88-813 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIIC11 ((��yy..����////11�� /� BLUERV - MqyORTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PAU L File NO.�, /� Coun il Resolution ���� � _ ���� Presented By � . � �- a �--�� eferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That the request for he addition of Jerry Dale Landreville to the On Sale Liquor, Sunda On Sale Liquor, Entertainment, and Restaurant License currently iss ed to Lexi-Front Inc. DBA Gabe's �y the Park at 991 North Lexingto (Chester L. Wille, President) be and the same is hereby approv d. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In F vor Goswitz Rettman � Scheibel _ Agai St BY Sonnen ''� JUN 2 3 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . � � �S�� Certified Y�; d by Council Secret By By A►pproved by IVlavor: Dat _ �N 1 � 88 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBtISHEO �l�J! ° � 988 ` .. ' w►te r� aae oorw.e� ; � ::. `,'� Q a ��/� , `: � F: c�x�. �R�� '�1��T �.0 01.0�1 . . �CT VEIIYAI . �. . . DEPANTMENf DIRECTdN. � ANVOR�R A88187M!'f).. . . KY'3.15 $�1T1�eZ'"'Vdll I3CJ�21 R� �a w�a�redr�ev�croA � cm q.r� �'inar�oe & I+�nt. 298-5056 : e�� 2 �ca�l R�eaxch i«rv�„ow+EV — . Pereon. to persori transfer of an �n e'Liqu�r.Lic�ense. I�otification Sen�t 4/21/88 Hearing Date: Ma� 24, 1988 �'nt�:.(�t�U.«rwi�a E )) �s�cH nePO�sr: ,, PlAlNlfi C01�11q810N .CPV1L 9ERVECE CAI+MAIBSION DA NI DA7E OIJT � � AlMLYBT � � � PFIpiE#q. . . �. � . .. ZOMNiO OCA�A�810N - . .. �E25 BCFpOL BOARD. � I/T � . �r� . . . . . . .. . � BTAPF . �.. . � � .CHANTER COMMI�ION � .. � AS t8 -ADDL`�MFO.ADDED* REPD TO COpiA�i . .. . GGN6flTiJBiF � � � � � ._.,:FOR 11Dbt IMFO. __-fE60l11E1C ADD�• - DIBiWC�COUNCIL . . . � . . . . . . . � - . TION: . �.811Pi'OR767Mi1p�fC0lJIldL.09;�Ci1VE?.� . � � . : . - . � . . .. �. . � . . . � . ° . Councii Research Center _ : MAY 0 61988 . . _ .1 _ . t . ., . �.U+�.w�++c.un.�.u+�.ar�o�rutrr�wra,vu�m:wn.�,,�.,v�: _ Mr. C�ster Willie, on behalf of Le�ci- t, Tnc. a�d Je,rry Dale Lazx�v�lle, xequest that � On Sa]:e Liquor I.ieer�se p�ently l� T�exi-Fx+dt�t, Tnc. (C�eet�er Willie, sole°st�ocJc-- _ 1�Zd�ex) at 9g1 North I�exi,ngtori Av�ue transferrec3 t�o L�x3.�Fr�rst� Itac: (C�#er��1i11�.�, ' 15t� sboekh�l,�r; and Jerry �ale , 'lle, 50$ st�ickhol�ler) �t tl�e s�ne �rees. 7.'h�y will oorrta.riue to be krx7wn as Ga,be's by Park. . , . {oo�r�enM�4�.Adqiwieas.F�.lc , � .., _ . . A13. required applications. and fee� ha�v�e Leen s�ttsd, ._,.�f O�meil apparo�val � giv�, i�. Lat�dr�tille will be a1laHted to as a 50� aa�e��hi.p in the � S�le Liquor Lioa�se p�t7-� iss�ed t�o L�i F�t, Tric. at 991 �Tort;h I,exinyt� A�►ue.. . '�wn.�:w�n.:.na ra wna�r: - , : ; .. , _ If C�cil app�±oval is nat giv�n. Mr. tex Willie will c�or�tinue i�o h�we �le a�rae-r.�lf;p of the Ori Sal� Liquar Licen�e. . . �t.�►e�w►t�: w�os c�a+s , . , , . �wuES: , " : �/ � . . _ �''� s;-. : , . � -� � u����.� DIVISION OF LZCENSE AND PERMIT A.DMI "ISTRATION DATE / INTERDF.PARTMFhTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �� --�� �,, Home Address n(�p� ,��Q , �q�V,;(� —��— � Rusiness Name p�,�( Home Phone ���–a�3..t� • Business Address , .�'�ype of License(s) �(�(�,�,�'� p � Business Phone – � -�—T Public Hearing Date � License I.D. �i at 9:00 a.m, in the Counci Chamber , 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �6 llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� � '(� to Applicant (�� �3 $ Federal Firearms 4� � � Public Nearing '�1 - � a - 1 - c�o c� DATE II3 PECTION REVIEW VERFIED COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved ot A roved Bldg I & D I � � A � , Health Divn. ' n 1� , � Fire Dept. '��� � � � Police Dept. � �� I I �LP � �/� � (� � �-. ��`� 1 W ��wL..t.J r�x-- License Divn. ^, � v� � City Attorney � i Date Received: Site Plan To Council Research '��l � �� Lease or Letter Date from Landlord . � �. � '• � : � (��/� � . Application No. Date R ceived By CITY OF ST PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SAL IPJTOXICATING LIQUOR LICc�SE SUNDAY ON SALE IN OXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INT XICATI�VG LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SAIE INTOX CATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MAL BEVERAGE LICENSE 0N SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by e ch person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or associati n in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SU JECT TO REVIEW 6Y THE PU6LIC 1. Application for (name of license) Qn Sale Li sor �nterta- :� S• , � r •";, 2. Located at (address) 1 rro Le, 'r�n on <4•re 3. Name under which business will be ope ated Gab �s , , � �w1c o1�u-3066 4. True Plame Je rT Da � v� Phon�L.89-2530 irst Middle Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi rth Feb. 19 P P1 ce of Bi rth Ar�le, �'ii nnesOt� Month, Day, Year 6. Are you a citizen of the United States? Y�,� � Native X Naturalized � 7. Home Address r o � Home Telephone �1A9-2530 8. Including your present business/emplo ent, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address Q• �� a 3�i i �daba.^,ha. St. S�. .°�'�1 � I�In. 9. Married? v .a If answer is "yes ' , list the name and address of spouse. T oT.,' (' r l p 7,r . ; . �-���.� 10. �fave you e��er been convicted of any elony, crime or violation af any city ordinance, other than traffic? Yes � % � Oate of arrest 19 Idhere Charge Convfctian Sentence Oate of arrest 19 Where � Charge Conviction Sentence 1I. RetaiT 8eer Federal iax Stamp etail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �_ �Nill be used. 12. Closest 3.2 Place �r/a hurch N/A School v/.� I3. Closest intoxicating iiquor place. 0 Sale �a1 ���r�sG Streeflff Sa1e Canovs (accros� street) ia. List the names and residences of thre persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not reTated to the applicant or finan ia11y interested in the premises or business, who may Ce referred to as to the applican 's character. � yame � Address Nic?c �. ; •.� 1�1�6 ;�iorchester Ave: St. Pa�il Richsrd �gpert 65?� Lo�ba.rd Aee. St. Paul Clayton 24ontoetit 65�. Clarence �iTe. St. Paul I5. Address of premises far which applica ion is made 991 North Lexin�ton A.e. Zone Classificatfon Phene 61�6 3066 16. Between what cross streets? Which side of Street �tirest 17. Are premises R01N eccupied? A What Business? On Sal . Lin��or�RPGtarn�nt How Long? �o '_3. List licenses which you currently hoi , or fe rneriy he1d, or may have an intarest in. On Sale Li uor/Sundav �n Sale Li u r/Restaruant/Entertain.-�ent I9. 4ave any of the lic�nses listed by yo in No. I8 ever been r�voked? Yes �o _�_ If answer is "yes" , l�s� the dates an r�asons N/A �. : � � � � ����� � � � ; . .. � �� 20. If business is incorporated, give d te of incorporation !�1�u,^t 22i 19 7T and attach copy of Articles of Inco poration and minutes of tirst meetiag. 21. List all officers�of the corporatio , giving their aames, offi.ce held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. Chester L. �Jille President Jer D. Landreville V. Presi ent 116 Co. Rd. 3. Roseville :4n. 9 -2� 22 -6683 22. If business is partnership, list pa ner(s) , address and tel.ephone numbers. N/A �Tame Ad ress Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have a interest in this busiaess or premises? 24. Are you going to operate this busine s personally? Yes If not, who will operate it? Name H me Address Phone 25. Are you gofag to have a manager or a sistant in this business? Nn If aaswer i3 "yes", give name, home address, and ome telephone number. Name H me Address Phone A►�TY FALISFICATZON OF A►vSS�'ERS GIVE�I OR tilAT IAL SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I*I DEYIAL OF THIS APPLIC?,TION. I hereby state under oath that I kave aas ered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beiief. I hereby state further under oath that I ha e received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connectioa with the tr sfer of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other t:� n already disclosed in the application wnich I have herewith submitted. State of :Sinnesota) � , . � % , � , + e. �.� Couatq of Ramsey ) � (S ature of applicant Subscribed and swom to before me this � d8y Of `lnir_ I9�� � �� � •� ;totary Public, � �� -Couaty, �Iia}�esQta •,�,_._ :Iy CoBrmission e�es< :- � : <:: ; , �• :,�' z � �� r. , �1`•..i".' . _.. � 'i:i•.i.i:u�.r:"�J i•,iS�a.�+,"5�-'� �� 1.�� it7 ' J Yi/W W�'N� 1r� •: . � � ���r� xz-r�torrr, ixc. a Min esota corporation d/b/a Gabe's By The Park 991 Nor h Lexington Parkway Saint P ul, Minnesota 55103 March 21, 1988 Mr. Joseph Carchedi License Division City of Saint Paul 203 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 5 102 Re: Questions Regardin Ownership of Gabe's B The Park Dear Mr. Carchedi: This letter is in respo se to the four questions you directed to me regardin Gerald Landreville's acquiring 50� of the stock of Lexi-Fr nt, Inc. Q. Why had two years one by before request was made to the License Divisi n of the City of Saint Paul to have the license change to reflect the fact that Gerald Landreville now o s 50 of Lexi-Front Inc.? We have no good re son as to why there was a delay in requesting the lic nse be changed to reflect the transfer of 50� of the stock to Gerald Landreville. There was some con usion as to whose responsibility it was going to be to notify the License Division of the transfer. Due to his confusion and some procrastina- tion, this was not done until November of 1987. During this time, erald Landreville took no active part in the manage ent or involvement in any of the day-to-day operati ns of Gabe's By The Park. I, Chester Wille, rem ined responsible and still remain responsible for th operations of Gabe's By The Park. : , ': � : � � ���i..3 ,, . Mr. Joseph Carchedi March 21, 1988 Page two Q. What did Gerald La reville pay for his 50� ownership Lexi-Front c. The total purchase rice for the 50� interest in Lexi- Front, Inc. was $1 5,000. Q. What ' s Gerald Lan revil e's interest? Gerald Landreville owns 50� of the outstanding stock of Lexi-Front, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation, which owns and operates abe's By The Park, the on-sale liquor and restaur nt establishment located at Lexington and Fron Street in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Mr. Landreville's 'nterest is primarily as an investor and advisor. He h s not been involved in the day-to- day operations of abe's By The Park and does not plan to do so in the i ediate future. Q. Who has been respo sible for the day-to-day operations of Gabe's B The P rk? Chester Wille, the President of Lexi-Front, Inc. , has been responsible f r the daily operations of Gabe's By The Park from Augu t of 1977, when the property was purchased, up to t e present. Sincerely, LEXI-FRONT, INC. �' ������� ; By Chester Wille Its President - - - � . �� � Members: �� CITY O SAINT PAUL Janice Rettman, chair iililt�(r.li� 81�� vYl�$�n OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL gob Long Date: June 16, 19 8 � �-- ��'�3 TANICE RETTMAN �°°°��p°�°° Co mittee Report To: Saint Paul City Coun il From : Community and uman Services Committee Janice Rettman, hair The meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, June 15, 1988. The following were in attendance Janice Rettman, Chair ' Bob Long, Councilmember Bill Wilson, Councilmember Kiki Sonnen, Councilmember Terry Sullivan, City Attorney's Office Joe Collins, Legislative Aide Jim Murphy, Program Analyst Barbara Benson, Secretary 1. City Council Agenda 5/24/88, Item No. 2: First Reading - 88-794 - An ordinance amending Chapte 33.02 of the Legislative Code and providing an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fees and to reflect the administrative m rger of the Certificate of Occupancy inspections program from the Department of Community Services-Building to the Department of Fire an Safety Services-Fire Marshal. Laid over to July 6, 1988 fo Steve Zaccard's re ort. . City Council Agenda 5/24/88, item No. 26: Resolution - 88-813 - Approving the request adding Jerry Dale Landreville to the On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Enter ainment and Restaurant Licenses issued to Lexi-Front, Inc. dba Gabe's y the Park located at 991 N. Lexington , (Chester L. Wille, Pres.) . Recom�e�ded approvai.�n 4-0 ote. 3. City Counci _ Agenda S/31/88, Item No. 6: Resolution - 88-851 - Requesting the Police Department to inv stigate all adult-use entertainment establishments during the ne t 6 months to determine compliance of State law and to make arrests if p obable cause of activities show violations, requesting the City Attorney tc► prosecute any cases brought forth by the Police, and that cases be re orted to the Zicense Diqision and City Attorney's Office for advers action. Recommended for approval, as amended, on 4-0 vote (remove the word "undercover" on Page 2, seco d paragraph, second sentence). CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAIN'f PAUL, M[NNESOTA 55102 612/298-5239 s..�r.. � . . ' _ . +�. ���✓�/� s��fi ��v . �L� co��cl� � �tTB�l� . R��T�- N�0'�Z�E � . I�L��i��E A�I'�Z�A�Za�I' � ��,_.� V�. L16156 Dear Property Owner: ' .. :w Addition of erry Dale Landreville to the On Sale Liquor P�po�� License pres ntly held by Lexi-Front, Inc. (Chester Wille, . sole stockho der) DBA Gabe's by the Park �p���+''--,--� Jerry Dale ndreville � ���1'T''T'�� 991 North L xington � May 24, 1988 � � 9:fl0 a.a. � �^;��'�C CicT Ca � C��cers, 3r� ;:I.cor Cic7 rai? - Cau=-.. couse 3y Lica e aaa ?��ic Di�zs�oa, De�ar—..re=c aL :�acs a.a� r S�_ u.a�ge�e t Senicas, �aa� 203 C+c7 :aL' - Court ause, �QT;�i�. T Sai:t ?a , u;..,,psaca. 298-S�S�b � • Tlis.s data �ay be c�a.a;e3 theut the consenz �d/or �ow?ea�e of t�e Licensa aad Pe=-^rit Di�rsi Ic is sugaes�ced. t�a� you c�?? t�e C_�j CZerti` s Of::c= ac 298.-423I i„r vou *,�sa con���ac_oa.