88-852 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council /�, _ CANARY - DEPARTMENT �{J/���� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ` - Return copy to: Council Resolution i� Valuations - Room 218 (PW) (Aurora) ��' Presented By Referred To �v , �' �G � d Committee: Date ��� �"� � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the City of aint Paul, acting through its valuation engineer, has secure an agreement for the purchase of that certain property describe as follows: Lot 27, except the West 15 feet and Lot 28, except the East 3 eet , Block 4, Aurora ' s Addition WHEREAS , the property erein described is necessary to create ponding area for th Stillwater-Nokomis Storm Sewer System. WHEREAS , this property was approved for acquisition on February 23, 1988, by Final Or er, Council File No. 88-256; and WHEREAS , the price at whi h the property may be purchased is in the amount of $75,0Pl0, it eing a fair and reasonable price for the subject property acco ding to the appraisal obtained by the Valuation Engineer; and WHEREAS , the Valuation En ineer has recommended the purchase of said property at the price tated above; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL ED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and di ected to pay William J. Curran, record owner , the sum of $75 , �0. The conditions of said sale contained in the Memoradum for Sale of Real Estate; said memorandum is attached her to and incorporated herein by reference. Said sum to be ch rged to Funding Source 2015-1216�1- 0535 and 8f�44R. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond L.o� ! [n Fa or Goswitz Rett�"a" � � t Director �.�;� Again t BY / Sonnen ' � 'S'�`T! �H�i1cc� Adopted by Council: Date JUN � o t9 S Form Ap rove y City torney C � S �o � Certified Pass o c'1 S ary By By ` Appro iNavor: D - — Appro e May r bmis ' n to Council . By PIJ61lSHED J U L 16 1988 ����� � �►,� ��� _ - . Ffri�ca� & H�ruagemet3t 3e iees 5/ 88 �� ���� NO. ��11�.� KMO" o�ra�rr�xr a�croa ��wa(oA�r�wi�1. Petex' Wh�.t@ . 5 _ � � rww�cEaww�aa�rrae�ncESU�aon �(, cnra.ewc . • a�oc�r o�cron _ _ _: �� . ` Vsluatiotls 29$-53Y7 ` ° �: crna�r , Approve acquisition of pro�erty for pond g in conneetion with the St�11�f,���I�oicom�s ���orm._ : SeWer P�o�ect. . _ Tw�s:iMP�owTN«�(Rf7 aeBeAr+�aEPORr. ,.. . KN..wa oowresioa av�s�co�assar� °A•� Q S'��/y� �I�� naa�oo�waioN reo ms ac►ioo�eawo . A er� ' cw�wra+oor�seion ��s�s. �ooL�o.�• _ _ro�nswTOa�O°w�c".'+� _��at��* asmK.�oa�a '' � �,���►�. ` , , . " �'. , , :RE�E�j �. : MA4' 1 .� ��88 pEp�EM F�� DiRECTpR• �ND M,�ryqC�MENT�A� w�►�r�oi�e�k MM�.a.voirna�[rv�wno.vvnae,Nn,en,w�ere,wnvr• Constula�ts re�.ained by the City of Saint Paul to design the Nokomis/Stillwa�er sewer gro�ect have ,��t�igtuated: this. property as necessa for.ponding. �rwo..,ae�>: . ... . . , .; , . . . REC�.�v�� . -�Sto� water ponding areas allaw the -conti ued �se of major �runk 's�e�s w ch �ro�tild oth�wise " � i�ave't� be replaced. . MAY 1 N 19�8 _ k�AYOR'5 OFFICE r ; �lw�w:w�►,.�a ro vn�):: ; , ,.� �. ,. _ � The City's right to eminent domaip for pu lic improvements will result in the transfer of. fitle> upon payment of just compensatic�n for the properties necessary for the pondi�g areas. _ „ . . ,� K7f1M�t: nnoe _ co�s To be determined. � wtrcer�:. _ S.O.P. ��s: N/A at this time. . . . . � . . ���sa Department of Finan e & idanagement Services Division of Assessments and Valuations Room 21 City Hall MEMORANDUM ON SALE OF REAL ESTATE 1. Purpose of Sale of Real E tate to City of Saint Paul : Acquisition for purpose of ponding in connection �aith Stillwater/Nokomis Storm Sewer 2 . Location of Real Estat : 1889 Bush Avenue 3. Legal Description: Lot 2 , except the West 15 feet and Lot 28 , xcept the East 3 feet, Block 4 , Auror Addition 4 . Name and Address of Selle : William J . Curran 1889 Bush Avenue Saint Paul , Minnesota 55119 5. Recommended Purchase Pric : $75, 000. 0P1 6. Type of Deed Required: W rranty Deed 7. Seller to furnish Owner' s Duplicate Certificate of Title for said property. 8 . Seller will give possessi n to City: By ,7uly 31 , 1988 . 9. Seller will close accounts on all utilities such as gas, water , electricity, telep one, trash hauling, etc. 10. Seller to allow access t premises to City or its agents prior to date of posses ion for purposes of implementing action in connection wi h ponding for Stillwater/Nokomis Storm Sewer . � 11 . Items to be removed and r tained by Seller: �a.Ser„t�'f O�rap¢S � S!;¢� �nG ��e4 bda/C,� q`" �jAC/C /JRr , ��►y`� � r ..J ,l p ,, 12. Taxes: Seller to pay 198 taxes due and payable in 1988 ro ro�'�� f�,,,, c�!�C ��C ios;.�G , � � 13 . Seller will deliver keys to Valuation Division, Room 218 �' � City Hall - Court House b August 1 , 1988. "� u,n�Y DI�w ����� Department of Finan e & T�tanagement Services Division of Asses ments and Valuations Room 21 City Hall MEMORANDUM ON ALE OF REAL ESi'ATE 1 . Purpose of Sale of Real E tate to City of Saint Paul : Acquisition for purpose o ponding in connection with Stillwater/Nokomis Storm ewer 2 . Location of Real Estat : 1889 Bush Avenue 3. Legal Description: Lot 2 , except the West 15 feet and Lot 28 , xcept the East 3 feet, Block 4 , Auror Addition 4 . Name and Address of Selle : William J . Curran 1889 Bush Avenue • Saint Paul , rlinnesota 55119 5. Recommended Purchase Pric : $75, 000. 00 6 . Type of Deed Required: W rranty Deed 7. Seller to furnish Owner ' s Duplicate Certificate of Title for said property. 8 . Seller will give possessi n to City: By July 31 , 1988 . 9. Seller will close accoun s on all utilities such as gas, water , electricity, telep one, trash hauling, etc. 10. Seller to allow access t premises to City or its agents prior to date of posses ion for purposes • of implementing action in connection with ponding for Stillwater/Nokomis Storm Sewer . 11 . Items to be removed and r tained by Seller: /Ja.se."r.�� a�•-apes � S�¢/ '� ,�e_� �bo�r�'� q` �ac� bar . ����% � l , 12. Taxes: Seller to pay 198 taxes due and payable in 1988 �o rofied fc . c�.��e ��C'�cs;,�G . < �I 13 . Seller will deliver keys to Valuation Division, Room 218 J ��-,u City Hall - Court House b August 1 , 1988. f `" �� �� � � AVE �. �y�s�-,� �, 1 yo . . a� p � - , . � . . . . � r83� �B� y y i8G8 I �B90 I h � I I I I e � I t I � � � � � � q 2 / � /6 /� /3 /2 I�/ / 9 8 ` 'I T ' ¢ S( � .3 / �0 J I � � � 0 � ( � � , i � W Z to � � t M 1 ��} N � Z , 1 � N � I � � � 'I I �s � '�p O � � � � � � i 129q `'! o � 29 30 � /6 /T /B /9� 24 2� 22 2�3 24 c�S �6 �J►, 28�� ; I L ,, I � '� � I �.. ',,5����� �. � � I I � � .,. P� � ��o O i J).S 0 , . Zz � 2s yp _ ,. ...�7� • . • . �f .. •- �4 .. �. 74 ... . .�� � , 't'�`( �• — � � � ��r ��OI I 1J.l�t .*O. N ., w N .. I. , • r M .fl. 11�Y I�� 1�. � 'w ` � j� � �� y QU �� � ,t /� � �ls /4 /3 /2 // /v 9 8 7 6 .s �4- 3 z /" � � ; K � N N M N ' 29 30 `�6 /7 f8 J9 ZO Z/ 27 1! � ,� 25 16 ZJ 7� Z9 �o 18j3 /B39 1851 O. ..11r/J d7.�0 /. ,. .. . .. .. _ t O, j'7 J �s A�E ' e .�e. .,,- ,��_ .�.. � .. . -- -. --� .. .. , .. . ,,�.o. ��„ � '�SL � , w N � Z /* �/5 /� I /3 �2 // � 9 8 7 6 .S" � 3 z � � � —�-- �-- � - �. ,� , - - -- -- � * I � 26 2 7 � i i I� � N � I � , I � I N \ � � � 1 / � P Z9 .�D /6 /7 /� ` �i9 Zc i � �2 22 � r�3 �,Z�`i Z.� I ?6 .Z + �29 .�o � � I � i �e9s � +Q: )Qr /� �7.70 40. �s ''Ll - l ' 1 ��' 3 ,� 1� QVE e .�.0. �1/ ,�7.Tt e. ..� r� . . .. «'� � '• " + �I. 1�/ I , ' - I I . , � Members: C��-��� _ fi?;t � C1'1'1' Ui�� �A1N'1� 1-'11 UL Roger J. Goswitz, chair - , ;;,;;���.,:;; � Janice Rettman - 1��e��eli'�i��� ON'1�'[C;1�: 1�' 't'II i�, CL'1`Y COUNCIL Tom Dimond Date: June 22, 19 8 Co mittee Report To: Saint Paul City Coun il From :Public Works, Utili ies, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, hair The Public Works Committee a its meeting of June 22, 1988 took the following action: Hearing Date ' 1. 7/12/88 VACATION: Peti ion of "600 Properties Partnership" for the vacation o a building encroachment along the north side of FORD PA WAY (Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 7, St. Catherine Park b tween Mount Curve and Cretin) . � Recommended appr val unanimously. 2. 7/5/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For construction of Storm Sewer Service Stub Connections incidental to the SNELLING/UNVERSI Y AREA SEWER PROJECT. Recommended appr val unanimously. � 3. 6/28/88 FINAL ORDER: mproving the following streets with a bituminous pavi g, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveways and ou walks, sodded boulevards, and a street lighting system (Supplement to ARLINGTON/ARKWRIGHT STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJEC ) : ARKWRIGHT STREE from Nevada Avenu2 to Nebraska Avenue; � and DE SOTO STRE T from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue Recommended appr val unanimously. (Supplement to J CKSON/MAGNOLIA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT) : Geranium Avenue rom Jackson Street to Agate Street and Agate Street fro Jessamine Avenue to Geranium Avenue Recommended appr val unanimously. (Supplement to DALE/HOYT STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT) : C1TY HALL ALAMEDA STREET fr m Arlington Avenue to NebYaska� Avenue� " .�'!e.e a Recommended appr al unanimously. i . . . _ � � �����°� (Supplement to C TTAGE/GALTIER STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT) : MARION STREET fr m Cottage Avenue to Arlington Avenue and ALBEMARLE STREET from Cottage Avenue to Arlington Avenue Recommended deni 1. " (Supplement to LANDRAU/IDAHO STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT) : IOWA AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Street; HOYT AVENUE from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street, and GARY PLACE from oyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue. Recommended deni 1. 4. 6/28/88 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary sewer in FORESTER STREET from Canton Street to Bay Street (Laid over from June 8th) . Laid over in Co ittee to July 13th. 5. Solid Waste Task Force Report - Laid over in Committee. . ACQUISITION: C ty officiala are authorized and directed to pay WILLIAM J CURRAN, record owner, the sum of $75,000 to create pondi g area for STILLWATER/NOKOMIS STORM SEWER SYSTEM. Re���►niended` " val unani,mously. 7. DISCUSSION: Pr cess by which Preliminary Orders/Final Orders are sent o the Public Works Committee. Laid over in Co ittee to July 13th. 8. RESOLUTION 88-9 6 - Amending budget in amount of $25,000 from Sewer Separ tion Project to save trees. Recommended wit drawal of Resolution 88-926 upon receipt of proper signed Administrative Order. 9. RESOLUTION 88- 37 - Affirming that any preliminary engineering and tudy costs qualifying for Minnesota State Transportation Funds in excess of the grant be ' appropriated fr m funds available to the City for the WABASHA STREET B IDGE PROJECT. Recommended appr val unanimously. 10. RESOLUTION: To a prove acquisition of Burlington Northern, Inc. property fo the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA pond acquisition. Recommended appr val unanimously. 2