88-879 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L ouncil �f/� (//� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � 1 �(J(''�{ �� BLUE - MAVOR lle NO. ���� � - Co nci Resolution - � ��� � Presented By �'� tl- I--! ,�i Referred To �~'�'��?'�� ��T`� `�`'�m ��S - Commi ttee: ate �r���V Out of Committee By ate RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 86000) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor-B, Sunday On Sal Liquor, , - License from Eide Enter rises DBA Cedar Chip (L le Eide-President) at 369 Cedar Street to imelight, Inc. DBA Ever body's (Marie V. Glidewell-President, A1 ce H.S. Fung-Secretary/ reasurer) at the same address be and the same is hereby approved with the following stipulation: The restaurant will not operate until all healt code violations have been resolved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departme t of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz / Rettman �� Scheibel A gai n s t BY � Wilson �L � �t � Form Ap oved by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date • _ Certified Passe b C n il Secretar By— �i��'� By A►pprov Mavor: Date _ � 8 ��'a Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council By By PUBUSNED J U L 2 3 1988 ` } 7 �:. . � . : � . ; . . - DAi!NlTM DAIE�M�Ll1�. . .. � -- ' � � - � �.��. c��r�ai �#EE�' �; 001?53 �� � �,���� Kris Schweinler-Va rn ."�" � _ ���►� ' �«�«.� „� . Finance . : �T� ? � Gouncil Research . . � � CI� �I�-.�.. . .. : � GTY qTORNEY f � .. . . . . ����. ._ _ . . , . .. . . . . . . . ' � . . . . �'ransfer of an �n Sale Liquor, On Sale nday Liquor., �Enter.ta�i�m. �t II and _ Rest�urar�t (�). , 3 Not�fication Date: . -12-88 � n�nd+�►r i�lavrow tN a��1) o�Ifut�. �r: , : , , . �►�w�c�oo� t�.sE�cor�issa� w�N onTrc �+u �wo: av�+wo c�siori ��s sc�ao�eo�wo �� ���D�� ��/ snu� a�nrr�caw�assa� �,►s�s �ooti�w.�oo�n= �p�i�� ����� . • o�srAicr ca�rotx. #� : , ` auePOarB�«a+ca�caaeu�crrv� ; , t Coun � Research Center. � MAY 23� � �.,wt�o r�o�,wt+�.apr�Rn�+nr twno,w�.wn�,wn�.wnr�: Request for Cour�cil, a:pproyal by Eide Ent rprises DBA �dar �hip a 369 Cedar St. to trar�sfer��he l�censes. h� c�rrently ho ds to Limelight. Inc. .DBA Everybody's (.Mari� 11: G}i'dewe�l & :Alic� H. S. Fung) t the sa�e address. " -:: +u��nnc+�naw�oowe.n�..na�+wa.g.�,n.r. , :. . . All fees at�tl applications have been submi ted. A11 required depa tments ha�e .revier�d..:and ���roved the app�ication. 5. , . - . , ,, . COII�iC11lNOl�(iMrit,w�wl�,-ana To vlliom3: . . ' ;, If Cfl�ncil approval is not received, the icense wi11 r�win the ame of fide Enterpr3ses - and continue to o�rate as pefore. : �u.�u►� � ._ , , -ca�r. Nsro�r�s: ` The Health Department has approved the tr sfer of the i.icense wit the sti:pulatian tha� the restaurant not operate untii the ealth cod� v.iolations a e resolved. ��s: „ � � ��=��� UIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�;RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � 1 / oZ INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Ap n Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �rr��,�� ��A_ •Z__ Home Address �� g ' w �o..�_ �. �. tB Rusiness Name � Home Phone 5 1 - ��°1 Business Address �Y Type of License(s Y/�, �h �� Business Phone 1 �.�. � dn c.�-•.. . 1'� Public Hearing Date �( License I.D. 41 (.Q�QQ at 9:00 a.m. in the Counc' Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� a�d ' llate ATOtice Sent�,z / Dealer 4� to Applicant / � 7y0 � % `�zf Federal Fi_rearms � �'/.1� Public Hearing DATE INSP CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) COrIlKENTS A roved N t A roved � Bldg I & D � � V �, , a� Health Divn. � 5 � � � i , � �� Y � i � Fire Dept. I �� � I G I I 1 I I Police Dept. Jr � I � C��'� ►'t�.l (L�.co+2Y License Divn. �� � 3 � , � City Attorney � ��I �� I 0� Date Received: Site Plan I� L � To Council Resear h � O Lea�e or Letter � Da f rom Landlord /,j CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: :�s� ��-���5��� . . 1.��.�1� 1� -��L. � Current DBA: New 'UBA: i C�c�.c..r °��� _ � u�er��oo�-y S Current Officers: Insura�ce: � �1/�ArSC.Q�y�l v�e�n- 1�.) I-e �c��. CC� ��� �c� t� so��a: ..