D00738y � _ - c�ty cierk - � - Finaace Dep[. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) • _ - Engineer (HGA) - Conttactor _ - Project Manager <CPMq Na. �o��� Date ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP3.7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which prwed to be necessary to the Improvement described " _ - �.i � _"))4�_.• Imown as Contract L- City Project No.014440 Frerichs Construction Campany Contractor, is composed of thefollowing: 1. Relocate 4" rain water leader, pex Contractor Proposal (CP) C326 (IiGA #25). Reason: Field Condition 2. Tie-in 6" and 12" DIP Water Service per CP #C331, (fiGA #16). Reason: Work of CP� done earlier. 3. Volume Services Deck, per CP C3.33. Reason: Steps required per code and deck per Volume Services requests. 4. Elevator floor, per CP C3.34 (HGA #33). Reason: Omitted from original design. • 5. Gypsum Board Wall @ Concessions, per Construction Change Dirutive (CCD) C3.7 Reason: Temporary e�vance for concession stand due to ductwork. 6. Reroute 6" Sprinkler Pipe (o� Etevator 5hafr, per CCD C3.8. Reason: Code does not allow piping through shaft. Exisfing pipe had to move. 7. Light fixture Room XO5.1 per CCD C3.15. Reason: Field condition. 8. Chig down Upper pock per CCD C3.16. Reason: Field condition (Dock d�ained tnwazds building). Totat $3,229.00 6,3b7.00 3,040.00 567.00 512.00 4,165.00 254.00 283.00 $18,417.40 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, thtough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specificatioas in the sum of $ 18 417.00 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, Imown as conuact L- and which amount is to be financed from: 930-903Q0-0898-00000 Civic Center Elcpansion Fund. AP�D AS TO F RM _� _ l f � 3 19 ��� Assistant City Attomey � D'uector Committee Frerichs Construction Com�v Confractoc BY1��L°�G� 19 �� 4:ss�s� Hea Department of Fm «�5�� 1� �9� � �Administtative Assistant to the Mayor i � � I4�- AICII1CCCt C ,J; TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� , N_ 30347 GREEN SHE,E`T - IN�IiN.9�ATE INff1AVOATE DEPARTMENT�IRECT�R y a GRYCOUNCII CIttATfORNEY �GRYCLERK BUDGET DIREGTOR p FlN. & MG SERVICES Dlfl. MAVOfl(ORASSISTANT) �/ '(y�vlT2�f� (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �a,�F o r�EC �E-� � �cc�c:�. s �r'. C'�.,;LC_�n��� r _ PLANNMG CAMMISSION � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CB COMMf1TEE .t� � {d*��5tr�n cnv�m:i-Ge: � _ STAFF _ _ DISfRICTGOURT _ SUPPOFiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECi1VE? PERSONAL SERV�CE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TfiE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl untler a contract for Mis deparbnen[? � YES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a cify emptoyee? YES NO 3. Dnes this personttirm �wssess a skill not narmally possessed by a�y curtent city amployea? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheat and aMaeh to green aheet JITUIIIWG PFiOBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wfw. What. When, Where. Why): ���a:� Ce.�����ons f�r��:�� ze�e���`�or�a� crar� � btidyan,��{�, �.� v��`'c. F���ti.c' t�r �Y1E�('4�S.��ci�� cS. WANTAGES IF APPROVED: ' �cr��a-�- .�'. 11 �e co � lc�-1-Ed c,� �`� {�ECe ssa ry Co �tEC�i er�S . / �� � RECEIVE� NOU 1619g5 CITY CLER�a �C�'o�€ � � � lf S� I�c�4-- b � �o ev� 1� �c� NaV 0 3 ��9� ��r.,aaeg��.4�; "����� co'��{-I�. fl �� � c sa � c.�ta� �S , AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ �g � 17. D C COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINf330URCE � ��� �1� C �cF� CCe f S AC71VI7YNUMBEH Q� ��30�8��""F���� ���d FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) r V �;, I U� `J PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Genter Expansion Project Saint Paui, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Frerich's Construclion Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paui, MN 55108 OriginalContractAmount: $ 1,480,000.00 • �. C3.1 C3.2 C3.3 C3.4 C3.5 C3.6 C3J Deduct Add Total 00 19,697.00 11,303.50 97,951.00 18,814.00 11,563.00 21,450.00 18.417.00 5 199.195.50 DATE ISSUED: CONTRAGT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 20 October 1995 CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1 May 1995 Net Amount of Contract . including this Change Order: $ 1,859,974.00 � � L , -<. . � � 1. Acuuo Recommundcd: (Chcck onc► � CPMI .l�U Nu.: 3225 ( 1 Ch�npu will not �u madu. ExpWin: �Frucuutl on th� (pllOw111� b�SiS: � � indicaicd abovu, chong� and busis ot paymun[ is uccepc,t,le, �� p � �t�.11'JO�tl I$ GGCC�(ilUl(1� pusis of paymuni is noc acccpwt,lu. �( � ( d'� � �Ua.is ol paymunt sh�U bv S 3 �nitrt"� �(c�. ��\ � � � 4► Tha tulluwin� modificatian is rucaiimunuud: � 3�-,�°� 3 t_�l l I Chwti�u in coit�plutiun claw ia �ccoptcd. t ��rGttvl � ����. 4! Chan�u is acccµt:rt,Vu with no c(wnpu in {,�icn. �� � j(v T] N�� .-0 ��;?'1 (! Chan�lu is uccuptaUtu with na char�aL in catiplct�oii aato. �-�.�-r �RN flcasun lor Changu: l 1 Dasi�n ChanO� f 1 Clicnt ftuquust ( 1 Ficld Condiiiun � J S4�JCJItlI� UY COI�UJCLUI �Dusi�n Omission or Qth�� � CQN'TRAC70H'S Conir�c�ot Propus�l Nu.: - — P(ojaGU_ S.�+ut P:,ul CivY�::.Al&L Il u(�yucslc.l Ut� 1:U111�1It;LIW1 UJ({: bc; uQ, caW(tUdd. O d�Cfnu�cd, ( J utlChdllycd �y _ I.YIWIIJJ� QYY�. TIIU i!(��l1pIC(I COIIIjJIL'I107) �IJI4' W�II I14' �,(� . h cl��uyu �n �Ne xupn ol thu vvwk is rcyunslcd a5 indic:�ted bclow: VCJ(.(1`3�tW1 ll� {�IL (:�)d{},y. '�{tl�qf (0 L�rilYQl(�J�� $�{:L1��l:il�IQl�$� ili�l�l:7�t�d� Ij 4�1f1I1C�1IJI4'I (flalurcncu HFY Na:_ e 3, ZG� CCD t�o.: • FO Nu.: } Conti�ct Nn.: r �'�'r.J piGtiP 417�2✓ Lp.��jQ�' 3. l3esR Of �Idy11Il:I)I. �CJWL}: UIII:� D4 Fun� pricn (or por�ormin� this chcnfle is ................. Aduyu�w suppurtin� daiails and in(ormu[ion must Gp att�ch�d to aU�w Ownar to uvaluut�. t) 7imu un4 mnt�ri:,f por cantract, but not to uxcocct ( y Acwa! cosi ut complu �f work SuLiiiitlu� �y: �3'�JL��X� �� ti - CunUacWr ................... S 3 C 3 0.[�_�____ pr�cruasud peduct} u���: � - z_ s -�� ' I tc��(.� '2 _�i. Gantr�ctut S��n�wru FOR CPMt USE ' S�W� 1 N�4?�-`� o{.l 3, f� U�in J�JII UI IIIU UIIJIIIj1tlI COIZII4C( $CUN� ( 1 YE 4. Is Cunuuctor's E�timatu attachaci? �,ES 5. Ar@ consWwc3. �yC-s Pt�N��uJ Uy: CPMtt FNN�aY�a ay _ � _______ln�a� � Approvud U %/� �Ovri�ur� cc: Ap�,rovuJ .�jQWIIUt} (l:w�]�itll)� Pwrt �Q,ty U l 1 NO l 1 NO 5 ���� � }��.U�--�--� � i ME �X,��N�10(J 1�oT �P�PRat� s� �� ���� �U i t.Dl� O:�to: �� o�,��: �Yc� P�tu: � S` 7r D�tu' ���+�� �����:u�� U�Au U�Aa -. T M�t.p l'u�u��rut1 U��I. «W�iuip u � Eu►5 LuJi�u J22u• 9225- � lfL �C0�13`� PROAOSAL i�� � � �������� (JISL 2 .5 23�5 � , �� .� • r 1 LJ �_.� ����:; �'.- ,::.� OCT � 0 ?9y� CO(VTi;ACTOR'S PR Coutractur Proposal No.: Projec c: �, ��'� A L Date:____( Contract No.: A chan�e in tlie scope o( Ihe work is requested as indicated below: } 2. �3aa�.v S S Submitted by: �HPYftr . (�.y�n Date: ID�Q— gS Comractor � ��P c3.2� � LlitJ �.1� RPUtscA 1t is requested the comp�etion date be ( 1 ex[ended, (� decreased, f i unchane�ed by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be . Description of the change: (Refer [o drawings, speeifications, addenda, if applicablel. (Reference RFP No.: C�: CCD No.: • f0 No.:__ _ 1 3. Basis of paymenL• �Check one) (} Firm price for performing this change is ...........