88-886 WNITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F A I NT PA U L Council �./� � CANARV - OEPARTMENT �(//y( BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �+V � Council Resolution '°�: '� � �� Presented By �-. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #217 9) for a Gambling Permit (All Forms of Gambling) applied for by th Church of St. Francis de Sales for August 14, 1988, between th hours of 12:00 Noon and 4:00 P.M. be and the same is hereby a proved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng � In Favor coswitz Rettman �' �y��� Against BY Sonnen —iYilsen Adopted by Council: Date � �AY � � �� Form Appro d by City Attorney Certified Pa- C cil� BY— 5'/��� gy. ,. A►ppr v d Nlavor: Date N !� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Qt�IiSHEO ���ti 111988 C�,—a° ��P UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT ADMINIST TION DATE � � b� / � !z S � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Recei ed y Lic Enf Aud Applicant � r(,�► �• ��Qf'1Cl Home Address ��u�l—'-�j, V' jy�Qy� n sa �s $ ?g ��2/�t�-ro h Rusiness Name Home Phone � L q � � -- /D Business Address ��'j !1(QV�� 1�*'� Type of Lic.ense(s) Business Phone —� � � l�( �,. Q ��r� �t��'�'1�'�'' ��� TOrM.� Public Hearing Date .7 � O � License I.D. �� � at 9:00 a.m. in the (;ouncil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � 33 9 8 8'a llate Notice Sent; `\� Dealer �� �'� to Applicant � g' � Tederal Fi_rearms �� N Public Hearing DATE INSPEC ION REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) COMMENTS Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D N� I � Health Divn. I , N �� , , Fire Dept. � � i ; NR � � i Yolice Dept. sl � I �� License Divn. ���� O,� 5�/ City Attorney S � ����� , Date Received: Site Plan C To Council Research S � 0 Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlo d S ��— �� f.w. � . _ :'; .:. � � ` - v�F [- Minnesota.CharitabieG�nbGng�ontrol ard LAWFUL GAMBLING EXEM� ' .� Room N475 Griggs�Midwsy Building �<-78Z1 UnlV9fSlt�f AVe11tlE FOR BOARD USE OIrIY �Sr.Paul,MN 551043383 ��, � ..� ` (Ht21642-055�-- '�' : 'IN�RUCTIONS.<1`�:,��sSubmitreques�forexemption at le st 30 days prior to the occasion. ��'"�� � � 7. =When completing form,do not co plete shaded areas until after the activity. t.,r '' 3_ Give the gold co��to the City or C unty. Send the remaining copiss to the Board.The copies will be = retu�FleJ�with art exemption numb r added to the form. When your activity is concluded; complete �PLEASE TYPE iMe financial information,sign and ate the form,and return to the Board within 30 days. ` Organization Name • Number of Members License Number(if currently or previously C h u r c h o f $t.F r a n c i s d° C� � °S 1 {�;'� licensed)a�d/or permit number.�_C�^(�? ^=i � �= Address / City State tip County 5�� �alace .�v� �' �t °au�. '�n ��! '?� �aT��v �^ , - °Chief Executive Offieer's Name Phone Manager's Name Phone Number �,d1^� '� . �;1t�tRaR �^ �i �� ��r._� 1 � !t ; r.a �orrl�nn � i ^ ;���_, 1 �^ •�7Ype of Organization .' If OUier Nonprofit Organization(Chack One and attach proof of rwnprofit staa�ul. � i.