�dn�.-� �,e�►-►cs�-v► .� C..a s C��v �a.a �� C�. ; � ' Work'�r's Compensation: �(�yn`��0� O� �a.u-5a✓ � 1� 3o�c�� New Officers: ����8� ^ a� � �Ol/u.�t� Y • �jIJ�C�I�CX -i'M..� � ,���. ,�,s �� �-(�r�-, Stockholders: � �'�'YI.c,�;u.1�. C�1�..���. �o°/a . ; . "�%�;c�.� l�.s. �, �Qo°�o � .. . �� . ����g Application No. Oate Re eived gy ' � CITY OF ST. AUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR�ON SALE P�TOXICATIN6 lIQUOR LICEiSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTO ICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOX CATING LIQUOR IICENSE OFF SALE INTOXIC TIN6 �IQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT EVERAG� LICENSE ON SALE W NE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out w th typewriter or by prin ing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by eac person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJ CT TO REVIEW BY THE PU6l C 1. Application for (name of license) Li elight, znc. 2. LoCated at (addreSS) 369 Cedar, St. Paul, MN, 55101 3. Name under whi ch bus i ness wi 11 be operat d Everybody' s 4. True Name Alice H.S. Yi Fung Phone 688-8055 irst Midd e Maiden Las 5. Oate of Birth 2/25/52 Place of Birth China, RoC Month, Oay, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? Ye s . Native� Naturalized X 7. Home Addre55 766 Ever reen Knolls, M ndota H tsHome Teleph ne 688-8055 MN 8. Including your present business/employmen , what business/employm nt have you followed for the past five years? � Business/Employment Address 1304 Town Centre D ive Ea an MN 9. Married? x If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. 66 Ever reen Kno ls Mendota Hei hts MN . � 10.• , 4aa�e .you ever been�conv_icted af any fel y, crime or violation o any city ordinance�QO �7� other than trafflc. Yes Na Oate of arrest N/A I9 ��here Charge � Co�victian ' Sentence Oate of arrest N�A 19 Where � Charge Canviction Sentence 1:. Retaii 8eer Federal iax Stamp Reta 1 Liquor Federal Tax St p wilT be used. 12. Closest 3.2 P1ace Chur None Schoa None I3. Closest intoxicating liquar place. On Sa e Hunan' s Off 5 1e Kappie' s i�. List the names and residences of three pe ons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the appTicant ar financfal y interested in the prem ses or business, �Nho �nay te referred to as to the applicant's haracter. � y� Address 241 Earl Street St. Paul, MN � Front Avenu 6 St. Paul, MN ' Tina Hvang 435 Front Avenu , #7, St. Paul, MN 15. Address ofi premises for whicf� application s made 369 Cedar S . Paul rtN � Zone Classification Phone 290-9010 16. Between what cross streets?. Which s de of Strest we st 17. Are premises now ocCUpied? Y Whdt Bu5ine55? Bar an Restaurant How Long? i a �,-G '_3. List licenses whict� you c�rrently ho1d, or fo rnerly heid, or may ha e an interest in. None I9. Have any of the lic�nses listed by you in �V . 18 ever been r�voked? Yes Na X If answer is "yes", lis� the dates and reas ns . ' . • U`_�-��Q r , � ' 20: If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation Fe ruary 12 19 $8 and attach copy of Articles of Iacorpo ation and minutes of fir t meeting. Z1. List all officer�of the corporation, iving their aames, oEfic held, home address aad home and busiaess telephone numbers. Marie V. Glidewe11, � 1168 Bellow , West St. Paul, MN — President Alice H.S. Fun 766 Ever reen nolls Mendota Hei ts, NIN — Secretar — Treasurer 22. If business is partnership, list partn r(s) , addreas and telepho e numbers. Name Addr ss Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an terest ia this business r premises? No, 24. Are you going to operate this busiaess ersonally? No Zf aot, who will operate it? Name Marie Glidewell Home Address 1168 Bellows Phone 25. Are you going to have a maaager or assi tant in this busiaess? No If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and hom telephone number. � N� Home Address Phone ` ANY FALISFICATION OF t�,►�iSWERS GIVEa�T OR MATER ST3BMITTID WILL RESULT N DE,YI�I, OF THIS APPLICaTION. I hereby state under oath that I have answer d alI of the above quest ons, and that the information contafned therein is true and co rect to the best of my owledge and belief. I hereby state further uader oath that I have eceived no moneq or othe consideration, directly, or iadirectly, ia connection with the transf r of this license, from ny person by way of loan, gfft, contribution or otherwise, other than lready disclosed in the pplication which I have herewith submitted. State of :Sinnesota) } , Couacq of Ramsey ) � � (Signature ap icant) Subscrib and swora .o befo e me ��.�/ day o 19�'d " �+.��� a�� � ��Z�a��� �-`"'���a4:: NCiA&Y PUBLIC IN;::$OTA . :1 Public, Ramse Cou ``��''p� �ar.tiS.Y C tJN7Y ry y q, Minnesota ��,.. . Commission e:cpires � �"*"�'"r' My cortsmission e �e: 5•28•93 �, � � � � ���'� G - . , , Application No. Oate Rec ived By ' ' CITY OF ST. AUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR�ON SALE NTOXICATING LIQUOR LICEiSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTO ICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOX CATIVG LIQUOR, LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXI TING LIQUOR LICENSE Ohi SALE MAI.T EVERAGE IICENSE ON SALE W NE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out w th typewriter or by prin ing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by eac person who has interes in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which thp name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJ T TO REVIEW BY THE PUBL C 1. Application for (name of license) 2. Located at (address) 3. Name under which business will be operat d � 4. True Name Phone 457-8459 irst Middle Maiden Las 5. Date of Bi rth 21 41 P1 ace of Bi rth St. Pau Month, Oay, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? Ye s • Native� Naturalized 7. Home Address 1168 Bellows w. st. Pa 1, MN, 5511�{ome Telep one 457-8459 8. Including your present business/employme t, what business/employ nt have you followed for the past five years? � Business/Employment Address 369 Cedar St. P ul MN n ' 1 Nail Art & Desi n 991 Smith West t. Paul, MN MFL, Inc. 615 University A enue, St. Paul, MN w Inc. 880 East 7th Str et, St. Paul, MN 9. Married? Ye s If answer is "yes", ist the name and addres of sPouse. Wendell R. Glidewell 1168 Bellow West St. Paul, MN, 55118 - ��-�9 10... 4eve.you ever been convicted af any fel ny, crime or vioiation o any city ardinance, - - o�her' than traffic? Yes _ No � Oate of arrest rt/A 19 Where Charge � Conviction ' Sentence Oate of arrest N�A 19 Where � Charge Convictien Sentence lI. Retail Beer Federal iax Stamp Ret i1 Liquor Federal Tax St p wili be used. 12. Closest 3.2 Place Chu ch None Sct�o 1 None I3. Closest intoxicating iiquur place. On 5 le Hunan' s Off aie xappies i�. List the names and residenc�s of three p rsons of Ramsey County o qood moral character, not related to the applicant or f�nancially interested in the pr ises or business, who �nay be referred ta as to the applicant's haracter. " yame Address 1 Pa 1 MN � 1 Paul MN " Midge Amadick 911 South Smith, St. Paul, MN I�. Address af premises for whict� application is made 6 Cedar St Paul 1�1 � Zone Classification ?horte 290-9010 16. 9etween what cross sLreets? . Whicti ide of Street we�t I7. Are premises naw ocCUpfed? Yes What Busfness? Bar a d Restaurant HOw LOng? 19 yrs. '_3. List iicenses which yau c�rrently hold, or for,neriy heid, or may ha e an int�rest in. 1 niversit Aven e St. Paul MN. Paul MN. Now as a Mana er of Cedar Chi 36 Cedar, St. Paul, � 19. !�ave any of �he lic�nses lis�ed by you in � o. 18 ever been revoked? Yes No X If answer is "yes", lis� the dates and r�a ans .: . . �� . �-��4 ,. 20. •If�business. is incorporated, give date of incorporation Feb uar 12 19 88 and �attach copy of Articles of Iacorpo atioa and minutes of Fir t meetiag. 21. List all officer�of the corporation, ivtng their names, off9.c held, home address and home and businesa telephone numbers. Marie V. Glidewell � 1168 Bello s W. t. Paul MN - President F Treasurer 22. If busiaess is partnership, list partn r(s), address and teleph ne numbers. Name Addr ss Phone 23. Is there aayone else who will have an nterest ia this business r premises? No, other than the landlord Towle ealt . 24. Are you gcing to operate this busiaeas ersonally? If not, who will operate it? Name Hom Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assi tant in this business? No If aaswer is "qes", give name, home address, aad hom telephone number. � N� Home Address Phone ANY FALISFICATION OF r1NSWERS GIVF,i`J OR MATER SLBMITTID WILL RESULT N DENIAI. OF THIS APPLICaTION. I hereby state uader oath that. I have aaswer d ali of the above quest ons, and that the information contained therein is true and co rect to the best of my owledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have eceived no money or othe consideration, di.rectly, or iadirectly, ia connection with the transf r of this license, from ny person bn waq of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than lreadq disclosed in the pplication which I have herewith submitted. State of :Sinnesota) . � � o Couatq of Ramsey ) (Signature f applicant) Subs ribed and swarn to before me this �f♦~ day of 19�� :Totary P 1ic, Ramsey ounty, Minnesota :Iy Commi.ssion e:cpires 3/ ,'�'r/q� r�n,,�,•,JW',r,I�,�MM^"n�MMA�MMM■ " � �°"� MARY F. S:'fMOUR _ � ,���jS�, NOTARY PU:L�C-MiNNESCTA ��'r'� ,^.!A�E'' COUtiTY S 11Y^omm.E�oires Mar.28.1992 y �.ry�,�..,,�rv.,/�/�;��V�JWVV�'JV`lVV1,'VVW�VV�.�V• . ".��•••• � CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� ; .�;.'' ';, DEP RTMENT OF FINANCE A D MANAGEMENT SERVICES � u� ; • : : DIVISION OF LICENS AND PERMIT AOMlNISTRATiON ' �••• Room 203. CitV Hall • • SaiM Paul.Minnesota 55102 Geor�Lstlr� � ��G�Q Mapor . 0 7 1) Have you, , complet dlqour f cial obligation to ? �, , V� � 2) Was thare anp o er consider n c her thaa the original sa e price of ? 3) Does h ve aay secuzity iateres in the business known aa o property where the bus ess is located? 4) Lis[ a].l. persons haviag. a 5 perceat terast or more ia this quor License. State of Minaesota) ' • ) SS Countp of Ramsep ) being fir C duly s�aorn, deposes d says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bear g his signature and kao s the conCents thereof, and that the same is true of his own kno� sdge except as to those tters therein stated upon informatioa aad belief aad as to tho e- matters hs believes t m to be true. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 19 Notary Public, Ramsey Couaty, Mianesvta My Commission expires � �• , � --: .. ��-��9 .� . STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. AFFIDAQIT OF LYLE E DE COQNTY OF RAMSEY ) � LYLE EIDE, being Yi st duly sworn, depo es and says that: 1 . I am the sole o Yieer, direetor and shareholder of Eide Enterprises, Inc. . 2. Eide Enterprise , Ine. is eurrently oing business as the Cedar Chip, 369 Cedar Street, St. Paul, Mi nesota and holds a 1"iquor license there n. 3. Eide Enterprise , Inc. and I entered into a Sale and Purchase Agreement, a eopy o whieh is attached h reto as Exhibit A and ineorporated herein by rePerence, for the s le of the busi- ness, Yixtures, equipment, Y niture, supplies, i ventory and other personal property of th Cedar Chip to Lime ight, Inc. , a M'innesota corporation, upon t e terms and conditi ns set Porth therein. 4. Other than the t rms and eonditions et Porth in Exhibit A, including Twentq-E ght Thousand Dollar ($28,000.00) a� and Por the sale and pureh se of the on-sale 1 quor license, Eide Enterprises, Inc. and I ill receive no othe , diPPerent or additional Porms of considera ion or seeurity int ests in this sale and purehase. 5. This APfidavit i respeetfullp submit ed in support of the request to transfer th on-sale liquor lice se held by Eide Enterprises, Ine. to Lim light, Inc. S�J =t� t�i� SZ �ij�� qoo! . �� � . . � � � , - ���� Further your aPPia t says not. � y Eide Subscribed and sworn to bePo e me this L�o�day o� Marchs. 198 . �`� �` No ary ubl kC�.^1AC.^.M�"..^...,.�...,�, „�, � < � . . ,. .. . . .. ., ;,�a n,,,1.'�, � C .... . . . . . .