88-854 rr ��,
City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �a
Voting Assessment No. 3411
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and xpenses for File No. S 11421 Assessment ��3412
sidewalk construction and/or reconst uction File No. S 11426 Assessment 4�3413
at the following locations: File No. S 11428 Assessment ��3414
File No. S 11444 Assessment ��3415
File No. S 11448 Assessment 4�3416
File No. S 11462 Assessment ��3417
File No. S 11474 Assessment ��3440
File No. S 11475 Assess,emt �3418
6 S 11404 West side Arcade Street from Hawthorne Avenue to 69 feet
south of Hawthor e with integral curb. l
Preliminary Orde No. 86-538 Approved April 29 , 1986
Final Order No. 86— 663 Approved May 27 , 1986
3 S 11421 East side Missis ippi River Blvd. from 150 feet north of
Randolph Ave. t Hartford Street .
Preliminary Ord r No. 86-570 Approved May 6 , 1986.
Final Order No. 86-790 Approved June 17 , 1986
6 S 11426 Both sides Sher ood Ave. from Kennard St. to Germain St.
6 S 11428 Both sides E. A lington Ave. from White Bear Ave. to
Flandrau Street
Preliminary Ord r No. 86-616 Approved May 13 , 1986
Final Order No. 86-918 Approved July 8 , 1986
3 S 11444 North side Ele nor Avenue from Cretin Ave to east 160 feet
4 S 11448 Both sides Pri ceton Avenue from Kenneth St. to Howell
Preliminary 0 der No. 86-712 Approved June 3 , 1986
Final Order N . 86-867 Approved July 1 , 1986
6 S 11462 West side Payne Ave. from North Street to Hopkins Street
with integra curb.
Preliminary rder No. 86-771 Approved June 10 , 1986
Final Order o. 86-923 Approved July 8 , 1986
4 S 11474 North side uford Avenue from Raymond Avenue to Hythe St.
4 S 11475 South side udley Avenue east from Grantham Street at
2194 and 21 8 Dudley Avenue.
Preliminar Order No. 86-933 Approved July 8 , 1986
Final Orde No. 86-1090 Approved August 5 , 1986
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..F�.�naf�e Iae artment 5/11/8: •.
om�r o�roa ►nran toA�rrwvry
Peter White , � �a«�a w�aee��nc�o�n 1 crn c►Ewc
Valuations �g$-53�7 �� ��� —3. �ouncil Resear,ah
�� T cxrY�..ow�� e da on.or be�fore 5/-31 8
1. Setting hearing date fo�q ratificatio of assessments. :
, 2. , Ratify assessments for �idewalk cons ruction and/or reconstruction for sidewalk
pro�ect� on the attache� sheet. �
File No.'s S-11404, S-11421� S-11426, S- 1428, S-11444, S-114�48, _5-114►b2, S-11474 S-11475
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to�hel�s $reformthete�o eRa.Bi�icatfon is n cessary in order ,to hegin eollectl;�g assessmeats :
, . .
p p y p � : E These. sidew lk pro�eefs were final ordered .in lg$fi a�d
_ constructed in 1987.: �` .
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, .�,�►,�orat�a�eer�sa�.�u►�e.o.s��«+w: _ _ _
Same as above. ,
�'E1MrR Mihw�'andTo Wlnm►, ' , , , . ., . . ,
Assessments payable over a period of S to 20 years via property taxes.
The_number of yeara differs for each pro3 ct depending on the si�� of ,a�seaemen�s.
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+►�r�um�: �noe i . caoas . . ,;
To not assess the benefits would i
� ' _be `tnconsistent` with City policy. _ j
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. .
Routine follows City policy and procedur s. '
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Nane. knowu-at this time. - ;
. , _ . ., . . . . . . . i
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, •�� + � GREEN SHEET ��001168
6 S 11404 West side Arcade treet from Hawthorne Avenue to 69 feet
south of Hawthor e with integral curb.
Preliminarq Orde No. 86-538 Approved April 29, 1986
Final Order No. 86— 663 Approved May 27 , 1986
3 S 11421 East side Missis ippi River Blvd. from 150 feet north of
Randolph Ave. to Hartford Street.
Preliminary Orde No. 86-570 Approved May 6 , 1986.