�_ Fraternal D Veterans ! � � ;� � O IRS Designation �Religion : � Othe'�Nor�profit Organization ❑ Incorporate with Secretary of State Attach proof of three years e�e�terice. ❑ Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organization ��� ' ,•. 'x": Name of Premises Where Activity wll Occur { :. Datelsl ot Activ'rty,drawing�s) � High; and �ar-..k ,` ,: �° P►emises Address � - City State Zip County 1 I�(T� 1 1 1 '?47 ST'2 ��'�. , t �..' 1 �, ii, 1� r,� � 1 �, ;7 r� av � : Sne _ i ng & �lontr�.a ... St. i._ : n _; , � a..� s _ �`—�... ." •'_ .._ . . ... t i a��' '.Y � E. � �� Game Yes No '- Bingo X ,�: =s Raffles X _; ��`. Paddlewheels X � Tipboards X '�'< Pull-Tabs X .. Uss of Profit <„fi '�':.: y.. ,ti. >"x: ::,:: I affirm all information submitted to the Board is true;acc r- �_ : ate,and complete. �-- � � :�._,�.�� Gt�, �L�`��.tJ1M.Q,v, ��'�(—�� f�' .� Chief Executive Officer Signature Dat ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NO ICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY -%.. I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. y acknowledging receipt,I admit having been served with notice ,- that this application will be reviewed by the Charitable Ga bling Control Board and will become effective 30 days from the ' ` date of receipt(noted below)by the City or County, unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifi- ,�`�' cally disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution 's received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 :�ti days of the below noted date. . `�� _ _ _ CITY OR COUNTY TOWNSHIP Nsme of Lacat G veming Body(City or CountYl Township Name IMust be notified when County is the approvi�g body) �i.,�,� � �-"t_ t--�e,�..�...�..� _ S�aRurea�Pe' n Receiving Application Signature of Person Receiving Application �J� '.,�-..��;j`d,�., f � 'i P:� rrt�e .` � J ,ty �,,,. �acs Rsceiv rrc�e �ate . _ .�_.-` _ . ..�-�/ �1'�•w:�l.)!_/ ....... ` !.j f r:- i CG-00020-01(6/87) Whke—Boerd � ' Canary—Board returns to Organization to complete shaded areas. P'ink—Organization Gold—City or County � Y '� �. �: . : - - — �� � Cit ot Saint Paul � Depa�tment of Fina e and Management Services � � /-� License nd Pennit Division a V r � City Hefl' . � St. Paul,Mf nesota 55107-Z9B-S056 � APPLICAT ON. FOR UCENSE ,- CASH CHECK CLASS NO. N Rsnew ::�a o �- Q � $6. - " Oats �� 19 Code No. Titts of licenae F� � 1� �y��o��,'L--� 19 CJ.O� I�,M � � /� � r n — oZ.) .S U ,.� ' 100 ��l1 ✓r �'1 U i- �• �/Q»C�c���P� �'��P� ` �p Q S AppllcanUComparry Nams �ao ��h �ctn� ��.K� .-, 1� Busi�sss Name 100 � � • �G �c � �i�') Sv l) 6 Busin�ss Addross PAOn�No. 100 100 Maii to Address Phon�No. t � 10� ,�:t CC- f i � ��./ !�,'J Y l �.T i)r � ManapeNOwner•Nam� -,�,� _ 100 �/� .y y.} � !� f� rT��l�'I�'�1V ��� �Jr,� 100 AtanaqeNGwnx•Homs Address Phon�No. 1098 Applicatfon Fet � gQ / ,, Receiwd the Sum ot ' 100 �� � ,� ��-L�f J"I y� �(J� � �� �U V Manaq�►IOw�er-City.Slate�Dp Cod� �C �-i� t0o rota 10o S � � . UC1�selnspBCtor ` �� By: �I SlqnatureotApplieant Bon • Company Name Policy No. ExpUatbn Dat� Insurance• Company Name PoNey No. Fxpiration Dat� M(nnesota State Identification No Social Security No Vehicle Information: Ssrial Number ats umba Other- THIS IS A REC 1PT FOR APPUCATION THIS!S NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your applicat�on for Ilce se will either b�granted or rejected subject to the proviaions of the zoniog ordinance and completion of the inspsetiona by the Health, Fir ,Zoning andlor Ucense�napectora. • ,�k` \� �� $15.00 CHARG� FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS �'' d'''G�' � �d �-✓Z../ ��� �,�`� C� �, u,•� 5 f r�.,��`��-�2/ , �r � �4 , , • CITY 0 Se1INT PAIIL C=I`�'7l4 00�" j _ . '. � • DEP9BT�NT OF FINAN aND M�FAG�NT SE84ICES + ,, . DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PE8MIT ADMIlqISTRATION .i , II�TFORMATION RE UIItID WITH AYPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDIICT G�LING SESSION II� SAIN? PADL Fcur sassions are a1lc�ed per yssr, with eacii ssssiaa baiag a m�dm� of four consecutive hours_ This appLicatio� aad all require' attaci�aats must be filed with th� Licease taapactor at Zeast thirt9� days prior to a requastad date of ths gambl.iag eveat.. I).� Name of organizatioa --� - Z) Address where orgaaizad.oa`s regular mestiags ars held 650 Palace Av 3) Dap and time of msatiags - 4) Address wEiare gambliag sessioa wi11 e &eld Hiohland Park 5) Is applicaat owaer of property where gambl.ing session will be hald? Yes �� No 6) If Ieased, w�o is the ownez of prope where gami�].ing session wilZ be held? 7) Name of officer makiag applicatioQ R 8) Address of oEficer 6 0 P A . Date uf birth 9-29-21 9) Name of maaager wi�o wiZ7. conduct g �ng sessioa Juanita Hermann IO) Address of� maaagsr � 7 Arm t Date of birth 8-5-34 T17 ra conaectioa with what eveat is gambliag sassiaa beiag hel.d? P � 12) WE�at tppe of gambl.iag devfce{s) be used? PaddleMiiesl x Tipboard x fle x r_ Pulltalis x Biago L3) Specify w�an gambliag session(s) take place: HOIIItS: 't,�-�- Day(s) Auciust 14 Date{s) From: 12 Ta: �p.m. (Ma�amum of four hours) L4) WiIZ prizes be paid ia moaap or �er e? mOneY L� Is the app3.icaat associatioa org ed uader the laws of ttie State of Minaeseta? e�_ 16) How ].oag has the orgaaizatioa beea eaistsaca? 104 year's 17) What i.s the purpose of the organiza ion? Catholic Church i8) Far.what wi1L che pr.oceeds from t ' eveac be used? support of Church & School 19) Give names of officers ar aay other p�rson paid for servfcas to the organization. Name—Titl.e Address Date of Birzh G rald Lauer - Treas. 9-> >-�� Roger Cook - Secretary 992 Otto �-�6-�� 20) 0£ficers of the orgaaizatioa: N�tis Ad�ss Date of b.irtft ;� � RPV_ Karl M_ Wittm�n - V_PrPS 650 Palace Av 9-11-20 Arrhhich^n .lohn R_Rn�rh-Prat_ ��h Summit Av 7-31-�1 ' 2I) Ia w�ose cnstody wi11 recorda of orgaaizatioa`s gambl.iag sssaions be kept? N� Rev.Karl M. Wittman �dreS$ 650 Palace Z2) �ttach a cover Ietter def:aing tfte eveat for whic� you are requeatiag tf�s Iiceasa. 23) 3ttac+a a Letter of permissioa to caaduct the gambliag sassion at tiu reqneszed address. 24) Attaci� a copy of your organization's m�mbersizip roster aad daze eac3i m�ber joiaed. ZS) 3ttac�s a capp of ths Daparflaaat of tfie Treasury, Iateraal Revemie Servi.ce "Retura of Orgaai.zatioa Ezempt from Iacflme Taa", Form 990. [Chapter 419.04 (1)J -OR- 26) 3ttaca a capp of Daaartmeat of tii4 Tressurg, Iateraal Revemie Servica, "�.a�pt Orgaai- zatioa Buaiaess Iacoma Tas", Fo� 990T. [Chaptar 419.04 (2) ] -08- 27) 3ttach the aaausl. report required o= c�arf.tabl.e orgaafzatioas by �ssota. Statutas, Sect{�n 309.53. [Chaptar 4I9.04 (3) J ZS) Have pois r.ead aad do yvn thoroug�l.y uadezstand tha ptovfsioas of aLl Iavs, ordiaaaces, aad regul.aziaas gavaaiag tha� opsration of gambling 9essioas? ves 29) Aay c�aag�s desired by the applicaat assaciatioa may be made only vit3i tfis caaseat oi ttie L+cense Co�i.t=ee. 30) Sas aay persaa(s) Partici�at.