� . . ... . ..., . , . _. > 'i•(j7Vii„'��7"�'r'DI�Sv;�ti'�%/'✓!J'3J'� r�✓'V'JV�Vt'�i'�� 2- �- _� � ����y .;OMMITTEE REPORT Community and Human Services Committee June 16, 1988 Page Two Building to the department of Fire and Safety Services-Fir Marshall. (For Steve Zaccard's report.) Laid over, on a vote of 4-0, until August 3, 1988, for Gen Schiller to review with Steve Zaccard. 8. City Council Agenda 5/3/88, Item N . 16: Third Reading - 8-500 - An ordinance amending Chapter 409.21(b) of the egislative Code pertain ng to pulltabs and . tipboards in bars by deleting the eferences to charitable organizations that support youth athletic activities. (Community and Human S rvices Committee reco�nends approval.) (Sent back er request by Ms. Sonne in regard to national associations having pulltabs.) Ph 1 Byrne amendments will be presented. (Laid over from June 15, 1988 meeting.) Laid over until July 20, 1988 for hil Byrne to combine th two ordinances. . City Council Agenda 5/31/88, Item o. 37: Resolution - 88 879 - Approving the transfer of On Sale Liquor Sunday n Sale Liquor, �a�e��e� mea� e�t� �es�ea�ea� ��ee�ses from Eide Enterprises dba Cedar Chip (Lyle Eide, res.) at 369 Cedar to Limelight, Inc. dba Everybody's (M rie Glidewill, Pres. an Alice Fung, Sec./Treas.) at the same address with the stipu ation that health code iolations be resolved. (Laid over from June 15, 1988 meet ng.) Recommended for approval, with abo e deletions, on a 3-1 v te. cc: A1 Olson, City Clerk Ed Starr, City Attorney � t�L. lJ�-a-°�'^� '��""� Members: � �� Janice Rettman chair - ,�-�J�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ;��.f`!='�'� Bill Wilson •�,LzL=:IL�� OI�`FICE OF AE CITY COUNCIL Bob Long Date: July 7, 1988 �jC ��1/ 7ANICE REITMAN Counceperson CO mittee Report To: Saint Paul City Coun il From : Community and uman Services C mmittee Janice Rettman, hair A meeting of the Community and Human Se ices Committee was hel on Wednesday, July 6, 1988 at 1:30 p.m. 1. Request by Ray and Diane St. Martin Capitol Deli, to appea before the Community and Human Services Committee. No action taken due to pending adve se action. 2. Discussion on the procedures of Div'sion of Parks and Recre tion regarding reserving facilities; i.e. , picnics, etc. (L id over from June 15, 1 88 meeting.) Laid over to July 20, 1988. 3. City Council Agenda 6/2/88, Item No 7: First Reading - 88 891 - An ordinance amending the Legislative Code so as to provide penalties fo unlawful removal of material set out for recycling coll ction. This has already been acted upon by the Public Works Commit ee; thus, no action was taken to insure there is no duplica ion. 4. City Council Agenda 6/9/88, Item No 11: Resolution - 88-9 0 - Amending the 1988 ' budget by adding $78,961 to the Fin ncin� and Spending Plan for Parks and Recreation Division-Park Watch Prog am. (Councilmember Sch ibel will submit for proposed amendments.) Recommended approval on 3-1 vote, a per agr.eement between epartment of Community Services and Police Department. 5. Presentation on Youth Boxing Associ tion by Bob Brunette. Presentation made. 6. Part I - Report on Gross Unsanitary Homes. (ALL COUNCIL ME BERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.) ' Frank Staffenson, Division of Publi Health, gave an excell nt report. 7. City Council Agenda 5/24/88, Item N . 2: First Reading - 8 -794 - An ordinance amending Chapter 33.02 of the Legis ative Code and providin an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fees and t reflect the administra ive merger of the Certificate of Occupancy inspection program from the Depar ment of Community Services- CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAUL, MINNESO'I'A 55 02 612/298-5289 � t.�.