88-857 15
By �� 6� 1�::.�--�._.
--'�---'�=-ae;-a2 cn� s�-ob
�File Na
Votiny in the Matter of �i�alk �czuetrueti ead/or at tlus �oll�wias
Ward I�eall+w�� ,
2 S-88-02 North side W. Anna olis Street from Ohio Street to
Manomin Avenue
2 S-88-03 Both sides Colborn Street from Michigan Street to
St. Clair Avenue
2 S-88-04 Southwest side Co cord Street from Stickney Street
to E. Belvidere Street
2 S-88-05 South side Harrison Avenue from S. Western Avenue to ��Q
Goodrich Avenue
2 5-88-06 Both sides Osceol Avenue from S. Avon Street to
S. Victoria Stree . Q
€ the
COMMEBCIAL rates (ail propert' at tr thaa residential)
IOOx of act�al cost estiaated to e tpgroxieatel� $6.00 per sq�are foot of valk
,�^ �j �
under Preliminary Order �" °� approved ���
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has c nducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considgred the same; now, ther fore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dir cted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the com letion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shail report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date MA1' 3 1 ��
Yea�3a� Nays
�11ts Certified a ed y Council Sec tary
Rettmaa � In Fa r y
So�� � Again t
„��„s� Mayor
JUN - 3 198�
� �P1l�1_tSNEO J UN 1 1 1qRR
.' � ' ... DATF NiTM, , . . Ck78� � .. �.: . . . .. (/►._ "" �— " .
. . -� � � . � . . :;' ;��E� ��E�' �. O,Q 1.0 9 2
Pu4���:c �rk�Y'�:.�i d . k�, , ,3/.2 8$ :
. , --; : . ,� _ a�n�a o��rpa �,. . . ,w.r4!�coa+�e�r�nn
t�� � �&;• ��.►�a�a{�� arv�c
�.; , � � _� ��
Wbr�'CS . ewc�rae�croF, � �r '.Gatstteil �t� r�_
Si�! alks _ ,2 Z�b2�3 °"°� `�.a?`'" , ` ,. 4 2
Reconstruct Old �Defective artd 1U�safe Sid aiks tn Nard�2 �(See attached list) � � ��,_,
., , . _ , _ _
.. •,;- s, :
,uioo!ru+r.U►►a�ek�+cR�) couru� nEPOttr:
n�o oa�ay civp.sEAV�� o��w w,�our �yrsr w�No.
��� ���� � E � ��4 �7��''"
� . A .SIAFF��� . .� .. f*IAR'TER COMM118SION . �I�18 . . � ADD1 M1F0.ADOED* RET9 TO CONiA�'T.. . . . �OOIN7Ti1�tT . �.
� . �_ _F01i'AUOL YiO. _FEEDBIIqt AODED• .
� DIBtfMCI00lMIClI � . # � . � � .. . .
. .�BUPi011f8 MMICl1(30UNCM.OBJECTIVE9 � � � � � . . . ..�. � � � . � . : � �. � . - � � . . .
To`f+�pla�ertt �►n effect`ive c�piaint
vesolutte� process and, contrlbute .
� to a safe� and 6ette� ne�ghborMaod. '
�t�ra r�aM.ei.+�.on�oMn�rn cvw�o.w�a.w�,�,.vn,�.+nmy>:
The p�w6laa �'defective sidewalk"t was cF ed 6ecause of tree reota. deTetertoas subgrade
; ms�e�ia,l# ,�.iternating freeze/thaw cycles, secvtce 11fe li�nits, cheaaicai additives. extre,�e
; ;teanp�tt�re� �rar,iations, etc� These probl s occur ort a ci,tyNide leveT and must b'+e addre�sed
and corrected. o� an a�nual'�basis, Left corr�cted the .aidew�lk cc�rtdition would worsen to a .
state� wtiere it would De rendered unusabl and subJect to increasad.:{�dcstrtan injuriea from
falls and posstble litigations. , •
. _ _ . _ .
�usrM+cnl,oN tco.►ra.n.�.�w,�uo...A..,�r.t: , _ .
Tfie ca�u�i ty wf 11 benef i t f rom thi s pro ect becae�se i t wi 11 ppovtd� safe defect f ree side-
waltcs for its n+any citizens. TAe sidews k contr'acts are executed by private contracto�s, so
�, it follows tt�at private sector Jobs are reated as a result cf this activity, , ,
_ > �_,r ,
- �t�nr,v�n.�To wno�: - .. . .,. . . ,. ,
H�storteatly t[�e��fdewalk Peconst�uct�on ' h�ve cre��tec! na�ative fee�ibacks in the ar�� of con-
struct�on proce0uve and �►s�easmant� �� pt te: of tRa ta�ct the assessa►ents are rocuded to
one*�haif tRe� actnai co�ts, as a result o the Ctty provFdad subs#dies they still� produce a
� g�eat daal of controversy,
. _ - , r;
_ . . . . . , , . --
, . . ,
_ . , . . �,, � _ , .
. _ .
u�r�+w►nv�;. . : w+os t�s .
3, Rlave C�tY Porc�� re�►�tr or �e�onst�nc Redac�s theo.p�oced�rei 1 . R,gp�i rs • cos��Ec; _. .
2, _Let systea� QGterForate� p�oce�s, lessens ooiitfical costly and tanporae�y.
� Pnvolvem�t a�d a11ev1ates 2, Reconstruct�sns • p�o-
cons�Ftuent ca�n�la#+►ts hib�tively expensivc,
generated f�om aasessment 3. i n�eaases e�at� �nd
poltcyt size �af littgations.
Rc�uttne ad�nF�►i�tvatfve actton�
F�aTlows standard'opera�t�ng procedurc� _
Basfcally thls is an admtnlstratfve pr u�e with legtslative ov�rviaw and a�thorization� lb
la�wa nead b� pa�r►�ed oP changed, La+�tsui waul� incre��e .�f altern�t�ve parltcy v�aere adopted�
� � � ST �'�Al1L ITY COUNCIL G�
. . C ��K_
Dear Property Owner: File No. S-88-02
MAY 1 1988 City Council Dietrict 11 2
� Planning Dietrict Council d 3
P U R P 0 S E To consider the nstruction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or '
part of the publ c sidewalk in front of yvur property. The limits
.�' A N D of this pro�ect res
." L 0 C A T I 0 N North 91de West nnapolis 5treet from Ohio Street to Manomin Avenue
NOTE: Sidewalk n good condition may not be replaced. Please
call tlie hone numbers listed below if yout sidewalk may
fit into his categotq. �
Tuesday, May 31, 1988, at 9:00 A.M.
� H E A R I N G City Council Cha bers, 3rd Floor City Hall
>;, .
''' If the Council proves the ordeLS (or any part thereof� a portion
. .. � of the costs wi 1 b assessed (after construction) against benefited
�� i N F O R M AT I O N properties. only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
:;;r qour pro stimated asaessments for this pro�ect are as
� 5 foot si e sidewalk -
.,�New struction
',�� no walk existed) $13.00/front foot
;';, epl cement of old sidewalk $6.50/front fvot
New sidewalk wi 1 be constructed 5 feet �aide. Some existing side-
;:,�:: . walk is 6 feet ide. 5idewalk reconstruction will be built to a
width of 5 fee in a11 cases where this width is ptactical. This
choice of widt allows the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the vent you prefer the existing width, which may be
greater than 5 feet, and are willing to accept the higher assess-
�:.� ment rate, ple se contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
�;; request yvur p eference.
Rates for reco struction af sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
:;'�; Fvr example: feet wide eidewaik - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
;} sidewalk - $13 00/front foot.
;•� .
=y:; All corner res dentiel properties will receive a credit up to the
;:.;;, . first 150 feet vf new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
, the "long side ' of the property.
k:'•' COt�tERCIAL tat s (all ptoperty other than residential) :
1009: of ctual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
:�;�; square f ot of walk constructed. If the propertp has area-
;;::.:; ways un er the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that
,;:: .
cost wi 1 be assessed in addition to the sidewa assessments.
Please call 29 -4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
�� Q U E S T I O N S or TDD) for as essment questions. Also, City staff will be available
;�':; to answer any ast minute questions on the project in Room 218 City
r�;; Hall from ��.2A' to 7.9!flQ'A.M. the same day as the hearing. .
,t�:� �
.,::•: /S 8:30 — :o o � .
�''' � � Notice sent May �3; 1988, . bq the Valuation,and Assessment Division
�`'+;'s ,_ , Department of Finance & Nanagement Services
_ • � . Room 218 City liall - Courthouse '
�°f�' . � � ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
:.$.. .
•:i::; ,
'•{'�:.�� . . . ... . . .
� , � , ST� PAUL ITY COUNCIL G' ��
� � � NOTICE c�� �
. P l� B L I C �-� E A R I �l G ����
` Dear property Owner: File No. S-88-03
� MAY '7 �988 City Council Dietrict � 2
CIT CLERK planning bistrict Council A 9
P U R P 0 S E To consider the c nstruction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the publi sidewalk in front of your property. The limits
AN D� �f this project a e:
L O C A t ( O ^' Both sides Colbor e Street from Michigan Street to St. Clair Avenue
, ��
, NOTE: Sidewalk n good condition may not be replaced. Please
call the hone numbers lieted below i# your aidewalk may
fit into his categorq.
��� Tuesday,. Ma�y 31, 988, 9:00 A.M.
" � H E A R I N G City Council Cha bers, 3rd Floor City Nall
:a .
�' If the Council a proves the orders (or any part thereof, a portion
. ... . of the costs wil be assessed (after construction) against benefited
I N F O R M AT I O N properties. You will only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. he Eimated assessments for this project are as
" follows:
ot ai sidewalk -
;�y New nstruction
,� (whe e no walk existed) $13.00/front fvot
,�;� Repl cement of old sidewalk $6.50/front fvot
,M1� N idew 1 i 1 be constructed 5 feet Wide. Some existing side-
k, ide. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a
� feet in all cases where this width is practical. This
}� ce vf width allows the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In tiie e ent you prefer the existing width, which may be
greater than 5 eet, and are willing to accept the highet assess-
�,{ ment rate, plea e contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
request your pr ference.
Rates for recon truction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
`�;; For examples 6 feet wide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
;:;f sidewalk - $13. 0/front foot.
All corner resi ential properties will receive a credit up to the
first 150 feet f new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of the property.
i,,;,� COMMERCIAL rat s (all property other than residential)t
;�; lOQ7: of ctual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
`'f$ equare f ot of walk constructed. If the property has area-
;�;,; ways und r the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that
cost wil be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298 4255 for constzuction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T I 0 N S or TDU) for ass ssment questions. Also, City staff will be available
'�':; to answer any 1 st minute questions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City
;':; Hall from . . A.M. the same day as the hearing. �
s�� /� �':'So 9:00 � -
` � � Notice sent May ]�d, 1988, . by the Valuation.and Assessment Division
,'��:; ,_ , Department of Finance 6 Management Services
' , Room 218 City llall - Cvurthouse '
�%�' . ' � • Saint Faul, Minnesota 55102
��;:, .
;r;r . _ , . . ,
� , ST. P.A 11 L ITY COU NC I L � ��.�
� - � PUBLI C �-� ARI NC NOTICE C� �-
�� bear Froperty Owner: � 7 1988 File No. S-88-04
MAY City Council District d2
CITY CLERK Flanning bistrict Council 03
P U R P O S E To consider the onstruction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the publ c sidewalk in ftont of yvur property. The limits
.�.� A N D af this pro�ect re:
•� �O C n� ' O A' Southwest side C ncord Street from 5tickney Street to East $elvidere
H �V Street
NOTE: Sidewalk n good condition may not be replaced. Please
call the hone numbers liated below if your sidewalk may
fit into his category. �
� Tues ay, May 31, 1988, at 9:00 A.
�k' � H E A R I N G City Council Cha bers, 3rd Floor City Ha11
''''' If the Council pproves the orders (or any' part thereof, a poztion
. .. . of tf�e cvst wi 1 assessed (after construction) against benefited
,��. I N F O R M AT I O N properties. 1 only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
►��r; your prop estimated assessments for this pro�ect are as
5 foot si e sidewalk -
:.,:; New onstruction
;ti ' 4 (whe e no walk existed) $13.00/front foot
..� .
�:;;: cement of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot
;�:; .
' S OTE'
New sidewalk wi 1 be constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet ide. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a
� width of 5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. This
,�}, choice of width allows the assessment to be kept at the lowest
::; rate. In the e ent you prefer the existing widtti, which may be
'��� greater than S eet, and are willing to accept the higher assess-
{:.;ti ment rate� ple se contact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
�:;: request yvur p eference.
Rates for reco struction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
�ti�,}�' Fot examples feet wide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
<�::< sidewalk - $13.00/frvnt foot.
;'�.;.'� All corner res dential properties will receive a credit up to the
�:;;'; first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
�; . the "long side' of the property.
".�; COMPiERCIAL rat s (all propertq other than residential)t
1009: of ctual cost estimated to be approx�.mately $4.00 per
;�'.; square f ot of walk constructed. If the property has area-
ways und r the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that
cost wil be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Flease call 296 4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T I O N S or TDD) for ass ssment questions. Also, City staff will be available
;;'.�:y to answer any 1 st minute questions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City
:;;���; Hall from A..M. the same day as the hearing.
/�' t�3o 'I:oo �
May i�', 1988, b the Valaation.and Assessment bivision
. :'' � ' Notice sent • ' Y
�'�r; ._ , Department of Finance & Management Services
_ • , Rovm 218 Citq Hall - Courthouse '
�;;; ' ' • Saint Faul� Minnesota 55102
fi'��� � � •
����i/. . / . . . .
�'7ff:•�Y.\!' . . . . . .. • ' , � �
, � � S T. P A U L I T Y C O U N C I L C��-�-�/
� � � I I-� EARING NOTICE C��'`�
Desr Property Owner: File No. S-88-05
• MA 17 1988 City Council Dietrict � 2
Planning bietrict Council H 9
� p U R P 0 S E �T� coneider the onatruction (new) and/or reconetruction of all or
; patt of the publ c eidewalk in front of your property. The limite
; A N D � �f this project res
� �O C A� ) 0 A' South aide Harr son Avenue from South Western Avenue to Goodrich
�V Avenue
� NOTE: Sidewalk n good condition may not be replaced. Flease
call the hone numbers listed below if yvur sidewalk may
fit into his categvey. �
Tues ay, May 3 , 9 , at : 0 . .
��' . H E �► �i N G City Council Cha bers, 3rd Floor City llall
'� If the Council a proves the vtders (or any part thereof, a portion
� . . .. . of the costs wil be assessed (after construction) against benefited
I N F O R M ATI ON properties. You wi only be assessed fvr sidewalk work that abuts
your propert stimated assessments for this pro�ect are as
5 foot sid sidewalk -
New C nstruction
� (wher no walk existed) $13.00/front foot
:f �t .
;ti pla ement of old sidewalk $6.50/Eront foot
::t •
New sidewalk wi 1 be constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet ide. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a
width of 5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. This
choice of width allows the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the e ent you prefer the existing width, which maq be
'�`1 greater than 5 eet, and are wi111ng to accept the higher assesa-
•, ment rate, plea e contact the Sid�walk Division at 298-4255 to
�.' request yout pr ference.
;� Rates for recon truction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
'>Y For example: 6 feet wide eidewalk - $7.60/front foot; 10 foot wide
;i sidewalk - $13. 0/front fvot.
.;:' All corner resi ential properties will receive a credit up to the
`'� first 1S0 feet f new or reconetructed eidewalk along and abutting
. the "long side" of the property.
�' COlQlERCIAL rate (all property other than residential)s
1007 of a tual cvst estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
'���: square fo t of walk conetructed. If the property has area-
ways unde the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that
� ' cost will be assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298- 255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T I O N S or TDb) for asse sment questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any la t minute questions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City
Hall from A.M. the same day as the hearing.
/� �:�o � q:oo .
" Notice sent May �3', 1988, . by the Valuation.and Assessment bivision �
._ , Department of Finance & Management Services
. ' Room 218 City Ha11 - Courthouse '
� � � � Saint Paul, Hinneeota 55102
Y: ' • ' .
�:r'7;r.+. ' • �' . ... . ' . . • . . • ' �
� ST . P �, l.� L ITY COU NCIL �, "
Dear Property Owner: ,� 1988 File No. S-88-06
MAY City Council bietrict � 2
Planning Uietrict Council p 16
P U R P 0 S E To consider the c nstruction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the publi sidewalk in front of your property. Th� limits
/� w1 h of this project a ea
L O C A T I O N $oth sides Osce la Avenue from South Avon Street to South Victoria
Street ,
NOTE: Sidewalk i good condition may not be replaced. Please
call the p one numbers listed below if your sidewalk may
fit into t is categorq. �
'� Tuesda ,, May 31, 988, at 9:00 A.M.
� H E A R I N G city c�'ouncil Cha ers; 3rd Floor City Nall
If the Council ap roves the otders (or any part thereof, a portion
. •� � of tl�e costs wil be assessed (after construction) against benefited
I N F O R M AT I O N properties. ltou ill vnly be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your propert . e stimated assessments for this pro�ect are as
' 5 foot sid sidewalk -
New C nstruction
} ,� (wher no walk existed) $13.00/front foot
; ement of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot
New sidewalk wil be constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet w de. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a
• width of 5 feet n all cases where this width is practical. This
�: choice of width llows the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the ev nt you prefer the existing width, which may be
greater than 5 f et, and are willing to accept the higher assess-
� ment rate, pleas conEact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
tequest your pre erence.
Rates for recons ruction of sidewalks wider than 5 feet ate prorated.
i; For example: 6 eet wide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot� 10 foot wide
r sidewalk - $13.0 /front foot.
;; All corner resid ntial properties will receive a credit up to the
first I50 feet o new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" f the property.
.. CO2�II�lERCIAL rates (a11 propertq other than residential) t
1009: of ac ual cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
'�{. square foo of walk cvnstructed. If the property has area-
ways under the sidewalk that need to be eliminated, tl�at
�ti �. cost will e assessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298-4 55 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T i O N S or 'I'DD) for asses ment questions. Also, City staff wi11 be available
:ti to answer any las minute questions vn the prv�ect in Room 218 City
:; Hall from . A.M. the same day as the hearing. .
. /Y 8�:30 - �oo � .
� � Notice sent May d�; 1.988, � by the Valuation,and Assessment Division �
�: ... . Department of .Finance 6 Manageroent Services
' � , Room 218 City Nall = Courthouse '
� � � ' • 5aint paul� Hinnesota 55102
f � �
�+.:.��;.. . . • . . . � . , .
. , <__
• • �� ;:
HEARING D TE: May 31, 1988
ard 2 .
D N.S. W. ANNAPOLIS ST. from Ohio
St. to Manomin Ave.
INITIATING ACTION: This order was initiated by the Director of Public
Works as public necessity on the basi of one (1) complaint, two (2)
requests for repair, a petition with one (1) signer and an inspection of the
walk. _
EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk i poured concrete with tree heaves,
scaled, cracked and settled panels.
.......................................... ...................................................
PR T• R T D B.S. COLBORNE ST. from Michigan
St. to St. Clair Ave.
INITIATING ACTION: This order wa initiated by the Director of Public
Works as public necessity on the bas s of one (1) complaint and an
inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with water
pockets, asphalt patches, cracked an settled panels.
......................................... ....................................................
PR E T: RE N TR T IDE ALK S.W.S. CONCORD ST. from Stickney
St. to E. Belvidere St.
INITIATING ACTION: This order w s initiated by the Director of Public
Works as public necessity on the ba is of a petition with one (1) signer
and an inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITIONS: This wal is old tile with broken tile, high
joints, holes in tile, disintegrated and cracked.
....................................... ......................................................
Ward 2 Continued
• S.S. HARRISON AVE. from S.
Western Ave. to Goodrich Ave.
iNITIATING ACTION: This order wa initiated by the Director of Public
Works as public necessity on the basi of five (5) complaints and an
inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk s poured concrete with heaved,
scaled and cracked panels.
• ........................................ ..................................................
N T I B.S. OSCEOLA AVE. from S. Avon
St. to S. Victoria St.
INITIATING ACTION: This order wa initiated by the Director of Public
Works as public necessity on the bas s of one (1) complaint, a petition
with one (1) signer and an inspection of the walk.
EXISTING CONDITIONS: This walk is poured concrete with tree heaves,
high joints, water pockets, asphalt pa ches and cracked.
......................................... ....................................................
. ������ �
,, . ;....,u,R,�,»> ► 5�����
. ;ti��T• ��8, CITY OF SAINT PAUL
'o .i a;
:a iiii�l l!Ii ec
��''o„� rt,,,.�c,.�<° 600 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
May 19, 1988 ,��..�:...,,` j�,,.� _,�-,.(.��
�/� ��� �---
Mr. John Saumweber � ��' ` °�
..�KY� it�;'" .'N 4 y���:,��,nn .v... . . . . .. ,
Finance Department
Room 218 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
RE: Withdrawal of Sidewalk Recons ruction Order on Charles Avenue
Between Albert and Pascal Str ets S 88-!2-
Dear John:
This is to advise you of my intention to withdraw the above captioned order.
Mr. Czaia, Design and Construction Inspector, and myself inet with many of
the property owners at this location n the afternoon of May 18, 1988. At the
conclusion of this brief and spirited eeting, it was decided to withdraw this
order. The principal reason for this s reflected in the fact the property
owners here have just undergone o rather large assessments for sewer and
paving projects. In addition, I feel c mfortable with the fact the sidewalk
stock is structurally sound and a dir tive to our Maintenance Section to
effect the needed repairs to the def ctive sidewalk panels throughout this
block will render the walk to a safe nd passable condition. Although these
repairs are cosmetic and temporary in nature, they will allow us to extend
the service life of these sidewalks.
Thanking you in advance for your e orts in implementing this withdrawal
procedure, I remain.
� �
Thomas P. Keefe
Supervisor of Sidewalk Section
cc: Kenneth Jackson, 1430 Charl s Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
� +
c d�Y' . . . _ . . � .
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alternat�.y�,and thaL!he ttbated cost fhereof�p��abot�� �, �,,
�3napced 1�y assessments. ` . ���.,
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2. That a public hearing be had n said improvezrien
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mani�r ptovided by the- �. � 3 �
the nature ot the imp �� thereai as ea�E#nsa�d:'�
File Nos. 5-�8=Q2 thru$-88-0�
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