�.ag ia tf�e operatioa of aay of the gambliag sessicns cavezed by ti=is Licsasa ever besa coavfczed of a felony i.a the State oi �iaaesota or :a aay othsr State or Federal Coun? Yes Yo �_. If aasver i.s "?es", provide �es, addresses, aad birtf� dazes. orgaaisatfoa: St. Francis de Sales Church By: (Officer-Title) �Z� �C. � � � aad Sta=e of 3inaesora) ger i.a caarge oi gamoLtag session) ) ss Couar� of Ramsep ) ��+Z.�.-�. �.�, �'���U.L�,LU � .,'��'.(.���- � !� �t.t.c.+.t.� � � �e�ag dulp swora sap t�aL they are che petitionars�Ca the above applicar+on; tfiaz thep hane read the �oregoi.ag petition aad lmow the cantents r.hereo=; chat ths sase is t�ue or their awa �owiedga. _ Sub�c�bed aad swora efore me this �� y of 19 i , / � r SCOTT M. DICKMEYEq � �Totaz'J Publ�c, � Ccuatp, :4iliaesata -"� NOTARY PUBUC-AWpEgpTA ,� WASHMIGTON CQlpr7y ;ip Co:isaioa F.S�i=Q3 ��� 7 �7�"' ' MY CpMM.EXPIRES MAR.9. 1�J82 Y s , - ����� . CHURCH OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES 660 Pa Aoanue Suir�t Paui, innesota 55102 May 6, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: On August 14, 1988 the C rch of St. Francis de Sales will have a Booya and Fe ival at Highland Park. The proceeds will be used to support church and school. Sincerely, ,�;...� �. � �,'��..., 'Karl M. Wittman Pastor _ _ _ .. T�11� � ` . . . DA7ENNIM7� . D1tTFlAI/LETEp- �` .'r'� ��� � Mr.'�. �ar�hedi . `. �x��� �1#EE�` �: Q a17�s ` � � CONTACT� , . � . . . . DEPARTMENF�DIR�G7�OR� . � � � � MIIYOR(41R A8&6TANT) � � .. ' Chri sti ne Rozek �R �.�►,���� 3«r� � i nance oqNT"� � Aoun�c �� 2 Counci 1 Research : & Mana nt :, . ?r98-5Q56 . oRO�: � «,Y�� Application for a Or�e Time City Gambling ermit - All -Forms. Notification Date: 05-19-88 Hearin Date: c�oowr.c��«��t► oour�cr. nEParr: �N++wo oa�+ cMtt AE�aY�e con�.nssww o�w o�Te u� wa�+e ra. ��� ���� S`�d Y .s�o 8 S/ - �,� �� ,�,5 _��.�• —���� ��„� . �� _�►�: �,�,��,�„�� - �.�u��cil Resear�h Cent+er , , _ MAY 2� 1988 ; r�rtu�u r�oe�.»eu�a+�an,uNm t�,wnu.vun�,.w�.wny�: . _ Judnita Herniann, on behalf of the Church St. Francis De Sales, requests� Cou�i1 approv�l of their applfication for a Ons �Ti Gambling Permit (all forins� for . Hi"ghland Park, August 14, 1488, between t hours ,of 12:00 Naon �nd 4:OO .PM. The �gambling session wi1T be hald in conjuncti n�with a Parish Festival and Booya. P�edc�eds will be used far the support of the church and school . - _ �►�rau ccaue�.na�+�,�r. . All fees and applications have been submit ed 30 days prior to the event. If Councii approv.al is given, the Church of St. ,Franc s de Sales wil� be able to conduct � ` gambling session in conjunction w•ith their Parish Festiva1 . ,:C�t�#W►r�.nnieh..na ro v+n,omt: . . _ .. . . , _- If Council approval is not given, St. Fran is de Sales will be unab1e to sponsor a_ gambling session. �ka�w►twes; . . co�s . xisrdw�o�rs: t�c�u.�s: