88-882 WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE C �I�IC11 BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL Fle NO. ���" Counci Resolution �� !'�Q �f Presented By 'F-����^�� Referred To Committee: ate Out of Committee By ate RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. # 1019) for the transfer f a Gas Station- 8 Pumps, Restaurant-A, a d Cigarette License fro Texaco at 2067 Grand Avenue to Fin serve, Inc. at the same address, be and the same is hereby a proved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depar ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fa or Goswitz Rettman �' ��;�� _ Again t BY Sonnen -�Y'ilcon �Y 3 � '�g Form App oved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' - �' I',A,� Cerlified Pa d y o c' Se ry BY `� (1 gy, ���� A►ppr e by Mavor: Date 3�i7N — Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council By pt1BLISNED J'��� 1 1 1988 . ���� � UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIST TION DATE / 0 5�l INT�.RDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by • • Lic Enf Aud Applicant �y�q-����„�J ._ Home Address � � '-' � � �v � • �('�A�µe- Rusiness Name�A���,�.o_� Home Phone �CI U �13C� Business Address p�U��'�} �Y(�(� � Type of License(s) � ��� L Business Phone ��". �" �r Public Hearing Date � 3 d � License I.D. 4{ \� ( at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha bers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �6 ��ot ��� llate Notice Sent• �P�� Dealer �� to Applicant � /$� � � �t Federal Fi_rearms � �1Pt Public HE�aring DATE II�'SP CTIUN REVLEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CU�NTS A proved N t A roved � Bldg I & D � �a� c�C Health Divn. ' , �� a� � bC , Fire Dept. � � ;�� a� � o�� ! I Yolice Dept. �/�1�� I O� � � License Divn. � �la� � �,�, City Attorney � i Date Received: Site Plan 3/a � S � G� To Council Res arch � Lease or Lette ' D te from Landlord e.. HCr 3la y�g� ' ' City of Saint Paul ��a O °� '° ; Depa�tment of F nance and Mansgement Servi ss • � t Lice a and PenniY Dirisio� � , "� 203 C��Y Hal� f � l � l � ' , � •� , St. ?au Minneaota 55102-29BS056 `�, l � � �� APpLI ATION FOR L10ENSE "� CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew � ' � a Q a f �cF �r - DBte !- '� 19 z / r .� ., Code No. ?itle of License ,� �.— From . — 19�.�,To � � � 19 ,� ;�?►- 1-�,'!'I ��{�,��� J ��-3�� !� ' ' /i �il..;. i�%-%��� � �� � �, 'o�, O� -c� ,.��; �-� /y AppliwWCom Nams % � �`—.1__.��,,� �vc.���-.�__ � i '• �f T r r,�.,�-- c _.�/� J ��( � � 1 � 9usinas Nama '�I r / /'' _ .J ' � � !v! f '� e' �-4{^ �i � ; ,00 a0 � 7 � `G ''�~� , ... � 8usin�ss Add Phon�N0., 100 100 MN1 to Addnss � , � Phon�No. �� 4 ,� � , 2 /� j��' ' ; �� � �--; ��-n�:_i�2.�/ ManapN/Ownst.Name � r J' ` �� �j /l �oT �? �--��' �?��,��r� ��� - 100 �Ltan�-Mome Addross Phon�Na . 1098 ;, AppliCatfon Fee ' Z 5p /� � �• - / eceived tha Sumfof / / 1 � fy�, �.4' r �/�. ��� �'�' . ,r��•:--�y+��' sL �� //�� (`,� �' (p � Manaper�owear City.Slat��ZIP Code ' j �oo otai �00 a"(.:- �� �r 'I� r UCense InspeCtOr �' By: ' Signaturo of Applieant ✓ . Bond• ComPany Nams Poliey No. Eupiration Oste Insuranc • Compan Name Polky No. Expiration Oats Minnesota State identiftcatton No � � �� � -�^ �'^ Sociat Security No Vehicfe Information: Se�ai Numbsr at� umb�► , Other THIS IS A R CEIPT FOR APPLICATiON THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application fo Iicenae will either be granted or reject sub�ect to the provisions ot the zoning ordlna�ca and completfon of the inapections by ths Health Fi�e.Zoning andlor license Inspecto a. $15.00 CHARGE OR ALL RETURNED CHECKS -^��' f a,�r .a.