88-888 �WHITE - CITV CLERK � COUI1C11 PINK �- FINANCE GITY O�' AINT PAUL GANARY -'OEPARTMENT i BIUE - MAVOR File NO. ,�� � O�WZ dnce Ordinance N0. l�[S?� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date When determined b the D rector of the De artment of Public Works that ub ic necessit so re uires for da care £acilities ' n the downtown district, the Director is hereb a thorized to desi nate effective hours for s ecific arkin meter locations different than the effe tive eriods s ecified in this section. The Dire tor shall ost a ro riate si ns at each of such 1 cations settin forth the s ecific hours governin the arka.n meter location and shall file a com le e listin of these locations with the Office of the it Clerk. Sec ion 2. This ordinance shall ta e effect and be in force thirty days from and after i s passage, approval and publication. a- COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g [n Favo Goswitz Rettman � �be;be� Against BY Sonnen �Ison Adopted by Council: Date JUN 2 81988 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas b ncil S ta BY By Appro y Mayor: Dat � �UN 3 01988 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY p�lBl,lSNEii J U L - 9 ]988 , t ��-�� . . � : . . N° �13602 � C ITY COUNC I L � DEPARTMENT - l��� BE3B LONG CONTACT NAl� 298-4473 PHONE � -. � MAY 25, 1988 DATE . ASSIGN NDMBER FOR SOIJTING ORDER: (See rev rse side.) _ Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Management Services Direct r � City Clerk Budget Director 1 Cit� Council ? city ettorney _ TOTAL N[JMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 2 (C1 p all locations for signature.) W ? �Purpose/Rationale) The ammended ordianc� will allow th dir+�ctor of the department of Public Works to designate specific arking meters to be enforceble be�ore 8�: 00 a,m. and after 4: 30 p.m 0 F AND PE 0 C A There is no cost related to this c nge. Greater accessability to downtown day care will be accompli ed by the passing of this ammended ordiance. FIN 0 UDG AC VIT ER CHAR D TED: (Mayor•s signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTAGHrtENTS: (List and number all attac ents.) ADIi�NISTRATIVE PROCEDUR.ES � _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P ocedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or t metable attached? DEPARTMENT.REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIELI _Yes No Council resolution requ red? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficiant? _Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance attached? ��- �� O THE DEPARTMEN OF PUdLIC WORKS TMF CITY O ST. PAUL INTER-0FFlCE COMMUNKATION RECE[VED TO: Aibert olson � ,lUL 2 21988 City Clerk � GlTY CLERK FROM: Karl Johnson Traffic Engines 'n DATE: July 21, 1988 SUBJECT: Parking Meters On June 28, 1988, the City Council pass d Ordinance No. 1757t, amending Chapter 169 of the St. Paui Legislative Code pertaining o parking meter zones. This amendment authorizes the Director of Public Works to alter the ours of enforcement for various parking meters for daycare facilities in the Downtown distri . Please be advised that effective August , 1988, parking meter 4E-28, 4E-30 and 4E-32, located on the south side of Fourth St. tween Minnesota St. and Cedar St. will be designated as enforceable between the ours ot 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday. This meter adjustment is to facil tate the Kindercare childcare center located in the Degree of Honor Building. The Depart ent of Public Works will keep you advised of any similar changes to parking meters in th Downtown area, in accordance with the current legislation. KNJ:kaj cc: John Jansky � Traffic Violation Bureau , , . , ,�-,� � L��� r4� � _ ': � � , . . _ , � << ����- ' MOORE, CO TELLO & HART C���(J��� RICHARO A.MOORE ATTOR N EYS AT LAW BARBARA L.NEILSON /�Jr?� MARVIN J.PERTZIK MALCOIM G. MCDONALD� A. PATRICK LEIGHTON 1400 NO WEST CENTER MARY GIUIIANI STEPHENS DAVID L.WHITE IEONARD W. GLEWWE HAROLD R, FOTSCH 55 EAST FIFTH STREET JOHN G. PATTERSON ROBERTA.ALBRECHT SAINT PAUL� MI NESOTA SSIOI'1792 STEVEN R.KRUGER RONALD E.MARTELL TIMOTHY C.COOK WILLIAM M. BEADIE TELECOPIE I612) 290-1770 KATHRYN A.GRAVES DENIS L.STODDARD MARY M. MORIN BRUCE E.KIERNAT TELEPHON (612) 227-76B3 , DANIEL O.PORETTI LARRV A.HANSON JONATHAN D.JAY J, PATRICK PLUNKETT MICHAEL B.ROONING BASH JOHN M. NARENS Iwi7H n770R EYS AU7HOR�ZED 70 SVSAN M. MiNORUM TIMOTHV A.SULLIVAN PRACTICE LA IN MINNESOTA,IOWA� DAVID A.KASTELIC WISCONSIN ILLINO15,MARVLAND. _. . GREGORY M. B�STRAM GEORGIA,NEBRASK AND DISTRICT OF GOLUMBIAI � � PHYlL15 KARASOV FRED W. FISHER CHRIS R, KABELLA OF COUNSEL ' Ja uary 28, 1988 The Honorable George Latimer Mayor, City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear Mayor Latimer: My wife and I recently enro led our baby daughter in the Kindercare Center in the Degree of Honor Bu'lding. It appears to be a fine establishment and its location i ideal for parents who work downtown. However, the fifteen minute par ing meters in front of the Center on 4th Street are only enforced betwee the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (and even during those hours enforce ent -is spotty) . The problem is that most parents are dropping their chil ren off before 8:00 a.m. and they are picking them up after 4:30 p.m. For the safety and convenience of the parents and children who use th s facility, it makes sense that the meters run from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p m. Better yet, perhaps the area in front of the Center could be limited n the early morning and late afternoon to "daycare center pickups only". Thank you for your attenti n to this matter. Very truly yours, By � � � Patrick Plunkett JPP:Iaq cc: City Traffic Engineer WHlTE - GITV CLERK COIlI1C11 (�y� PINK - FINANCE M CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY O� AINT PAUL X� � BI.UE -MAVOR File NO. ('u � � Ordi �/LCG Ordinance 1�0._���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee Date � � . When de$.ermined by th director of the department of public rks that p blic necessity so requires , the director i� hereby aut orized to designate effective hours for spec" fic parki g meter locations different than the effectit,�e perio s specified in this section. The director sha ��.�. pos appropriate signs at each of such locations `,,setti g forth the specific hours governing the parkin m ter location and shall file a complete listing of`�. t ese locations with the office of the city clerk. , Se �,ion 2. � This ordinance shall ta e �,ffect and be in force thirty days from and after its p ssag�., approval and publication. ``� '. � 1, 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Favo Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form App ed by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��'` �� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .._ �, .' - _ - -,� � ; � ` r - ; - �.-; . _:� _� WHITE - CITV CLERK w�- , •� . - - � . ...,,. f PINK + FINANCE CANARV -OEPARTMENT ��-G.ITY��OF IN� PA � �cil�u�'~' /� . - B LU E -M A Y O R ......�...,�.�..,-..««...w»......� - ri lle 1�0.� �!�`f r 01 `!iZ �nCe Ordinance W 0._T��a� 'f��- Presented By � Refecred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date tbn ��ir�in+�e� di rictor of tt�t rtr�ent ot c rwr c n�oess ao res _ .� s v� . o� � s� aca aas '� s cbn. rscto:► : aEha a s a 0 ocit t� s�t i ,� t� r vcatt a� � a e s $ � �,.,�, o � � . sac a� #. This ordf� sha21 taks .,�tftec� and bs i�n lorc� tl�irtp d� frv� end a�ter its P�► ' ,. appronrai and pabiiesation. ,,, <� � �; . .