88-881 WHITE - CITV CLERK P`INK -�FINANCE COU�IC 1 y/���y/��/�� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL File NO. �`� `�`r / Council esolution � ���; � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #8 343) for the transfer o a Gas Station- 8 Pumps, and Restaurant-A from Texaco Service Sta ion at 2111 Ford Parkway to Finaserve Inc. at the same addre s, be and the same is hereby approv d. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.o� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman ��;� � Again t BY sonnen ��ilee� MAY 3 1 1988 Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • , Certified Pa s o ' Se ry BY �l�r � g}, ��e��� Appro e by Mavor: D _ �u� � �4� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By Pt��1SN�D �'�``; 1 1 19 8 ���� 1 DZVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINIST ION DATE � s' S�� / �b� • INTERDF.PARTI�iFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn P ocessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �,v�rti,s-�(���{, .�l,�L. _ Home Address � � — 1�-v . 31 c,�rn s v: l�c. 1�'1., . Ss� 3-] Rusiness Name �v�j{,�U� ��. Home Phone � Eusiness Address � ��� Type of License(s) � �� Business Phone �9�,(� --V o13� � iQ'- • �•:,- Public Hearing Date � 3 � License I.D. 41 �� �{ 3 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� O `1 � llate n'utice Sent; � Dealer �� � to Applicant s Z� � rederal Firearms 4� 1� Public Hearing DATE INSPE TIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C UTER) CUMMENTS A roved N t A roved Bldg I & D d / ��l!� �S 0 � Q�c..._ Health Divn. ' (av � , o � __ I Fire Dept. i � � � � a cn � � � � � Police Dept. ����� � n � License Divn. ,( I � ` 1� 1d� � O� City Attorney � � � �� U-� Date Received• Site Plan � S( G Y To Council Re earch � o�� p Lease or Letter te from Landlord "'� � / ' . � City f Saint Paul� � Department of Financ a�d Ma�agement Services � ��,�� . ' '" ' � License a Permit Division �� , . 2 City Hall �r , s St.Paul, Min ta 55102•298-5056 ( " ' ��• AiPPUCATI N FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. ..j:.� �� N Renew . .s � � 0 / � � � _��-� �� oe�e ,� Code No. Title of Llcense , � _ �� I From � -�ff� t��To � � t9' ' �;; _ _ - -/.r..'��L ' �if[r(�. / . . � ., ��- �� � - ,; , . ��.,i r/�i�'��C. � �t/�-��'!'�lL�.� / / �� ` �DWIeanUGomp�rry N e �!� _ - � i�, �/� ' ,�� p� 1pp .; ',•i r . �� � (.�s�11Ls�.,,Eui / 7. �•r �' �'!; ,^ � �� �A� / n, 100 Bualness Name � r" '� " :.-. . , � � / �/ �_:. �y, .• � � � i J ✓/':. ,/ � 100 O'� �����O`l /i �,�i�f.L�..a .�±�?� . `� . �,/ � Busi�sss Address • - j j "-�Phon�Na 100 � / 100 Mall ro Addrsss Phon�Na 100 �/ '�� (.�.:!_ ' �/J^ . / ManaqeNOwner••Na s , ., /100 �.. . . � � � , '' - ' �.�9 7.���_ aa: ��.- � � .� _ . � 100 � �anapedGw�er•H e'Address -J Phon�No. 4098 AppUCatlon Fes Z 5p .. / � ece+�vsd ths su nt � - to0 �,� :�� �1 /Y •�`' �� 3 �7 QV -Pit. , ! c!�!� • / �D v • (/' � ManaqsNOw�er•C y,Ststs 3� A Cod� 100 To al 100 ' • . . �- _. ,� !� ,, UCense InspeCtOr /T'�`-�� By: Signaturo of Applicant �� . Bond• Company Name , Policy No. Expi�tion Oaa Insurance• - � � Company Nams Policy Na Expirstion Dat� Minnesota State Identificat(on No. �l� % �� � !i' Social Secu�ity No Vehicle Informat(on: at�Numb�r S�rfal Numbar �th@f: THIS IS A R CE1PT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE Your application for license will either granted o�reieci d subject to the provislons of the zoning ordinance and completion o(the inapections by tha Health Fire,Zoniny an License Inspact a. r. . j � f ���� � $15.00 CHARGE OR AlL RETURNED CHECKS �� ��� � o a�1! �r� (��'�.� - - . ` � , . / � _ `�`� '`` � ' /� /��. `�/ -, � . _.. � � CT17 OF S « PAUL m�iU ` iil`'"� . , D$PAR'l�I1T �► FIIrA110E S� ,, . LIGEl�38 A1fD DlYT5I01� �;� .. . , � ��, . � �` �'� ..._ . _ cv c1� _ .