88-897 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK " - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT , � � � [3LUE � - MAVOR File NO. � ��� Council Resolution � --� i� �� Presented By �����`/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves he action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pe taining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted inutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated April 12, 1988 , nd marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by refe ence : DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO: PR PERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 04/12/88 124-88-H 38 Colborne St. Family Style Inv. Co. Jacqueline J. Hines BOARD ACTION: Granted a vari nce on the present deadbolts on the upstairs rooms . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Stinson & Ramseys Subd. No. 13 /2 FT of Lot 20 So. 13 /3 FT of Lot 21 Blk 3 -------------- ------------------ 04/12/88 126-88-H 38 Colborne St. Family Style Inv.Co. Jacqueline J . Hines BOARD ACTION: Granted a vari nce on the present deadbolts. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Stinson & Ramseys Subd. Lot 19 Blk 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz �he�i `" Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Ap by Cit Att ey Adopted hy Council: Date � CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . �-��y� DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE 1V0: PR PERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 04/12/88 125-87-H 38 Duke Family Style Inc . Co. Jacqueline J . Hines BOARD ACTION: Granted a vari nce on the present deadbolts. PROPERTY DESCRIPTIOIV: Stinson & Ramseys Subd. Lot 6 Blk 3 -------------- ------------- 04/12/88 18-88-H 66 E . 5th St. Richard W. Johnson BOARD ACTION: Granted a vari nce for use of the bedroom on the third floor which ex ts through an adjacent bedroom. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lyman D yton Addition to City of St. Paul Subject to Easement the fol owing N.E. 1/2 of Lot 7 a d all of Lot6 Blk 18 -------------- ---------------- 04/12/88 17-88-H 70 Larpenteur Ave. E . Arlington House Mary Crossen BOARD ACTION: Granted a vari nce on the number of occupants per rooms No. 2 and 4, a long as rooms remain in present usage . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Budde ' s Addition W 20.64 FT of Lot 6 and all nf Lot 7 Blk 1 -------------- ----------------- 04/12/88 17-88-H 71 Larpenteur Ave . E . Arlington House Mary Crossen BOARD ACTION: Granted a vari nce on the number of occupants in Room No. 5 (we t central ) and Room No. 4 (northeast) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Budde ' s Addition W 1 . 92 T of Lot 4 and Exc pt W. 20. 64 FT of Lot 6 and all of Lot 5 Blk 1 ------------------------------ WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK + - FINANCE COUnC1I �}/� (� GANARV - DEPARTMENT , G I TY OF A I NT PA U L ]�j�' xG� �BLUE � - MAVOR File NO. n (, �U • � — � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date DATE OF BORRD MINUTES CASE NO: PR PERTY APPEALED APPELLANT 04/12/88 122-87-H 61 Drake St. Thomas Finn Co. J . James Walsh BOARD ACTION: Granted a vari ce on wood burning stove for the next two month ; with the understanding that by fall of 1988 it be bro ght into code compliance and exclude all cars from shee metal shop. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Auditor' s Subdivision No. 45 t. Paul Minn. Subj to Shepard Rd. the fol ; Tu carora Ave Vac & Lots 18 thru 24 Blk 7 of Finchs ddition & in SD Ruditor Sub, Lots 7 & 8 & Pt of L t 3 lying SLY of a line ru from Pt on E Line of & 101 FT from NE cor thereof to SLY cor of Lot 4 and all �f Lots 1 & Lot 2 -------------- ------------------ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng in Favor Goswitz Rettman � ��,�� A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson JUN — � 17�6 Form A ove y Cit to ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Y s•e y Counc.i , ret BY ` gy, A►p ov Ylavor: UN � `� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ptf�L�S�iEO -�'�;� 1 i 1988 . �� �Q� . . 5AINT PAUL BOARO OF APPEALS AND REVIE4J 705 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 MINUTES. MEETING OF APRIL 12, 19t38 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassm n , Chairman Sean �ary t� i e�r? Ci�uS ar� f;aro i �l Knu 5on David 5chu tz Wiiliam Ti ton OTnERS PRE'�EivT: Pat r i sh, 't . Paui F i r-e Preveni� ion Si:eve Za�c� rd. St. Paul Fir� Frevention �;�er-ry W�� , St . Pau i F i re Prevcnt ion Car��l yn S� epPard, D i �i. or �ub l i c; Hea i th Jim Prili , Health 3 Tom Fri �l » H�� lth Sue Berge, on, Fire Department Greg A. anCi ev�, hlark Palrn�u i st , Mary Cros en , Jacqueline h� ries , L�wreni:e r'zwach, Jim W� iSF�. Jim Woitaila, R i cr�er d W Johnson, A 1 ovs i us Jasper- STAr=F : Terr�i Byr e, Secret��'Y The mee�ting was called to o der at 1 :30 p.m. on April 12, 198t3, by Chairman. Ron Glassman. .e weicomed. the citize�s �nd expla+nzd how the process w�rks and expressec� the �esire of the Board or App�a i s to he', {� tt�em res 1 ve the i r code v i o I a�t i on prob 1 erns . Ch� i rr��an C 1 assrnan nated t at a court repor�ter was present and r�cor-d i ng -tt�e proceec�i ngs , as we± 1 as ti�e usua i tap i ny or the meet i n�3 by the 5ec:r�tary. He f�rther apf�r i sed the mem��rs of the res i gnat i an oF Ros i E Bos L' om, one of tY�e members : ancJ sa i d he Ur�dE'T"StO��d a re�1 acemrnt h s been named by the Mayur, but ci i d nc:,t Piave dny o� tt�e part i cu i ar . 1 . APFROVRI.. OF M I NU i Ej 0!= THE MAR�.'r. 5 , 1 98� i1�ET 1 fvti. Narold Knutson MOVcD appro ai of the minutes of the March 8, 198b mee�ting, 1�otion seconded nd passed unanimously. ------------------ ---------------- 2. CA�E HEARINGS CASE NO. PROPERTY A PEALED APPELLANT 14-88-H 1381 Pros erity Ave. Aloysius J. Jasper (vacant bldg. ) � APPEARANCE Aloysius Jasp r ; � _ � . SUBJECT: Appellant is appealing t e vacant building fee and fiir�es in the amount of $ 120. 00 because f financial hardship. PROCEEDI��GS : Mr . Jasper explai ed this building is boarded up and used 1=or storage of screens , torms, tires, etc. It has been boar,ded up a number of years an recently he received a letter from the city regarding late fees He is before the board to ask dismissa? ofi the fees on the basis ofi financial hardship. Mr . Jasper =aid he has some fruit tr �s , a small garden on the 1 ot and r� uses i t for storaae; �tl ererc�re. woul d 1 i k:e te keep thr: pi-o��er tv �s i s for th���e rea5ur�s . Jim Pri ? i , Heai �th Departme�t, s ici Mr . Jasper owes $230 es of April 1 , �n�� this would be throug the period t� July .l . He said they have had c�n i y on� comp 1 a i nt h i c:h i n i fi i at,ed the i nspect i on . He sugye�red i F P9r . Jasper wer-e to put tY��e w i ndows back i n and remove t1-:� hoards and poss i b 1 y ev n pa i nt i t, tr�en f�e wou 1 d be i n confor-m i� � w i ti� code. �1r . J�sc::� � agreed hr cou 1 d d� th i w i tt�� i n s i x w�eks . EG,4R� A��-:GN: 8 i i i T i i�ton M(�VE�J hat the vacant bu i i d i ng feAs br cui' i n i-��1 � and ti��at the bu i I d i n be put i n s�ape {bo�rGS taken cyown ana w i ndaw5 put i n) by ti�e nd ofi May. Se��onded. NiOT I GN CARn 1 EO l: ��A1�1 i �GUti�Y . ------------------ -------------�---- 19-88-�-i 436 Snepard Road John Kerwin . APFEARANC= : Gary Van Cleve, At y. , Larkin, Hoffman, Daly 8 Lindgren, Ltd. Mark Pa 1 mqu i st . Carei:.�K@Y" of Property SIJBJE��T: Appe 1 1 ant i s eppea 1 i n the "Qr•der to Vacate" on the basi5 th�_ un�er Section 3�. !9(d) St. Paul Legislativ� Coue, fi he own�r i =_ ent i t 1 ed to more spe�� i i c i nforrr�at i c�n on i tems to be corr-ectec. FRiJCG�L7 i"��:: : Mr . Vdn C 1 eve, at' c�rney rearesent i nc� Jof�r. Ket�w i n, owner of �.he property, explained they are re�au�sting tt�e heariny be rescr���lu 1 ed at a t i me aPter A r i 1 1 5 wt��en P1r . Kerw i n wno i s pr�sentiy in Africa can be back i the country and present at the hearing. :hr. Van Cleve said the o ner is wiiling and able to make tt�e repa � *-s and improvements, but needs to know wha�t exactly they are. A? �o. Mr-. Van Cleve said t would cause undue hardship on the tenants to iose their homes o such short notice. He feels what apc�ared to be written noti e of conclemnation, which was ser-ved on the owner f.�i 1 zd to sp c i fy the reasons wf��y the nc�t 1 �r wa4 Sssue� nor what rzpairs and i provements were required. He further stated it is his under tanding it is zoned I-2 which doesn't prohibit residential use. • ; . �,, : . .: � ,;;:.� :: _ . _ _ _ ., ._ . . Steve Zaccard, Fire Prevention, said the building is presently being occupied without a Certifi a�e of Occupancy; the zoning is not proper; and they have done considerable remodeling without taking out permits with the citY There is a considerable list of code violations , Steve poin ed out, which inctude some life threatening ones , i . e. , door closures on apartments, smoke detectors , sta� rwells not encl sed, and only one exit on the third and fourtr� floors . He sa d his office would not recommene or embrace any postponement with tnese peopie living under these conditions . He dlso pointed ou that the furnaces are very old w i th m i n i ma 1 d�ci: work a�d the g = p i p i n�� has never been teste��+, He wo�: ! d i i K.e ''� see th i 5 done. t� ' v?n the �.�nd i t i on� th�y tound . .�cevt: s�� + ��. t���y t=� i t. i t �.��s r.� F i r-e t7e�artment ' s Cuty t�, i 5 s ue the �vot i �_� o(= Condemna t i on Mark P�� imquist . caretaker of tf� oremises , s��id the owner is �ot cc+nver�t i ng to c='nci��s . Unde�- the ��v i r_e t�f tt,e po l i ce ��e�art.ment , he saiu, they have instaiie��+ a fuil time careta�:er anci it ha: po i i ce records �how tIIPT�? has be �: a decrease �i n cr i me s i nce then . He sa i d they ��-;uerstan�i th� ten r•.�s are r-ent i ng th� p�-emi ses as wor-kstio��s . M>- . Pa i mq�i st sa i d r��uch af tt-,e wori: has beun Con�: the smo!�:e (�Q'C°�=J1"S , deor c I osu e� and o�tt�ers . Tn� r i ra esca,-�e cannor be dor�e ��n�-.i 1 they c:�n ob .= i n a bu i i d i ng p��-m; � an�1 he was told they will �ut i7sue onE wit �ut a Ce�°tiricate ot= Occupar.�y. D i sr_•�s s i on f�� : i owed and i t as genera i I y fe? t the 1 i 1=e �tr�re�t�n i riu rne�sur es s'r��u?d be c�r-recte�� �mmed i ate I y; i t was appailin�a tha� =1��y would go ane e with remodeling witPiout havi�g a plan submitted to the city anc� taking out building oermits ; and have people iiviny in the pre �ses without a Certificate of Occup�ncy. It was pointed out t�at the Board does not have the author i ty to wa : ve tl�e zon i ng co '�. R i c.h Ti�ompson , Sen i or Bu i 1 d i ng nspector for tt�e C i ty, sa i d the buil �ing can be used for artist �udios , but ther-e should be n� one 1 i v i ng on �h� pr-em+ ses . i-; sug��estec! the uwner must �o to the Board of Zon�ng Appeais c get a Speci�i Cor.dition Use Permit . He r� iterated t:�at n �uiiding permits can be giv�n unt i 1 a Cert. i f= i �:ate of O�cupancy �s ob��a i ned. E0.4R� Ac�T i GN c � 1 I T i I ton i1GV_� �at the hear i ny be pa�tpa!-ned f�r tW0 rnonths <jr! C �Yl�i'! � 1<]rl tf'ldi. tf'lC �:'',,l(1Pr- r�,�V�' :� 1 'j r'��tgari t�Ea;at j r��� Contrcctor �o r_���ro��at� �t�a wnc�1 � �at i ny system; tnat n000dy ! i v� on the premise� abov� thz second floor; that they install stair rails , smoke dF�ectors (battery Cit�?'�tQd on a temporary b�sis) in all ar�as used �±�y or night ; an that tl�ey instail door ciosures in ail areas �5ed ddy or niyht r.d fire extinguishers. Moti<�n carried on a 4 ayes , 2 nays vo e; Mr . Schuitz and Mr. Carey dissenting. ----------------------- ---------------------- 3 . 124-87-H 381 Colborne St. Family Style Inv. Co. (roominghouse) Jacqueline J. Hines AP�=ARANCE : Jacqueline J . Hines SUEJECT: Tt�is case was before the board in February - 1988, the board requested this case be lai over for clarification on dead bolts , because of the type of ser� ices offered at this home. FRC��EE� I iVG�: Th i s was 1 a i d ov r frc�m the February me�t i ng. ��.�- , ; ;• 5��e��ard. c i i..:� i n�p��_��o�- rom Hea 1 tl� De!��i-tm�nt ar.d M� . Hin�s rnet and arrived �t a dei: isi n. Se��� Carey MOVED that deadbolt ocks be put on the , downstairs �n i:s , but they be wa i ved on the upsta i rs , Mot i on c�t-r i eci. ------------------ ----------------- 126-37-H 383 Col �,orne 5t. Family Style Inv. Co. (roominghouse) Jacqueiine J . Hines AP�=ARANCE : Jac�ueline Hines SUc_�ErT: This case was bef�re th board in February - 1988 , the baa�-d re��uested th i s case be 1 i d over for c 1 ar i f i ca�t i on on dra��+bo i ts , be�:ause of tf�e type of serv i ces of�ered at th i s home. F��:�CE�DINGS : Ms. Hines expiaine there are no deadbolt }ocks or� rooming unit doors as oedroom is hared by three residents who also share the apartment. Carolyn Shepard said she has no p oblem with this arrang�me�t . Gavid Schultz MGVE� that the deac oits be considered sufficient. Motion carried. ------------------ ---------------- 125-87-H 382 Duke St. Family Style Inv. Co. AP�=.4RANCc : Jacyueline Hines SUEJCCT: This case was before the Board in February - 1988 , the board requested this r_asz be 1 id over for clarification on deadboits, because oF the type o services offered at this home. Because of thc type of use of this home, David Schuitz MOVED that thc present deadbolt locks be considered acceptable. Motion carried. ----------------- -------------------- 17-88-H 704 E. Larpente r Ave. Arlington Housz (roominghouse} Mdry Cr�ossen Ar�EARANCE : Mary Crossen SU3JECT: Reyuesting a variance on room size for northwest corner room #4 and east central room 2 for number of occupants . PROCEEDINGS : Ms . Crossen ex lained she is requesting to have a v�r i ance i n room #4 (nc�r-the�st room) to a I 1<�w 4 beds ; and a 1 so to h.. �e � beds i n room #'� . �he ex 1 a i r�ed thzr�e wou I d s t i I I be SO s�a. fe�t per person, wi�th the exce tion ��f tnese rooms #4 and #2 . BONR� Ac�TION: Ron Glassman M VED to grant the variance as long a� thc rooms remain in thEir p esent. u�age. Motion carried. ---------------- ------------------------- 17-88-H 712 E . Larpe��te r Ave. Arlington House (roominghouse) i�lary Crossen AF==ARANCc : Mary Cr�ssen Sv�JECT: Reyuesting a variznce on roarn size for northeast corner rcorn #4 and west central room 3 fur the number of occupants . Ron Giassman MOVED to grant he variance t� allow two beds in room 3 (west central ) , and f ur beds in room 4 (northeast) as le�g as it i5 used as it is pr sently. Motion carriecl. --------------- ---------------------- 16-3t3-H 570 Capito3 Blv . Hea? thEast- Bethesda - John Heyn AP=cARANCE : None SU�JECT: Requesting an extens 'on of time till August 1 , 198�3 on i t-m5 �$3 , A I arm Systrm an�� I t m #6, Sm��ke DeLectors , because af the uncertain future occupancy PRGCEEDiNGS: Mr. John Heyn, Engineering Site Manager of this property, said he received a le�t�er from John Hardwick granting him the extension of time u til August 1 at which time tt�e buiiding use should be dzter ined. If it� will continue to be used, the work will be done by that time. As he was able to work this out with the inspector, h withdrew his appeal . - -------------- ----------------------- � r� � . - ; i8-88-H 661 t. 5th St. Richard W. Johnson (5 units) APPE.4RAUC� : R i cha►-d Johnson StJ6JECT: Requestinc� a variance o item #18 - deadbolts and i�tem # �4 - il ' egai bedroom arrangeme t for upstairs bedrooms as per l �tter dated February 26, 1980. P^cOC�=� ( `:G'� : i•?r . ��ohnson exp 1 a � ned he w i i f re�, ! ac� the ��+�Vur��_, ; ,- ��5 �r 1 C. _ � � (.J Il � `/ J t-1 C � f! �={LI t':=�i_ I (_r;. H O W r_'V N i- � �'�'� 4y t_?1� � i't j i j.;� _. vai- i anc� i=1-orn coc� on t!�e bedr am arran�aement upsta i rs , i i�� tenants ch i i d,-�n s 1 ee�� there ar.d y��u must ��o �thi�ough c�r.e be��r����m to go to �he other . Tt-tey have o prob i em w i�tt-� �tti i s , �1r. Johnson s� id. BGARO At_"?O�I : P,on G 1 assmdn MG ED fio grant the var i ance on the upsta i rs �r�!ro��m to a i i ow tl�e pi-� 5er�� usaar. Mot i on carri ed. ��JRTncR �='OC�_�??NG� : Mr. J�hnso sa i d k�e�ause he has a ten�nt-. i n ti�e bas���^en�t �r�artmrn�t tl�at i s r fus i ng to move, he wou i d I i ke �n extensicn o� time �o do the wor. as set out in the 1Ptter from the � i re Department da�tec� Fe�rua y 26, 1 9b5. ���t F i 5'r�, F i re Prevent i on , sa i U as 1 ong as the f i r�� extingu ; �i-�ers , smok� detec�tors and st� irwell vio�ations ar� correctea right away, she wou ►d gree to this . @JARD FR��c;E�Di �IG�: Ron Glassma MOVED to gr�nt an extension of time to Juiy 1 , ly8$ as long as he life safety items are �one by May 1 . Mot i on r_arr i ��a. ----------------- -------------------- 122-37-H 615 Grake Str�et 7homas Finn C�. (commercial ) J. James Walsh AFPEARAhI��c : J i m Wa i sh, ownei- of Thomas F i nn Co. La�Nrence Grewa� . Mr . Waish' s Attor�ey �UBJcCT: Ti�i s case was beFore tl e br�ard January - i988, i t wes 1 a i d over �.o �:he Fe+��r�uary rnee�.:i n . the Appe i I ant d i r� not appear , c 1 a i m i ny he was nat no�t i f i �d , t e board a�t �that t i me den i ed ti-�e vari�nce. Larry Gre�,��ch, Attorne for the Appeilant is requesring the boaT-d review the case a�ain. PROCcE�IVGS: Mr. Walsh, owne of the Thomas Finn Company, zxplaine� he leases the property for the abo��e-ground fuel tanks �to Tropicana. He said the tan s were instafled by a reputabie firm and there wer= inspectors around when the work was done. Now the Fire De�artment tells him there was no perrni�t taken and they must be moved immediately; thwe Fire Marshal says they must be rnoved 8' to be in compliance. He fzels the people who own tt�e tanks shouTd be responsible for his . ,_ S�ierry Webb, Fire Prevention e plained th� State Fiz-e Marshal ' S off i ce must c3pp!'OVt� tf1P5P tanks and they have not been ab l e t� find any plans 7ubmit�ted to the for Class I liquids ; two stat.e agencies have be�n by-passed in installing these - the State Fire Marshal and the P��llution Contro Agency. Sherry said she spokz with Mr . Burns oT Tropicana who aid he w<�ufd empty the tanks and move ttiem, �ut �=f�ey w i 1 1 move t em out of st-at�. Mr . Wa 1 sh sa i i! if the,y move th=m he will lose ' ncome which was about $2 , OOU to �3 , 000 a m��nth :�i_h+R� af,� i!'_!'i L!.� .' I l� Jt:t1U 1 r� f'��JVC �'�'!-I � u I UT- I:l t@ Var i a��c� an�.: ���?dC 1�rlC �_.�IlkS '.:e �-'?(.7t 1 t'C� W I t�l I (1 � C-L'�C� 5 t. I f1lC �1"1C� ff10V�'t� W 1 til 1 t� tWU w@2I[S . ilpt !Jf1 c�rried. FIJRTnc� PRr'JC=�� !t;� Mr . Grew c�:h ac.lciressed the pr�b 1 em oF - the wood t�u��n i ng st.eve. He 5a i d he ta 1 ked w i ti� NSP and at that t i me they i nd i c.s•`ed ��ey co�!1 c� not p ov i de I-� i s c i i ent serv i ce. �low they are *� ! li �y him the� will but it will cost at�out $34UG , whic:h Mr. Wa � sh `eels is prohibi ive. Mr. Wa 1 si� exp� .:i ned th i s i s � fam i i y-owned bus i ��ess ope*-ater� s i nce 1 898; thcy are a rac�f i ng nd sh�N�t metd 1 company. H� sa i d they rurn �he �oov in the sliee metal shup where there are no cars and the em' ssion is equal o about that of two tirepiace� . N� or�r� s 1 eaps =herz anci they t� ve never r�ad %� f i re, t7e sa i d. Si�erry Webb sa 'd the wood burning stove is also in the repair garage wnich is �gainst code. Glen Gausma� sug^ested to Mr. W lsf�� that there is a w�od burning stove that can �e installed ou�r'ide a building. Aiso, if Mr. Waish agree�� to keep the vehicles out of the sheet metal shop, th i s cou 1 d b� a •_GOd so 1 ut i or�. BOAR�J ACTIOti : 3ili Tilton MOVE that the variance be grante� on tr�e wood burnira stoves for the next two months , but by next f� il it be br-oucnt up ta code, � � also if Mr. Walsh will e;�clude cars frorn the she°t metal shop, hen he would not be in violation of code in thar buil�� ing and it coulr� continue to be used as it pres�ntiy is . �otion carried. There beinc no furtf�er business to comE bcrore the Boar�. -the meeting was adjo�rned. ,