88-891 WHITE - CITV GLERK . PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 (^` [//� CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL x ��7 BLUE -_NIAVOR File NO. V � 0 dindn rdin nce N�. ���.7� / ' Presente By � .� Referred To ���m • � ��`�rn A � Committee: Date �'° � `�� Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amendi g the Saint Paul Legislative _ Code so as to provi e penalties for unlawful removal of material set out for recycling collection. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ection l . That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add the fol owing provision thereto : .Ol . Purpose. T is chapter is designed to prevent the unauthorized coll ctions of recyclable materials which are set out as part of a designated recycling program. JnauLhoriz d collection or "scavenging" may reduce the volu s of materials collected as part of a designa�ed program and thereby threaten the economic viabilit of the authorized program. Scavenging may also cau e confusion among participating residents and thereby disrupt the publicity and edu- cational processes of an authorized program. This section is also design d to insure that a designated recycling program will be implemented in an orderly fashion to avoid adver e effects on the public health, welfare, safety and env' ronment. .02. Definitions. Authorized recycling rogram shall mean a program �.�,, for the collection and ecycling of recyclable materials which is instituted, sp nsored, authorized or controlled by the city of Saint Pa 1 or the county of Ramsey. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman �he;�� Against By Sonnen Wilson (� � Form Appr�v�d by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b yor for Submission to Council By BY , �� ,� � `�"��� . , . ����� Recyclable materials shall mean all items of refuse designated by the Dire tor of the Department of Public Works or Ramsey Count Environmental Health Division to be part of an au horized recycling program and which are intended or transportation, processing and remanufacturing or euse. Scavenging shall mean the unauthorized collection of recyclable materia s that have been set out by residents of the city specifically for participating in curbside recycling p ograms . .03. Designation of Items. Items designated for recycling shall be listed by the City' s Director of Public Works or Ra sey County Environmental Health Division to be part of an authorized recycling program. .04. Ownership of ecyclable materials. Ownership of recyclable material set out for the_�urpose__of�r alleyside participating in curb ide / recycling programs shall remain with the pers n who set out the materials until removed by the authorized collector. Until the recyclable material are removed by the authorized collector , the person who set out the materials is totally responsible or their proper preparation, handling and storage. Ownership and responsibility for the proper handli g of the recyclable materials shall vest in the au horized collector upon removal thereof by the collecto . .05. Unauthorized c llection. It shall be unlawful for any person who i not authorized by the City or County to take o collect recyclable material set out for authoriz d collection programs within the City. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to the pen lties provided fo.r in section i:Q�-of this Code. u 2 . WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI1nC11 CANARV -OEAARTMENT G I TY O � SA I NT PA U L / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. '�/ • 0 inance Ordinance N 0. �?� `/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date \ ection 2. This ordinance shall ake effect and be in force thirty days from and after its pass ge , approval and publication. 3 . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favo Goswitz Rettmad'� Scheibel �— Against BY 'SoAweo-- Wilson JUL Z 61988 Form Approve b City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date 1 Certified Pass d y C il Secr BY By Approve ayor: Date � Approved by o for Submission to Council By BY PUStISliEO �4�.�G 6 19_$ � : . - .: = N,���s�� � . � . �� : � .� . 11l° d12405 , City Council DEPARTMENT • (� �� / Sue Vannelli CONTACT 298-550¢, PHONE � May" �5. 1988 DATE ASSIGN IQtJMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See everse side.) _ Department Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Dir ctor _ City Clerk _ Budget Director _ _ City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBEB OF SIGNATURE PAGES: Clip all locations for signature.) b r�� WIiA W V B C 0 N C ? (Purpose/Rationale) �� ; This ordinance will prohibit scaven ing of materials which have been set out for curbside recycling programs. In se eral neighborhoods, residents and recyclers ' have observed scavengers collecting aluminum cans in order to sell them. 0 N UD Y A D P RSO N L HP C A C T D: Aio direct impact to the City will o cur. However, scavenging threatens the economic viability of recycling programs by emoving the materials with the most lucrative market. F UR UD T C IV CHARGE R C DITED: , (Mayor's signature not required if unde $10',000.) N/A Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all att hments.) R�solution ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, ocedures� or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _Np If yes, are they or t metable attached? ' D�PARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ' _Yes _No Council resolution req red? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurar►ce sufficient? �Yes _No _Yes No Insurance attached? � - : . ,' _ ���i � � � � � � ' � Members: � ` ` CITY F SAIN'1` P�LTL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � Janice Rettman . '. �ii%jili;N��� �� OFla'IC1�7 F TFi I1: CL'1`Y COUNCIL Tom Dimond � � Date: June s, 19 s RECEIVED Co mittee Report JUN 0 81988 , To: Saint Paul City Cou CII CITY CLERK �, From :Public Works, Uti ities, and Transportation . Committee � � Roger J. Goswitz Chair The Public Works Committee t its meeting of June 8, 1988 took the r following action: Hearing Date l. 6/23/88 VACATION: Petit on of the H.R.A. and West Bridge Townhomes Association fo the vacation of an encroachment into an easement in vac ted DELOS STREET. t Recommended app oval on 3-0 vote. 2. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: Condemning and taking a 55-foot permanent sewer easement between the easterly line of LAFAYETTE AVENUE and th Westerly line of the permanent easement taken for Trout Brook Sewer construction. Also, the north line of said p rmanent easement being the north line of BRUNO STREET as platted and its easterly extension sub�ect to easements f record and existing structures for the purpose of cons ructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and acr ss Bruno Street. (In connection with the Trout Brook Out et Easement Phase B Pro�ect) . Recommended app oval on 3-0 vote. 3. RESOLUTION: enter into an agreement between Minnesota Department of ransportation (MNDOT) and City of St. Paul to share cons uction costs for PAYNE/ARCADE EAST SEWER SEPARATION PRO ECT. .� Recommended ap roval on 3-0 vote. 4. 6/21/88 RATIFICATION F ASSESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary sewe in FORESTER STREET from Canton Street to Bay Street. (L id over from May 25, 1988). Laid over in C mmittee to June 22, 1988. CITY HALL SEVENTIi rLUUR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .s��,s e - ` - � � • ,�. ••. ♦ % . . ��- ��/ 5. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: Installation of the WABASHA STREETSCAPE - IMPROVEMENT P AN on Wabasha from Kellogg Blvd. to llth Street and o Sth and 6th Streets from Wabasha to St. Peter Street. Improvements to include the following: New decorative lig ting to accommodate banners, flower baskets =� and other sp cial trims; information kiosks containing lists of store and events, maps, telephones, news boxes and trash rece tacles. (Laid over from May 25, 1988) . . Recommended ap roval on 2-1 vote - Dimond voting "NO". 6. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: The operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting Syst m for the WABASHA-5TH-6TH AREA for the year 1988 for the ollowing streets: Both sides of Wabasha Street from K llogg Blvd. to llth Street; Both sides of � Sth Street and 6th Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street. (Laid ver from May 25, 1988) . Recommended ap roval on 3-0 vote. 7. RESOLUTION - 8-833 - Amending the 1984, 1985 & 1986 Capital Impro ement Budget by adding $205,232.56 to COMO AVENUE OVERLAY CAPITAL HTS. COMO PARK from activities as listed. Recommended ap roval on 3-0 vote. � 8. ORDINANCE - 8-827 - Amending Chapter 87 of the Legislative C de pertaining to the Water Code and Water Service Connec ions. Recommended ap roval on 3-0 vote. 9. REQUEST of Way e Cardes for consideration of approval of a Registered L nd Survey to simplify existing legal descriptions f r property located at LONDIN LANE and LOWER AFTON ROAD. Recommended ap roval on 3-0 vote. 10. RESOLUTION: Re ycling contract for 1007 funding, $379,542, from Ramsey Co nty. Recommended a roval on 3-0 vote. � � � " � � � ; .� �� . �'� � �yi . /�5�� 11. ����-88 891 ; . �"C���""�," ::. to,,,,� ` � ie�l�lil��ta u remov m ' �et <�l��. �4, �1� 3-0 v����f� to include the word ' alle side" on page 2, paragraph 0 - to read "Ownership of r cyclable materials set out for the purpose of particpati g in curbside or alleyside recycling . programs. . . . " 12. ORDINANCE - 8 -887 - Amending Chapter 126 of the Legislative Co e pertaining to surfacing between curb and sidewalk. . Recommended app oval on 3-0 vote. 13. ORDINANCE - 8 -888 - Amending Chapter 160 of the Legislative Cod pertaining to parking meter zones. Recommended ap roval on 3-0 vote with the amendment to limit it to day care facilities in the downtown district. . . (,�_ �j,.J�.c�e--�.�. ,"_'_" , � � • _ ''. . , Members: ��� ��/ �� Janice Rettman, chair �• �'�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,;;-:?a�;`�;;i ai►i wilson ` �57� OZ�`FICE OF HE CITY COUNCIL Bob Long Date: July 7, 1988 7ANICE RETTMAN Counc�person CO mittee Report To: Saint Paui City Coun il From : Community and uman Services Committee Janice Rettman, hair A meeting of the Community and Human S rvices Committee was held on Wednesday, July 6, 1988 at 1:30 p.m. 1. Request by Ray and Diane St. Marti , Capitol Deli, to appear before the Comirtunity and Human Services Committee. No action taken due to pending adv rse action. 2. Discussion on the procedures of Di ision of Parks and Recreation regarding reserving facilities; i.e. , picnics, etc. ( id over from June 15, 1988 meeting.) Laid over to July 20, 1988. 3. -�L#�r��cil Agenda 6/Zs,�,��ta,�;��m..,: �?. ,:,;.� Aeadi:4tg�:�8�=$9� *�a�r��,snc�. � �:f ;*he�'3slativ�!"�"+c��d���� d tc�� p�eu�,d�e penalties for uii"�''"a"�I'removal .of ��tier��'�+�em�ct �or �ecyC'ling coll ction. ,. .�,..._. �:,. 1'�i�s �;. , ��been act�>��pnn b the P�eh13c Works Commi�tee; "'l�is, no act�fon wa ��..��•w.u,.,�» ta��`' " =-t�ere is n�p��c ion. 4. City Council Agenda 6/9/88, Item No. 11: Resolution - 88-930 - Amending the I988 ' budget by adding $78,961 to the Fin ncing and Spending Plans for Parks and Recreation Division-Park Watch Prog am. (Councilmember Scheibel will submit for proposed amendments.) Recommended approval on 3-1 vote, a per agr.eement between Department of Community Services and Police Department. 5. Presentation on Youth Boxing Associ tion by Bob Brunette. Presentation made. 6. Part I - Report on Gross Unsanitary Homes. (ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.) ' Frank Staffenson, Division of Publi Health, gave an excellent report. 7. City Council Agenda S/24/88, Item N . 2: First Reading - 88-79G - An ordinance amending Chapter 33.02 of the Legis ative Code and providing an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fees and t reflect the administrative merger of the Certificate of Occupancy inspection program from the Department of Community Services- CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA S5102 6I2/298-5289 s.+�.as