88-846 WHITE � - C�TV CLERK
� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � -
City Attny/JTH � �
Counci Resolution ' _�
� � '����.�x� `�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul (the "Council")
has the statutory responsibi ity under Minnesota Statutes Section
462 . 521 (recodified as Secti n 469 .028) to approve redevelopment
plans and projects of the Ho sing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul, Minn sota (the "HRA") , and under Minnesota
Statutes Section 273 . 74 (rec dified as Section 469 . 175 Subd. 3) to
approve tax increment financ ng plans and districts proposed by
housing and redevelopment au horities within a city, in each case
after a public hearing there n; and , �
- WHEREAS , the HRA has un ertaken the Hammond Project as a '
redevelopment project author zed by the City Wide Redevelopment
Plan approved by Resolution ouncil File No . 277600 adopted
October 27 , 1981 , and as Pha e I of the Saint Paul Neighborhood
]3usiness Development Program under a Tax Increment Financing Plan
and District approved and cr ated by Resolution Council File No .
279109 adopted August 19 , 19 2 ; and
4JHEREAS , the HRA has un ertaken the Spruce Tree Centre and
Metz Bakery Area Projects as redevelopment projects authorized by
the Redevelopment Plan For T e Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment
Project (Spruce Tree Centre, Metz Balcery Area and Hammond District)
ado�ted as a supplement to t e City Wide Redevelopment Plan by
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b �artm n_of:
Yeas Nays , �
Lo� [n Fav r
Goswitz .
Rettman B
�he1�� Agains Y
Form Approved by City At rney
Adopted by Council: Date
_ ,� /
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by 1Aavor: Date Appro d by Mayor for Submi 'on t Council
: /+! � G�//.,
(��' �T1"
Resolution Council File No. 7-348 adopted March 17 , 1987 , under
the Neighborhood Development Project (Spruce Tree Centre and Metz
Rakery Areas) Phases I and I Tax Increment Financing Plan and
District and under the Subpl mental Tax Increment Financing; Plan
for the Saint Paul Neighborh od Business Development Program
(Hammond Area) Phase I which plans and district were also approved
by Resolution Council File N . 87-348 ; and
��TFiEREAS , the HRA propos s to amend the Redevelopment Plan
For The Saint Paul Neighhorh od Redevelopment Project Area (the
"Project Area") which covers the Spruce Tree Centre, Metz Bakery
Area and Hammond District Pr jects by adding eleven new, noncon-
tiguous projectsto the Proje t Area identified as the
Snelling/Uni ersity
University Avenue East
Rice Stree
Prom/3M Si e
Concord/Ro ert
Arcade/Pay e/East Seventh Street
Unisys Pro erty
Hillcxest hopping Center
Texaco Sit
West Seven: h Street/Grand, and
Highland/D naldson' s Site; and
[�T}-IEREAS , the HRA furthe proposes to create a new tax incre�-
ment finan.cing district �aith n the amended Project Area comprisin�;
parcels located in seven of hese additional projects identified as -
Rice Stree
Texaco Sit
Unisys Sit
East Unive sity Area
Prom/3M Si e
Seeger Squ re (part of Arcade/Payne/East Seventh) ; and
Hillcrest hopping Center ;
WHEREAS , HRA has submit ed to the Council its Resolution No .
88-5/18-1 approving an Amend d Redevelopment Plan For The Saint
Paul Neighborhood Redevelopm nt Project Area and Resolution No .
: � � ���
88-5/18-2 approving a Tax In rement Financing Plan and creating a
Tax Increment Financing Dist ict For Saint Paul Neighborhood
Development Program, togethe with the following related documents :
l . Amended Redevelopme t Plan;
2 . Supplemental Tax In rement Financing Plan;
3 . The written opin.ion of the Saint Paul Planning
4. The Building Condit ons Evaluation Summary;
5 . The Tax Increment F nancing Necessity Summaries
(as to each Project ; and
6. As A�nendix A to th Tax Increment Financing Plan,
an Identification o all Parcels to be Included in
the Tax Increment F nancing District ;
an d
WHEREAS , said Amended R development Plan and Supplemental Tax
Increment Financing Plan con ain an identification of need and
statement of objectives and rogram of the HRA for carrying out
of a redevelopment project a d a redevelopment district in the
additional areas of the Neig borhood Redevelopment Project and Tax
Increment Financing District including property to be acquired,
public improvements to be pr vided, property development to occur
and other redevelopment , est mates of public redevelopment cost of
the Project and District inc uding administrative expenses , amount
of bonded indebtedness to be incurred, sources of revenue to pay
said bonds and other redevel pment costs of the Project , the most
recent assessed valuation of taxable Property within the District ,
the estimated captured asses ed value of the District at completion,
and the duration of the Dist icts existence; and
WHEREAS , the HRA has pr vided an opportunity to members of the
Ramsey County lioard and Inde endent School District No . 625 to meet
with the HRA and has present d the Board members of said County and
School District its estimate of the fiscal and economic implications
of the proposed tax incremen financing district ; and
WHEREAS , the Saint Paul Planning Commission has reviewed the
said Amended Redevelopment P an and approved the same as being in
conformity with the Sainti Pa 1 Comprehensive Plan, the general plan
for the development and rede elopment of the municipality as a whole;
�� ��-��
j�iEREAS , the Saint Paul Capital Improvement Budget Committee
has reviewed the Amended Red velopment Plan and Supplementa.l Tax
Increment Financing Plan and recommended approval of said Plans
by the Council ; and
WHEREAS , on May 26 , 19$ , the City Council conducted a public
hearing upon the Supplementa Tax Increment Financing Plan in
conjunction with a nublic he ring upon the Amended Redevelopment
Plan, all after published no ice of a hearing on both such plans
in the Saint Paul Pioneer Pr ss on Ma_y 15 , 1988 ; and
TnIHEREAS , at said public hearing �he Council heard testimony
from all interested parties ppearing on the approval of the
Amended Redevelopment Plan a d Project proposed, on the creation
of the District and on the S pplemental Tax Increment Financing
Plan; and
WHEREAS , the Council ha considered the findings and determin-
ations of the Saint Paul Pla ning Commission, Capital Improvement
Budget Committee and of the RA respecting the Project , District ,
Amended Redevelopment Plan, he Supnlemental Tax Increment Fin:ancing
Plan, together with the doc entation submitted in support of said
Plans and has taken into acc unt the infornnation and knowledge
�ained in hearings upon and uring consideration of other matters
relating to the developments proposed for said Project and District ,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVED by the Council of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota, havin reviewed and considered the documents
submitted attd the recitals , epresentations and provisions contained
therein, as follows :
l . It is hereby found nd determined:.
A. That the redeve opment project undertakings and
the redevelopme t project area, originally estab-
lished for the ammond District , subsequently
expanded to inc rporate the Spruce Tree Centre
• and Metz Bakery rea, and now further expanded
to incorporate he eleVen projects identified
and described i the Amended Redevelopment �1an,
� ������
constitute a "redevelopment project" within the
meaning of Minnesota Statutes Section 469 . 002
Subd. 14, and t t the Project Area of the
Amended Redevelo ment Plan constitutes a
"blighted area" � ithin the meaning of Minnesota
Statutes Sectio 469. 002 Subd. 11 ;
B. That the land i the Project Area would not be
made available r, nor would redevelopment be
financiall_y feasible without the public im�rove-
ments and the fi ancial assistance proposed for
the Pro j ect ;
C. That the Amende Redevelopment Plan for the re-
development area in the locality will afford
maximum opportu ity, corisistent with the sound
needs of the loc lity as a whole , for the rede-
veloPment of suc area by private enterprise ;
D. That the Amended Redevelopment Plan conforms to
the Saint Paul C mprehensive Plan, the general
plan for the de lopment of the locality as a
2 . It is hereby found a d determined for reasons set forth in
the Amended Redevelo ment Plan, Supplemental Tax Increment
Financing Plan, the uilding Condition Evaluation Summary
and HRA Resolutions eing incorporated and made part hereof:
A. Th�.t the Tax Inc ement ?�istrict contains 785
parcels of which 73% are occupied by buildings ,
streets , utiliti s or other improvements and
42% of the build'ngs are structurally substan-
dard and an addi ional 39% of the buildings re-
quire substantia renovation or clearance, and
that, consequent y, the Tax In.crement Financing
District constit tes a "redevelopment district"
within the meani g of Minnesota Statutes Section
469 . 174 Subd. 10(a) (2) ;
• (d��'g-���
B. That the develo ment or redevelopment proposed
in the Tax Incr ment Financing Plan would not
in the opinion f the Council reasonably be
expected to occ r solely through private in-
vestment within the reasonably foreseeable
future without he public financial and other
public assistan e proposed, that the usual
sources of publ' c revenue are not adequate to
provide the req ired level of public assistance
and that , there ore, the use of tax increment
financing as pr posed in the Tax Increment
Financing Plan ' s necessary;
C. That the Supple ental Tax Increment Financing
Plan conforms t the Saint Paul Comprehensive
Plan which is t e general p�an for the develop-
ment of the mun' cipality as a whole;
D. That the Tax In rement Financing Plan and Supple-
ment will affor maximum opportunity, consistent
with the sound eeds of the municipality as a
whole, for the evelonrnent or redevelopment of
the Redevelopme t Area and District by private
enterprise; and that the assistance provided
pursuant to the ax Increment Financing Plan
and Supplement is a necessary and desirable
encouragement of private development to effec-
tuate the redevelopment and revitalization of
the affected nei hborhood commercial areas and
the adjoining residential parts of said neigh-
borhoods ;
E. That the City el cts the method of tax increment
computation set orth in Minnesota Statutes
Section 469 . 177 ubdivision 3 , Paragraph (a) .
3 . The Amended Redevelo ment Plan, and Supplement Tax Incre-
ment Financing Plan re each hereby approved as in the
public interest and s necessary in order to carry out
the development and edevelopment of the Project Area
and District in acco dance with the objectives and pur-
poses in said Plans rovided thereby eliminated the
. ��ANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �v ^"' �
Counci Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
conditions identifi d in said Plans and accomplishing
the provision of pu lic improvements and private de-
velopments contempl ted by said Plans in the furtherance
of the general welf re of the citizens of Saint Paul .
4. The HRA is authoriz d to file copies of the Supplemental
Tax Increment Finan ing Plan and the Amended Redevelop-
ment Plan with the mmissioner of the Department of
Trade and Economic D velopment of the State of Minnesota,
to file copies of th Supplemental Tax Increment
Financing Plan and t is Resolution with the Ramsey
County Department of Taxation and Records Administration
and Ramsey County Au itor with its request for certi-
fication of the orig nal assessed valuation of the
District, and therea ter to undertake the Program and
Project in accordanc with the Amended Redevelopment
and Supplemental Tax Increment Financing Plans hereby
adopted and suppleme ted.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by rtm f:
Yeas Nays
�og � [n Favor
Goswitz �,�
'Ree�e� �
g�� _�__ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date '^'� L � � Form Appro by City Attorn /
Certified sed by Council Se etary BY " "
gy GL..Lfi•c-
Appro by Mavor. � �+ 3 � Appr ed by Mayor Eor Subm' ioi to�ouncil
�LISHED J U h 4198$
� � � . ����'�� r Z-
� � � � � � � � �N° 011517 � ��
� PED DEPART?I� � - - - - - -
j„J� " b]�c! COAITACT
, .
� ' _ , .
i / ` DATE
� �6 �an Dimond - signature
'3 Department Director - signatu � Mayor (or Assistan� � Signatur'e
�, $inance and Manage�merit Sernic Di tor � Ci y Clerk
Budget Director � � ria Bostr m
� City Attorney - signature 2 r n �
� ' 2 for Mayor & City Atty& Tom Dimond
I��OTAL Ni3?IBER QF SIGNATURE PAGES: ( lip all locations for signature.) �
3 far ept. D�rector
:P (Purpose/Ratfon�Ie).
> i Schedu.le public hearirrg at City Counci for final approval of amendments
to Neighborhood Redevelo�nent Plan and eighborhood Tax Increment Financing P1an.
�` ,
None .
N O D C V C GE 0 ED:
(Mayor's signature not required if under $ 0,000.)
Total Amount of Transgction: Activity Number:
Funding Source;
ATTACH1�iENTS: (List and number aii attachme ts.) '�. Planning Co�nission Staff Rept. &
1. Transmittal letter from Ken Johnson Resoiution 88-23
� 2. City Council Resolution: Redevelopment lan -F ��. Amended Redevelopment Plan for the Saint '
�, • TIF Plan Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment
� S9y. HRA Resolution 58-5/18-1 (Redevelo en Plan� Project Area
j HRA, Resolution 88-5/18-2 (TIF P]an� ��. Saint Paul Neighborhood Susiness
ve opmen rogr� , upp emen a ax
�. Building Condition Evaluation Summary
Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proced res, or Budget Amendment required?
_Yes _No If yes, are they or_timeta le atta hed?
Ta ment Financi�+ , Necessit _.
�Yes _No Council resolution required? • Resolution required? � Yes _No
_Yes �No Insurance required? . Insurance sufficient? _Yes =No
Yes No Insurance attached?
,i � r���
,- d'd
y�lT* ��
Rb :
v �__�����u� ^c CITY OF SAINT PAUL
MAYOR 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
May 18, 1988
�� '.
Council President James Scheibel
Councilmember Thomas Dimond
Councilmember Roger Goswitz
Councilmember Robert Long
Councilmember Janice Rettman
Councilmember Kiki Sonnen
Councilmember William Wilson
7th Floor City Hall
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Councilmembers:
At its meeting this morning the Hous'ng and Redevelopment Authority Board of
Commissioners approved amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Saint Paul
Neighborhood Redevelopment Project ea and the Tax Increment Financing
District for Saint Paul Neighborhoo Business Development Program,
Supplemental Tax Increment Financin Plan. You will find these amended plans
attached for your consideration.
These amended plans represent the r sult of extensive staff study and analyses
of the various scattered site areas and consultations with Saint Paul's
District Planning Councils. By ame ding both the redevelopment plan and the
tax increment financing plan, the C ty will be able to focus attention on
several of its most critical neighb rhood commercial areas.
You are being asked to consider fin 1 approval of the attached amended plans
following the public hearings sched led for May 26, 1988. Should you have any
questions you would like answered b fore that date, do not hesitate to contact
Gloria Bostrom of my staff�t 228-3 52.
Sincerely, �
� �
_���'t"� � n__-----
Kenneth R. Johnson
cc: Albert Olson
City Attorney
Gloria Bostrom
Attachments: see attached list
� O�d"d,��
Attachments: City Council Resolution: edevelopment Plan
City Council Resolution: TIF Plan
HRA Resolution 88-5/18-1 (Redevelopment Plan)
HRA Resolution 88-5/18-2 (TIF Plan)
Planning Commission Staf Report and Resolution 88-23
Amended Redevelopment P1 n for the Saint Paul Neighborhood
Redevelopment Pro�ect rea
Saint Paul Neighborhood usiness Development Program,
Supplemental Tax Incr ent Financing Plan
Building Condition Eval ation Summary
Tax Increment Financing Necessity Summary
�� e
. � . ��-�S�
RESOLUT ON i�0. 88-5/18- 1
Z�7HEREAS , by its Resolutio No. 8?-2/25-4 adopted February 25 ,
1987 , the Board of Commissione s of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota ("I-:R.A") approved a
Rede�elonment Plan For the Sai t Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment
Area involving the Spruce Tree Centre , Metz Baker�� Area and Ha�nond
District neighborhood commerci 1 redevelopment projects ("Redevelcp-
ment Plan") ; and
' 1tirHEREAS , there has been s bmitted to and considered at this
:�eeting of the HRA Board of C . issioners an Ainended Redevelopment
Plan For The Saint Paul Neigh orhood Redevelopment Project Area
("Amended Redevelopment Plan") together ���ith supportin� documentation
� �nclL.ding a Building Conditio s Evaluation Summary and Project
Reloc:ation Plan; and
1•:'!�:EREAS , the Ainended Red veloprnent Plan woulc�. add eleven new,
^cncc:nti�uous areas within th Citti� of Szint Paul identified as tr�e
Snelling/Universi y
University Ave ue East�
Rice Street
Prom/3M Site •
Arcade/Payne/E st Seventh Street
Ur.isys Propert
� Hillcres� Shop ing Center
Texaco Site '
� � . . .� • West Seventh treet/Gr2nd , and .
, Highlan�/Dona dson' s Site � • ' �
areas to the Sair.t Paul Neig borhood Redevelopment Project Area
("?rc>ject Area") ; and •
k'HEREAS , tlle P.mended Re eveloament Plan identifies conditions
existing in the Project Area requi�ir.g public redevelopment activity
. . � and states and identifies re evelo�ment activities to be undertalcen .
� . to re*nove existing condition of blight and deterioration . in said ' �
Areas , their preuaration for and their disposition for redevelopment
�by p=ivate enterprise for la d uses t•aith building requirements as
s�t �orth in the Amended Red velopr�ent Plan designed to prevent the
spread or reoccurrence of th se conditiens ; and
LJHEREAS , the Saint Paul Plann�ng Commission has reviewed the
Amended Redevelopment Plan a_ d by ��'�ts Resolution No . 88-23 adopted
:�iav 13 , 1988 , approved the same as being in conformity �aith the
. � ��do �` �
Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan , he general plan for the �develop- !
ment and redevelo�ment of the m nicipality as a whole.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL ED by the Board of Commissioners
of the HR.A, as follows :
1. It is hereby found and determined as follows :
A. That the eleven ne sites being added to the
Project Area const tute blighted areas within
� the meaning of Min esota Statutes , Section
469. 002 Subd. 11 , he acquisition, clearance
and preparation of which for sale for redevel-
onment for uses in accordance with the Amended
Redevelopment Plan constitute a redevelopment
project undertakin within the meaning of
riinnesota Statutes Section 469 . 002 Subd. 14 ;
B. That the land in t e Project Area would not be
made available for, nor �aould redevelopment
be financially fea ible without the public
improvements and p blic `inancial assistance
proposed for the P oject ;
C. That the Arier.ded R development Plan �aill afford
r.za}:imum opportunit , consistent with the sound
needs of the munic 'pality as a ���hole , for the
redevelopment of t e Project Area bv private
enterprise; " -
D. That the Amended R developnent .Plan conforms to
� the Saint Paul Com rehensiv� Plan , the �eneral .
. nlar. for the devel pment of the muni�ipality as •
� a whole ; �
E. That feasible mean exist for relocation of
� ' ' individuals , famil ' es and businesses displaced �
. as result of prope ty acquisition proposed by
� the Redevelonment roject ; and
. F. That the Amended R development Plari and redevelop- .
� ment nroject activ' ties thereby proposed by rer�oving ,
- � . preventing and red cing blight , blighting factors , � �
� � . and the causes of light and by improvement of
� cleared or renovat d property acquired for the
� Project are in the public interest and contribute
to the �eneral wel are through redevelopment of
the municipality, reservation and enhancement of
the source of muni ipal revenues and production of
employment opportu ities .
y� �
• • V' ��/
2 . The Amended Redevelon ent Plan is hereby adopted and
approved and the HRA ereby determine to undertake
the Project described in said Plan upon approval of
said Plan by the Coun il of the City of Saint Paul .
3 . The Executive Directo is authorized to communicate
this action and to tr nsmit this Resolution to the
Council of the City o Saint Paul and to request
Council consideration of the Amended Redevelopment
Plan and Project ther by proposed after public
hearing called for th t purpose .
4 . The E�ecutive Directo is authorized upon City Council
approval of the Amend d Redevelopment Plan to file a
copy of said Plan wit the Minnesota Department of Trade
' and Economic Develop nt .
' �� • . . .
. l// �/�/
RESOLUTI N N0. 88-5/18- 2 .
1+THEREAS , the Saint Paul N ighborhood Redzvelopment Project Area
has been� undertal:en by the Hou ing and Redevelopment Authority of the
City ot Saint Paul , Minnesota "HRA") with approval of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul for he purpose of accomplishing the
redevelopment of the City' s r.e ghborhood comnercial areas with tax
ir.crement financing assistance and
�•7HEREAS , by separate act� n the HR.A has approved an Ar:�ended
Redevelopment Plan For The Sai t Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment
Project Area ("Amended Redevel pment Plan") adding eleven new, non-
co�tiguous nei�l:bcrhood sites o this R.edevelopment Project Area and
the financing of seven of thes sites requires the creation of a
Tat Increment Financing District pursuant to Tlinnesot�: Statutes -
Se�tions 469 . 174 tY�.rou�h 469 . 79 ; and
��'NEREAS , there h2s been resented to and cor.sidered at this
raeetin� a document entitled " ax Increment Fir.ancing District For
Saint Paul Neigrborhood Busin ss Development Program, Supplemental
Ta� Increment Finar.cing Plan" ("Tax Ir_crement Financirig Plan") dated
:�Ia�� 1988 together with suppor ing documentation including a Buildin�
. Ce:lditions EvalLation �Summary and
� [�''tIEREAS , the Tax Inereme t Financing Dis�rict consists of seven
s=tes - Rice Street Area , Tex co Site , Uni.svs Site , East University -
' Area , Prom/3M Site , Seeger Sq are and Hillcrest Shopp'_ng Cer.ter �
� �Area - more fully identified in the Amer.�ed Redevelopraent Plan ; and
• • tJHEP.EAS , the Tax Increm nt Financing Plan submitted contain an
ider.tification of need and s atement. of objectives and program of�
.the HR.A for the carrying out of a redevelop�nent pro,j e�:t and a rede-
ve'o�ment district under*_aki g in the Project zrea and proposed
pistrict , including conditio s in which greper.ty would be acquired,
. publ�c improvements to be pr vided, property disposition to occur
. • and �ther redevelopment proj ct activities ; and the Tax Increment . , .
. � , F�nancin; Plan contain estim tes of the public redevelopment costs ' '
. of *he Project and District , including administrative expen.ses ,
" �anount of bonded indebtednes to be incurred, sources of revenue
to pay said bonds and other ublic rede��eloprnent cost� , the most
recent assessed value of tax bl-e property within the �istrict , �he
estimated captured assessed alue of the District at completion , and
the duration of the Distric existence ; and
- ��a° ��Y�
I+�iEREAS , HRA has provided n o�portunity to members of the �
Ramsey County Board and Indepen ent School District No . 625 to meet
�.�ith the HRA, and has presented the Board members of said County _
and School District its estimat of the fiscal and economic
implications of the proposed Ta Increment Financing District ;
WHEREAS , the Saint Paul P1 nning Commission has reviewed the
Tax Increment Financing Plan a d approved the same as being in
conforr�ity with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the general plan
for the development and redeve opment of the municipality as a whole.
NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESO VED by the Board of Commissioners of
the HRA, as follows :
1 . It is hereby .found an determined for the reasons
set forth in the Amen ed Redevelopment Plan , The
Tax Increment Financi g Plan , the Report to
Commissioners acconpa ying the Tax Zncrement
Financing Plan , and u on the parcel irn�rovement .
and building conditio data contained in the
Building Conditions E aluatio:� Sut^�:ar�� :
A.. That �he Tax Increment District contains
785 parcels of w� ich i3% are occup�ed by
buildings , stree s , utilities or o;.her
impro-�erients and 42% of the buildings are
structurally sub tand2rd and an additional
' 39% of the bui2d 'ngs require substantial .
. renovation or cl arance , and that , con-
sequently , the T x Zncrement Financing .
� . District const�t tes a "redevelopmer�t ' •
. district" within the meaning of �linnesota
Statu�tes Section 469 . 174 Subd . 10(a) (2) ;
� B. That the develop ent or redevelopment proposed �
• in the Tax Incre ent Financing Plan would not
� in the opinion o the HRA reasonably be
expected to occu solely through grivate
investment withi . the reasonably foreseeable .
_ future without t e public financial and other ,
' � . public assistan e proposed , that the usual
� � sources of publ ' c revenue are no� adequate
. . to provide the equired level of such public
assistance and hat , therefore , the use of
tax increment f'nancing as proposed in the
Tax Increment F nancing Plan is necessary ;
� _ � �����
C. That the Tax I:�cre ent Financing Plan �aill afford
maximum opportunit. , consistent with the sound
needs of the munic'pality as a whole , for the
development or red velopment of the Redevelopment
Project Area and D' strict by private enterprise ;
an d
D. That the Tax Incre ent F'inancing Plan conforms to
the S4int Paul Com rehensive Plan, the general plan
- for the developmen of the municipality as a whole .
2 . It is hereby further f und and determined that the Tax
Increment Financing Di trict is in the public interest
because :
A. it will eliminate nd prevent the spread of conditions
of blight , deterio ation anci substandardness in non-
contiguous nei�hbo hood residential and commercial
areas ;
B. it will revitalize nei�hborhood commercia7_ areas �
bv provision o� nea and rehabilitated commercial ,
retail and off�ce acilities with adeeuate off
street parking;
C. it will combine no -contiguous sites into one Tax
Increment Distric with potenti.al to generate
increments suf�ic 'ent to supPort the financial
. requirements for edevelopnent of the several sites
which standing al ne could not supnort the
• activities necess ry to accom�lish their
redevelogment ; ' . , -
D. it will result in the preservation and enhance-
ment of the tax b se of the Ci�y ; and
E. it �aill result in increased employment opportunity
, � in the City , incl ding employment for �ow and
moderate incor.e n rsons .
. �
. � 3 . The Tax Increment Pla is hereby adopted and approved by the
. . HRA. .
.� 4 . The Tax Increment Fin ncing District is hereby created
' � incorporating the rea nro�erty descriptions set forth in
Attachment A to the T x Increment Financing Flan .
5 . The Executive Directo is authorized to communicate these
actions and this Reso ution to the City Council and to
request Council consi eration of the Saint Paul :�eighborhood
ti j��
�� �
Redevelopment Project ax Increment Financing
District and Plan , aft r a public hearing calle3
for that purpose.
6 . The Executive Director and staff are authorized ,
upon the approval of t e Tax Increment Financin�
Plan and the District hereby created, to file
copies of said Plan with the Commissioner of
� Trade and Economic De elopment of tne State of
Minnesota, and to fil copies of the Tax Incre-
ment Financing Plan, his Resolution and other
required items with t e Ramsey County Department
of Taxation and Recor s Administration and
Ramsev County Auditor with a request of the HRA
for certification of he original assessed valu-
ation of the 'District. -
7 . The requirements of t e Minnesota Tax I:.crement
Fi:�ancing Act relatin to accounting and annual
reports shall be obse ed in the administraticn
of the District .
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25 Wes!Fourth Shcet,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
T0: Saint Paul Planning Commis ion
FROM: Economic Development Commi tee
DATE: May 13, 1988
SUBJECT: Amended Redevelopment Plan for the Saint Paul
Neighborhood Redevelopment Project Area
The Saint Paul Neighborhood Re evelopment Plan was originally approved
by the City of Saint Paul in 1 87. In both its original form and its
amended form, this Plan establ shes a Pro�ect Area which qualifies as
a Redevelopment Project and as blighted and deteriorated areas under
the Housing and Redevelopment ct Section 469.002, Subdivision 14; and
as a Redevelopment District un er the Tax Increment Financing Act
Section 469.175, Subdivision 1.
The stated purpose of this Pl and Project is to develop or redevelop
sites, lands or areas within e Project Area in conformance with the
City of Saint Paul's Comprehe sive Plan, and to implement �
recommendations of studies co pleted, in order to implement the City's
Comprehensive Plan. Tax incr ment financing is proposed in a separate
project financing plan as a m �or source of public assistance for most
of the redevelopment within t e Project Area. However, this need not
be the only source of public inancing for the Project.
The original Project and Dist ict consisted of three scattered sites
which had been determined to eet statutory definitions of blighted, •
. deteriorated, underused or in ppropriately used, and to require some
form of public involvement in order for development to occur. When
the original Project and Dist ict were proposed, the Planning
Commission reviewed the Rede lopment Plan for the Project and found
it to be consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.
. � This report. analyzes the pro osal to amend the Redevelopment Plan by
adding eleven areas or sites to the Project (see attached map) , six of �
� which are now to be included in the Tax Increment Financing District.
Intended developments for th new areas or sites have not been
specif�cally identified. Ge eral development concepts have been
proposed but the prospect of public assistance will be necessary for
more specific proposals to b forthcoming.
It is requested that the Pla ning Commission review the �
appropriateness of the type f development and land use proposed on
the eleven new areas or site , and the impact of such changes on the
/ / �/�
� � continued viability of the Sai t Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment
Project. A resolution should e passed stating that the amended
redevelopment plan does not co flict with the Saint Paul Comprehensive
Plan. The resolution should a so require additional Planning
Commission review of projects hich have not yet been specifically
identified for the sites or ar as in question.
This proposal amends an offici 1 Redevelopment Plan initiated by the
HRA Board. Three portions of innesota Statutes Chapter 462 (Housing,
Redevelopment, Planning, and Z ning) provide the relevant authority
for Planning Commission review of the Redevelopment Plan.
Section 462.356, subdv. 2 stat s: "After a comprehensive municipal
plan or section thereof has be n recommended by the planning agency
(Planning Commission) and a co y filed with the governing body, no
publicly owned interest in rea property within the municipality shall
be acquired or disposed of, no shall any improvement be authorized by
the municipality or special di trict or agency thereof. . .until after
the planning agency has revie d the proposed acquisition, disposal,
or capital improvement and re rted in writing to the governing body.
. .its findings as to complia e. . . with the comprehensive municipal
plan." �
Section 469.027 states: "Any erson may submit a redevelopment plan to
an (HRA) authority, or an aut ority may consider a redevelopment plan
on its own initiative. Ar. au hority shall immediately transmit the
plan to the planning agency ( lanning Commission) of the city in which
the area to be redeveloped is situated, for its study. . . An �
authority shall request the w itten opinion �of the planning agency on
all redevelopment plans submi ted to it prior to approving those
redevelopment plans, and the lanning agency shall submit its written
opinion within 30 days."
Section 469.028, subdv. 1 sta es: "When an (HRA) authority determines
that a redevelopment project hould be undertaken, it shall apply to
the governing body of the cit in which the project is located for �
approval. The application sh 11 be accompanied by a redevelopment
plan, a statement of the meth d proposed for financing the project,
and the written opinion of th planning agency (Planning Commission) ."
• The initial project consiste of development on three sites. Below is '
' a description of initial sit s and the development that has occurred
' on them:
1) Spruce Tree Centre Site
Location: Southwest cor er of the Snelling/University
� � Description: Originally co sisted of deteriorated and obsolete
buildings in an area with utomobile-pedestrian conflicts and a
lack of parking. Redevel ed as a shopping mall with a parking
2) Metz Bakerv Area
Location: Between Rice St eet and Park Avenue; and between
Sherburne Avenue and Char es Street.
Description: Originally c nsisted of a mixture of commercial,
residential and vacant st ctures. The most prominent structure
was the Metz Bakery Build ng which could not feasibly be
rehabilitated. Thus far, the Capitol Office Building has been
developed in the area. A so, the renovation of a building by the
Minnesota Women's Center 's occurring. Additional office
development is possible ' the area.
3) Hammond Buildin� Site
Location: North side of niversity Avenue between Prior and
Description: The former ammond Building has been rehabilitated as
an office building, Iris Park Place. �
The proposal is to retain th following areas/sites:
Spruce Tree Centre Site �
Metz Bakery Area
Hammond Building Site
and add these areas/sites:
University Avenue East rea
Rice Street Area
. Prom/3M Site
Concord/Robert Area
Arcade/Payne/East Seven h Street Area
Snelling and University Area
Unisys Site
Hillcrest Shopping Cen r Site , .
, � Texaco. Site
� � West Seventh Street/Gr nd Area '
� Highland/Donaldson's S'te
Each parcel in the proposed expanded project area has been surveyed by
PED Neighborhood Developmen Division staff to determine that the
properties in the Project A ea meet statutory definitions of blighted,
deteriorated, underused or nappropriately used, and that some form of
public involvement is requi ed for development to occur on them. The •
determination of blighted, eteriorated, underused or inappropriately
used property was based on n exterior building conditions evaluation
U—oo �
' ° method which has been used in th past to analyze property in other
City redevelopment projects, inc uding the University Avenue/T.H. 280
project. .
The City Attorney has reviewed t e proposed Redevelopment Plan and
supporting documentation and has judged it to be consistent with the
Minnesota Statutes and with othe relevant laws. The Capital
Improvement Budget Committee re ewed the Tax Increment Financing Plan
for the Pro�ect on April 14, 19 8 and determined it to be consistent
with the City's Capital Allocat"on Policy.
Detailed development proposals re not yet available for the new
areas/sites. Consequently, the following review of the amended
Redevelopment Plan focuses only on the appropriateness of the
areas/sites chosen and the tv�e of development expected to occur on
The following principles and p licies from the Economic Development
Strategy component of the Comp ehensive Plan relate closely to the
proposed areas and sites in th amended redevelopment plan:
Development Principle: Th City will continue its policy of �
minimizing, as far as pos ible, its direct financial involvement
in private development p ojects, and will seek a private:public
leverage ratio in accord nce with the current Capital Allocation
Development Principle: T x increment financing bonds are a
permissible funding sour e and technique for private projects �
receiving City assistanc .
Policy: Saint Paul shal base its neighborhood commercial
development efforts on recognition of the interdependence
between neighborhood co ercial areas and the adjacent residential
Policy: Saint Paul shal develop a clear understanding of the
respective roles played by the neighborhoed commercial areas, the
ma�or retail centers, a d the downtown, and should encourage the
complementary developme t of those sectors, and should strongly
discourage proposed de lopments in one sector that would be in
• direct competition wit another sector. .
- Policy: Saint Paul sha 1 continue to target its aid for •
• ne�ghborhood commercia revitalization to the most appropriate
• areas; aid (in the for of financial assistance, public
improvements, and tech ical assistance) should continue to be
targeted to those comm rcial areas in which the need for aid is
demonstrated by the i bility of the private market to generate
its own revitalizatio , in which there is a clear potential for
success and market st ength, and in which there is an evident
commitment by the loc 1 merchants toward their own revitalization,
including investing t eir own capital, and organizing themselves
' into an effective local bu iness organization.
Policy: Saint Paul shall i crease the supply of land available for
commercial/industrial expa sion and development, focusing
attention on specific parc 1 sizes ,and types required.
The proposed areas and sites a e consistent with the above principles
and policies from the Economic Development Strategy. Additional
Planning Commission review wil be necessary to ensure that specific
developments on the proposed a eas and sites conform to the principles
and policies of the Economic D velopment Strategy.
Below is a description of each new area/site and a discussion of the
relevant Land Use Plan and Dis rict Plan recommendations:
1) Universit Avenue East A ea
Location: University Ave ue between Victoria Street and Rice
Description: Numerous b ildings which are obsolete or
underutilized, or conta'n uses which are inappropriate or � . �
incompatible. The area is included in the University Avenue
East Redevelopment Plan which was approved earlier in 1987.
Also, the Housing and R development Authority Board previously
approved acquisition of two key parcels in the area.
Southbridge Development Company has submitted a bid to the State
of Minnesota and been d signated by the Housing and �
Redevelopment Authority Board as tentative developer of a new
Minnesota Public Safety Building at Dale and University. Other
developer interest has lso been expressed in this and other
sites in the area.
Land Use Plan and Distr ct Plan(s) : '
Land Use Plan iden ifies this portion of University Avenue '
. as a Mixed Use Str p with Neighborhood Level Clusters at
University/Dale an University/Rice.
District 7 Plan ad ocates commercial/retail uses for
University Avenue etween Lexington and Rice. Sherburne
Avenue is identifi d as residential but it is acknowledged •
. . that some parking lots could be appropriate there if they
are needed for Un' ersity Avenue businesses. �
District 8 PZan a vocates commercial uses for University
� Avenue between Le ington and Marion. Aurora Avenue is
identified as res dential, except for commercial nodes at
Dale and Western.
Comment: Proposal is c nsistent with Land Use Plan and District �
Plans. PED staff is c rrently directing a process to generate a
development concept an design guidelines for properties at
University and Dale. Some potential conflicts between commercial
development on University and residential uses on Sherburne and
Aurora are being addresse in this plan; others can be dealt
with on a ca,se-by-case ba is, �
2) Rice Street Area
Location: Rice Street be een Hatch Street and Sycamore Street.
Land south of Sycamore S reet from Rice Street to Jackson
Street. Some parcels in mpire Builder Industrial Park.
Description: A mixture o residential and commercial uses.
Commercial structures ar obsolete, residential structures are
dilapidated, and residen ial/commercial uses are generally
conflicting. The Port A thority has indicated its willingness
to work in the southern ortion of this URAP area to clear the
most blighted housing an redevelop it in a manner compatible
with the industrial uses to the south. NEAR, Inc. has been
working with developers ho are interested in developing a "pod"
mall and other new comm rcial/retail structures at Rice Street
and Front. �
Land Use Plan and Distr ct Plan(s) :
Land Use Plan: Ric Street is identified as a Mixed Use
Strip. Land south of Sycamore Street is identified as
residential and in ustrial.
District 6 Plan: B siness and industrial uses are advocated
for Rice Street. nd south of Sycamore Street is
identified as res'dential, industrial and some commercial. �
A 40-acre study i advocated as a top priority for land
south of Sycamore Street. (Note that this 40-acre study was
performed in 1981 and the City Council approved its
recommendations i 1982.)
District 6 Plan U date: Encourages the location of new
industries in the Jackson Street Shops area.
Comment: Proposal doe not conflict with Land Use Plan or
District Plans. Howe er, some revisions to these plans would
better reflect the an icipated development at this site.
District 6 now advoca es the redevelopment of residential land
south of Sycamore int light industrial uses. A URAP proposal
' by District 6 receive funding for complementary commercial and •
' residential developme t in the area. This would enable Sycamore
• to function as a clea boundary between residential and '
� industrial uses. The Land Use Plan, the District Plan and the
' Zoning Code should be revised to reflect this perspective.
3) Prom/3M Site
Location: Land south of University Avenue between Dunlap Street
and Griggs Street. �
' Description: Existing offi e building (3M) needing minor
renovation and a substand d building (Prom Center) which was
demolished to clear the 5 te for potential development. Staff
has been working with Rya Construction to realize the
development of a Hyundai uto dealership and a U.S. Swim and
Fitness Center on a porti n of the. site. The developer has also
expressed interest in the balance of the site, upon which the 3M
Building is located.
Land Use Plan and Distric Plan(s) :
Land Use PZan: This ite is located within an area
identified as a Majo Retail Cluster.
Youniversity Avenue Ian: This plan was developed to address
portions of Universi y Avenue between Districts 11 and 13.
The plan encourages he containment of commercial uses
within the bounds of commercially zoned land.
Comment: The Hyundai faci ity is now open and the U.S. Swim and
Fitness Center is under c nstruction. The balance of the
project is consistent wi the Land Use Plan and the
Youniversity Avenue Plan.
4) ConcordJR�bert Area - '
Location: Robert Street etween East Congress and Concord
Description: Aging comme cial strip with numerous vacant and
dilapidated structures. Many commercial buildings are obsolete �
and are a blighting infl ence. In some cases, rehabilitation is
not feasible and redevel pment could not be expected to occur
without public aid. Thi area is an NPP area and has an active
business association.
Land Use Plan and Distri t Plan(s) : '
Land Use Plan: Site identified as a Neighborhood Level
. Cluster and as a Mi ed Use Strip.
District 3 PZan: Su ports a mixed use area at Concord and
Comment: Proposal is co sistent with Land Use Plan and District •
. � Plan..
� 5) Arcade Pa e East Seven h Street Area
�.ocation: Land north of the Burlington Northern right-of-way for
two blocks on either si e of Arcade Street. Arcade Street for
two blocks north of the Burlington Northern right-of-way. Payne
Avenue between Minnehah Avenue and Case Street. East Seventh
Street between Bates St eet and Forest Street. '
� Description: Includes a n w planned development (Seeger Square)
surrounded by numerous bl ghted and deteriorated properties on
Payne, Arcade and East Se enth. Phase I of Seeger Square is
successfully underway, wi h the completion of a 60,OOO� square
foot Rainbow Foods store nd an 11,000 square foot retail
center. The developer wo ld like to begin Phase II in 1988,
which includes redevelop nt of the old 17,000 square foot
Whirlpool building into mixed use manufacturing/office/retail
complex and development f an additional 35,000 square feet of
new retail space.
Comprehensive Plan:
Land Use Plsn: Land north of Burlington Northern right-of-
way is identified a a Labor Intensive Industrial Area.
Payne, Arcade and E st Seventh identified as Mixed Use
Strips. Intersecti n of Arcade and East Seventh identified
as a Neighborhood L vel Cluster.
District 4 P1an Upd te: Arcade between Minnehaha and
Burlington Norther right-of-way is identified as
industrial; south f Minnehaha, Arcade is identified as
commercial/industr al. East Seventh Street identified as
commercial/industr al.
District 5 PZan: E phasizes that commercial development on
both Payne and Arc de should be concentrated along the
southern parts of ach street (south of Maryland) . Stresses
goal of promoting ndustrial development on vacant land,
especially in the outhwest corner of the district.
Comment: Proposal does not conflict with Land Use Plan or
District Plans. Howev r, the Land Use Plan and the District 5
Plan predate the closi g of the Whirlpool factory and the
redevelopment of this ite into Seeger Square. The Land Use
Plan and the District Plan should be revised to reflect the
shift in land use from labor intensive industry to mixed
industrial and commerc al use.
6) Snellin and Universit Area
Location: North side f University Avenue between Fry Street and
Asbury Street, south ide of University Avenue between Fry
Street and. Hamline Av nue.
' Description: Includes a strip commercial center (Midway Center)
• requiring substantial renovation, and an economically obsolete '
' warehouse (Wards) . A so includes twelve other structures, most
� of which would requir substantial renovation to bring up to
Land Use Plan and Dis rict Plan(s) :
Land Use Plan: ea identified as a Major Retail Cluster.
�%° 4 �
' District 11 Plan: St tes that commercial businesses should
be confined to lots ronting University Avenue (no business
buildings or parking lots on Sherburne) . Commercial
buildings should be ehabilitated and recycled into more
intense uses. New b ildings .,and uses should be added in the
gaps in existing co ercial areas.
Youniversity Avenue Zan: Contains numerous recommendations
for continuing the c ustering of commercial and retail
businesses within th Midway Center area.
Comment: Proposal is con istent with Land Use Plan, District
Plan and the Youniversit Avenue Plan.
7) Unisys Site
Location: Land between S epard Road and West Seventh Street,
east of Davern Avenue.
Description: A mixture o commercial and light industrial uses.
The site is underutilize due to soil conditions (solid bedrock
a few feet below the sur ace) . The Stuart Corporation has
acquired a portion of th site and plans to develop a mixed use
commercial/office center
Land Use Plan and Distri t Plan(s) :
Land Use Plan: Iden ifies the relevant portion of West
Seventh Street as a Mixed Use Strip; land north of Shepard
Road is identified s a Labor Intensive Industrial Area.
District 15 Plan: omotes the encouragement of assistance
of business firms d commercial uses.
Comment: Proposal does ot conflict with Land Use Plan or
District Plan. However the Land Use Plan should be revised to
show that the land nort of Shepard Road will 'no longer be an
industrial area.
. 8) Hillcrest Sho in Cent r Site
Location: Land east of ite Bear Avenue, between East Montana
Avenue and Larpenteur A enue.
Description: The Hillc st Shopping Center con�ists of aging -
� structures needing ren ation and rehabilitation. Also,
redesign of parking lo ingress and egress "is required, along ..
� with new commercial si nage.
�and Use Plan and Dist ict Plan(s) :
Land Use Plan: Si e identified as a Major Retail Cluster.
District 2 Plan: ite identified as commercial and in need �
of pedestrian des gn improvements, signage controls and
traffic improveme ts.
Comment: Proposal is cons stent with Land Use Plan and District
9) Texaco Site
Location: Between the Mis issippi River and Interstate 35-E,
south of the Mobil Oil Ta k Farm.
Description: Gurrently th property is the Texaco Oil tank
field. The Port Authorit has gained control of the site and
intends to redevelop it a a retail/office and light industrial
complex. Redevelopment a sistance is needed for site
assembly/preparation and ecessary public improvements.
Land Use Plan and Distric Plan(s) :
Land Use P1an: Site dentified as part of a New
Employment/Housing C uster.
District I P1an: Sit identified as part of an area
appropriate for indu trial uses. The plan also advocates
labor intensive indu tries on industrial land, including
land formerly used b low labor industries.
Comment: Proposal does n t conflict with Land Use Plan or
District Plan. The prop sed retail/office complex is consistent
with the District 9 Plan emphasis on labor intensive uses for
land formerly used by lo labor industries. However, the
District 9 Plan should b revised to reflect that the area will
no longer be used solely for industrial purposes. �
10) West Seventh Street Gran Area
Location: Between West S venth Street and .Grand Avenue, and
between Smith Avenue and Leech Street.
Description: This area i characterized by fragmented ownership,
as well as varying and i compatible land uses, which include •
office, residential, ret il commercial and automobile services.
Eighty percent of the si e is occupied by structures and twenty
percent is vacant. It m y be necessary to assist redevelopment
in this area through sit assembly and preparation and public
improvements such as lig ting and streetscape improvements.
� Land Use Plan and Distri t Plan(s) :
' Land Use Plan: Iden ifies the area as a Mixed Use Strip.
District 9 Plan: Id ntifies the area as a
commercial/business area and as a residential area with some
commercial interspe sed.
Comment: Proposal is co istent with Land Use Plan and District
��0 7�'
11) HighlandfDonaldson's Site
Lacation: Southwest corner of Ford Parkway and Cleveland Avenue.
Description: The property s occupied by a three-story
department store building f approximately 90,000 square feet.
The remainder of the site 's underutilized surface parking which
should perhaps be redevel ed.
Land Use Plan and Distric Plan(s) :
Zand Use P1an: Ident'fies the site as a Mixed Use Cluster
District 15 PZan: Ad ocates a detailed, comprehensive plan
for the upgrading, i provement and economic development of
the Highland shoppin area.
Highland Village PI : Identifies the site as an area
appropriate for hig density, shoppers and convenience
Comment: Proposal is con istent with Land Use Plan, District
Plan and Highland Villag Plan.
1. The areas and sites list d for addition to the Redevelopment Plan
are consistent with the conomic Development Strategy component of
the Comprehensive Plan. �
2. The following areas or s tes listed for addition to the
Redevelopment Plan are c nsistent with the Land Use Plan component
of the Comprehensive Pla and with relevant District Plans and
special area plans:
University Avenue East Area
Prom/3M Site •
. Concord/Robert Ar a
Snelling and Univ rsity Area
Hillcrest Shoppin Center Site
West Seventh Stre t/Grand Area
Highland/Donaldso 's Site
, . � 3. The following areas or ites listed for addition to the
Redevelopment Plan are ot consistent with the Land Use Plan �
� component of the Compr ensive Plan and/or with relevant District
Rice Street Area
Arcade/Payne/Eas Seventh Street Area
Unisys Site
Texaco Site �
The Comprehensive Plan shou d be amended to reflect more precisely
the anticipated uses at the e four areas or sites.
4. Development proposals for e eleven new areas or sites are not
yet sufficiently specific o determine whether or not they are
consistent with the Compre ensive Plan.
The Economic Development Commi ee should recommend that the Planning
Commission pass the attached r solution supporting the proposal to
amend the Saint Paul Neighborh od Redevelopment Plan and adding the
following comments:
l. The areas and sites liste for addition to the Redevelopment Plan
are consistent with the E onomic Development Strategy component of
the Comprehensive Plan.
2. The following areas or si es listed for addition to the
Redevelopment Plan are co sistent with the Land Use Plan component
of the Comprehensive Pla and with relevant District Plans and
special area plans:
University Avenue ast Area �
Prom/3M Site
Concord/Robert Are
Snelling and Unive sity Area
Hillcrest Shopping Center Site
West Seventh Stree /Grand Area
Highland/Donaldson's Site �
3. The following areas or ites listed for addition to the
Redevelopment Plan are ot consistent with the Land Use Plan
component of the Compre ensive Plan and/or with relevant District
Rice Street Area
Arcade/Payne/East Seventh Street Area •
Unisys Site
Texaco Site
The Comprehensive Plan should be amended to reflect more precisely
the anticipated uses a these four areas or sites.
4. Because development pr posals for the eleven new areas or sites
' are not yet sufficient y specific to determine whether or not they �
' are consistent with th Comprehensive Plan, the Planning
' Commission should revi w specific proposals for this Project when
t�iey become available.
At the Economic Developmen Committee's May 13, 1988 meeting, a motion
was made by Karl Neid and econded by Imogene Treichel to accept the
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city of saint paul
planning commission resolut
file number 88-23
�te Mav 13, 1988 •
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Statutes req ire Planning Commission review of
Redevelopment Plans submitted to th Housing and Redevelopment Authority for
compliance with the Comprehensive P an; and
WHEREAS, the Minnesota Statutes req ire Planning Commission review of City-
authorized acquisition or dispositi n of publicly owned interest in real
property, and City-authorized capit 1 improvements for compliance with the
Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelop nt Authority of Saint Paul has transmitted
to the Planning Commission a propo al to amend the Redevelopment Plan for the
Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopm nt Project Area; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission h s reviewed the proposal to amend the �
Redevelopment Plan by adding areas or sites to the Project Area; and
W'�iEREAS, the Planning Commission h s found the proposed amendment to the
Redevelopment Plan to be consisten with the Economic Development Strategy
component of the Comprehensive Pla ; and �
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission h s found the land uses proposed for the � �
following areas or sites listed fo addition to the Redevelopment Plan to be
consistent with the Land Use Plan component of the Comprehensive Plan and with
relevant District Plans and speci 1 area plans:
University Avenue East Area '
Prom/3M Site
Concord/Robert Area
. Snelling and University Are
Hillcrest Shopping Center S te
West Seventh Street/Grand A ea
Highland/Donaldson's Site; nd
• ° � � (cont nued) -
moved by MC DO?�ELL
s�;�or�fed by NEID ,
�� favor Unanimous
. . ��_ ��y�
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found that the land uses proposed for Lhe
following areas or sites listed for ddition to the Redevelopment Plan do not
conflict with the Land Use Plan comp nent of the Comprehensive Plan and with
relevant District Plans and special rea plans, but that the Comprehensive
Plan should be amended in the future to reflect more precisely the anticipated
uses at these four areas or sites:
Rice Street Area
Arcade/Payne/East Seventh Str et Area
Unisys Site
Texaco Site; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission ha found that development proposals for the
eleven new areas or sites are not y t sufficiently specific to determine
whether or not they are consistent ith the Comprehensive Plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t e Saint Paul Planning Commission, that the
proposed amendment to the Redevelop ent Plan for the Saint Paul Neighborhood
Redevelopment Project Area is in co pliance with the Saint Paul Comprehensive
Plan, and should be .adopted by the ousing and Redevelopment Authority; and
FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the P1 nning Commission should perform an
appropriate review of specific deve opment proposals for this Project when '
they become available.
, # • , r
. - � �..�,�,�.��
� Y, 1988 - ..
� ' r
Objectives .
Land Acquisition
Site Preparation ' '
Land Disposition and Dev lopment Agreements
Promotion of Development of Redevelopment Area
Other Processes for Impl mentation Land Use Designations
Administration •
Policies and Regulation
Organization and Staffi g
.� Non-discrimination •
• Affirmative Action/Equ 1 Employment Opportunity
Set-Aside Business Pro ram Contracting Opportunities
Vacations, Rezonings, edications
Duration of Controls
' � r
REDEVE :".Eh'T P1AIv' .
The Housing and Redevelopment A thority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
(HRA) proposes to amend an esta lished Redevelopment Plan which enlarges the
original project area and quali ies as a Redevelopment Project and as blighted
and deteriorated areas under th Housing and Redevelopment Act Section
469.002, Subdivision 14; and as a Redevelopment District under the Tax
Increment Financing Act Section 4b9.175, Subdivision 1.
The purpose of this plan and pr ject is to develop or redevelop sites, lands
or areas within the Project Ar � in conformance with the City of St. Paul's
Comprehensive Plan, and to imp ement recommendations of studies completed, in
order to implement the City's omprehensive Plan.
(a) Spruce Tree Gentre
Commencing at the point f intersection of the western right-of-way line
of Snelling Avenue and s uthern right-of-way line of University Avenue,
west along said Universi y Avenue right-of-way line to the point of
interse�ction of the east rn right-of way line of Fry Street, thence
south 336.38 feet along said Fry Street right-of-way line, thence east
260 feet to the point o intersection of the western right-of-way line
of Roy Street, thence e st 333.56 feet to the point of intersection of
the western right-of-wa line of Snelling Avenue; thence north along
ssid Snelling Avenue ri ht-of•way line ,to the point of intersection of �•
the southern right-of-w y line of University Avenue, which is the point
of beginning.
(b) Metz Bakery Redevelopme t Area
Commencing at the point of intersection of the �eastern right-of-way line
of Rice Street and the orthern right-of-way line of Sherburne Avenue,
north along said Rice S reet right-of-way line to the point of
: intersection with the s uthern right-of-way line of Charles Street, east
along said Charles Str et right-of-way line to the point of intersection
with the western right-of-way line of Park Avenue, south along said Park
Avenue right-of-way li e to the point of intersection with the northern
right-of-way line of S erburne Avenue, west along said Sherburne Avenue
. right-of-way line to t e point of intersection with the eastern right-
' ' . � of-way .line of Rice St eet, which is the point of beginning.
� (c) Hammond Building
Southwest 125.5 feet o the northwest 1.25 feet of Lots 22 and all 23
and Lots 1-28, Merriam s Outlots; property located at 1885 University
� ' V" �/�� Y
(d) University Avenue East Pro ect Area
Beginning at the intersect on of the centerlines of Unfversity Avenue
and Rice Street, proceedin north along the centerline of Rice Street to
the intersection of the ce terline of Sherburne Avenue; thence West
along the centerline of Sh rburne Avenue to the intersection with the
centerline to Victoria Str et; thence south along the centerline of
Victoria Street to the int rsection with the centerline of Aurora
Avenue; thence East along he centerline of Aurora Avenue to the
intersection with the cent rline of Dale Street; thence Southerly along
the centerline of Dale Str et to the intersection with the Southerly
line of outlot B, Central illage Addition extended Westerly; thence
Easterly along side extens on and Lot Line; thence extended Easterly to
the Northeast corner of 0 lot C, said Central Village Addition; thence
South along the East line f Outlot C to the Southeast corner thereof;
thence East, dividing line between Lots 3 and 5 Central Village
Addition, 54.33 feet to t most Easterly corner of said Lot 5; thence
Northeasterly 329.98 feet, more or less to the Northerly line of Outlot
G, Central Village Additi , being the Northerly R-O-W line of vacated
Aurora Avenue,; thence Eas erly along said Northerly R-O-W line to its
intersection with the Eas erly line of Lot 9, Block 3, Mackubin and
Marshall's Addition exten ed southerly; thence along said extension to
its intersection with the centerline of Aurora; thence East along the
centerline of Aurora Aven e to the intersection with the centerline �of
Rice Stxeet; thence North along the centerline of Rice Street to the
point of intersection wit University Avenue, the point of beginning.
(e) Rice Street
Beginning at the intersec ion of the centerlines of Rice Street and •�
Hatch Avenue; thence East approximately 175.0 feet along the centerline
of Hatch Avenue; thence S uth approximately 270.0 feet to the centerline
of Front Street; thence E st approximately 58.95 feet along the
centerline of Front Stree ; thence South approximately 150.0 feet to the
northern boundary of Lot 2, Block 1, Lanoux's ,Subdivision of Lots 7, 8
and 9 of Bazille's Additi n of Acre Lots to St.• Paul; thence West along
a line parallel with Litc field Street for approximately 58.95 feet;
thence South along a line parallel with Rice Street for approximately �
142.5 feet to the centerl'ne of Litchfield Street; thence West
approximately 42.0 feet a ong the centerline of Litchfield Street;
thence South approximatel 82.5 feet, thence EAst along a line parallel
with Litchfield Street fo approximately 42.0 feet; thence South along a
, line parallel with Rice Street for approximately 967.5 feet to the ,
. • centerline of Atwater St eet; thence West to the intersection with t�e
� centerline of the alley Block 1, Lockey's Addition; thence South •
, along a line parallel wi Rice Street for approximately 369.15 feet to
• . the intersection with th centerline of Lyton Street; thence East along
� the centerline of Lyton treet to the intersection with the northerly
extension of the easterl property line of Lot 13, Block 3, Lyton's .
Addition; thence South o a line parallel with Rice Street a distance of
213.93 feet; thence East a distance of approximately 25.0 feet; thence
South along a line paral el with Rice Street for approximately 70.0 feet
to the intersection with the centerline of Sycamore Street; thence East
along the centerline of ycamore Street to an intersection with the
centerline of Cortland P ace; thence South along the centerline of
-- 2
. � � �
• Cortland Place approximately 519.89 feet; thence West along a Line
parallel with Acker Street f r approximately 1317.29 feet to the
centerline of Sylvan Street xtended southerly; thence South for
approximately 155.0 feet to point approximately 350.0 feet from the
most southerly line of Acke Street; thence West along a line parallel
with Acker Street to the in ersectian with the centerline of Rice
" Street; thence North along he centerline of Rice Street to the
intersection with the cente line of Sycamore Street; thence West along
the centerline of Sycamore treet for approximately 401.0 feet; thence
North along a line parallel with Rice Street for approximately 147.6
- feet; thence West along a 1 ne parallel with Atwater Street to the
intersection with the cente line of Galtier Street; thence North along
the centerline of Galtier S reet to intersection with the centerline of
Atwater Street; thence Eas along the centerline of Atwater Street to
the intersection with the enterline of Albemarle Street then continuing
East a distance of approxi ately 123.75 feet; thence North on a line
parallel with Rice Street o the intersection with the most southerly
right-of-way line of Wayza a Street; thence West along the most
southerly right-of-way lin of Wayzata Street to the intersection with
the centerline of the alle in Block 2, Weides' Rearrangement and
addition; thence North on line parallel with Rice Street to the
intersection with the cent rline of Hatch Avenue; thence East along the
centerline of Hatch Avenu to the intersection with the centerline of
Rice Street, the point of eginning.
Commenc�rig at the interse tion of the centerlines of Rice Street and
Pennsylvania Avenue now k own as Empir:e Drive thence East along the
centerline of Empire Driv for approximately 138.99 feet; thence North
for approximately 121.56 eet; thence Northwesterly for approximately
140.0 feet to the most ea terly right-of-way line of Rice Street; thence
North for approximately 2 7.44 feet; thence East along a line parallel •�
with Sycamore Street for approximately '773.18 feet; thence South for
approximately 361.61 fee to the most northerly right-of-way line of
Empire Drive; thence Wes along a parallel line with Empire Drive for
approximately 297.61 fee ; thence South to the intersection with the
centerline of Empire Dri e; thence West to the intersection with the
centerline of Rice Stree , the point of beginning.
Commencing at the center ine of Pennsylvania Avenue known as Empire
• Drive a point 88.0 feet ast of the centerline of Rice Street; thence �
� continuing east along t e centerline of Empire Drive for approximately
478.97 feet; thence Sou h approximately 183.12 feet; thence West along a
line parallel with Empi e Drive for approximately 140.02 feet; thence
North approximately 25. feet; thence West along a line parallel with
Empire Drive for approx mately 200.0 feet; thence North for ',
, , � : approximately 25.0 feet thence West along a line parallel with Empire
• . • � Drive for approximately 138.95 feet; thence North along a line parallel .
� with Rice Street to the intersection with the centerline of Empire
Drive, the point of be inning.
Be'ginning at a point a ong the centerline of Empire Drive a distance of
approximately 886.64 f et from the centerline of Rice Street; thence
continuing East along he centerline of Empire Drive a distance of
approximately 510.0 fe t; thence South along a line parallel with Rice
Street for approximate y 396.60 feet; thence West along a line parallel
with Empire Drive for ppro:{im�tely 510.0 feet; thence North on a line
-- 3
N �/V '`
� � �
parallel with Rice Street f r approximateZy 396.62 feet to the
intersection with the cente line of Empire Drive, the point of
beginning. �
Beginning at a point along he centerline of Empire Drive a distance of
approximately 1075.3 feet f om the centerline of Rice Street; thence
continuing East along the.c nterline of Empire Drive for approximately
239.84 feet; thence 2�orth o a line parallel with Rice Street for
approximately 337.90 feet; hence West on a line paralleZ of Empire
Drive for approximately 98. 5 feet; thence North on a line parallel with
Rice Street for approximate y 54.38 feet; thence West on a parallel line
with Empire Drive for appro imately 143.03 feet; thence South on a
parallel line with Rice St et for approximately 391.53 feet to the
intersection with the cent rline of Empire Drive, the point of
Beginning at a point on th most southerly right-of-way of Empire Drive
a distance of 1651.64 feet from the centerline of Rice Street; thence
continuing East 97.0 feet; thence Southeasterly for approximately 207.82
feet; thence southwesterly for approximately 305.0 feet; thence westerly
for approximately 88.93 fe t; thenca South for approximately 30.0 feet;
thence West bh a line para lel with Empire Drive for 37.41 feet; thence
North on a line parallel k th Rice Street for approximately 362.89 feet,
to the point of beginning.
(f) Prom/3M S��te
Beginning at the intersect on of the centerline of University Avenue and
Dunlap Street; thence Sout along the centerline of Dunlap Street to the
intersection with the cent rline of Donohue Avenue (vacated 2-15-66) ;
thence West along the cent rline of Donohue Avenue to the intersection �
with the centerline of Gri gs Street; thence North along the centerline'
of Griggs Street to the i tersection with the centerline of University
Avenue; thence East elong centerline of University Avenue to the
intersection with Dunlap treet, the point of beginning. The plat is
Midway Industrial Divisio Block 1, Lots 1-12; Block 2, Lots 1•12; and
Block 6, Lots 1-12. '.
(g) Concord/Robert
Commencing at the centerl ne of the intersection of State Street and
East George Street; thenc West along the centerline of East George
Street to the intersectio with a southeasterly extension of the
southwesterly boundary of Hornsby's Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2� 3, 4 and
; 5 of Block 89 of West Sai t Paul Proper; thence northwest on a line •
. parallel with Concord Str et for approximately 293.0 feet; thence north
' for approximately 131.0 f et; thence west to the most westerly line lot .
,' 6, block 72; thence north for approximately 50 feet; thence west for
.' approximately 35 feet; t ence northwesterly along a line parallel with
Co,pcord Street to the in ersection with the centerline of Robert Street;
thence north along the c nterline of Robert Street to the intersection
with the centerline of C ncord Street; thence northwesterly along the
centerline of Concord St eet to the intersection with a northerly
extension of the most ea terly lines of lot 13, block 65; thence south
to a point approximately 120 feet south of the most southwesterly line
of Concord Street; thenc west for approximately 50 feet; thence north
-- 4
, V �i✓! C
, for approximately 30 feet; thence west for approximately 100 feet;
thence north to the inters c�ion �:ith the centerline of East Congress
Street; thence east to the intersection with the�centerline of Concord
Street; thence northwestez }' along the centerline of Concord Street to
the intersection with a we ter�y extension of a line parallel with East
George Street and approxi a�ely 20 `feet south of the northern boundary
of lot 4� Block S1; thenc east for';approximately 470 feet; thence south
to the intersection with e centerline of East Congress Street; thence
east to the intersection ith the centerline of the alley in Plat .01364
West Saint Paul Blocks 1 hrough 99, block 66; thence south along the
centerline of said alley o the northern boundary of Plat .01364 West
Saint Paul Blocks l, thro gh 99, block 71; thence east to a point
approximately 91.7 feet f o� tne eastern boundary of Plat .01364 West
Saint Paul Block 1 throug 99, block 71; thence south to the
intersection with the cen erliae of Concord Street; thence southeast
along Lhe centerline of C ncord Street to the intersection of the
centerline of State Stree ; �hence northeast to the intersection of the
alley in Plat .01169 Bell's Addition to West Saint Paul, block 16;
thence southeasterly alo g the centerline of said alley to the
intersection with the ce terline of Ada Street; thence southwest along
the centerline' of Ada St eet to the most southerly line of Concord
Street; thent�e southeast rly along the southerly line of Concord Street
to the eastern boundary f Plat .01152 Auditor's Subdivision No. 30
Saint Paul, Minn. , lot 2 ; thence southwesterly along a line parallel
with State Street to the intersection with an easterly extension of-the
southern �oundary of Pla .01152 Auditor's Subdivision No. 30 Saint
Paul, Minn. , lot 21; the ce northwesterly along a line parallel with
Concord Street for appro ima:.ely 108.86 feet; thence southwesterly along
a line parallel with Sta e Street for approximately 70.0 feet; thence
northwesterly along a li e parallel with Concord Street for
approximately 90.51 feet; thence southwesterly along a line parallel �
with State Street for ap roximately 19.•85 feet; thence northwesterly to'
the intersection with t centerline of State Street; thence
northeasterly along the centerline of State Street to the intersection
with the centerline of ast George Street, the point of beginning.
(h) Arcade/Payne/East Seven h Street ',
Beginning at the inters ction of the centerline of York Avenue and �
, Mendota Street; thence outh along the centerline of Mendota Street to
� the intersectioa with t e centerline of Wells Street; thence East along
the centerline of Wells Street to the intersection with the centerline
of Forest Street; thenc Sou�h along the centerline of Forest Street a
distance of approximate y 564.5 feet; thence East on the northern right-
of-way line of the Nort ern Pacific Railroad to.the intersection wit�
. � the centerline of vacat d i.'h�tall Street; thence' East along the �
. . � centerline of vacated itall approximately �511.13 feet to a point .
, approximately 108.0 feet froa the most westerly line of Arcade Street; �
thence North on a para lel line with Arcade Street to the intersection
wi�th the centerline of or� Avenue; thence East along the centerline of
Yark Avenue to the int rsection with the centerline on Mendota Street�
the point of beginning
Beginning at the inter ection of the centerlines of Payne Avenue and
Jenks Avenue; thence E st along the centerline of Jenks Avenue �
approximately 225.8 fe t; thence South along a line parallel with Payne
-- S
(�f"�0 �4°
. , .
� Avenue to the intersection wi h the centerline of Case Avenue; thence
west along the centerline of Case Avenue approximately 4Q.0 feet; thence
South along a line psralle� ith Payne Avenue to the intersection with
the centerline of Sims Avenu ; thence West along the centerline of Sims
Avenue approximately 40.28 f et; thence South along a line parallel with
Payne Avenue to the intersec ion with the centerline of the alley in
Block 27, J.R. Weide's Addit on; thence East along the centerline of
said alley approximately 40 eet; thence South along a line parallel
with Payne Avenue approximat ly 838.3 feet to a point approximately
152.0 feet south of the most southerly line of Wadena Avenue; thence
East ,along a line parallel w'th Wells Street approximately 210 feet;
thence westerly along a tan ntial curve along the boundary of the
Northern Pacific Railroad r'ght-of-way to the intersection with the
centerline of Bush Avenue; hence East along the centerline of Bush
Avenue approximately 115.12 feet to a point 89.88 feet from the most
easterly line of Payne Aven e; thence south along a line parallel with
Payne Avenue approximately 95 feet to a point approximately 135 feet
south of the most southerly line of Reaney Avenue; thence East along a
line parallel with Reaney A enue for approximately 135 feet; thence
South along a line parallel with Payne Avenue to the intersection with
the centerline' of Mi:uiehaha Avenue; thence West along the centerline of
Minnehaha Ave`nue to the int rsection with the centerline of the alley in
Block 2, Irvine's Addition; thence South along the centerline of said
alley approximately 190.0 eet; thence West approximately 8 feet along a
line parallel with Minneha a Avenue to a point approximately 132.0 feet
east of tbe most easterly ine of Drewry Lane; thence South along a line
parallel with Payne Avenue for 40 feet,; thence East along a line
parallel with Minnehaha Av nue to the intersection with the most
westerly line of the Burli gton Northern Railroad right-of-way; thence
Southwest along said right of-way approximately 90 feet to a point
approximately 280.0 feet s uth of the most southerly line of Minnehaha ,
Avenue; thence West to the intersection with the centerline of Drewry �
Lane; thence North along t e centerline of Drewry Lane to the
intersection with the cent rline of Minnehaha Avenue; thence at a
southwesterly angle along the most northerly line of Payne Avenue to the
interssction with the cen erline of the alley in Block 3, Irvine's
Addition; thence North ai ng the centerline of �said alley to the
intersection with the cen erline of Minnehaha Avenue; thence East along
the centerline of Minneha a Avenue for approximately 45 feet; thence '.
North along a line parall 1 with Payne Avenue approximately 190.0 feet;
thence East to the center ine of the alley in Watson's Division D;
thence North along the ce terline of said alley to the centerline of
Reaney Avenue; thence Wes along the centerline of Reaney Avenue
. approximately 8 feet to a point approximately 91.3 feet from the most
. westerly line of Payne Av nue; thence north along a line parallel with
• Payne Avenue to the cente line of Bush Avenue; thence East along the ,
' centerline of Bush Avenue to a point 40.0 feet from the most westerly •
.' line of Payne Avenue; th nce North along a line parallel with Payne
.� Avenue approximately 112.75 feet; thence westerly at a southerly decline
to` the intersection with the centerline of Edgerton Street; thence North
approximately 100.0 feet to a point approximately 110.8 feet south of
the most southerly line f vacated Ross Street; thence East at a
northerly incline to the intersection with the centerline of Payne
Avenue; thence north alo g the centerline of Payne Avenue to the
intersection with the ce terline of vacated Ross Street; thence k'est
along the centerline of acated Ross Street approximately 153.0 feet;
-- 6
� � ��r-���
' thence North along a line arsllel with Payne Avenue to the centerline
of Case Avenue; thence Wes along the centerline of Case Avenue to a
point 196.8 feet from the enterline of Payne Avenue; thence north along
a line parallel with Payne Avenue to the intersection with the
centerline of the alley in Block 16., Arlington's Addition; thence East
along the centerline of sa d alley to a point 80 feet from the most
westerly line of Payne Ave ue; thence North along a line parallel with
Payne Avenue to the inters ction with the centerline of Jenks Avenue;
thence East along the cent rline of Jenks Avenue to the intersection
with the centerline of Pa e Avenue, the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersect on of the centerline of Bates Street and
North Street; thence West long the centerline of North Street to the
intersection with the cent rline of East Seventh Street, Greenbrier
Street and North Street; t ence North along the centerline of Greenbrier
Street to the intersection with the centerline of Dellwood Place; thence
northeast along the center ine of Dellwood Place for a distance of
approximately 342.0 feet; hence Southeast along a line parallel with
Maple Street approximately 134.4 feet; thence Northeast along a line
parallel with Dellwood Pla e approximately 48 feet; thence Southeast
along a line„parallel with Maple Street to the intersection with the
centerline of the alley in C.A. Mann's Subdivision; thence Northeast
along centerline of said a ley to the intersection with the centerline
of Margaret Street; thence East along the centerline of Margaret Street
for a distance of approxim tely 160.0 feet; thence North a distance�of
approxi�mately 270.0 feet; hence east along a line parallel with
Margaret Street approximat ly 52.0 feet; thence North along a line
parallel with Hope Street pproximately 80 feet; thence east along a
line parallel with Margare Street approximately 15 feet; thence North
along a line parallel with Hope Street approximately 15 feet to the
centerline of vacated. Beec Street; thence east along the centerline o$�
vacated Beech Street to th intersection with the centerline of Arcade
Street; thence North along the centerline of Arcade Street to the
intersection of the center ine of alley in Block 112, Johnstone's
Subdivision; thence northe st along the centerline of said alley to the
intersection of the center ine of Minnehaha Avenue; thence East along
the centerline of Minnehah Avenue to the inter'section with the
centerline of Mendota Stre t; thence north along the centerline of
Mendota Street to the inte section with the centerline of Reaney Avenue;
.• thence East along the cent rline of Reaney Avenue to the intersectioa
with the centerline of For st Street; thence north along the centerline
of Forest Street to the in ersection with the centerline of Bush Avenue;
thence east along the cent rline of Bush Avenue to the intersection with
the centerline of East Sev nth Street, continuing approximately 43.56
feet; thence south along a line parallel with Forest Street to the �•
� • .� . intersection with the cent rline of the alley Block 20, Terry's
' . ' Addition; thence west alon the centerline of said alley approximately �..
� 150 feet; thence south to he intersection with the centerline of Reaney
Avenue; thence west along he centerline of Reaney Avenue to the
in`tersection with the cent rline of Forest Street; thence South on the
centerline of Forest Stree to the intersection of the centerline of
Minnehaha Avenue; thence w st along the centerline of Minnehaha Avenue .
to the intersection with t e centerline of Mendota Street; thence ,South
along the centerline of Me dota Street to the intersection with the
centerline of the alley in Block 112 Johnstone's Subdivision; thence
southwesterly along the ce terline of said alley to the intersection of
__ �
. . ��-�� �
' the centerline of Beech St eet; thence West along the centerline of
Beech Street for a distanc of approximately 160.0 feet to the
intersection with the most� easterly line of Lot 9, Block 105, Otto's
Subdivision; thence South long a line parallel with Mendota Street to
the intersection with the enterline of the alley in Block 105, Otto's
Sub. of Lot 15; thence Wes along the centerline of said alley to a
point approximately 39.41 eet from the most easterly right-of-way line
of Arcade Street; thence S uth along a line of Arcade Street line
parallel with Arcade Stree to the intersection with the centerline of
Margaret Street; thence We t on the centerline of Margaret Street to the
intersection of the center ine of Arcade Street continuing 270.0 feet;
thence South along a line arallel with Arcade Street approximately
89.74 feet; thence southwe t along a line parallel with East Seventh
Street to the intersectio with the centerline of Maple Street; thence
southeasterly along the ce terline of Maple Street for approximately
84,51 feet; thence Southw st along a line parallel with East Seventh
Street for approximately 50 feet; thence Southeast along a line
parallel with Maple Stree approximately 30 feet to a point 204 feet
north of the most norther y line of East 6th Street; thence Southwest
approximately 40 feet alo g a line parallel with East Seventh Street;
thence North along a line parallel with Maple Street approximately 30
feet to a po'Iht approxima ely 216.71 feet south of the most southerly
line of East Seventh Stre t; thence Southwest along a line parallel with
East Seventh Street appro imately 200 feet to a point approximately
157.83 feet east the most easterly line of Bates Street; thence �
Northwest�along a line pa allel with Bates Street approximately 120.64
feet to, a point approxim ely 96.0 feet south of the most southerly line
of East Seventh Street; ence Southwest approximately 38.07 feet along
a line parallel with Eas Seventh Street, thence North approximately
7.05 feet along a line p rallel with Bates Street; thence Southwest to
the intersection with th centerline of Bates Street; thence �
northwesterly along the enterline of Bates Street to the intersection '
of the centerline of Nor h Street, the point of beginning.
(i) Snelling and University
Beginning at the interse tion of the centerline. of University Avenue and
Fry Street; thence North along the centerline of Fry Street to the
intersection with the ce terline of alley in Block 4, Wood Park
Addition; thence East ai ng the centerline of said alley to the
intersection with the ce terline of North Snelling Avenue; thence North
along the centerline of orth Snelling Avenue to the intersection with
the centerline of Sherb rne Avenue; thence East along the centerline of
Sherburne Av.enue to the intersection with the centerline of Asbury
.' Street; thence South ai ng the centerline of Asbury Street to the
. intersection with the c nterline of University Avenue; thence East along
.� the centerline of Unive sity Avenue to the intersection with the
.' centerline of Hamline A enue; thence south along the centerline of
.' Hamline Avenue for a di tance of approximately 726.74 feet; thence
southwesterly on a tang ntial curve to the most westerly line of Lot 6,
Bohn's Rearrangement; t ence south on a parallel line with Hamline
Avenue a distance of 79 54 feet; thence east on a line parallel with St.
Anthony Avenue a distan e of 182.64 feet; thence south along a line
parallel with Hamline A enue to the intersection of the centerline of
St. Anthony Avenue; the ce west to a point that is 870.35 feet from the
most easterly line of N rth Snelling Avenue; thence north on a line
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• parallel with Pascal Stree to a point 697.38 feet from the most
southerly line of Universi Avenue; thence west on a line parallel with
University Avenue to the i �ersection of the centerline of North
Snelling Avenue; thence no th along the centerline of North Snelling
Avenue to the intersection of the centerline with Shields Avenue; thence
west along the centerline f Shields Avenue to the intersection of the
centerline of the alley i Block 1, Homer H. Hoyt Co. 's Addition; thence
north along the centerline of said alley to the intersection with the
centerline of Spruce Tree venue; thence west along the centerline of
Spruce Tree Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of Fry
Street; thence north alo g the centerline of Fry Street to the
intersection of the cente line of University Avenue� the point of
(j) Unisys Property
Commencing at the interse tion of the centerlines of Stewart Avenue and
Davern Avenue; thence nor h along the centerline of Davern Avenue to the
intersection with the cen erline of West Seventh Street; thence
northeasterly along the c nterline of West Seventh Street for a distance
of approximately 209.0 fe t; thence southeasterly along a line parallel
to West Maynard Drive for a distance of approximately 267.91 feet;
thence east along a line arallel to Munster Avenue for a distance of
approximately 56.59 feet; thence southeasterly along a line parallel
with West Maynard Drive f r a distance approximately 767.24 feet to �the
centerl,�rie of Stewart Ave ue; thence northeasterly along the centerline
of Steward Avenue for a d stance of approximately 657.78 feet; thence
south along a line parall 1 to Davern Avenue approximately 449.86 feet
to the most northerly rig t-of-way line of Shepard Road; thence
southwesterly along the st northerly right-of-way line of Shepard road
approximately 740.8 feet; thence northwesterly along a line parallel to�
West Maynard Drive appro imately 313.30 feet to the intersection with
the centerline of Stewar Avenue; thence southwesterly along the
centerline of Stewart Av ue to the intersection with the centerline of
Davern Avenue, the point of beginning.
(k) Hillcrest Shopping Cente •
Beginning at the interse tion of the centerline of White Bear Avenue and
: Larpenteur Avenue; thenc East along the centerline of Larpenteur Avenue
to the intersection with the centerline of Van Dyke Street; thence South
along the centerline of an Dyke Street to the intersection with the
centerline of East Idaho Avenue; thence West along the centerline of
East Idaho Avenue to the intersection of the centerline of Gary Place;
thence South along the c nterline of Gary Place• to the intersection qtith
. . : : the centerline of East H yt Avenue; thence West �along the centerline of
• . • East Hoyt Avenue to the ntersection with the centerline of the opened •
• alley in Block 1, Hillcr st Addition; thence South along the centerline
of said alley to the int rsection with centerline of East Montana
Av�enue; thence West alon the centerline of East Montana Avenue to the
iritersection with the ce terline of White Bear Avenue; thence North
along the centerline of ite Bear Avenue to the intersection with the
centerline of Larpenteur Avenue the point of beginning. ,
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(1) Texaco Site
Except Adrian Street that � art of Government Lot 2 northwestezly of the
Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railroad 100.0 feet right-of-way;
and southwesterly of the f llowing line described: Beginning at the
intersection of the East 1 ne of Adrian Street and the North line of
Government Lot 2, thence s utheasterly at an angle of 49 degrees 30
minutes with said North Lo line 605.14 feet to centerline of said
railroad right-of-way in S ction 14, Township 28, Range 23.
Revised Description humber 1008 a specific part of Block 41 West End and
part of Government Lot 2 i Section 14, Township 28, Range 23.
Except part deeded to Soc y Vacuum Oil Company in Document No. 915211
the North 780.0 feet of p rt of Government Lot 2, Easterly of a line
running from a point on t e North line of and 1650.0 feet East from the
Northwest corner to a poi t on the South line of and 107.58 feet East
from the Southwest corner of Government Lot 2, subject to the Road in
Section 14, Township 28, ange 23.
Except part �in 100 foot r ilroad right-of-way, part easterly and
southerly of Highway 390 ollowing vacated Alaska and Vista Avenues
adjacent and Blocks 32, 4 and Block 42.
(m) West Seve�th Street/Grand
Beginning at the intersec ion of the centerline of Grand Avenue and
Smith Avenue; thence Eas along the centerline of Grand Avenue to the
intersection with the ce terline of Leech Street; thence South along the
centerline of Leech Stre t to the intersection with the centerline of �
West Seventh Street; the ce west on a southerly decline along the '
centerline of West Seven h Street to the intersection with the
centerline of Smith Aven e; thence North along the centerline of Smith
Avenue to the intersecti n with the centerline of Grand Avenue� the
point of beginning.
(n) Highland/Donaldson's Sit
Beginning at the interse tion of the centerlines of Ford Parkway and
Cleveland Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of Ford Parkway a
distance of approximatel 618.5 feet; thence south along a line parallel
with Cleveland Avenue a roximately 755.0 feet; thence easterly along a
line parallel with Ford Parkway a distance of approximately 211.5 feet;
; thence northerly on a 1 ne parallel with Cleveland Avenue a distance' of
. approximately 454.0 fee ; thence easterly on a line parallel with Ford .
' Parkway a distance of a proximately 57.0 feet; thence north on a line .
,' parallel with Cleveland Avenue for approximately 53.4 feet; thence
.' easterly on a line para lel with Ford Parkway for approximately 198.0
fe,et; thence southerly n a line parallel with Cleveland Avenue for
approximately 68.4 feet thence easterly along a line parallel with Ford
Parkway to the intersec ion with the centerline of Cleveland Avenue;
thence north along the enterline of Cleveland Avenue to the
intersection of the cen erline of Ford Parkway, the point of beginning.
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(a) Spruce Tree Centre
The Snelling-University inte section is located in the heart of the
Midway area of Saint Paul, dway between downtown Saint Paul and
downtown Minneapolis.
The Midway area grew up alo g the University Avenue street car line,
which connected the two do town. The early 1900s saw the development
of small commercial areas a ong University Avenue to serve ad�acent
neighborhoods. With the gr wing popularity of the sutomobile, however,
the Avenue became an autoao ile rather than neighborhood oriented
commercial strip. The res lt has been commercial development that
conflicts with adjacent ne'ghborhoods, inadequate parking, and
structures that are obsole e. Competition with suburban commercial
centers beginning in the 1 60s has led to vacant and underutilized land
and buildings along Univer ity Avenue, and a deteriorating image.
The Snelling_University i ersection is a focus of the regional
transportation network an has a very high traffic volume. It has
remained an at-grade inte section because of the limitations imposed by
existing development arou d it. The Snelling-University intersection is
the most heavily traveled at-grade intersection in the 1�ain Cities, �
. ��
Heavy vehicular traffic v lume at SneLling-University, a commercial area
originally built around destrians and street cars, has resulted in
dangerous automobile-ped strian conflicts. It has also resulted in
serious air quality prob ems. The Snelling-University intersection is
the only site in the .T�ai Cities region which violates federal carbon •�
monoxide standards.
The Midway area contains major retail� office, industrial� and medical
facilities. The area is second only to the downtown in its importance
to the Saint Paul econo y. The Ttiain Cities Metropolitan Development
Framework point out, ho ever, that considerable' renewal, additions to
its physical plant� and perhaps a transit link with the downtowns will
be required if the Midw y is to remain a major activity center. �
The Development Framewo k recommends selective redevelopment projects
where market analysis i dicates strong potential for community retail-
service centers.
Deteriorated and obsol te buildings at Snelling=University .create an.
� • : . image df a declining c mmercial strip. Aut�mobile-pedestrian conflicts
� . ' and a lack of parking eeps customers away. •Customers and businesses �..
� alike go to more desir ble commercial areas. The result is declining
retail activity and t base, declining employment opportunities, and
mdre deterioration. e deterioration and conflict with residential
land use lowers the v lue of nearby residential areas, as well.
(b) Metz Bakery Area ,
The Metz Bakery Redev lopment site is located in the north capitol
neighborhood which i immediately north of the State Capitol.
. . ���a�
The north capitol neighbor ood is one of Saint Paul's oldest
neighborhoods. Initial se tlement occurred in the 1870s spurred on by
street car lines on Univer ity Avenue and Rice Street. The single most
important influence on th neighborhood was the relocation of the State
Capitol at its present si e in 1905.
Currently the neighborhoo is a mixture of residential,
commercial,institutional, and government uses. Bethesda Lutheran
Medical Center, a large a d growing complex, dominates the neighborhood.
The remaining portions of the neighborhood are less stable. The
commercial businesses alo g Rice and University continue to struggle for
an identity. While some esidential areas such as the Winter Street
area have stabilized, the rest of the residential areas are quite
` The redevelopment site is a mixture of commercial, residential� and
vacant structures. The m st prominent structure is the old vacant Metz
Bakery Building which is tructurally unrehabable. Fronting on Charles,
Sherburne, and. Park are 1 dilapidated residential structures. The
remainder o�„the site co ists of 5 buildings on Rice Street which house
an assortment of commerci 1 activities.
(c) Hammond Project
The Hammoi►d Project is 1 cated at 1885 University Avenue in the City of
Saint Paul. The Project was undertaken in 1982 as part of the City-wide
Redevelopment Plan adopt d pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 462
(the Municipal Housing a d Redevelopment Act) by the Authority on
October 27, 1981 and by he City Council on October 27, 1981. A Tax
Increment Financing Dist ict was created pursuant to Minr►esota Statutes',
Sections 273.71 through 73.78 (Tax Increment Financing Act) by City
Council Resolution No. C 279109 adopted August 28, 1982, which District
was identified as the T Increment Financing District for Saint Paul
Neighborhood Business De elopment Program.
(d) University Avenue East A ea '
The University Avenue Ea t area is bounded generally by Victoria Street
on the West, Sherburne A enue on the North, Rice Street on the East, and
Aurora Avenue on the Sou h.
A variety of conditions xist that establish the need for including this
. site in the Redevelopmen Plan. Many of the buildings are obsolete.,_
. ' underutilized, contain i appropriate or incompatible land uses. These
, ' building locations are a haphazard manner, preventing new development •
. • by causing high develop ent costs, including site assembly and site '
• , preparation, and renova ion or demolition. For these reasons, the
• private market has been unable to utilize this prime location to its
f�ll advantage.
The primary overall dev lopment objective in the University Avenue East
, Redevelopment Plan, whi h is hereby incorporated ir►to the Saint Paul
Neighborhood Redevelopm nt Plan, and is in addition to, is to eliminate
and/or improve those ex sting conditions which serve to impair the
health, safety and gene al welfare of the citizens of the City of Saint
. � Paul, and which also serve t inflict an economic blight upon existing
private investment in the ar s, threaten source of public revenue� and
induce members of the surrpu ding neighborhood to no longer consider the
area an attractive place in hich to reside or do business.
(e) Rice Street
The Rice Street area is loc ed within the perimeters of Hatch Street,
Albemarle Street, Sycamore tzeet,-Park Street� Jackson Street and
Empire Park.
The site is a mixture of re idential and commercial uses. Conditions of
the residential units range from msjor deterioration to minor
maintenance with the majori of units requiring substantial work.
Commercial conditions consi t of major deterioration, unoccupied
buildings require minor mai tenance. The basis for including Rice
Street is functionally obs lete commercial structures, dilapidated
residential structures, an conflicting residential commercial uses.
(f) Prom/3M Site
The Prom Sit€ consists of .42 acres boarded by University Avenue on the
north, Griggs on the west, and Dunlap on the east.
� The platt is Midway Indus rial Division Block 1, Lots 1-12; Block 2;
Lots 1-12�; and Block 6, ts 1-12.
The site is a commercial se in a B-3 �Zone. It contains one existing
office building and conta ned the old substandard Prom Building which
was demolished to clear t e site for potential development. The Prom
Building was substandard 'n structure and the office building would �
require minor renovation. The site had zero percent of the property '
vacant until the recent emolition of the Prom Building. Currently the
site has one parcel cont ining a building and the other two vacant.
The bases for including he Prom Center site in the Redevelopment Plan
are to remove conditions of blight and deterioration (the old Prom
Building) , to redevelop cquired land in accordance with the
redevelopment plar►, to i crease employment in the municipality, to '
. preserve and enhance a t base of the municipality, and to satisfy the
" redevelopment strategies of the redevelopment strategy section of the
city-wide redevelopment lan.
(g) Concord/Robert
, , • � The Concord/Robert site is located on Saint Paul''s West Side and
• • � includes those parcels ithin one-half block•of Concord Street between •
. Congress and Ada Street . ��
Concord Street is an ag'ng commercial strip with numerous vacant and
di�lapidated structures. Many of the commercial buildings are obsolete
and are a blighting in luence on the area. In some cases,
rehabilitation is infe sible and redevelopment could not be expected to
occur depending solely on private resources. �
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(h) Arcade/Payne/East Seventh treet
The Payne/Arcade/East Seve th Street site consists of approximately 45
acres. The site consists f East Seventh (from Bates to Forest) and
Payne Avenue (from Minneha a to Jenks) and Arcade (from York to the
Burlington hTorthern Railro d Tracks and East to Forest) .
The site is a mixture of B and B3 zoning, along with a large planned
development zoning (Seeger Square) . It contains 158 improved
properties. The site is 9 � utilized by buildings, parking and roads.
The basis for including t Payne/Arcade/East Seventh Street site into
the Redevelopment Distric is to remove blight and deterioration, and to
redevelop acquired land i accordance with the Redevelopment Plan.
(i) Snelling and University
The Midway Center site co sists of approximately 18 acres, bordered by
St. Anthony Avenue on the south, Hamline Avenue on the east, and Spruce
Tree Centre on• the west. The northern boundary is Fry to Sherburne to
Pascal to Uni.�ersity Aven e.
The site is commercial us in a B-2 and a B-3 zone. It contains 14
existing buildings. Of t ese buildings, one is a strip commercial �.
center wl�ich is in need o substantial renovation. Another building is
an ecoiramic, obsolescent ne million square foot warehouse. The rest of
the site is made up of 12 structures, �most of which require substantial
renovation to bring them p to standard. The site is 1008 utilized by
buildings, parking and ro ds. There are no vacant sites within this
district. The basis for 'ncluding the Midway Site into the Neighborhood
Redevelopment Project Are is to remove blight and deterioration, to �.
redevelop acquired land i accordance with the redevelopment plan, to
increase employment in m icipality, to preserve and enhance a tax base
of the municipality, and to satisfy the redevelopment strategies of the
redevelopment section of the City Wide Plan.
(j) Unisys Property � �
The Unisys site consists of the west end of a block bounded by West
Seventh Street, Maynard rive, Stewart and Davern. Within that block
the east boundary is a p operty line running southeast and east of
Davern on West Seventh. A second portion of the site is a 5.11 vacant
parcel in the middle of he block bounded by Stewart, Alton� Shepard
: Road and Davern. .
• The 18.6 acre site is a ixture of commercial and light industrial uses. � ,
• ' An Amoco Service Station and a bar/restaurant occupy approximately
• 43,000 square feet on th north end of the site along West Seventh
� Street. Both buildings re in good condition. Immediately south is an
l�� acre parcel occupied y Minnesota Public Radio's transmission towers
and service building. e southwest corner of MPR site is leased to an
sirport park and ride fi . The site south of Steward is a 5.11 acre
undeveloped parcel immed ately east of the UNYSIS parking lot. The
entire site has solid be rock a few feet below the surface. Twenty-
seven percent of the sit is vacant. The basis for including the
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,: UIr'YSIS/MPR site is the un ru�ilized nature of the site. Part of this
is directly attributable the soil conditions-solid bedrock.
(k) Hillcrest Shopping Center
The Hillcrest Shopping Ce ter is located in the northeast section of the
city and is bounded by Ea t Montana Street on the south, White Bear
Avenue on the west� Larpe teuz on the north and Van Dyke Street and Gary
Place on the east.
T�aenty percent of the sit is vacant and 80$ is occupied by buildings
which comprise a commerci 1 strip center. Hillcrest Center's first
stores date from the late 1940s, with most of the other buildings
completed around 1961.
Hillcrest's aging struct es are in need of renovation and
rehabilitation. In addi ion, the district plan calls for a redesign of
ingress and egress from he parking lots in order to alleviate traffic
problems on White Bear A enue. The plan also identifies a need to
redesign the commercial ignage to eliminate visual clutter and a need
to improve the pedestria environment through lighting and streetscape
The Hillcrest site is in need of public improvements such as
landscaping, lighting, s reetscape and redesigned/relocated curb cuts.
Site assembly and/or pre sration of the vacant parcels for development
may be t►ecessary.
(1) Texaco Site
The Texaco Site is in t e southern section of the City of Saint Paul and
is bounded by the river on the south and east, 35E and Hathaway Street •
on the west, and the Mo il Oil Tank Farm on the North.
This 41.4 acre site is urrently the location of a Texaco Oil tank
field. Reuse of the oi tanks themselves is unlikely. Sixty-seven (67)
percent of the tax parc ls are occupied. ' ,
Soil conditions are ext emely problemmatical for this site. •
, Environmental contamina ion has occurred and must be corrected prior to
• any redevelopment acti 'ties. The oil tanks are obsolete and constitute
an underutilization of this property. Private investment alone cannot
be expected to cover a 1 costs of redevelopment. Redevelopment
assistance is needed t rough possible site assembly and/or preparation
of site including soil correction; and could al,so include public •
. improvements (streets, utilities, streetscape and landscaping) . '
: (m) West Seventh Street/Gr nd �
Tk}e West Seventh Stree /Grand area consists of approximately two-and
one-half acres bounded by Grand Avenue on the north� Smith Avenue on the
west, Leech Street on he east and West Seventh Street on the southeast.
The area is characteri ed by fragmented ownership, as well as va�ying
and incompatible land ses, �:hich include office, residential, retail
commercial and automobile services. Eighty percent of the site is
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' occupied by structures an twenty percent is vacant. Although the area
is bounded by three �ajor traffic carriers (Smith Avenue, Grand Avenue
and West Seventh Street) , it remains underutilized.
It may be necessary to as ist redevelopment in this area through site
assembly and preparation nd public improvements such as lighting and
streetscape improvements. .
, (n) Highland/Donaldson Site
This site is a 5.5 acre p rcel located on the southwest corner of Ford
Parkway and Cleveland Ave ue. this "L" shaped parcel is bounded by Ford
Parkway on the north, CIe eland Avenue on the east, Highland Manor
Apartments on the south a d Highland Village Center on the west. The
property is currently zon d B-3 and is occupied by a three-story
department store building of approximately 90,000 square feet. The
remainder of the site is nderutilized surface parking. The basis for
including the site is the underutilized nature of the parcel.
The Neighborhood Business Devel pment Program identified the need to
revitalize neighborhood commerc al areas. These neighborhood redevelopment
project areas .are to be underta en in neighborhood commercial areas
contemplated by the City-wide R development Plan and Saint Paul Neighborhood
Business Development Program. �.
Regional, City and area plans t at address the future of these project areas
from the Twin Cities Metropolit n Development Framework, to the Saint Paul
Comprehensive Plan, to the Univ rsity Avenue Plan, call for.special public- �
private efforts to redevelop an revitalize the areas. �
The District's element of the S int Paul Comprehensive Plan calls for
improvements in the functioning and aesthetics of commercial areas. It
recommends the clustering of bu inesses to facilitate one-stop and comparison
shopping. It also calls for Ci y involvement in prov,iding additional off-
street parking.
The District's element of the S int Paul Comprehensive Plan recognizes that
rehabilitation and redevelopme require closer public-private cooperation
than first-time, new developme t. It recommends that the City undertake a
special district-level economic development plan for the neighborhood
commercial areas.
.' � The Land Use element of the Sa t Paul Comprehensive Plan designates major'
• intersections as a "Major Reta'1 Cluster". It recommends the clustering of �..
� ' compatible mixed land uses in ese areas, and calls for buffering between
� coaunercial and residential are s. The Streets and Highways element of the
� Comprehensive Plan recommends he use of streets to shape land use patterns
and proqide buffers between di ferent types of land use.
These project areas are a part of Saint Paul's continuing effort to revitalize
the City's neighborhood co�er ial strips.
-- 16
. l.�'" ���`�'
r !
� . % ,
The purpose of this Redevelopm nt Plan is (a) to strengthen aajor conmercial-
office clusters; (b) to encour ge office� comuercisl� and institutional
redevelopment in areas; (c) to develop and redevelop property within the
redevelopment areas which qual fy as blighted and deteriorated under the
� Housing and Redevelopment Act� Section 469.002 Subd. 11 and 13 (1) . as
underused or inappropriately ed land or space under Section 469.002 Subd. 13
(3) and (6)� and as a redevel pment or economic district under the Tax
Increment Financing Act, Secti n 469.174 Subd. 10; (d) to assist in the
undertaking of a Redevelopnent Project as defined in S�ection 469.002 Subd. 13
(1) , (3) � (4) � (5) , and (6).
The primary overall developmen objective of this Redevelopment District is to
eliminate and/or improve those existing conditions which serve to impair the
health� safety and general wel are of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul,
and which also serve to inflic an economic blight upon euisting private
iuvestment in the District� th eaten the aource of public revenue� and induce
many members of the surrouadin neighborhood to no longer consider the area an
attractive place in ahich to r side or do business. The �conditions ahich have
been fouad to exist which caus the above noted factors include unsdfe and
unsanitary housing conditions, building obsolescence or faulty arrangeasnt in
building design or improvement and deleterious land use. The primary
objective of this Redevelapmen Plan is to reaove and/or improve the
conditions noted above through public intervention so that private anterprise
will achieve the means and enc uragement to provide both housing and
co�ercial revitalization to e area.
Additional ganeral developnent objectives related to the above ara:
Bstablishing cooperation aaong the many differsat groups that can aad
aust �►ork together to rove the arsa. Business, praparty o�mers,
bankera� local officials� business groups md citizen councils aust work
together to contirniousl promote aad isprove the district.
Creating and marketiag pos�tive image of the district to attract new �
custoaers and i�ve�tors.
Enhance the viQUal qual ty of the district by improving the aleaants of
the environment; buildi gs, storefronts, vacant parcels, landscapiag,
signs, aerchandising di leys and pro�otional �ateriels all need to be
Economic diversificatio � recruiting of aew and varied store types to � '
provide a balanced reta 1 mix. Com►ersion of unused space and improving
the competitiveness of xisting businesses in the district.
Specific objectives to be achieved ithin the context of the foregoing are as
1. To carry out a comprehe ive plan of rehabilitation� conservation and
redevelopment which vil create and maintain a sound commercial and
residential community. •
17 •
, 2. To remove blight and con itions of deterioration by: v' �a r�
a. acquisition and re oval of structurally substandard buildings.
b, acquisition and eli ination of obsolete buildings which are not
capable of rehabili ation, are improperly converted, or which
create eonflicting and uses or other blighting influences.
c. undertaking a progr of code enforcement with the appropriate
City departments to ensure that hazardous conditions are either
corrected through r habilitation or eliminated through demolition.
d. to carry out a publ c program of acquisition and rehabilitation of
deficient buildings, to demonstrate feasibility of rehabilitation;
to provide relocati n resources for families and businesses
displaced by projec activities.
e. to provide adequate edevelopment sites for residential and
commercial uses, and encourage new private investment and
participation of red velopment of these uses by members of the
3. To coordinate acquisition, site preparation and improvements and
facilities� and to spread nd equalize the costs thereof, in order to
accompl�isla the entire proj ct development at a cost reasonably related
to the public purpose to b served. .
4. To provide private develop rs with information regarding zoning; land
use controls and other Ci and Plan requirements; information and
assistance in obtaini�g con truction and permanent financing; •
information and assistance egarding construction of site and public �
improvements and measures n cessary to correct site conditions, all in
accordance with development agreements.
5. To finance development by a combination of private and public financing
under authority and subject to the requirements• of federal, state and
local law and ordinance for the provision of revenue bond financiag. .
• 6. To provide such public impr ements as are necessary to stimulate
private investment and rein stment in the redevelopment areas.
7. To maintain and strengthen e ployment opportunities, services, and tax
base by attracting retail bu inesses, personal and professional
services, and offices. • '
� . • � 8. To reduce sutomobile-pedestr an conflicts and create more attractive �
• pedestrian-oriented enviromm �ts. ��
9. To�provide adequate parking n the redevelopment areas and to encourage
th� joint use of shared park ng facilities.
10. To redevelop the area in con ormance with the City's Comprehensive Plan
and the Capitol Area Architec ural and Planning Board's Comprehensive
-� 18
' ' . , ,
� 11. To utilize public financi 1 resources in a manner that is in conformance
with the City's adopted C pitol Allocation Policies. �✓���
, L�1
Historically, the role of the p blic sector in urban redevelopment has been to
provide controls and incentives .in order to encourage and obtain needed
development. In order to count ract a combination of adverse economic
conditions, patterns of investm nt and reinvestment, and physical
environmental conditions which ave worked to the detriment of the
redevelopment of aging, built u ban areas, this role has been changing to one
of an active partner and partic pant in needed redevelopment. This plan
envisions the permitted use of 11 techniques or powers currently suthorized
through applicable statutes. N provision of this plan is to be taken to
limit the full exercise of thes powers.
This plan envisions the permitt d use of all techniques or powers authorized
through Minnesota Statutes 469. O1 through 469.043, 469.172 through 469.181
and Chapter 469.152 through 469 165 by the City and HRA, or other public
agencies as appropriate and nec ssary to carry out the implementation of this
Plan. No provision of this Pla is to be taken to limit the full exercise of
these powers. The•following te hniques are cited as examples of ineans to
achieve the objectives presente in Section III above.
The HRA may acquire all propert • in the Redevelopment area, as suthorized
under Minnesota Statutes. Acqu sition of property will be considered if the
property in the Redevelopment a ea is found to have one or more of the
following characteristics.
1. Blighted area� buildings� and other real property, where removing such •
can remove� prevent or re uce blight or the causes of blight;
2. Open or undeveloped land lighted by virtue of conditions which have
prevented normal developm nt by private enterprise;
3. Underused or inappropriat ly used land which may be converted to other
uses recommended by this lan and the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use '
4. Land necessary to complet parcels which would be suitable for
; 5. Lands acquired by HRA in he undertaking of other redevelopment projects
. and presently available f r and suitable to the provision of development.
: as specified in the objec ives of this Plan. � ..
� Acquisition of property will be undertaken in strict adherence to state and
federal �Statutes (as applicable governing procedures for such activity,
including the Uniform Relocatio and Property Acquisition Act of 1970, in
accordance with Minnesota Statu es Chapter 117.
-- 19
� . r r
The HRA will undertake or cause o undertake those actions deemed necessary to
prepare sites for redevelopment. These include� but are not limited to:
1. Demolition� removal or reh bilitation of buildings and improvements;
2. Activities to correct adve se characteristics of the land, soil or
subsoil conditions, unusab e subdivision or plat or lots, inadequate
- access or utility service, or other development-inhibiting conditions;
3. Activities deemed necessa or desirable to remove, reduce or prevent
other blighting factors an causes of blight;.
4. Other activities deemed ne essary or desirable to improve and prepare
sites for development reh ilitation or redevelopment for uses in
accordance with this Plan� and the Land Use Plan and Economic
Development Strategy sect'ons of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
5. Installation, constructio or reconstruction of streets, parkways�
transit faci2ities, utili ies, storm water drainage� parks, walkways and
other public improvements or facilities as necessary or desirable for
carrying out the objectiv s of this Plan, as approved by City Council.
6. Any studi@s or research t at may be necessary to determine traffic or
land use impacts of any d velopment proposal and/or particular street
and traffic pattern.
The HR.A will sell, lease, or ot erwise dispos�e of acquired property at fair �'
market values in accordance wit the requirements of applicable laws and Plan,
and after review of proposed di position by the appropriate district councils,
and subject to developer's cont act obligations. The land disposition and
development agreement shall con ain the following general requirements and
developer covenants: '.
1. to prepare and submit for HRA and City review and approval� schematic '
. and construction plans;
2. to develop land in accord nce with objectives and requirements of this
Plan and design objective and building requirements of the agreement;
3. to commence, continue and complete contract imp�ovements within time�
, � : specified and provided fo in agreement; ' � �
.� 4, to provide such security r other guarantee of faithful performance as
the HRA shall require;
5. to� comply with all enviro ental, non-discrimination, affirmative action
and other applicable fede al and state laws and local ordinances
respecting the purchase, 'mprovements and use of the land;
-- 2 p
� , .. � ' �
� ������
6. to use the land or any impro ement thereon� only in accordance and in
conformity with the land use Plan provisions of this Plan or any duly
adopted Plan modification.
To implement this Plan� the HRA wi 1 provide for, or cause to provide for� the
following, as is necessary and app opriate:
ADMINISTR.ATION of those public pro esses and requirements deemed necessary to
support or allow development/rede lopment of property to occur in accordance
with this Plan. If applicable an advisable, the HRA will provide or cause to
Coordination of project act vity, financing and review with human
service agencies, citizen p rticipation entities, and other state,
regional and federal gove ent agencies;
Initiation of vacations, re onings, dedication of public rights-of-way,
or other public actions as ay become necessary to implement this Plan,
in accordanc�' with state an local statutes. This will be undertaken by
the HR.A or the Redeveloper.
Enforcement of building co es, design controls, site covenants, , �•
pravision� to ensure compl'ance with state and local requirements
relating to non-discrimina ion, income levels, environmental quality,
faithful performance, and ny other public objectives relating to the
purchase, development, imp ovement or use of the land;
Property exchanges. �
ADDITIONAL PLANNING for unusuall complex projects that may be generated ♦
within the Project Area. Such p ojects include, but are not limited to:
Transit and Transportatio facilities; and
Theme-oriented commercial developments.
The HRA will be the primary imp ementing agency for this long-term public
project as it has been on numer us similar efforts. It will begin with these
and other immediate steps:
. . .
. . Land marketing and Sales: ' .
,� . The HRA is continually i contact with prospective developers and
. tenants, some of whom wo ld be appropriate for and interested in a site
wi�hin the Redevelopment rea. .
Site Plan Review:
Site Plans for new build ngs will be reviewed by appropriate City
and/or HRA staff, follow ng the established zoning and site plan review
process, and the appropr ate neighborhood District Planning Councils.
-- 21
• " . , .
All building construction nd development in the Project Area will
follow standard City of Sa nt Paul processes for obtaining agpropriate
zoning, site plan, buildin permit and business licensing approvals.
Citizen Participation and Public Hearings.;
Public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council will
be held on any rezoning, a d the creation of the Tax Increment Financing
District. The District Co unity Councils and Study Area residents and
property owners should be otified of these hearings.
Concerted efforts sY,ould be made to increase the cluster's share of the market
in the core and to attract addit onsl customers. Accomplishing this should
include unified marketing effort by area businesses, improved design of
business and public facilities t promote customer comfort and safety. This
can be accomplished by addressin the following four critical areas.
1. Organization. ' Establishin cooperation among the many different groups
that can and`must work tog ther to improve the neighborhood business
district. These groups mu t work together to continuously promote and
improve the district,
2. Promotion�� Creating and rketing a positive image of the neighborhood
busines`s district to attra t new customers and investors. Promotions
should include the develop ent of special events and festivals� and the
creation of a consistent, ttractive image through graphic and media
3. Design. Enhancing the vis 1 Quality of the neighborhood business ��
district by improving the lements of the environment. Buildings�
storefronts, vacant parcel , landscaping, signs, merchandising displays
and promotional materials 11 need to be addressed.
4. Economic Diversification. The recruiting of n�w and varied store types
to provide a balanced reta 1 mix. The conversion of unused space into
offices to instill new lif in the neighborhood business district� �
_ improving competitiveness f existing merchants by identifying new or
• untapped markets.
The development activities in th's project will requize significant public
, . expenditure. • •
.� There are several financing mec nisms that can be used as appropriate to �
accomplish the ob�ectives of thi Plan. They include, but are not limited to:
Tax Increment Financing
Industrial Development Re nue Bond Loans (Taxable or Tax-Exempt)
Other Revenue Bond Loans ( axable or Tax-Exempt)
Urban Development Action G ant (UDAG) Loans '
Acquisition/Lease/Sublease '
Land Lease
-- 2
,. r � }
" Equity Participation ��/�
Development and Rental Ass stance Payments ��'�`��
Interest Rate Reduction
Neighborhood Commercial Re� l Estate Loan Program
Implementation of Statuto authority for creation of projects and
undertaking of activities here it is appropriate to use other
financing methods.
The provision of public financin by the City of Saint Paul or HRA to assist
the project under the provisions f Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 469 and 474,
other state laws, and the City C rter, ordinances and regulations will be
approved by the City Council or as a separate project Financing Plan.
A family, individual, busin ss firm, or non-profit organization required
to move from property that as been directly affected by a publicly
sponsored acquisition activ ty is eligible for relocation payments to
assist in obtaining and mov ng to a replacement dwelling or location in
accordance with the provisi ns and requirements of the Federal Uniform
Relocation Assistance Act o 1970, and of Minnesota Statute, 1984, �.
Section 117.50. In the eve t any redevelopment project does not involve
acquisi�ion for a federal o federally-assisted project, nor involve
acquisition within the mean ng of Minnesota Statute, 1984, Section
117.50, the. City elects to rovide relocation assistance for families
and tenants indirectly.
It is the intent of the Cit �to provide, relocation assistance to each '�
person to be displaced in 1 cating a suitable housing unit, or place of
business. The following se ices are provided:
(1) Eligible persons are i formed at the earliest possible date as to
the availability of re ocation payments and assistance� the
eligibility requiremen s, and procedures for obtaining such
payments. ,
(2) The extent of need of ach eligible person for relocation
assistance is determin d through direct personal interview.
(3) Current and continuing information is provided on the availability
: and prices of comparab e sales and rental housing, and of
: comparable commercial roperties and locations. •
• ' (4) Information concerning Federal and State housing programs� loans �
� and other special prog ams offering assistance is supplied to
� eligible displaced per ons.
(5) Other City, property o er, and referral services concerning
housing, financing, em loyment, training, health, welfare and
other assistance is pr vided in order to minimize hardships.
-- 23
. � . , .
(6) Assistance is provid d in completing any required applications and
(7) Services are provide to ensure that the relocation process does
not result in differ nt or separate treatment on account of race,
color, religion, nat onal origin, sex or source of income.
The relocation staff is pa t of the Department of Planning and Economic
Development (PED) . Superv sory personnel, relocation advisors, and
technical and clerical emp oyees are responsible for administering the
above policies for Federal programs, and for such other programs as the
Section 312 Rehabilitation Program and acquisitions for Ramsey and
Washington Counties. The ED relocation staff will work directly with
property owners in adminis ering the locally adopted Relocation
The land purchase and devel pment agreement will include prohibitians
against land speculation, r quire compliance with all state and local
laws in�effect from time to time, prohibit discrimination or segregation
by reasons of race, religio , color, sex, or national origin in the
sale, lease or occupancy of the property, and require that this latter
provision be made a covenan running with the land and be binding upon
the redeveloper and every s ccessor in interest to the property.
Affirmative Action/Equal Employme t Opportunity
The redevelopers must compl with provisions of Section 183.04 of the
Ssint Paul Human Rights Ord nance on Affirmative Action in employment.
Compliance covenants will b inserted in all design, purchase and
construction contracts and ubcontracts. Such covenants must include
the following language:
: The Contractor and al subcontractors agree that they will not
discriminate against y employee or applicant for employment
because of race, cree , religion, sex, nation origin or ancestry,
age, disability, mari 1 status, or status with regard to public
° • � Further, that the cont actor and all subcontractors will take
� • � affirmative action to nsure that applicants are treated during �
' employment without reg rd to race, creed, religion, sex� national
origin or ancestry� ag , disability, marital status, or status
` with regard to public ssistance.
Set-Aside Business Program - Contracting Opportunities to Set-
Aside Businesses.
The redeveloper must c mply with provisions of Chapter 81 of the
Saint Paul Purchasing rom Set-Aside Business Ordinance, which
. . �/�'�Q "��
. M .r �
sets forth a program o provide contracting and purchasing
opportunities to bus� esses certified by the City of Saint Paul as
Set-Aside Businesses.
Compliance covenants st be inserted in all bid specification
documents and agreeme s with contractors and sub-contractors for
work on this project. Such covenants will require that 2D8 or
more of the costs of c nstruction and material procurement on the
project be attributed o opportunities provided to certified Set-
Aside companies.
Set-Aside companies ar broadly defined in Saint Paul as small
. businesses, minority o female owned businesses, and businesses
owned by handicapped iidividuals.
Relocation assistance hall be provided in accordance with
provisions of Minnesot Statutes, 1984, Chapter 117� and the
Pro�ect Relocation Pla .
Vacations� Rezonings and Ded cations
Rezonings� vacations a d dedications of public rights-of-way��.as
may. become necessary, hall be accomplished by separate actions by
tfie�City Council for t e Project Area, state laws and local
ordinances, and will b i�nitiated by the HR.A or selected
Duration of Controls
. �
The provisions of this Plan respecting land uses and the
regulations and contro s with respect thereto shall be in effect
for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of approval of
this Plan by the City ouncil of the City of Saint Paul.
This Redevelopment Plan may be mod fied provided the modification shall be �
adopted by the. Housing and Redevel pment Authority or the Saint Paul City
Council in accordance with provisi ns of the Municipal Housing and
Redevelopment Act of the State of innesota, Section 469.001 through 469.047
as amended.
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VELOPMENT PLAN �� � ' \` �
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MAY 1988
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�AGE N0.
A. Introduction -- Identification of N ed 1
B. Statutory Authority and Descriptio of District 1
C. Statement of Purpose and Objective 2
D. Development Activities 3
E. Classification of Tax Increment Fi ancing District 4
F. Property in Acquisition 4
G. Estimate of Costs 4
H. Identification of the Use of Tax I crements 5
I. Limitation on Administrative Expe ses 6
J. Sources of Revenue to Finance Pub ic Cost 6 �
K. Duration of the District 8
L. Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdicti ns 8
M. Modifications 10
N. Limitation on Duration of Tax Inc ement Financing Districts 10
0. Limitation on Qualification of Pr perty in Tax Increment 11
District Not Subject to Improvem t •
P. Annual Disclosure Requirements 11
' Q. Requirement for Agreements with eveloper 12
R. Assessment Agreement 12
S. Notification of Prior Planned Im rovements . 13 �
•� •� � T. Administration of the Tax Increm nt Economic �- 13 �
�� Development District �
U. Tax Increment Financing Account or the Economic 13
Development District
V. Estimate of Amount of Bonded In ebtedness 13
W. Studies and Analyses 13
, . ����
' ' , �
The Housing and Redevelopment Author ty of the City of Saint Paul,
Minnesota, acting by the Department f Planning and Economic Development
of the City of Saint Paul has determ'ned that a need exists for a more
aggressive effort to revitalize the ity's neighborhood commercial strips.
To accomplish this goal, a new fina cing program is necessary in order to
provide low cost loans for new deve opment and business expansion in
addition to other means of public a sistance.
The underwriting system proposed fo the Saint Paul neighborhood
development fund is unique in that isks are taken and contributions are
made by several parties. The finan ing will require coordinated
underwriting efforts by the City an the investment bankers managing the
public offering. The City will ens re that with regard to each issue, the
public purpose of the program will e met by the creation or preservation
of jobs as well as expansion of the City tax base. The investment banker,
in conjunction with the City and bo d counsel, must size and group all
issues to ensure that none of the ertinent rulings of the Internal �
Revenue Service are violated, and o time the marketing of issues to
achieve the lowest net interest co t. There will be a comnon
understanding developed between PE staff and the City's investment
bankers regarding underwriting sts dards, determining which projects are
appropriate credit risks, and what minimum standards should be required
(proportion of private equity cont ibuted, previous business credit
history, and the like) .
The Saint Paul Housing and Redeve opment Authority is authorized to crea�e
a tax increment financing distric pursuant to Minnesot'e Statutes,
Sections 469.174-469.179. The ta increment districts will be
redevelopment districts, as defin d in Section 469.174, Subdivision 10, of
the Minnesota Tax Increment Finan ing Act, and will be established in
conjunction with the Redevelopmen Plan of the Saint Paul Neighborhood
Redevelopment Project area dated ecember, 1986, and amended May, 1988.
The tax increment financing distr'ct consists of 6 areas: Rice Street,
• Texaco, Unisys, East University, rom/3M, Hillcrest and Seeger Square. •.
•� The property identification nambe s of the parcels of real estate included
.� in this tax increment finaneing lan are located in Attachment A, •
•� Appendix. These parcels, along ith adjacent and abutting streets, alleys
.� and sidewalks, shall constitute he district. '
, ��r-��
�, � ,
1. Purpose
The Department of Planning and conomic `Development of the City of
Saint Paul has determined that aeed exists for a more aggressive
effort to revitalize the City's neighborhood commercial strips. To
accomplish this goal, a new fin ncing program is necessary in order to
provide low cost losns for new evelopment and business expansion, as
well as to provide for needed p blic improvements. Consequently, the
purpose of this Plan and Projec undertaken by the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority of the ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota, is:
a) to remove conditions of bl ght and deterioration by acquisition
and clearance activities a outlined in the Economic Development
Strategy section of the Ci ywide Redevelopment Plan;
b) to redevelop acquired land in accordance with the Saint Paul
Neighborhood Redevelopment Plsn;
c) to undertake and finance e Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment
Plan activities as a Rede elopment Tax Increment Financing
District; ��
d) to increase employment in the municipality;
e) to preserve and enhance t e tax base of the municipality; and
f) to satisfy the redevelopm nt strategies of the Redevelopment
Strategy section of the C tywide Redevelopment Plan.
2. Objectives
a) To undertake activities f r the elimination or the prevention of
the spread of blighted o deteriorating areas in accordance with
activities set forth in e redevelopment plan.
b) To clear acquired proper ies and to undertake site improvements
and publie improvements ecessary to the redevelopment of the
project areas for uses i accordance with the redevelopment plan.
c) To redevelop the project areas consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan and t e Capitol Area Archite.ctural and Planning � .
. � Board Comprehensive Plan through publicly assisted private
� • development activity. �-
d) To establish re-use valu tions based on commercial re-use, and to
sell acquired project si es for private redevelopment in
accordance with this Pla at economically feasible land sale
prices in order to induc and make possible private participation
in the Project developm t.
N O U���
e) To provide private develope s with information regarding zoning
land use controls and other City and Plan requirements��
information and assistance n obtaining construction and permanent
financing, and infornation nd assistance regarding construction
of site and public improvem nts and financing for measures
necessary to correct site s b-soil conditions or other
characteristics which are i ibiting normal development, all in
accordance with development agreements.
f) To finance the development osts of the Project by means of tax
increment generated by proj ct improvements and development. .
g) To finance commercial deve pment by a combination of private and
public financing under sut ority and subject to the requirements
of federal, state and loca law and ordinance for the provisions
of revenue bond financing or commerciaZ purposes.
Development and redevelopment acti ities may include:
1. Land Acquisition
To acquire as suthorized under he Housing and Redevelopment Tax �
Increment Financing Acts:
a) blighted areas and other r al property for the purpose of
removing, preventing or re ucing blight or the causes of blight;
b) open or undeveloped land b ighted by virtue of conditions which
have prevented normal deve opment by private enterprise; and
c) underused or inappropriat ly used land which may be converted to
commercial use at a reaso able cost without major clearance �
activity through privatel negotiated property'�purchases and, as
necessary, the public exe cise of eminent domain.
2. Site Preparation and Public Im rovements
To carry out:
a) demolition, removal or re abilitation of buildings and
• improvements;
.' b) activities to correct adv rse physical characteristics of the ��
•' land, inadequate access o utility service or other development
•� inhibiting conditions;
c) activities deemed necessa or desirable to remove, reduce or
prevent other blighting f ctors and causes of blight;
> > �
d) activities deemed necessazy or desirable in the sole determination
of the HRA to improve and p epare sites for development or
redevelopment for commercia and related use in accordance with
this Plan; and
e) installation, construction r reconstruction of streets, parking
facilities, utilities, psrk , playgrounds, and other public
improvements or facilities s necessary or desirable in the sole
determination of the HRA fo carrying out Plan objectives.
The City Council of the City of Sai t Paul, Minnesota, in determining the
need for a tax increment financing istrict in accordance with Minnesota
Statutes, Section 469.174-469.179 i clusive, finds that the district to be
established as a redevelopment dist ict pursuant to Minnesota Statutes
Section 469.174, Subdivision 10.
HRA intends to acquire either by n gotiation or by eminent domain certain
privately owned parcels of land in the East University Avenue pro�ect
area. These activities are necess ry to carry out development in , �
accordance with the project redeve opment plan and at a purchase price
including acquisition cost and rel cation of displaced occupants.
Fina*�cin Needs of the Rice Street ro'ect
Site assembly/preparation $5,3 6,000
Public improvements 50,000
Admin/misc/soft costs 68,000
Contingency (6$) 99 000
TOTAL $7, 53,000
. F' a cin Needs of the Texaco Pro ect
Site assembly/preparation $3, 00,000
Public improvements 1, 50,000
Admin/misc/soft costs 13 ,000
Contingency (5$) 73 000 . �
• • � TOTAL $5,736 ,000 �-
Financ'n Needs of the Unis s Pr 'ect
Site assembly/preparation $ 122,000
Public improvements 130,000
Admin/misc/soft costs 38 ,000
Contingency (5$) 13 000 ' ,
TOTAL $ 303 ,000
��/V 1 7
Financin Needs of the East U iversit Pro ect �
Site assembly/preparation $5,30 ,000
Public improvements 57 ,000
Admin/misc/soft costs 88 ,000
Contingency (S$) 29 000
TOTAL $7,05 ,000
Financin Needs of the Prom 3M Pro' ct .
Site assembly/preparation $ 15 000
Public improvements 10 ,000
Admin/misc/soft costs 2 ,000
Contingency (5$) 1 000
TOTAL $ 2 9,000
Financi Needs of the Hillcrest o'ect
Site assembly/preparation $ 1 0,000
Public improvements 6 0,000 , �
Admin/misc/soft costs 1 2,500
Contingency (5�) 7 S00
TOTAL $ 9 0;000
Finan 'n Needs of the See er S ua e Pro'ect
Site assembly/preparation $ 3 0 000
Public improvements 750,000
Admin/misc/soft costs 71,000
Contingency (5$) 57 000
TOTAL $1, 68,000
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Se tion 469.176, Subdivision 4, all
revenues derived from the tax inc ement district shall be used in
accordance with this Tax Incremen Financing Plan. The revenues shall be
• used for the following purposes: .
: 1. To pay the principal and inte est on bonds issued in aid of the � •
•� district, if any;
2. To repay any loans including nterest on these loans as authorized by
the HR.A to pay for any site a d public improvement costs;
3. To fund and replenish a debt ervice reserve for the payment of
principal and interest on bo ds used to finance a project;
: VI V�+/V�`
4. To pay for project costs and a inistrative expenses as identified in
the Project budget described i Section G above; and
5. To pay for project costs in ad ition to those identified in the
project budget, which are dete ined by the HRA to be necessary to the
accomplishment of the redevelo ent and tax increment financing plans.
The HRA will capture 100$ of the t x increment during the term of the
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec ion 469.176 Subdivision 3, as amended,
administrative expenses are limite to ten percent (10�) of the total tax
increment expenditures. "Administ ative expenses" means all expenditures
of an authority other than amounts paid for the purchase of land or
amounts paid to contractors or oth rs providing materials and services,
including architectural and engine ring services, directly connected with
the physical development of the re 1 property in the district, relocation '
benefits paid to or services provi ed for persons residing or businesses
located in the district, or amount used to pay interest on, fund a
reserve for� or sell at a discount bonds issued pursuant to Section . �
469.Z78. "Administrative expenses includes amounts paid for services
provided by bond counsel, fiscal c nsultants, and planning or economic
development consultants.
It is intended that the entire pub ic Project cost, to the extent
possible� be paid from the tax inc ement generated by the redevelopment.
In addition to such tax increment, the HRA intends to use any surplus tax
increment from the Hammond Buildin Project (Iris Park Place) , the Spruce
Tree Center Project, and the Metz akery Area Project (Capitol Office
Building) to help pay the public p oject cost. This do�es not preclude the
HR.A from using other funds, at its discretion, to pay such costs.
. Estimated Revenue
Sources of revenue to finance publi costs
Tax Increment Estimate
. , � . a) Rice Street Project �
� Total Projected Market Value — $34,975,000
Total Assessed Value at 43� Ass ssment Ratio — $15,039,250
Original Assessed Value — $ 4,259,041
Captured Assessed Value — $10,780,209
Captured Assessed Increment (12 .468) _ $ 1,352,571
��a 7�
b) Texaco Project
Total Projected Market Value — $20,000�000
Total Assessed Value at 43$ Assessment Ratio — $ 8,600,000
Original Assessed Value — $ 725,053
Captured Assessed Value = $ 7,874 947
Captured Assessed Increment (125.468) — $ 988,054
c) Unisys Pro�ect -�
Total Projected Market Value — $ 7,292,000
Total Assessed Value at 43� Asse sment Ratio — $ 3,135,560
Original Assessed Value = $ 66,306
Captured Assessed Value = $ 3,069,254
Captured Assessed Increment (125.468) — $ 385,093
d) East University Project
Total Projected Market Value — $50,192;696
Total Assessed Value at 43$ Ass ssment Ratio — $21,582,859
Original Assessed Value — $11,529,224 �
Captured Assessed Valuation = $10,053,635
Captured Assessed Increment (12 .468 mills) — $ 1,261,410
e) Pram/3M Project
Total Projected Market Value — $ 9,000,000
Total Assessed Value at 43$ Ass ssment Ratio — $ 3,870,000
Original Assessed Value — $ 939,927
Captured Assessed Valuation — $ 2,930,073
Captured Assessed Increment (12 .468 mills) — $ 367,631
f) Hillcrest Project '
Total Projected Market Value — $ 9,300,000
Total Assessed Value at 43$ As essment Ratio — $ 3,999,000
Original Assessed Value — $ 2,657,017
Captured Assessed Valuation — $ 1,341,983
Captured Assessed Increment (1 5.468 mills) — $ 168,376
. ' g) Seeger Square Project �.
. • Total Projected Market Value — $11,600,000 �
' . Total Assessed Value at 43$ As essment Ratio — $ 4,988,000
' Original Assessed Value — $ 743,057
Captured Assessed Valuation — $ 4,244,943
Captured Assessed Increment ( 25.468 mills) — $ 532,605
The increment resulting from the bove captured value described in clauses
(a)-(g) will be used in the follo •ing categories in order:
1. To pay principal and interest on bonds to finance project;
�4a �
2. To fund and replenish debt se ice account for bonds issued to finance
pro,j ect;
3. To finance or othen:ise pay f' ancing and public development costs of
the project pursuant to '!'nnes ta Statutes, Chapter 462;
4. To pay administrative expenses of the HRA related to the project; and
5. To return to County of Rsmsey or distribution to impacted taxing
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec ion 469.176, Subdivision 1, the maximum
duration of a tax increment redeve opment district is 25 years from the
date of receipt of the first incre ent by the authority. It is estimated
that the HR.A could collect tax inc ements on the district through the year
2014. �
The overlapping jurisdictions upon hose assessed valuation this tax �
increment financing plan could have an impact are:
- Independent School District No. 6 5, whose boundaries are coterminous
with those of the City of Saint P ul.
- Ccunty of Ramsey, to whose assess d total valuation the City of Saint
Paul contributes about 53�. �
- Housing and Redevelopment Authori y of the City of Saint Paul, which is
the requesting authority. The may be considered as being identical
with the City of Saint Paul for p rposes of this analysis.
- Port Authority of the City of Sai t Paul, whose powers of levy and use
of property tax revenue is limite . For this snalysis, they may be
.- treated the same as the City of S int Paul.
- Metropolitan authorities -- such the Metropolitan Council,
Metropolitan Airport Commission, M tropolitan Transit Commission,
Metropolitan Waste Control Commiss'on, and Metropolitan Mosquito Control
District. Of these metropolitan a thorities, only the Metropolitan ��
. . ,� � Council, Metropolitan Transit Comm ssion and Metropolitan Mosquito
. Control District levy on real esta e. " ��..
Of these overlapping taxing suthorit es, the only two which could be
affected more than nominally by this tax increment financing plan would be
Independent School District 2�0. 625 nd the County of Ramsey.
Assuming captured assessed v�lue at uild-out of $40,295,044, in
accordance with Section K hereof, an a constant 1987 mill rate of 125.4b8�
mills, the district will generate an annual tax increment of $5,055,739.
The percentage of this increment con ributed by the various taxing
. �-�-��
. . . �
jurisdictions, if the development ad occurred without public .
intervention, is shown below.
ble 1
Percent of Tax Increment
Attributable to Taxing Jurisdictions
Current Annual Tax
Taxin� Jurisdiction Mills Percent Increment
City of Saint Paul 36.850 29.4 $1,486,387 ��
School District #625 50.899 40.5 2,047,574
Ramsey County 32.225 25.7 1,299,325
Other 5.494 4.4 222.453
125.46� 100.0 $5,055,739
The following table represents the additional mills that would have to be
levied to compensate for the loss of tax dollars in estimated tax
increments and excess tax increme ts for each taxing jurisdiction. The
tax increments derived from the P oject included in the tax increment
district would not be available to any of the taxing jurisdictions were it .
not for public intervention by the City. Although the increases in • �
assessed value due to development ill not be available for the
application of the mill levy for e duration of the tax increment
financing district, this new assessed value could eventually permit a mill
levy decrease. If it could be ass ed that the captured assessed value
was available for each taxing jur'sdiction the non-receipt of tax dollars
represented as tax increments may e determined. This determination is
facilitated by estimating how muc the mill levy for property outside of
the tax increment financing distr'ct would have to be increased to raise
the same amount of tax dollars in each taxing jurisdiction that would be
available if the projects occurre without the assistance of the City.
Ta le 2
Impact on Taxing Jurisdictions if Development Could Occur Without
Public ssistance)
Adjusted 1986 Required Annual
Taxin� Jurisdictions Assessed Value Mills Tax Increment
� ' City of Saint Paul $1,781,5 5,372 0.834 $1,486,387 •
. School District #625 $1,781,5 5,372 1.149 $2,047,574 •
. ' Ramsey County $3,378,9 4,041 0.385 $1,299,325 �
' * District A sessed Value Subtracted
Table 2 is relevant only if one a sumes the development would have
occurred without the existence of the district and the development
program. If this assumption is i correct, and the Authority believes it
is, then the only real impact on he assessed values of the other taxing
jurisdictions is:
� , �
1. Any inflationary values from t�e district which have been attributable
to the tax base of these taxi jurisdictions will be lost during the
duration of the district; and
2. Upon termination of the district, all taxing jurisdictions will
benefit from the entire then- rrent assessed values.
In accordance with Minnesota Stat tes Section 469.175, Subdivision 4, a
tax increment financing plan may e modified by an suthority, provided
that any reduction or enlar ement of geographic area of the project or tax
increment financing dis�rict, inc ease in amount of bonded indebtedness to
be incurred, including a determin tion to capitalize interest on the debt
if that determination was not a p rt of the original plan, or to increase
or decrease the amount of interes on the debt to be capitalized, increase
in the portion of the captured as essed value to be retained by the
suthority, increase in total esti ated tax increment expenditures or
desiQnation of additional propert to be acquired by the authority shall
be approved upon the notice and a ter the discussion, public hearing and
findings required for approval of the original plan; provided that if an
authority changes the type of dis rict from housing, redevelopment or ,
economic development to another t e of district, this change shall not be �'
considered a modification but sha 1 require the suthority to follow the
procedure set forth in Sections 4 9.174-469.179 for adoption of a new
plan, including certification of he assessed valuation of the district by
the county auditor. If a redevel pment district is enlarged, the reasons
and supporting facts for the dete ination that the addition to the
dist�ict meets the criteria of se tion 469.174, subdivision 10, paragraph
(a) , clauses (1) to (5) , must be ocumented. The requirements of this
paragraph do not apply if (1) the only modification is elimination of
parcels from the project or distr ct and (2) (A) the current assessed value
of the parcels eliminated from th district equals or exceeds the assessed
value of those parcels in the dis rict's original assessed value or (B)
the authority agrees that, notwit standing section 469.'177, subdivision 1,
the original assessed value will e reduced by no more than the current
assessed value of the parcels eli inated from the district. The authority
- must notify the county auditor of any modification that reduces or
enlarges the geographic area of a district or a project area.
The geographic area of a tax incr ment financing district may be reduced,
but shall not be enlarged after ive years following the date of
certification of the original ass ssed value by the county suditor or five �.
. . � years from August 1, 1979, for t • increment financing districts
' . ' authorized prior to August 1, 1979. • �..
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes S ction 469.176, Subdivision 1, "no tax
increment shall be paid to an au ority three years from the date of
certification by the County Audi or unless within the three-year period
(a) bonds have been issued pursu nt to Section 7 or in aid of a project �
pursuant to any other law, excep revenue bonds issued pursuant to Chapter
474, prior to the effective date of the Act; or (b) the authority has
. � � ���
acquired property within the distr'ct; or (c) the suthority has:
constructed or caused to be constr cted public improvements within the
district. . ." The Housing and Rede elopment Authority must therefore issue
bonds, or acquire property, or con truct or cause public improvements to
be constructed by 1991 or the Offi e of the County Auditor may dissolve
the tax increment district.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec ion 469.176, Subdivision 6, if, after�
four years from the date of certif cation of the original assessed value
of the tax increment financing dis rict pursuant to Section 469.177, no
demolition, rehabilitation, constr ction or renovation of property or
other site preparation, including mprovement of a street adjacent to a
parcel but not installation of uti ity service including sewer or water
systems, has been commenced on a p rcel located within a tax increment
financing district by the suthorit or by the owner of the parcel in
accordance with the tax incremer.t inancing plan, no additional tax
increment may be taken from that p rcel, and the original assessed value
of that parcel shall be excluded f om the original assessed value of the
tax increment financing district. If the suthority or the owner of the
parcel subsequently commences demo ition, rehabilitation or renovation or
other site preparation on that par el including improvement of a street
adjacent to that parcel, in accord nce with the tax increment financing
plan, the authority shall certify o the county auditor that the activity
has commenced, and the county audi or shall certify the assessed value
thereof as most recently certified by the commissioner of revenue and add
it to the original assessed value f the tax increment financing district.
For purposes of this subdivision " arcel" means a tract or plat of land
established prior to the certifica ion of the district as a single unit
for purposes of assessment.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Se tion 469.175, Subdivision S, a city
must file an annual disclosure rep rt for all tax increment financing
districts. The report shall be fi ed with the school board, county board
and the Minnesota Department of Tr de and Economic Development. The
report to be filed by the City Adm nistrator as district administrator
shall include the following inform tion:
. ' 1. The amount and source of reven e in the account; ��
. � 2. The amount and purpose of expe ditures from the account; �
' 3. The amount of any pledge of re enues, including principal and interest
on any outstanding bonded inde tedness;
4. The original assessed value of the district;
5. The captured assessed value re ained by the authority;
6. The captured assessed value sh red with other taxing districts; and
. ����
. � �
7. The tax increment received.
The annual disclosure report is des gned to'be a two-way medium of
information dissemination for both he Office of the County Auditor and
the City. Should the auditor want dditional information from the
authority regarding its tax increme t financing activities, such
information should be requested pri r to submission of the annual
disclosure report by the authority. Similarly, the authority may utilize
the annual disclosure report as a m ans for requesting information from
the Office of the County Auditor.
Additionally, the suthority must an ually publish a statement in a
newspaper of general circulation i the municipality showing the tax
increment received and expended in hat year, the original assessed value,
the captured assessed value, amoun of outstanding bonded indebtedness and
any additional information the aut ority deems necessary.
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec ion 469.176, Subdivision 5, no more
than 25 percent, by acreage, of th property to be acquired within a
project which contains a redevelop ent district, or ten percent, by �
acreage, of the property to be acq ired within a project which contains a
housing or economic development di trict, as set forth in the tax
increment financing plan, shall at any time be owned by an authority as a
result of acquisition with the pro eeds of bonds issued pursuant to
Section 469.178 without the author ty having prior to acquisition in
excess of the percentages conclude an agreement for the development or
redevelopment of the property acqu red and which provides recourse for the
authority should the development o redevelopment not be completed.
The agreements are only required i property is to be acquired with bond
.� Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sec ion 469.177, Subdivision 8, the City
may, upon entering into a developm nt agreement pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes Section 469.177, Subdivis'on 8, enter into an agreement in
recordable form with the developer of property within the tax increment
financing district which establis s a minimum market value of the land
and completed improvements for the duration of the tax increment .
. . � redevelopment district. The assessment agreement shall be presented to
' . ' the county assessor who shall rev'ew the plans and specifications for the ..
' improvements constructed, review e market value previously assigned to
the land upon which the improveme ts are to be constructed and so long as
the minimum market value containe in �he assessment agreement appears in
the judgment of the assessor, to e a reasonable estimate, the assessor
may certify the minimum market va ue agreement.
. . �V - /�
Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Se tion 469.177, Subdivision 4, the
authority shall, after due and di igent search, accompany its request for
certification to the county �udit r pursuant to Subdivision 1, or its
notice of district enlargement pu suant to Section 469.175, Subdivision 4,
with a listing of all properties ithin the tax increment financing
district or area of enlargement f r which building permits have been
issued during the 18 months immed'ately preceding approval of the tax
increment financing plan by the m nicipality pursuant to Section 469.175,
Subdivision 3. The county audito shall increase the original assessed -�
value of the district by the asse sed valuation of each improvement for
which a building permit was issue .
Administration of the tax increme t redevelopment district will be handled
by the Housing and Redevelopment thority through the Department of
Planning and Economic Development.
The tax increment received as a re ult of increases in the assessed value
of the tax increment redevelopment district parcels will be maintained in
the existing tax increment account by the City Treasurer. The tax
increment account will be separate from all other municipal development
district accounts and grant accou s and expended only upon sanctioned
redevelopment activities iden�ifie in the finance plan as amended.
The City may finance public improv ments and/or site assembly and
preparation in the designated tax 'ncrement district areas by sale of tax
increment bonds. Increment revenu s may be used to furid a debt service
reserve and to pay the costs of an suthorized credit enhancements needed
to market the bonds. This does no preclude the HRA or City from
borrowing funds to meet project co ts. Such borrowing may be repaid from
Tax Increment proceeds.
. • The Department of Planning and Eco omic Development of the City of Saint '.
' Paul has studied each of the desi ated tax increment district areas and .
- conducted pro forma analyses which indicate that the proposed development
• or redevelopment would not reasona ly be expected to occur solely through
� private investment within the reas nably foreseeable future and therefore
the use of tax increment financing is deemed necessary.
. �i�"d0 'a'T}v
142823130001 0 unassigned
142fi23230015 1700 Stewart Avenue
142823240001 1700 Stewart Avenue
142823240002 1700 Stewart Avenue
212823140022 0 Shepard Road
232922220044 0 Van Dyke Street
232922220045 1670 White Bear Avenue North
232922220046 1670 White Bear Avenue North
23292222004; 1656 White Bear Avenue North
232922220048 1622 White Bear Avenue North
232922220049 1604 White Bear Avenue North
232922220050 1590 White Bear Avenue North
232922220051 1570 White Bear Avenue North
232922220052 1560 White Bear Avenue North
232922230021 1546 White Bear Avenue North
252923140093 987 Rice Street
252923140094 985 Rice Street
252923140095 977 Rice Street
252923140096 973 Rice Street
252923140097 969 Rice Street
252923140098 965 Rice Street
252923140099 961 Rice Street
252923410001 957 Rice Street
252923410002 951 Rice Street � �
252923410003 0 Rice Street
252923410004 943 Rice Street
252923410005 941 Rice Street
252923410006 939 Rice Street
252923410007 931 Rice Street
252923410008 �25 Rice Street
252923410086 919 Rice Street �
252923410087 915 Rice Street
252923410088 913 Rice Street
252923410090 899 Rice Street
252923410091 895 Rice Street
252923410092 889 Rice Street •
252923410093 881 Rice Street
252923410132 879 Rice Street
252923410133 0 Rice Street
252923410134 873 Rice Street
252923410139 855 Rice Street
252923410140 849 Rice Street
252923410141 0 Rice Street
252923410142 843 Rice Street • �.
, 25292341�0231 911 Rice Street
' 252923410240 863 Rice Street - ��
�252923440001 825 Rice Street
252923440002 801 Rice Street
252923440003 789 Rice Street
252923440004 165 Sycamore Street West
282922320154 827 Forest Street
282922320155 850 Arcade Street
282922320156 878 York Avenue � .
282922320157 819 Wells Street
282922320158 867 Forest Street
282922320159 0 Unassigned
292922410109 899 Arcade Street
292922410110 895 �Arcade Street
292922410111 891 'Arcade Street
292922410112 0 Arcade Street
_302922320004 954 Rice Street �'oo �" '
302922320005 940 Rice Street � �
302922320043 934 Rice Street
302922320044 924 Rice Street ,
302922320045 91b Rice Street �
302922320078 904 Rice Street
302922320079 135 Manitoba Avenue
302922320112 896 Rice Street
302922320113 890 Rice Street
302922320114 888 Rice Street
302922320115 880 Rice Street
302922320116 876 Rice Street
302922320117 870 Rice Street
302922320164 864 Rice Street �
302922320165 854 Rice Street
302922320166 852 Rice Street
302922320167 842 Rice Street
302922330001 0 Rice Street
302922330002 834 Rice Street
302922330003 0 Rice Street
302922330004 0 Rice Street
302922330005 820 Rice Street �
302922330006 0 Rice Street
302922330007 812 Rice Street
302922330008 808 Rice Street
302922330075 796 Rice Street �
302922330076 794 Rice Street
302922330077 792 Rice Street
302922330078 0 Rice Street
302922330079 782 Rice Street
302922330080 129 Sycamore Street West
302922330130 780 Rice Street
302922330131 768 Rice Street �
302922330132 754 Rice Street
302922330133 0 Rice Street
302922330134 0 Rice Street
302922330135 0 Rice Street
302922330136 0 Unassigried •
302922330137 0 Unassigned
302922330138 0 Sycamore Street West
302922330139 0 Unassigned
302922330140 122 Sycamore Street West
302922330141 0 Unassigned
302922330142 777 Park Street
302922330143 771 Park Street
30292233C145 765 Park Street
302922330146 763 Park Street
3029"22330147 759 Park Street •
302922330148 757 Park Street
30�922330149 755 Park Street
302922330150 107 Acker Street West
302922330151 111 Acker Street West
302922330155 0 Unassigned
302922330156 0 Unassigned .
302922330157 0 Unassigned
302922330158 0 Unassigned
302922330159 780 Park Street
302922330160 0 Unassigned
302922330161 770 Park Street
302922330162 756 Fark Street .
302922330163 77 Acker Street West
302>22330164 71 Acker Street West
.302922330181 ��i��
761 Sylvan Street ,
302922330184 0 Unassigned
302922330185 0 Unassigned
302922330186 0 Unassigned .
302922330187 0 Unassigned
302922330188 748 Rice Street
302922330189 748 Rice Street
302922330190 748 Rice Street
302922330191 740 Rice Street
302922330192 128 Acker Street West
302922330190 771 Park Street
302922330199 0 Acker Street West
302922330201 0 Unassigned
302922330202 759 Sylvan Street
302922330203 0 Acker Street West
302922330204 115 Acker Street West
302922340001 761 Lightner Place
302922340002 773 Lightner Place
302922340003 10 Sycamore Street West
302922340004 22 Sycamore Street West
302922340005 24 Sycamore Street West
302922340006 26 Sycamore Street West
302922340007 0 Sycamore Street West
302922340008 30 Sycamore Street West
302922340009 760 Sylvan Street
302922340010 29 Acker Street West �
302922340011 27 Acker Street West
302922.s40012 23 Acker Street West �3
302922340013 21 Acker Street West
302922340014 17 Acker Street West
302922340015 15 Acker Street West
302922340016 9 Acker Street West
302922�40017 755 Jackson Street � �
302922340018 765 Jackson Street
302922340019 0 Jackson Street
302922340020 0 Jackson Street
302922340021 38 Sycamore Street East
302922340022 34 Sycamore Street East �'
302922340023 24 Sycamore Street East
302922340024 20 Sycamore Street East
302922340025 16 Sycamore Street East
302922340026 0 Lightner
302922340027 764 Lightner Place
302922340028 762 Lightner Place
302922340029 3 Acker Street East
302922340030 11 Acker Street East •
. 3Q2922340Q31 0 Sloan Street �
302922340032 0 Sloan Street -
�302922340033 33 Acker Street East
302922340034 0 Sloan Street
302922340035 765 Cortland Place
302922340036 773 Cortland Place
302922340037 775 Cortland Place
302922340038 86 Sycamore Street East
302922340039 80 Sycamore Street East � .
302922340040 78 Sycamore Street East
302922340041 76 Sycamore Street East
302922340042 72 Sycamore Street East
302922340043 780 Jackson Street
302922340044 772 �Jackson Street
302922340045 766'Jackson Street
302922340046 764 Jackson Street
/ '/4.������
.302922340063 14 Acker Street West �"
302922340064 0 Lightner Place
302922340065 0 Lightner Place
302922340066 0 Benton Way .
302922340067 0 Lightner Place �
302922340068 0 Lightner Place
302922340069 12 Acker Street West
302922340070 16 Acker Street West
302922340071 18 Acker Street West
302922340072 20 Acker Street West
302922340073 26 Acker Street West
302922340074 30 Acker Street West
302922340075 0 Sylvan Street
302922340076 0 Lightner Place .
302922340078 14 Sycamore Street West
302922340079 4 Acker Street East
312922220003 0 Blair Avenue
312922220004 117 Blair Avenue
312922220005 121 Blair Avenue
312922220017 0 Rice Street
312922220018 118 Blair Avenue
312922220019 116 Blair Avenue �
312922220020 114 Blair Avenue
312922220021 0 Pennsylvania Avenue West
312922220022 0 Park Street
312922220023 0 Park Street '
312922220024 � 0 Park Street
312922220025 0 Park Street
312922220065 615 Park Street
312922220068 595 Park Street
312922220070 606 Park Street
312922220072 82 Winter Street
312922220086 0 NA �
312922220087 0
312922220090 0
342923410038 1204 University Avenue W
342923410039 1210 University Avenue W
342923410047 0 Griggs Street North '
342923410049 451 Dunlap Street North
342923410050 0 Griggs Street North
342923410051 1190 University Ave W
342923410052 1190 University Ave W
352923130179 507 Avon St N
352923130180 804 Sherburne Avenue
352923130181 810 Sherburne Avenue
35292313Q182 814 Sherburne Avenue �
352923130183 818 Sherburne Avenue
352923130184 822 Sherburne Avenue •
352923130185 826 Sherburne Avenue
352923130186 830 Sherburne Avenue
352923130187 832 5herburne Avenue
352923130188 838 Sherburne Avenue
352923130189 842 Sherburne Avenue
352923130190 846 Sherburne
352923130191 850 Sherburne Avenue
352923130192 852 Sherburne Avenue
352923130193 856 Sherburne Avenue
352923130194 859 University Avenue W
352923130195 839 University Avenue W
352°23130196 833 University Avenue W .
352923130197 0 University Avenue W �
352923130198 825 University Avenue W
•352923130215 794 Sherburne Avenue
�'�'0 7��
352923130216 798 Sherburne Avenue � �
352923130217 799 University Avenue W
352923130218 0 University Avenue W .
352923130219 739 University Avenue
352923130220 785 University Avenue W
352923130221 783 University Avenue W
352923130222 777 University Avenue W
352923130223 773 University Avenue W
352923130224 771 University Avenue W
352923130225 767 University Avenue W
352923130226 759 University Avenue W
352923130227 755 University Avenue W
352923130228 749 University Avenue W
352923130229 741 University Avenue W
352923140182 507 St Albans St N
352923140183 686 Sherburne Avenue
352923140154 688 Sherburne Avenue
352923140185 694 Sherburne Avenue
352923140186 698 Sherburne Avenue
352923140187 700 Sherburne Avenue
352923140183 706 Sherburne Avenue
352923140189 710 Sherburne Avenue
352923140190 714 Sherburne Avenue
352°23140191 718 Sherburne Avenue
352923140192 722 Sherburne Avenue �
352923140193 726 Sherburne Avenue
352923140194 730 Sherburne Avenue
352923140195 S00 Grotto St N
352923140196 739 University Avenue West
352923140197 0 University Avenue West
352923140198 0 University Avenue West
352923�40199 709 University Avenue West
352923140200 703 University Avenue West
352923140201 0 University Avenue West
352923140202 0 University Avenue West
352923140203 0 University Avenue West
352923140204 691 University Avenue West '
352923140205 681 University Avenue West
352923140206 507 Dale Street North
352923140207 501 Dale Street North
352923140208 628 Sherburne Avenue
352923140209 632 Sherburne Avenue
352923140210 636 Sherburne Avenue
352923140211 642 Sherburne Avenue
352923140212 648 Sherburne Avenue � .
. 3529231�0213 650 Sherburne Avenue
' :352923140214 652 Sherburne Avenue • ��
' 352923140215 0 Sherburne Avenue
352923140216 666 Sherburne Avenue
352923140217 674 Sherburne Avenue
352923140218 678 Sherburne Avenue
352923140219 0 University Avenue West
352923140220 663 University Avenue West
352923140221 653 University Avenue West � .
352923140222 651 University Avenue West
352923140223 647 University Avenue West
352923140224 643 University Avenue West
352923140225 639 University Avenue West
352923140226 633�University Avenue West
352923140227 631�University Avenue West
352923140228 625 University Avenue West
352923410026 695 Aurora Avenue ��'��"
352923410017 699 Aurora Avenue
352923410018 703 Aurora Avenue
352923410019 705 Aurora Avenue
352923410020 711 Aurora Avenue
352923410021 713 Aurora Avenue
352923410022 719 Aurora Avenue
352923410023 721 Aurora Avenue
352923410024 729 Aurora Avenue
352923410025 731 Aurora Avenue
352923410026 733 Aurora Avenue
352923410027 458 Grotto Street North
352923410028 650 University Avenue West
352923410029 0 University Avenue West �
352923410030 0 University Avenue West
352923410031 640 University Avenue West
352923410032 634 University Avenue West
352923410033 626 University Avenue West
352923410034 620 University Avenue West
352923410035 623 Aurora Avenue
352923410036 625 Aurora Avenue .
352923410037 631 Aurora Avenue
352923410038 635 Aurora Avenue
352923410039 639 Aurora Avenue
352923410040 643 Aurora Avenue
352923410041 0 Aurora Avenue � �
352923410042 649 Aurora Avenue
352°23410043 653 Aurora Avenue
352923410044 659 Aurora Avenue
352923410045 663 Aurora Avenue
352923410046 667 Aurora Avenue
352923410047 671 Aurora Avenue
352923410048 675 Aurora Avenue �
352923410049 677 Aurora Avenue
352923410199 654 University Avenue West
352923410200 666 University Avenue West
352923410201 672 University Avenue West ,
352923410202 678 University Avenue West '
352923420001 800 University Avenue West
352923420002 804 University Avenue West
352923420003 812 University Avenue West
352923420004 814 University Avenue West
352923420005 818 University Avenue West
352923420006 822 University Avenue West
352923420007 826 University Avenue West
352923426008 830 University Avenue West �.
352923�20009 834 University Avenue West •
352923420010 838 University Avenue West � '
352923420011 842 University Avenue West
352923420012 846 University Avenue West
352923420013 850 University Avenue West
352923420014 854 University Avenue West
352923420015 856 University Avenue West .
352923420016 859 Aurora Avenue �
352923420017 855 Aurora Avenue
352923420018 851 Aurora Avenue
352923420019 847 Aurora Avenue
352923420020 843 Aurora Avenue
352923420021 839 Aurora Avenue
352923420022 835 Aurora Avenue •
352923420023 831 Aurora Avenue �
352923420024 827 Aurora Avenue _
352923420041 786 University Avenue West ��v 0� ��� ..
"s52923420042 0 University Avenue West
352923420043 797 Aurora Avenue
352923420044 795 Aurora Avenue �
352923420045 791 Aurora Avenue
352923420046 787 Aurora Avenue
352923420047 783 Aurora Avenue
352923420048 779 Aurora Avenue
352923420049 773 Aurora Avenue
352923420050 771 Aurora Avenue
35292342005i 767 Aurora Avenue
352923420052 763 Aurora Avenue
352923420053 759 Aurora Avenue
352923420054 755 Aurora Avenue
352923420055 749 Aurora Avenue
352923420056 747 Aurora Avenue
352923420057 741 Aurora Avenue
362923130163 262 Sherburne Avenue
362923130164 266 Sherburne Avenue
362923130165 270 Sherburne Avenue
362923130166 276 Sherburne Avenue
362923130167 282 Sherburne Avenue
362923130168 284 Sherburne Avenue
362923130169 290 Sherburne Avenue
362923130170 294 Sherburne Avenue
362923130171 298 Sherburne Avenue �
362923130172 498 Virginia Street
362923130173 308 Sherburne Avenue
362923130174 494 Virginia Street
362923130175 310 Sherburne Avenue
362923130176 492 Virginia Street
362923130177 496 Farrington Street
362923230178 345 University Avenue West �
362923130179 315 University Avenue West
362923130180 341 University Avenue West
362923130181 333 University Avenue West
362923130182 301 University Avenue West
362923130183 507 Virginia Street �
362923130184 301 University Avenue West
362923130185 503 Virginia Street
36292-3130186 497 Virginia Street
362923130187 0 University Avenue West
362923130188 360 Sherburne Avenue
362923130189 291 University Avenue West
362923130190 362 Sherburne Avenue
362923130191 277 University Avenue West •. �.
. 362923130292 364 .Sherburne Avenue
3�2923130193 368 Sherburne Avenue • ��
' 362923130194 271 University Avenue k'est
362923130195 372 Sherburne Avenue
362923130196 263 University Avenue West
362923130197 500 Western Avenue horth
362923130198 259 University Avenue West
362923130199 377 University Avenue West
362923130200 255 University Avenue West � •
362923130201 365 University Avenue West
3629231302U2 353 University Avenue West
362923130203 505 Farrington Street
362923130204 330 Sherburne Avenue
362923130205 332�Sherburne Avenue
362923130206 336�Sherburne Avenue
362923130207 342 Sherburne Avenue
36292�140095 200 Sherburne Avenue �Ga��C . ,
362923140096 208 Sherburne Avenue
362923140097 216 Sherburne Avenue
362923140098 215 University Avenue West •
362923140099 0 Marion Street '
362923140100 0 Marion Street
362923140101 0 Marion Street
362923140102 0 University Avenue West
362923140103 0 University Avenue West
362923140104 0 University Avenue
362923140105 183 University Avenue West
362923140106 181 University Avenue West
362923140107 171 University Avenue West
362923140108 0 Sherburne Avenue �-
362923140109 225 University Avenue West
362923140110 250 Sherburne Avenue
362923140111 253 University Avenue West
362923140116 256 Sherburne Avenue
362923230094 500 Sherburne Avenue
362923230095 499 Mackunbin Street
362923230096 497 Mackunbin Street
362923230097 506 Sherburne Avenue
362923230098 508 Sherburne Avenue
362923230099 514 Sherburne Avenue
362923230100 518 Sherburne Avenue
362923230101 522 Sherburne Avenue '
362923230102 526 Sherburne Avenue
362923230103 528 Sherburne Avenue
362923230104 532 Sherburne Avenue
362923230105 536 Sherburne Avenue
362923230106 538 Sherburne Avenue
362923230107 540 Sherburne Avenue
362923230108 544 Sherburne Avenue �
362923230109 550 Sherburne Avenue
362923230110 554 Sherburne
362923230111 558 Sherburne Avenue
362923230114 545 University Avenue West
362923230115 519 University Avenue West •
362923230116 509 University Avenue West
362923230117 505 University Avenue West
362923230118 501 University Avenue West
362923230220 562 Sherburne Avenue
362923230221 501 Kent Street
362923230222 566 Sherburne Avenue
362923230�23 568 Sherburne Avenue
36292323U224 574 Sherburne Avenue �
362923230225 578 Sherburne Avenue
362923230226 582 Sherburne Avenue •
362923230227 586 Sherburne Avenue
362923230228 590 Sherburne Avenue
362923230229 594 Sherburne Avenue
362923230230 596 Sherburne Avenue
362923230231 0 Sherburne Avenue
362923230232 608 Sherburne Avenue
362923230233 612 Sherburne Avenue
362923230234 0 Sherburne Avenue
362923230235 0 Sherburne Avenue
362923230236 619 University Avenue West
362923230237 615 University Avenue West
362923230238 609 University Avenue West .
362923230239 0 University Avenue West
362923230240 601 University Avenue West
�36292�3240090 414 Sherburne Avenue
C�' �v��
. . r
�62923240091 416 Sherburne Avenue
362923240092 418 Sherburne Avenue
362923240093 424 Sherburne Avenue .
362923240094 428 Sherburne Avenue
362923240095 432 Sherburne Avenue
362923240096 436 Sherburne Avenue
362923240097 498 Arundel Street
362923240098 437 University Avenue West
362923240099 431 University Avenue West
36292324010� 425 University Avenue West
362923240101 421 University Avenue West
362923240102 417 University Avenue West
362923240103 411 University Avenue West
362923240104 0 Sherburne Avenue
362923240105 405 University Avenue West
362923240106 399 University Avenue West
362923240107 397 University Avenue West
362923240108 393 University Avenue West
362923240109 389 University Avenue West
362923240110 385 University Avenue West
362923240111 381 University Avenue West
362923240204 442 Sherburne Avenue
362923240205 446 Sherburne Avenue
362923240206 448 Sherburne Avenue
362923240207 454 Sherburne Avenue �
362923240208 458 Sherburne Avenue
362923240209 462 Sherburne Avenue
362923240210 468 Sherburne Avenue
362923240211 472 Sherburne Avenue
362923240212 474 Sherburne Avenue
362923240213 �+76 Sherburne Avenue
362923240214 491 University Avenue West
362923240215 475 University Avenue West
362923240216 465 University Avenue
362923240217 461 University Avenue West
362923240218 455 University Avenue
362923240219 445 University Avenue West '
362923240220 441 University Avenue West
362923310001 380 University Avenue West
362923310002 392 University Avenue West
362923310003 402 University Avenue West
362923310004 406 University Avenue West
362923310005 408 University Avenue West
362923310006 416 University Avenue West
362923310007 422 University Avenue West • �.
, 362923310008 410 University Avenue West �
' 362923310009 432 University Avenue West •
� 362923310010 438 University Avenue West
362923310011 0 Aurora Avenue
362923310012 0 Aurora Avenue '
362923310013 425 Aurora Avenue
362923310014 421 Aurora Avenue
362923310015 415 Aurora Avenue
362923310016 413 Aurora Avenue ' .
362923310017 409 Aurora Avenue
362923310018 405 Aurora Avenue
362923310024 383 Aurora Avenue
362923310025 0 Aurora Avenue
362923310026 O�Aurora Avenue
362923310027 440'University Avenue West
362923310028 446 University Avenue West
36292�310106 0 Aurora Avenue � ��'° `z
�362923320001 S00 University Avenue West
� � .
362923320002 520 University Avenue West
362923320003 0 Unassigned
362923320004 465 Mackubin Street �
362923320005 600 University Avenue West
362923320006 612 University Avenue West
362923320007 0 Dale Street North
362923320008 585 Fuller Avenue
362923410001 471 Marion Street
362923410002 261 Aurora Avenue
362923410003 251 Aurora Avenue
362923410004 247 Aurora Avenue
362923410006 239 Aurora Avenue
362923410007 233 Aurora Avenue
362923410008 231 Aurora Avenue
362923410009 0 Aurora Avenue
362923410010 474 Marion Street
362923410011 200 University Avenue West
362923410012 182 University Avenue West
362923410013 0 Aurora Avenue
362923410014 0 unassigned ' �
362923410015 166 University Avenue West "
362923410016 0 Aurora Avenue
362923410017 166 University Avenue West
362923410018 0 University Avenue West �
362923410019 154 University Avenue West '
362°234?0020 152 University Avenue West
362923410021 475 Rice Street
362923410022 477 Rice Sr_reet
362923410023 0 Rice Street
362923410024 461 Rice Street
362923410025 455 Rice Street
362923410026 0 unassigned
362923410027 155 Aurora Avenue
362923410028 175 Aurora Avenue
362923410029 205 Aurora Avenue
362923410050 241 Aurora Avenue .
362923410051 243 Aurora Avenue
3b2923420012 344 University Avenue West
362923420013 320 University Avenue West
362923420014 319 Aurora Avenue
362923420015 325 Aurora Avenue
362923420016 329 Aurora Avenue
362923420017 331 Aurora Avenue
36292342Gb18 335 Aurora Avenue .
362923420019 339 Aurora Avenue '
362923420020 310 University Avenue West � '.
362923420021 0 University Avenue West
362923420022 302 University Avenue West .
362923420023 298 University Avenue West
362923420024 296 University Avenue West
362923420025 292 University Avenue West
362923420026 290 University Avenue West �
362923420027 288 University Avenue West �.
362923420028 286 University Avenue West
362923420029 280 University Avenue West
362923420030 0 University Avenue West
3b2923420031 272 University Avenue West
362923420032 270 University Avenue West
362923420033 262 University Avenue West �
362923420034 263 Aurora Avenue
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PROPOSED �'��, ��' I : �' '�` �
�,� �
; � ' � ` . .
; ,� ��� ,�`��.�...
SAINT P�4UL NEIGHBORHOOD �,,,�,\�.�: ` _� �::.,,�._. -
� � �
TAX INCREMENT ���:`�., � � �;, ��- �
,: � .,u �.�
FINANCING PLAN ������t � �,�;,_ �� �
� � �.
� ���V`� 1 1
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�_ � '���'
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The exterior condition of each buil ing within the district was surveyed by
two HRA professional staff who were trained by an HRA staff engineer. Each
building was rated using the forms hown in Attachment 1 and the criteria
listed in Appendix A. Each buildin element was inspected, compared to the
rating criteria for that element in Attachment 2, and ranked from 0 (excellent
condition) to 3 (major deterioratio ) .
The rating of each element was mult plied by a weighting factor ranging from 4
for the principal elements (foundat on, walls, and roof) to 1 for the minor
elements (porches, pavement, signag ) . Building elements which were not
present (such as gutters) were not anked. The evaluator walked around each
building or cluster of buildings so that all exposed walls could be inspected.
The numerical scores were translate into one of three exterior condition
categories: �
Number of Buildings
in District
Good/Minor Deterioration 110 19$ �
Moderate Deterioration 218 39$
Substantial and Major Deterior tion 234 42$
Total 562 100�
Exterior Buildin Condition Cate ori s:
Very few or no defects in any of t principal categories (foundation walls,
perimeter walls, and roof) or seco ary categories (all others) . A building
with a composite score of 0 - 6 (in lusive) .
-Minor Deterioration:
, Evidence of minor or moderate deter oration on several secondary condition
� categories including, possibly, min r deterioration on one principal
element. A building with a composi e score of 7 - 15 (inclusive) .
-Moderate Deterioration:
, A combination of minor or moderate eterioration to the principal and
secondary building components. Det rioration is widespread and always ..
' involves deterioration to the princ pal building components. It is usually
economically feasible to rehabilita e a structure in this condition
category. A building with a compos te score of 16 - 34 (inclusive) .
-Major Deterioration:
A building with moderate or major deterioration in two or more of the •
principal components and widespread oderate or minor deterioration to the
balance of the components. Such bui dings are usually not economically
feasible to rehabilitate. The compo ite score is 35 or greater.
' ����V
Exterior Building Conditions Evaluati n FQrm �
Redevelopment Area
City of St. Paul - Department o Planning and Economic Development
_ t-2 Unit Realdentisl _ Commerci8l
—3-8 Unit Residentlei . _ Induat Isl/Warehouse
_9+ Unit Resldentlai
I i �
! ;
1 �Foundati��ii Welis 0 1 2 3 x 4 7 IChimne s � 0 ' 1 2 � 3 x! 3
.r2c►5 � �etEnOrdted FirnS�
' �.al�inc : ;ra.���
2 i Walis � 0 � 1 � 2 � 3 �x � 4 8 Electrlcal Se�vlce � 0 � 1 � 2 ' 3 x. 3
!�e,E'i_rate_ =m;�r �Fre e" ,ir�n:
r a-r s i r,:. —�--�
�'�� �Danoe��;:s l�xaticr, � _
,�;�t�water �'�-ace
- :
�r�ssmV a�e��a 9 ;P�rChes/Balconies � 0 i 1 2 31xi t
., ttin neven �u.^DOr
Deteriotated F�nsh
3 Root 0 1 2 3 x �Mi55in ater�a =
Es�we d , .
�M�ssin /lc':5e Ma!erials
� a i wes;-�rec = 10 �Psvem'tlStoo s/Wails � 0 i 1 2 3 �:� 1
� k �:� �,� a-a o
4 �Wlndowa and Doora 0 1 2 3 X � SettYn^ S
Mi55m atena
�tertOrater �nis : �
M�ssr�^ M�'eria
oUwater �artiaoe = tt �Facade/Si na e � o i t 2 ' 3 'x! t �
i C;t ot fu^•�� r,o•erabe
� Missin tlalerlols
• 5 Eavea � Overhan s 0 1 2 3 x ProMen c�n � .
FoUwater ama � =
� oose/Missin Materla � " _ _
� Pa�nt Detenoration Comments� -
6 Guttersa Downs outa 0 1 2 3 x - -
r�►es/�rac�s/. eoaoe �
Mi55m Une+en ,.E:Si�ns =
p -No FauRS 1 - Mlnor Deterloretbn 2 - oderete De:eriaetion 3 - Ma;o� Deterioration
. : �� � iJ .
- � ' ; �-�-��, '
. Exterior
� �- ` -..- . Buiiding
� Cond'rtion Rating .
_ ----_- . -. ---------= Criteria �
1 FOUNOATION iiALLS - �� --- -------
. __. . .. _ .. .
(0) SOUND - . __ _. _ _- - . _ - _--,.
- hairline cracks in +rnortar or conc ete 1/32'� or Zess
- isolated minor repair condition
- mi nor damage by impact, sma11 are s of superfi ci aT-"s�dt rf-n� �
- minor evidence af seepage -� . � � � - � - - .
- major isolated impact damage - :.
- isalated major repair conditions in generaliy �n�md foundation walls,
loo5e StOneS Or briCk (Zess than Zocat�ons/�aZZJ Zess t
- spalling beyond beginning stages, ggreg�fe. _exposeG;-�pp�^e�,c-����- 50X ._ -- -�
of exposed foundation=-�rai�-- - - _ _ . _- ; ��--
(2) MAJOR REPAIR � �-.-.-= ---�-�°.
- wide and deep cracks in mortar 3oi ts greater tJum 1/8" �ride � � -
- cracks penetrating brick or blocks greater �han .1/8!' r,�ide
- bowing or leaning (especially ston foundation walas� _ _ �� - -
• - •�videspread spalling, increased dep h (attacking mos���of �aa1-t)-`- ��-p�r-ma�E�aZl �
- isolated major instances of missin blocks_ briGks or sto�es 3 or more locatians/�;,
or greater than SCro �.
, (3) CR I T I CAL - - "�� - -. �a Z Z area �
- hazardous foundation candition fo�,� �ution crwnbZing
, _ __ _ ._- - ..- por 'ons missing or holes through "=
2 Kaus � ; - __ �
(0) SOUND _ _ .._ . . _ --. -
- hai rl i ne crackS i m m�rtar I/�2" or Zess in u�idth - � � -��--- - � -=�� - _
- occasional missing brick (no indica ion of continuing problem)
- occasional rotted board (no indicat on of continuing problem)
- pai nt needed -a....;:..__.;;:_�_
(1) MINOR REPAIR ----_-=--_- ---=_— `---_:_= .
. -� cracks in mortar (no e+��sfeace o� bo ing or mois �-- 1�or_Zes�-.�;dt� �
- �isolated replacement of brick�or blo k Zess than�flea�ions- '.-___ __.�'.=_` -r�--._-. _ �
.. - 1 imi ted di scol ori zation .in �3tucco,du to seepage-�noTbew��g}-�--er-�-�aaZZ� areas ��= `=y,
- wood �i di ng requi ri ng pai nt (exposed wood) Zess thc�n''S0�'o�.,�a i��ared�: � := " '�`: ; �_.,s ^:
- 1 imi ted wood rot � or 2 Zoccztions : , - -
- limited missing material (e.g. sidin ) Zess than 3-sepcu�a�e;-aistinc�"areas �
- open joints in wood siding repairabl by caulking
- isolate� major repair �see- beiow) in a generaliy sound Na11 Zess than 3 Zoc. -
-__._ _ , .. .. _. - _ . --1
.. . ; ��I�
. (2) MAJOR REPAIR .--- .--- - =,:=,��=- -._�:�.;".
__ � - ,op.en mortar joints due t - ��"' �'L-�i4� ?��;,;= T
.:,-,,,. � , . - "'. settling (possibly tr�.c ;.�hr g��eaf,er-
_-, , .,_ . _ ; .__Kidespr�ad missing mort -�(tuck pointing requir � �h�����aZZ�'�B�=T y
- ' � ' - widespread spal l ing So� or more of i,�aZZ --�-"-'---'--- - - - " "
- large areas of siding in need of replacement and/or rotting .in vertical
tornerboards 3 or more istinct Zocat�ons
, _. __.__._.... _.--- .
(3j-: CRITICAL . _ :----= - -�-� _.
- - _ �- wide and deep cracks and signs of bow�ng ar ��a�-�n9-�tjear�-paih���r��-
� � moisture between layers f building materials) 1/2 and e es
- large areas of missing m terials (exposed buildin '�'' � Poss, offset
. . . , more than sp� 9 PaPer or sheathing)
3 ROOF �
(0) SOUND .
- hairline cracks in built- p roof misc. sz�rface scratches vs materials
- flashing is intact and in place penetrat�
- ext�emely isolated missin materials (e. ---�-
felt on built-up -roof�-�-or 2 minor Zoca ions in les on itched roQf_ni- --
� � ,
(1) MINOR REPAIR ' --- �_---= =--==
- minor breaks and curled s ingles, scattered missing materials Zess than 3 ma�c
- flashing partially missin Zess thcro so�
areas or Zacatic
(2) MAJOR REPAIR - ...-.- ..: . .. .-,
- widespread missing materiaTs 60A or more �
- major �seepage around flash d edges tflat roof�--or-.f<t-a�shi�tg.mi�sing._:; .,,,� �--
' (deteri0rdted ddhe5ive) 5 � or more of Zencrth - � - - -
(3) CRI7ICAL . : _ . _ .
,_ _ _
-_ _---- - _. ----�- -:�--=__.
- holes (completely missing. oof materials) �3-ar�ore, ZvcQ�ris,�_._3..,ft?o�'�,' �'
-- - serious and widespread .see age inside greate'r iri-irrea - ��-- � �—� �- ��-
....__ ,
4 W INDOMIS At�lO DOQRS - -: --�--� �=- . , .._- --_;-•-
- painting needed on sashes, r frames of screens ai�--windor�..�bo-wood ro`�"'�` ��
- or corrosion visible). _. -
-- - . .._._ . . . j
� (1) MINOR REPAIR . _� - _-- ;
__ - - minor surface damage r�quir'ng light sandin and . ain � � . � � � �
9 P ty-.nr:=rep1 acemen�- ---f." �
_and. installation of-hardwar �f-incluiding g1ass1-�s�;�hur;,_5-t�.,,-: ; ,., _ =""y'"r"
__ - excessive cracking and miss ng materials (admitti�_g ezcessive �dra�t and. '� �`
moistu�e) Zess thcm 50� of area, Zengtii, etc.
- operation impaired - - - -
- total refinishing Or replaC ent required 50� or more of exterior surface�
- �eathered or rottin,c, missing
materials, ete. i.e, absorbs
- ---' _ _.___ __---�_- - tremenaous amounts o f mois ture
. 2
_ _ �-���
,�, (3) CRITICAL ;:, . =�=.,-.'L-;�
� • �.ep,lecement and rehanging -re uired i e. - ;£� ' ��`'''r �:,� �F^_- _
_ . -: ekcessive cracking and �missi g materialss(a�n���•� t� F Z" � � •�� ������ ' #�
�,...�. ,k•v�b;.,_,. �_;;�,;��
.. Z3_�. :,�
- --�---- . � moisture) morE than 50� � ����1Ve �raft and �
_ ,pp�r�t.�or�-.i�.�.� .
inoperable .
� (0) SOUND . T+
- paint needed (no exposed wood
- no visible wood rot, iso]ated minor �repair"in �generally sound eave orr '
: overhang .
- minor wood rot or corrosion ( utting and splicing required, or isolated
sheet metal repair required) er 50�
- Aaint required (exposed wood r discoloration)
. (2) MAJOR REPAIR . '. . - - -- _. __ ---- -
__ _
- ---�..-:-- --
• - ma�or rep acement ef soffit an /or facia required c�.ma�:�-�-y of eave �r �
--- area (rotted and/or hanging bo rds) Soz or more
- many hoies in overhang area 3 or more - '
(3) CRITICAL �_ _ �
- sufficient da�age requiring to al replacement or reconstruction of
- substantial amount of .openings suffic�ent to
:;,�: _ ..:.:
heat and entry by birds and sq irrels �rm�t-.#�'e.�-ap�d .esca�e_ of_. '��� �
6 6UTTERS M1Q DO4INSPOUTS _ �-'�--r-. `-- . _ =�I` ---_
------- (�) SOUND� . _ �-- _ _ .� -�...— _. --_-
- gutters and downspouts not inst lled but structure arid�openings well
maintained - _ �� "- -�--
. - maintained gutters, occasional oose fitting vertical members
(1) MINOR._REPAIR -- - -
- few holes require patching ��- {-}- s or Zess
- short lengths of gutter or down pouts requirin��e�lacem�nt or `
rehanging - -- - -------_::
. . � � - adCitional pieces needed - �-----="�'- -1—:�. - -- __� ., ..
� (2) MAJOR ;REPAIR . - . :-_ -_ -_— , ; , ---�:r=;� ti-:;:f;�
_ .._.. ..,..
- substantial replacement require 50� or more - �- - �
- minor repair condition seriously aff.ecting walls, windaws, vor foun-
dation walls (major misdirected low of water)
(3) CRITICAL . . - .
- deteriorated gutter system beyon repair, causing harardous conditions
' 3
� . ��,��
� 1 CHIMNEYS - �y,�-�.�_;�
(0) � SOUND - , :.�. .•;:,�•
. ;.,; �=�i�:s�:
� - minor missing mortar - . _. -- -- -- --� -- _ - � - �
- chimney is plumb
- no sign of loose bricks - •
(1) MINOR REPAIR � --_----= ----_- _ _
•-�-• - ��• ,- chimney in basically sound condition with minor.�r� ee�ed--#�op'�~---`---
� brick courses or cap ,
- entire chimney out of plum but bricks basically intact
(2) Mlf►JOR REPAIR . _ -- --- -_.._.r...�.._.__. �
- widespread missing mortar tuck pointing required) � �
- cfiimney is out of plumb an /or has substantial missing material (likely
to be a hazard; requires r building)
.' 8 ELECTR ICAL SERY ICE -" _ _ - -- - --- - - -� - ---
(0) SOUNO �
. - ripples and bends in wire re acceptable (especially in. cold weatfier) �
- slight surface fraying acc ptable (loose threads .�nly) . - _ . - _ -.
- fraying in firsfi layer or insulation (loose cloth or._Coating) :Zess �"nan �st1� -
- hazardous location (wires o close to ground) in any-tondition - -� - �
(2) MAJOR REPAIR -.:_ . :.�.:;�:.-, ::L:�;..�;;
. - fraying through first and econd layers of insu7a�ion-.�.ngt,.�xpos�ingsYt�: ar mo�
bare wire) - - --- .__ ._.
(3) CRITICAL - - ' - _ .
- fraying through second laye of insulation (exposing bare �wire) more._than so��
- poorly ]ocated wires (i.e. 'n reach of window and/or balcany)
_ --_.---_ -
� (0) SOUND � _---- ---- �
- - i� place, intact � �:-_-: _- _ - _ , •
� • refinishing recommended ._ --- ,--.�--� z-.,.=M" _,� _�. - �
- minor replacement of brick n decorative pattern - -- -- - � � -: - Zess t�ian S
- minor repiacerr.ent or r�pair of a fear "gingerbread" details on wood Zess than 5.
structure (spindles and dec rative wood carvin s) -- -= -- --� -
9 _. ...,...
. 4
. ��t' -�`��
� . (2) MAJOR REPAI R . --. � - - --_ _.:.
� ' -. ' _. . .�. . �..��� � � ��1't\
- man,�,.deta��s s.everly damaged r deteriorated r "'—'�ti}t:�,�°'fi=��� ''� � � -
replacement or refinishing � - .---. equfi��--_ -� __.� �''more - -
- missing safety components tha renders balconies unsafe or.unusable �
(missing baluster, handrails) but not in' danger of coi)apse
- major replacement of material (balusters, handrails._ floor. banrds; -r���,n�e=__
- and/or relevel ing of porch p1 tform fiequ-��e;=�
. �C40 � 7 �
Staff conducted pro forma analyses on each of the seven proposed tax increment
financing districts. The study wa comprised of a dual pro foraa analysis.
The first pro forma outlined a sce ario where the total pro3ect would be
financed privately. The second pr forma consisted of a private/public
partnership approach and how it re ated to the economics of each individual
development. These analyses are o file.
The pro forma analyses for� each in ividual area clearly point out the need for
public participation. This findin is based on a series of key ratios and
pro�ect indicators: rate of return, cash flow after financing, cash flow
after taxes, internal rate of retur , cash on cash and breakeven analysis.
The pro forma analyses point to the following conclusions:
- e ts -
The historic rental rates in Saint Paul's neighborhood commercial
districts are not sufficient to support highest and best use
-H�g,h Cost of Land Assemblv
Saint Paul's neighborhood co ercial areas are built-up, which
attributes to a high cost of and assembly. The land assembly cost
includes not only land cost, ut also the expense of acquiring a
building (which the seller be ieves has value) , demolision of that
building and site preparation Therefore, the overall land cost for
redevelopment is increased si ificantly.
-Soil Conditions
The ma�ority of Saint Paul's eighborhood commercial areas are built-
up, but vacant areas exist be ause of unusual soil conditions. These
add significantly to the cost of development.
-�ublic Improvements
New development requires infra tructure improvements such as roads,
traffic pattern improvements, raffic signals, sewers, storm water
retention, lighting and other ublic improvements. Because of high
land costs and depressed renta rates, the development cannot support
all the necessary public impro ements. Therefore, the public sector's
role is one of providing this ritical element in the private/public
partnership formula.
In summary, the pro forma analyses ha demonstrated that the proposed
development or redevelopment would not reasonably be expected to occur solely
through private investment within the easonably foreseeable future and
therefore the use of tax increment fin ncing is deemed necessary.
, 4
MaY 1 s �s�`
DATE: May 13, 1988 CITY CLERK
T0: Albert Olson
FROM: Sheri Pemberton�
RE: City Council Public Hear'ng for May 26, 1988
Attached is a copy of a Public Heari g which is being published in the
St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch n Sunday, May 15, 1988.
Please place this Public Hearing on t e City Council Agenda for
Thursday, May 26, 1988. A City Counc 1 Resolution will be forwarded to
you by the City Attorney's Office, pr or to the City Council Meeting.
Thank You.
cc: Jim Hart
Gloria Bostrom
Katy Lindblad
� " �i (�/
�' �� O�d7�
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Publi Hearing before the Council of the City of
Saint Paul will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, 15 West
Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul� Minn sota, at 9;00 a.m. on Thursday, May 26,
1988, to consider the proposals of he Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ( ) , to adopt an Amended Redevelopment
Plan for the Saint Paul Neighborhoo Redevelopment Project Area. Supplement
to the City Wide Redevelopment Plan to adopt Tax Increment Financing Plan for
and to create a Tax Increment Finan ing District for the Saint Paul
Neighborhood Redevelopment Project rea, and to approve as a Supplemental to
the Tax Increment FinanciZg Plan fo Saint Paul Neighborhood Business
Development Program.
The primary purpose of this Plan an Project is to eliminate and/or improve
those existing conditions which se e to impair the health, safety and general
welfare of the citizens of the City of Saint Paul, and which also serve to
inflict an economic blight upon exi ting private investment in the area
through public intervention so that private enterprise will achieve the means
and encouragement to provide both h using and commercial redevelopment.
The Redevelopment Plan delineates t e Pro3ect Area(s) legally described as .
follows: �
� S�ruce Tree Centre `-
Commencing at the point of in ersection of the western right-of-way line
of Snelling Avenue and southe right-of-way line of University Avenue,
west along said University Av nue right-of-way line to the point of
intersection of the eastern r ght-of way line of Fry Street, thence
south 336,38 feet along said ry Street right-of-way line, thence east
260 feet to the point of inte section of the western right-of-way line
of Roy Street, thence east 33 .56 feet to the point of intersection of
the western right-of-way line of Snelling Avenue; thence north along
said Snelling Avenue right-of way line to the point of intersection of
the southern right-of-way lin of University Avenue, which is the point
of beginning.
Metz Bake Redeve o ment Are
Commencing at the point of in ersection of the eastern right-of-way line
of Rice Street and the northe n right-of-way line of Sherburne Avenue,
north along said Rice Street ight-of-way line to the point of
. . � � intersection with the souther right-of-way line o� Charles Street, east
along said Charles Street rig t-of-way line to the point of intersection ��
with the western right-of-way line of Park Avenue, south along said Park
Avenue right-of-way line to t e point of intersection with the northern
right-of-way line of Sherburn Avenue, west along said Sherburne Avenue
right-of-way line to the poin of intersection with the eastern right-
� of-way line of Rice Street, w ich is the point of beginning.
, , . � w�" _ S�
�iammond Buildine
Southwest 125.5 feet of the n rthwest 1.25 feet of Lots 22 and all 23
and Lots 1-28, Merriam's Outl ts; property located at 1885 University
U iver ve ue ast Pro ec Area
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of University Avenue
and Rice Street� proceeding n rth along the centerline of Rice Street to
the intersection of the cente line of Sherburne Avenue; thence West
along the centerline of Sherb rne Avenue to the intersection with the
centerline to Victoria Street; thence south along the centerline of
Victoria Street to the inters ction with the centerline of Aurora
Avenue; thence East along the centerline of Aurora Avenue to the
intersection with the centerl' e of Dale Street; thence Southerly along
the centerline of Dale Street to the intersection with the Southerly
. line of outlot B, Central Vill ge Addition extended Westerly; thence
Easterly along side extension nd Lot Line; thence extended Easterly to
the Northeast corner of Outlot C, said Central Village Addition; thence
South along the East line of 0 tlot C to the Southeast corner thereof;
thence East, dividing line be een Lots 3 and 5 Central Village
Addition, 54.33 feet to the mo t Easterly corner of said Lot 5; thence
Northeasterly 329.98 feet, mor or less to the Northerly line of Outlot -
G, Central Village Addition, b ing the Northerly R-O-W line of vacated �
Aurora Avenue; thence Easterly along said Northerly R-O-W line to its
intersection with the Easterly line of Lot 9', Block 3, Mackubin and
Marshall's Addition extended s utherly; thence along said extension to
its intersection with the cent rline of Aurora; thence East along the
centerline of Aurora Avenue to the intersection with the centerZine of
Rice Street; thence North alon the centerline of Rice Street to the
point of intersection with Uni ersity Avenue, the point of beginning.
Rice Street
Beginning at the intersection f the centerlines of Rice Street and
Hatch Avenue; thence East appr imately 175.0 feet along the centerline
of Hatch Avenue; thence South proximately 270.0 feet to the centerline
of Front Street; thence East ap roximately 58.95 feet along the
centerline of Front Street; the ce South approximately 150.0 feet to the
northern boundary of Lot 12, B1 ck 1, Lanoux's Subdivision of Lots 7, 8
and 9 of Bazille's Addition of cre Lots to St. Paul; thence West along
a line parallel with Litchfield Street for approximately 58.95 feet;
, thence South along a line paral el with Rice Street for approximately
. 142.5 feet to the centerline of Litchfield Street; thence West
approximately 42.0 feet along t e centerline of Litchfield Street; .
. thence South approximately 82.5 feet, thence EAst along a line parallel
. with Litchfield Street for appr ximately 42.0 feet; thence South along a
line parallel with Rice Street or approximately 967.5 feet to the
centerline of Atwater Street; t ence West to the intersection with the
centerline of the alley in Bloc 1, Lockey's Addition; thence South
along a line parallel with Rice Street for approximately 369.15 feet to
the intersection with the cente line of Lyton Street; thence East along
the centerline of Lyton Street o the intersection with the northerly
extension of the easterly prope ty line of Lot 13, Block 3, Lyton's
, Addition; thence South on a 1 ne parallel with Rice Street a distance of
213.93 feet; thence East a di tance of approximately 25.0 feet; thence
South along a line parallel w th,Rice Street for approximately 70.0 feet
to the intersection with the enterline of Sycamore Street; thence East
along the centerline of Sycam re Street to an intersection with the
centerline of Cortland Place; thence South along the centerline of
Cortland Place approximately 19.89 feet; '.thence West along a Line
parallel with Acker Street fo approximately 1317.29 feet to the
centerline of Sylvan Street e tended southerly; thence South for
approximately 155.0 feet to a oint approximately 350.0 feet from the
most southerly line of Acker S reet; thence West along a line parallel
with Acker Street to the inter ection with the centerline of Rice
Street; thence North along the centerline of Rice Street to the
intersection with the centerli e of Sycamore Street; thence West along
the centerline of Sycamore Str et for approximately 401.0 feet; thence
North along a line parallel wi h Rice Street for approximately 147.6
feet; thence West along a line parallel with Atwater Street to the
intersection with the centerli e of Galtier Street; thence North along
the centerline of Galtier Stre t to intersection with the centerline of
Atwater Street; thence East al g the centerline of Atwater Street to
the intersection with the cente line of Albemarle Street then continuing
East a distance of approximatel 123.75 feet; thence North on a line
parallel with Rice Street to th intersection with the most southerly
right-of-way line of Wayzata St eet; thence West along the most
southerly right-of-way line of ayzata Street to the intersection with •
the centerline of the alley in lock 2, Weides' Rearrangement and '
addition; thence North on a lin parallel with Rice Street ta the
intersection with the centerlin of Hatch Avenue; thence East along the
centerline of Hatch Avenue to t e intersection with the centerline of
Rice Street, the point of begi ing.
Commencing at the intersection o the centerlines of Rice Street and
Pennsylvania Avenue now known as Empire Drive thence East along the
centerline of Empire Drive for a proximately 138.99 feet; thence North
for approximately 121.56 feet; t ence Northwesterly for approximately
140.0 feet to the most easterly ight-of-way line of Rice Street; thence
North for approximately 237.44 f et; thence East along a line parallel
with Sycamore Street for approxi ately 773.18 feet; thence South for
approximately 361.61 feet to the most northerly right-of-way line of
Empire Drive; thence West along parallel line with Empire Drive for
- approximately 297.61 feet; thenc South to the intersection with the
centerline of Empire Drive; thenc West to the intersection with the
centerline of Rice Street, the po'nt of beginning.
Commencing at the centerline of P nnsylvania Avenue known as Empire
Drive a point 88.0 feet east of t e centerline of Rice Street; thence
. . � � continuing esst along the centerl ne of Empire Driye for approximately
. 478.97 feet; thence South approxi ately 183.12 feet; thence West along a �
line parallel with Empire Drive f r approximately 140.02 feet; thence
North approximately 25.0 feet; th nce West along a line parallel with
Empire Drive for approximately 20 .0 feet; thence North for
approximately 25.0 feet; thence W st along a line parallel with Empire
Drive for approximately 138.95 feet; thence North along a line parallel
with Rice Street to the intersecti n with the centerline of Empire
Drive, the point of beginning. '
. . �%��y�°
Beginning at a point along th centerline of Empire Drive a distance of
approximately 886.64 feet fro the centerline of Rice Street; thence
continuing East along the cen er�ine of Empire Drive a distance of
approximately 510.0 feet; the ce South along a line parallel with Rice
Street for approximately 396. 0 feet; thence West along a line parallel
with Empire Drive for approxi ately 510.0 feet; thence North on a line
parallel with Rice Street for approximately 396.62 feet to the
intersection with the centerl' e of Empire Drive, the point of
Beginning at a point along the centerline of Empire Drive a distance of
approximately 1075.3 feet from the centerline of Rice Street; thence
continuing East along the cent rline of Empire Drive for approximately
239.84 feet; thence North on a line parallel with Rice Street for
approximately 337.90 feet; the ce Uest on a line parallel of Empire
Drive for approximately 98.25 eet; thence North on a line parallel with
Rice Street for approximately 4.38 feet; thence West on a parallel line
with Empire Drive for approxim tely 143.03 feet; thence South on a
_ parallel line with Rice Street for approximately 391.53 feet to the
intersection with the centerli e of Empire Drive, the point of
Beginning at a point on the mos southerly right-of-way of Empire Drive
a distance of 1651.64 feet from the centerline of Rice Street; thence
continuing East 97.0 feet; then e Southeasterly for approximately 207.82 -
feet; thence southwesterly for pproximately 305.0 feet; thence westerly
for approximately 88.93 feet; t ence South for approximately .30.0 feet;
thence West on a line parallel ith Empire Drive for 37.41 feet; thence
North on a line parallel with R ce Street for approximately 362.89 feet,
to the point of beginning.
Prom/3M Site
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of University Avenue and
Dunlap Street; thence South alon the centerline of Dunlap Street to the
intersection with the centerline of Donohue Avenue (vacated 2-15-66) ;
thence West along the centerline of Donohue Avenue to the intersection
with the centerline of Griggs St eet; thence North along the centerline
of Griggs Street to the intersec ion with the centerline of University
Avenue; thence East along center ine of University Avenue to the
intersection with Dunlap Street, the point of beginning. The plat is
Midway Industrial Division Block 1, Lots 1-12; Block 2, Lots 1-12; and
Block 6, I.ots 1-12.
, Concord/Robert �
Commencing at the centerline of t e intersection of State Street and .
. East George Street; thence West a ong the centerline of East George
Street to the intersection with a southeasterly extension of the
southwesterly boundary of Hornsby s Rearrangement of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5 of Block 89 of West Saint Paul roper; thence northwest on a line
parallel with Concord Street for pproximately 293.0 feet; thence north
for approximately 131.0 feet; the ce west to the most westerly line lot
6, block 72; thence north for app oximately 50 feet; thence west for
approximately 35 feet; thence nor westerly along a line parallel with
Concord Street to the intersectio with the centerline of Robert Street;
. � �����
. thence north along the center ine of Robert Street to the intetsection
with the centerline of Concor Street; thence northwesterly along the
centerline of Concord Street o �he intersection with a northerly
extension of the most easterl linas of lot 13, block 65; thence south
to a point approximately 120 eet south of the most southwesterly line
of Concord Street; thence wes for approximately 50 feet; thence north
for approximately 30 feet; th nce west for approximately 100 feet;
thence north to the intersect on with the centerline of East Congress
Street; thence east to the in ersection with the centerline of Concord
Street; thence northwesterly long the centerline of Concord Street to
the intersection with a weste ly extension of a line parallel with East
George Street and approximate y 20 feet south of the northern boundary
of lot 4, Block 51; thence ea t for approximately 470 feet; thence south
to the intersection with the enterline of East Congress Street; thence
east to the intersection with the centerline of the alley in Plat .01364
West Saint Paul Blocks 1 thro gh 99, block 66; thence south along the
centerline of said alley to t e northern boundary of Plat .01364 West
Saint Paul Blocks 1, through 9, block 71; thence east to a point
approximately 91.7 feet from he eastern boundary of Plat .01364 West
Saint Paul Block 1 through 99, block 71; thence south to the
intersection with the centerl'ne of Concord Street; thence southeast
along the centerline of Conco d Street to the intersection of the
centerline of State Street; t ence northeast to the intersection of the
alley in Plat .01169 Bell's A dition to West Saint Paul, .block 16;
thence southeasterly along the centerline of said alley to the .
intersection with the centerli e of Ada Street; thence southwest along �
the centerline of Ada Street t the most southerly line of Concord
� Street; thence southeasterly a ong the souttrerly line of Concord Street
to the eastern boundary of Pla .01152 Auditor's Subdivision No. 30
Saint Paul, Minn. , lot 20; the ce southwesterly along a line parallel
with State Street to the inter ection with an easterly extension of the
southern boundary of Plat .011 2 Auditor's Subdivision No. 30 Saint
Paul, Minn. , lot 21; thence no thwesterly along a line parallel with
Concord Street for approximate y 108.86 feet; thence southwesterly along
a line parallel with State Str et for approximately 70.0 feet; thence
northwesterly along a line par llel with Concord Street for
approximately 90.51 feet; then e southwesterly along a line parallel
with State Street for approxim tely 19.85 feet; thence northwesterly to
the intersection with the cent rline of State Street; thence
northeasterly along the center ine of State Street to the intersection
� with the centerline of East Ge rge Street, the point of beginning.
rcade P e East Seve th re t
Beginning at the intersection o the centerline of York Avenue and
Mendota Street; thence South ai ng the centerline of Mendota Street to
. . � � the intersection with the cente line of Wells Street; thence East along
. the centerline of Wells Street o the intersection with the centerline �
of Forest Street; thence South long the centerline of Forest Street a
distance of approximately 564.5 feet; thence East on the northern right-
of-way line of the Northern Pac fic Railroad to the intersection with
the centerline of vacated Whita 1 Street; thence East along the
centerline of vacated Whitall a proximately 511.13 feet to a point
approximately 108.0 feet from t e most westerly line of Arcade Street;
thence North on a parallel line with Arcade Street to the intersection �
with the centerline of York Ave ue; thence East along the centerline of
. � . �����
York Avenue to the intersecti n with the centerline on Mendota Street,
the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of� the centerlines of Payne Avenue and
Jenks Avenue; thence East alo g the centerline of Jenks Avenue
approximately 225,8 feet; the ce South along a line parallel with Payne
Avenue to the intersection wi h. the centerline of Case Avenue; thence .
west along the centerline of ase Avenue approximately 40.0 feet; thence
South along a line parallel w"th Payne Avenue to the intersection with
the centerline of Sims Avenue; thence West along the centerline of Sims
Avenue approximately 40.28 fee ; thence South along a line parallel with
Payne Avenue to the intersecti n with the centerline of the alley in
Block 27, J.R. Weide's Additio ; thence East along the centerline of
said alley approximately 40 fe t; thence South along a line parallel
with Payne Avenue approximatel 838.3 feet to a point approximately
152.0 feet south of the most s utherly line of Wadena Avenue; thence
East along a line parallel wit Wells Street approximately 210 feet;
thence westerly along a tangen ial curve along the boundary of the
Northern Pacific Railroad righ -of-way to the intersection with the
centerline of Bush Avenue; the ce East along the centerline of Bush
Avenue approximately 115.12 fee to a point 89.88 feet from the most
easterly line of Payne Avenue; hence south along a line parallel with
Payne Avenue approximately 495 eet to a point approximately 135 feet
south of the most southerly lin of Reaney Avenue; thence East along a
line parallel with Reaney Avenu for approximately 135 feet,; thence .
South along a line parallel wit Payne Avenue to the intersection with '
the centerline of Minnehaha Ave ue; thence We�t along the centerline of
' Minnehaha Avenue to the interse tion with ttie centerline of the alley in
Block 2, Irvine's Addition; the ce South along the centerline of said
alley approximately 190.0 feet; thence West approximately 8 feet along a
line parallel with Minnehaha Ave ue to a point approximately 132.0 feet
east of the most easterly line o Drewry Lane; thence South along a line
parallel with Payne Avenue for 4 feet; thence East along a line
parallel with Minnehaha Avenue t the intersection with the most
westerly line of the Burlington orthern Railroad right-of-way; thence
Southwest along said right-of-wa approximately 90 feet to a point
approximately 280.0 feet south o the most southerly line of Minnehaha
Avenue; thence West to the inter ection with the centerline of Drewry
Lane; thence North along the cen erline of Drewry Lane to the
intersection with the centerline f Minnehaha Avenue; thence at a
southwesterly angle along the mos northerly line of Payne Avenue to the
intersection with the centerline f the alley in Block 3, Irvine's
Addition; thence North along the enterline of said alley to the
intersection with the centerline f Minnehaha Avenue; thence East along
� the centerline of Minnehaha Avenu for approximately 45 feet; thence
. North along a line parallel with ayne Avenue approximately 190.0 feet;
thence East to the centerline of he alley in Watson's Division D; ,
� thence North along the centerline of said alley to the centerline of
Reaney Avenue; thence West along t e centerline of Reaney Avenue
approximately 8 feet to a point ap roximately 91.3 feet from the most
westerly line of Payne Avenue; the ce north along a line parallel with
Payne Avenue to the centerline of ush Avenue; thence East along the
centerline of Bush Avenue to a poi t 40.0 feet from the most westerly
line of Payne Avenue; thence North along a line parallel with Payne
Avenue approximately 112.75 feet; hence westerly at a southerly decline
to the intersection with the cente line of Edgerton Street; thence North
��v 7�
approximately 100.0 feet to a p int approximately 110.8 feet south of
the most southerly line of vaca ed Ross Street; thence East at a
northerly incline to the inters ction with the centerline of Payne
Avenue; thence north along the enterline of Payne Avenue to the
intersection with the centerlin of vacated Ross Street; thence West
along the centerline of vacated Ross Streiet approximately 153.0 feet;
thence North along a line paral el with Payne Avenue to the centerline
of Case Avenue; thence West alo g the centerline of Case Avenue to a
point 196.8 feet from the cente line of Payne Avenue; thence north along
a line parallel with Payne Aven e to the intersection with the
centerline of the alley in Bloc 16, Arlington's Addition; thence East
along the centerline of said al ey to a point 80 feet from the most
westerly line of Payne Avenue; hence North along a line parallel with
Payne Avenue to the intersectio with the centerline of Jenks Avenue;
thence East along the centerlin of Jenks Avenue to the intersection
with the centerline of Payne Av nue, the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection o the centerline of Bates Street and
North Street; thence West along the centerline of North Street to the
intersection with the centerlin of East Seventh Street, Greenbrier
Street and North Street; thence North along the centerline of Greenbrier
Street to the intersection with the centerline of Dellwood Place; thence
northeast along the centerline f Dellwood Place for a distance of
approximately 342.0 feet; thenc Southeast along a line parallel with
Maple Street approximately 134. feet; thence Northeast along a line .
parallel with Dellwood Place app oximately 48 feet; thence Southeast �
along a line parallel with Maple Street to the intersection with the
' centerline of the alley in C.A, ann's Subdi�ision; thence Northeast
along centerline of said alley t the intersection with the centerline
of Margaret Street; thence East long the centerline of Margaret Street
for a distance of approximately 60.0 feet; thence North a distance of
approximately 270.0 feet; thence east along a line parallel with
Margaret Street approximately 52 0 feet; thence North along a line
parallel with Hope Street approx mately 80 feet; thence east along a
line parallel with Margaret Stre t approximately 15 feet; thence North
along a line parallel with Hope treet approximately 15 feet to the
centerline of vacated Beech Stre t; thence east along the centerline of
vacated Beech Street to the inte section with the centerline of Arcade
Street; thence North along the c nterline of Arcade Street to the
intersection of the centerline o alley in Block 112, Johnstone's
• Subdivision; thence northeast ai ng the centerline of said alley to the
intersection of the centerline o Minnehaha Avenue; thence East along
the centerline of Minnehaha Aven e to the intersection with the
centerline of Mendota Street; th nce north along the centerline of
Mendota Street to the intersecti n with the centerline of Reaney Avenue;
thence East along the centerline of Reaney Avenue to the intersection
. . � � with the centerline of Forest St eet; thence north along the centerline
. of Forest Street to the intersec ion with the centerline of Bush Avenue; ��
thence east along the centerline of Bush Avenue to the intersection with
the centerline of East Seventh S eet, continuing approximately 43.56
feet; thence south along a line p rallel with Forest Street to the
intersection with the centerline f the alley Block 20, Terry's
Addition; thence west along the c nterline of said alley approximately
150 feet; thence south to the int rsection with the centerline of Reaney
Avenue; thence west along the cen erline of Reaney Avenue to the �
intersection with the centerline f Forest Street; thence South on the
, " . ��--��
centerline of Forest Street to e intersection of the centerline of
Minnehaha Avenue; thence west a ong the centerline of Minnehaha Avenue
to the intersection with the ce terline of Mendota Street; thence South
along the centerline of Mendota Street to the intersection with the
centerline of the alley in Bloc 112 Johnstone's Subdivision; thence
southwesterly along the centerl e of said alley to the intersection of
the centerline of Beech Street; . thence West along the centerline of
Beech Street for a distance of proximately 160.0 feet to the
intersection with the most east rly line of Lot 9, Block 105, Otto's
Subdivision; thence South along line parallel with Mendota Street to
the intersection with the cente line of the alley in Block 105, Otto's
Sub. of Lot 15; thence West alo g the centerline of said alley to a
point approximately 39.41 feet om the most easterly right-of-way line
of Arcade Street; thence South long a line
parallel with Arcade Street to e intersection with the centerline of
Margaret Street; thence West on the centerline of Margaret Street to the
intersection of the centerline Arcade Street continuing 270.0 feet;
thence South along a line paral 1 with Arcade Street approximately
. 89.74 feet; thence southwest al g a line parallel with East Seventh
Street to the intersection with he centerline of Maple Street; thence
southeasterly along the centerl e of Maple Street for approximately
84.51 feet; thence Southwest al g a line parallel with East Seventh
Street for approximately 150 feet; thence Southeast along a line
parallel with Maple Street appr imately 30 feet to a point 200 feet
north of the most northerly lin of East 6th Street; thence. Southwest .
approximately 40 feet along a 1' e parallel with East Seventh Street; '
thence North along a line paral 1 with Maple. Street approximately 30
' feet to a point approximately 2 6.71 feet south of the most southerly
line of East Seventh Street; th ce Southwest along a line parallel with
East Seventh Street approximate 200 feet to a point approximately
157.83 feet east the most easte ly line of Bates Street; thence
Northwest along a line parallel ith Bates Street approximately 120.64
feet to a point approximately 9 .0 feet soutY► of the most southerly line
of East Seventh Street; thence outhwest approximately 38.07 feet along
a line parallel with East Seven Street, thence North approximately
7.05 feet along a line parallel ith Bates Street; thence Southwest to
the intersection with the cente line of Bates Street; thence
northwesterly along the centerl' e of Bates Street to the intersection
of the centerline of North Stre t, the point of beginning.
Snelling and Universitv_
Beginning at the intersection o the centerline of University Avenue and
Fry Street; thence North along e centerline of Fry Street to the
. intersection with �the centerlin of alley in Block 4, Wood Park
. Addition; thence East along the centerline of said alley to the �
intersection with the centerlin of North Snelling Avenue; thence North .
. along. the centerline of North S elling Avenue to the intersection with
the centerline of Sherburne Ave e; thence East along the centerline of
Sherburne Avenue to the interse tion with the centerline of Asbury
Street; thence South along the enterline of Asbury Street to the
intersection with the centerlin of University Avenue; thence East along
the centerline of University Av ue to the intersection with the
centerline of Hamline Avenue; t nce south along the centerline of
Hamline Avenue for a distance o approximately 726.74 feet; thence
southwesterly on a tangential c e to the most westerly line of Lot 6,
, ' V/- 6CI /(I / 7'
• Bohn's Rearrangement; thence south on a parallel line with Hamline
Avenue a distance of 79.54 fe t; thence east on a line parallel with St.
Anthony Avenue a distance of 82•.64 feet; thence south along a line
parallel with Hamline Avenue o the intersection of the centerline of
St. Anthony Avenue; thence we t to a point that is 870.35 feet from the
most easterly line of North S elling Avenue; thence north on a line
parallel with Pascal Street t a point 697.38 feet from the most
southerly line of University venue; thence west on a line parallel with
University Avenue to the inte section of the centerline of North
Snelling Avenue; thence north along the centerline of North Snelling
Avenue to the intersection of the centerline with Shields Avenue; thence
west along the centerline of hields Avenue to the intersection of the
centerline of the alley in B1 ck 1, Homer H. Hoyt Co. 's Addition; thence
north along the centerline of said alley to the intersection with the
centerline of Spruce Tree Ave e; thence west along the centerline of
Spruce Tree Avenue to the inte section with the centerline of Fry
Street; thence north along th centerline of Fry Street to the
intersection of the centerline of University Avenue, the point of
Unisys Property
Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Stewart Avenue and
Davern Avenue; thence north ai ng the centerline of Davern Avenue to the
intersection with the centerli of West Seventh Street; thence . "
northeasterly along the centerl'ne of West Seventh Street for a distance
. of approximately 209.0 feet; th nce southeas�terly along a line parallel
to West Maynard Drive for a dis ance of approximately 267.91 feet;
thence east along a line parall 1 to Munster Avenue for a distance of
approximately 56.59 feet; thenc southeasterly along a line parallel
with West Maynard Drive for a d stance approximately 767.24 feet to the
centerline of Stewart Avenue; t ence northeasterly along the centerline
of "Stewart Avenue for a distanc of approximately 657.78 feet; thence
south along a line parallel to avern Avenue approximately 449.86 feet
to the most northerly right-of- ay line of Shepard Road; thence
southwesterly along the most no therly right-of-way line of Shepard Rqad
approximately 740.8 feet; thence northwesterly along a line parallel to
West Maynard Drive approximately 313.30 feet to the intersection with
the centerline of Stewart Avenue; thence southwesterly along the
centerline of Stewart Avenue to he intersection with the centerline of
Davern Avenue, the point of begi ing.
Hillcrest Sho���g Center
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of White Bear Avenue and
. Larpenteur Avenue; thence East a ong the centerline of Larpenteur Avenue
' ° to the intersection with the cen erline of Van Dyke Street; thence South
� along the centerline of Van Dyke Street to the intersection with the
centerline of East Idaho Avenue; hence West along the centerline of
East Idaho Avenue to the intersec ion of the centerline of Gary Place;
thence South along the centerline of Gary Place to the intersection with
the centerline of East Hoyt Avenu ; thence West along the centerline of
East Hoyt Avenue to the intersect on with the centerline of the opened
alley in Block 1, Hillcrest Addit on; thence South along the centerline .
of said alley to the intersection with centerline of East Montana
Avenue; thence West along the cen erline of East Montana Avenue to the
intersection with the centerl ne of White Bear Avenue; thence North
along the centerline of White Bear Avenue to the intersection with the
centerline of Larpenteur Aven e 'the point of beginning.
Texaco Site
Except Adrian Street that par of Government Lot 2 northwesterly of the
Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul an Pacific Railroad 100.0 feet right-of-way;
and southwesterly of the foll ing line described: Beginning at the
intersection of the East line f Adrian Street and the North line of
Government Lot 2, thence south asterly at an angle of 49 degrees 30
minutes with said North Lot li e 605.14 feet to centerline of said
railroad right-of-way in Secti n 14, Township 28, Range 23.
Revised Description Number 100 a specific part of Block 41 West End and
part of Government Lot 2 in Se tion 14, Township 28� Range 23.
Except part deeded to Socony V cuum Oil Company in Document No. 915211
� the North 780.0 feet of part o Government Lot 2, Easterly of a line
running from a point on the No th line of and 1650.0 feet East from the
Northwest corner to a point on the South line of and 107.58 feet East
from the Southwest corner of G ernment Lot 2, subject to the Road in
Section 14� Township 28, Range 3.
Except part in 100 foot railroa right-of-way� part easterly and � �
southerly of Highway 390 follow ng vacated Alaska and Vista Avenues
• ad�acent and Blocks 32, 40 and lock 42. _ �
West Seventh Street/Grand
Beginning at the intersection o the centerline of Grand Avenue and
Smith Avenue; thence East along the centerline of Grand Avenue to the
intersection with the centerline of Leech Street; thence South along the
centerline of Leech Street to t intersection with the centerline of
West Seventh Street; thence west on a southerly decline along the
centerline of West Seventh Stree to the intersection with the
centerline of Smith Avenue; then e North along the centerline of Smith
Avenue to the intersection with he centerline of Grand Avenue� the
point of beginning.
Hi ng landfDonaldson's Site
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Ford Parkway and
Cleveland Avenue; .thence westerl along the centerline of Ford Parkway a
' distance of approximately 618.5 eet; thence south along a line parallel
with Cleveland Avenue approximat ly 755.0 feet; thence easterly along a
- line parallel with Ford Parkway distance of approximately 211.5 feet; �
' thence northerly on a line parall 1 with Cleveland Avenue a distance of
' approximately 454.0 feet; thence asterly on a line parallel with Ford
Parkway a distance of approximate y 57.0 feet; thence north on a line
parallel with Cleveland Avenue fo approximately 53.4 feet; thence
easterly on a line parallel with ord Parkway for approximately 198.0
feet; thence southerly on a line arallel with Cleveland Avenue for
approximately 68.4 feet; thence e sterly along a line parallel with Ford
s ����
Parkway to the intersection with the centerline of Cleveland Avenue;
thence north along the cent rline of Cleveland Avenue to the
intersection of the centerl ne of Ford Parkway, the point of beginning.
Copies of. the Redevelopment Plan or Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment
Pro�ect Area and Tax Increment Fi ncing Plan and related documents; including
Exterior Building Condition Surve s are on file. in the Office of the City
Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Co rt House, and in the Office of the
Department of Planning and Econom c Development, City Hall Annex� 25 West
Fourth Street, lOth Floor, Saint aul, Minnesota, and are available during
regular business hours.
That upon said Public Hearing the ouncil shall consider the Redevelopment
Plan for the Saint Paul Neighborho d Redevelopment Pro,ject Area and Tax
Increment financing Plan dated May, 1988, and the redevelopment and community
development activities in said pro osed plan and determine whether (1) the
land in the Pro�ect area would be ade available for redevelopment without the
undertaking of the Pro�ect and pro ision of public financial assistance being
considered, (2) the Redevelopment lan will afford maximum opportunity,
consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for redevelopment
of the Redevelopment Plan area by rivate enterprise, (3) the Redevelopment
Plan conforms to the general plan or the development of the locality as a
whole, and (4) the Redevelopment P an makes provision toward development of a
viable community in Saint Paul, in luding expanded and commercial
revitalization and expanding econo ic opportunities principally for persons of
law nd moderate income. � .
That further upon said public hear g all interested persons will be given the
opportunity to be heard or to submi written comments and the City Council
will consider, among other matters, (1) whether the University Avenue East
Area, Rice Street Area, Prom/3M Sit , Concord/Robert Area, Arcade/Payne/East
Seventh Street Area, Snelling/Unive sity Area, Unisys Property, Hillcrest
Shopping Center, Texaco Site, West eventh Street/Grand Area and
Highland/Donaldson's Site of the T Increment Financing District constitutes
a development district within the m aning of Minnesota Statutes Section 273.73
Subdivision 10(a)(2) , (2) whether d velopment of these sites of the
Redevelopment Project area would no reasonably be expected to occur solely
through private investment within t e forseeable future necessitating the use
of tax increment financing, (3) whe her the Redevelopment Plan and Tax
Increment Financing Plan and Pro�ec and District thereby proposed will afford
. maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a
whole for the development of the Pro ects by private enterprise, and (5)
whether the Redevelopment Pro�ect a Tax Increment Financing District should
be created and the Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans should be
. Dated May 13, 1988 .