� �� , . .t . , � � . �. . �� : � � 4 > � � ry� , • " � COUNCIL MEMBERS ' ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor co�Z Rett�n scee�� Against BY sonnen WH�n Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By ' Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY • -- � ' / a•...,, ` ' � ' ;�. ' 4 t CITY F SAINT PAUL �-�d" INTERDEPART ENTAI MEMORANDUM ,���� MEMO TO: Jerry Segal City Attorne,y FROM: Chris Park�/! Assistant to the :�1 tior DATE : Nlarcli 30 , 1988 SUBJECT: Parking Meter Zone Chapter 160 , Legis ati�•e Gode I am writing on behalf of th Mavor to request that ��u prepare an amendment to the egislative Code , Chapter 160 regarding Parking Meter Zone to allow the Director of Public Works to "spot zone" specifi meters under specific situations . The specific situation in this case is thz �iindercare Child Care Cente in the Dearee of Horior Building that needs the three 15-min te meters in front of the building enforced from 6 : 30 a .m. to : 00 p.m. to alloi� for cirop off and pick up of children using t e doc�ntown center . The ^lavor believes we shoul try and accommodate parents using' doti�ntown dav care if at all possible and is supportive of giving this a tr�° . I will look forkard to rece ving somet}iing from S-ou b�- the erid of next week . Thanks for y ur assistance . CP/jr cc : Mayor George Latimer Jim Bellus Iiarl Johnson, Public orks Duane Jagiello , Publi Works , ' r � � . � �(���(��� v' � � `�s7/ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL `CITi O� `� = OFFZCE O THE MAYOR e : : �� �� o . ,... 347 ITY RAi.7. (}EpB�3E LATIMEB SAIl�'T PAUL,MINNESOTA 6b108 MAYOE �Bli�) 298-4323 March 30, 1988 TO: KARL JOHNSON, PUBLIC W RKS DUANE JAGIELLO, PUBLIC WORKS FR: CHRIS PARK, MAYOR'•S OF ICE� RE: KINDERCARE PARKING MET RS Thank you both for your wo on the issue of parking meters in front of the Degree of Hon r Building. I appreciate the thoroughness of the inform tion that you provided. I shared the memo and all he supporting information with the Mayor. He is anxious to a commodate downtown day care opportunities and believes that expanding the enforcement on the three meters from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. would serve KinderCare parents during eak drop-off and pick-up times. To accomplish this the Mayor as instructed the City Attorney's Office, specifically Jerry Segal, to draft an amendment to the ordinance to allow for thi expansion of hours for those three meters. Mr. Segal will b returning the draft amendment to me and I will route it to th City Council. I am copying you on the m mo to Jerry Segal and the letter to KinderCare. Again, thank for the-work you did on this. I hope we find the changes e make are advantageous. CP:kh cc: Don Sobania Jim Bellus Mayor George Latimer , �eos . • _ • ` �.���� , ����•__.. � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL 17`��� 4 * OFFICE F THE MAYOR e a i �� i +• "� 347 CITY HALL "'� SAINT PAU . MINNESOTA SS102 GEORGE LATIMER (6 2) 298-4323 MAYOR March 31, 1988 Tracey Peterson KinderCare Director Degree of Honor Building � 325 Cedar Street-Suite 150 Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 2 Dear Ms. Peterson: _ Thank you for your letter utlining your concerns about the parking situation in fron of the Degree of Honor Building where your KinderCare sit is located. I share your concern that parents using your c nter are unable to .park during peak drop-off and pick-up time . We had hoped that the 15-minute meters would be helpful a d did not realize that the problem of drop-offs before 8:00 .m. and pick-ups after 4:30 p.m. would pose a problem. To alleviate this problem I am instructing the City Attorney to draft an amendment to he ordinance that restricts our ability to monitor those hree meters before 8:00 a.m. and after 4:30 p.m. This am dment will have to pass the City Council. I will have my Assistant, Chris .park, notify you when it will be on the C uncil ageAda so you and some of your more concerned parents c n attend the meeting to support the need for this departure rom the standard meter enforcement hours. We need to be aware of t e fact that enforcement of those and all meters cannot be con tant. I will notify the Police Surface Parking Unit of our concerns, however, and encourage them to monitor these me ers, particularly at the key times , � you have identified. f�p , . "' ' ' ' ' ' Q�---a ° �/ Tracey Peter�on, �� O �/ March 31, 1988 - �,`� page 2 I am supportive of day care pportunities in the downtown area, as well as throughout e city, and I hope the City CounciZ will agree that this amendment is necessary to make your center accessible. Very truly yours, eorg timer May GL:kh cc: Chris Park Jim Bellus Duane Jagiello, Publi Works Karl Johnson, Public orks George LeTendre, Degr e of Honor Building Don Sobania, Public W rks J. Patrick Plunkett _ y � , ' U" � oa � • ' . ' � �7��� r . , �y��,,��, o� �-�'a•�+o�r t'S1d � 3z s C�da� 5�. �� �so Kind r Care �'���"'� �'°� March 22, 1988 Mayor George Latimer 365 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Attn: Ms. Chris Parks Dear Mayor Latimer: The Degree of Honor Building loca ed at 325 Cedar Street is an excellent site for Kinder-Care Learning Cent r. The Center is close to many parents' work and is conveniently connected with the St. Paul skyway system. There is, however, one big drawback - the parking. Three five-minute meters were or ginally installed on Fourth Street for Center parents. With the five-mi ute meters, however, Kinder-Care parents were issued parking tickets beca se it took longer than five minutes to pick up or drop off their child en. The meters were only enforced from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM which create another problem. Before 8:00 and after 4:30, cars other than day care p rents' would park in the spots for longer periods of time than the five mi utes, leaving no spots open for parents. As one can assume, before 8:00 nd after 4:30 are the times of the day the spaces are needed the most. To solve the problem of parent getting tickets, 15-minute meters were installed in place of the five-mi ute meters. This helped the ticket problem but created another. The tend ncy for more non-parent cars to use the spaces rose. Now parents very seldom find the meters open at all, and the before 8:00 and after 4:30 pr blem continues to exist. Holidays create even more proble s. On these dates, no meters are enforced at all. Many of our parents, owever, still work and utilize the Center. No parking is anywhere to be fou d on these days. One day upon arriving at the C nter, the meters were capped with red "No Parking" signs. Later that da the street was filled with pink Mary Kay cars. As it turns out, Mary ay was having a meeting at the Radisson. Parents were extremely hostile on this particular day. How is it that , some organizations can have full street accessibility and others none? ` . . � � . . - � �-��� _ _ . � � `���� Mayor George Latimer March 22, 1988 Page Two As a director who has seen many arents run through the Center and say, "Hurry, Joe, we have to run, I'm il egally parked" or "I had to drive around the block four times to find a pa king place and now I have to walk three blocks with four-month-old Sara," I insist that something be done. Kinder-Care has fulfilled a great need in the downtown area for day care. Parent complaints are a big conc rn to Kinder-Care, and the number one complaint heard at this Center is t e parking problem. I suggest that signs be placed y the meters saying, "Day Care Parking Only between the hours of 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday." In order for this Center to be acce sible to parents, we must work something out with the parking problem. I is a deep concern for both Kinder-Care and its parents. If we are e periencing these types of problems at approximately 50% occupancy, what ill it be like when we reach 100%? Your assistance and cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, �u� d . ����.,o� TRACEY J. PETERSON Kinder-Care Director St. Paul Enclosure (Parent Letter) C: Wayne DiGello Public Works Department Councilman James Scheibel Danny Commers Degree of Honor Building er George LeTendre Degree of Honor Property M nager Tom McClelland � Kinder-Care Regional Manag r Nancy Kirsch Kinder-Care District Mana r TJP:tjp . .. ........ . . ... . . � .. . . . . .. . . . . . + ��J V V V V� • • � • ��! / (� � �-�J . .�� /�t"�� �'ri .i ^ o �:D iL%;•'���,, ,��i-��zL-� i�'�-CliZ'lt-, � l � �z.)�t %�/���r� l�t� /Lz� ��r.�:_2__ �6Y'C-v�'��.� L�u�J (�t��l�L1� bG �� , � � �'� ,q��v'�'?�in� 6 n�_ �� r�rr ,�t 4i-�, L�.�� �,o�i �;, ,., ..� ,- �t.:� �- .� �-� ��� � �. �-� ���� . c�:�-� � � � �J���,u.� � � � �� ���� � `� � .� c�-�' 'c� a- �'r.v��-�' �� �,�'4��,� �Doi�. 2�. 6'1 , . . ,_� �� " G�rY�'-e- �._% G�� ��- -� ,�:� p,,� ����C� /lt-eG�� � � , ������, � � .� � - . � ..����-9 ���'� ,r��x.e� L1���/� e2 � ,/�'�CG� � ���. 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Z'' .�C���:r�.r � L�;���_.-,� (� �c.�L�� ` ;o,�-�J. , � ,_ fvr��' L�'' �L u.�Z-c.� �z`x'�� Tr�c l��� e�2�'t--� ,���:�Z� �� .�LZ���:yr,t�;�•v c��./�"i/'�� ��'TZ✓ ���:�� w`t-�u f� r/n ,r / ' f�Z' / �/t �J1 _(� '� .'�__�' %.�I L�l�'`. �'� ��� � . `�� .�.� i������`—�/ �c:T� �/���� ' l. �- '/. � . = � � .:��'u-L�I'� ' '�/C �-%' G�GC-� �;�2zZ- �C��'G���.�. , �� � - � J . �,� � � � -- � �,. y�:_ �I:!' C.G�:!t��rt�;,-. �L� ,� ��/�'✓,;� �� �, ,-�� ! .�'`t c� ���-�... , r , c:c.Y? .-�'LZ�,�/ � _..-i.�s`C U, //t.o �� � �;� � ���-�.��r� - �j, � 1 ��T �t�.r���� Cl��z___ � Gr��.� L� 'O��t/, L�G��'���:�xJ `-��"'�:�.�:..t���`�-'i Ct ,, Z.v+�- ;�`%yC�r.�c,..c?,u�:;�:.c-�. ���►�.��� . ' � `' � .�.1� `i.L-��. �'-�'�' ���'� .�L C'�—� � �%I� a� J%''�'� �C��.�?-f��f,. 6iJ �-���� �,�y?�t�.�<...� �v �;' ..��.J �c— �'1• �"��`;� ��'�-�� /'�''J�.� ��� l� ��G��C� . r.�.��. � � � `J l. i> > / � ;Ct;G'Lt' (G�� • �--�'��;���t��_ ( v.1 �tr� ;'���t Z- � C� � J /� � � y+��,/ n, j . � /!.`�'i '�✓(.��i} 1 i � � �,�1�,L.'�✓ ��l/�� '✓ �✓ � �� L' � � . �� � !��� „�°°°,"��� � � ' � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL '`4w4°��r. o..'�, , OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY a� � ~'; J �������.����� ;_" '�;� �!!!t!!1t�� ^,:: EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY - 647 Citv Hall. Saint Paui.Minnc�tiota 55102 "„ • 612-298-5121 GFORGE LATIMFR MAYOR May 16 , 1988 RECEIYE[� MAY 17 1988 Ms . Chris Park �A�R�'OFI"s t:�.��'��E Assistant to the Mayor Office of the Mayor 347 City Hal Dear Ms. Park: I have prepared at your requ st a draft ordinance which would permit the Director of Pub ic Works to establish effective parking meter restrictions s as to put into effect parking meters at times different t an that specified in the existing section 160.03. The exist ng section provides that parking meters are in effect from 8 OO a.m. until 4: 30 p.m. and under this proposed draft the irector could designate specific locations to be in effect e rlier or later than 8 :00 a.m. and 4: 30 p.m. If you have any questions , pl ase feel free to contact me. urs very tr y, � � , • OME J�. % Assista' City Attorney JS :cg Encl . WHITE - GITV CLERK • PINK - FINANCE T COl1RC1I C����/ CANARY -OEPARTMENT , G1�Y • OF AINT PAUL File NO. UCIr BIVE -MAVOR � � � 0 rd ndnce Ordinance �1�. ���! Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 160 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to parking meter zones. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T PRUL DOES ORDAIN: Se tion l . That Section 160.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended to re d as follows: 160.03. Parking restrict ons. When parking meters h ve been installed indicating the metered area, no ve icle other than a commercial vehicle shall remain pa ked at any time between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4: 30 p.m. on Monday through Saturday, in the meter d area in any one parking meter space for longer t an the period of time specifi- . cally set out for the lawful use of said metered area for the charge im osed. Such parking between the hours of 8 :00 a.m. a d 4: 30 p,m. on Monday through Saturday shall be speci ically subject to any partial or absolute prohibition against parking in relation to time during such per od of time as may have been established for such pa tial or absolute prohibition of parking at any of t e areas pursuant to the pro- visions of this chapte , the provisions of Chapters 157, 158 and 159, or s may have been directed and designated by the direct r of the department of public works as prohibited ar as under powers granted to him by Chapters 157, 158 nd 159. COUNCIL MEMBERS y�s H�,S Requested by Department of: Dimond I'O°g In Favor coswitz Rettmao Scheibei A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wiison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By gY WMITE - CITV GLERK � PINK � FINANCE � ' /� � COUIICII /]//J^� CANARV -DEPARTMENT , vITY OF .S INT PAUL �J�j/,� BLUE -MAYOR • Flle N O. V iI/O U • � 0 rdi �n�ce Ordinance N 0. ���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date When determined by the director of the department of public works that pu lic necessity so re uires, the director is hereby aut orized to desi ate effective hours for specific arki meter locations different than the effective period specified in this section. The director shall ost a ropriate si s at each of such locations setti forth the s ecific hours overnin the parking me er location and shall file a com lete listin of th se locations with the office of the city clerk. Sec ion 2. This ordinance shall tak effect and be in force thirty days from and after its pa sage, approval and publication. 2. . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond LO"g In Favor Goswitz Rettman s���ne� Against B3' Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form App ed by City Attorney Certified Passed by Counci! Secretary � By �` � �l By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve Mayor for Submission to Council By gy . •�M 0e a \ � i;� � �� I • , . . :��� � �/ � r , . O� �'� CITY F SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Chris Park Mayor's Office ;;��"�,.�� Room 365 City Hall f,IAR ;' 1 i:��;3 FROM: Karl N. Johnson �`-� K�, Traffic Engineering , / ) � `V,` .. J�'I�tVF DATE: March 23, 1988 SUBJECT: On Street Parking for Kin ercare Daycare I have been asked by Don Sobania, th City Traffic Engineer, to provide you with the history and possible alternatives to the on-street parking situation adjacent to the Degree of Honor building. On May 8, 1987, Mr. George Lantend of Roseville Properties, approached the Traffic Engineering Division requesting a 5-m nute loading zone for the daycare center which was to open approximately August 31 1987. When consulted on this matter, the St. Paul Police Department felt installation of s ort-term meters would aid in the enforcement of this limited time zone. Two weeks prior to the opening of the Kindercare facilities, three meters on the south side of Fourth St. west o Minnesota St. were converted from one-hour meters to 5-minute meters. On October 23, 1987, the St. Paul Po ice Department Surface Parking unit requested our office to re-examine the installation of these 5-minute meters, based upon their observation of low usage. Based on his request, a tumover study was conducted to substantiate the Police Department's bservation. The results of our studies indicated little demand by the daycare facility and n merous abuses of the meters. (see attached reports). On January 5, 1988, Mr. Letendre a Tracy Petersvn, manager of Kindercare, agreed to convert the 5-minute meters to 15-mi ute meters in an attempt to better serve the needs of , parents transporting children to and om the facility. At thQ Fresent time,there appears t be several options to address on-street parking at this location: - i r f m t r �r� n . Section 160.03 of the Legislative Code stipulates that oarking met rs shall be in effect and be enforced Monday through Saturday between the hou of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM. This section of the code would need to be amende #o either extend the hours of all meters or grant the Traffic Engineer the discre ion to designate extended hours at particular locations, based upon the indings of an investigation. � � . . �� ��i � ' . � ' � Page The current hours of enforceme t were amended in 1985 to promote downtown businesses and special events i the evening. If the hours of enforcement were to be extended in either case th question of enforcement becomes a problem. Given the present staffing of th Surface Parking unit and the priorities of enforcement in rush hour perio s, coverage of these extended meters would be minimal, at best. - Siqned drop-off zone. Anoth r alternative would be to remove the 15-minute meters and install a signed dro -off zone. This zone would require some type of generic wording indicating load ng/unloading for the daycare center , since a specific business or building not be designated. This zone would be extremely difficult, if not impos ible to enforce, as the parking enforcement officer would have no way of verifing aycare patrons . Also, officers would have no means of determining the leng h of stay of such vehicles, unless the vehicle were to be marked and re-observed pon the expiration of the allotted time. Manpower issues identical to modifying th hours of enforcement would also be a factor. The creation of such a drop-o zone would most likely be looked at unfavorably by neighboring businesses an result in requests for similar zones. - R m v II h rm mete . Our studies indicate very little demand and usage of these meters. - Do nothing Since the parkin meters were converted to 15 minute meters the only "complaint" has been tha of one individual. The traffic division has had no further requests from either th daycare manager or the property management for changes. The daycare mana er did request extended enforcement prior to conversion to 15-minute mete , at which time the situation was outlined to her. Based on the results of our investigati ns and the history of this location, it is the position of the Traffic Engineering Division to mai tain the status quo. While we are sympathetic to the issue of child care and its importan e to parents working in the Downtown area, further changes would not seem to benefit th general public . KNJ:kaj enc. _ _.__ ___ _ _ _ 6 - �.��g'd" _ _ wf1!TE � CIT� GLERK � � - � ' o�~K _ F�~�N`E - GITY •OF S INT PAYTL Council O� G CANARY -OEAARTMENT File NO. "u /�"" � BIVE �MAYOR / - �'� ' 2 �'��,,� ���� Ordinance N 0. O � ented By � Referred To . � Committee: Date � Out of Co�;mittee By Date � When determined b . the director of the de artment � � of ublic works that . u lic necessit so re uir.es �� � the director is hereb aut rized to desi nate effective �GJe hours for s ecific arki meter locations different than the effective eriod s ecified in this section. �ic.�'k��S The director shall ost a pro riate si s at each �� .{�,.e of such locations setti forth the specific hours \ overn'in the �arki.n me er location and shall file c�������`�-'°� a com lete listin of th se locations with the office �`4k�;�� of the city clerk. ) j �. Sec ion 2. This ordinance ��shall ta effect and be in force thirty � days from and. after its p ssage, � approval and publication. ; � ,„�� � � l,�c 'r .{,ti-l�'�'r �� �-� . �' � ��, � � COU,�'CIL MEMBERS �i=as Nays Kequested by Department of: Dimond - �ns In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman Scheibel A ga i ns t By $c�nneo ��ilson � Form App ed by City Attorney A :ed by Councii: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY— ��'L � By :lppcoved by Mayor: Date Approve Mayor for Submission to Council �y BY , �-�,�� • � Members: /�/ �� CITY 01�� SAIN7` PA.UL Roger J. Goswitz, chair ` ��.f�;;;;;'�,�. , oNla�ici�; o� ��c-rr ci�rY cocrNetL Janice Rettman � � . Tom Dimond � � Date: June 8, 1988 Com ittee Report RECEt�ED , To: Saint Paul City Counc I ��N os �98a � CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation . Committee � . Roger J. Goswitz, hair ' The :Public Works Committee at its meeting of June 8, 1988 took the M - following action: Hearing Date '�. 