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Adequale suppor[ing details and information ' must be attached to ailow Owner [o evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed O Actual cost at completion of work �� ! YJI� Ctrit 9 I�C f� Contractor Si gnature u5e 2. Acuon Recommended: (Check one) i] Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 f i Proceed on the tollawing basis: ( � A, indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. O Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( 1 f3asis of payment shall be S 1 1 The foliowing modification is recommended: ( 1 Chanc�e in completion date is accepted. O Change is accep[abie wilh no change in price. ( 1 Change is acceptable wi[h no chanc�e in completion date. Reason (or Change: O Desi3n Change O Client Request O Field Condition (} Su��ested by Contracror O Oesign Omission or Other (explainl 3, is tliis a part of the originaal contract scopc? ( � YES (! NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? � � YES l 1 NO 5. A!E consulted. ( � YES ( � NO Prepared by: �CPMIj Approved by � (HGA) Approved by�,Y�v �� �� l �Owner) � Da Date: Approved by: _ �_-- --- - fOwnerl Datc:_— cr. Chris Hansen -� T � p�ke 8aker � ! Mike Pederson �vick Zehnr�g � -- ` =f. ' --= � Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- 6L PAGE 5-5 SA1NT PAUL CIVIC CENTEA EXPANSlON � � � � � _� �� r� T� "� ---� �� --� � � —r _�� _�� -._� • _ � .E _. l 0 ��P - C 3 • �-� BR£AKDOWN SHEET ��'V �S�V CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAI �1f�(\��� SAINT PAUL C�VIC CENTER EXPANSION 4�.JV v S S S�— LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL �A8 & MATERIAL & EnUIPMENT 75% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MA7ERIAL, EnUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS 5% EEE TOTA� SUBCON7RACTORS & FEE 5 307 S, � O S� S $ S S S S S OTHER COSTS � TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE , MA7ERIALS & EQUiPMENT NOT� INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES QOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL pAGE 5-6 SAINS PAUL C1VlC CENTER EXPANSION S s 3a�q.00 ' iI ,_."��&o"h�`i'b.1 r �?."s"'""'_ n`w�ss''> __ _._..r.w __ _ ° - . . . .- ,. . . .. '�i �" ,. r p �, 7'_-_ 4- 5 5 W E D 1 2 _ 3 G D � G L`( M E C H C� N Z C C�+ L P _ 6 1 `- �:'� . " � (" "'� ' j � ( � ..:. YW�� 1 �� � �t �� � �� � ---- - -- -- _ _ ____- - - -- --- - - :. t�.� �::. �.�.� � _ _ --- - . _ _ .:. ---- -- -- __-_—: .– --__ ---- . - =_ -- -- --- - ---- , b , 2� as�-,as± sao Fr:�n� r ,>.�E.rn�L �f:C:ti�it�YCr,t�, lt`!C. � , .JT F�A�J� n ��,,,; �,t'.}. q8�-..53� � Octo3?e[' 3, 199� � � } � � giei'�cas Cons*ructi.on Company 1��;n E:r.ergy Park Dri.ve -- SuiLe 4 St. t-r:�ui, MN 55108 Attt�r.� i��ri: Marv Kotek !t,:_ `;t, Pau7. Civic Center Daar '��,arv: T,,;s:�rrCi lle..ow is priainc� for vaork we complet:ed. '�Thi& work invo':���en r.ne. r.ain water leader work listed on RF'P C3.26. �iiL �r;.,3 pri.cirg v�as $2,801.00. I agzeed to reduce th.is price bV $ sci�) .;�U ger nty pnone conversaLi.or: cvith Susan Jones. PSy new pY=<.F. i�,: r,!:i> work is iisted bel.ow. Please submit this as soon �z& pos5�ble. I.,abor , p;umk�er foreman - 18 hrs. at $h1.87/hr. Plumher journeyman - 18 hrs. at $38.85/hr. Truck and driver - 2 hrs. at $?.6.?.6/hr. Ma �e�: ia 1 Sub--LOta]. 15� Uoody profit and ovez'head Tax Totai $ 753.00 $ ti99.00 S 52.00 �640_0.0 $2,144.00 $ 321.00 3_._--- $?„ 500 . 00 I!_ y ; ave any ��uestions, please do not he<itar.e to cail me. Vcry '.ruly yours, Uood•,� Mechanical, Inc. ,. �, �% - , , 7' i ro�: iiy 3. naly ' b:sti:e.�rorJProject hianager ��o� P,�� II ho��a Pq��� �,�ao. vo 33D• o 0 �t75.o� 30 oa � TJI�/p.3 OCT 11 '95 13�33�FRERICHS CONST• 644-6809 � Project: Gat�s afl il .jyjc Center Cantract No._ A chango in the SCOpe of the work is cequasted as indiCated below: '} 2. E -� 3. � � t ��`'� Aciion Recommended: �C�eck one) (} Changq will noi bo mada. 6xplain: uSE CPM! Jot� No,: 3226 � � �P[oCeod on the foliowing 6asis: � y As indiCated at�ove, change and basis of payment is acceptablp, ; 1 Chenga is acceptable, basis of payment (s not accep2able. p�q.�{. OF GyP NJA�- � � ( } 6asis of payment shaii be $ . ����,Q� e (�ppNO /�T ( f 7he foitowing modificetian is recommended; (N�u/�'t�. �3E PRO���� O Change in compleiion date is acctsptad. RY FGG f�5� � � � � ��i' 1 �P.z C, �. 3 t Qc v«cKJ ��3g �. ONFRACT�R'S PRQPaSAl. 1t is requested the complation date be 1 S extendeH, t S daareased, l 1 unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion data will be Description af ihe change: (Reier Eo drawings, specifications, addenda, iF applicable). fReferenca RFP No•:5��; CCO No.: : FO No.: � 8asis of payment: {Check onej �, Firm priCe for porfarming this change is .........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,., .r_ Adoquate supporting details and information ' must be Sttached to a!!ow Ownec to evaluete. ( 1 Time and macerial per contract, buc not to exceed O ActuaV cost at compfetion of work Submitted by: � »+�} ��� Contractor , � ���• � uGtiv�s� Date: ��`��� � LR �s 1 ��� Contractor sic�nature ( � Change is acceptable with no ohange in price. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no chanfle in comple[ion doce. W6'�!L 'Ta 8E 2. fteason fo� Change: ��TED ON lG-l!o'9S �Design Change (} Ciient Requast i} Field Conditian (} Sugc�ested by Cantractot {} pesi�n Omission or Other (expfaini 3. 15 this a part of ihe originaal conuact scope? ( 1 YES �{ND 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attachedT �YES { 1 NO 5. A/E consult d. �{�,YES t}�Q PrepareQ by: CPMq Approved by (HGA) Approved b Owner) Dato:__1�S Date: Date: �b / l � Approved by: IOwner) pate: �m..��:-�ma.,�....•R::. ca: Chris Hansen Baka 8aker Mike Pederson D�ck Zet}ring Eriks k.udins 3225• 3225- eL '.� ` �_ �� �J �� � _� i �� -,�� �.:.� •� _� � � _� � � � =.--.,� � �� � � �� !� S ?� t �.�,.....,,� OCT 11 '95 13�37 FRERICHS CONST• 644-6809 P. 1 RFP C �.�f $REAKDOWN SHE� "" ��v C�NTRACTOR'S PROPQSAL SA1N7 PAUL C�VtC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, iJ1A7EftiAL & EQUSFMEr1T P4R�C7 EMPL.OYEE LABOR MATERIALS & E4UIPMENT lNCORPOftATED T47AL �aB & MATERtAl & EQUIPMENT 15 FEE 70TAi. lA@Qft, MA'CERIAL, �QUtP•. & FEE SU�CONTRACTQRS 5°/a FEE TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS & FEE OTHEft COS'f5 , TRAV�L & 5UBS35T�NCE � MA7ERtALS & EQUIPMENT iJOT INCORPDRATED R�NTAIS 7AXES PERMI7S & LICENSE FEES 11T1L171E5, FUEL, FACIL17lES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES gp{�p & INBURANCE PROVISIONS TOYAL OTH�fi COSTS T07AL OF CNANGE P�OPOSAI. PAGE 5-6 SAWT PAUE CIV�C CEN7ER EXPAN514N 5 5�--� s Gocy,aa S ,303'�?O $ S S S S 5 S 5 �---- - S �C vr�r s �3G7,ao 5_ $�;-G -G O� - 1,1�'�95 _ 3� FR{R`CHS CONST�, 644 M E C H A N i c Fs � P P.3 1 -- � m` f� ��� ia�5����� � —„"----- --._...__.__ . ....'---"'-_ ._ .:. . ..._ :�: .. -_ ^ s �-_::'�_:.__. �--=-.:s�._�_,_�=.=— »cc--z� __.._'..__J..�--. _ '_"'_.'__'—"__ .- e =� . ___�•_.__ _. �f��'>�:��dl€�'�1_, f1�C. tc,2i �.e�-:os� szr� ��oN r�v�uu� •� �ax vt's'..s£37 ST t�Al,i_. �tV 55�?'1 Oct�ner 3, 1995 � P':er:cris Consi:ruction Company i4?.G r^.Y!erc�y Purk Drive - Suite ? SC. raul, 2hN 55108 Atr.e::�cion- Marv Kot•ek tte: S't. Paul Civi.c Gent:ez DeaT' �Idt'�: 5 � �� � ��co,&m �^ � ��a 5 x dc= o7t5;x�s� = 8'37,9� .� X 8 x�-I a'I s ��-� 80 ,c �c,� ��'f S� _ �� �oa C�e �+� L z� x 8x 2h�i�x4{b�=�, 33y�� _ � sa°t ���,, �a-�/ f'?� h�s x.�l g � 7 - 11, 7� . ���` �1"��� l,isr.*�d helow 9.c revised pricinc� :or C3.31.. _��;� in 1?." and 5" w��.er sexvi.ce lznes Lo existing water service �:,side k�aalda.ng south arena. , Work includes core dri].ling wa? �., ti* :ck?D1T1[j pi.pe outside to wi.th_?�� 3 feet� and 6 feet oi bui.lcii.r,r�. ��7;�zk a�sp .i.nr.ludes t$rus� "anchors. M.qt�X ia 1 Fieid iabor. - b0 hrs- at $4J..S7/hr. S.3op lahor - Pahrication � '-� h��� �G 5�4�.8�/hr.. S:�1�•-tatal. 15� 1loady pr.ofit and overhead T�5[ Total � $1,9E30.00 $2,532.6Q C� 67D-�0 $5,162.00 $ 774.OQ �_._ 12 8 . 0 0 $5,064.�0 ; s •�<,u have aiiy qtiie�tions, p�ease do nnt hPSitate to call me. Vcz'•i t:cuJ.y yours, 1)utx3'J Mf:CI1E1111.L'tl� Znc. _ ;: r _ � . - . _ .... '�; ��:.' .,�=�� ' Tiin�a�YCy •7. Daly �� �:st,rnatorJ�'roject �nnage,Y w�u.-. � �SO; r�ei � �" P��` - 5t�vf- c. 5 :OD �'M — A �L" Ol� i,t9G�o h 10,{(0��1 S �j}{5 WEEiL — �j4� t� � D�1 �•�.- I Z.�� c,r,NC.. 11 '95 13�33 FRERICH5 CONST• 644-6809 �, ` � P.1 �� �� �: �������� �'.'' ;;%._ :� , .._ .� ,��:. CONST'�U�TION C(�NIPANY _�:.._�::. W -_ ��� � 1414 ENEAGY PARK DRIVP, SUPIE 4, ST. PAUI, MN 55108 {612) bg4•5063 FNS (612} 644•68D9 TEL'�$A$ CQYER SH$E:T FREItICHS CONBTRUCTIODI CQMPAZiY FA8 #612f644- TO: CQ�ADiY : CU$TOH&R FAX �: DAT� : ' TIME : _,.�— JOS NAML : �, � � ' Nt3M8ER Off BACiEB (IZIGLUDIDiG COVSA $$��T): #f �, r* ��ttt r *x+k+r*�rr�r�ic****�rsict*tt�t:f c N t #� rrair � * � trx*,t**rc*t*r,rtrr*e,t*x � Fttort: �.',-) - ssa� ax: cora�x�s: � or.s ruv� ! �cC�cd c �C�S� 0� � i? tN� i c-, � U/�. W��' Rc }� � � n C� 5 t ! a -�d G�iJ,� t�t> �-�'�.�. ?�� ► � �c96� m ���� . � _ "�'1, ;o I � ��,� i Y.���` ,�,�. . � �� I� , 11_'95 13�36_FRERICHS CONST•_644-6809 M E E H R N I C Fa !.. PP.Sy ;�`-�� +a'A+.� r . ` _ f V 1\� /y� ` � y � j • � �� � .�� ��lJ-% ..�t.1 ` ^ J -,.. � °__=_::__,�:. .._.._::..:�::::.�__�---._—..._�-.____--__�_,-___..._�.____�---=�_-:_:_-�_ —_-___--- i�i'�:���f'�/���'tr,��.� i�i{�.`. (S?2�ASr-i06� - -'_ 520rfiO7V'TRVi-NI.IG =RY �z$?-2b'37 S�f. PAUi.. ivti�7 ;i�! t"/ �' Sepv�:�xuL? 2B, 1995 Fx'cz.'�c�:a C.ortsY.rucLion Co�npanp 24;.G �nergy Park Drive • Suitm 4 i#�. 'r'StiJ.� M?V 55108 4L•*.c;.t.3.oa:: M«rv Xotek Re: _..., s�au.0 Civic Cen�er nc•,zf' ?iarv: i.,ii:��<:3 bt:lo��.• is przcing for C3.31. ;'i� .-. °c2" and 6° water sexvice lir,cs t;o exi.sting water serv;c� '. ir:�:�.:i.� bui,:ct_r,g souLh arena. ir7urk .includes core drilling wa?.1 �r.::�Y;;.i.:;c� �a�e out�ide to wit�in 3 feei 'and 5 Eeet of buildznc7. wc>c�!� �isti :r,c2u<ias thrusC �lncho�s. �' • �J �x;... •..:s �ot�s: t - �.x�_avat,icar� hy oLh�,�'s. z �. - '�.=,�;.ng °ire lir�e. \ To��], surn *�� eria S 1,980.00 �,abor - 1�5 hrs. $h1.87/tr. S 9,IIA�4.�)0 1a`s Aoa ratir d av�w'head $ 1,476.00 "_`ax .$_ 1.26.U0 °<��'�aI 511, 746 .40 ir: . have �ry e�u�s ons, please o not hesitate to call me. tifF,,,.. ..�u_y ;�outs,� Uu:x:y rSFt�.hani.cal Tnc. �/� . ` ' './<�' f l `�• «�! �Z.i.;Yl:l�..�it � a.s / i.�i�.lY �! 'r:Gr. ".!:�a{�or/p�oj�ct Manager. 1':Ip ;,r,, � �.a� � Oi . ` ��\� � � � � - - : _ ,... , nt r.`E._�:� �., ,.... , ,.. .� � , ... _ _— - .. _ . . ..J S� CPM� ��� • , R"E t3 iI-E PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Ex CP-3 Temporary Facifities DATE ISSUED: OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza CPMI PROJECT NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 3225 CONTRACT NO.: CP-3 TO: Frerichs Construction CONTRACT: Temporary Facilities Marv Kotek CONTRACT DATE: l May 1995 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Division of responsibility shall be consistent with the Contract Documents or as specifically enumerated below. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED W{TN THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DESCRIPTION: 1. Tie-in 6" and 12" D.I.P. water service lines to the south Arena (through the building). Reason: Field Condition • NOTES: 1. 2. i Provide revisions per attached Request For Proposal (RFP) from HGA dated, 7 August 1995. This was originally issued to CP-7, but was changed in the 15 August 1995 coordination meeting to the CP-3 Scope of work. ATTACHMENTS: HGA Request for Proposal Number 16 dated 7 August 1995. 2. Specification Section 02665, Water Systems. Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposal referencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no time change. COST, PIANNfNG AND MANAGEMENT if3TERNATfONAL, INC. ��,-, c :�� C�� Susan C. Jones Project Manager � 8 September '1995 cc: Cfiris Nansen Bake Baker Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Ed Fiskewold 3225-403.6 CPMI, INC., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I. A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55 7 02-7 299 • I�EOUEST FOR PROPOSAL HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON, INC., ARCHTTECTS AND ENGINEERS PROJECT: SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION RFP NO. 16 PAGE 1 OF 1 7 August 1995 HGA Commission Number 769.003.00 • OWNER: SAII�IT PAIJL CIVIC CENTHR AITi'HORITY Contractor Project No.: Type Contracf: CP-i �EkICN�S �oNSiY�tJq'1o�..� CONTRACTOR: COPY TO: . . � � : � .�. � DATE: S. JONES, CPMI Please provide a cost breakdown in accordance with the Contract Documents and a Summacy for the change described herein and on the attachments (ifany) IistecL This is not an aufhor'vation to proceed with tt�e work descriUed hecein untess and until appcoved by the Owner. On approvai, this change will be included in a ChanQe Order �vhich will P�o��de the fotmal Contract chanee. ' DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Civil Refer ta Sheet C504. Extend A.I.P. connections (from locations currently indicated) through the building wall to Yhe first mechanical joint within the arena. The attached City of_St. Paul Water Utility Specification is provided to further define the scope of work. Per Specification Section 02665, Article 1.1.A, paragraph 9, the scope of work includes all water work outside the huilding perimeter (from the main) glus the penetration of the building wall to the iirst mechanicai pipe joint. The first necka:uca! pipe joint for each water service penetration occurs approximately 13' below the point of penetration. • Attachments: Specification Section 02665, Water Systems Bequested By: Contractor � � �� � �`=,� � COMMENTS: +�'��� rfpl6.la ��� � � SECTION 02665 WATER SYSTEMS (For City of S� Paui) PART 1 GENBRAT" 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Staldng and aligntnent. 2. Excavation, backfilling and compaction of trenches. 3. Pmtective provisions including sheeting, shoring, bracing, pumping and bailing. 7. Testing to comply with Minnesota Health Department requirements and local and counry government regulations. 6. Disinfection of water in piping mains and testing. � 5 Pipe Materials, appurtenances, eta including installation. a � 8. Notification of ciry inspector and payment of fees as applicable. 9. Water systems as specified in this specification includes all water work outside the building peruneter plus the penetration of the building wall to the first mechanical pipe joint; penetration of wall shall include sleeve and appropriate seal. B. Related Sections: 1. Section 02200 - F,arthwork. � 3. Hydrostatic/Leakage tesfing. Section 02220 - Trenching and BackSlling. Section 02720 - Sewerage. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Furnish new, best qualiry pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants, etc. of weight and dimensions as specified. • B. Utilize equipment of p[oper size and in good worldng condition to prosecute the work to fiill complefion in a satisfactory manner. 