99-22Council File # q� - 012
Refeaed To
Green Sheet # fa�a��o
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has worked to develop a neighborhood policy on
2 billboazds which enhances the livability of azea while maintaiuing its commercial viability; and
3 WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has asked for designarion as a special sign district
4 under the current Saint Paul City Code; now, therefore, be it
5 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning Commission to consider the Saint
6 Anthony Park Special Sign District Plan and forwazd a recommendation on it to the Council by February
7 24, 1999.
Requested by Department of:
Furm Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii
Approved by D te �_ 7/�/ �j�
BY: /h'/ �J'
Adopted by Council: Date , \ �
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
�1R -a�'
C�f �ocu�e�:/-�/a .�e.-rdHav /-19-�i9 GREEN SHEET No 63526
�QIl.�! �//�� N� � � O �D �� oRUtrreROwKrat ancartl
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rCera/c�fi'orv ct�i�tc�.� �l�.e f�lnilrncir(' C.�n/�ssidYr fo cons.� �xa Sca.rt f�Gcor.NPa.r.�
�S �S.�n•,�;slr;�f /'/an �,Zq��;-�svar�/ � �'ecDr.�in.�a�/a�i�. �o ,Ylr¢ C�'au,zecy �
f:e,6�ua�� Z� /999.
7. Has this persoNfirtn ever xrorlced under a canhact for this departmeM?
CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hss tFiia persoNfirtn eoer Deen a city empbyee?
3. Does Mis pe�soNfirm 0� a sldli not 1rormallYP�ssed bY anY curterd cHY emploYee?
4. Is tfus pe�soNfirm a tarpeted ventloYt
E�in alt yes answms on separate sheet and attach fo green sfieet
7om Hanen, Acirng Director � � - �
CI� �F' .Sf1�r PA�. 1� W¢stFourlhStreet Telephone: 651d66-6�6�
b"orm Colemon, Mayor SaintPaul, M.�� SJIO? Facsimele: 651-228-326!
February 17, 1999
Council President Dan Bostrom
and Members of the Gity Council
320B City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Council President Sostrom and Members of the City Council:
On January 6, 1999, the City Council forwarded the proposed St. Anthony Park Special Sign
District to the Pfanning Commission for its recommendation. The resoiution of referral directed
the Commission to return its recommendation by February 24, 1999.
• On February 4, 1999, after legal notice, a public hearing on the proposed sign district was heid
by the Zoning Committee. At the conclusion of the hearing, the attached resolution was
recommended to, and subsequentfy adopted by, the Commission. The Commission's
recommendation on this matter is that action on the proposed St. Anthony Park Sign Plan be
laid over until there is a final resolution on the recommendations of the city-wide Legislative
Advisory Gommittee on Advertising Sig�s.
Feel free io call me or Nancy Homans (6-6557) if you have any questions.
Ken Ford
Plan�ing Administrator
Planning Commission Resolution
City Councif Resolution
St. Anthony Park Sign Plan
Planning Staff Report
�a _ a-�—
� city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
fiie number 99-12
UQte Februarv 12, 1949
WHEREAS, on November 16, 1998 the St. Anthony Park Communiry Council submitted to the
Saint Paul City Council a proposal for a Special Sign District under the provisions of Sec. b6.216
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
�VHEREAS, on January 6, 1994 the 5aint Paul City Council forwarded the proposal to the
Planning Commission for its recommendation; and
WI-IEREAS, the City Council's resolution directed the Commission to return its recommendation
to the Council by February 24, 1999; and
�VHEREAS, ihe Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on
# February 4, 1999 afrer posting the required notice in the St. Paul Pioneer Pzess; and
RrHEEtEAS, at that hearing, the Zoning Committee received a staff recommenda?ion and heard
public testimony in favor of and opposed to the prop'osed district; and
�VHEIZEFIS, among the issues raised by those opposed to the district related to the timeliness of
the proposal in light of an on-going effort by the Plaruiing Commission to examine proposals b}�
the City Council's Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertisang Signs to develop new
city�vide policies and re ;ulations on advertising signs; and .
tiUHEREAS, the Planning Corpmission's ad hoc committee on advertisin� siQns is slated to make
its recommendation to the Commission some time after February 22, 1999;
NOW, THHREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Comznission
recommends to the City Council that action on the proposed St. Anthony Park Sign Plan be laid
o1�er until there is a final resotution on the recommendations of the Legislatio�e Advisory
Committee on Advertising Signs.
���ed 6,J� Field
secconded by _
{� �`�' �o�" Unanimous
...r� r.�`. � ( � - .
Green Sheet # ID �S�c
Refezred To
Commictee Date
t WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Pazk neighborhood has worked to develop a nsighborhood policy on
Z biiiboards which enhances the livability of azsa while maintaining its coaunercial viability; and
3 Vvf�REAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has asked for desig�aiion as a special sign district
d vnder the ciurent Saint Paul City Code; now, therefore, be it
5 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council disects the Planning Commission to consider the Saint
6 Anthony Park Special5ign Disn Plan and forward a recommendation on it to the Council by February
7 24, 1999.
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Rcqucsced by Dcpattmrnt of:
Furm Approved by Ciry Attorney
Adopiioa CcrSficd by Coux�cii Secrttary
Appro.•cd by Mayor: Date
Approvtd by Maya fot Submission co CounciS
Adapced by Co�mcil: Ds[e
Anthony Park Community Counci[ c� �_� a-
16, I998
Council President Daniel Bostrom
Room 310, City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Counril Presicienl Rost�om�
Enclosed please find a copy of the St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan. This
document was adopted on Wednesday, November 11, 1998, by the St. Anthony Park
Community Council.
We are now asking that the City Council and Planning Commission review this document
and make it part of the Zoning Ordinance.
• We would aiso like an opportunity to discuss our pian with the Zoning staff prior to the
City Council review.
Please cali me at 649=5992 if you have questions regarding the Plan, or would like to
discuss it further.
Warmest regards,
St. Anthony Park Community Council
i �
�'t�'t-�z�'� �`7���G�z.r � �
Heather Worthington �
Executive Director
cc: Councilmember Iay Benanav
Mayor Norm CoIeman
Pamela GVheelock, Director, PED
� Gladys Morton, Chair, Pla ng Commission
Lany Soderholm, PED �
Wendy Lane, LIEP
890 Cromweli Avenuq Saint Paul, Minnesot� 55114 •: 551/b49-5992 volce {• 651/649-5993 fax
The St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code,
is being adopted to provide sign controls that build upon the unique character and identity of
St. Anthony Park. This Sign Plan is intended to
(a) maintain and enhance the scenic views of downtown Minneapolis, the University of
Minnesota, and other unique architecturai and natural features visibie from the residential
and commercial areas and streets and fiighways of St. Anthony Park;
(b) protect investment in Westgate and Energy Park and encourage redevelopment of the
Southeast Minneapolis industrial (SEMI) area and other industrial properties in and around
St. Anthany Park in accordance with the standards of pianned business parks;
(c) reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of signage that impairs the effectiveness of signs
identifying businesses and institutions in St. Anthony Park;
(d) create a more desirabie and memorabie image for St. Anthony Park as the northern and
. western gateway to Saint Paul; and
(e) protect property values i� St. Anthony Park and reflect the pride its residents, businesses
and institutions place in the community.
The provisions of this Sign Plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the
Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that are more restrictive than provisions of
Chapter 66 shail prevail and supersede any conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other,
provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to apply to signage within the
St. Anthony Park Speciaf Sign District. All words and terms sha!! be defined as in this Sign Plan
and in Cnapier 60 oi ihe Zoning Corie. i-rovisions inai use 'tne word 'snali" are manoaiory.
Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to carrying out the intent and
purpose of this Sign Pian but are not mandatory.
The St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan shail apply to the area defined as follows:
Commencing at the extreme northwest corner of the city, the boundary shall extend
east along the city limit to C4eveland Avenue, south along the city limit to a point
near Como Avenue, and east along the city limit to the center-line of vacated Aldine
� Street, thence continuing south along the center-line of vacated Aldine Street to the
SAPCC - S�gn Plan (9875.WPD 4)
71 /9/98
center-Iine vf Wynne Avenue, east along the center-line of Wynne Avenue to the .
center-(ine of Snel(ing Avenue, south along fhe cenfer-line of Sneiling Avenue fo the
northeriy right-of-way line of The Burlington Northern and Sante Fe Raifway just
south of Energy Park Drive, westerly along such northeriy railway right-of-way line
to the center-line of Cteveland Avenue extended north along the section line from
University Avenue, south along the center-line of Cleveland Avenue extended and
Cleveland Avenue to the center-line of interstate Nighway 94, westerly along the
center-line of Interstate Highway 94 to the western city limit, and thence north along
the city limit to the northwest corner of the City where the boundary line began.
Within the St. Anthony Park Special Sign District, signs shali be subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Advertising signs shall not be permitted.
(b) Roof signs which advertise a product, service or enfertainment which is offered, sofd or
manufactured on the premises shall not be permifted, but a roof sign may identify the name,
logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises.
Signs within the St. Anthony Park Special Sign District which lawfully existed prior to the adoption •
of this Sign Plan by the City Council, and which would be prohibited, regulated or restricted under
the provisions of this Sign Plan or amendments hereto, may conti�ue to exist as Iegal
nonconforming signs under the provisions of Section 66.300, nonconforming signs, of the Zoning
Code, subject to the following additional requirements:
(a) No nonconforming sign shall be:
(i} altered or en(arged in any way, or
(ii) replaced by another nonconforming sign (but changing the message on the sign
shall not be deemed to be a replacement), or
(iii) relocated to any other location in ihe St. Anthony Park Special Sign District, or
(iv) reconstructed after incurring damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its market
value at the time of loss, as determined by the City, or
(v) maintained through replacement of structural elements.
(b) Any nonconforming sign shall be immediately removed from the St. Anthony Park Special
Sign Districf af fhe cosf of fhe owner:
(i) if it is an imminent danger to life or property, or •
SAPCC-SignPlan (9875WPD,S)
i i/Bl98
� "��
(ii} if it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its market value at the time of
loss, or
(iii) if use of suCh sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months.
(c) In any event, ail nonconforming signs shall be removed from the St. Anthony Park Special
Sign District by no later than 10 years after approval of this Sign Plan by the City Council.
The Zoning Administrator shali enforce the provisions of this Sign Plan as a suppiement to
Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a permit for a sign in the St. Anthony Park
Speciai Sign District is required underthe provisions of Chapter66 ofthe Zoning Gode, such permit
shaii noi be issued uniess the plans for the sign have been approved by the Zoning Administrator
as in conformance with this Sign Plan.
Building permit appiications for signs in the St. Anthony Psrk Special Sign District shaii be
submitted to the Zoning Administrator far review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the
review shali be established by resoiution of the City Council. Pians submitted for Zoning
� Administrator approval shali be of sufficient detaii to demonstrate that the proposed sign complies
with the provisions of this Sign Plan. The Zoning Administrator shall review the plans wvithin
30 days and notify both the appiicant and the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement
of any decision to approve or disapprove the plans. Written reasons for denial shali accompany
any decision to disapprove the plar�s. Any decision by the Zoning Administrator may be appealed
to the Planning Commission.
SAPCC - Sign Plan (9875 WPD CJ
�� �a�
lnterdepartmental Memorandum
DATE: February 3, 1999
TO: Zoning Committee
FROM: Nancy Homans
RE: Saint Anthony Park Special Sian District Plan: Arnended Staff Report and
On January 6, 1999, the City Council, by resolution, directed the PlanninQ Commission to
consider the proposed Saint Anthony Park Special Sign District Plan and forward its
recommendation to the Council by February 24, 1999. The foilowing is a discussion of the
issues raised by the proposal.
� Legislative Authority
The Zoning Code provides for the adoption of comprehensive sign plans (Sec. 66.216):
(a) A comprehensive sign plan may be provided for bz�siness or industrial premises w�hich
are nol part of a new planned development district as provided in section 66.213 above,
but i-vhich occupy the entire frontage on ttivo (2) or more adjacent block fronts. The intent
behind this provision is to allotiv and even encoz�rage entertainment centers, shopping
centeYS, histoPic districts and other corrzprehensive developments to buidd upon unique
characteristics of certain sections of the ciry so tong as the visual landscape created by
the plan is in keeping with the gener�al intent of this chapter. Such a plan sh�tll be
subnzitted to the planning commission and shald incla�de the locntion, siae, height, color,
lighting orientation, overall design justifcation, and other infor�mation �vhrch may be
reasonably reqziired for the propnr considerntion of the matter.
(b) Less restrictive as we11 as more resh•ictive ��rovlsions fhan specifred in this chapter
muy be permitted if the sign areas a�xd devrsities for Ihe ylan ar a irhole aYe in conformit}-
icitla tl�e intent of this chal�ter and if stich exception r�esuZts in an irii�r ovecl relationship
betN�een the variozts parts of Ihe �lc�n.
(c) AppTication shall be nzade m the cily council for consideration imder Uzis provision.
� Appf may be granted by city coaincil resolufion, after reviem ancl r�ecommendation is
nende by !he l�lcrrzning comnzission, ancl only after cr public lsearino before the planning
conamission and the ci(y co�.incil.
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
PaQe two
District Z2 Sign District Proposal
In summary, tfie key elements of the proposai as submitted by the District 12 Community
Council relate exclusively to advertising and roof signs and include the following:
L The district shall encompass the entire District 12 planning district.
?. The goals ofthe district include:
(a) Maintain and enhance the scenic views of downto�vn Minneapolis, the University
of Minnesota, and other unique azchitectural and natural features visible from the
residential and commercial areas and streets and highways of St. Anthony Park.
(b} Protect investment in Westtrate and Energy Park and encourage redevelopment of
the Southeast Minneapolis Industrial (SEMI) azea and other industrial properties
in and azound St. Anthony Pazk in accordance with the standazds of planned
business parks.
(c) Reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of signage that impairs the effectiveness
of signs identifying businesses and institutions in St. Anthony Park.
(d) Create a more desirable and memorable image of St. Anthony Park as the northern
and western gateway to St. Paul. .
(e} Protecf property values in St. Anthony Park and reflect the pride its residents,
businesses and institutions place in the community.
The major provisions include:
(a) Advertising signs shall not be permitted in the district. E�isting advertising signs
�eill become legally nonconforming signs.
{b) Roof signs Uiat advertise a product, service or entertainment �vhich is offered, sold
or mviufactured on the premisses shall not be permitted, but a roof sign may
identify the name, logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises.
(c) Nonconforming si�ns may continue to exist subject to requirements that they not
be altered, enlarged, replaced, relocated or reconstructed; that they be removed if
they pose danger Yo healYh and safety, incur si�nificant damage or are not used for
a period of three consecutive months.
(d) Nonconforming signs shall be retnove�d fi the disfrict by' no later ttian 10 years
after approval of the sign plan by the City Council.
The proposal includes procedures and provisions for the enforcement of tl2e district
� a�' ��
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1499
Pa�e three
Esisting Regulations
Advertising signs (including signs on billboards, benches, transit stops) are permitted in the
portions of the district zoned B-2, B-3, I-1 or I-2, subject to size, height and spacin�
requirements as follows:
Ciassification Maximum Minimum Maximum Existing
Gross Spacing Height Signs
Surface Beriveen (Feet)
Area Signs
(5q ft) (Feet)
Principal arterials 700 1000 37 %
Hwy 280
Minor arterials 4Q0 660 37 %z
Cleveland (S of University) ,
Como (B-2 areas)
Energy Park Drive
Raymond `
Collectors 100 ?00 37'/z
Issues for Discussion
l. Ban on advertising signs in the district. The proposal to not permit additional
advertisivg signs in the district and to make all existing signs ]egal nonconforming uses:
(a) Is consistenf with other sian districts in the city (Grand Avemie, Smith Avenue
and Highland);
(b) Is consistent with the federal Highway Beautification Act that ca11s upon States to
control the erection ai�d niaintenance of outdoor advertising signs ii� areas
adjacent to ihe Interstate System and the primary system "in order to protect the
public investment in sLich highways, to promote the safet}� and recreational value
of public travel and to preserve natural beauty".
� (c) Is similac to ordinauces in other cities (e.g. Seattle and San Diego) in which
courts, including the Supreuie Court in Metromedia, Ina ��. City of San Diego,
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page four
have found that a city's interest in avoidin� visual clutter suffices to justify a
prohibition of billboards.
(d) Is provided for in State la�v (173.20) �vhick states that nothing in Sections 173.13-
173.231 (ctddressing the f•egtrlation of advertising signs in other� than clesignated
scenic areas) shall be constraied to abrogate or affect the provisions of any other
law, municiperl ordinance, regtdation, or resoh�tion which is more restrictive
concerning advertising than the pr-ovisions of said sections 173,13 to 173.231
hereof or of the regadations adoptec� her•eunden State permits for advertising
signs along interstate or primart• highways are, indeed, subject to Iocai approvai
2. Ban on roof signs other than those that identifv the name, logo and nature of the
business carried on in the premises.
Already banned in the Zoning Code are advertising signs constnzcted on a roof top or to
overhang a roof, except:
Replacements for nonconforming signs that are brought into conformance with
the size and height requirements of the code and are less than 400 square feet in �
size may be located on a rooftop. Atl such replacement signs may overhang a
roo£ 66302 (a)(5) and 66302(b)(�)
The proposed sign district provisions �tiould re�nove tl�at esception as well as forbid
business signs (i.e. those that direct attention to a business, profession, commodiYq,
service or entertairnnent which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured on the
Premises upon which the sign is placed) on roofs except tllose that identify only the
name, logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises. All e�istin� business
signs on roofs-excepi those tfiat identify onIy the name, logo and nature of tbe business-
cvould become legally nonconfonnine.
The applicant's intention is to curb the installation of signs that are, in all other respects,
advertisino signs, but are considered business signs because they advertise a product that
is sold on the premises (e.g. a billboard advertising liquor located on top of a liquor store
that does not indude the name of the liquor store). It is conceivable that such signs
would be located on a rooF, but it is equaIly conceivable that ttiey �voutd be freestanding
The proposed proeision may be confusing inasmuch as it essentiall} creates a definition
of business signs different fiom that in the Sign Ordinance. It may also not be entirely
efiective in addressing the concern it is intended to address. The Grand Avenue and
Highland Special Sign Districts include the following provisio��s: �
� �� -��
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page five
Grand Avenue
Business signs should clearly and concisely ident� the bt�sinesses on the
premises. The name of the bzrsiness should be highlighted; extra information
tends to reduce the impact of the sign.
Signs which advertize a prodtrct and inclzrde the name of the bz�siness on the
premises zrpon tivhich the sign is placed shall not be permitte
No more than 10 percenr of rhe gross sauface dispiny nrea of bxisiness signs
permitted on a lot shall be used for prodtict signs which are not integral to the
name of the bzrsiness. Prodt�ct signs, business signs tivhich actvertise a product
s•o1d on the premises, shozrld be avoided. Sa�ch signs-which are often provided by
soft drink, beer or cigarette companies fail to highlight the important
information, the barsiness name, and clzrtter the appearance ofthe village.
3. Removal of Non-conformitta Signs
� • The primary issue raised by the proposal relates to the requirement that nonconforming
signs-of all kinds--be removed from the district within ten years. Four issues are raised.
The first relates to whether the City intends to adopt a policy of removing exisiing
signs tluough the process of amortization.
Committing the City to such a strategy is a more significant policy decision than
was encisioned by the Zoning Code provisions establishing special sign districts
and, therefore, merits careful review. In recent weeks, the CounciPs Legislative
Advisory Committee Iias recomnlended against the use af amortizatian and has
placed the question into the hands of the Planning Commission and City Council
for resolution. A recommendation is now being formed by the Planning
Comniission and is, as a resLilt, not yet before the City Council for discussion and
final resolution.
2. The second issue relates to the legality of depe�ading on amortization as a means
of compensation on federal interstate highways and pcimary coadways.
Siiace 1978, federal law I�as required cash compensation for the required removal
of nonconfomzing billboards along federal inier-state and primary highways (I-94
aud I�«}' 280), regardless of whether the billboarcl's nonconfonning status is the
result of federal law or some other govern�nental action.
� 3. The ihird issue ielates to wt�ed�er the City, should it decide to pursue a strategy of
amortization oi7 local zoadwrays, should i�iake findings related to the appzopriate
amortization period. The proposed special sign district does not make any such
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page six
The decision to pursue a strategy of amortization on local roadways (University
Avenue, Como Bou[evard, Raymond Avenue, Cleveland Avenue} is a matter of
local discretion and would require carefizl justification of the amortization period.
The City Attorney has advised that "if the amorti_>ation period tivas found to be
lacking and therefore constiFzrted a`taking' of private properry Yvithout jt�st
compensation tivhich is prahibited zazder the Fifth flmendment of the United States
Constitution as well as Minnesotn Constitution �trticle I, Section 13, Che City
would be exposed to substantial money dnmages."
A related issue concerns the status of University Avenue. While State officials
have indicated that, with the recent transfer of University Avenue from State to
County jurisdiction, amortization became a matter of local discretion, industry
representatives contend that since the billboards were erected when the roadway
received State aid, they continue to be protected by the provisions of the federal
law that require cash compensation for the removal of signs on primary highways.
Additional legal opinions have been requested. �
4. Finally, the proposed sign district calls for the removal of al] non-conforming
signs (not just advertising siens) ��ithin ten years. Presumably, there are signs in
the.district that became non-conforming, because of their size ar height, for
instance, when the City's sign ordinance was adopted. The City does not
presently have'records on all the si�ns in the district in order to establish their
non-confonning status and ensure their removal.
Staff Recomrriendation
Staff recomcnends:
Approval of the St. Anthony Pazk Special Sisn District with the foliowing amendments:
1. Replace the provision related to roof signs with the Following:
Business signs should clear�ly cind concisely identify the bassiness(es) on the
prenzises. The name of the bi�siness shozdd be highlighted. A�o rnor�e than 10
�er�cent oJthe gross swfcrce cllsplay ur•eu of business signs permitted on a Zot shall
be zrsed fo1 product signs which ur�e not integr al ro ihe nanae of the business.
2. Detete the provision related to the removal of nonconformin� signs until such
time that the City Council has addressed die issues related to amortization and
adopted it as a strategy for advertisin� sign removal, makin� tl�e appropriate
fiudin�s to support its decision.
Enclosure �
Council File # q� - 012
Refeaed To
Green Sheet # fa�a��o
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has worked to develop a neighborhood policy on
2 billboazds which enhances the livability of azea while maintaiuing its commercial viability; and
3 WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has asked for designarion as a special sign district
4 under the current Saint Paul City Code; now, therefore, be it
5 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning Commission to consider the Saint
6 Anthony Park Special Sign District Plan and forwazd a recommendation on it to the Council by February
7 24, 1999.
Requested by Department of:
Furm Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii
Approved by D te �_ 7/�/ �j�
BY: /h'/ �J'
Adopted by Council: Date , \ �
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
�1R -a�'
C�f �ocu�e�:/-�/a .�e.-rdHav /-19-�i9 GREEN SHEET No 63526
�QIl.�! �//�� N� � � O �D �� oRUtrreROwKrat ancartl
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� w+�xouamv¢unw. nuxcuLLamvi.are
❑ WYORIOR�YStfYrt� ❑
rCera/c�fi'orv ct�i�tc�.� �l�.e f�lnilrncir(' C.�n/�ssidYr fo cons.� �xa Sca.rt f�Gcor.NPa.r.�
�S �S.�n•,�;slr;�f /'/an �,Zq��;-�svar�/ � �'ecDr.�in.�a�/a�i�. �o ,Ylr¢ C�'au,zecy �
f:e,6�ua�� Z� /999.
7. Has this persoNfirtn ever xrorlced under a canhact for this departmeM?
CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hss tFiia persoNfirtn eoer Deen a city empbyee?
3. Does Mis pe�soNfirm 0� a sldli not 1rormallYP�ssed bY anY curterd cHY emploYee?
4. Is tfus pe�soNfirm a tarpeted ventloYt
E�in alt yes answms on separate sheet and attach fo green sfieet
7om Hanen, Acirng Director � � - �
CI� �F' .Sf1�r PA�. 1� W¢stFourlhStreet Telephone: 651d66-6�6�
b"orm Colemon, Mayor SaintPaul, M.�� SJIO? Facsimele: 651-228-326!
February 17, 1999
Council President Dan Bostrom
and Members of the Gity Council
320B City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Council President Sostrom and Members of the City Council:
On January 6, 1999, the City Council forwarded the proposed St. Anthony Park Special Sign
District to the Pfanning Commission for its recommendation. The resoiution of referral directed
the Commission to return its recommendation by February 24, 1999.
• On February 4, 1999, after legal notice, a public hearing on the proposed sign district was heid
by the Zoning Committee. At the conclusion of the hearing, the attached resolution was
recommended to, and subsequentfy adopted by, the Commission. The Commission's
recommendation on this matter is that action on the proposed St. Anthony Park Sign Plan be
laid over until there is a final resolution on the recommendations of the city-wide Legislative
Advisory Gommittee on Advertising Sig�s.
Feel free io call me or Nancy Homans (6-6557) if you have any questions.
Ken Ford
Plan�ing Administrator
Planning Commission Resolution
City Councif Resolution
St. Anthony Park Sign Plan
Planning Staff Report
�a _ a-�—
� city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
fiie number 99-12
UQte Februarv 12, 1949
WHEREAS, on November 16, 1998 the St. Anthony Park Communiry Council submitted to the
Saint Paul City Council a proposal for a Special Sign District under the provisions of Sec. b6.216
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
�VHEREAS, on January 6, 1994 the 5aint Paul City Council forwarded the proposal to the
Planning Commission for its recommendation; and
WI-IEREAS, the City Council's resolution directed the Commission to return its recommendation
to the Council by February 24, 1999; and
�VHEREAS, ihe Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on
# February 4, 1999 afrer posting the required notice in the St. Paul Pioneer Pzess; and
RrHEEtEAS, at that hearing, the Zoning Committee received a staff recommenda?ion and heard
public testimony in favor of and opposed to the prop'osed district; and
�VHEIZEFIS, among the issues raised by those opposed to the district related to the timeliness of
the proposal in light of an on-going effort by the Plaruiing Commission to examine proposals b}�
the City Council's Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertisang Signs to develop new
city�vide policies and re ;ulations on advertising signs; and .
tiUHEREAS, the Planning Corpmission's ad hoc committee on advertisin� siQns is slated to make
its recommendation to the Commission some time after February 22, 1999;
NOW, THHREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Comznission
recommends to the City Council that action on the proposed St. Anthony Park Sign Plan be laid
o1�er until there is a final resotution on the recommendations of the Legislatio�e Advisory
Committee on Advertising Signs.
���ed 6,J� Field
secconded by _
{� �`�' �o�" Unanimous
...r� r.�`. � ( � - .
Green Sheet # ID �S�c
Refezred To
Commictee Date
t WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Pazk neighborhood has worked to develop a nsighborhood policy on
Z biiiboards which enhances the livability of azsa while maintaining its coaunercial viability; and
3 Vvf�REAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has asked for desig�aiion as a special sign district
d vnder the ciurent Saint Paul City Code; now, therefore, be it
5 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council disects the Planning Commission to consider the Saint
6 Anthony Park Special5ign Disn Plan and forward a recommendation on it to the Council by February
7 24, 1999.
. ����� � �
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Rcqucsced by Dcpattmrnt of:
Furm Approved by Ciry Attorney
Adopiioa CcrSficd by Coux�cii Secrttary
Appro.•cd by Mayor: Date
Approvtd by Maya fot Submission co CounciS
Adapced by Co�mcil: Ds[e
Anthony Park Community Counci[ c� �_� a-
16, I998
Council President Daniel Bostrom
Room 310, City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Counril Presicienl Rost�om�
Enclosed please find a copy of the St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan. This
document was adopted on Wednesday, November 11, 1998, by the St. Anthony Park
Community Council.
We are now asking that the City Council and Planning Commission review this document
and make it part of the Zoning Ordinance.
• We would aiso like an opportunity to discuss our pian with the Zoning staff prior to the
City Council review.
Please cali me at 649=5992 if you have questions regarding the Plan, or would like to
discuss it further.
Warmest regards,
St. Anthony Park Community Council
i �
�'t�'t-�z�'� �`7���G�z.r � �
Heather Worthington �
Executive Director
cc: Councilmember Iay Benanav
Mayor Norm CoIeman
Pamela GVheelock, Director, PED
� Gladys Morton, Chair, Pla ng Commission
Lany Soderholm, PED �
Wendy Lane, LIEP
890 Cromweli Avenuq Saint Paul, Minnesot� 55114 •: 551/b49-5992 volce {• 651/649-5993 fax
The St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code,
is being adopted to provide sign controls that build upon the unique character and identity of
St. Anthony Park. This Sign Plan is intended to
(a) maintain and enhance the scenic views of downtown Minneapolis, the University of
Minnesota, and other unique architecturai and natural features visibie from the residential
and commercial areas and streets and fiighways of St. Anthony Park;
(b) protect investment in Westgate and Energy Park and encourage redevelopment of the
Southeast Minneapolis industrial (SEMI) area and other industrial properties in and around
St. Anthany Park in accordance with the standards of pianned business parks;
(c) reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of signage that impairs the effectiveness of signs
identifying businesses and institutions in St. Anthony Park;
(d) create a more desirabie and memorabie image for St. Anthony Park as the northern and
. western gateway to Saint Paul; and
(e) protect property values i� St. Anthony Park and reflect the pride its residents, businesses
and institutions place in the community.
The provisions of this Sign Plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the
Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that are more restrictive than provisions of
Chapter 66 shail prevail and supersede any conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other,
provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to apply to signage within the
St. Anthony Park Speciaf Sign District. All words and terms sha!! be defined as in this Sign Plan
and in Cnapier 60 oi ihe Zoning Corie. i-rovisions inai use 'tne word 'snali" are manoaiory.
Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to carrying out the intent and
purpose of this Sign Pian but are not mandatory.
The St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan shail apply to the area defined as follows:
Commencing at the extreme northwest corner of the city, the boundary shall extend
east along the city limit to C4eveland Avenue, south along the city limit to a point
near Como Avenue, and east along the city limit to the center-line of vacated Aldine
� Street, thence continuing south along the center-line of vacated Aldine Street to the
SAPCC - S�gn Plan (9875.WPD 4)
71 /9/98
center-Iine vf Wynne Avenue, east along the center-line of Wynne Avenue to the .
center-(ine of Snel(ing Avenue, south along fhe cenfer-line of Sneiling Avenue fo the
northeriy right-of-way line of The Burlington Northern and Sante Fe Raifway just
south of Energy Park Drive, westerly along such northeriy railway right-of-way line
to the center-line of Cteveland Avenue extended north along the section line from
University Avenue, south along the center-line of Cleveland Avenue extended and
Cleveland Avenue to the center-line of interstate Nighway 94, westerly along the
center-line of Interstate Highway 94 to the western city limit, and thence north along
the city limit to the northwest corner of the City where the boundary line began.
Within the St. Anthony Park Special Sign District, signs shali be subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Advertising signs shall not be permitted.
(b) Roof signs which advertise a product, service or enfertainment which is offered, sofd or
manufactured on the premises shall not be permifted, but a roof sign may identify the name,
logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises.
Signs within the St. Anthony Park Special Sign District which lawfully existed prior to the adoption •
of this Sign Plan by the City Council, and which would be prohibited, regulated or restricted under
the provisions of this Sign Plan or amendments hereto, may conti�ue to exist as Iegal
nonconforming signs under the provisions of Section 66.300, nonconforming signs, of the Zoning
Code, subject to the following additional requirements:
(a) No nonconforming sign shall be:
(i} altered or en(arged in any way, or
(ii) replaced by another nonconforming sign (but changing the message on the sign
shall not be deemed to be a replacement), or
(iii) relocated to any other location in ihe St. Anthony Park Special Sign District, or
(iv) reconstructed after incurring damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its market
value at the time of loss, as determined by the City, or
(v) maintained through replacement of structural elements.
(b) Any nonconforming sign shall be immediately removed from the St. Anthony Park Special
Sign Districf af fhe cosf of fhe owner:
(i) if it is an imminent danger to life or property, or •
SAPCC-SignPlan (9875WPD,S)
i i/Bl98
� "��
(ii} if it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its market value at the time of
loss, or
(iii) if use of suCh sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months.
(c) In any event, ail nonconforming signs shall be removed from the St. Anthony Park Special
Sign District by no later than 10 years after approval of this Sign Plan by the City Council.
The Zoning Administrator shali enforce the provisions of this Sign Plan as a suppiement to
Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a permit for a sign in the St. Anthony Park
Speciai Sign District is required underthe provisions of Chapter66 ofthe Zoning Gode, such permit
shaii noi be issued uniess the plans for the sign have been approved by the Zoning Administrator
as in conformance with this Sign Plan.
Building permit appiications for signs in the St. Anthony Psrk Special Sign District shaii be
submitted to the Zoning Administrator far review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the
review shali be established by resoiution of the City Council. Pians submitted for Zoning
� Administrator approval shali be of sufficient detaii to demonstrate that the proposed sign complies
with the provisions of this Sign Plan. The Zoning Administrator shall review the plans wvithin
30 days and notify both the appiicant and the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement
of any decision to approve or disapprove the plans. Written reasons for denial shali accompany
any decision to disapprove the plar�s. Any decision by the Zoning Administrator may be appealed
to the Planning Commission.
SAPCC - Sign Plan (9875 WPD CJ
�� �a�
lnterdepartmental Memorandum
DATE: February 3, 1999
TO: Zoning Committee
FROM: Nancy Homans
RE: Saint Anthony Park Special Sian District Plan: Arnended Staff Report and
On January 6, 1999, the City Council, by resolution, directed the PlanninQ Commission to
consider the proposed Saint Anthony Park Special Sign District Plan and forward its
recommendation to the Council by February 24, 1999. The foilowing is a discussion of the
issues raised by the proposal.
� Legislative Authority
The Zoning Code provides for the adoption of comprehensive sign plans (Sec. 66.216):
(a) A comprehensive sign plan may be provided for bz�siness or industrial premises w�hich
are nol part of a new planned development district as provided in section 66.213 above,
but i-vhich occupy the entire frontage on ttivo (2) or more adjacent block fronts. The intent
behind this provision is to allotiv and even encoz�rage entertainment centers, shopping
centeYS, histoPic districts and other corrzprehensive developments to buidd upon unique
characteristics of certain sections of the ciry so tong as the visual landscape created by
the plan is in keeping with the gener�al intent of this chapter. Such a plan sh�tll be
subnzitted to the planning commission and shald incla�de the locntion, siae, height, color,
lighting orientation, overall design justifcation, and other infor�mation �vhrch may be
reasonably reqziired for the propnr considerntion of the matter.
(b) Less restrictive as we11 as more resh•ictive ��rovlsions fhan specifred in this chapter
muy be permitted if the sign areas a�xd devrsities for Ihe ylan ar a irhole aYe in conformit}-
icitla tl�e intent of this chal�ter and if stich exception r�esuZts in an irii�r ovecl relationship
betN�een the variozts parts of Ihe �lc�n.
(c) AppTication shall be nzade m the cily council for consideration imder Uzis provision.
� Appf may be granted by city coaincil resolufion, after reviem ancl r�ecommendation is
nende by !he l�lcrrzning comnzission, ancl only after cr public lsearino before the planning
conamission and the ci(y co�.incil.
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
PaQe two
District Z2 Sign District Proposal
In summary, tfie key elements of the proposai as submitted by the District 12 Community
Council relate exclusively to advertising and roof signs and include the following:
L The district shall encompass the entire District 12 planning district.
?. The goals ofthe district include:
(a) Maintain and enhance the scenic views of downto�vn Minneapolis, the University
of Minnesota, and other unique azchitectural and natural features visible from the
residential and commercial areas and streets and highways of St. Anthony Park.
(b} Protect investment in Westtrate and Energy Park and encourage redevelopment of
the Southeast Minneapolis Industrial (SEMI) azea and other industrial properties
in and azound St. Anthony Pazk in accordance with the standazds of planned
business parks.
(c) Reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of signage that impairs the effectiveness
of signs identifying businesses and institutions in St. Anthony Park.
(d) Create a more desirable and memorable image of St. Anthony Park as the northern
and western gateway to St. Paul. .
(e} Protecf property values in St. Anthony Park and reflect the pride its residents,
businesses and institutions place in the community.
The major provisions include:
(a) Advertising signs shall not be permitted in the district. E�isting advertising signs
�eill become legally nonconforming signs.
{b) Roof signs Uiat advertise a product, service or entertainment �vhich is offered, sold
or mviufactured on the premisses shall not be permitted, but a roof sign may
identify the name, logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises.
(c) Nonconforming si�ns may continue to exist subject to requirements that they not
be altered, enlarged, replaced, relocated or reconstructed; that they be removed if
they pose danger Yo healYh and safety, incur si�nificant damage or are not used for
a period of three consecutive months.
(d) Nonconforming signs shall be retnove�d fi the disfrict by' no later ttian 10 years
after approval of the sign plan by the City Council.
The proposal includes procedures and provisions for the enforcement of tl2e district
� a�' ��
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1499
Pa�e three
Esisting Regulations
Advertising signs (including signs on billboards, benches, transit stops) are permitted in the
portions of the district zoned B-2, B-3, I-1 or I-2, subject to size, height and spacin�
requirements as follows:
Ciassification Maximum Minimum Maximum Existing
Gross Spacing Height Signs
Surface Beriveen (Feet)
Area Signs
(5q ft) (Feet)
Principal arterials 700 1000 37 %
Hwy 280
Minor arterials 4Q0 660 37 %z
Cleveland (S of University) ,
Como (B-2 areas)
Energy Park Drive
Raymond `
Collectors 100 ?00 37'/z
Issues for Discussion
l. Ban on advertising signs in the district. The proposal to not permit additional
advertisivg signs in the district and to make all existing signs ]egal nonconforming uses:
(a) Is consistenf with other sian districts in the city (Grand Avemie, Smith Avenue
and Highland);
(b) Is consistent with the federal Highway Beautification Act that ca11s upon States to
control the erection ai�d niaintenance of outdoor advertising signs ii� areas
adjacent to ihe Interstate System and the primary system "in order to protect the
public investment in sLich highways, to promote the safet}� and recreational value
of public travel and to preserve natural beauty".
� (c) Is similac to ordinauces in other cities (e.g. Seattle and San Diego) in which
courts, including the Supreuie Court in Metromedia, Ina ��. City of San Diego,
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page four
have found that a city's interest in avoidin� visual clutter suffices to justify a
prohibition of billboards.
(d) Is provided for in State la�v (173.20) �vhick states that nothing in Sections 173.13-
173.231 (ctddressing the f•egtrlation of advertising signs in other� than clesignated
scenic areas) shall be constraied to abrogate or affect the provisions of any other
law, municiperl ordinance, regtdation, or resoh�tion which is more restrictive
concerning advertising than the pr-ovisions of said sections 173,13 to 173.231
hereof or of the regadations adoptec� her•eunden State permits for advertising
signs along interstate or primart• highways are, indeed, subject to Iocai approvai
2. Ban on roof signs other than those that identifv the name, logo and nature of the
business carried on in the premises.
Already banned in the Zoning Code are advertising signs constnzcted on a roof top or to
overhang a roof, except:
Replacements for nonconforming signs that are brought into conformance with
the size and height requirements of the code and are less than 400 square feet in �
size may be located on a rooftop. Atl such replacement signs may overhang a
roo£ 66302 (a)(5) and 66302(b)(�)
The proposed sign district provisions �tiould re�nove tl�at esception as well as forbid
business signs (i.e. those that direct attention to a business, profession, commodiYq,
service or entertairnnent which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured on the
Premises upon which the sign is placed) on roofs except tllose that identify only the
name, logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises. All e�istin� business
signs on roofs-excepi those tfiat identify onIy the name, logo and nature of tbe business-
cvould become legally nonconfonnine.
The applicant's intention is to curb the installation of signs that are, in all other respects,
advertisino signs, but are considered business signs because they advertise a product that
is sold on the premises (e.g. a billboard advertising liquor located on top of a liquor store
that does not indude the name of the liquor store). It is conceivable that such signs
would be located on a rooF, but it is equaIly conceivable that ttiey �voutd be freestanding
The proposed proeision may be confusing inasmuch as it essentiall} creates a definition
of business signs different fiom that in the Sign Ordinance. It may also not be entirely
efiective in addressing the concern it is intended to address. The Grand Avenue and
Highland Special Sign Districts include the following provisio��s: �
� �� -��
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page five
Grand Avenue
Business signs should clearly and concisely ident� the bt�sinesses on the
premises. The name of the bzrsiness should be highlighted; extra information
tends to reduce the impact of the sign.
Signs which advertize a prodtrct and inclzrde the name of the bz�siness on the
premises zrpon tivhich the sign is placed shall not be permitte
No more than 10 percenr of rhe gross sauface dispiny nrea of bxisiness signs
permitted on a lot shall be used for prodtict signs which are not integral to the
name of the bzrsiness. Prodt�ct signs, business signs tivhich actvertise a product
s•o1d on the premises, shozrld be avoided. Sa�ch signs-which are often provided by
soft drink, beer or cigarette companies fail to highlight the important
information, the barsiness name, and clzrtter the appearance ofthe village.
3. Removal of Non-conformitta Signs
� • The primary issue raised by the proposal relates to the requirement that nonconforming
signs-of all kinds--be removed from the district within ten years. Four issues are raised.
The first relates to whether the City intends to adopt a policy of removing exisiing
signs tluough the process of amortization.
Committing the City to such a strategy is a more significant policy decision than
was encisioned by the Zoning Code provisions establishing special sign districts
and, therefore, merits careful review. In recent weeks, the CounciPs Legislative
Advisory Committee Iias recomnlended against the use af amortizatian and has
placed the question into the hands of the Planning Commission and City Council
for resolution. A recommendation is now being formed by the Planning
Comniission and is, as a resLilt, not yet before the City Council for discussion and
final resolution.
2. The second issue relates to the legality of depe�ading on amortization as a means
of compensation on federal interstate highways and pcimary coadways.
Siiace 1978, federal law I�as required cash compensation for the required removal
of nonconfomzing billboards along federal inier-state and primary highways (I-94
aud I�«}' 280), regardless of whether the billboarcl's nonconfonning status is the
result of federal law or some other govern�nental action.
� 3. The ihird issue ielates to wt�ed�er the City, should it decide to pursue a strategy of
amortization oi7 local zoadwrays, should i�iake findings related to the appzopriate
amortization period. The proposed special sign district does not make any such
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page six
The decision to pursue a strategy of amortization on local roadways (University
Avenue, Como Bou[evard, Raymond Avenue, Cleveland Avenue} is a matter of
local discretion and would require carefizl justification of the amortization period.
The City Attorney has advised that "if the amorti_>ation period tivas found to be
lacking and therefore constiFzrted a`taking' of private properry Yvithout jt�st
compensation tivhich is prahibited zazder the Fifth flmendment of the United States
Constitution as well as Minnesotn Constitution �trticle I, Section 13, Che City
would be exposed to substantial money dnmages."
A related issue concerns the status of University Avenue. While State officials
have indicated that, with the recent transfer of University Avenue from State to
County jurisdiction, amortization became a matter of local discretion, industry
representatives contend that since the billboards were erected when the roadway
received State aid, they continue to be protected by the provisions of the federal
law that require cash compensation for the removal of signs on primary highways.
Additional legal opinions have been requested. �
4. Finally, the proposed sign district calls for the removal of al] non-conforming
signs (not just advertising siens) ��ithin ten years. Presumably, there are signs in
the.district that became non-conforming, because of their size ar height, for
instance, when the City's sign ordinance was adopted. The City does not
presently have'records on all the si�ns in the district in order to establish their
non-confonning status and ensure their removal.
Staff Recomrriendation
Staff recomcnends:
Approval of the St. Anthony Pazk Special Sisn District with the foliowing amendments:
1. Replace the provision related to roof signs with the Following:
Business signs should clear�ly cind concisely identify the bassiness(es) on the
prenzises. The name of the bi�siness shozdd be highlighted. A�o rnor�e than 10
�er�cent oJthe gross swfcrce cllsplay ur•eu of business signs permitted on a Zot shall
be zrsed fo1 product signs which ur�e not integr al ro ihe nanae of the business.
2. Detete the provision related to the removal of nonconformin� signs until such
time that the City Council has addressed die issues related to amortization and
adopted it as a strategy for advertisin� sign removal, makin� tl�e appropriate
fiudin�s to support its decision.
Enclosure �
Council File # q� - 012
Refeaed To
Green Sheet # fa�a��o
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has worked to develop a neighborhood policy on
2 billboazds which enhances the livability of azea while maintaiuing its commercial viability; and
3 WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has asked for designarion as a special sign district
4 under the current Saint Paul City Code; now, therefore, be it
5 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning Commission to consider the Saint
6 Anthony Park Special Sign District Plan and forwazd a recommendation on it to the Council by February
7 24, 1999.
Requested by Department of:
Furm Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii
Approved by D te �_ 7/�/ �j�
BY: /h'/ �J'
Adopted by Council: Date , \ �
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
�1R -a�'
C�f �ocu�e�:/-�/a .�e.-rdHav /-19-�i9 GREEN SHEET No 63526
�QIl.�! �//�� N� � � O �D �� oRUtrreROwKrat ancartl
/+ I\SEIG�1
!-(� - 7 9 - S/,�s e�zs�� �� cn.�.muE. arcmu
� w+�xouamv¢unw. nuxcuLLamvi.are
❑ WYORIOR�YStfYrt� ❑
rCera/c�fi'orv ct�i�tc�.� �l�.e f�lnilrncir(' C.�n/�ssidYr fo cons.� �xa Sca.rt f�Gcor.NPa.r.�
�S �S.�n•,�;slr;�f /'/an �,Zq��;-�svar�/ � �'ecDr.�in.�a�/a�i�. �o ,Ylr¢ C�'au,zecy �
f:e,6�ua�� Z� /999.
7. Has this persoNfirtn ever xrorlced under a canhact for this departmeM?
CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hss tFiia persoNfirtn eoer Deen a city empbyee?
3. Does Mis pe�soNfirm 0� a sldli not 1rormallYP�ssed bY anY curterd cHY emploYee?
4. Is tfus pe�soNfirm a tarpeted ventloYt
E�in alt yes answms on separate sheet and attach fo green sfieet
7om Hanen, Acirng Director � � - �
CI� �F' .Sf1�r PA�. 1� W¢stFourlhStreet Telephone: 651d66-6�6�
b"orm Colemon, Mayor SaintPaul, M.�� SJIO? Facsimele: 651-228-326!
February 17, 1999
Council President Dan Bostrom
and Members of the Gity Council
320B City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Council President Sostrom and Members of the City Council:
On January 6, 1999, the City Council forwarded the proposed St. Anthony Park Special Sign
District to the Pfanning Commission for its recommendation. The resoiution of referral directed
the Commission to return its recommendation by February 24, 1999.
• On February 4, 1999, after legal notice, a public hearing on the proposed sign district was heid
by the Zoning Committee. At the conclusion of the hearing, the attached resolution was
recommended to, and subsequentfy adopted by, the Commission. The Commission's
recommendation on this matter is that action on the proposed St. Anthony Park Sign Plan be
laid over until there is a final resolution on the recommendations of the city-wide Legislative
Advisory Gommittee on Advertising Sig�s.
Feel free io call me or Nancy Homans (6-6557) if you have any questions.
Ken Ford
Plan�ing Administrator
Planning Commission Resolution
City Councif Resolution
St. Anthony Park Sign Plan
Planning Staff Report
�a _ a-�—
� city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
fiie number 99-12
UQte Februarv 12, 1949
WHEREAS, on November 16, 1998 the St. Anthony Park Communiry Council submitted to the
Saint Paul City Council a proposal for a Special Sign District under the provisions of Sec. b6.216
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
�VHEREAS, on January 6, 1994 the 5aint Paul City Council forwarded the proposal to the
Planning Commission for its recommendation; and
WI-IEREAS, the City Council's resolution directed the Commission to return its recommendation
to the Council by February 24, 1999; and
�VHEREAS, ihe Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on
# February 4, 1999 afrer posting the required notice in the St. Paul Pioneer Pzess; and
RrHEEtEAS, at that hearing, the Zoning Committee received a staff recommenda?ion and heard
public testimony in favor of and opposed to the prop'osed district; and
�VHEIZEFIS, among the issues raised by those opposed to the district related to the timeliness of
the proposal in light of an on-going effort by the Plaruiing Commission to examine proposals b}�
the City Council's Legislative Advisory Committee on Advertisang Signs to develop new
city�vide policies and re ;ulations on advertising signs; and .
tiUHEREAS, the Planning Corpmission's ad hoc committee on advertisin� siQns is slated to make
its recommendation to the Commission some time after February 22, 1999;
NOW, THHREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Comznission
recommends to the City Council that action on the proposed St. Anthony Park Sign Plan be laid
o1�er until there is a final resotution on the recommendations of the Legislatio�e Advisory
Committee on Advertising Signs.
���ed 6,J� Field
secconded by _
{� �`�' �o�" Unanimous
...r� r.�`. � ( � - .
Green Sheet # ID �S�c
Refezred To
Commictee Date
t WHEREAS, the Saint Anthony Pazk neighborhood has worked to develop a nsighborhood policy on
Z biiiboards which enhances the livability of azsa while maintaining its coaunercial viability; and
3 Vvf�REAS, the Saint Anthony Park neighborhood has asked for desig�aiion as a special sign district
d vnder the ciurent Saint Paul City Code; now, therefore, be it
5 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council disects the Planning Commission to consider the Saint
6 Anthony Park Special5ign Disn Plan and forward a recommendation on it to the Council by February
7 24, 1999.
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Rcqucsced by Dcpattmrnt of:
Furm Approved by Ciry Attorney
Adopiioa CcrSficd by Coux�cii Secrttary
Appro.•cd by Mayor: Date
Approvtd by Maya fot Submission co CounciS
Adapced by Co�mcil: Ds[e
Anthony Park Community Counci[ c� �_� a-
16, I998
Council President Daniel Bostrom
Room 310, City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Counril Presicienl Rost�om�
Enclosed please find a copy of the St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan. This
document was adopted on Wednesday, November 11, 1998, by the St. Anthony Park
Community Council.
We are now asking that the City Council and Planning Commission review this document
and make it part of the Zoning Ordinance.
• We would aiso like an opportunity to discuss our pian with the Zoning staff prior to the
City Council review.
Please cali me at 649=5992 if you have questions regarding the Plan, or would like to
discuss it further.
Warmest regards,
St. Anthony Park Community Council
i �
�'t�'t-�z�'� �`7���G�z.r � �
Heather Worthington �
Executive Director
cc: Councilmember Iay Benanav
Mayor Norm CoIeman
Pamela GVheelock, Director, PED
� Gladys Morton, Chair, Pla ng Commission
Lany Soderholm, PED �
Wendy Lane, LIEP
890 Cromweli Avenuq Saint Paul, Minnesot� 55114 •: 551/b49-5992 volce {• 651/649-5993 fax
The St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan, as provided in Section 66.216 of the Zoning Code,
is being adopted to provide sign controls that build upon the unique character and identity of
St. Anthony Park. This Sign Plan is intended to
(a) maintain and enhance the scenic views of downtown Minneapolis, the University of
Minnesota, and other unique architecturai and natural features visibie from the residential
and commercial areas and streets and fiighways of St. Anthony Park;
(b) protect investment in Westgate and Energy Park and encourage redevelopment of the
Southeast Minneapolis industrial (SEMI) area and other industrial properties in and around
St. Anthany Park in accordance with the standards of pianned business parks;
(c) reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of signage that impairs the effectiveness of signs
identifying businesses and institutions in St. Anthony Park;
(d) create a more desirabie and memorabie image for St. Anthony Park as the northern and
. western gateway to Saint Paul; and
(e) protect property values i� St. Anthony Park and reflect the pride its residents, businesses
and institutions place in the community.
The provisions of this Sign Plan are supplementary to the provisions of Chapter 66, Signs, of the
Zoning Code. The provisions of this Sign Plan that are more restrictive than provisions of
Chapter 66 shail prevail and supersede any conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other,
provisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code shall continue to apply to signage within the
St. Anthony Park Speciaf Sign District. All words and terms sha!! be defined as in this Sign Plan
and in Cnapier 60 oi ihe Zoning Corie. i-rovisions inai use 'tne word 'snali" are manoaiory.
Provisions that use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to carrying out the intent and
purpose of this Sign Pian but are not mandatory.
The St. Anthony Park Special District Sign Plan shail apply to the area defined as follows:
Commencing at the extreme northwest corner of the city, the boundary shall extend
east along the city limit to C4eveland Avenue, south along the city limit to a point
near Como Avenue, and east along the city limit to the center-line of vacated Aldine
� Street, thence continuing south along the center-line of vacated Aldine Street to the
SAPCC - S�gn Plan (9875.WPD 4)
71 /9/98
center-Iine vf Wynne Avenue, east along the center-line of Wynne Avenue to the .
center-(ine of Snel(ing Avenue, south along fhe cenfer-line of Sneiling Avenue fo the
northeriy right-of-way line of The Burlington Northern and Sante Fe Raifway just
south of Energy Park Drive, westerly along such northeriy railway right-of-way line
to the center-line of Cteveland Avenue extended north along the section line from
University Avenue, south along the center-line of Cleveland Avenue extended and
Cleveland Avenue to the center-line of interstate Nighway 94, westerly along the
center-line of Interstate Highway 94 to the western city limit, and thence north along
the city limit to the northwest corner of the City where the boundary line began.
Within the St. Anthony Park Special Sign District, signs shali be subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Advertising signs shall not be permitted.
(b) Roof signs which advertise a product, service or enfertainment which is offered, sofd or
manufactured on the premises shall not be permifted, but a roof sign may identify the name,
logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises.
Signs within the St. Anthony Park Special Sign District which lawfully existed prior to the adoption •
of this Sign Plan by the City Council, and which would be prohibited, regulated or restricted under
the provisions of this Sign Plan or amendments hereto, may conti�ue to exist as Iegal
nonconforming signs under the provisions of Section 66.300, nonconforming signs, of the Zoning
Code, subject to the following additional requirements:
(a) No nonconforming sign shall be:
(i} altered or en(arged in any way, or
(ii) replaced by another nonconforming sign (but changing the message on the sign
shall not be deemed to be a replacement), or
(iii) relocated to any other location in ihe St. Anthony Park Special Sign District, or
(iv) reconstructed after incurring damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its market
value at the time of loss, as determined by the City, or
(v) maintained through replacement of structural elements.
(b) Any nonconforming sign shall be immediately removed from the St. Anthony Park Special
Sign Districf af fhe cosf of fhe owner:
(i) if it is an imminent danger to life or property, or •
SAPCC-SignPlan (9875WPD,S)
i i/Bl98
� "��
(ii} if it incurs damage in an amount exceeding 50% of its market value at the time of
loss, or
(iii) if use of suCh sign has been discontinued for a period of three consecutive months.
(c) In any event, ail nonconforming signs shall be removed from the St. Anthony Park Special
Sign District by no later than 10 years after approval of this Sign Plan by the City Council.
The Zoning Administrator shali enforce the provisions of this Sign Plan as a suppiement to
Chapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. Whenever a permit for a sign in the St. Anthony Park
Speciai Sign District is required underthe provisions of Chapter66 ofthe Zoning Gode, such permit
shaii noi be issued uniess the plans for the sign have been approved by the Zoning Administrator
as in conformance with this Sign Plan.
Building permit appiications for signs in the St. Anthony Psrk Special Sign District shaii be
submitted to the Zoning Administrator far review and approval. A fee to cover the costs of the
review shali be established by resoiution of the City Council. Pians submitted for Zoning
� Administrator approval shali be of sufficient detaii to demonstrate that the proposed sign complies
with the provisions of this Sign Plan. The Zoning Administrator shall review the plans wvithin
30 days and notify both the appiicant and the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement
of any decision to approve or disapprove the plans. Written reasons for denial shali accompany
any decision to disapprove the plar�s. Any decision by the Zoning Administrator may be appealed
to the Planning Commission.
SAPCC - Sign Plan (9875 WPD CJ
�� �a�
lnterdepartmental Memorandum
DATE: February 3, 1999
TO: Zoning Committee
FROM: Nancy Homans
RE: Saint Anthony Park Special Sian District Plan: Arnended Staff Report and
On January 6, 1999, the City Council, by resolution, directed the PlanninQ Commission to
consider the proposed Saint Anthony Park Special Sign District Plan and forward its
recommendation to the Council by February 24, 1999. The foilowing is a discussion of the
issues raised by the proposal.
� Legislative Authority
The Zoning Code provides for the adoption of comprehensive sign plans (Sec. 66.216):
(a) A comprehensive sign plan may be provided for bz�siness or industrial premises w�hich
are nol part of a new planned development district as provided in section 66.213 above,
but i-vhich occupy the entire frontage on ttivo (2) or more adjacent block fronts. The intent
behind this provision is to allotiv and even encoz�rage entertainment centers, shopping
centeYS, histoPic districts and other corrzprehensive developments to buidd upon unique
characteristics of certain sections of the ciry so tong as the visual landscape created by
the plan is in keeping with the gener�al intent of this chapter. Such a plan sh�tll be
subnzitted to the planning commission and shald incla�de the locntion, siae, height, color,
lighting orientation, overall design justifcation, and other infor�mation �vhrch may be
reasonably reqziired for the propnr considerntion of the matter.
(b) Less restrictive as we11 as more resh•ictive ��rovlsions fhan specifred in this chapter
muy be permitted if the sign areas a�xd devrsities for Ihe ylan ar a irhole aYe in conformit}-
icitla tl�e intent of this chal�ter and if stich exception r�esuZts in an irii�r ovecl relationship
betN�een the variozts parts of Ihe �lc�n.
(c) AppTication shall be nzade m the cily council for consideration imder Uzis provision.
� Appf may be granted by city coaincil resolufion, after reviem ancl r�ecommendation is
nende by !he l�lcrrzning comnzission, ancl only after cr public lsearino before the planning
conamission and the ci(y co�.incil.
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
PaQe two
District Z2 Sign District Proposal
In summary, tfie key elements of the proposai as submitted by the District 12 Community
Council relate exclusively to advertising and roof signs and include the following:
L The district shall encompass the entire District 12 planning district.
?. The goals ofthe district include:
(a) Maintain and enhance the scenic views of downto�vn Minneapolis, the University
of Minnesota, and other unique azchitectural and natural features visible from the
residential and commercial areas and streets and highways of St. Anthony Park.
(b} Protect investment in Westtrate and Energy Park and encourage redevelopment of
the Southeast Minneapolis Industrial (SEMI) azea and other industrial properties
in and azound St. Anthony Pazk in accordance with the standazds of planned
business parks.
(c) Reduce the clutter and chaotic diversity of signage that impairs the effectiveness
of signs identifying businesses and institutions in St. Anthony Park.
(d) Create a more desirable and memorable image of St. Anthony Park as the northern
and western gateway to St. Paul. .
(e} Protecf property values in St. Anthony Park and reflect the pride its residents,
businesses and institutions place in the community.
The major provisions include:
(a) Advertising signs shall not be permitted in the district. E�isting advertising signs
�eill become legally nonconforming signs.
{b) Roof signs Uiat advertise a product, service or entertainment �vhich is offered, sold
or mviufactured on the premisses shall not be permitted, but a roof sign may
identify the name, logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises.
(c) Nonconforming si�ns may continue to exist subject to requirements that they not
be altered, enlarged, replaced, relocated or reconstructed; that they be removed if
they pose danger Yo healYh and safety, incur si�nificant damage or are not used for
a period of three consecutive months.
(d) Nonconforming signs shall be retnove�d fi the disfrict by' no later ttian 10 years
after approval of the sign plan by the City Council.
The proposal includes procedures and provisions for the enforcement of tl2e district
� a�' ��
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1499
Pa�e three
Esisting Regulations
Advertising signs (including signs on billboards, benches, transit stops) are permitted in the
portions of the district zoned B-2, B-3, I-1 or I-2, subject to size, height and spacin�
requirements as follows:
Ciassification Maximum Minimum Maximum Existing
Gross Spacing Height Signs
Surface Beriveen (Feet)
Area Signs
(5q ft) (Feet)
Principal arterials 700 1000 37 %
Hwy 280
Minor arterials 4Q0 660 37 %z
Cleveland (S of University) ,
Como (B-2 areas)
Energy Park Drive
Raymond `
Collectors 100 ?00 37'/z
Issues for Discussion
l. Ban on advertising signs in the district. The proposal to not permit additional
advertisivg signs in the district and to make all existing signs ]egal nonconforming uses:
(a) Is consistenf with other sian districts in the city (Grand Avemie, Smith Avenue
and Highland);
(b) Is consistent with the federal Highway Beautification Act that ca11s upon States to
control the erection ai�d niaintenance of outdoor advertising signs ii� areas
adjacent to ihe Interstate System and the primary system "in order to protect the
public investment in sLich highways, to promote the safet}� and recreational value
of public travel and to preserve natural beauty".
� (c) Is similac to ordinauces in other cities (e.g. Seattle and San Diego) in which
courts, including the Supreuie Court in Metromedia, Ina ��. City of San Diego,
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page four
have found that a city's interest in avoidin� visual clutter suffices to justify a
prohibition of billboards.
(d) Is provided for in State la�v (173.20) �vhick states that nothing in Sections 173.13-
173.231 (ctddressing the f•egtrlation of advertising signs in other� than clesignated
scenic areas) shall be constraied to abrogate or affect the provisions of any other
law, municiperl ordinance, regtdation, or resoh�tion which is more restrictive
concerning advertising than the pr-ovisions of said sections 173,13 to 173.231
hereof or of the regadations adoptec� her•eunden State permits for advertising
signs along interstate or primart• highways are, indeed, subject to Iocai approvai
2. Ban on roof signs other than those that identifv the name, logo and nature of the
business carried on in the premises.
Already banned in the Zoning Code are advertising signs constnzcted on a roof top or to
overhang a roof, except:
Replacements for nonconforming signs that are brought into conformance with
the size and height requirements of the code and are less than 400 square feet in �
size may be located on a rooftop. Atl such replacement signs may overhang a
roo£ 66302 (a)(5) and 66302(b)(�)
The proposed sign district provisions �tiould re�nove tl�at esception as well as forbid
business signs (i.e. those that direct attention to a business, profession, commodiYq,
service or entertairnnent which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured on the
Premises upon which the sign is placed) on roofs except tllose that identify only the
name, logo and nature of the business carried on in the premises. All e�istin� business
signs on roofs-excepi those tfiat identify onIy the name, logo and nature of tbe business-
cvould become legally nonconfonnine.
The applicant's intention is to curb the installation of signs that are, in all other respects,
advertisino signs, but are considered business signs because they advertise a product that
is sold on the premises (e.g. a billboard advertising liquor located on top of a liquor store
that does not indude the name of the liquor store). It is conceivable that such signs
would be located on a rooF, but it is equaIly conceivable that ttiey �voutd be freestanding
The proposed proeision may be confusing inasmuch as it essentiall} creates a definition
of business signs different fiom that in the Sign Ordinance. It may also not be entirely
efiective in addressing the concern it is intended to address. The Grand Avenue and
Highland Special Sign Districts include the following provisio��s: �
� �� -��
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page five
Grand Avenue
Business signs should clearly and concisely ident� the bt�sinesses on the
premises. The name of the bzrsiness should be highlighted; extra information
tends to reduce the impact of the sign.
Signs which advertize a prodtrct and inclzrde the name of the bz�siness on the
premises zrpon tivhich the sign is placed shall not be permitte
No more than 10 percenr of rhe gross sauface dispiny nrea of bxisiness signs
permitted on a lot shall be used for prodtict signs which are not integral to the
name of the bzrsiness. Prodt�ct signs, business signs tivhich actvertise a product
s•o1d on the premises, shozrld be avoided. Sa�ch signs-which are often provided by
soft drink, beer or cigarette companies fail to highlight the important
information, the barsiness name, and clzrtter the appearance ofthe village.
3. Removal of Non-conformitta Signs
� • The primary issue raised by the proposal relates to the requirement that nonconforming
signs-of all kinds--be removed from the district within ten years. Four issues are raised.
The first relates to whether the City intends to adopt a policy of removing exisiing
signs tluough the process of amortization.
Committing the City to such a strategy is a more significant policy decision than
was encisioned by the Zoning Code provisions establishing special sign districts
and, therefore, merits careful review. In recent weeks, the CounciPs Legislative
Advisory Committee Iias recomnlended against the use af amortizatian and has
placed the question into the hands of the Planning Commission and City Council
for resolution. A recommendation is now being formed by the Planning
Comniission and is, as a resLilt, not yet before the City Council for discussion and
final resolution.
2. The second issue relates to the legality of depe�ading on amortization as a means
of compensation on federal interstate highways and pcimary coadways.
Siiace 1978, federal law I�as required cash compensation for the required removal
of nonconfomzing billboards along federal inier-state and primary highways (I-94
aud I�«}' 280), regardless of whether the billboarcl's nonconfonning status is the
result of federal law or some other govern�nental action.
� 3. The ihird issue ielates to wt�ed�er the City, should it decide to pursue a strategy of
amortization oi7 local zoadwrays, should i�iake findings related to the appzopriate
amortization period. The proposed special sign district does not make any such
Zoning Committee
February 3, 1999
Page six
The decision to pursue a strategy of amortization on local roadways (University
Avenue, Como Bou[evard, Raymond Avenue, Cleveland Avenue} is a matter of
local discretion and would require carefizl justification of the amortization period.
The City Attorney has advised that "if the amorti_>ation period tivas found to be
lacking and therefore constiFzrted a`taking' of private properry Yvithout jt�st
compensation tivhich is prahibited zazder the Fifth flmendment of the United States
Constitution as well as Minnesotn Constitution �trticle I, Section 13, Che City
would be exposed to substantial money dnmages."
A related issue concerns the status of University Avenue. While State officials
have indicated that, with the recent transfer of University Avenue from State to
County jurisdiction, amortization became a matter of local discretion, industry
representatives contend that since the billboards were erected when the roadway
received State aid, they continue to be protected by the provisions of the federal
law that require cash compensation for the removal of signs on primary highways.
Additional legal opinions have been requested. �
4. Finally, the proposed sign district calls for the removal of al] non-conforming
signs (not just advertising siens) ��ithin ten years. Presumably, there are signs in
the.district that became non-conforming, because of their size ar height, for
instance, when the City's sign ordinance was adopted. The City does not
presently have'records on all the si�ns in the district in order to establish their
non-confonning status and ensure their removal.
Staff Recomrriendation
Staff recomcnends:
Approval of the St. Anthony Pazk Special Sisn District with the foliowing amendments:
1. Replace the provision related to roof signs with the Following:
Business signs should clear�ly cind concisely identify the bassiness(es) on the
prenzises. The name of the bi�siness shozdd be highlighted. A�o rnor�e than 10
�er�cent oJthe gross swfcrce cllsplay ur•eu of business signs permitted on a Zot shall
be zrsed fo1 product signs which ur�e not integr al ro ihe nanae of the business.
2. Detete the provision related to the removal of nonconformin� signs until such
time that the City Council has addressed die issues related to amortization and
adopted it as a strategy for advertisin� sign removal, makin� tl�e appropriate
fiudin�s to support its decision.
Enclosure �