88-878 WHITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council �j I�ry/ CANARV - OEPARTMENT Y� ��y BLUE - MAYOR File NO• �� o �� Counc l Resolution �'� , Presented By ��1 ��; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. # 0220) for a One Day On ale 3.2 Malt Beverage License applied for by t e Working Boys Center a 1068 Grand Avenue on June 5, 1988, (Grand ld Days) between the ho rs of 12:00 Noon and 5:00 P.M, be and the sam is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Departi ent of: Dimond �� __� [n Fav r coswitz Rettman �;� � _ Agains BY sonnen .3i1Gl�o MAY 3 � f�t7� Form Approved by Ci y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' • � � Certified a e ouncil S ret By ' By� Approv 17avor: Date _ ',i+�N �t7W Approved by Mayor f Submission to Council , By P�4iiISNED ��;� 1 1 19 8 . � ���7� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMIN STRATION DATE / INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Ap n Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud t� ov Applicant �� _ Home Address ) U �Yl�fl � �O C..�2➢' Rusiness Iv'ame Home Phone � �I � — 3 `1 g � Business Address � �p Type of License(s ` � �h � Business Phone _(�cf� — 3 . � � Public Hearing Date `j g� License I.D. 4� ��ol�U at 9:00 a.m. in the Council �hambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �C 'n� llate Nutice Sent; -/ Dealer 4� 'V� to Applicant '� / Y Federal F3.rearms (� Public He<iring —� DATE INS 'CTION REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CUNll�tENTS Ap roved t A roved � Bldg I & D � � (� , Health Divn. ' , n �� � � Fire Dept. � �� � i i � � � Yolice Dept. i � `� License Divn. � S" (rr� ; 0 City Attorney � 5 (�� , G � Date Received: Site Plan � 1 �� To Council Resea ch � Zy « Lease or Letter `� Date f rom Landlord S ( 4 � �`6 � � � � i �y „ . �� 7 - _�..,1 �`` CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA " APPLICATION FOR TEMPO Y ON-SALE. MALT BEVERA LICENSE NOTE: This applicatioa must be filled out and signed at the t` of your interview with the Licease Investigator, 0 da s rior to the date of the eveat. 1. Name of organizatioa � 2. Address of organization 3. Type of organizatiou - check• oae w ich is. applicable�. CIVIC ( ) CHARITABLE ) RELIGIOUS ( ) VE S ( ) 4. List all officers aad directors. President ° ` _ Q N� ADDRESS c.�,Q,��,,,_�� PHONE N0. Vice President 55��$ N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Secretary N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Treasurer ' N� ADDRE$S PHONE N0. Others � ADDRES . �� PHONE N0. N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. 5. Locatioa of premises for which appl'cation is made St. Paul, ��,,� �� E�(�ip Code) 6. Date(s) and hours. during which the a a-intoxicating malt liq or will be sold � . 00 �C1caUc� �=oZ� .m 7. For.what will profits be used? " How will profits be disbursed (or sp at)? 8. Upoa completion of events you will b requi.red to submit a f' acial statement showiag expenses for event and use made of p ofits. 9. Attach to this application a letter f consent from the owner aad/or a person with lawful responsibility for the premis s for which this license is being requested. ( VER) . _ ; �'.�-��x�` 10. Every applicaat for a, temporary 0 Sale Malt Beverage� Lice se shall file with his application therefore, a bond wi a valid Power of Attorn y attached, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). The surety on such b nd shall be a surety compaay liceased to do business. i the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be approved as to form� and executioa y the Corporatioa Couns 1. Said bond shall be conditioned as follows: a.) That the licensee will pay to the municipality,, whea e, all taxes, license fees, penalties and other cha ges as provided by law. b.) That the licensee will obey t e law relating to such 1'censed business, and that in the event of aay viol tion of the provisions o such law, the licensee will pay all fines, penalties and other charges as pro ided by law. c.) That the licensee will pay, t the extent of the princ'pal amount of suCh bond, any damages for death o injury caused by or res lting from the violation of any provisioas of law rela ing to the business for hich such licensee has beea granted a license, and c nditioned that such reco ery may be had from the surety on the bond. The amo t recoverable shall be m asured by the actual damages, provided, however, t at in no case shall such surety be liable for any amount in excess of the amoun of the bond. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � � ss l � . � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) �c� � . o q �o� b iag first duly sworn, d poses and says that he has rea the foregoing application and ows the conteats thereo n e same is true to the best of his knowledge, info ation aad belief. Subcrib d and sworn efore me y o 1 � — Notary Public, Ra sey ountq, Minn ota � My co�ission expires ��'�AA �°.^,.�q�=t f ,� r ^.r� .a;�. ,, A`�.: �--- �. ���ilLliPdGER J °l �—�"��?JESOTA ��� Ff;r — '✓�:�1�•3!� .-,OTii'�'>::li`;�_::j.liP3�,19(.2�.1�� �9�6L4�0�%u'-:Y_:q;,':';:Ll:�e"ri»:Jv^G4%tinP1�0'p�M� � �r=--�d'r-�z� _� �,►T�, : . ��, �,�� ��� ��I�EE`T' �:�=01:7�� �: �r. J. Carchedi . o��,�,r o�ro� r�ro�ro�',�r�r, Kri s Schwei n1 er-YanHor� � _ �6�.� :3 «�,«.� - . :� nance . �o ��+ 2 Council Research Man� ement . .: 298-5056 . °na'�" T «r�„� — , App�ication for a 4ne Day On Sale Non-ln xicating (3.2 beer) Mal Liquor Licen�e. Notification Date: 0�-18-88 Nearin :Date:. ; ��nota:(Mv�a.i�U«�1�1 �: ,. vurwnao cowwneiorr av��co�anasar� o�r� o�� r�+oi+E ra. mNrac3 c.a�eau reo�.aaiooi.ea�wo `� 5��� ��� sr,� awrre�oow�saia+ �s�s • �oat . * �ro m cw�r��r cas�ru�rr _ wn�ooL�o: _�oe�ac�b• o�r oou�x� ,� � ' Sl1PPORiB wFNp+CQIJNCIL U�JECTl�E9 � � . . . � � . . � � . _ . - - � . . . . . . � � . � � �. _ Cot�cil Resear h Center . MAY 2 3 , .a�a,�a w�o�cw.�.orro�n,�+rrr cwno.wn�.wna,.wn.�e.w�yr. .. _ Daniel Wozniak, on behalf of the Working oys Center, requests Co ncil approval o� their application for a Non-Intoxicat ng l�alt Liquor License. This license � t�ill be used ir� conjunctioc�.with. Grand 01 Days on June 5, 1988, etween the hours of 12:00 rroon and 5:00 PM. ' A starfd wti11 be set up at 1U68 Grand venue. - ,wst�cnro�+�(co�e.ne�..nawr�...�r• - All required applica�ions and`fees have en submitted. If this pplicatian receives: . � Co�uncil approval , the Wor.king Bays Cente will be allvwed to serv non.-into:xicating - malt (3.�'beer) beverages at the Grand O1 Days. � �. >.�tw�.c wb.n:ana rb-wno�� _ _ : If this application does not receive Cau il approval , the sponsa wi11 not be allov�ed to ha�e 3.2 beer available for sale. � u�wn,�:. � coNs _ �om�w�eqioans: _. �t.�: `