88-823 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L COUIICII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 4 � �'ounci Resolution --��� Presented By G�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. # 0479) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by Donald J. Roemer DBA White Bear Sinclair at 1314 White Bear Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � [n Favor Gosw;tz � -R�!!11lA�^' s�heinel _ Against BY Sonnen �"'"� MAY 2 4 °�988 Form App oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - • Certified P s• d by Council Se retar By — • s�/� � � $} MAY 2 5 8 t#ppro e Mavor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY Pl�llSNED J�i°+ � � gg • ,' , ���O�`' . � . T�IVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINIS RATION DATE %� '� '7�g�/ 2 ���"�F� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud A�plicant �O�q� � J. �QC.NY1�.�" Home Address �gg 3 13YooKview � D Rusiness Name G�1 h�+G $r.ar�/t,nu{. Home Phone 1 3�- yqa� S�n a�r Business Address �3/� (,V hy� �tdr �,. Type of License(s) Business Phone �7 � ''��7� ��n Rt„p a,,��,r� �14d"4�(,�. Public Hearing Date � License I.D. 4� t�t V �� 9 at 9:00 a.m, in the Counci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4C eZlS� �Os.s llate Notice Sent � Dealer �� N''q' to Applicant Federal Fi_rearms 46 N'�} Public Hearing DATE INSPE TION REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A roved No A roved Bldg I & D � I 1 � � �� Health Divn. ' I � n I� ' Yl o � Fire Dept. � � ' � I � � v � Se rui- z���4�$ Yolice Dept. I �I � � l lJL�� ! License Divn. 3I � y j p� City Attorney � i Date Received: Site Plan ���Q� To Council Research 5 13 � � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �J a� ` �� . _ y . ��-�°�� . ` �+ CI'1'Y 0 ST. PAUL DEPAR'1'h�11'P OF F ARD MAHAC�T 3ffitVlCES ` �� LIC�lQSB A19D P�RMIT DIYZSIO�A These statement forms are issued in c�agl, cste. please aasMer all qnestions ttil�q and campletely. This applicstion ia t cbecked. Ar�y falaiticatioa ri11 be c�vse for denial. Da 2- � 'S 19 �� 1. Application �Por l-t�---��-r (Lioense) (Pe1'ait) _ .., 2. Name of applicant 1X��A+-� J- � E.��� 3. If applicsnt is/hsa been a msrried t e, list maiden name b. Dste ot birth 1 -`3-Sc� Age� Place Or biltll ��`T`-4X�uT �-�.�, ��� , 5. Are you a citizea ot t6e United State �___ Rativ�e ✓ Aaturalized __ 6. Are you a ngistered voter ��S Where v-:�,�1�. � , T. Hcme addxeas ���3 �1zO��.'cE �.� , l�� � ��! 7�-�RZ� - 8. Preaeirt business addreas (31�C�-�� g�r-.� I��c.�. �i�ss ��� '77�-p�7L - 9. Including your present bnsinesa/�pl nt, what bnsiness/e�layseat ba�e yon follo�ned for the past live years, Business/F�ployme� Address . . CE►�.-c�-��u �,.i.E. Srtis.«.,�.t-c t-TS-�,.,.r�+.cz��.c�.. �a�d�"-�' 10. Married = IP ans�rer is "yes", list name and address ot spause ��d� �bcN�.fc.l� Q88� �2oC���.LZ..E 1�i , �>-�bo�a �. 11. ?Iave you ever been arreated for an o! nse that has reaulted in a coavietion! � It ansuer is "yes", list datea of arre ts, rhere, charges, eo�victio�t snd aente�ces. Date ot arrest 19 ere CEAFGE CONVICTION SEIPrERCE Date oP arrest I9 Whe e C'HARGr CONV ICTIOi7 g�� _� . •� � � ���� �� � 12. List the names and sddresses (it ed, name o! spanse also) ot all persans�, corporations, partnerships, assoc ationa oz organisatlons �rhich in an,}r Way hav�: a. A mortgage interest in the L1 naed premise, ��-. b. A security iaterest in the li nsed premiaea, license, ar it�rnishings of the licenaed premise, S�v�c..a-a. � 1��.�-c't r� ��� , �Z��G���; �. c. A promissory note for tunds 1 d for the vperatian of the licensed premiae or tbe pnrchase ot'the licens , �o�'� ` ������t� d. Financially ontributed to th purchase oP the premise or the license it- self e. Ar�y other interest either dir ct or indirect, either Pinancial or otheraise i ,, (�. in the licensed premise or th license itself, 1�e�.. Attach a copy hereto of aqSr and all do nta relerred to in this atiidavit. 1?. Give namas aad a�ddresses oP two rsons, resideots of St. Psul, Mfm�esata, who can give information concerning y . NA1� AD�iffi3 C,�►a v�.�s c�, �c�� C�Bc gt����d �_ ��L��'t� (V�.1"`L.rea� �E]�b—L L.i/�L� ��l�3 L�-��:��Z���or.� G�1r�� �,�/�e.�� 14. Addreaa of premisea for i+hich Lic nse or Permit is asde t 5i`E ���"�'� �E'd-'�-'�`�' Address � Zone claasification_ 15. Between s+hat cross streets��`� ' ��'T�- ��z �ihich side oP street S� 16. Na�ae under which this business r+i 1 be conducted ���t�g��•Sr�.�Cc�.�� 1?. Bnainess telrphone maaber ?7�- �1-7(c. 1Q. Attach to this application, a det iled description of the design, location, aad square Pootage of the premises to be licensed Z9. are premises nox occupied `�� What business/'"�"'�' �"`-�� H� loag ��V� r • 1, . . , , �J w y°�J7' �.FOe O f . � ���' 20.• List license waich you currently ld, or former],y held, or mqy have an intere in (�ov..� . 21. Have ariy of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been sevoloed. Yes No �. IP anarrer is "yes��, li t dates a� reasoaa: 22. Do you have an interest ot ae�r typ ia a�}r ot.her buainess or bnsinesa premiaes. I.° answer is "yes", list business, tiusiness address aad telepho�e number._ C�1.,►.ZL4Q`{ ��1�. Jt�f-LGc-r-1�� !Z �O.k.T'�-t2-Y (Q\GG �A:�b�L� I.U�.iA. _ Z�`����U� 23. If business is incorporated, giw ate ot incorporation �----' 19 and attach capy of Articles of Inc rporstion and mirnxtes of first meeting 2�. List all officers of the corporati n giving their names, oftice held, hame address, and home and business tel hone n�bers: ��"� 25. If business is partnership, list ner(s) address aad telephooe n�bera: �� �" � dress Te1.Fo. 26. Is then a�yone else who will have iaterest in this businesa oz premises4 If answer is "yes", give nsme, ome address, telephoe�e n�bers aad in rhst manner is tl�eir itrtereat: �� 27. Are you goinR to operate this busine a personal�y �0 3f not, who xill vperste it: . Aame �t�1�. CL�tZC�So� Ho�ae address WOe�.(ow.4y Te2.Ao.73�-.���v - � � ���a�'�4�-�� / . • . • Are you going to ha.ve a Nlanager or ssietaat ia this business? It ans�+er is ��yes", give name and hoa�e address d home tele�phone m2mber: Name �� ��'S°� Home address����"``f 2�e1.No.��r'����' 29. Has aryone you have named in questi ns 22 Lhrough 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list�e of perso , dates of arrest, where, charges, com�i.c- tions aad sentence 30. I �v�6�, �. �o�-w�-�✓ understand this premise m4Y be in- spected by the police, fire, health d other city otticials at a�r and all �imes when the bnsiness is in operat on. State of Mi.nnesota) � )SS County of Ramsey ) being first du]y sworn, deposes and s�ys upan oath that he :�as read the foregoing state nt bearing his si�ature and Imoxs the coatents thereoP, and that the ssme is e of his owa l�oaledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information d be�ef and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be trne. Subscribed and sj+orn to bePoxe me �!G2Z��i L �.���tJ Signature of Applicsat this ��TH day oP �C$�tz.Y 19�8 �M0... �. Natary Public, Rams ounty, Minnesota !�fy cosanission expires q - L.� "—`� Qrii,nn���.:;rt. ;.,., ,-.,,.. . - ,"�'- '� nnnnn�V►r LISA M. HINZMAN' ' ''�j. � NOTARY PUBLIG:MINNESOTA , • � • ��3j `DAKOTA,COUPITY'� `'�y My Comm.Exp(res 9ept.2T;�39�0 ■YINWVWWVWWWWVWWWNNNWVW 1 ��� ��� . 3 . ',�`��: c�a�. �i���N ��fEET �a:OD17 31 ��� . � ,��,��� , xri� �n1er=Var� Ho�n � - — ����� 3�«� Fit�ai�ve & I�mt. 298-5056 , �: �°�`°�" 2;.Oou�c:tl ��+,�r ` 1 ���� Appli.catiorl for a Ger�eral. i�aair Garage ''cense. - IVOTIf'E S�+Tr: 5/3.1�88 F�ATtIN� : 5/24/88 �rret4R�wNS:ta.w�.i�t a r+�_ ' . �+car: .. . , : .. � PLA111Rq�ION ... � CIVIL SERVK�OOMMI3S�N �DA7E1N � -DATE "_ " . . . ..� PFIONE"N�6. ' - - � - �DNWO OO/N+I�BION . . - �IBG f26�8C11D.O1 BOAFlD .�7 s.� ��/i��., .. . � . .//1//�:' . sr� awrteA°°�"�seio" � ns�s �'wF°n°°c-o* _ro,oi w."+F� * _�acow ois�c.�r� •� st�ta w+��oouNC�oe,�cnv¢z Council Research Cente� MAY 171�� ..,�►,�����.�.,�,,.�.�:�,: l�equest for Qaa�i.l appro�al far a Genesca3. R�ir Ca�rsge L�.c�nae by I)or�1d_3. Aos�c D� , �.i.te Bear si�clair at 1314 Whi.t� 8ea;x we. _ . : _,+u�!�c�t�-K',w�e.i�w.:,wr.raqM.;�.>: _ -.. - All fe�s ar�d applicati�s have b�een subm3.t . P,ll. z�equ.ired a�rtr�ts hav+e app�r+o�v�ed the �pl.i.catiari. , :cowfou�css�,wne�,.�+e ro;nnwm�: ; - . _ _ ; � If �a�cil approval is not given. Mr. w.i.11 n�ot be allaaaed t�o repai.r imfio� v�icles at this lvcatian. , xs�w�►tn�s: _ ca�s �r�oe+rs: . ��: . _ + : `