� /� ��� '�7�/l'r, ' �'L_.�•rd. �,.1�, ��..� / � , " !� //� �� ., � ,cr-.fi '� � �� f$ F� _ ; ,____�, -�-,� -____�.c�. I _ ; �' .�.�--r� l�-��'� � ,' � : � `,. � -_ . ' CI'I'Y F ST. ?ki1L . • , . DEPARTl�V'r OF FII�AN AND MA�t1G�9T� SIIt�TIC d � �. ...�� . ., ' ' LICENSE P'Eftt�T DIV�SI014 � . These state�ent !or-ts are issued in d icste. Please answ�er al questions _*t��r aad ec�mpletely. T!:is application is thor gh]�y checked. Any Pa.lsif cation will b�;ca'mete POr deaial. _. �'' t�� ia-z - z9 �� � :;; _., N . ._': 1. Application Por � � (Liceaae) (�'�rmtt�? ,� . . 2.. Namc of applicnnt I 'E ; -- - . Zf applicen� is/has been a married .'ema2e, list maidea anme � =±` �-�--- '-. Date of b irth '7-�- �q Ag � Place of birth �� ;,�nr ; � 5. Are you s citizen of the Uaited St tes X Nati,ve Naturalized 5. Are you a reg'.stered voter Whes�e Q�O ;,ti �� ?. Home e�ddress S/� T 1�.� S, � ao ; 1'�t,v� telephoae �3_/ A. ?resent business address �-� S�+ Busine s telephoae 9�3-�" /-pv S�— Q Zrrcludin a�J�u2(sK �PI� IcS. ��a il. �. g your oresent bu�ineas/ loy�aeat, r+hst basiaeas/ loyseat have yeu folloaed tor the past five years. Business/F:mployment dress .._ .__� ' W�O��o�.. � - __ __ �''� S e r r�v c /9�o � Oc�c� c�. M�,��o�. ��� .._ _. . .. S�P n � �dds l� w. �✓e.� �z R�. � ,�.�, o.. , 10. �iarried C� If anas�rer is "yes", at name aad address ot ouse �� S �fJ• ►Ge — o� /O l�' f /vow��' �:.t... .I. ?iave you ever been arrested tor offenae that has result in a coavictios? IUO Ir ans�+�er is ",yes", list dates of arrests, rrhere, chargea, cvnvictions a� seatencea. __ _�te o2' arrest 19 Where CBAF?GE � CONVICP'rOb' SIIa'1'ENCE Date o° arrest 19 where " CHARGr COM'I!"^:�.. ;F,��l'rs�•r� • �.' _ , � r '�:. I2. List the names an3 a3aresses !i.° aarried, name oP spause'also)-ot all persons, � corporations, pa.rtaerstt��ps, associati�ns or organizations �hich in•any way aave: a. A mortgage interest in the I.icensed pre�cise, -- �I�-��.p b. A security interest� in th� Iicense�i �r��ises, iicense, or Purniahings oP the licensed premise, --�V�l�jti,� c. A pr�nisaory note for funds loaned for the aperation oP the licensed premise or the pnrcha.ae ef the licease, -- Ndv1.r d. F?naricislly contrf ted to the purchase of the premise or the license it- 3@Z° ^'Yv��ir e. Ar�r otner interest either direct or indirect, either °inancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, �I�. _ "�ttac� a copy hereto of aziy and all documents referred to in this atfidavit. 1?. Give names aad addresses oP t-ao persons, residents of St.. Paul, Minnesota, who can give inr°ormation concerning you, HAME ADDRFSS $ra..� ��oc�e s 6�Y M��d- �1�� s.. �d. • a.oG7 G,e/aYv �v,� ?�. Address o.° premises Por Which License or Perciit is madr Address �(�� `�-�. lr'�wa�, Zone classificatioti ?5. �etween Wttat cross streets '�1hi^h side of st-eet Z6, iia�e ur.der Which this business irill be conducted ICi-nlr„ �e f c�.� L7. Business telephoae nunber °J!3 -�1l-4USr 1Q. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the desi�cn, location, and square _°ootage of the pre�ises to be licensed : >. �.re pre�nises noW occup=ed �what bLSiaess Fj,V� 1�r� H�^ IonE � /3*�4�.� �\ -y� �, � ��i�� . , �,y " ' ' 20. List license w!lich you current y hold, or` foznerly held, or may have an i�ere . � � ia �O�✓P/ �,_ �r . . . . :,.. . , • 21. Have of the licenses. liste by you in No. 20 ever b n revoked. Yes Na �. If answer is "yes" list dates and reaaona: ..��_ ?2. Do you have an intereat of aqy typa in aryy other buaia s or businesa premiaes. � I.