769.003 - SAINT PAiJL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION - CP-1 Page 02665 - 1 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ��3� • C. Utilize experienced personnel familiar with the equipment, methods and procedures for the job. D. Coordinate city inspection and required procedures with applicable city official. E. Tests per Ciry requirements. 1.3 CTTY SPECIFICATIONS A. The materials, consiruction requirements, pipe laying operarions, service installation, connections, hydrant setting, disinfection, restoration, interruption, operational inspection, conductivity and leakage tests shall conform fully to the City of St. PauPs "Standazd for the Installa*�on of Water Mains," 1983 Fdition. END OF SECTION • • 769.003 - SAINT PAiJL CIVIC CENT'ER EXPANSION - CP-1 Page 02665 -? BUII�DING CONSTRUCTION �1 �i, / 240 t Af ` "' _ � H�6. �v � ""' Sp,4 H=6J: , "_' S ' � ' _' "_ ' _' **�'r �fj "" '-'- "" "' -"'��--" " _ " --'- / -'-- --'- '•'- —" --'- -"-- ,-'-'-----_---" "" ' \ •—�"-'– � � � CB#� 3 N 15597 E 572893.86 C703 RIM �. {NV 84 (S`N) 2 L a ��S � �Q C � O \� I'\ �� \ � � �\ \ � \ � � \\\ \ � \ �}�d �� \ �'���' ' \\\ � \ `� �\ \ �\ N,y \\ � 3 \ 5g38.7 2867.43 C703 \\ 98.6 \ 84.60 \ �� I� / � Q 0 � �� , , � . � �\ �\ S \ \ \ R cA \, k-i � � � '\ � TEMPORARY C N 15,589d.53 E 57202 RIM 88.3 -- yNV 86.8� �� � a !� � � ( � ' l � ���� � �- � � ���� ° �S� � �SEA 2 p 2gg� CQNTI�ACTOH'S HIiQN0:iA4 C���u.,c�.,r,'�u�,�..,�r��.: -- t'�••� �: �uLL-1_.u.l!�i..u:�iillit Cuulta�i !Ju•: �..l...u�j.: ul 11.4: �r.,��G u1 Ilic i�.ilY. �: I���ur'Ll�a� �: II����.�IL'Q �l��NYr: �� lD i�:��uq:�G�{ ��1�: �.U{�l`��C�WII L�d�L �JY � j GAWIla4.l�� � i{�L'L�L'JiLI��' � un�li�n�cJ Ly _ VJI�.I��JI IIJy ] I�a ,.J�u.{cJ 4Wh�JIGIWII 1J�(L' Ytid� 4� . .-. l�c:Cl�}+liul� �1 lli.: Cl�ru;�r: IIi� IU �I(YI�UI;J :Nccdl4aUl+ili. wJ.l�nJa. tl ���µV�.:.�t+lcJ. ir� rl4{1:111.G u��r ���.: C�____ • ccu N�.:_ �• F Q Nu.: 1 �cc�� H�r. �'��.a q.uc� ��c� Cfnc�� '�- /�(1:r:l�r:� ��G(��� �. 1J4+f: JI � �LII�.C}� U��1.� • / /�, �������� �1�u.J �UI �)L(�UI�IUIb,� l�1{A 6��J{l�l: �S .....o�.rur�u�r�..r.......�...... f__ �L tl (�� Q,� 1 JV�J'1�J(�IIIJ Q�:�JI�i JALJ IIIIVIIUN{I111I ��IILIG.iLq(j UL�}µ�;{' IUU:� �.� µl(a.�4�� (U w�IwY Q�iiW( {U 4YJIuY{Y. 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S. x�.�G -ro 'Rua F�s-r-�ST w a/8 � P. �y. tF a R�,�S 'Yo 'It1E '"i'�,..iaxitrz Y�sriBU�L� UaE La.co w,�. �,.�C1-�o�, , -�' v� vQ Yo �oo �._aa }�.Er . lN Ax�r�oa �'R7� E�cisr�.-+'G. .,� r `e�.io � �� 3�20���� W �uJ 'JEf� Yo '6� "$�.MOJEr� - h �o N �. `��T?` _ �, F � • !/,ui� • Assistan P oject Manager � Saint Paul Civic Center E� CP-3 Temporary Facilities OWNER: Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. 0'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 PROPOSALREQUESTI HGA REFERENCE NO.: DATE ISSUED: CPMI PROJECT NO.: 3225 CONTRACT NO.: CP-3 TO: Frerichs Construction CONTRACT: Temporary Facilities Marv Kotek CONTRACT DATE: 1 May 1995 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Please submit an itemized quotation for changes i� the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Divisio� of responsibility shall be consistent with the Contraci Documents or as specificalfy e�umerated 6elow, THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESERIBED HEREIN. DESCRIPTION: � Per the attached sketch, provide a price to furnish and install the Volume Services Deck: A. From the Volume Services exit door to 3' beyond the trailer entrance. B. Additional decking from curioff in Part A to the Temporary Vestibuie (approximately 98 SF). This woutd a4so include the handrail removal and addition of a barrier. 2. Deduct the price for the handrail a�d steps in the original Scope of Work. NOTES: This wiil be considered a design-build item and will not be a function of HGA's scope of responsibility. ATTACHMENTS: Sketch for Volume Services Deck. Submit response in form of standard Contractor's Proposal referencing this document immediately. If response is not received within 15 working days from date issued, an order may be issued directing you to proceed with the above described work at no cost and no time change. niLPls�] NAL, INC. �` � ! C3.33 12 September 1995 cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Ed Fiskewold _3225-403.6 , CPMI, INC., c/o Saint Paui Civic Cenxer, I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 743 West Foutth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55 7 02-1 299 1 �� , -- �(o���� ���,�s �t..�- ��.00�3� • 9 �� ��� e)'"� ��� Slo �ow�.nE Sr�-vic�S T�.��� `o S �� - fP�-'- �'� —r� 3' F�- (� -�--�--- � I 23 9 �� � �� Q � � _ �, � --�_\ � \ / -.� �1 r � � - �sr�a-� �-a;;�ces�T-�--; C �V I � \ g„�.�,aEnS I o . _ �S,.qFn�� Su,g-fa�'^"u-1 � � C,EnsT-�-... . SE- REr�noJE.D - � .- . �: } : _ .. - .- , tJn�9 � =-- - - - . .... . . . i : ti ?/ �/ !� OP•OF+ �..,J .�P�ni IJ�Y', �.I�Y/STO.�I. '1�euP TOtaNYO' �.•RKI.�r LP7' FJ•ST' _ V._�_'_ '�'_ _ _ , _ � . - ; , ' ; � -` � � 'r � , t ; � ` : A ��� ! 4 I CeNCf1'� � a S1A�` . L _ ' _ . _l1TYwC.F� 9Ef'J�- 'SO_ .�'7_"__..-""' -. -.. : L' t � '.DEfX� SvPwc7 '�Y,S (7 �X � Y � Ya $E {�AC�'r To VpwwaL ..FfWM-ES ___ :.' ,_ -; � _ � ` ul-fR-' �'_ �D� a. _G_._:._ ' , - . - fa !#, �_�Ei'x S�rr��;T .k�srS - 9iu�-t t.ba.r+{ -��rtl [� I(o" a•c� C2�X lv��'s) S. �T�cwr+f To Rua Ecs u.�' 3/8� �P, U . �9. 1� DEC�- u.� `to 'rilE '�KRn.ca-Y V�snBU�[ � L+�� Loaa w�LL. wCv�o� , -n� ��'� a� tsP Yo tao �j,.iP uE� . iti 4vo�-r� o ...r �`Tl�{E �,ciSrtN G. P tY�^+oa�i (J3 ,• � W at w�E.Fi� - ro '8E '(ZEr.noJErJ - . . `�a NoT � N ��� � � -. 1• � � • • ____ �� "/ --�����t[� OCT 3 0 1995 C O N T R A C 7 O R' S P R O P O S A L Contractor Proposal No.: Proj ec t ��jj�P1U.L�iYJ��_enlCr Date: /<9-9- Contract No.: i A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the completion date be O extended, ( 1 decreased, ( 1 unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjus[ed completion date will be . must be a[tached to aliow Owner to evaluate. ` ( 1 Time and material per contract, but not to exceed Q�SCUSSn� ra �PC�'G-�, ( 1 Actual cost at completian of work S 0 k TO �0 Su�mittedby: �11P�,{tY��. \(tL�.t�i Datie:_ �tl`q'�� Contractar ) -�M .� 2. Descript�on ot the chan e: efer to drawinc�s, specifications, addenda, if appllcable�. (Reference RFP No.:�+�•3 CCD No.: � FO No.: 1 ,t�m�� ��� ,� E���s��� It�m I only 3. Basis of payment: �Check one) � pq Firm price for performing [his change is ............... ................�.....,.. --_, .. � . � Adequatc supporting details and information ' /�c. 2�osC - �Yl�(- � �Z�A� Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE , Action Recommended: (Check one) I) Chanc�u will not be madc. Explain: 2. CPMI Job No.: 3225 ,�J„Procued on the following basis: � s indicated above, chanc�e and basis o( payment is acce{�table. 1 Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptab{e. 1 1 Qasis of payment shall be S ( 1 The (ollowing modification is recommended: ( 1 Chanc�e in completion date is accepted. (! Clianc�e is acceptable with no changa in prico. O Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. Reasonfor Chan�e: �esign Change ( � Clicnt Request �) Field Condition ( 1 Su�c�ested 6y Contractor �) Desi�n Omission or Other (explain! 3. Is this a part of the oric�inaal contract scope? ( J YES �NO 4. is Contractor's Estimate attachedt �ES ( � NO 5. A!E consulted. `f,d�lES � � NO �� Prepared by:! CPMI) Approved by f � IHGA) K Approved b� _—__lOwnerl Approved cc: Chris Hansen �f3ake f Lriks Ludins 3225- rvuke reuerson 3225- 6L Date: �G Date: Date: 6 //p - Date: Uick 2 PAGE 5-5 SAINT PAUL C1VIC C[NTER EXPANSION JU0�5 ��bFiti I+U ��P���O� �Q"�3� [3ftEAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LA[30R, MATE(tIAL & EQUIPMENT DIR[CT EWIPLOYEE LABOR MATEf�IALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LA6 & MAT[RIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUI�CONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTALSUQCONTftACTORS&FEE OTH[R COSTS TRAVEL & SUQSISTENCE � MATERfALS & EQU4PMENT NOT INCORPORATEq RENTALS TAXC-S PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTA� EXPENSES I30ND & INSURANCE PflOVIS10NS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTALOFCHANGEPROPOSAL 5 S 5 s 5y� �D S �, �: (9 (� S S S S S & S S S $ SC �- 0� E g�_Q_� PAGE 5-6 SAINT PAUI CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION . .-=--. � � 1 � Submittad To: Frerichs Cor�ucdon 1410 Energy Park Drive St. Paui, MN. 55108 Aan: Mnrv Fax: 64d-S809 Job: St. Paul Civic CeMer �� " � Date; 10-2-93 � Oate of Plans: we nueq..�bnw w.arcam�a sna eeenuns Pmssbox Catwaik Ftutu�h and 6ista8 carpet a� vinyl base on catwalk Elevator Fum�h and irxitall rubber b1e in ekvator 5330.60 � �ubL 1 f1�`� �� b490.20 ��ro� ��cn jU 0 i �J��: (." � S4o•o0 " ALL FLOORPREp, CLEAN-UP 8 MOVING OF FURNRURE W{LL BE BILLED @ 47,50/MAN HDUR PLUS MAT�ERL4LS USED. " Paymcnt due wiU�in 30 deys upon receipt of invoiae. " Work to be tlone Monday - Friday, T.00 am - 3:30 pm. " Prices are based on carpet with a standarci 6acWng, in tweNe foot width, wdf� no pattem repeat, unless otherwisa speeified above. " ff du�ing tnstallAtlon, Gsberf Floor Covenng encounters any asbestas matenal requiring removal, no furthe� woric will 6e pllow�d unH/ ed esbeafoa containing mafana( impcYfing Itre insta!lafion is removed by a qua�ified asbestos abatement company. WePi�poentwreert�A $SC@AbOVB •W�aeea beee� FUer �.o.a'vm, lno. Wiwem: HOTE 7MS Wepoeal ^uY Ce wtlNrawn EY w M nCt �eapeC rr.tlwn J(1 dM M1cmMnroe d Fwos+d' ltw >Ew M�'+�. Ww� +��. ard cadtlm� �n a�fcm�y aM an reroby waoP� Yw w��Mo-+ced m ao tne wak ae ape�.fw...tl�.� u.� �ynwM1 atkMe! eboM. AuVnAZeE S�9^eMe: �d.�coeDmnos: rxorosar, � EBERT 5650 Lincoln Drive Edina, MN SS436 (612) 9459245 Fax: (b12) 945-9398 i �n •r, r. r, r, ---� a: ; r. r,,,,,�., y_.n ��...� eY•�q ��.�n -v-� .. _ . _ . . _ ^��rl n�r� -- :��"tl -''1"Cl � 4 ��� � � Ob7 ( S Ot� • C��� � . �,�-,i . ��.._,...i� .�„�-� . (ian.rr�( --------�--- ll'V'° :�'�r...,..ri�i.� OniVAo� �^ — Art T+nnnrrLti^. L�:�� � n' d J �HJIi i k`� A� r .,���r� / r A '+ror1-+1. tiv _ - : n r_ t �;�� 'f'"'t(n �/ti' 'C, S7� tD6\,1C}}D n}vttni^� ^•,lm�*n�in� q -} $lJl I 1 j'dme 77rntm, ��v�nf'np nt�i I^ 11*ri r^nn 'I �t ��nn�r���� J?1�10 i/f ltO1 U�f^.pd � � Jnlpp)tirn ,tn h,�.,r.��� �� Urniq'vn� hl'!� � � t��nl�'+EI tU?��:� �) �(�nrt� tr('i^�� C��tiv�('� inj tn....�ll •n�rp �i���,�rlutn� ut nGnri�� m� tit��n n�r�rt��n;,�n ^� n��ini1J ( I •��nrl �n nfln�it� ntt tlitnr n�r�nlcl�»n -� n�i�ril� ( 1 •ro�rinr7q al nir� tmr�n�rhlin.7 in nft�mtl� O y ���� :Pa�umun�oae� �i unn*�+��r+�m Omur+i��i ^it_l I 1 �T ��—$ °�111^�1' NtniltArrl �n ^.t.^.rq � 1 •rl�r�rla7Dr �nll .^•I 11t�ttlArd 1� "��^� ��I�^Ir1�7"�n q n(1i1���� '^I'i"Id?��n SI iU'+tuRrt� �n -���n r ,�� �ru��„ 'rnnn� rot��irm F . . ;��.nQ (�ittr.enll�l ��I1 Un (+. ��nl.�� t'�.;,c :��rr ��r nv.i� :lnr�rle� •nhrip nh 1�ti ��v� nRlmtl� ( 1 ��li� V''^�1�) :D'�v^nnun�oii nrit�v asn iwd� n�nl^ufr.. �n�����n.,-� __��_� � � i��. �•etrri � . - - : i�� r .. n „���..� � �`� � � � ___ _ _____ A , - yl��i �� Itnilp�r�tiln� �r �-n� �.-r.���+ � ) ± (�pn�Y� �l 1�V ln(� ')�rlitin7 )�tI �r11�1�Iti �Vr ntin ( 1 1 �_ •njnnjrllp A� /�VMQ Mn��n O1 rp���r��n a� 1cn�I1 �i�nhan �i-rol;n��� Votirltttp�llt (+�tr C��nla(i �tltU�llr(nc n�rn��nnv r .................................... .i nGn�tl� .^-nit �unurn�r. tI m� r i�rn.� txl � �7 ' i7�� . (�un Y�ai�')I :ItIn1llArrl �n ^t^rn T �'�N Oa 7 �? :'oN 0: . :'n�l �LIII ����'+t�l'1!1 ����r•pi�f((�n �t '��tlp�rn �eit�il�?I�I�p(t• �e�lfrtar/(+ oi )�I"}I� :'+Pltrt�� vill 1^ timlri�)��n� ' ''q �1 pi*`t� llMt:+lt451in� }+��.nl�n p�l]. �.'-A ��ri„�^ — /� ���I�rii7ttn � � ��,��,�,;,n i l 'Rpru��v� ( ) a� pir(' �Ini���.itirn� �tll h^1^.anl ^.r 11 r. r'. 'nrryorirotrpq+�n 7:r r��.anf+�t ^.i y�n.n pilt In �.1.,.. �� � ..��rYi�. v ` ., ��'t^ j j'1T ;t7TiT^ t^^ f n �,a �'�`A I r.nrint�l 1^1;`r il�n 7,(�tlk1.�NQ� 1 , aa 9�J c� ��� ��� m� ��5� 9 d3S !!�/`�, � - ��P������ � � .-. ... �r � ` -- - - -- U.,�r !� - -- � � ��_3. � � \ � wiCa,:uu�,rm s�iicT C�r�11t: !•NONO;:aL �.:U�1 N.au4 C1VIC CLf�lLli GXI'AN:iION •u�it. f.l. :. �UUII'LILI1( 41u1�i:� L Li.UUII (.1.: � L�UnL:+ ;. LaUll'I.ILH � IIl�.UlU'Ulii�� �u �lul..4 L�+u ;. I.Ir��ILIiInL : [UUI!'l.ILN1� • I :. '.. 1 l 4 J I v t..L L.;�GI1, I.t.; f ilt�:.l, lCtul�'., � fkl ..Jl� �Iin�. � Ult.l �.. ILL lulr�l :. uul:vl�litn�li.Jl�:: J fLL -I l �-U;; � ;; 111nVLL :. :.UULI:+ILl�I.0 w.:tiu�.,�s ;, �qwi•�,�ci�7 uof ir�CO��rou:.TCD ltLll�nl.:. Il.A� J 1'�n6111 :. :. l i�L1i:.L 1'Ll.;; �IIIL„ IULL, InLIL111LJh� JIIC II.�.IL:4111 �.4 Ln!'LII:.L:i uw�� :. u�:.uii..i�C� ri�uvi::iuia:; I u�..L U11141I L.U:�) � r ��l�•�O � � '� , i ) � �`16� � 3u. C�p ��� Y � � C+ � _���.� 2� �-�-----�._' ., .. V � � � V Y v t y i i __�_ . _ v � � ��"— � ��� 2 oa J--'_ � w. � � i � � ,. / e.. 945 Mr. Marv TCotek Frerichs Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suitc 4 St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 itc: St Paul Civic Ceuter CP-3 CCD - C3.7 • Dear Marv, II � i � N17.991 Pb�3 ' C612) 498•�533 FA7((612)a9g-c432 �"' The extra cost For the tem�ary wall and patching, as per CCD-C3.7, is as follows: Male:rial ( c.) :........................................................................................ .$40.00 Labor: ours x$46,00 / hr .:....................................................................$i9fsOtT 2 -� _ To� :............................. ........................----..............................�ee- 2 -� 0 — Not�: Bemolition by oihers. Z£ you should have any questions, please feei free to call. Fi8i14i55 14:39 CUSTOM DRYWRLL � E446B09 849 WESTERN AVENUE MORTH • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA SSi t7 Sincerely Custom Drywall, inc. ��--.�%�•'r�^ • David W. Osterntan Projec[ Mana�ear t. Y• ��p• COf15tNC�iOn �A� ) Eoer8Y �k Dcive, Sude #4 Frerichs Construction yr�P�eul, Minnesota 55708 Ptwne:672 WORK ORDER N� ���� FROM �I� �"�S IG2�OZA �K! � W ORK ORD£R REPORT: 2119 c �� � Q JOB NO. � � JOB NAME � REPORT DATE k � ��� BILL TO WORK ORDERED BY SV5 4 r` �Ta h� �� � • •' u-- - �' � . . ... :` � � ����_ 1 • ' "" ':��� j����_ s Y_ . G.�������� � . ���r�-�� ' -- � ..�����r�� Q�ANT�r i �i . • ----� �� .- ��_- �_-_ � ___ .�..� ...�+....�■ ���.� �� APPROVED BY: ` � � _J �ONSTRUCTION o�Ea � �CHANGE ARCHITECT � CONTRACTOR �7 ���� � DIRECTIVE OTHER �j CPMI . AIA DOCUMENT G714 (lnst�uctions on ret�se sicle. 77�is document replaces A/A Daczement G713, Constn�ctiom Qi¢nge Au[bo�izntron.) u • TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) PROJECT: (name, address) DIRECTIVE NO: DATE: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CCD-C3.7 14 July 1995 CONTRnCT DATE: 1 May 1995 CONTRACT FOR: CP-3 Temporary Facilities You are hereby directed ro make the following change(s) in ttus Contract: 1 � 3. Provide temporary painted gypsum board wall at concession stand per attached plan. Demolish a portion of existing wali and patch as required per attached plan. Demolition and wali to be completed by 20 July 1995. Reason: Temporary entrance for concession stand. PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS I. The proposed basis of adjustment co che Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price is: ❑ Lump Sum (inccease) (decrease) of ❑ Unit Price of Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Frerichs Construction 1410 Energy Paric Drive, Suite 4 Saint Paui, MN 55108 Pe� ❑ as provided in Subparagraph 73.6 of dIA Documrnt A201, 1987 edition. ❑ as follows: 2. The Contraa Time is proposed to{F�€adj�w[e� (remain unchanged). The proposed adjustment, if any, is (an increase of � days) (a decrease of n days). When signed by che Owner and Architect and received by the Contraccor, this documem becomes effec[ive IMMEDIATELY as a Const[uction Chac�ge Directive (CCD), and [he Concractor shall proceed wi[h the change(s) described above. Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc. Saint Paui Civic Center Authority ARCHITECT OWNER 1201 Harmon Place 143 West4th Street Address Address Minne2polis, MN 55403 Saint Paul MN 55'109 BY DATE BY DATE Signature by the Contcaccor indicaces che Con- ttaaor's agreemenc with the proposed adjus[- ments in Contratt Sum and Contract Time set fonh in this Conswcuon Change Direc�ve. Frerichs Construction CON7RACTOR 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Address Saint Paul, MN 5510R BY U},M ��} ��� DATE �� ��� ( / � � CAUTfON: You should aign an origlnal A{A document which has thfs caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G714 • CONSTftUCTION C7IANGE DIREC�IVE • I987 m17lON � AIA� • OO 1987 � THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITEC7S, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.0 2000Ci G7141987 � , Frerichs Constructbn Co. 1410EnergyParkDrive, F'rerichs Construction St Paul, Minnesota 55708 Phone:672-644-5063 FROM �I� �"'�SJG2.LI(1L.15 C,%^�G� WORK ORDER i�t ' WORK ORDER REPORT: N°_ 2119 JOB NAME C��I�G Cj, rt�t` �L JOB NO. ��� Z BILL TO —(��� REPORT DATE �' �` "O/S� WORK ORDERED BY ��354�`� TtJ 1`� �� DETAIL OF WORK e MM! DAiE HOURS MAN DATE HOURS MAN OAiE HOURS MAN DATE � ouaea�n � Ma�awt � cosr y � exr. � ounrmrr � �na�auLL � cosr APPROVED BY: � � � l . �� � i. �'�3$ _. s�� � �� --�:, c A t� 1' 1t a c 1' a it ' S N fi o N o:; A 4 C.:,�u�.t�t I����,w�l r��.: - - - -- - � t'w�.::t: .. +�L-l'-.ual-�.111i.1.+:lllil �.k(IU�GI i�u.: I� �I�+li;��. �!1 11�C .�..��� u� I�IG ��W}. 1+l�.�+�Jr:(NJ Ji INa�iLJ{L'� �lL�UY�: 11 i. ��yue.l..J lli.: �.LLlll`.Irll�llL lIJ�1: l�r ({ L:A�CII�ICII (� tlr'Cl�.�LCy. � � unCf1J11;JcJ Lr .., C.al�ll�l.�/ al�Y:. � ��G .u,J�u�l��f l]WII�JIGNJI) J�{L YYIII Uli �o --� �. �ti:��I1�IIJII 4{ II14: L���1��,y �I�VIUI IU YIJI��IIJ�I� j'�L�.���L�1'��l�l� 4�I�I�lI.IJ. II w����li:.�ul u��i" ,�.:� IirP I�u.: • CCQ ('�o.: Cc�C 3.�' FO Nu.: 1 I�erou� !�" �pr�nk�lw �ipe- C� ��a,va�a/. J. UJ�I� J�'�JYIII�:I!{� ILI�4:(.}. N��{�J • (! I'u�ts {it�Ca Iw yi.f{wiuiH� ll�is L{I.d1�Y 1� .................................... Y u r 6 S• ��_ nJ�.ju�W :��,pyiu�� ,� .;lw�l. w71�1 �IIIJIIII.+UWI (IilGC]:ct1 lJCJuCII wwi 4c �Ila.:�+uJ {a wIIuW QN(IuI I4 YVJIUq{Y. �� �IIIIJ ul1J IIIJ(�IIN� fJwl LW1�(.ILL UNI IIUI W GALUGi� . V � K���t+I I.uL�I / 4( \.N114��{� JI tirUl� v ��.j.11��ll...� {�(: ��_._ L�t�' J4, \ � uw{J: ���0� f � L.NI�Uer{y� • _. rw n, ) ^ ��� ' �..ul�llwr{ul :.qfil.�l41J —" rori cami usE ..Jli�.i 1�cG..�uii�c��Jc�: (LAc�A ul�c� I 1 C���il�u 1lIII �IIiI {JY Jlldl�U. E wpl�lll: Cl�f.tl J�t, P�o.: J2:t� ���l�.���.J WI ljlL �t���u�iUl� �Jrwl:: !1: l{I�ILJ�C �Luv�, C�1JII:�1i 4��t� �NLIi �1' NJy'I�IGI�� 1� JLLG�i{.1�.�L. CU..uuu �. YGL�:'JIJLII�� G�,i: W�1dYIUYIU (3 {ZU� µCl'C'l��{y{u. ( 1 ls.+.i: ul {+«ynwnl :Uull !+u S ( � � I1� Iu�IUYVIII� IIIOyI�ICJIWA 1� lULUIIIIIIYIIUaQ: �} Chwi�u i�i Gwu�ilatiun �,�lu i� aCCUNtcd, ( I Cl�uiv�u i� JLG�ijS�Y with iw ch;,i,�u in �,iicc. 1 1 CI�„n�u is uCCU�,I.�l,lu r�i111 uu Cltau�u i�t cut��µl.:l��n �aic. I{�..:..11 IUI LIIJII;JU. I 1[�cu�u L'U.+nua 1 1 Clicnt H�yuc.l �f�cW CaiWU�o�I t����;��:t�d UY CwillaCtuf � � Qa.��ll Qil�io:wn W �ll�c! (cw�,I,.ii�) 4. I+ llll. J �).�ll uI IIIJ UII�IIIJui �WIUJC( pC,U(J�1 ( I Y�� �1. 1: L'w�u.+Glc+r'. L.Ii��Wt� alt.+�hc�11 �Y(:$ J. f1I� LUII.l1`IbII. C YC., 1'���,,,�,,� uy: CNtvtq ••���•,vuJ Uy � IIGi�J � � �����IJYU.� l��'� .,_...lQY/ll4!{� I��q.I.�V...l �.y[ (/ . _ �UYVIIU� ��. LI.��. Il���_..�� U..�.. U��ul __' IrIM� 1'vJ �,t�n ( 1 (�0 i (1N0 P.,tc: �d'��J'9J u., � 4:!____�_. NJ�4.�__ �J..i�' _ - .. �U L._ i. __.�_____.. « � \ __ � \ �D�3g -- UIl4i.nUU�'11� ::IILLj cur��u:.cro��•s ri��ro::a� ���r+i i�.�u�. civic c�r�lut [x�•ar�::ior� !\MJIt GII\ I{ IIInL u LUUII'I.ILIII {-i�l{l.. � LI.II'L.�� l4 l.i�U..11l l.l..I �l1�.. ;. L.�U�I'1.141i) 111�UIU'Ulli�lLl� I..l..l. �.,u :. bInIL1u.;L :. LUU�I•I.ILIiI • I:.•,.�L� 1 '�� ^ L �•�LUII. l.lnl4l11nL. 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N• ,j j �ff• � ,r-�,: .C, c ��'U DO/ � f3�i� ��/,�i�t�/�l_ � !`1fiiJ/Z- ' l'ORL/�f/I'it/ • > /�'8ci4 •- �nNR-�'rt/�t*�/✓ � �o � � �-�' N45, ( �� ._ �fo �s. { �3`� { ► � � a�o�J�� /,'/au ° � � ��a !,�. / .... ___..._._� � u -Tn ��'� c. s ��'s ��s,�u�,a.� � j�,�..�h�� /!S % � � '1 `I a. �.�.. ,..a.�.�_....___�..� � _.....��..._-..,.__.. -> %w, !Ju 6S 1 ,., _ . `+[ 3 `I J �,' `.' �� , o �:�c. !% % �C7N . ��� o�.+s1f. ��R�NKaf/L �crol+��l �?� %1/�PjiC �_fd(!_ .FOfy N�.�+J F� >r�i91�lC. . ��a��l n:;a.:s� Na�.{. ��A�G,�/@Gf-i<i�lr i5 N� /N«HDf�� ����P�cf �1y �rn'���� �i�n�� i�r r� (� 4(fi'eC�7P4'. S1�S4F7 IS !�� ��'e..<�Ofl�_!�/�'R-I� l3y m%�' � - ,� ys _. . �c�� �'` � 8 )i,��•�: ��+:'2NYic� •rr1�s�OtGGS'�: � •P tw..o. � _ J �., r f � �� ; �� �/ � � � . Q O _ � . ( . ,, i"n.c Joi _ ���5(07,00 Pnone a `t � 7 - —_� Faa v ��� _ ��3� � �, �� • • � .- �������� OCT �- 0 1995 Contractor Proposal No.: Date:_� Projec[:���Ledul�lYi.�C_eRLBr Con[ract No.: C O N T R A C T O R' S P R O P O S A chanc�e in the scope of the work is requested as indieated below: 1 r� It is requested the completion date be ( � extended, ( J decreased, ( 1 unchanc�ed by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion da[e will be _ . Description of the change: �Reter to drawin�s, specifications, addenda, if applicable�. (Reference RFP No.: • CCD No.: C 3,1 i • FO No.: � 3. Basis of payment: (Check onel ( 1�'irm price tor performing this change is ...........�.,,...,. Adequate supporting details and information ' � must be attached to allow Owner to evaivate. O Time and material per con[rac[, but no[ [o exceed (�Actual cost at compfetion of work ly.z � 27C•o0 �ucaoadr S S Submittcd �y: ' .�, �� p��� l O- 9- R S Contractor f YV l/'. Yt� �, l Contractor Signawre FOR CPMI USE � Ac[ion Recommended: (Check onel ( 1 Chanc�o will not be made. Gxplain: 2 CPMI Job No.: 3225 `y� Procced on the following basis: / �� ( i As indicated above, chanc�o and basis o( paymen[ is acceptable, �Chan�e is acceptable, basis ot payment is not acceptable. l 1[3asis of payment shall be S��� �GINe��NG �. PELlVIIt CpST.S ( 1 The (otlowing modification is recommended: �� O � � Q 1) Chanc�e in completion date is accepted. 1) Change is acceptable with no change in price. OQ��. 7 3 10 .(p O Change is acceptable with no cha�ge in completion date. fleason for Chan�c: �Design Change ( � Client Request ➢{�ield Condition (� Sug�ested hy Contractor ( j Design Omission or Other (explain� 3. Is this a part of the originaal contract scope? (� YES �,NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES ( 1 NO �. A!E consulted. �YES ( � NO Prep.ued by: � CPMII Approved by �_�,� �HGA) Approvcd Uy v' Owner) Approved by: ec Chns Hansen� Eriks Ludins 3225- D'a[c: O (� 9 S Date: Da Date 3225- BL D�ck C�0 C 3, J$' PAGE 5-5 SAIN7 PAUL CIVIC C[NTER EXPANSION : a � BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LA60R, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT plft[CT [MPLOYEE LABOR N1AT[f�IALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAE3 & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 75% fEE TOTAL LABOR, MATEPIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SU6CONTFIACTOKS 5% FEE TOTA�SU6CONTflACTORS &FEE � • � � � � _� r �� 'r � _. .� OTH[R COSTS TftAV[L & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT ItJCORPORATED FiENTALS TAX[S PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL [XPENSES [30ND & INSUflANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL 07HER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL S S 9 �co c3.rs �o��� ;� u i s �"� �"Z, S � ` �d.7b.�� 5 ���•"" � � � S S S S S S S S pAGE 5-6 SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION J o . �. � �. _ ..-_.-. . . _.. _ .. ,-.� :�....:.,.,._•....w. r � � �ELECTRtC �i TO: Frerichs Construction Co. ATTN: Marv Kotek DATE: October 2, 1995 RE: St. Paul Civic Center The following are costs for CCD No. C3.15: PAGE 1 OF 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Material Cost (Include Tax of 6.5%): . . . . . . Labor: 2.5 Hrs c� $ 44.57/Hr . . . . . . . . . . Foreman: Hrs c� $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . General Foreman: Hrs C� $ /Hr . . . . . . . . Overtime (1" X Regular Rate): Hrs @$ fHr .. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @$/Hr .. Project Management: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . Labor Inefficiency: % of Labor (Line #2) • • • Lost Time: Hrs c� $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . • Field Design/Drafting: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . As Built Drawings: .25 Hrs @ $46.98/Hr . . . . Delivery: .5 Hrs @ $3U/Hr . . . . . . . . . . Clean up: Hrs @ $/Ar . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing: Hrs @ $/Ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty: °s of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) Parking: Days C� $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: . . . Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . Small Tools & Consumables: °s of Labor (Line #2) $ 83 $ 112 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ 15 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3600 LaBore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 • (612) 484-4900 i PAGE 2 OF 2 21. Travel Time : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 22. Wage Incr2ase: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ • 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: % of Labor (Line #2} $_ v 24. Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 25. Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 26. Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 27. Insurance: . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . _ . . . _ $ 28. Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 30. Telephone/Fax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 31. Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 32. Safety: 4°s of Labor (Line #2) . • • • • • • • • • = S ' 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ �o • 34. Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 35. Painting & Patching : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 36. Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ��� C 37. Overhead: 150 of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . .�. . . _ $ 35 �j2 38. Profit: % of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 39 . Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 40. Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) ... _ $ 41 . Bond : % . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 42. Total This Change: (TOtal�of Lines #40 & 41) . . . _ $� � 2 43. A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. 44. This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C.O. Request be aCCeptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPTPNLE TITLE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL REDUEST N0. �J S HEET 1 �OCtober 02, 199� ESTIMATE WORKSHEET .TOb Description: CIVIC CENTER CCD C3.15 Estimate Number: CCDC3-15 Estimator Name : LaRRY Page Name/Location: ALL Estimate Page: 1 of 1 LN PHASE DB# MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Q'I'Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • t�.�lJ�� 15:�4:11 PRICE U T-PRICE I •:�• ,�; 0 L TY)M TIIIdAN 2.5C 0 F �3' SURFACE WRAP FIX'IiJRE 1.00 62.00 E 62.00 E 0 F 4' T8 LAhiP 2.00 2.00 E 4.00 . E 0 F 1900 BOX 1.00 115.00 C 1.15 E 0 F BLANK 1.00 33.00 C 0.33 E 0 F ANCHOR 2.00 30.00 C 0.60 E 1 3078 FL-1/2 FLEX STEEL 10.00 33.00 C 3.30 C 1 3094 FL-1/2 FLEX ST CONN 2.00 1.18 E 2.36 C 3 8178 WC-1Y�IN-SOLID #12 3�.�� 56.00 M , 1.68 M 0 F MISC. SCREWS/WIRENUfS 1.00 2.00 E 2.00 E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE Multiplier = 1.00 TOTAL = 77.42 2.50 0 �� � � �CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE At.i UO(:UJftR'T G714 OWNER Lf ARCHITECT �7 CONI'RACTOR �J 1=IELD �7 OTHER �] CPMI ���� Q�titn , nuiu ur� rrt rrnr si�l�� 7Lis <l�nruuruf rcplarrs dId Uxauiuir! G�! 3. Co�ulru<uun CJ�airge dut&irt+�drwr.) PROJECI': Sei�t Peul Clvic C2�t2f DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-C3.15 (namc, address) 143 West 4th Street 16 August 1995 Saint Paul, MN 55102 DnTE: 1'O CONT[UICTOK: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: (nan�e, address) Frerichs Construction 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4 CONTRnCT DATE: 1 May 1995 Saint Paul, MN 55108 CONTRACT FOR: CP-3 Temporary Facili6es You am hereby direc�ed co make che following change(s) in this Concracc Provide additionai ceiling hung light fixture @ the new Volume Services cash box (Room X05.1 Reason: Field Condition • PROPOSED AWUSTMENTS I. "Chr prupu�cd b.�,i, ui ad�u+mirnt co [hr Cuntr�c[ Swn or Gu�rentced Maxlmum Pncc is: � Lump tium pncrea+r) ldcCrea�e) o( Y . � L' �o � � 0� �� ❑ Unit Pncc uf +xr ❑ y�, providrd in 5ubparagraph 7.5.6 uf AIA Documen[ A?01, IJ87 edition. ❑ ;ii ti)Iluw�s: ?. Thc Con[rsc[ Time u proposed ca{l�e ""�ett}(rennin unch:u�ged). The proposed adjustmenc, if days)(a decrr:tie of 0 days). W hen s�gned b}• the Owncr and Archi[cct :u�d received by the Con[rdctor, ehis documrnc brcumrs effecuve IMMEDIATELY � a Conswceion Clungr Daective (CCD), and the Contrec[ot �hdll procrrd with the ch:mgr(s) describrd aberve. Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc. �itc.t u rec i 1201 Harmon Place �a�i«. Saint Paul Civic Center Authority UU'NLR 143 West 4th Street �darc., `a1D? �t � ���,� k-a3-9s' n . . . _ i��� J !Y � :r ` � � f \ u (an inc�ease of Si�,mvmm by ihe Contrattor mdu��es [he Con- inc[or's ay,rerment w¢h the pro�wxd ad��o- mrncs in Comrac[ Sum and Con[na llmc xi toah in th�s Corolmcuon Changc U�rccti�c Frerichs Construction conrt�c�'ox 1410 Energv Park Drive Suite 4 addau Saint Paul, Mt�l 5i108 U1,�i �` dY G � � ' ��! '� / C� D�1TL � -� � � � � � CAUTION: You should sign an orlginal AIA document whlch has thts caution printed in red. An orlginal assures that changes wlll not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G714 . CO�J IRUQ'ION Gt1ANGE DIRhCl1\'8 . UH7 HDI'170N • AIAi .'S I ltl7 � l I IE A�ttKiGdR IN�TITUIF UI' nNCtlll'tCTI, Vi5 NEW YORA AVENUE, N W, R'ASHIhGiON. D C?UUU6 G7141987 , 'CONSTRUCTION o.�NER � CHANGE �+RCHITECT �7 CONTRACTOR �1 • DIRECTIVE FIELD � OTHER �J CPMI AfA DOCUMENT G714 (Instrucrionr on re� side TDiis docu�+t �epLrces A!A lk;amlent G713. Constn�ctfan Uiange Authonzatton ) PROJECT: (name, address) TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55�02 Frerichs Construction 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 You ace hereby direcced to make che following change(s) in this Conuacc: Sd i! �' D[RECTIVE NO- CCD-C3.15 DATE: 16 August 1995 ARCH[TECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT DATE: 1 May 1995 CONTRnCT FOR: CP Temporary Facilities Provide additionai ceiling hung light fixture @ the new Volume Services cash box (Room X05.1) . Reason: Field Condition � PROPOSED RDJUSTMENTS 1. The proposed basis of adjustmenc [o [he Con[act Sum or Guaran[eed Maximum Price is: ❑ Lump Sum (increase) (deaease) of ❑ Unit Price of Pe� ❑ as provided in Subparagraph 73.6 of A1A Docvment A20t, 1987 edition. ❑ as follows: 2. The Contract Time is proposed t Cl.(kL3[1j � �+=,�+� (remain uncfianged). The proposed adjuscment, if any, u(an increase of g days)(a decrease of g days). When signed by the Owner and Arehi[ect and received by the Contcactor, [his documen[ becomes effective [MMEDIATELY as a Construction Change Direccive (GCD), and the Con[ractor shall proceed wi[h [he change(s) described above. Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc. Saint Paul Civic Center Authority ARCHITECT OWNER 1201 Harmon Place 143 West 4th Street Address Address P�Airaaea}�FI' ,as�^^l-554S3 GaintPaul 5F102 BY • DACE BY DATE SignaNre by [he Contactor indica[es [he Con- �iaccor's agreemem with Lhe proposed adjusi- mrnrs in Contratt Sum and Contnct Time set forth �n [his Cons[�uction Change Direttive. Frerichs Construction CON'CRACTOR 1410 Energy Park Drive. Suite 4 Address R�tt.TiS�11� �IJ�C6^if�Y.� BY DATE � � CAUTION: You should sign an ohginal AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G714 • CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIftECI7VE • 198] EDITION • AIA� • O 1987 • THE AMERICAN WSTITUTE OP AACHITECfS. 1$5 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W, WASHWGTON, D.C. 200W G7141987 � � �� � 1 �� � C4NTHACTOIi'S NHONQSAL LW�{IJ�{UI �'IU}JJ�4I I��l.: �'fu�r:l: 1 1� V (�� ' (� �111 �I Il 1. �C�{u�:.lG.1 ll1G �:uQ1��lC11u11 U.+IG L6 t j GAlC11JGQ. �� V�GCJLLtI. �� uilil1d11�JGJ LV _ LriJI�IJ/ �Idy�. ���r' �Ll�yp�V�J 4UIlIjJIC{IUII �IJ(L' �11�� �11i . i. .li..u�.. ui ll�c :w�.e ul ll�c r�uiA A Icy.��.t�a! a5 i1+�1�C.+1cQ Lclu��: �. �GALII}J�141� U� ��IV {:II.lIIJG. II{�%IUI {O I�IJYY/II�J�� wNVL1�ILJ{lUl�+� qL�t�{:IIJd� 1/ J'1�)�I�.N�J�L'�. I�s�l.:,����c IirN f��.: • CCp f1o.: �'3. fC ' f0 Nu.: � U�pPP•v Lbc�...- c-4�� p tb�,,�n Cv Entr'�. J. �1J� Uj � �LIILC{� YIIG� t I F�uu �uica lur pc�lwwiu� this ch.,n�c is .............. ......................: �` 3. a o ��_���.+to o�(�p�rUU1 �icluila a�ld iciW(Itlal�u�l (luc�c;�.cU UcJuctl uiu Ld JU.li. W;,Iluw Owllur {U 1:YJINN(U. '�� �� II11W vll1� IIW{YIIJI �JC( CUIIIIJCI� UUI Illll {P 4'ALUG� � V � /�dlu.�l r./:l �l GWII�I�LUWI U� 1YU11. . i :...4�i��il...1 Lr: _ � l..Crv� 7 — � u.,t�.------=---� �/ � LwW..:IW h��- ( �� �, � ��� , C ::��nwlwa .;�l�wi l�cwuuuca,J.,�: (Cl�c�}, uncy ( 1 Cl��il�u 1JI�I Illil �10 (11V(JU. {EA�JIJIO: ��������� S EP 6 2�r5 c�-P��� cu,u�.,�i ra�. CI'!dl Jc,4 IV�.: �22:i {Iy,�'I4�G1.� Jfl (I�� IUIIUYNII� bJ51�: r �� �N: 1 111�1L.1�Ll� M�lNYU (�.��J��J�: 41)Q UJSIi U�'lJYll{W�� �w i1CLGf)(d{/�C. � � C�I�IItf� 1� �GIG�J�J�J�tl. �J$I$ UI � l� (�N( yCC{:� 1 1 U�;.ia ul pay�uunt ah.+li �u S ( � �� ����UWI11� IIIUUI�ICJ41011 (. fuCU111111Y11l1tlQ. 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O Energy Park Drive, Suite #4 � ��� Minnesota 55108 Frerichs Construction Phone:672-644-5063 FROM �� �IS�(�i.t���) WORK ORDER WORK ORDER REPORT: N°_ 2154 `�0`l�� JOB NAME G I l�i L C� N�I� JOB NO. /�c �C� � BI�LTO L P�L� REPORTDATE� �l' fcS WORKORDERED BY S /'t LI DN �� � DEfAIL OF WORK: P MAN DAlE HOIiRS MAN DATE HOURS MAN DATE HOURS h1l+N �ATE HOURS � � Sm E rf ouarrrrm A i MATEAIAL � �■0 � �� �■■ne�s� ��■��i � �,, ��..k�� o� l� G. 0 5 Y 1/ f 1 �� O APPROVED BY: SS • .� CONSTRUCTION OWIYER � CHAN G E ARCHITECT � CONTRACTOR �1 DIRECTIVE F�IT � CPMI A!A DOCUMENT G714 (Instrutttora an reirrse side. This dvcumcn�t rYp(p�ps pfA Docum¢�u G?7 3. Cwurcuawrz Change AutlxiriznttOrt ) PROJECT: (name, addcess) TO CONTRACTOR: (name, address) Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Frerichs Construction 1410 Energy Park Drive, Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Con�ract: s� ' DIRECTIVE `O: CCD-C3.16 DATE: 16 August 1995 ARCH[TECT'S PROJECT NO: Chip down Upper Loading Dock slab as necessary to allow water to drain away from the building. Reason: Field Condition a • PROPOSED t1WUSTMENTS 1. The proposed basis of adjustmen[ to the Contrac[ Sum oa Guaranteed Masimum Price is: ❑ Lump Sum (increase) (decrease) of 8 . O Unit Price of 8 per . ❑ as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.6 of AIA Document A201, 1957 edition. ❑ as follows: 2. The Contract Time is proposed ��rt,r�(j��crP�1) (remain unchanged). The proposed adjus[ment, if any, is (an increase oE g days)(a decrease of & days). When signed by the Owner and Architect and ceceived by the Contractor, this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY u a Cons[ruction Change Direc[ive (CCD), and the Con[rac[or shall proceed wi[h [he change(s) described above. Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc. ARCH[TECT '1201 Harmon Place Address -z , --.. r:� Signamre by the Contacwr indicates �he Con- traaois agreemrnt wich [he proposed adjuso- menu in Concnct Sum and Contract Time set fotth in [his Construaion Change Directive Ff2fICh5 C,Of1SYfUCfi0�1 CONTRACTOR 1410 Enerqy Park Drive Suite 4 Address � 1 r.r,1f1$ ev Saint Paul Civic Center Authority OWNER 143 West 4th Street Address Saint Paul, MN 5F102 BY • DATE DATE DATE � � CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures tfist changes wiil not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G716 • CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE • 198] EDITION • AIAm •=01987 • THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1�35 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W, WASHINGTON, D C. 20006 CONTRACT DATE: 1 Mey 1995 CONTRACT FOR: CP-3 Temporary Facilities G7141987 2154 Frerichs ConsVuction Co. • 7410 Energy Park Drive, Suite #4 St Paul, Minnesota 55,� Frerichs Construction Phone:672-644-5063 FROM �� } �lSK f�i.t+(i� .1) WORK ORDER �O ���� WORK ORDER REPORT: JOB NAME G �ut L �� N�P JOB NO. %` �D Z BILL TO L P ��"1 L REPORT DATE �- �I ��<� WORKORDEREDBY S 1`E �ION�'� � DETAIL OF WORK: • MAN OATE HOURS MAN DATE HOURS MAN DA7E HOURS MAN DATE H EF E QUAMTTY I _ MATERIAL ' CAST I I IXT. ' QUAMRY . MATERLLL ('AS'f APPROVED BY: