88-875 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICI CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF S I NT PALT L File NO. �� ��� BLUE - MAVOR - _ ouncil esolution �33� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #1 971) for a Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage License applied for by the Noon Optimist Club of St. Paul at 1345 Grand Avenu for June 5, 1988, (Gran Old Days) between the hours of 12: 0 Noon and 5:00 P.M, be nd the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays �,...ti Dimond �.ong In Fa or Goswitz �/ Rettman �� __ Again t BY Sonnen �ii�ileea MAY 3 1 �gg Form App oved by it At rney Adopted by Council: Date ' / � Certified Pa s d oun il S et By— � By I#ppr v y 1Aavor: Da _ ` Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council By By �usM� �`�,� 11 988 . . ����— U�VISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRAT ON DATE �� / �� i� C � INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Pr cessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud (jr Z� Applicant �pL,� �� v,�iS-�, l�S�-b Home Address }��� �i � �-✓ s - Business IvTame SGw.,� Home Phone — 1s� Business Address 13t�$ � 1fU�� Type of Lic.ense(s) 1 �'��. Business Phone o2;�'� - S�`LJ� •c� Public Hearing Date S'�3r �� License I.D. 41 � � � at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �- llate Nutice Sent; � �/ Dealer �� � to Applicant S (� IQ�O rederal Firearms 4� n (-�- Public Hearing DATE INSPE TIUN REVIEW VEKFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A roved No A roved � Bldg I & D + n 1� � Health Divn. � � : n � � Fire Dept. � � ► n � � � ► Police Dept. I � License Divn. S I � I � � � U City Attorney s ��� � � Date Received Site Plan � � To Council R search 5� �{ 1�� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � r :�� .. , . � �r�s-. ; . � . ;, • CITY OF ST. P UL, MINNESOTA ' APPLICATION FOR TEI�ORARY 0 -SALE MALT BEVERAGE LIC SE NOTE. This applicatioa must be filled out d sigaed at the time of your interview with the Licease Iavestigator, 30 da s rior to the date of t e event. 1. Name of orgaaizatioa Noon Opti ' st Club of St. Paul 2. Address of organizatioa 1812 Eas Seventh Street 3_ Type of organization - check oae whic is applicable. CIVIC ( ) CAARITABLE ( ) RELIGIOUS ( ) VETE S ( ) 4.. List all officers and directors. Presideat o s . N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Vice President E 7th St. S . P ul 73L'-1353 N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Secretary N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Treasurer il p _ $ NAME ADDRESS � PHONE N0. Others NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. 5. Location of premises for which appl'catioa is made 1345 rand St. Paul, 55 104 (Zip Code) � 6. Date(s) and hours during. w�ich the� non-intoxicating malt li uor will be sold 7. For what will profits be used? am ershiAS for hand can ed, Salvation Army Yo th Programs, Kaiser oll & ot er yout program: How will profits be disbursed (or spent)? Yout Activities 8. Upoa completioa of events you wil be required to submit a fiaaacial statemeat showing expeases for event aad use made o profits. 9. Attach to this application a lett r of consent from the o er and/or a person with lawful responsibilitq for the pr ises for which this lic nse is being requested. . � (OVER) . ���,1�,� . . r la. Every applicant for a temporary On Sale Malt Beverage License sh I1 file with his application therefore, a bond with a va id Power of Attorney att ched, in the sum� of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) . e surety oa such bond sh 11 be a surety company liceased to do business ia the tate of Minaesota, aad t e bond shall be approved as to form and execution by th Corporation Couasel. ' S id bond shall be conditioaed as follows: a.) That the liceasee will pay to the uaicipality, whea due, 11 taxes, license fees, penalties and other charges s provided by law. -- b.) That the liceasee will obey the 1 w relating to such licen ed business, and that in the eveat of any violatio of the provisions of su h law, the licensee will pay all fines, penalties aad other charges as provide by law. c.) That the liceasee will pay, to th extent of the principal amount of such bond, any damages for death or in'ury caused by or result" g from the violation of any provisions of law relating to the business for whi such licensee has been granted a license, and coadi ioned that such recove may be had from the surety oa the bond. The amount ecoverable shall be meas red by the actual damages, provided, however, that in no case shall such su ety be liable for any amouat in excess of the amouat o the bond. ' _ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) $s COUNTY OF RAMSEY � ) , c' �n,- � �r v.,.� b iag first duly sworn, de oses aad says that he has rea the foregoing� application aad ows the� contents thereof and that the same is true to the best of his kaowledge, info ation and belief. Subcribed aad swora to before me this 1 �` day of 19�' • a���� Notary Pub c, Ramsey County, Minnesota My co�ission expires _ __ ■MnNVV��MMAAAAM�AMAAAWVW�AM= ` •. �. PATR1CtA J. HARTMAP�N ' �� NpTAQr MIBUC-NIMMEfOtA � RAMSITY COUlITr M7�w•ExW�M�r.10.1!!► s vwwwwvvwvvvwwwvvvwwwvW' . . .. . . . . . .���'•. 'R� , ...1 . . . ;.. . . . . ' .. ���.�1� , . �i v�l��li�rY . Mr. Carche�i . '. ���� �`i' ��fi `NO: QQ�.�r'J� cONr�cr PEA9oM . o��a,,,�rr o�cfoA �voA p��r�cr�. Chr�s`tine Ro ek "ss�" " �:��� �� � r�uMS�Foa � � i�U71Np euoaer oi�croR .y Fi.l�nce 29�-°�56 �' � ��� —4�.. . Application for Temporary �n 5a�-e 3.2 Beer Lic nse. Notofication Date: 5/:18/88 k�eari.ng D te� �,a►noae:u►vv►a.�►�o►r�r.a un) : ce�ca. �a+*: _ _ _ _ a�x�� aw�se�cor�assia+ o��w a►�«,r � a�a�No. W� ��,�r s���'� s� �� ���� �� �� �� � �. . ,��� � ��. .�,,,,��: _ _ ,�� _,�,�. . �'""°'°°`�"-°�""E' Council. Resea ch Center. __ MAY 2 31� . ..,y►,.�.naosue�,�.onva�rt�.n►(�.,na�.v�,�,,wns�..v�: _ . Roger Christianson, nn 6ehalf of the 1Vc�on Op 'mist C1ub of St. Pau1 , uests Coun�il apprQVal of their.-appl�cation far a Temporar On Sale_3,2 &eer Licens .,_for, Grand -Q1d �Da�rs, . . June 5, �988, betw�en the fiours of i2:00 Noo and S:t�PM. �Beer wi11 sold at�13!�5 Grand . : Aven�e., . �u�w�axnow��.�: : , , .,, A]1 fees and appiicatian�s have been submitt . _ 'fl01M�011�M�if:wh�n,ana To w�an): , , ,. , . ` �if:Caunci 1 approval is gi ven, the Noon-0pti i st Cl ub wi l l be abl e t se1] beer at Grand Ul d Days. If Cour�cil approval is not given, be will not be said at Gr nd 01d Days by the Noon - Opitmists. . �r.�u►m+�: � �nnos ooNS . �t�r�rs: _ - t��sst�s: � _