Final Order No. 86-790 Approved June 17 , 1986
- 6 S 11426 Both sides Sherwood Ave. from Kennard St. to -Germ�a-f-n St.- •
6 S 11428 Both sides E. A lington Ave. from White Bear Ave. to
Flandrau Street
Preliminary Ord r No. 86-616 Approved May 13 , 1986
Final Order No. 86-918 Approved July 8, 1986
3 S 11444 North side Ele nor Avenue from Cretin Ave to east 160 feet
4 S 11448 Both sides Pri ceton Avenue from Renneth St. to Howell
Preliminary Or er No. 86-712 Approved June 3 , 1986
Final Order No. 86-867 Approved July 1 , 1986
. 6 S 11462 West side Pay e Ave. from North Street to Hopkins Street
. with integra curb.
Preliminary rder No. 86-771 Approved June 10 , 1986
Final Order o. 86-923 Approved July 8, 1986
4 5 .11474 North side uford Avenue from Raymond Avenue to Hqthe St.
4 S 11475 South side udley Avenue east from Grantham Street at
2194 and 21 8 Dudley Avenue.
Preliminary Order No. 86-933 Approved July 8 , 1986
Final Order No. 86-1090 Approved August 5 , 1986
. �
' • . CITY O� _ ,
��$ � sa�t p City Couticil
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� ����'�;�'�� c Public Hearing Notice and invoice
� ~ Ratiticatio of Assessment
Property owner FILE # S -----
and mailing address ASSESSMENT# ----
Parcel ID ��
Legal description as it appears o Ramsey County Tax Rolls
P'URPOSE To consider ratification of th assessment for Sidewalk construction and
or reconstruction at (See Green Sheet ��001168)
THE TIME: Tuesday, July 5 1988 at 9:00 A.M.
HEARING PLACE: City Council Chamb rs, 3rd Floor, City Hall -Court House.
Written or oral statements b any owner��ill be considered by the Council at this hearing.
ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment f r the above 1�roperty is S Your final assessment will
INFORMATION be the amount ratified by t e City Council at the public hearing.The amount showing on
this notice is the amount th t is being recommended to the City Council for ratification The
proposed assessment roll f this project is available for review in the Finance Dept. Room
218, City Hall.
PAYMENT NOTE: This notice is your �nvoice which becomes due and payable upon approval of the
INFORMATION assessmenf by the City Cou cil You may pay your final assessment without interest to the
Department of Finance an Management Services. Room 218, City Hall-Courf House within
30 dcr,�s of the City Cou il" approval After 30 days any unpaid assessment will be certified
for collection in 2p,4�,�q al installments with the real estate taxes beginning in 1989
with interest at the rate of 9 % per annum on the unpaid assessment balance
� . • )
ADDTfIONAL After 30 days assessm,ent installments must be paid with real estate taxes, however the
PAYMENT assessment may be paid in full at anytime up through October 15, to the Department of
INFORMATION Finance and Management Services, paying interest from date of levy to date of payment.
After Oc?cber 15 the balance of the assessment remaining after certification to the real
estate taxes may be paid to the Department of Finance and Management Services.
APPEAL City Council decisions are subject to appeal to the District Court.You must first file a notice
stating the grounds for the appeal with the City Clerk within 20 days after the order adopting
the assessment You must also iile the same notice with the Clerk of District Court within 10
days after filing with the City Clerk NOTE: Failure to file the required notices within the times
specified shall forever prohibit an appeal from the assessment.
Alsc .^.ote tha? section 64 06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that regular
assessmer.t payments be made even if an assessment is under appeal If the appeal is
successfu! the peryments ir.cluding interest will be refunded
SENIORS If you are 65 or older and homestead this property, you may apply for a deferred payrnent
NOTE of special assessments Ycu must, however, demonstrate that the average annual payrnent
for all assessments exceeds 1% of your adjusted gross income as shown on your most recent
Federal Income Tax Retum For information ca11298-5125.
6WESTIONS Before the ratification hearing of a local improvement, call 298-5317 and refer to the
File # on page 1 City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this
pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30-10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. After the
ratification hearing call 298-5125 and refer to the Assessment # on page 1.
Before and after the ratification hearing, for Summary Abatements, Boardings-Up of
vacant buildings, Demolitions and Tree Removals, please call 298-5125.
REMINDER This is your invoice and is due and payable upon approval of the assessment by the
City Council.
Please make all checks Payable to City of St. Paul and mail to the Department of Finance
and Management Services, Room 218 City Hall-Court House, St. Paul, MN 55102.
ST. PAUL MN. 55102