88-797 wNiTE - c�TV CLEFK � - COUrtCIl G /j/f PINK - FINANCE �I TY O SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT �i{ — �7 / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. V - � unc 'l Resolution ----�� ;� Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Leg slature has amended Chapter 151, 1955 Session Laws, as amended, relat ng to the St. Paul Police Relief Association by lowering the required years f service for a non-duty disability pension from 10 years to 5 years and WHEREAS, that legislation s contained in Laws of Minnesota 1988, Chapter�4�, Article 8, section 5; and WHEREAS, that legislation equires local approval by the St. Paul City Council and compliance wit Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021, subdivision 3, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL ED, that the St. Paul City Council hereby give approval to this legislati n. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �-- ; Dimond �rQ�' �� � [n Fa or / i�.:AN�2 �.� ���� � ca�� ���T � �n� � Again t BY���� � �� Sonnen � MAY 2 4 Form A ove by t e Adopted by Council: Date Certified a• ed by Council Secretary By� l ^`' Y Z � Approv y Mayor for Sub s' t Counc 1 t�ppro Mavor: Date . PIlBIISNEO M AY 81988 �, � ���:.��� � 4/15/88 [REVISOR ] PER/CF CCRHF2477 1 volunteer firefi hters reli f association ma amend its articles 2 of incor oration or b laws o convert its defined benefit 3 ension lan to a defined c ntribution lan. The conversion 4 lan must rovide for alloc tion of s ecial fund assets amon 5 individual accounts to be e tablished for each active 6 firefi hters association me ber . Instead of rovidin further 7 defined ension lan benefits, the association shall urchase 8 annuit contracts with exi tin s ecial fund assets for retired 9 members and for active mem ers who ma not ualif as a 10 "volunteer firefi hter" un er Minnesota Statutes, cha ter 424A. 11 All rovisions of Minnesot Statutes not inconsistent with this 12 section overn the defined contribution lan established under 13 this section. ..., , -. _ d , , , w, _ . , ��: ., ,�.: ,- ,. 14 ,� o.., .... , �. < � � � sii'�'t-� , o . . „ �:. 15 as amended by Laws 1963, c apter 271, section 6, is amended to 1�6 read: 17 �_�_� �; The associa ion shall pay to any member who, 18 after not less tha1�H�� �t years of service in the police 19 department, retires becaus of sickness or injury occurring 20 while not on duty and not ngaged in police work and the 21 retirement is necessary be ause the member is unable to perform 22 police duties, a pension o "�� �Y its per month, and for each 23 additional year of service over��;��,,years, a pension of two 24 units per month, but not t exceed a total of 40 units. If a 25 member is entitled to mor than 40 units through years of 26 service, he shall receive those additional units over 40 when he 27 becomes 50 years of age, ut the total of these pension payments 28 shall not exceed 50 units per month. 29 Sec. 6. [MINNETONKA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS. ] 30 Subdivision 1. [EXC USION FROM COVERAGE. ] Notwithstanding 31 an law to the contrar , volunteer firefi hter servin with 32 the Minnetonka fire der�ar ment is excluded from the definition 33 of " ublic em lo ee" in M nnesota Statutes, section 353 .01, 34 subdivision 2, for activi ies undertaken as art of volunteer 35 firefi hter duties. Com nsation aid to a Minnetonka volunteer 36 firefi hter for volunteer firefi htin duties must be excluded 49 , , . . � 4/15/88 [REVISOR J PER/CF CCRHF2477 ' , 1 from the definition of "salary" in section 353 . 01, subdivision 2 10. A Minnetonka volunteer firefighter is not a member of the 3 public employees police and fire fund as a result of volunteer 4 firefighter duties. 5 Subd. 2 . [QUALIFICATION FOR CERTAIN PERSONS. ] A person who 6 is a Minnetonka volunteer firefiqhter mav qualifv as a "public 7 employee" under section 353 .01, subdivision 2, and may be a 8 member of the public employees police and fire fund for � 9 compensation received from� employment and activities other than 10 volunteer firefighter duties . _ ' 11 Subd. 3 . [REFUND. ] A volunteer firefighter who is excluded 12 from membership by subdivision 1 is entitled to a refund of 13 member contributions to the public emplovees retirement 14 association or the public emplovees police and fire fund based 15 on compensation as a volunteer firefiqhter, plus interest at the 16 rate of six percent a year, compounded annually, if the erson� � 17 or the city of Minnetonka demonstrates to the satisfaction of 18 the executive director of the association the amount of - - 19 contributions made by the person on behalf of service as a 20 volunteer firefiqhter. 21 Sec. 7. [TH2EF RIVER FALLS VOLUNTEER FiRE RELIEF 22 ASSOCIATION; VALIDATION OF CERTAIN SERVICE -PENSIONS. J _ 23 The payment of a service pension before Januarv 1, 1988, by 24 the Thief River Falls volunteer firefighters relief association 25 to a person who terminated active service with the Thief River� 26 Falls fire department with at least 20 years of active service 27 before attaining age 50 and who complies with all other 28 conditions of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the 29 relief association are validated. 30 Sec. 8. [ST. PAUL TEACHERS RETIREMENT FUND ASSOCIATION 31 FIVE-YEP,R VESTING. J 32 In accnrAanc� wit-h Mi�npsot� ctat��+r'P_4 . Q[�!!titlil �SaA, � 2; 33 subdivision 4, approval is qranted for the St. Paul teachers 34 retirement fund association to amend the bylaws of the 35 association in effect on June 1, 1978, as amended, aoverning the 36 benefits of the basic division of the association, article IV, 50 � . , ,r,; .. 4/15/88 [REVISOR J PER/CF CCRHF2477 ' 1 OTHER ETIREMENT ISSUES . 2 Section 1 . Minnesota tatutes 1987 Supplement, section " 3 352 .85, subdivision 1, is a ended to read: 4 Subdivision 1. [ELIGI ILITY; RETIREMENT ANNUITY. J Any 5 person who is employed by t e department of military affairs 6 other than as a full-time firefighter, who is covered by the 7 general employee. retiremen plan of the system as provided in 8 section 352. 01, subdivisio 23, who is ordered to active duty 9 under section 190 . 08 , subd'vision 3 , who elects this special 10 retirement coverage under ubdivision 4, who is required to 11 retire from federal milita y status at tke an age ef-69-peera 12 earlier than age 65 by app icable federal laws or regulations 13 and who terminates employm nt as a state employee upon attaining 14 that mandatory retirement ge is entitled, upon application, to � 15 a retirement annuity compu ed in accordance with section . 16 352.115, subdivisions 2 an 3, without any reduction for early 17 retirement under section 3 2.116, subdivision 1: � 18 � Sec. 2. Minnesota St tutes 1987 Supplement, section . 19 352.85, subdivision 2, is mended to readi � 20 Subd. 2. [DISABILIT BENEFIT. ] An employee described in 21 subdivision 1, who_ is les than 6A-yeera-ef the applicable 22 federal militar status m ndator retirement age and who becomes 23 disabled and physically o mentally unfit to perform 24 occupational �duties due t injury, sickness, or other ' 25 disability, and who is fo nd disqualified for retention on 26 active duty as a result o a physical examination required by 27 applicable federal laws o regulations, is entitled upon 28 application to disability benefits� computed in the manner 29 sgecified in section 352. 13 . Disability benefits are otherwise 30 governed by section 352. 1 3, except that the age for the 31 termination of the disabi ity benefit is 69-peera the applicable 32 federal militar status � ndator retirement age. 33 �ec. 3 . ( 356.2�5 ] [LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS. ] � 34 An elected official covered b section 353.01, subdivision 35 2a, is eli ible to arti i ate in the state of Minnesota 36 deferred com ensation 1 n under section 356 . 24. � A local 52 * 'c� � �/ . �� �/ � . 4/15/88 [REVISOR ] PER/CF CCRHF2477 �1 section 3 , para4raph 1, clauses (b) , applicable to limited 2 service pensions, and (d) , a licable to deferred ensions, and 3 article IV, section 3, paraara h 10, a licable to survivor 4 benefits, by replacina the ten years of accredited service � 5 vesting requirement with a five vears of accredited service 6 vesting requirement. 