�:; 1�se stateoet�t forms are iasv�ed in dspli t�. Pleaa� aosNer all stians _ , _.., ca�letely. Thia spplicstion is th ch�cked. Any talaiti imr rill�cause for deaial. .. �*,� fa -- �9 �� � : � 1. Applicatioa tor C ` �e. - S : NC (License) (Persit) 2. llase at appii caat G`� �c�. -- :N Se!'c,�c '— I a P�e��. 3• It applicarit is/tias be�a a married f , list maidea na�ee _�� � 4. Date�of bir�h. _�/ :3-__ Age Plsce.oP birS:h 1 , �v . 5. Are yai a citizen ot the United Sta s eS l�ati�s _ tursllzed ___ 6. Are you s regsst.erea voter ef �h�s�e _ T. Ao�e addresa S�/� �� o . te� d�-{��0( �. �Preaent business a+aaress a D�cQ aisin�s t�lapboo� Ysd G /L 9. Iaclnding yonr presetit btuiness�esP , vhst bnsiness� oyvtnt� ha�e y�oat - fo2loMed !or the� psat live y�ears. � Business/baPlaym�nt � Ad �s % . t .+ T�! v � . . Si7� ` Q� , l�,w. 0 � - 10. Married � If answer is "yes", st na�e and addrea o� 71�rresc � /�tc� s� l�d �. s I �,:,,, lI. ?�tave yvu ever been arrested for aa of2'ease ttiat� has re�ul in a convfetioat� If answer ia "yes", list dstes of sta, rhere�•, cbargas, ctioDS aud aenteeees. ...,,J ... _. Date of arrest 19 Where . G'HAF.CE �ONI/IC.'PInN gg� Dete of arrest 19 Where CAARGr CONVICTIOti S��q� � . � ;� . j � J . � 12. List the. names and addresses (if marrfed, name� of spaase alao) of all persaos, - corporations, partaerships, associations oz organizati.ons wltich,in aapr �ql have: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icensed premise, - � Iv0 b. A aeevrity interest in the lictnaed premisea, license, or lhrnishings o! the licensed preaise, �� c. A promissoay note� lor luads loaned tor. the aperatian o! the licensed preeiae or tbe pnrcha�e ot'the license, � � , d. Financially contributed to the pnrchase of the premise or the license it- self i�►0 e. Ar�y otl�r irrtereat either direct or indirect, either Piasncial or otheraise � • in the licenaed preiaise or the license itselP, vV� Attact� a copy hereto o! any and all doccuments relerred to in this attids�ri�., 1?. Give na�es and addresses of two peno�s, resideots of St. Psnl, Miaaeso�s, Mho can give. intormation coacerning you. RAI� AD�S dr�. �2���� � � � Y r��-. ��1� �d, _ 14. Addreas of pre�misea for i+h3ch License o�r Permit is made �0�`1 GRL m►f�, � � A�ress � II � � w Zoae classiticstiae Fo.�-�-- ?ku"� F,'rorv .�►a�(2.�- I5. Bet�eea s+hat cross streets Gra�d��,/�I e��r,:.�P_ �hich sidz of �treei� 16. Aa� under i+hfch this bnsinesa rrill be condurted -�-;,�,ct. �e t � Snt c,, 17, a�s�aess telephoAe rnanber �90--o a�7 d- 6�10-136�f lQ. Attacb to thia applicati�on, a detailed deacription of the design, location, aad aquarr footage of the premises to be licensed Z9. are premises now occupied �2S What business �ti�ti�t-�� H�ar long�.�,�,�5 f ..I 1 i / ���� � � . � '20. Liat�license which you currently hold or former�y held, or have sn iatere in- - � ., . 21. Have ar�r of the liceases listed by y in No. 20 ever been ked. Yea No �_. If aasver is jres", list dstes sad reasons: 2Z. Do you have an interest or ar�► type in any ot.ber busiaess ar iness premises. If answer is "yes", list business, i�xss addresa aad � number,_` D 23. If business is iacorporated, giw d �e ot incozporation 19__ and attach capy of Articles of Inca orstioa aud ffinntes of ineetiag. 2�+. List all ofticers oP the corpox�ati giving tbeir asmes, o cc iuld, ha�e addr�ss, and hcme and businesa tel houe aumbers: �e rf J, a r so - ,�3 . - � 25• If businesa is partnership, liat (s) address- and haoe n�bersr � ,�'!�NO�►� '.�`�s . .,.L.4'.:�..• ♦ . ' �Address �`'`'-.°, �el.l�o. __ . � : - . -_ 26. Ia there sx�rone elsa who��xill''tzav arr�iaterest tti tbis b�s as o� pre�mise�4 If ansxer ia yes", 6ive name, addreas, telepbone and in �at manner is their interest: 27. Are you goin�t to operate this bn ineaa personal]y � it aat, x�o rill operate it: ��Jd (�'1 2�iro '77aorn�son Name Ha�e� address RR:'�l ox /�a Tel.�o./-_�f-7730 �� �.a.'�3. 10-16-y7 lVo��-1,. 6 ra.��L, �t,M �`�6-b�S�G s'�os G C �� . �:(�: 1 I aay s aSl �-1,. ,���j Nr��.I es F P P �d,a.z.�►r,,:llz, r�N. b'�Ia -�) 3 0 �.0� � • ��6� Ss�3 37 1 { , , "i'� . , Are y�u going to have a I�ana�er or assistaat in this business? I�'� ans�r is "yes", give name and hmae address and ho�e telephone number: � Name ll�i,`� I I�ro�nM�'� Home addreas�.R. �y �r j02 Tel.No.��/-7"73Q tiae�-l� B ra,��J.,,... ssas� 29- IiBS ar�yone you have Aamed i� questions 22 through 26 ever been arrested? It answer ia "yes", Iist name o! person, dates of srrest, wherr, chsrges, com►ic- tions and sentence --✓�l� 30. I imderstand this premise me�y be in- spected by the police, Pire, health and ott�r city oPticials at ar�r and a71 times when the busineas is im operation. S�ate �f �iinnesota j . �)SS County of Ramse � being first 3u�y ewora,� deposes and says upon:. oath that he as ad the foregoirig statement besring his si�stwre and imoMS the co�teats thereof, and that tha ssme is true of his owu kao�leE3ge excrpt as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief sad as to those matters he be- lieves thsm to be trn . _ _ . ,. Subscribed d s '� to fo�e me � --'�' Signature o! Applicaat `��thi. 1?� . _ .. . � . Notary Public, Ramsey ty innes !�y ca�ission expires ��i'""�t:MARCELLA G. SCHILLINGER '° ` {�g�TA,fiY�::BIIC—MINNESOTA ��%� �'� RAMSEY COUNTY _ �`��' My Commisaion Expires Mar.21.1991 , : .. � . i� ��-�� . . . �II . ' ' Texaco � •� � • • January 19, 1988 � 00 T 1'r1 W 1 Ul . > City of St. Paul ;� St. Paul, Minnesota � t� TO WHOM I MAY CONCERN This is to inform you that o December 1, 1987, exaco Refining and Marketing, Inc. sold the properties and business at 2111 Ford Parkway and 206 Grand Avenue in St Paul to FINA Oil and Chemi.cal Compan . All rights to these business s were conveyed to INA Oil and Chemi.cal Company by Texaco fining and Marketin Inc. � � ames R. Schaaf Area Manaqer Texaco Refining & Marketinq 7851 Metro Parkway . Minneapolis, Minnesota 554 0 ��s �1'�2J`�-( t f D�.UI�e� � �ti� o:l �.� �1 w,.��4� �a . . _ _ _ 1�. � . �,� � ,.�;;'»r;;...{U:��? �f_�;a r. S�,?�iL!I�;r�9 ��'�/��(� :. �;� �1 f•; ��,. .,.. 1 vp,�cSOiA � ••k� T : 1 � 'I ��- .. r•. . r . ` �: ' � 1 - '1 � �.n„ ,. - .��. ,- , IM. � °Sl�l�:., �� . aa1o+N+►ton : , o,►te rRra� n�� ���� s hfr�. �J. Carc�iedi - ���� �`���� ��NCy. ��0�.��� -� �� . . . � DEPAR'TMEM OMiECTOR . . . . � MAYOR(OA A8816TANn . . � � • . Cfiristine Roze�c" � �� –' �a�� ��� °�"'. Finance "�"'E"°. � — ��*��► � Cout�cal Research & r1t_ . : 98-5056 . . �' 1 cm�rrow�Y ,:: - , Application fur transfer of a Gas Station 8 Pumps, and Restaurant A. Notifica�iar► Date: '05�18-88 Heari Date; �:Uvvrow d�)«Ayso�tai� couMCM: nEVOr�t: r�aw+wc�ca+wssa� c��co►+Missa� o��a� a�� �w. wa►�ea. qN - ��� . ���� �"��b� ,S�o�'� : � �1.�/ ar� � c�a oo�,+�roH ,�s�s �ooti nso.�ooEei To mwr� . oa+snruEw► roN _ �oo+:�o. . —�ac�ooeo• asrwcr oa�r+cw •��: aur�aRrs.v�►�aa�cc oe�z _ Councii Res arch Center MAY � i988 ..ran�s.�o.�t s.uE.on�ai�n,►�rr,r t�w,wna.�,,wn�,.,:,M►,,,: .: .' : : , .. _. - .Charles Phillips, on behalf of Finaserve, Tnc. , requests City Cau cil approva,l of .. his application _for transfer af a Gas Sta ion - 8 Pumps ar�ci Resta rant A license from Texaco Refaning �and Marketir�g, I�c. t 2111 Fvrd Parkw�r,to inaserve inc. , at the same address. . �+wc�►rion�;�d,,.�ew..,��: , _ _ .: ,. Transfer fees and application materials ave been sul�nitted. All required _depar.trt�ent approvals have been received. � - ' .-e�o�oura�mes rwa.�,w�+�..►,a ro w►w�a: ,.. �,. ,. : .. . .. :. ,. . If Council :approves the trahsfer reques , Finase�ve Inc.will ope ate the s�tion at 2111 ,Ford Parkway. If Cauncil ap�rnval is not given, the t ansfer wi11 not be compl ted. aw.sa.at�va: _ w� � . �wsT'ortr�r�rtts: ��s: