88-848 N�HITE - C�TV CLERK COI1flC11 PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PAtT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �_�� C u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date June 7, '8 and 9t ; and au is os e annua eague o innesota Cities Convention �E�tEAS, The City of Saint Paul has reape many benefits from the League of Minnesota ities over the years; and WH�REAS T�iis is the Lea�ue's 75th Anniv �sary, a s ecial event, and Sai�t Paul wishes to m e a �on ribution towa ds the event as everage f�r raising private do lars; and �I�iE�tE��S� The Mayo�r, ursuant to Seetio 10.07.1 of the City Charte , does certify a r are av il�ble for appropria�i revenues in exeess of t�ose estimated in the 9�8 bud�e ; and WHERE9S, The Mayor recommends the follow'ng ehanges to the 1988 budget: Current Am nded FINgNCIN PL N __Budget __Changes___ _ Bu�get 050 CI L P ROJECTS-GENERAL GOVERNME T ���1 �otel and MQtel Taxes 7q1 ,1 5p 10,00 7g1 , 1 0 her Finaneing 165,056 S 165,a�g ------------ ------------ ------------ 936,206 10,000 946,206 SPE��N � �L PROJECT�S-GENERAL GOVERNME T p p mote aint.Pau1: City.Fu ding Leverage 0 A0��7pt�ieraSle�iclinansfer Out g 10,00g 7q10,010g Other Spendin�g � 1�5;056 0 16�;056 ------------ ------------ ------------ 936,206 10,000 9�►6,206 NET CHANGE 10,000 �tESOLVEI7, That the City Council appro es these changes to the 1988 budget. A�proval Reco/ nded Bud et i eto�'�--- 8 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Executive Admin Dimond �� � In Favor Goswitz �g A!!!�" V Scheibel A i n s t BY Sot seli Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 � 1� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa: d by Council Secretary BY �'�'`�� � ` � � ` � 6 Byr A►pprov Mavor: Date MAY 2 5 1988 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pl�BUSHED �u��� 41988 . , . . _ j���"e''� . .N° 011�024 , Executive Administration DEPAR NT • Diane Lynch CONTACT N�AME 298-4123 PHONE � � 5/23/88 DATE . ASSIGN'I+I�MBEx FOR ROIIT2N ORDER: (S e reverse side.) 1 Department Director 4 1rllayor (or Assist�ant) _ Finance and Management Servi�Ces irector 5 City Clerk � Budget Director � City Attorney _ TOT�L NtJMBER OF SIGNATURE PAG�S: 2 (Clip all locations for signature.) p 0 � ? (Purpoae/Rationale) No money was budqeted for City contri ution to League of MN Cities ConPerence(June 7=9) events. City is host for the confere ce. Conference_ Commnittee has s rivate money to pay for events. City's contributi n. can act as leverage for conti ising. �1qy 2� � `�r, '�9 OS U GE AN P ���j�� ' "�Y City'�s con�ribution can act as levera e for conference fundraising. In sed collection of hotei-motel tax dollars, City's sh e, can be .ttsed to finance City's contri.bution to conf�r�nce events. ;,., ;..:, ,r. . , , GET AC VITY BE C Q C (Zlaqar's sigaature not required if un r $10,00Q.) Total Amount of Transgction: $10,0 0 Activity Number: 30108 50084 _ Funding Source: 1401 Hotel and Mote Taxes ATTAC�S: (List and number all att chments.) 1. Resolution, acknowledqing receipt f higher than expected hotel and motel tax dollars, City Share 2. Resolution, creating spending plan for Conference events. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES �V es _No Rules, Regulations, rocedures, or Budget Amendment required? es _No If yes, are they or . imetable attached? DEPARTMBNT .REVTEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes o Council resolution req red? Resolution required? _Yes No _Yes � Insurance; required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes No insurance attached?