88-895 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. - Counci Resolution � ' �a ��: Presente y Referred To � � Committee: Date `!�� �a Out of Committee By Date Wf�REAS, The Mayor, ,pursuant to Section 10.07 1 of the City Charter, dces certify that there are available for appropriation r venues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 budget; and WHERF�AS, 'The Mayor recammends the following anges to the 1988 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN ------------ ----------- ------------ 001 General Fund 9890 Use of Fund Balance, Unreserved Undesignated 0 36,154 36,154 Al1 Other Financing 118,671,134 0 118,671,134 -------- ------------ ------------ 118,671,134 36,154 118,707,288 SPENDING PLAN 001 General Fund Cammunity Services Department 03100 Parks & Recreation Achninistrati n 03100-0111 Full Time Certified 485,188 29,198 514,386 �1 Parks & Rec Manager @ $14 682) 1 Clerk 'I�ipist III @ $14,51�) Fringe Benefits For 2 FTEs: 09001-0431 Health And Ins City Share 4,640,119 1,581 4,641,700 09002-0431 Health And Ins City Share 2,181,086 624 2,181,710 09003-0537 rtatin Transfer Out 237,414 106 237,520 09004-0432 �E�loymen� Compensation 523,546 145 523,691 09013-0411 PERA Basic Pension 1,765,451 596 1,766,047 09013-0412 PERA Coordinated Pension 1,765,451 1,092 1,766,543 09013-0413 Social Security 3,359,100 1,919 3,361,019 09020-0448 Miscellaneous E�cpenses 471,946 71 472,017 All Other Spending 103,241,833 822 103,242,655 ----------- ----------- ----------- 118,671,134 36,154 118,707,288 NET CHANGE 36,154 RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Ap val Recorranen -- -- - �- - , Budget r tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimoni�� ��g� [n Fav r Goswitz schett ibej � _ A gai n s By _ • Sonnen Wilson Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yass d y C nc.il S cr By gy, �. _ � t#pproved b a or. e � � ���� Approv Mayor for Submi o Council Q � By BY PUBl1SNED J U�1 2 � 19 8 ti Cammunity Services DEPART ENT � �� 235 Katl�le'en �Stack CONTAC 3 - 298-4431 PHONE 5_ZO_$$ oATE ree� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All L cations .for Si nature) : �I �B / �Department Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor : Finance and Management Services Directo 5 City Clerk � Budget Director � City Attorney ,� � WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON T E ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : These positions are needed to respond to t e increasing workload in the Division of Parks and Recreation administrative and programming taff. Specifically the manager, with the help of the Clerk-Typist will administer new functions programs, and legislative mandates such as (1)the Community Festivals fund, (2) the Mini-Gra ts Program, and (3) the Youth Athletic and Sports Fund. In addition these positions will be coordinating special or seasonal projects as they arise. Current examples include historica preservation commitments, Riverfront Development planning committees, and the Summer Olympi Festival. COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPAC S ANTICIPATED: 1988 1989 Parks and Rec Manager 14,628 Sal (9/88 12/88) + 3,519 fringes 40,727 + 9,700 Clerk Typist III 14,516 Sal (5/88 12/88) + 3,491 frin es 22,249 + 5,299 29,144 + 7,010 62,976 + 14,999 Total: 36,154 77,976 (Fringes at 23.818�) The ma�or benefit is to have one central f ure in the Division of Parks and Recreation to facilitate special and priority programs. hese programs and objectives are not well served by "stealing" time and resources from other m agers who must ive full time to their own programs. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER HARGED OR CREDI�ED: (Mayor's �igna- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $36,154 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 9890 Use of Fund Balance Unreserved, QfieF�i�ated Activity Number: 03�0o M�Y 2 31988 ATTACHMENTS List and Number All Attachments : pqqYp�s �F�CE 1. Resolution. �����i1 Research Center. MAY 2 61985 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE F R INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 • � '%�t i�,;'': � :a. - . . � - ��� - _ �� _ � '� CITY O S.A�INT P�..UL - £ { � ' .!'� _ �.� r"�� OF'FIC� O TFtI� CITY COU�7CZL - t :��� c�.,,l - : - � _��. > �; _,..5_ -. � Co 'ttee Report . -�-::_ ::� --.-_.� F:inance l�ana eme� � Pexsonn.��l �ommittee. :��- y-� _~ une 6, 1988 1. Approval of minutes of May 31st meeting. � � FINANCE 8 BUQG�T - - . y . . - �.,_. � . ; i. 1 :30 2. Resolution 88-895 - amendi g the 1988 budget by Denied '" add�ing $3b,154 to the Fina cing Plan and to the Spenc�ing Plan for Communit Services Qepartment - Parks and Recreation Ac�m'nistration. (�#eine 2nd Counci 1 agenda) � . � "° - :�; -i�.�%� 1 :40 . - - amendi g the I988 budget by Denied transferring $43.327 fror� ontingent Reserve . General to Executive Administration-Personnet � Office. (Referred from Co ncil May 19) 1 :50 4. Resolution 88-830 - amendi g the 1988 budget and adding $20,86Z to the Fi cing Ptan and to the �'�id over ta Jut�e 13 Spending PTan for General und - City Council . - �;;�;: . Counc i 1 I nvest i gat i ve Res arch Center. � `� , ;. •;��; .-�' �-� 1:55 5. Resolution 88-831 - amending the 1988 budget and APProved adding $135,000 to the Fi ancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Library Special Re.venue Fund (computer equipment) 2:00 � 6. Resolution 88-832 - amending the 1988 Capital Approved Improvement Budget and ad ing $135,000 far Central Library Rewiring. RECEIVED JUN d 61988 . CITY CL�RK� CI'I'Y ��I.L SEVE�IZ'F FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINN�SOTA 55102 �iQ