88-868 WNITE - G�TV CI.ERK C UflCll G y/� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL /� /j CANARV - DEPARTMENT Fl�@ NO. �`� �+� BLUE - MAVOR C unci Resolution �a Presented By ����1� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By D te RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #9 337) for a One Day On S le 3.2 Malt Beverage License applied or by the Children's He rt Fund at 1434 Grand Avenue between the hours of 12:00 Noon and 5:00 P.M. on June 5, 1988 (Grand O1 Days) be and the same 's hereby approved. I I COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department f: Dimond �� [n Favor coswitz Q, Rettman ��;be� _ Against BY Sonnen �i'Yrtle�n .��p MAY 31 RfUO Form App ved by City At orney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified P� ` d y o nci , tar BY / gS, � Appro by 1�lavor. Dat F.lV� ° � i�U Approved by Mayor for Sub�nission to Council � g By `Pt�3llSHED J���`; 1 1 1988 i � � I ���'�� � � UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINIS RATION DATE �� SC�C / S�li � INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST App Processed/Received by i Lic Enf Aud Applicant � �'�pl„�a �,Yk �(Q Home Address (� I �• ��s� 5-E.. . � Business Name JC�„� Home Phone (� -5 y- Business Address ���_.,��(� � • Type of License(s) � � � Business Phone � (,,Q� - �J �(�� �"�fnJ� • Public Hearing Date s��'�l � gg' License I.D. �l ''� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t `�k llate Nutice Sent;� Dealer �� (�' to Applicant � �� � Federal Fi_rearms 4� � Public Het�ring DATE INSPEC ION li REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) ICOMMENTS A proved Not A roved � I Bldg I & D � �I � 1�' , � , � Health Divn. � I h 1� ' , � . � Fire Dept. � � i i I I I h �� � I Police Dept. I �n 1a License Divn. s ' `C^ � � i � City Attorney � � ` � l � �� Date Received: Site Plan �,'(a- To Council Research rj� Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord �I �� 1 �� I 4 � • � ' t I CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: . •s Current DBA: " New D$A: � Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: Wor�ers" Compensation: < � New Officers: y � ��:� �. Stockholders: , . . �'� � -- � „'^..v�.-r �,... :. r........ ..._ . . . - _ � r `�.,... ;, . ,,. u .µ „ � �'� 4 ,�a �r . .. � <,.i. .i' i r,-:v . y y� l.i �„ iA< w ;,.� 1 �::. ��'o� �+ . r : . CITY OF ST � A ri;MINNESOTA. . ` : :�;.�?�.,a$*' `+-�. � �.�i� � APPLICATION FOR TEI�ORARY' N,SALE MALT`�BEVERAGE LI - ��` t�, r =_ �; �, , . `s�L� �•�<�1�'�gr�k + = ",��f':��''�l;�7 �"'� � ' F J . . . . . . .;t x�,i..��'{ .: .�.�� ♦ ��� .; 'L rA. .l�T���. ���.'�.�s'.y+��i� � . �,� �A � �y,{, � r ••. y rgy:.n� ..•r ,`�.a i : � � ,. , � :.:. � '` ,si��� izi.thr"tim� ,o '� tits�zc+ti NOTE: This '�applicatioa•must be £illed ou '� m . � � w�th �the I:icea'sa Iavestigstc�,. 30� ds `a iio�``to��'��a`t�`e�`a�f` "� . ... .�.;:=:�' y�t, .._ . —;y , , ... �+ .��.,�„ . .t. .. • . .+�, w�ic�'+il�{�+14 ��FOF��)s"i�.: �* ,.+..�+��e1�N� �.' ,''��" ,�"�,i. �r4 . � � . N :�.i �i �Li� le ry : s�t,�.� �.�� � r-�R�i��M �..a�.Y ��.. . ..,. 1. Name of orgaaizatioa � :H t: u'n �.�: ���t�-a� �- .. .. :� .': .. c ....:�. .. . .. , ��;,. �. .�.. : � .. . . . -, ' �r�'. J{ � • �1� . - r �;:. . . ��.Y�Nt'�KF �.R4•'- .r,�.5 . ''Z. � Address of orgaaizatioa ,_ ., ,w �",� ':�-"' M�� rinea � " �":} f : "" . ..r . : . �',-t �;, .F��`�t t� .nW'jjr� V�LY�.� �'�."' �,ykM� �'��" o4+x 3. . Type of orgaaizatioa' - �check oae which s:'applicable�. `" ";� ..f,,� _ . . �. _ . . .:ti F..('1:-.�'' a. +,S+.�rd4+�'J"r Rr�.t» . K , �}��'�',ti'� 'r ' _�_ . .. _ ;.,; . ... ,. --'_ - �.,.... :,4 r. ,,., . . � _.. fc *f _., : � :i , civic ( ) : cs�iT�r� C� "' '�iczous' � ��) vE ... sf �. ��� :.: : . _ . : - : . _ 4. List all officers aad directors. � � -" ; , -�� ` `F'� -;.�' _ , ; I � . Presideat Robert A. VanTasse ; ' M:D: ` ' �; Excelsio�r�' ``"� `�• �863-3900 � NAME , ADDRESS •->, PHONE ;i0. � ,. :� _ Vice Presideat Philip J . �McElroy ' � 'Edina •� 342-2220 NAME •�: ADDRESS PHOt� �10 � Secretary Peter Cooper Edina 343-127� NAME • ADDRESS P'HONE Y0. Treasurer John H . Flittie � Pl mouth 3 2- 28" NAME . ADDRESS PHONE v0. Others Mark S . Farnan Minnea olis � 863-5460 NAME ADDRESS P�ONE v0. Joseph C . Kiser„ M.D . Excelsior 863-3999 NAME ADDRESS , PH+ONE v0. i 5. Locatioa of premises for which applicat'oa is made 1434 Grandl Avenue . ' St. Paul, ZII�i 5105 ' (Zip �ode) 6. Date(s) aad hours during which the- aon-' toxicatiag malt liquor ill be sold _ . ,. .,__ 'g�unday, Tune 5 , 1988 Noon _; 5. :. . .m. ,,_ ,�-. . ,.. 7. � Fvr what will profits be used? Cardiac surgery for need c ildren � How will profits be disbursed (or speat) . � � 8_ Upon com�pletioa of eveats pou will b� re uired to submit a finan ial statemeat shoWiag expenses for eveat and �se made of profi s. ' ' ' . . . i . 9. Attach to thi.s applicatioa a letter of c, nseat fro�� the owaer aa yor a�=persoa �r�i.th � �.,,_ .. .. lawful responsibility for the gremises-°f = which this Iicease is beiag �requested. s _�s�:. _. , _ ( . ; S. . , ,. • ...r .�. .... .� .... . _ .I ._. . .. �...� I f �� � • II . - -�--... --- - ---- - .--- --.. __._--�- � . . . - �� � ��'"��.. ._ _ , '� ~ a� . 10. Every applicaat for a temrporary Oa Sa e Malt Beveragc Licease- ���all file with his applicatioa thereforr, a boad wit2r a lid Power of Attoraep aktached, ia the� sum of Two 'Thousaad Dollars ($2,0a0.00)_ � surety oa such boad hall bc a suretp , compaap'liceased to do busiaess i.a State of Minaesota, aad the boad shall be approved� as to for� aad executioa bp e Corpo�ratiaa Couasel. � Said bond shall be coaditioaed as follows: - ! � i a.) That the Iiceasee wi1.1 pay to th muaicipalitp, whea due, all taxes, Iicease fees, penaI.ties and other charges as provi.ded by law. . b.) That th� licensee will obey the 1 w relatiag to such lice sed busi,aess, and • that ia the eveat of aap violatio o£' the provisioas� of s�ch law, the liceasee wili pap all fiaes, peaalties aad other charges as provid�d bp law. c.) That the liceasee will pay, to th extent of the priacipa amouat of such bond, anq damages for deaLh or ia ury caused by o� result g fzoia the violatioa of any provi.sions of law relating to the busiaess for whi such licensee has beea graated a licease, and coadi ioned that such recove may be had from the surety oa the bond. The amouat r coverable shall be meas red bp the actual - damages, provided, however, that n no case shall such suxjetq be liable for any amount in excess of the amouat of the boad. I � . _. - . . . . . . . . . - . � � � . . .._ : . __ . . .: ._ _ . _ . � ..._. _: _ . I� . . _, j � ._.. , . : , • + - - '�. _. . - -_ .. _ .:.. .. . : .. . . . .� . . . . . � . _ _ � _ _ ; � ; _ ._ . . _.. . .. . . . .. . _ . . . .. : ..._ � STATE OE MINNES4TA ) _ ) . _ _ _.. _ � �� . .._. ... ss ._ .. � .• . .. • : __ COUNTY' OF RPiMSEY J- .... .. . _. . I� L�,Zi c'. ��.,,�,�13ELL beiag first dulp sworn; depos4s and saps that he has read the foregoiag applicatioa and kaowa the coataats thereof, a�d that the same is trne to the best of his kaowledge, iaformati a aad belief. Subcribed aad swora to before me this dap of � 19� • II . 'I . Nota lic, ���Ob�:q Co My 'ssioa e ir .�'s�`' �TA� ' li OM�1TA C�1[1f I _ Mlt COIML 8�165 N� 1�t 2 . ._ . . �I 7t�. o��xnu�o a�Te�teo CI�`�v �fpd r�: �.�car�nea; � �i:F���t �1' �.0 017 4 4 '�T � � � � . . . DEPARTMENT q�CTOR � � � . 6MVGR(OR A�818TAMI)- � . . . .. Kris Schweinler-VanHorn "�'' — �.���, «r� NIIIABER FOR - . & Management 298-505fi o� �— �.� � 2 Council R�search Application for a One Day On Dale Non-I.ntoxi ating (3:2 beer) Ma1t Li uor License. Notification Date: 05-18-88 Hearing t�: � ,: 110N�(�PP�ove(�)a Ra�ct(gl) t�INICIL REPOR'f: FuMM�ci COMAI88pN . � tyVYM.8E1iVICE boMMt�SB�oN � oA1E M DAlE oUr ANM.v3r � � � vHONE Iq. � - - M. �� _ �,���� �-� .�,� � y,�� � . : STAfF � . . � � GNRTER COAAYN8810N �.OOMPLETE A6 .. � ADQL.INFO.. D'� � _l�OR �IdFO.�. .._f�lA�CK * . � . DI6TRICT GOIMiCIL . . - � . . *EXPLANATION: � . � � . . �. BUPPOFfTS�IM11CM00WCM.OB,IECME9 . � . � . .�. . . . . . . . . .. . : Councii Re earch Center. . MAY 3 �� : ..,�,,,.�o.�.n��.«�,o.�on�ru.n►n�,,�:,nn,�,vu�.wnr►: , _ . Mr. Eric D. Campbe1l , on behalf of the Chil�d n's Heart Fund, request -Council approval of their_application for a Non=�Into `cating �lalt Ciquar Lice se. This li�ense w�ll be :used in conjunction wi'th Gra Old Days, June 5, 19$$ between : � the hours of 12:00 Noon and 5:00 PM. Beer wi 1 6e sold� frum a stand t 1434 Grand Avenue. ; ,N,s,r�c�nae lco��e.�.a�.:�eva�r�ps.a.«,as>: . . . All required applications and �Fees have beerr ubmitted. If this appl cation receives Coun�il approval , the Childr�n's-Heart Fund 'll be allowed to serve on-intoxicating malt (3.Z�beer) beverages the Gr�nd 01d Days. � . 00[M[OYlNC�(1NhK MANn:rid To YNbm): _. -. If this application does not recei�e Council p�roval , the spansors w 11 rrot be allowed tq have 3.2 beer available for sale. �u.�ararn�: . : �os _ u�sronriv�ca�xrs: • � �r�nw�s: ,