6/23/88 VACATION: Petitio of the H.R.A. and West Bridge Townhomes Association for the vacation of an encroachment into an j easement in vaca ed DELOS STREET. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 2. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: ondemning and taking a 55-foot permanent sewer easement between the easterly line of LAFAYETTE AVENUE and the Westerly line of the permanent easement taken for Trout rook Sewer construction. Also, the north line of said pe manent easement being the north line of BRUNO STREET as latted and its easterly extension subject to easements o record and existing structures for the purpose of const ucting and maintaining a public sewer on, under and acro s Bruno Street. (In connection with the Trout Brook Outl t Easement Phase B Pro�ect) . Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 3. RESOLUTION: T enter into an agreement between Minnesota Department of T ansportation (MNDOT) and City of St. Paul to share const uction costs for PAYNE/ARCADE EAST SEWER SEPARATION PROJ CT. Recommended app oval on 3-0 vote. 4. 6/21/88 RATIFICATION 0 ASSESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary sewer in FORESTER STREET from Canton Street to Bay Street. (La d over from May 25, 1988) . Laid over in Co ittee to June 22, 1988. CITY HALL SEVL-'NTII I�LUUIt SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .+�'�.o e � ` • l::r �" �'.." G�/ 5. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: In tallation of the WABASHA STREETSCAPE - IMPROVEMENT PLAN on Wabasha from Kellogg Blvd. to llth Street and on 5t and 6th Streets from Wabasha to St. Peter Street. Imp ovements to include the following: New decorative lighti to accommodate banners, fl,ower baskets �,,� and other speci 1 trims; information kiosks containing lists of stores a d events, maps, telephones, news boxes and trash recepta les. (Laid over from May 25, 1988) . . Recommended appro al on 2-1 vote - Dimond voting "NO". 6. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: Th operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting System or the WABASHA-STH-6TH AREA for the year 1988 for the fol owing streets: Both sides of Wabasha Street from Kell gg Blvd. to llth Street; Both sides of „ 5th Street and 6t Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street. (Laid ove from May 25, 1988) . Recommended appro al on 3-0 vote. 7. RESOLUTION - 88- 33 - Amending the 1984, 1985 & 1986 Capital Improve nt Budget by adding $205,232.56 to COMO AVENUE OVERLAY-C ITAL ATS. COMO PARK from activities as listed. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. � 8. ORDINANCE - 88 827 - Amending Chapter 87 of the Legislative Cod pertaining to the Water Code and Water Service Connecti ns. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 9. REQUEST of Wayne Cardes for consideration of approval of a Registered Lan Survey to simplify existing legal descriptions for property located at LONDIN LANE and LOWER AFTON ROAD. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 10. RESOLUTION: Rec cling contract for 1007 funding, $379,542, from Ramsey Cou ty. Recommended app oval on 3-0 vote. , , , �"�'D�rd . . � � �f� /,�-�� 11. ORDINANCE - 88-891 Amending the Legislative Code so as to provide penalties for unlawful removal of materials set out for recycling c llection. ��,,, Recommended approva on 3-0 vote with amendment to include the word "alleysid " on page 2, paragraph .04 - to read "Ownership of recyc able materials set out for the purpose of particpating n curbside or alleyside recycling . programs. . . . " 12. ORDINANCE - 88-88 - Amending Chapter 126 of the Legislative Code p rtaining to surfacing between curb and sidewalk. v Recommended approv 1 on 3-0 vote. 13. ���,U�NA �`�° �+"$6�-$ 8 �e�din ��`.'�wt`6�" � } '"�,- ,��t�� �� t€a�i�"��� ������^`. o a�.. on 3-0 vote with the amendment to limit it to day ca e facilities in the downtown district.