° anewer is "yes", list busin ss, businesa address a� telephoaa number. � 23• If business is incorporate3, g ve date of incorooration 19 and attach copy of Articles of Zncorporation aud minute of first �etiag. 2�+. List aIl officers of the corp stion giving their names oftice held, hame address, and home and businesa telephorx numbers: I�• � - �ras � e-�r r' a � �Sd —�23 L 25. If busiaess is partnership, li t partner(s) address and te�lepho�e n�bera: p� '-^, . ..: . NaIDe /r D . . .,Addreas "` . ..� Z�e1.Ao. � _..�_ �� - °26. Zs there ar�yone else who w�II v� an iaterest. ia,this+business or premises? It answer ia "yes", give name, home address, telephc�ie��bers and in �+hat maQaer is their interest: 27. Are you goi R to �era this usine a personally �`J ir aot, who �ri1.1 vperate it: Rame H�me address ���� 1�e1.Ao. 6y9- �6/� � 6�y Mov�� �►a\M. I�d. S ���t�y 2�d�s sr, Q��t , m N. p.o.$ ii-�`-63 C}����es I P� �(�s 1a.2 �!s �YJ-1, �u�e..S. B�eks,r.11,e , rv.N: �6�-gqo -�113Z� ���' s-a- i ss�3� ' .1.�� 4. j , " � ., � .. ` Are you goin� ta have a '�fs�i�e�Y�r a.saiatant in this busir.ess? IP aass�er� is . . . ,. "yes", give na..^�e and ho:ae address and home telephcne`number: �� Name ORJ�O ���odeS Ho�e address (e�y (►�d-, C.,AriM �l.No.�-.?6/9 S��AaJ(, 29. Ha.s anyone you have named in questions 22 throu�h 2� ever been arrested? If answer is 'yes", Zist name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, convic- __ tions and sentence 3�.. Z understand this premise mey be in- spected by the police, fire, health and y�ther city ofPicials at a� and aI.I �imes when the business is in ar�eration. State of :�linnesota) )SS Cou.Zty of Raiasey ) y�� Signature oP Apolicant � being P�st duly swozn, depcses and. says upon aath that he has ead the foregoing stateme� bearing his sigaatwre and !aiows the coater.ts thereo.°, and that the same is true of his own luiowledge except as to those aat�ers therein stated upon informati�n and belief and a.s to those matters ?:e be- lieves them to be true Subsc:ibed and svvrn o Poze me `�✓���-.__ Signature o Applica.nt th' � day ?� . Notar� Public, �a�asey C�uaty, M�nn o � '"!y-c�canission expires .�.:�'w�•,MARCELLA GcSCHI��ER t��� RAMaSEY COUNTY �'w,�v�' µy Commission F.xW��tiS�.21.1991 ai�o u � . ' o�rt �eo a�re corv�ereo; `•�`�a��°L - r�:= �. c���r��; . �R���: S��T No. 0 017 4 9 �,�,�� M,,;��,��, �Chri�tine Rozek ! Foa �.��� ��«� Finance � T �*� . � Council Research :-& Flatna ement 298-5t156 . ; : � ��„� . — : Applicatjon for the transfer of a Gas tation - 8 Pum�s, Restau�ant A:and C�garette License. - Notification Date: 05-18-88 Hearing Date: _ •c�•w a�cR>> �aero�r: � . v�r�ew+e c�axeaa� Gv�aeav�� w��� o�tE rHOr�r+c�. aor��o oor,�rssion �e2s scMOO�eonrm �� /� s7 �� ���/ ar� c�R co►wesaai � �s re _�not�ro.�ooEO• � r�rp m:ocKr�r, c�rrA�evr _FOa AoDL�o: _�lgeAdt,�DOEC* o�srPoCr cauxx * r�o�u: s�wronre.weua+oou�cw aa�cnvEv . Councll Research Center. . � MAY ��� ,It�r►�IMO�1o.ta�.�er ovPO�t.n►�wno.vin,.�:v�n.n,v�e,wM): _ Charl es Rhi 11 i ps, on behal f of Fi naserv , Inc. ,:µrequests-Ci�y Counci 1 app�^vval of hi s application far the trans.fer of a Gas S ation - 8' Pumps, Restaur.a�nt A. and Cigarette License fr�orp Texaco Refining and Market r�g, Tnc. , at 2067 Grand `Avenue to �inaserve,, Inc. at the same address. , �nnc�awr,t�s�,�,�c}: _ ,_ _ - : _ - All .transfer fees and application mate� als have been submitted. All required depar#.�nent approval s �have beer� rece�xed . oo�s MA,a.wn�r,.na ro rna�my .„ ; . If Counci] appraves the transfer reques , Finaserve Inc will operate the station at 2Q67 Grand Avenue. _ If Couhcil approval is not given, the t nsfer wili not be completed: �ta+wmr�s= , vnos ea�s NaTOnr��ns: �i rosu�s: