88-858 r�. ` , j' �/ ` `� . �D�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. O �G�JO FINAL ORDER � ,/ � BY E_�. � �i� J �`� -�� f File Na s'�'11 thte 'S-�8ffi-14 Votiny In the Matter of ��� ,����t� ,�/Q= �t tM t�ll+�ia� Ward l,�alisrt 4 S-88-11 Southwest side Beverly Road from Eustis Street to approximately 760 eet southeasterly of Eustis St. ----. . 3.00 , _.__ 4 S-88-13 Both sides Hague A enue from N. Pascal Street to 5Q N. Saratoga Street �f th� 4 S-88-14 Both sides Princet n Avenue from Mount Curve Blvd. to Woodlawn Avenue. E valf � D G�under Preliminary Order �—� / approved a�—� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has c nducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, bjections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fuily considered the same; now, ther ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dir cted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the co pletion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date MAY 3 � 1986 YeasM� Nays ���Z Certifie ss d Council Secretary �g �Rettasat� In Fa or By Se�►e#�al � C Sonnea Aga' st ��n Mayor JUN - 3 1988 p�.�tilS4�{l .!'-'"d 1 1 1988 oe�x�u►ieo o��e cor�.areo _ �/� `�►�°" � . , ti GREEh1 ���#�ET No. 41105 Rs��l' ��Mo� s - 5 al k ; , ' ' 4I12t . . o�r�,�r a�o� ,w��a►coa�r,�n . TFbma� P. Keef e ' � —= . , . NtM18ER F r fl""�+�'�RV�c�s aarcmR I�crtv c��c Wor ks � • ;. � . � RounHa ' '_..'' �a�roA ' ` �? C � c i i Res�a r . :oROEn: — � S i d�a i k s 292-6,�28, coY�„n�,�Ius t_be on Age n d a on or e v�e" , . . : �e�o�s�ract ��ld tt�fectFva �tnd Un�afe SFd�) � fn Ka�d.:4::{�ee att�ched l ist} . : r�o�w:«+w a.�tRf f couNCw �rcr�s; . _ .. ..� .��' � PLAMIlq CCMM18610N - � GVIL BERVICE COMMIS810N DA1E IN. DATE OUf�� . � . � � PIIOlElq. . . . . � . � 2'aNNO OOM�NS&ON � 18D!�6 BCHOOL BOARD� � �.. .�'�L� . �`�l Q - � . . . . � . � . . �. �_'BTAFF . � � . � (YYIRTER CaMM18810N, . . . . AS 18 � -'AD01 WFQ.AOOED� ��� .. � RETp TD GOfffA�T. . . GQWS'TR11ENf. . . �. �_FDA:AODiMfFO. _�.FEEDlACICAOOED'�. DIBTRICf OOlN1QIL � � *DfPIANATION: - . . . � . . . �. � -EUPrONTB NIFNCM OOUNpI(3BJECTNE9 � � . � . . � .� . � � � � - � � . . . . . .. .. . , . . To tan�ta�e�t a� ettGC�tv� ceamptaFnc � Council Res�arcfi CenteP res�1 u�t�� process ��d ca►ntr Fbnte �P R 2 0 3�88 � tt� s �at�r aAd 6ett�t�. ne f�h6orl�ood� _. �at�a�oe�.aw�,avpoRn�m�ano.wn�.wna,.wi,e►e.wnr►: _ _ : The pP�1ea� �kl��`�cttve s�d�lk�� w�s crea� bacause �f trae roots. daleterious subgrade � :.` aiat�fal.�; a�;ltevnating fre�au�thaw crcla�s. eFVfea lifa li�tts, ch�aicdi addixi�res, exte�nme : :-1t+o�prer�tar+a �a��*iatiex►s, e�tc, These probl s occ�r on a citywfde l�avel and must Ge add-reds�+d a�d cor.M+sctad_:on at� an�u��asis� Lef.t un o�r�ected the sidewa�lk conditlon w�uld wo�sen to :� �tate wF�Gre it wonld 6e rendered unu�a6le nd subJect to fncrea�d ��dai�rian inJarie� from falls and �►ssfibie 1ltfga�tio�s� ' . ,�r+�sfwc���.�+s:�: . , , The conr���t ty w 111 b�anef i t f rvm th i s pro,� t ,6ecause i t wi 11 prov 1 de safe defect f rae s i de- w�lks foF tts a�any� cttizens, The sid�T `contF�cCS a�e exacated 6y privata contractors, sv it fol lows that prtY�te secto� Jobs �r�e c aate�d` as a �es�lt of this atki�vlt�, ,, - _ , ,.= . .cone�s twMa.m�..�t ra wr,on�r. . , . . - _" . .. F�istor�eally tha s�deiwalCc reconstructions ha�ce c�*aated negettve feed6acks"in tht a�ea- of con- st�uction p�acedure and assessment, 1� ��e of thG f�ct the assess�e�ts a�s re��uced to one-�hal# -the actual costs, as a �GSUI t . : tAe Ci ty. prov-tded ,subsldies they sti 11: prRdsace a great deaT of controv�ra�, ,_ _ - ,��aw�es: � . , � - . . . ,` l, Nd'V!'� C}�� FQI'CQli PR}?��F ar� .racon�truct Redwces the proc�u ra l �Rcpa i rs - cosa�et i c, 2t Let sy��ta� deterl+�rate. precess, less�ns po11t1- ,•r.d�xl�i a�d: �t�porary. _ cal inwelve�aent and alla� 2. tkacti�str.�ctfi-v�s - pro-- viates consticuent con�� htfiltivsly e�cp�slve. - plaints generated fram 3. tncreases rata and ' assessment poltcy� size of litiga#ions. �NSronr�od+,s: Itoutina adA►iniaCrative actfon. po1l.�rs s.t�ndard a�eratin�; prcceduret �c�s: .. Bas.lcall� tRts fs an admf�tstr+�tFvG pr ad�ve with_ legislativa overviaw and anthoriza�tion. t�o l ar+s ne+ed De pa s��d or ekanged� t,av+s�F s v�a t C i ncrea�e i t a l Eernat t v� pol.i a�r x�re a�dopt�ec!. � . ST PA U L C ITY COU NC1 L Ci-�-�' � � T i E C��-� � PUgLIC 1-� EARI � G NO C ���� SID � WALK C 0 ST RU CT I ON RECEIVED bear Froperty Owner: MAY 1 7 1988 �ile No. S-88-11 City Council District 114 CITY CLERK planning District Council �1 13 P U R p O S E ro consider the constru ion (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public side alk in front of your property. 'I'he limits AN D af this project are: L� C A� � Q N Southwest side Beverly oad from Eustis Street to approximately 760 feet southeasterly of E stia Street NOTE: Sidewalk in goo condition may nvt be replaced. Please call the phone umbere listed below if your sidewalk may fit into thie c tegvey. �• Tuesday, May 3i, l9s , at 9:0o A.M. � H E A R I N G City Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Hall If the Council appro es the orders (or any part thereof, a portion . .. . of the costs will be assessed (after consttuction) against benefited I N F O R M AT I 0 N properties. You wil only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts your property. The stimated asaessments for this pro�ect are as follows: RESIDENTIA e LE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY)t side s dewalk - New Cons ruction ' (where walk existed) $13.00/front foot Replace ent of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot pL �10 �' . will e constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side- a s 6 feet wi e. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a width of 5 feet i all cases where this width is practical. This ctioice of width a lows the assessment to be kept at the lowest rate. In tlie eve t you prefer the existing width, which may be greater than 5 f et, and are willing to accept the higher assess- ment rate, pleas contact the Sidewalk bivision at 298-4255 to request your pre erence. Rates fvr recons ructivn of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated. �'or example: 6 eet wide sidewalk - $7•80/front foot; 10 foot wide sidewalk - $13. 0/front foot. All corner resi ential pro�erties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet f new ot reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting . the "long side" vf the property. COt�iERCIAL rat s (all property other than residential) s ' 1009: of ctual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square f ot of walk constructed. If the property has area- ways und r the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost wi 1 be assesaed in addition tv the sidewalk assessments. Please call 29 -4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice Q U E S T I O N S or TDb) for as essment questions. Also, City staff will be available tv answer any ast minute questions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from . A.M. the same day as the hearing. � 8':s — 9:00 � � � � Notice sent May , 1988, by the Valuation.and Assessment bivision � �,_ , Department of Finance & Management Services ' , Room 218 City Hall = Courthouse ' � � � • Saint Paul, Hinnesota 55102 � ST PA 1.1L C ITY COU NCIL C�� . � RI NG NOTICE C �''l�- PUB LI C HEA �� SIDEWALK C ONS TRUCTION �� RECEIVE Dear Property Owners File No. S-88-12 MAY 17 1 88 City Council District � 4 Planning Diatrict Council 0 11 CITY CL RK P U R P O S E To consider the const uction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public si ewalk in front of your property. The limits A N D of this project are: L O C A�' i O N Both sides Charles enue from North Albert Street to North Pascal Street NOTE: Sidewalk in g od condition may not be replaced. Please call the pho numbers listed below if your sidewalk may fit into thi category. �• Tuesday,. May 31, 19 8, at 9:00 A.M. � H E A R 1 N G City Cvuncil Chambe s, 3rd Floor City Nall If the Council app oves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion . .. � of the costs will e aes saed (after construction) against benefited I N F O R M ATI O N properties. Y 11 y be assessed for aidewalk work that abuts your propert ated assessments for this project are as follows: ����b R L rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FANILY) : 5 foot sid sidewalk - New C nstruction ' ,�(wh no walk existed) $13.00/front foot a ement of old sidewalk $6.50/ftont foot AS NOTE: ��%; New s+idewalk wi 1 be constructed 5 feet Wide. Some existing side- walk is 6 feet ide. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a width of 5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. This choice of widt allows the assessment to be kept at the lowest rate. In the vent you prefer the existing width, which may be greater than 5 feet, and are willing to accept the higher assess- ;;���; ment rate, ple se contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request your p eference. Rates for rec nstruction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated. !;�;; For example: 6 feet wide aidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide ::�{ sidewalk - $1 .00/front foot. All corner re idential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 fe t of new or reconetructed aidewalk along and abutting the "long si e" of the property. COM!lERCIAL r tes {all property other than residential): 1001: of actual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per �i ;�:�ti squar foot of walk constructed. If the property has area- i ways nder the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that cost ill be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments. Please call 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice Q U E S T I O N S or TDU) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available to answer a y last minute questions on the project in Room 218 City :i: Hall from . A.M. the same day as the hearing. � Ip j �V- 7:Oq . � . � May k3', 1988, b the Valuation.and Assessment Division � ' Notice sent � . Y . �._ . . Department of Finance 6 Management Services ' � . Room 218 City i�all = Courthouse ' �'�%•' � � � • Saint Yaul, Minnesota 55102 . :r: � . S T P A 11 L C I T C O U N C I L C�=�-� . � - � I-� E A R i ��I G N 0 T I C � . C �� �- PUB LI C SIDEWALK C 0 STRUC �" I 0 N ���`�� RECEIV D bear prvperty Owner: File Nv. S-88-13 MAY 17 19gg City Council District e 4 �3 . , . Flanning biskrict Council A CITY C ERK p U� p� S E To consider the constru tion (new) and/or reconstructivn of all or part of tiie public sid alk in front of your propertq. The limite AA, n • of tliis pro�ect are: iV V L� C A� � �N Both sides Hague Aven e from North Pascal Street to Notth Saratoga Street NOTE: Sidewalk in go d condition may not be replaced. Please • call tl�e phone numbnre lieEed below iF qvur sidewslk may fit into this ategorq. � Tuesday, riay 31, 1988, at 9:00 A.M. � H E A R I N G City Council Chamber , 3rd Floor CiEy Nall If the Council appr ves tl�e otders (or any part tl�eteof, a portion of ti�e costs will b assessed (after construction) against benefited C b�A properties. You wi 1 onlq be aesessed fot sidewalk work that abuts �NI-Of�I�►'A���N your property. The e imgted sssessmente for this project are as follows: RES DE NGL� FA1�iILY TO TlIEtEE FMlILY): fook side idewalk - New Con ttuction • (wtiere o walk existed) 513.00/front fvot ment of v1d sidewalk $6.50/front foot � IE: New sidewalk wil be constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side- walk ie 6 feet w de. 3idewalk reconetcuction will be built to a � width of 5 feet n all cases where tt�is width is practical. This cl�oice oE width llows tl�e assessment to be kept at the lowest rate. In tt�e e ent qou ptefer the existing width, wl�ich may be � greater than 5 eet, and are willing to accept the higher assesa- � ment rate, plea e contact the Sidewalk Diviaion at 298-4255 to k tequest your pr fetence. Rates for reconstructivn bf sidewalks wider than 5 feet ate ptorated. '' For examples feet wide sidewalk - $7.80/frvnt £oot; 10 foot wide �i f sidewalk - $13 UO/ftont foot. Al1 corner res dential properties will receive a credit up to the �'• firet 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk alvng and abutting � the "long sid " of the ptoperty. '�� COlf�tERCIAL ra es (a11 property other tt�an residential)s :; '•; 1009: of actual cost estimated to be approximately 54.00 per ,�� equate foot of walk conetructed. If the property has area- ;,� ways u der the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that 'f . . . cost w 11 be assessed in addition to the eidewalk assessments. ;�$ ;:� Please call 2 8-4255 fot consttuctivn questions or 298-4513 (Voice 'f; (�i U[� S� � �N S or Tbb) fvr ssessment questions. Alsv, City staff will be available ��� to answer an last minute questions on the ptoject in Room 218 City :� liall ftom A..!!. Ehe same daq as the hearing. ;� . `�j �t : o - :o d • . � � Nvtice sent �lay .l�?, 1988, . by the Valuation.and Assessment bivision 'ff , bepartment of Finance & Management Services l' • Room 218 Citq llall = Courthouse ''� � • Saint pav1, Minneeota 55102 �, � � . , ,� . }:?fr��„ .. • �' • . • . , . . . � , S T P A U L C I T C O U N C I L C,'-� - _ � . c��� � PUBLIC �-� EARING NOTICE � ��� SIDE WALK C 0 ST RU CT I ON �� RECEIVED bear Property Owner: MAY 17 1988 File No. S-8$-14 ' City Council Diatrict d 4 CITY CLERK planning Uistrict Council A 14 P U R P 0 S E To consider the constru tivn (riew) and/or reconstruction of all or part of the public side alk in front of your property. The limits AN D of thia pro�ect ares L 0 C A-�- � �N Both sides Princeton A enue £rom Mount Curve Boulevard to Woodlawn Avenue NOTE: Sidewalk in goo condition may not be replaced. Please call the phone umbers listed below if your sidewalk may fit into this ategory. ' Tuesday., Ma�y 31, 198 , at 9:00 A.M. � H E A R I N G City Council Chambers 3rd Floor City Ilall If the Council appro es the orders (or any part thereof, a portion . .. . of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefited I N F O R M AT I�N properties. You wil onlq be assessed for sidewalk work that abute your property. The stimated assessmenta for this pro3ect are as fvllows: RESIDENTIAL ra I FAt�iILY TO THREE FAMILY): 5 dewalk - Con truction ' (where o walk existed) $13.00/front foot Replace ent cf old siclewalk $6.50/front foot I ' PLEASE e _ will be constructed 5 feet �aide. Some existing side- s 6 feet wi e. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a dth of 5 feet i all cases where this width is practical. Thie choice of width a lvws the assessment to be kept at the lowest rate. In the eve t qou prefer the existing width, which may be greater than 5 f et, and are willing to accept the higher assess- ment rate, pleas contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to request your pre erence. Rates for recons ruction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated. For example: 6 eet wide sidewalk - $7.80/frvnt foot; 10 foot wide sidewalk - $13. 0/front foot. All corner resi ential properties will receive a credit up to the first 150 feet f new or zeconstructed sidewalk along and abutting the "long side" vf the property. COt-II�tERCIAL rat s (all property otl�er than residential): 100�: of ctual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per square f ot of walk constructed. If the property has area- ways und r tiie sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that � cost wil be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessmente. Please call 29 -4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice Q U E S T I O N S or 'IUD) for as essment questions. Also, City staff will be available - to answer any ast minute questions on the prv�ect in Room 218 City Nall from A.N. the same day as the hearing. �8 a:s - •oo � � � � Notice sent May �!!; 1988, by the Valuation.and Assessment bivision � ._ . Department of .Finance & Management Servicea _ ' , Room 218 City 11a11 = Cvurthouse ' • � � � • Saint pauli Minnesota 55102 �:. ..ti• . � � . . � . . , g�'- �s� Concerning : Sidewalk constructi n on Hague Ave. File No . 5-88-13 City Council Distri t # 4 Planning District C uncil # 13 To whom it may concern: The city council will voti g on a proposal to replace the sidewalk on the north side of H gue Ave . Much of this sidewalk is in very rough condition and adly needs replacing. However the sidewalk at 1463 Hague is f awless and need not be replaced. When I called the City' s sidewa k division I was �iven three reasons why the city was planni g to replace this portion of sidewalk which is both even and without crack. 1 . Since some of the sidew lk must be replaced all of it should so that some doesn' look white and some darker. This reasoning howev r, deals only with aesthetics and not with function. If th City wishes to spend money to improve the looks of t is area there are better uses of such money, including replacing the badly crumbled curb which is both ugly a d non-funotional . 2 . The new sidewalk will be narrower than the existing . This reasoning also eals only with sesthetics. 3 . The third reason deals with the possibility that the existing sidewalk will b lower than the new and could collect water and/or ice , thus producing both a safety hazard and a potential 1 gal liability for the city. If the city engineers feel that they must replace the sidewalk for this reason I request th t first they: A. Carefully xamine the sidewalk to be sure such a problem exis s ; B. Carefully xamine the new sidewalk going north and south on P scal which joins this sidewalk at the corner. his sidewalk is the same level as the one the c ' ty originally planned to replace. Perhaps if a ew sidewalk is put in to prevent water problem , the water problems will simply be relocated. I am no engineer and am not qualified to render judgement concerning water problems. t is also not my wish that the city leave the existing sidewalk nd by so doing create a safety hazard to residents and a le al liability for the city. I do request that the proposal before the City Council be rewritten to say sidewalks in �ood condi ion not be replaced unless the engineers are convinced aft r careful examination that by �' g_. �.�8, replacing them, safety hazards w 11 be avoided. Thank you very much for your time and considera ion concerning this matter. S 'ncerely, aul Isaacs 463 Hague Ave. \ . r- ���-���' ,� ,.�_ � �� �� HEARING DATE: May 31� 1988 Wa 4 � • S.W.S. BEVERLY RD. from Eustis St. to Approximately 760' S.E.'ly of Eustis t. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initi ted by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is p ured con�rete with heaves, cracked, disintegrated, scaled and settle panels. ................................................ ............................................. R • N R IDEWA B.S. CHARLES AVE. from N. Albert St. to N. Pascal St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was in tiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis f an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is ured concrete with high joints, cracked, asphalt patches and settled pa els. .............................................. ............................................... PR E T: RE N TR T IDEW L B.S. HAGUE AVE. from N. Pascal St. to N. Saratoga St. INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of three (3) complaints, five (5) requests for repair and an inspection o the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk i old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, asphalt patch s, scaled and settled panels. ........................................... .................................................. 1 . - s Ward 4 Continued • B.S. PRINCETON AVE. from Mount Curve Blvd. to Woodlawn Ave. INITIATING ACTION: This order was init ated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity on the basis of two (2) complaints, three (3) requests for repair, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk. EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is p ured concrete with high joints, cracked and asphalt patches. ' ................................................ ............................................. 2 , . , ��-��' . ' . _ :. �, : : �. .�� � . � .,. �.a�s4 Qawir�Y ..�.=.�-�f r ;:;t T.t�...��r_- j �. �, '� .._�:. . . . _ .,. ... � � .� _ .,. 's i�, Councii File No.88-801—By Kiki So en— . d�' In the Matter of sidewalk const on and/or.reconstru�+��at the following locations: - . . . Vatiag.. Ward - 4 S-8&1�--Southwest side Bev.erlq ,from Eustis St. to approx�m�tely 760 • y .w,,.,� , EEASt2PIy,Q�EttStIS St. „ � . ' �'4 Charles-Ave.from N.Albert St.to N:Pascal St. 4 S-a �`Y3v=- Ha�ue Ave. m N.Pascal3t.to N. Saratoga St. 4• '14-=Both sid Pr'incetofi Av .from Mt.Curve Blvd.to Woodlawn Ave. 'E TED,CONSTRileTION CO ANp.RATES. RE IDENTIAL rates(single fami to 3`family� .; � . ' �< Fo a 5-foot wide siflewallc:Neav nstruction Ewhere tici�"ro"va�k pacis'tec�$13.00 pe front ioot;Aeplacement of ol si�wa�k$�:50 per fmnt foot. Fo a �foot wide sidewalk: w. Construction $15.60 per front foot; Re lacement of old sidewalk�7.8 per front foot. corner;esidential properties ll receive a credit.up to the first 150 feet ot . ne or reconstructed sidewalk a oag and abutting the"long side" of th� P rtY� C ERCiAL rates(aii propert other than.rESidential). 1 0 of actual.cost estittiated to approx}�ately�4.00 per square foot of va cons$ructed. , . Th ,Council of the City oi Saint P ul having ved the�report of the Mayor ` upon e above improvettaent, and having idesed said report, hereby" resolv : 1. That the �sid report and he sams is he�byr• �roved with no altenaatives,and that.the est ated eost t3�eri�of is!see above#or rat�s, fip�►uced by asses�ments. ' . Q. �stt a publie�li�aring be had o said improvement on the 3��i��,� ' ock a.m.,in t e�ouncil Chambers o!t e . y u► Huuse the ty of�ai�pt Paul.;... , : , , 3.; �'pat noLice�t3f sai' �_, i�i s�g i�e �ivea ta-tha.pe�n� eud,i�n the.� • � `pr'b�►id+��'i�r"t�;@. r,st��the[�iaae�ndtplace.��saaring,: } th�riature.Qi the imProv Yat�d�tl�e��#os��ered���s��ti�uat�ed, ,� ' Fiie '"�$8-11 thru 5-88-T4 . . . , ted by the Councii Apri128, i988. . 5� �ed.Apri129. 1888. . . _ . ( ,7. 1988) .