88-898 WHITE = CITV CLERK PINK FINANCE COI�QCIl .CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL cf ��� BLU� - MAVOR . r�iC NO. � Counc l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BOARD MINUTE5 CASE NO. P OPERTY APPELLANT 04/11/88 18-88-H 6 1 E. 5th St. Richard W. Johnson BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time to July 1 , 1988 to bring the requireme ts pertaining to deadbolts into code compliance , all life safety items to be done by May l , 1988 . (fire extinguishers, smoke detectors , stairwells) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lyman ayton Addition to Cit of St. Paul Subject to Easement the following N. E. 1/2 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 6 Blk 18 ------------------------------------- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Loa� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman `�' ��,�� __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson JUN '� 2 �8 Form prove by i tt Adopted by Council: Date �- � Certified -s Counc.il S reta,y By $1, r Appr v by Mavor: � U � 6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By p1�lISHED ��� 111 88 WMITE .� GTV CLERK COIIIICII G PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L GANARY - DEPARTMENT ��a � BLI.'�y - MAYOR File NO• f y C u�c l Resolution � a�j, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That th Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approve the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review ertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpte Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated April 12, 1988 and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereo by reference : DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. ROPERTY APPELLANT 04/12/88 14-88—H 381 Prosperity Ave. Aloysuis J. Jasper BORRD ACTION: Waive one-ha f of the vacant building fees , with the understandin that the boards on the windows be removed and e replaced with windows by the end of May, 1988 . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Roger & Hendricks Acre Lots o. 2 Ex W 100 Ft Lot 5 Blk 1 ------------ ---------------- COUI�ICIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.o� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel ` _ A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Form rov by Cit tor Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary B gy. Approved by Yfavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By (� ��D SAINT PAUL BOA D OF APPEALS AND REVIEW 70_ A City Hal l Saint Pau , Minneso�ta 55102 MINUTES. MEE ING OF APRIL 12, 1988 M�MBERS PRESENT: Ron Glass an . ChaiT,man Sean Cary t; i enr. Griu 'mari Haroid Kn tson David Sch ltz Wiiliam ilton O�TnERS PRE`�EN i: Pat � i sh, S t. P�u 1 F i r-e Preveni:. i�n Si:eve Za �arcl . St. Paul Fire Prevention Si��rry W �b, St . Pau i F i re P-rev�nt ion Car«1 yn f��eppard, D i�i. or Pub 1 i c Hea 1 th Jim Pri i . Healtl� 3 Tom Friel , He,� lth �+ue Berg ron, F i re De��_rtment c;r e�� A. VanC 1 eve, Mark Pa 1 rnGu i st , Mary Cro srn , Jacqueline Hir�e� , L2�,�rznc:e Gr'ewaCtl, J i m Wa i s+�. J i m 4vo i ta± 1 a, R i ch�ard . JoPinson, Al oy5 i us JaspF�' STAFF : 7err�i By ne, Secretar�y TY�e mee�t i ng was ca 1 i ed to rder at 1 :3 0 P•m• on Ap�- i 1 1 2, 1988, by Chairman. Ron Glassman. He welcomed thz citize�s and explained �how the pr�r_ess works an expresse�+ the. desire ofi the Board of A�r�eais to heip thern resolvv their code viola�tion problems . Cr,a + rrnan Classrnan noted that a court re�orter was present and r�cording tiie pro�_eeding' , as we; i as the usuai taping or" the mee?