY O SA I NT PA U L n 9V � BLVE -MAVOR File �0. �f ' • �. • O in�znce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Admini trative Code by adding a new chapter the eto governing solici- tation by City of icers and employees. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ection l . That the Saint Paul Adm nistrative Code is hereby amended by adding a new chapter ident' fied as Chapter 41 which shall read as follows: ' Chapter 41. Solicitati n by employees. Section 41.01. Solicit tion prohibited. No officer or emplo ee of the City of Saint Paul shall solicit any f ds, property, or other object or instrument of val e for any employer related or occupational related urposes. This shall include solicitation for group or organizatio�s which exist because of an empl yee/employer relationship and organizations which a e sponsored primarily by City funds. Sec. 41.02. Definition . l . Solicit shall me n requesting donations, funds,, or other financial as istance by any method. .�,� shall not include an eder m nt or a lication rocess nd recei t of which i � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form rove b �ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ( By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy By �� � � � • . �� ��,9al� � - , ,�" • 2. Employee r.:eans any person who has an employment relationship with the ity in any way and in either - the classified or unc assified service. The term officer or employee sha 1 not include a City Council person or the Mayor. 3. Donations shall �nclude cash, checks , or any item or act of value. ' Sec. 41.03. This pro ision shall not prohibit the City from acce�ting do ations. The City may accept any form of donation ubject to the following pro- visions : R. All donations of any type and in any amount of value shall be re eived and processed in accord- ance with ,.proper and accepted accounting processes. B. All donations sh 11 be received and accepted by City Council actio . C. Al1 donations sha 1 be made public and . subject to periodic audit. Sec. 41.04. Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit or prevent the Mayor or his or her designated ..person, , or any Council person� o his or her designatEd person, from soliciting funds . n behalf of the ci;ty or on behalf of any city spon ored function or organization. . Nothing contained herei shall prohibit nonemployment ; related groups, organi ations, or societies of any � type, from soliciting funds on behalf of the city or on behalf of any cit sponsored functions or organi- zations. The names o desi ees created b either a council member or th ma or ursuant to the - visions of this sectio shall be filed with �. � � ���- �y 7LClL Sec. 41.05. ' �� ' � 7 � Nothing contained in this chapter s a p hi it � or prevent any union epresenting any city employee 7 from soliciting on be alf of an activity directly related to that partic lar union and involving only 2. wa:TC - c�TV CIERK � Council (//�,y/�' //^ PIN�C - FINANCE G 1 TY O SA I NT PA U L /��( ((J • BLUERr- MAVpqTMENT , File NO. `•� /�oI • r ' ' r in�znce Ordinance N�. Presented By -� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date members of that unit r presented by that union, pro- viding that such funds shall be used only for union purposes and not for any city purposes. Nothing contained in this cha ter shall prohibit any such union from soliciting n behalf of a city employees' picnic. Sec. 41.06. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, any charter department of the city, the office of :the Mayor, and the C'ty Council may enter into a contract with a fund r ising agency to raise donations � or funds for departmen or city wide purposes. Such agencies must agree to be subject to audit by city appointed auditors at he request of either the Mayor or the Council . S ction 2. This ordinance shall t ke effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passa e, approval and publication. S ction 3. This ordinance shall �� b deemed a part of the� `Saint Paul Administrative Code and sha 1 be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and or section number at the time , of the next revision of the Admi istrative Code. 3. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas rlays ' Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g In Favor co�c� Rettman ��;be� Against BY Sonnen �Ison For Approv d b ity Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY C • ��v� ' � � � --- .. � / RULES & POLICY COMMITTEE REPORT PAGE 2 �Ordinance ��88-621 - Amending Chap er lll of the Administrative Code pertaining to the Ethical Practic s Board by changing the name from Election Board to Ethical Practic s Board, by including reports and statements filed under Chapter 24 of the Administrative Code as items to be reviewed by the Board by al owing the Board to make recommendations regarding the Cit 's code of ethics, by allowing citizens to file complaints with he Board for alleged violations of Chapter 29 of the Legislative Cod and Chapter 24 of the Administrative Code, and by addin an intent section stating the manner in which this chapter shou d be interpreted and applied by the Board. (Referred to Committee 5/ /88, laid over in committee 6/3/88, and 8/5/88) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH L YOVER ��` Ordinance ��88-622 - Amending Chap er 29 of the Legislative Code . pertaining to unlawful uses of Ci y property to include such use for personal, family or household pur oses. (Referred to Committee 5/3/88 and laid over in committee from 6 3/88, 8/5/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH L YOVER . � `�'. Ordinance 88-623 - Amending Chapt r 24 of the Administrative Code pertaining to a code of ethics fo city officials and employees by redefining public officials, by p ohibiting gifts to family members and employees of public officials by defining conflict of interest, by requiring public officials and city employees to report corruption, defining the process for such rep rts, and by providing for requests to the Ethical Practices Board fo an advisory opinion. (Referred to Committee 5/3/88 and laid over in co�nittee from 6/3/88 and 8/5/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH L YOVER 12. Ordinance 88-906 - Amending the S int Paul Administrative Code by adding a new chapter thereto gove ning solicitation by City officers and employees. (Referred to Comm ttee 6/7/88 and laid over in committee from 7/8/88 and 8/5/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, W TH AMENDMENT TO LAST SENTENCE IN SEC. 41.04 _ _ - � :. - / < . . � - �� � _ I , � �`� � p � lse--..� �i — �-�� c� _ �~:tiw�..' ��° .. 3rd �l- /� ' ��' dopted 7 - ��. �'�' Yeas Nay� . � I nYMO D • ����� � � coswz z /7vr�` i . ' � LON � . � RET`r r . SONN ' WILS N MR. PRESiDEN � SCHEIBEL ; , WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK � - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council �) � CANARV -DEPARTMENT (�/ ,BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ��'D� 0 in�nce Ordinance N 0. �a��� Present y ! �. _ Referred To �� n��� ^ Committee: Date �' �~�� Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendin Ordinance No. 17237 , � adopted May 9 , 1985 , codified as Appendix I in the Legislative C de relating to a Bus Shelter Franchise gr nted to Ad Shelters , Inc . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PRUL DOES ORDAIN: ection l . That section 16 of O dinance No. 17237 , adopted May 9, 1985 , Appendix I of the Sa nt Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended to read as follows : S ction 16 . Performance Bond. Within ninety (90) days after the publication of this ordi- nance , the Company shall file with the City Clerk a performance bond in the amount of $�A9 ,-AAA $50, 000 in favor of the City. The Bond shall be maintain d throughout the term of the fran- chise and until the Compan shall have liquidated all of its obligations with the City. In the event the Company fails to comply with any law, or inance or regulation governing the franchise or fails to ell and truly observe, fulfill and perform each term and cond' tion of the franchise , including the Company' s application hich is incorporated as though fully set out herein, ther shall be recoverable , jointly and severally, from the pr 'ncipal and surety of the bond, any damages or loss suffer d by the City as a result, in- cluding the full amount of any compensation due the City, indemnification for the co t of removal and storage of any shelter , plus a reasonable allowance for attorney' s fees , including the City' s legal staff, and costs up to the full COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays , Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ayor for Submiss' `� i By BY