7 � Sec. 9. (MINNEAPOLIS TEACHERS PP,RTICIPATING ANNUITY; 8 EXTENSION TO CERTAIN RETIREES. ] 9 In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 354A.12, 10 subdivision 4, approval is aranted for the Minneapolis teachers 11 reCirement fund association to amend its articles of 12 incorporation to permit annual participatinct annuitv adiustments 13 under article IX, subsection ( 19) , to be a lied, effective 14 January 1, 1989, to minimum normal retirement annuities pavable 15 to eligible recipients under article IX, subsection ( 14) , as 16 amended pursuant� to Laws 1987, chapter 372, article 3 , section 17 1, paragraph ( f) . � lO ..p: . � 19 Sections 1 and 2 �are effective upon a roval bv the � 20 Virginia city council and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Z1 section 645.021. 22 Section 3 is effective upon a proval by the Eveleth city Z3 council and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645. 021. 24 Section 4 is effective upon approval bv the Fridley citv 25 council and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021. „ : 26 : :� , . � .: •: �;,�, . ��.()i��''. `�.� r'+l 5'� � ''� u �tn 4"�.i a .:��R{Y.hL� i� . ... j _ t � kAu ., 27 counc�i� ' �T�` ` _ ���"'W�� � `� ,te8� .:g� �". 2V subdivisio�- �r�,,'� 29 Section 6 is effective upon ap roval bv t.he Minnetonka citv 30 council and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021. 31 Section 7 is effective upon a roval bv the Thief River 32 Falls city council and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, 33 section 645. 021. 34 Sections 8 and 9 are effective the day following final � 35 enactment. 36 ARTICLE 9 � 51 e�r . i, � . ...�,Y h ��.7 / ° �> �t q ; a-`e' � � ,^ �:;y �+. � � ;� ! � �.:, z `�"i�" � _� � ,�,�;t y�� ' 1�: t,., �� V ',� T i "�* � . 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Norstre�t 4/28/88 V�R�� �'�'�� NO.���J V V� �T oEw�,�r o�rp� r►�von rort�arn G8ry R. Nci�'strem : N�MBER.FOR � r�a�a�owwEOroR �f �cm+c�c ' • � • ROUTN�Ki �ulk�eT OMIbCrop ! Finance/Treasury 2g2-70IG ;' . . ;, c�nt�:' `. �`cm,�r�r ,> - — Give� required local approval to St. :Pau1 Po ice Relfef� Association: (the Police Pension Plan) to lower req�ired. years: of seryice to ualify for a nan-duty d�sability from 10 years to 5 years of. servfce. ��noMS:lk+�ow lN cr�tR1) Catn�cr. n�roKt: . a�►�wo c�resioH ava s�oow�eroN w�/� o��p/� / / uw. �rar�ra. . �DIMq OOM�BBqM. . .18D.025 SCHOOL BOMD . a/�` r�-� ^.`(/ - � ���- - � �. � . . � �.BTAPF�. �_ � : :CFY1iiTEq�COM1�8&ON - . � COMPLETE IS - .� ���M�OL�� _�'�,.. _. 016iWCT 001/!CL �. � *EXPLMIATION: � . . . . . . - '���`�' . p � MAY . , - RECEIVED ��Ei , 6 1988 - y o �9�a �ITY �TT��IVEY A��2 ,� ��n� _ NCA. OFFICE OF THE DiREC?'nc� �►CE pR . � _ AND MRTMENT OF FtN:� - 1ru�E ' ws�arMe r�er�wwR oP►o*turrv cwn�.w�.wna+.vv�,vn,rr. ICE :.. A member of the St. Paul Police Department as over 8 years of service �s g�esently on si k leav.e.as a. result of :a disabling_ disease.. t is not likely tha.t he will be able -to xetu to,.WOrk. - ` Counci! Researcl� Center. . _ , MAY 131� _ :��.�,�„�,����.�.�►: _ , - 1. No members of the St. Paul Police Reli f Assocation have less than 8 ye�#,.�-�� "service 2. Police Officers raith less than $ years ser�ice belong to PERA Polfce & Fir� `'�ension Plsn..and. qua2i,fy for_ non-duty disabili y a£ter S years of service: 3. The Police Pension Fund actuary and th City Treasurer agree that this: cha�ge�will na have any meaaingful impact on the fund ng or financing of the Police Relief Assocati . �(YMrR vw+w+�aaA Ta VM�wn): . „ ' 5ince all otl�er members of the Relief Asso iation already bave over 8 yp.�rs o€ se�€ice., ;; this person is likely the only individual hat this chaage would apply to. � _ , K�u� . - ` coMS : _ -: = � Naratv . TYie Fire Department Relief.Assoeiation ha no minimum years. of service to be eligible fo . . �. a non-duty disability. _ _ _ : uMe+u aeuES: