99-216ORIGINA�. Pr2senc2d By Rzferred to Council File # - 1,=1 ��� Gr2en Sheet # 61077 �� Committee: Dat2 1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, Subdivision 7 contains an 2 appropriation to the Metropolitan Council for Regional Parks and Open Space development grants, 3 includin� a grant to the City of Saint Paul to further the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park, as set forth 4 below: � "$1,500,000 is for a grant to the metropolitan council for capital expenditures necessary to carry out the Hazziet Island Redevelopment in accordance with the Lilydale/Harriet Island master plan. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner determines that an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources." 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul by its Council Resolution 98-592 has agreed to comply with 10 the requirements of said grant, and 11 WIIEREAS, it is necessary to establish a project in the City's Capital Improvement Bud�et to 12 receive and expend funds under said grant, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1999 Capital Improvement Budaet, as heretofore adopted and amended, is h�reby further amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN Harriet Island Park Reconstruction C99-3R070 State ofMinnesota Non-state Matchin� Funds 26 SPENDINGPLAN 2 7 Harriet Island Park Reconstruction 28 C99-3R070 29 Design, Engineering and Construction 30 31 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ci_JRRENT BUDGET -0- -0- -0- � �1 AMENDED CHANGE BUDGET +1,500,000.00 1, 500,000.00 +l, 500,000.00 1,500,000.00 +;,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 +;,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 +3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 9g-�I� 32 FURTHER RESOLVED, that spending of project fixnds be scheduled such that spendin� will not 33 exceed the total of (a) non-state matclun� funds pled�ed and (b) an equal amount of state fundin� to be 34 released to the City on a reimbursement basis. V P.-;.a :ta'Ox Ca � y tst S �c c' n a�ge � ty;y :es� , �0 ��.4ao� �� ee Y�e1se a'C�yeLv'-ir � : ,, 8�d9 G ' �� � R � �aatel -J� ✓� �� Reque ted by: Divi ion of F gy f "_ C Q - eation Approval Recommended/�y Financial Services Director V (� gy: �lh �v`cic—�-�! Form Approved by City At ney Adopted by Council: Date ��� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ?� � By T _ `� -� _ o.. ;�� Approve b ayo or Submission to ^�� /���� Counc' Approved ayor: Date- l By: By: �n ��i '1l'a �tip DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAiEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 61077 Parks and Recreation Jan 20, 1999 CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE INITIAL(DATE INITIAI/DATE John Wirka 266-6417 � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �J CITYCOUNCIL nsseN — NUMBERPoR � CITYATTORNEV G CITYCIEHK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE� ttOUTING OPDER �FlNNNCIAL SERVICESDIft. 7 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FObfUary 24 7 999 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISTA 8 Parks and Recreation TOTHL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES �V (CLIP ALL LOCNTIONS FOR SIGNANRq � ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of City Councii Resolution to establish a new project in the 1999 Capital Improvement Budget entitied Harriet Island Park Reconstruction RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve �A� or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEft TXE FOLLOWMG UUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a connact for chis departmeni� A CIBCOMMITTEE A CF 9H-5JS� yES NO A STAPF 2. Has [his persoNfirm eve� been a city employee� DISTRICTCOUNCIL VES NO —� — 3. Does [his person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any wrrenc crty employee� SUPPORTS WHICM COUNQ� OBJECTIVE> VES NO Explain all yes answers an sepaeace sheec antl attach fo green sM1eel. INITIATING PFOBLEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNIN IWho, What, When, Where, Why�: The State of Minnesota has appropriated a 57.5 M grant to the City, to be matched by an equal amount from non-state sources, to continue the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park. This resolution is necessary to establish a Capital Imptovement Project to receive and expend the funds. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Project activity and budget established in City's Capital Improvement Budget. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEP. N�` a " '� � �§� None �yRR � � 1999 `~�;-,� -� - ���� -���� ��E DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: �"' °° � ���/J - ,.,,, .�'.� � ' : `. � ec�s . No activity or budget to receive/expend funds. � u '. "; rt .�� ����� e:�� ���9���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 3,000,000.00 COST/REVENUE�BUOOETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE State of Minnesota 57,500,000.00 ACTIVITYNUMBER C99-3R070 Non-state Matching Funds 51,500,000.00 FlNANQAL INFOPMATION: (EXPtAiN1 �-� P �.l��+�'c� gsr-s��- Jtrl.+� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r / e ,/ Presented 3y Re£erred to -�. � �. 0 94- �//, Council File # ��� Green Sheet # 62828 � i Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i1FiE+EAS, Minnesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, 3ubdivision 7 contains an appropri�tion to the Metropolitan Council £or Regional Parks and Open Space development grants, including a grant to the City o£ Saint Paul to further the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park, as set forrh below: "$1,500,000 is for a grant to the metropolitan council for capital expenditures necessary to czrry out the Harriet Island Redevelopment in accerdance with the Lilydale/Harriet Island master plan. This appropriation is not �vailable until the commissioner c°termines that an equal Fmount has been committed £rom nonstate sources." 10 NOW THERBcCRB BE 11 that the City o£ Saint 12 grant, and IT R�SOLV�D, by the Council of the Cicy of Saint Paul, Paul agrees to comnly with the requirements of said 13 FTJRTH£R RESOLVED, [hat the Mayor and oroDer City of£icials are hereby 14 authorized to execute agreements with the Metrepolitan Council to accept�said 15 grant, and 16 sINALLY RESOLVED, that upon completion and receipt of said grant 17 agreement and the required matching funds, the City Council shall receive a 18 Capital Improvement Budget Resolution containing the recommendation of the 19 Mayor and advice of the Long Rsnae Capital Improvement BudgeC Committee for 20 approval and adoption. Yeas Nays Pbsenti Benanav �� Blakey_ _� Bastrom Coleman �C Harris, / Lantry ✓ Reiter � �— Requested by: Div' on oz arks d Recreation � .''C�C.�Ci.----- rorm Approved by City Attorney 3y: ( � �\ a_��,.,. Approv�3 by��iayor �r S �t to By: AdoDted by Council: Date `��� Adoption Cerci£ied by Coun :1 Secretary ORIGINA�. Pr2senc2d By Rzferred to Council File # - 1,=1 ��� Gr2en Sheet # 61077 �� Committee: Dat2 1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, Subdivision 7 contains an 2 appropriation to the Metropolitan Council for Regional Parks and Open Space development grants, 3 includin� a grant to the City of Saint Paul to further the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park, as set forth 4 below: � "$1,500,000 is for a grant to the metropolitan council for capital expenditures necessary to carry out the Hazziet Island Redevelopment in accordance with the Lilydale/Harriet Island master plan. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner determines that an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources." 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul by its Council Resolution 98-592 has agreed to comply with 10 the requirements of said grant, and 11 WIIEREAS, it is necessary to establish a project in the City's Capital Improvement Bud�et to 12 receive and expend funds under said grant, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1999 Capital Improvement Budaet, as heretofore adopted and amended, is h�reby further amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN Harriet Island Park Reconstruction C99-3R070 State ofMinnesota Non-state Matchin� Funds 26 SPENDINGPLAN 2 7 Harriet Island Park Reconstruction 28 C99-3R070 29 Design, Engineering and Construction 30 31 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ci_JRRENT BUDGET -0- -0- -0- � �1 AMENDED CHANGE BUDGET +1,500,000.00 1, 500,000.00 +l, 500,000.00 1,500,000.00 +;,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 +;,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 +3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 9g-�I� 32 FURTHER RESOLVED, that spending of project fixnds be scheduled such that spendin� will not 33 exceed the total of (a) non-state matclun� funds pled�ed and (b) an equal amount of state fundin� to be 34 released to the City on a reimbursement basis. V P.-;.a :ta'Ox Ca � y tst S �c c' n a�ge � ty;y :es� , �0 ��.4ao� �� ee Y�e1se a'C�yeLv'-ir � : ,, 8�d9 G ' �� � R � �aatel -J� ✓� �� Reque ted by: Divi ion of F gy f "_ C Q - eation Approval Recommended/�y Financial Services Director V (� gy: �lh �v`cic—�-�! Form Approved by City At ney Adopted by Council: Date ��� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ?� � By T _ `� -� _ o.. ;�� Approve b ayo or Submission to ^�� /���� Counc' Approved ayor: Date- l By: By: �n ��i '1l'a �tip DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAiEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 61077 Parks and Recreation Jan 20, 1999 CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE INITIAL(DATE INITIAI/DATE John Wirka 266-6417 � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �J CITYCOUNCIL nsseN — NUMBERPoR � CITYATTORNEV G CITYCIEHK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE� ttOUTING OPDER �FlNNNCIAL SERVICESDIft. 7 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FObfUary 24 7 999 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISTA 8 Parks and Recreation TOTHL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES �V (CLIP ALL LOCNTIONS FOR SIGNANRq � ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of City Councii Resolution to establish a new project in the 1999 Capital Improvement Budget entitied Harriet Island Park Reconstruction RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve �A� or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEft TXE FOLLOWMG UUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a connact for chis departmeni� A CIBCOMMITTEE A CF 9H-5JS� yES NO A STAPF 2. Has [his persoNfirm eve� been a city employee� DISTRICTCOUNCIL VES NO —� — 3. Does [his person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any wrrenc crty employee� SUPPORTS WHICM COUNQ� OBJECTIVE> VES NO Explain all yes answers an sepaeace sheec antl attach fo green sM1eel. INITIATING PFOBLEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNIN IWho, What, When, Where, Why�: The State of Minnesota has appropriated a 57.5 M grant to the City, to be matched by an equal amount from non-state sources, to continue the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park. This resolution is necessary to establish a Capital Imptovement Project to receive and expend the funds. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Project activity and budget established in City's Capital Improvement Budget. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEP. N�` a " '� � �§� None �yRR � � 1999 `~�;-,� -� - ���� -���� ��E DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: �"' °° � ���/J - ,.,,, .�'.� � ' : `. � ec�s . No activity or budget to receive/expend funds. � u '. "; rt .�� ����� e:�� ���9���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 3,000,000.00 COST/REVENUE�BUOOETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE State of Minnesota 57,500,000.00 ACTIVITYNUMBER C99-3R070 Non-state Matching Funds 51,500,000.00 FlNANQAL INFOPMATION: (EXPtAiN1 �-� P �.l��+�'c� gsr-s��- Jtrl.+� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r / e ,/ Presented 3y Re£erred to -�. � �. 0 94- �//, Council File # ��� Green Sheet # 62828 � i Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i1FiE+EAS, Minnesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, 3ubdivision 7 contains an appropri�tion to the Metropolitan Council £or Regional Parks and Open Space development grants, including a grant to the City o£ Saint Paul to further the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park, as set forrh below: "$1,500,000 is for a grant to the metropolitan council for capital expenditures necessary to czrry out the Harriet Island Redevelopment in accerdance with the Lilydale/Harriet Island master plan. This appropriation is not �vailable until the commissioner c°termines that an equal Fmount has been committed £rom nonstate sources." 10 NOW THERBcCRB BE 11 that the City o£ Saint 12 grant, and IT R�SOLV�D, by the Council of the Cicy of Saint Paul, Paul agrees to comnly with the requirements of said 13 FTJRTH£R RESOLVED, [hat the Mayor and oroDer City of£icials are hereby 14 authorized to execute agreements with the Metrepolitan Council to accept�said 15 grant, and 16 sINALLY RESOLVED, that upon completion and receipt of said grant 17 agreement and the required matching funds, the City Council shall receive a 18 Capital Improvement Budget Resolution containing the recommendation of the 19 Mayor and advice of the Long Rsnae Capital Improvement BudgeC Committee for 20 approval and adoption. Yeas Nays Pbsenti Benanav �� Blakey_ _� Bastrom Coleman �C Harris, / Lantry ✓ Reiter � �— Requested by: Div' on oz arks d Recreation � .''C�C.�Ci.----- rorm Approved by City Attorney 3y: ( � �\ a_��,.,. Approv�3 by��iayor �r S �t to By: AdoDted by Council: Date `��� Adoption Cerci£ied by Coun :1 Secretary ORIGINA�. Pr2senc2d By Rzferred to Council File # - 1,=1 ��� Gr2en Sheet # 61077 �� Committee: Dat2 1 WHEREAS, Minnesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, Subdivision 7 contains an 2 appropriation to the Metropolitan Council for Regional Parks and Open Space development grants, 3 includin� a grant to the City of Saint Paul to further the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park, as set forth 4 below: � "$1,500,000 is for a grant to the metropolitan council for capital expenditures necessary to carry out the Hazziet Island Redevelopment in accordance with the Lilydale/Harriet Island master plan. This appropriation is not available until the commissioner determines that an equal amount has been committed from nonstate sources." 9 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul by its Council Resolution 98-592 has agreed to comply with 10 the requirements of said grant, and 11 WIIEREAS, it is necessary to establish a project in the City's Capital Improvement Bud�et to 12 receive and expend funds under said grant, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1999 Capital Improvement Budaet, as heretofore adopted and amended, is h�reby further amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN Harriet Island Park Reconstruction C99-3R070 State ofMinnesota Non-state Matchin� Funds 26 SPENDINGPLAN 2 7 Harriet Island Park Reconstruction 28 C99-3R070 29 Design, Engineering and Construction 30 31 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ci_JRRENT BUDGET -0- -0- -0- � �1 AMENDED CHANGE BUDGET +1,500,000.00 1, 500,000.00 +l, 500,000.00 1,500,000.00 +;,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 +;,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 +3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 9g-�I� 32 FURTHER RESOLVED, that spending of project fixnds be scheduled such that spendin� will not 33 exceed the total of (a) non-state matclun� funds pled�ed and (b) an equal amount of state fundin� to be 34 released to the City on a reimbursement basis. V P.-;.a :ta'Ox Ca � y tst S �c c' n a�ge � ty;y :es� , �0 ��.4ao� �� ee Y�e1se a'C�yeLv'-ir � : ,, 8�d9 G ' �� � R � �aatel -J� ✓� �� Reque ted by: Divi ion of F gy f "_ C Q - eation Approval Recommended/�y Financial Services Director V (� gy: �lh �v`cic—�-�! Form Approved by City At ney Adopted by Council: Date ��� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ?� � By T _ `� -� _ o.. ;�� Approve b ayo or Submission to ^�� /���� Counc' Approved ayor: Date- l By: By: �n ��i '1l'a �tip DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DAiEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. 61077 Parks and Recreation Jan 20, 1999 CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE INITIAL(DATE INITIAI/DATE John Wirka 266-6417 � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �J CITYCOUNCIL nsseN — NUMBERPoR � CITYATTORNEV G CITYCIEHK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAiE� ttOUTING OPDER �FlNNNCIAL SERVICESDIft. 7 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG FObfUary 24 7 999 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISTA 8 Parks and Recreation TOTHL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES �V (CLIP ALL LOCNTIONS FOR SIGNANRq � ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of City Councii Resolution to establish a new project in the 1999 Capital Improvement Budget entitied Harriet Island Park Reconstruction RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve �A� or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEft TXE FOLLOWMG UUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION � Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a connact for chis departmeni� A CIBCOMMITTEE A CF 9H-5JS� yES NO A STAPF 2. Has [his persoNfirm eve� been a city employee� DISTRICTCOUNCIL VES NO —� — 3. Does [his person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any wrrenc crty employee� SUPPORTS WHICM COUNQ� OBJECTIVE> VES NO Explain all yes answers an sepaeace sheec antl attach fo green sM1eel. INITIATING PFOBLEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNIN IWho, What, When, Where, Why�: The State of Minnesota has appropriated a 57.5 M grant to the City, to be matched by an equal amount from non-state sources, to continue the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park. This resolution is necessary to establish a Capital Imptovement Project to receive and expend the funds. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Project activity and budget established in City's Capital Improvement Budget. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEP. N�` a " '� � �§� None �yRR � � 1999 `~�;-,� -� - ���� -���� ��E DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: �"' °° � ���/J - ,.,,, .�'.� � ' : `. � ec�s . No activity or budget to receive/expend funds. � u '. "; rt .�� ����� e:�� ���9���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 3,000,000.00 COST/REVENUE�BUOOETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDINGSOURCE State of Minnesota 57,500,000.00 ACTIVITYNUMBER C99-3R070 Non-state Matching Funds 51,500,000.00 FlNANQAL INFOPMATION: (EXPtAiN1 �-� P �.l��+�'c� gsr-s��- Jtrl.+� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r / e ,/ Presented 3y Re£erred to -�. � �. 0 94- �//, Council File # ��� Green Sheet # 62828 � i Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i1FiE+EAS, Minnesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, 3ubdivision 7 contains an appropri�tion to the Metropolitan Council £or Regional Parks and Open Space development grants, including a grant to the City o£ Saint Paul to further the redevelopment of Harriet Island Park, as set forrh below: "$1,500,000 is for a grant to the metropolitan council for capital expenditures necessary to czrry out the Harriet Island Redevelopment in accerdance with the Lilydale/Harriet Island master plan. This appropriation is not �vailable until the commissioner c°termines that an equal Fmount has been committed £rom nonstate sources." 10 NOW THERBcCRB BE 11 that the City o£ Saint 12 grant, and IT R�SOLV�D, by the Council of the Cicy of Saint Paul, Paul agrees to comnly with the requirements of said 13 FTJRTH£R RESOLVED, [hat the Mayor and oroDer City of£icials are hereby 14 authorized to execute agreements with the Metrepolitan Council to accept�said 15 grant, and 16 sINALLY RESOLVED, that upon completion and receipt of said grant 17 agreement and the required matching funds, the City Council shall receive a 18 Capital Improvement Budget Resolution containing the recommendation of the 19 Mayor and advice of the Long Rsnae Capital Improvement BudgeC Committee for 20 approval and adoption. Yeas Nays Pbsenti Benanav �� Blakey_ _� Bastrom Coleman �C Harris, / Lantry ✓ Reiter � �— Requested by: Div' on oz arks d Recreation � .''C�C.�Ci.----- rorm Approved by City Attorney 3y: ( � �\ a_��,.,. Approv�3 by��iayor �r S �t to By: AdoDted by Council: Date `��� Adoption Cerci£ied by Coun :1 Secretary