�.4� � . : . � ���-��� COCHRA E & BRESNAHAN, P.A. - A ORNEYS AT LAW � 2 EAST 4th STREET _ SAINT PA L, MINNESOTA 55101-1099 JOHN A. COCHRANE JAMES R.BRESNAHAN TELEPHONE STEWART C. LOPER 612/298-1950 MARY F.SEYMOUR CABLE ADDRESS:COBRA RONALD D.ALLEY' BRIAN N.TODER" 'Also edmrtted rn Texas "Also atlmrtted�n Colorado July 13, 1988 �� Mr. Joseph Carehedi License Inspector I�` �� � Room 203 Ramsey County Courthouse �'tY�t.ERK 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul , MN 55102 Re:- Requested transf r of the on-sale li uor license and requested up rade and transfer o approval for a Class 3 en ertainment license y Limelight, Ine. d/b/a Every odyts Dear Mr. Carchedi : Please be advise that Marie Glidewell has resigned as the manager of the on- ale liquor business t 369 Cedar, St. Paul , Minnesota. Als , please be advised hat, subject to the approval by the Ci y of St. Paul , Limel ' ght, Inc. intends to employ Jesse Miller as manager of E erybody� s. _ _ I am enclosing a copy of he Written Action In Lieu Of -g Special Meeting Of The Bo rd Of Directors And hareholders Of Limelight, Ine. and a c py of the resignati n of _ _ Marie Glidewell for your file. Yours truly, COCHRANE & BRESNA AN, P.A. By: � � Mary F. Seymour MFS/plc Enelosure ee: St. Paul City Cou cilmembers w/encl. City Clerk for th City of St. Paul w/encl. Mr. Philip Byrne, sq. w/encl. Mr. George Roedler w/encl . Alice Fung w/encl . Mari P (',7 i �awP11 w/encl . , ` . � �- �-��� . - WRITTEN CTION IN LIEU OF A SPECIAL EETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR AND SHAREHOLDERS 0 LIMELIGH , INC. The undersigned, b ing all of the shar holders and directors of Limelight, Ine , a Minnesota Corpo ation, do hereby take the following aetions y written aetion in lieu of special _ � meetings_: _ _ _ WHEREAS, Marie Gli ewell has submitted her resignation as the manager of Everybody s; and, WHEREAS, Jesse Mil er has had experien e in the on-sale liquor business; and, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the share olders of this corporation that the eorpor tion comply with al state and federal statutes and ordina ces of the Citq of t. Paul; NOW THEREFORE, IT S AEREBY RESOLVED, y unanimous vote, _. _ _ _ _. _ __that_ the resignation of Mar e Glidewell be and s aceepted. IT IS FIIRTAER RESO VED, bp unanimous v te, that - -- - - - _— ------- _ _ _ _-- --- - Jesse Miller be hired as th manager of the on- ale liquor business of the eorporation ineluding the enter ainment iP any, to be provided on t e licensed premises, at 369 Cedar, St. Paul, Minnesota, said e ployment to be sub� ct to and conditional upon the follow ng: 1 . The appr val of the resignation of Marie Glidewell by Lyle Eide and Eide nterprises, _ - - - Ine. ; and, . ` � ' G���79 2. The appr val of Jesse Miller . ' by Lyle Eide and E de Enterprises, Inc as manager of 369 Ced r pending approval f the transfer of the on sale liquor license and the upgrade and transf r or the approval o a Class 3 Entertaimm �t License at 369 C dar; and, 3• The appr val of Jesse Miller as manager oP the usiness at 369 Ceda by the City of St. Paul; _ nd, _ _ �1. The appr val by the City of t. Paul of the requested t ansfer of the on-sale liquor license and the re uested upgrade to or approval of a Class 3 enter ainment license for 69 Cedar; and, 5. Complian e with all state and federal statutes and ordin nces for the City of St. Paul concerning the operation of an on-sale iquor _ _ _ _ _ .business _including_ ntertainment, if an , to be provided on the lic nsed premises; and, - _ _ _ _�___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ 6. Complianc with all condition , if _ any, placed upon th licenses _issued by the City of St. Paul coneern ng the operation oP the business at 369 Ced r. IT IS FtJRTHER RESOL ED, that the office s are hereby directed to take all steps r asonable and necess ry to inform the City of St. Paul of thes actions. -2- � � ���7� IT IS FURTHER RESO VED, by unanimous v te, that, upon , ' approval of the transfer of the on-sale liquor icense and the transfer or approval of the Class 3 entertainme t license by the City of St. Paul , th ofPicers and manag rs of the corporation be and are here y directed to corre t any and all health code violations with n thirty (30) days P the transPer of the on-sale liquor licen e, or within such t me, if any, as set by the City of St. P ul. � f�r Dated this �3 day of July, 1 88. � _ ✓ � �Q _ - -- - - Alice Fung Marie Glidewe 1 -3- ,- . � � � �_��y r � ESIGNATION I, Marie Glidewell do hereby resign a manager of the on-sale liquor business at 69 Cedar, St. Paul , Minnesota. . :!����� _ Marie Glidewell Dated this �_ day of uly, 1988.