�i n�3 by the secretary. H� further aprr i sed tr�e memb�rs of the r Ps i gnat i an o F Ros i e Bos rom, one or" tt�e memUers : anc� sa i d he u!ldCt'StOOd a re�1 acem�nt ds been name�� by the Ma��ur, but c1 i d nut Piave any of the particuia s . 1 . APFRpVAL t7F M I NU i ES t� THE P1ARi:r 8 , 1 9o'r? i•tEET i ivt.i. Harolc� Knutson MOVcD appr vai of the minutes ot the March 8, i9ab m��-�_ ; ng. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. ----------------- --------------- 2. CA�E HEARINGS CASE NO. PROPERTY PPEALED APPELLANT 14-88-H 1381 Pro perity Ave. Aloysius J . Jasper (vacan bidg. ) APPEARANCE Aloysius Jas er � . �� �� SUBJECT: Appellant is appealiny the vacant building fee and fir��s in the amount of $ 120. 00 becaus of financial hardship. PROCEEDI�=GS : Mr. Jasper expl ined this buiiding is boarded up ancl used tor storage of screens , storms , tires, etc. It has been boaT-ded up a number of years nd recently he received a letter from the city regarding late fe s . He is befor� the board to ask dismissa? ofi the fees on the b sis ofi financial hardship. Mr . Jasper said he has some fruit re�s , a small garden on the 1ot and r� uses it for storag�; tl��rer��re. w�uld 1 ik:e to I<eep thr� p�-o��ertv �5 i s for those rea5a�'i5 . Jim Pri ? i , Heal�th Depar-tment , said Mr. Jasper owes $230 as of April l , �nd this would be thr ugh the period t� July .1 . He said they have had c�n i y one comp 1 a i t wh�ch i r� i-t i ai,ed the i nspect i on. He sugcae�ted i f P9r . Jasper w r-e to �ut tl��e w i ndows back i n and rzmove tr�� boa►-r_+s an� poss i b 1 y even pa i nt i t, then h� wou i d be i r� confor-m i� � w i l-.i� code. htr� . JaS�-�- ayree� he cou i d �io h i s w i tt��i n s i x we�ks . EC�AR�7 AC-:ON : �;i i 1 T i i�ton MOV D that the var_ant �u i i d i ng fees be cut i n i��i i= and tr�at the bu i 1 � i ng be pu�t i n shape (bo�ras takef� down ane w i ndaw7 put i n) b�� tt� e er,d o1= May. Se��onded. MOTION CArir� I ct7 ��'�iAN i MC�UtiLY . --------------- --------------------- 19-88-H 436 Snepard Ro d John Kerwin . APFEARA;VC:= : Gary Van Cleve, Atty. , Larkin, Hoffman, Daly 8 Lindgren, L d. ; Mark Pa 1 mqu i t , Care�l.aKer of F'roperty SUBJECT : Appe i 1 ant i s appPa i na the "Or•de!- to Var:�te" on the basi5 th�_ undcr� Section 34. ?9 d} . 5t. P�ul Legislative Code. the owne�- i =_ entitled to more sp �� ific inform�tion on items to be correctec. FRGCE_� :��_�� : r!r . Van C 1 eve, a��.orney re�resent i ng JGi�� I1�''`N 1 f!, owner c�fi �he property, e,Kp 1 a i ed �hey ar-e re��uest i ng tt�e h��r i ng be resc����Ju1ed at a time afte April 15 �when Mr . Kerwin who is presen�tly in Afirica ean be bac in the country and present at the hearing. �Ir. Van Cleve saiv th ow�er is willing and able to m�ke ttie repa� r-s and improvements, ut needs to know what exactly they are. A? =_o, Mi-. Van Cleve said it wouid cause undue hardship on the tenants to lose their home on such short notice. He fe�ls what ap��ared to be written n ticJ of condemnation, which was ser-ved on the owner f.s'�i i ed to spec i fy the reasons wt'�y the n�t fi r'r_ wa� tssue� nor what repairs an improvements were required. He further stated it is his un erstanding it is zoned I-2 which doesn't prohibit residential u e. _ . ; _ . :, .. . _ � �r. . , .. -.. . . . .. ..: . . . .... _;, ..;,_. , .�,.... , _ ^ . . . ����' . � Steve Zaccard, Fire Preventio , said the building is presently being occupied without a Certi icate of Occupancy; the zoning is not proper; and they have do e considerable remodeling without taking out permits with the ci y. There is a considerable list . of code violations , Steve po�nted out, which include some life threatening ones , i . e. , door closures on apartments , smoke � detectors , sta� rwells not enclosed, and only one exit on the third and fourtn floors . He said his office would not recommend or emb�-ace any pastponement with these people living under these conditions . He also pointed out that the furnaces are very uid w i th m i n i ma 1 d��:i: work a�c+ th �as p i p i n�� has never bee� te=_te:±, He wou I d ; i k.� t� ser t!�i 5 don G i v�n the �:ond i t i on� tney f�„�n�� , :i�zv�� s�u i ��. r-:��,; t=e i t. i t w-� tt�e F i �-e Ue�artment ' s Cuty to i ssue the I'vc]L 1 c� or CUf1C��ftiflc3t i cn. Mark Pc� im�7uist . caretaker vf the prem� ses , said the owner is not CG�fIvZ,_•t 1 fl� t0 C!1"Td�JS . Unde*� ~�e d(7V ! Ca ��F t.�?�3 �O I i Ce ��erartment , he saiu, they h�ve instaiie� a fuil time caretaker and it ha= police recor�s =_how there has bee!-� a decre�se �in crime = ince the�. He said th�y ��:�erstand the =�ants are renting t}�e pr=mises as wo►-kshops . Mr . Paimq� ist s id much or t!-te work has k�een Cone: the srnc�!�.e (�P'r��-or-s , daor c I� =ures and o-t:�ers . Tr,� r i z-e escar�e c�nnor b� done �.:n�-. �i 1 they can o�ta i n a bu i i d i ng p�r-rr.i t an�i he was to 1 d they w i 1 1 -�ot i 5sue one 'thvut a Cet-t i f? Cate ot= C�ccup8�cy. D i sr_•uss i on f�: � f owed and i was gen��-a i I y fe 1 t the 1 i fe threatan i nu rne�sures Sf10lJ?d 'oe r.or�rect.ed i mmed i ate I y; i t was appa i I i n�a th�t _Iiey wou 1 d �o �ea�i w i th re�ode± i na w�thout F�a�.�i ng a plan submitte�� to th� city nc taking out buiiding oermits ; and have people iiviny in the remises without a Certif=� cate of Occup�ncy. It was pointEd ut t�at the Board does not have the author i 1�y to wa � ve tl�e zon i ng �ode. Rich Thompson , Senior Buildi a lns�ector for the City, sdid the building can be used for arti � studios , but thes-e shoul �� be no one- living on =h� pr��mises . He suggested the oNm er must go to the Board ot= Zon i n�a Appea s to ge�_ .� Spec i a i C�r.d i t i on Use Permit. He r� iteroted tha no buiiding Pe�-mits can oe giv�� until a Cert.iticate of Occupa cy is ob�tained. 60.4R� Ai�T i ON c � I ( T i 1 ton i1GV � that the hear i ng be post�orled fc�r tW0 mont:^.s c�^ C��C�c1 I 1� 1 pfl 't�1d'C ''C OW(lh_•t' I�1����• •� I 1 l�'C�1SPfi f,eat i{-,ia contractor �a r_:-�rou�at� �t�e wn� a he�t i ng system; tnaL nobecly 1 i ve on the pr�mises ai�ov� thz sec �d fioor; that tt��ey instal � stair rails , smoke dFrectors (batte. y operated on a temporary basis) in all areas used �i�y or night ; and that they install door ciosures in aii areas �sed day or nig t and fire extinguishers. Moti<�n carriecf on a 4 ayes , 2 nays vote; Mr . Schuitz and Mr. Carey dissenting. -------------------- ------------------------- 3 . l��-�Q�' 124-87-H 381 Colborne St. Family Style Inv. Co. (roominghouse) Jacqueline J . Hines AP�=ArANCE : Jacqueline J . Hin s SU�JE�T: Tl�is case was before he board in February - 1988, the boerd requested this case be laid over for clarification on dead bolts . because of the type of ervices offered at this home. PRC��==� IivC'� : This was laid over from the February meGting. C.z- � ! .- 5��e��ard. c i ty i nspr�:_Y r From H�a 1 �i� De��arcmenc ar��.� �Is . Hin�� met and arrived �t a decision. Se�r� Carey MOVED that deadbolt locks be put on the . downstairs �n i== . but they �e wa i ved a�� tt e upsta i rs . irtot i on ca�-r i ed. --------------- -------------------- 126-c?-H 383 Colbor'ne 5t Family Style Inv. Co. (roominghous�) Jacqueiine J . Hines AP�=�=�ANCE : Jacaueline HineS 5Uc _�_�T: This case was be�ore the board in February - 1988, the bo��-c re�.�uested this case b laid over for clarification on c�ra��+�� i ts , bec:ause of the type of se��v i ces of F�red at th i s home. FF'�:��_=�D I NGS : Ms . H i nes exp 1 a ned there are no deadbo 1 t 1 ocks c�n rooming unit �7oors as bedroom s 5hared by three residents who also Sfl2!'C the apartment. Car•��iyn Sf�epard said she has n problem with this arra�g�ment. Gavic Schultz iriGVE� that the d adbolts b� considered sufficient. t�lot i cn car-r i ed. --------------- ------------------- 125-�7-H 38� Duke St . Family Style Inv. Co. AP�=-RANCc : Jacqueline Hines SUeJ=�T: This case was oefiore he Board in February - 1988, the board requesteci this case e laid over for clarification on dea��olts , because oF the typ of services offered at this home. Be��:��.:se of the type of use of th i s home, Dav i d Schu l tz MOVED that thc �res�nt deadbolt locks e considered acceptable. Motion carried. -------------- ----------------------- ^ - . _ ����' 17-88-H 704 E. Larpen eur Ave. Arlington House (roominghouse Mary Cr�ossen Ar�EARANCE : Mary Crossen SU3JECT: Requesting a varian e on room size for northwest corner ro�m #4 and east central roo ##2 for number of occupants . PROCEEDiNGS : Ms . Crossen xp.lained she is requesting to hav� a v�riance in room #4 (nor�.hea t room) to allc�w 4 beds ; and also to h�. �e 2 bet�s i n r��om #� . �tie x� I a i n��a tr�er-e wou f d s�t i I f be 50 s�a. fe�t per� person, w i �th ti-:e ex °ept i on oi= tnese rooms #4 and ##2 . BC��RD ACTION : Ron Gla=sman MOVED to grant the variance as lon� a� the rooms rEmain in t"�eir present usage. Motion carried. -------------- --------------------------- 17-$8-H 712 E. L�rpen eur Ave. Arlington House (ro�mingr.ouse} Mdry Crossen AF=EARANCc : Mary Ci�oss�n 5uB.JECT: ReyuESting a varia ce on ro�m size for northeast cornei- rcorn #4 and west centra� ro rn #3 for the number of occupdr�ts . Ron Giassman MOVED to gra t the variance to allow two beds in room 3 (west central } , an four beds in room 4 tnortheast) as long as it is used as i� is presently. Mc�tion carriecl. ------------ ------------------------- 16-88-H 570 Capi_ol lvd. Hea] thEast- Bethesda � John Heyn AF=�ARANC� : None SU�JECT: Requestiny an ext nsion of time till August 1 , 1988 on i t=ms �3 , A I arm 5�5tet� an��+ I tem #E;. 5m��ke Detectors , because af the uncertain ruL'ure occ�pa cy. PRGCEFDiNGS: Mr . John He n, Engineering Site Manager of this property, said he receive a let�er from John Hardwick granting him the extension of tim until August 1 at which time the buiiding use should b� de ermined. If it will continue to be used, the work will be done by that time. As he was able to work this out with the inspe�tor, he withdrew his appzal . � ----------- -------------------------- . _ i. ; • . ; . ��-�� I8-88-H 661 t. 5th St. Richard W. Johnson (5 units) APPE.4RANC� : R i cha►-d Johnson SU6JECT: Requesting a variance on item #18 - deadbolts and item � �4 - illegai bedroom arrange ent for upstairs bedrooms as per l �tter dated February 25. 1980. t�^t7��_J T �•i�j I•?1" . �ohnson t'Xp}d i necl �"lZ W 1 i � f'E?�� I cyC° L}-1� r,�Cri!r,C. }- I _ ��`.� l.Yl�.r-� . .. (Jll � ,/ :r-11=� i r! r�U!_'= i ��f; . �'?i`.iWr?�,i.`.+t- . ���1'� W�11� I i-Y j �i j.,;:i � Vc]t' ! cjf!(_C T'1't�f{1 CUG� Qfl ttl? ber t-oom arr-an�_1°(TIC!l�t UG�ST.a I ('S , ! !�? tenants c:h i i d�-�r. s ! ee;-, �here a .�i y��u must ��o tni-o���n <�r.e be��ro��m to go to the other . They hav no prob± em w i tt-� �tt��i s , .�Ir. Jonnson s� id. SGARO Ac_T?t��1 : P,on G 1 assman � GVE� to grant. the var i ance on tt�e upsta i rs b�t!rc�om to a i i��w tl�e re5en l. usa�ar. Mut i or� car�r i ed. Fi�RTH�R F:�O�.�c�?:NG'� : Mr. John on sa i � k��r:ause he has a tenant. i n ti�e ba5ernen��. ;�p�rtmcnt that i s refus i ng to move, he wou i d I i ke �n extens i on c,f= t i me �o do tl��e w rk as set out i n the 1 Pt't�:' Ft"QfY1 the � i re �7epartment da�ted Febr a�-y 26, 1 988 . P��t Fisn, Fir� Preve�tio , said ds long as the fire ext i ngu i sl-�er�s , smo!�e detec�to ,s and si�a i rwe 1 1 v i o 1 at i ons are c;orrected r i ght away, she wou ! agree to ti-n i s . BOARD PROCEEDiI�IGS: Ron Glass an MOVE�J to grant an extension of time to Juiy 1 , 1y88 as long a - the life sa�ety item5 are �lane by May l . Motion r_arried. 122-87-H 615 �'rakz Str�e Thomas Finn Co. (commercial ) J . James Wa15n APPEARAhIc�c : Jim Wa � sh, owner f Thomas Finn Co. La:�r�en�e Gre� a��h , Mr. Wa I sh' s Attornev �UBJE��T Ti�is case •�as be�or� tl�e board J.�i�uary - i98a, it wes 1 a i d over t,o the Fe��r�uary mee i ng. the Apr�e{ I ant d i r� not dnpear , c 1 a i m i ny he was nat no�t i f i ed, the board a�t �that t i me den i zd tl-�e variance, �arry Grew�ch, Atto ney for the Appeilant is requesring the boar�� review the case a�ain. � PROCCCL7INGJ: Mr. Walsh, o ner of the Thomas Finn Compeny, explained he leases the prope ty for the above-ground fuei tanks �to Tropicana. HF saic� the anks were instailed by a repu�tabie firm and there were inspect rs around when the work was done. Now the Fir-e Department tell him there was no perrni�t taken dnd they must be moved immediatei ; thwe Fire Marshal says they must be moved 8' to be in complian z. He feels the people who own ttie tanks shouTd be responsibie f r this. ,_ . • . • . ���� � S��erry Webb, F �re Prevent i on exp 1.�i nzd tr�e State F i z-e Marsha 1 ' s off i ce must d{�fJ!'OV� tf1P3P tan s and they have not been ab l e to find any pl,�ns 7ubmit�ted to t�em for Class I liquids ; twu state agencies 1�ave bz�n by-passeci i instaiiing these - the Scate Fire Marshai and the Pollution Cont ol Agency. Sherry said sne spoke with Mr . 8urns or Tropicana wt� said he woufd empty the tanks and move them, but •.hey will mov_ them ouT of state. Mr . Walsh sai�! if thEy move �th=m he will lose income which was about �2 ,000 to $3 , 000 a m��nth n�:��Hr� ,a�:,-:���•i C�.� � ��_i JI:FIU i r� i•1( VGD :�er� � u � ��;= t:;,e ��,�r � ��nc� �r�.`:: ;. :a� the ��nKs be � �pt i eiJ w i tl� i n a wcek' S t i me dni,+ move��i w i �:�i n two weeks . �4otion c�rried. F�JRTFi�F. �iU�:�=�J : '�C;S : Mr. Gi ewach a�!Gres se� the �rob i em of th� wood bu��n i ng s�.c•�e. He sa + d he ta 1 ked w i th NSP and at zh�t t i me th�y i nd i c.�ted �hey cou 1 d no pro�i i de i-i i s c I i ent serv i cF. �low they are telli �y f� im the� will but it will cost abo�t $34UG , which Mr. Walsh =eels is prohibitive. Mr. WalSh expi �ined this i � f�rniiy-owned business ope�-ated since i89�3; th��� are a roofirg and 5heet met�1 cornpany. He said they rurn the Nood i n the st eet meta 1 sh��p w�et�e t!�ere are no cars er.c,l ti�e em' ss i on i s equ� 1 to about that of two f i rep i aces . No on� s 1 eeps �he�-� and the iiave never P�ad � f i rN, he sa i d. Si�erry Webb sc �d the wood b rnin� siove is also in the re�air gardge wnich is against codz. Glen Gausmdn sua�ested to Mr . Walsh that ttiere is a wood burning stove that can �e installed u�tside a building. Aiso, if Mr. Wa� sh agrezd tu keep the ve icles out of the sheet metal shap, this coulv be d cood solutior� BOARD ACTIC�N: 3i11 Tilton M V�D that the variancz bc granted on the wood burnire stoves for he next two months, but by next fall it, oe br-o�c^t up to code an�i also if Mr. Walsh wili exclude cars from the S�,jJt metal sho , thzn he w��uld not be in vi�lation of code in thar buildin� and it could continue to be use� as it presentiy is . �otion carrie . There being no �urther busi ess to comE before the Board. the meeting was adjo�rned. , _ �A- „"4 I� .. : . � �1t°_ Q12404 � BOARD OF APPEALS & REVImEPARTMENT - - - - - - - Josej2h?ne P. Palermo CONTACT N 2 9 f3-d i 6 3 PHONE � Mav 2 0. 19 8 8 " DATL ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See verse side..) _ Department Director � Mayor (or Assistant) . _ Finance and Management Services Dire tor � City Clerk _ Budget Director � ,rn ,n�i 1 RpsF?arch � City Attorney _ O TOTAL I�IJMBEB OF SIGNATURE PAGES: ( lip all locations for signature.) ��� Y N 4 (Purpose/Rationale) � Approving the actions of the Boa of Appeals & Review meeting of April 12, 1988 Number of cases - 2 1 waiver of 1/2 acant building fe�ouncil Research Cent�� 1 extension of ime MAY 2 31988 C U C T D: N/A F N C DG V ER C G D OR (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of T�ansgction: �/a Activity Nwnber: nja . Funding Source: n/a T�T�CHMENTS: (List and number all attac ments.) ' 1 Resolution with minutes a taahed. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES � _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr cedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or ti etable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Council resolution requi ed? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient2 _Yes _No Yas No Insurance attached?