� tlLUE - MAVOR File NO. 0 -
Counc l Resolution s
- / / �.�
Presented By v �/` r �
Referred To Committee: Date
Q�t of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Richard and Claire Allyn appealed a decision of the Zoning
Administrator to the Board of Zonin Appeals, which decision determined that
the hom� under construction at 2108 West Hoyt Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota,
confoY�ms to the height restrictions of the Zoning Code and that the correct method
of ineasurement of the height of the house is from the finished grade of the
site rather than the ori inal rade of the site; and
WHEREAS, The Board conducte a hearing on this appeal (File No. 10185)
at its meeting on August 25, 1987, at which time it heard testimony from the
owner of the house in question, Do glas Doty, from the appellant Richard Allyn,
thei� respective attorneys, and fr concerned residents, the testimony
primarily relating to the height o the house at 2108 W. Hoyt and the method
of ineasurement applied by the Zoni g Administrator; and the Board laid over
the hearing on the appeal for a pe iod of two weeks for the purpose of allowing
the parties an opportunity to arri e at a compromise solution to their concerns
and problems and present them at t e next Board meeting, which the parties
indicated a willingness to so do; nd
WHEREAS, The Board reconve ed the hearing on File No. 10185 at its
meeting on September 8, 1987, at w ich time the attorney for the appellants
requested that the Board lay over urther discussion until September 22, 1987,
so that additional information req ested by the Zoning Administrator could be
obtained and so that the parties c uld have further opportunity to negotiate
a compromise position, which reque t was granted by the Board; and
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Lo� [n Fa or
Rettman B
Scheibel A ga i n t Y
Form Appro d by City Att ey
Adopted by Council: Date � _��
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by Yfavor: Date _ Approved Mayor for Submission to Council
.� � �� � . � � ���-7��
Whereas, The Board recon ened the hearing on F_i_1_e._#1Q185.
at its meeting on September 2 , 1987 , at which time the Board
was inforrned by the staff of he Zoning Admini�trator that a
survey was done on the firont ard s�tback for the home in
question and it was determine from that survey that Mr .
Doty's home was built too clo e to the front property lin�
than permitted und�r the prov ' sions of the Zoning Code and
that to remain in that locati n a zoning variance must fir�t
be grantEd by the Board, and hat the parties i-eque�ted
further time to continue to w rk out their difference�, and
the Eoard moved to continue t e hearings until October 13 ,
19£37 ; and
Whereas , Douglas Doty , o ieptember 24 , 1987 , made
application (.t-i1_e.�tkl_02_1.7.).__._to he Board of Zoning Appeals for
variances for the home at 210 W. Hoyt, tho said variances
being for the building height, lot coverage and front yard
setback; ar�d
Whereas , The Board condu ted its hearing on both the
. Allyns' appeal (File #10185) nd the Doty's appeal (File
#10217) on October 13, 1987 , nd the following testimony was
� considered by the Board:
On �eptember 23, 1987 , t e Zoning Wdministrator
notified Mr. Doty that h could bring his home into
conformance with the Zon � ng Code provi�ions if he
did three things: ( 1) o tain a building permit to
move the h�me back from he front property line
between 8' and 10' ; (2) liminate any deck on the
south side of the home a ove the ground floor level ;
and (3) keep the height f the home to a maximum of
30' as measured from the average finished grade .
The neighbor , Mr. Allyn, objected to the home bc�ing
moved bacLc fr-om th� stre t a� it would block the
light and air from his o n adjacent home, and that
he preferred that the ho e remain in it� pre�ent
location if the roof wer reduced in height and no
deck construct�d on the rear of the Doty home.
That after much discussi n among the two appellant�-
neigl�bors, the Board was advised that a compromi.:,e
solution satisfactory to them was recomm�nded for
adoption by the Board, the compromise as follows:
1) The home n t be moved bacl,
firom the street. 2) The roof on
the Doty home ould be "hipped"
rather than be a "gabled roof" .
` 3) The deck. w ld not exceed 4
�� � � � � � � - ���-r�s
1/2 fieet in he ght from gr-ade.
4) The necessa y lot coverage
variance would be granted.
Whereas, based on the ab ve cc•mpromise agreement and the
proposed acceptance thereof b the Board , the ap�eal (File
#10185) of Richard and Claire Allyn was withdrawn by the said
appellants; and
Whereas, Based upon the estimony received by th� Board
and upon the recommendation o the Planning �taff , the Eoard
of Zoning Appeals did adopt i � final action on the
application for variances mad by Douglas Doty, based upon the
following findings made by th said Board and as contained in
its resolution #10217, adopte October 27 , 1987 :
1) Mr. Doty, the appli ant, is building a 3-story
single-family house at 2 08 West Hoyt Avenue. �t.
Paul 's Building In�pecti n and Design Divi�ion
is�ued a building permit for the hou�e in March 1987
and work is currently in progress. The house has
been framed in, includin the roof .
7he building division ap roved the height of the
house based on plans and elevations submitted to
them by the applicant wh n he applied for a building
�ermit. The buildinq di ision followed itJ Jtandard
practice and made its initial determination of the
height of the buildin� b measuring from the
architect's scale drawin s. These drawings ir�dicate
the ground level with a ashed line but do not
specify whether this is n existing grade or a
proposed change of grade. Although it is not
apparent in the drawin�, the dashed line indicating
proposed ground level i� about 6' above the existing �
grade on the site on the east and front side of the
2) The height of the uilding when measured by
staff in September was 3' 6" measured rrom ti�e
current grade to the mi -point of the roof base�� on
the average of all four sides. (The height measured
on the west and back si e, where the lower level is
at grade, was 35'4" ) .
To meet the height limi of 30' ��t by the Zoning
Code the grade would ha e to be raised 3'6" on all
four sides. However , i is not possible to raise
the grade significantly on the west and back side
because of the location of doors .and windows so most
' ', • r ��V '���
f the grade changes wou d have to occur on the
firont and east side.
3) The Allyns' , neigh ors to ttie ea.:.t, appealed
the decision of the bui ding division to grant the
building permit to Mr. oty, saying that the
building height �hould ave been determined from the
grade that existed on �ite before construvtion began
rather than the propose grad�s shown on the
architect's plans. Thi� appea:l was later dropped as
part of a compromi�e be ween Mr. Doty and the
Allyns, which is reflected in the c;onditions of this
The building division re uested more detailed
information from Mr. Dot in August about �xactly
how he proposed to grade the site to meet the
building height limit but this was not submitted.
4) Mr. Doty is requesting a variance for building
height to permit a building 33'6" high. He still
contends that he can meet the 30' height limit �et
by the Zoning Code. How ver, he is requesting a
variance for two reason�.
First, he says that he r lied on advice provided him
by the builCing division in determining the height
of the house and that he would suffer undu� hardship
now if the BZA now overt rns that advice after the
house has been largely b ilt.
Second, i� the BZA uphol � the building division's
determination, Mr. Doty ould like the option to
lower the grade from wha is shown on the plans if
this is what the neighbo s want.
5) Mr. Doty is willing to change the existing
gable roof line to a hip ed roof line at his own
expense. This would les en the impact of the
building on the Allyns' roperty. When �tanciing
close to the building, t e roof would not be
visible: the righest pai t visible would be the
eaves which would be 26' " above the existing grade.
It would also lessen the mass of the house when
viewed from farther away
6) Mr. Doty is also se king a variance to permit a
front yard setback of 13' . Again, tlie request for
the variance is based on the assertion that he
- checked with the buildin division on more than one
occasion to verify that is plans were in
confiormanca with the set ack requirements and was
, � . � . � . �� �-"���
. .
told that it was. Mr. D ty claims that requiring
him to move the hou�e ba k at this point would cau�e
him substantial hardship
7) The variance for fr nt yard setback is also
justified by the fact th t the lot is v�ry shallow.
The lot is 93' deep comp red to 125' fior a typical
St. Paul lot.
�) Mr. Doty is requ�st ng a variance for lo�
coverage so that he can ake changes to a deck which
will l�ssen its impact o the neighbors .
This variance was not ne ded fior the house as
originally planned. How ver , in di�cus�ing the
hou�e with the neighbors both sides agreed that a
deck proposed fior the ba k of the house would have
��JJ impact on the neigh ors if it was lowered and
moved away from the prop rty line. However, in
order to move the dec�. i will be necessary to builcl
a landinq off the door i to the house and steps froRi
the landing down to the eck. This would increase
the size of the deck eno gh to put the house over ,
the 30% lot coverage lim ' t.
7he Allyns' and Mr. Doty agreed to a height of 3.0'
for the lower level of t e rear deck and that the
upper level would not pr ject more than 4.5' be�,�ond
the rear of the house.
Whereas, Based upon the bove fiindings the Board on
October 27 , 1987 , by its reso ution Numb�r 10217 , granted the
following variances for the p operty at 2108 We�t Hoyt Avenue
and legally described as foll ws: south 93 .55 feet ofi the
north 123.35 feet of Lot 10, uditor's subdivision:
( 1) a maximum building eight of 33. 5' subject to
the applicant modifying he roof to "hipp�d" roof as
shown in attached Exhibi A; (2) A front yard
setback of 13' ; (3) Maxim m lot covera�e of 120
square feet mnre than 30% subject to the lower level
deck proposed for the rear of the house not being
more than 3.0' high(a� me sured from the surface of
the deck to the bottom of the windows on the west
side of the rear of the house as they were built a�
of October 13 , 1987) and the upper levol of the deck
not projecting more than .5' beyond the rear of the
Whereas, Pursuant to the rovisions of �ection 64 .205,
Elizabeth M. Solem, 2117 Dud1e Avenue, �aint Paul , Minn. , on
November 11 , 1987 duly filed w ' th the City Clerk her appeal
: . : . . ��-7Q�-
from the determinations made y the Board nf Zoning Appeals,
requesting a hearing before t e City Council for the purpose
ofi considering the actions ta en by the said E3oard;
Whereas, Acting pursuant to Sections 64 .205 through
64 .208, and upon notice to ap ellant and other affected
property owners, including th Allyns and Doty, a public
hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on December 22,
1987 where all interested par ie� were given an opportunity t��
be heard; and
Whereas, The Council , ha ing hear-d the stateme��ts made ,
and having considered the var ance application , the report of
staff , the minutes and findin s of the Board of Zoning
Hppeals, does hereby
Resolve, That the Counci of the City of �aint Paul does
hereby find and determine tha the Board did make an error of
fact and law in granting the ariances relating to the lot
coverage and maximum height o the building as set forth in
the Board's resolution number 10217 , adopted October 27 ,
1987 , fior the following reaso s:
1) Granting of the lot coverage variance is not
su�ported by the evidenc . The provisions of the
Zoning Code restrict the development of the lot to
30 percent of the square footage. The subject lot
is not unusual in size o topography and a house of
reasonable size could be built on it. The owner
proposes to build a deck onto his home, and that is
the cause for requiring he variance. 7h� hardship,
in thi� case, is self cr ated and is not in keeping
with the spirit or inten of the Zoning Code.
2) Granting of the bui ding height variance so as
to permit a height of 33 6" , which is 3'6" in excess
of the CoGe requirement� is also not supported by
the record. The er.cess eight will impair tMe
neighbor 's adequate ligh and air and will al. ter the
essential character of t e surrounding area. The
owne� has indicated tha� he ea� meet the Co=�e hei=�ht
restrictions without thi variance, and if any
hardship exists because f the way the owner has
proceeded in building th home the hardship was
created solely by the ow er thereof .
Further Resolved, That t e Council of the City of Saint
Paul does hereby affirm the f ndings and conclusions of the
Board and does h�reby ratify he granting of the variance for
the firont yard setback so as o allow the structure to b�
; ' , �. .. . ��_7ls.
located only 13 feet from the street subject to the following conditions:
1. The roof of the house be reconstructed so that the top, peak,
or ridge is no more than 5 f et above the underside of the existing
uppermost eaves. The altera ions to be complete prior to the
occupancy of the dwelling.
2. The chimney of the house be reconstructed to be lowered to a
height which is two feet abo e the highest point of the roof as
indicated above. The altera ions to be complete prior to the
occupancy of the dwelling.
3. The existing patio door ave access to a landing and/ or stairway
not to exceed 54 inches proj ction from the exterior wall. The hand
and guard rails for this la ding and/or stairway to be turned spindles
and wood rails stained to m tch the siding or equivalent to minimize
visual impact from adjacent properties.
4. There shall be no above grade deck in the rear yard space. Any
improvement shall be by gro nd surface patio of concrete, brick,
stone or similar materials 'n direct contact with the earth at its
approximate existing grade r a wooden platform not to exceed 8 inches
above grade without perimet r rails, fencing or other treatment above
the deck surface.
5. The landscape plan inco porating the following is attached and
made a part hereof; the pur ose of the plantings is to reduce visual
impact of height, mass and educed front yard of the existing structure.
a. vertical evergre n screening at west and south property
b. permanent planti gs in front yard.
c. front stairway a d landing details and retaining wall details.
d. foundation plant ngs with trellis's or equivalent vertical
elements at west wal south of the entry door against existing
bricks, or replacing brick with siding at upper level of west wall
to reduce the amount of solid brick wall.
e. other indication of surface treatments and plantings for
remainder of lot are .
� Counci Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
The plantings and construct'on indicated above shall be completed
within one year of occupanc of the dwelling. The Zoning Administrator
shall strictly enforce the onditions 1 through 5 above as a condition
of the granting of the fron yard variance to allow the structure to
remain at its existing loca ion on the lot.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the ity Clerk shall mail a copy of this
resolution to Elizabeth Solem, Doug as Doty, Richard and Claire Al1yn, and
the Zoning Administrator and the Bo rd of Zoning Appeals.
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�ng � [n Favo
�b— e� U _ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
MAY 2 4 Form Approv by City Attorney
Certified Pa •ed by Council ecretary By — r � ��
A►ppr by 1+lavor: D e � MAY 2 Approved Mayor for Submission to Council
�1l�1.ISNEO J u N 4198
+ 4 . /
Re ocate 5" Locus C�`" ����!`5
• ' from backyard
. ' • ' � , t
SprPading Sod e err � 24"
Yews 24"
� Keystone . . � . .
Retaining � �
Wall ' �
' d Dogwood 5
* Globe Arborvitae 36"
t Pyramidal �
I Arborvitae
(+ 8-10'
. � .
� +
• Trell s w/ Boston ivy �
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t Glob Arborvitae 36" i
� + I
� Colorado Spru e 10-12' �
Sod �
� + ` Pyramidal I �
Arborvitae � NORTH
"�' 8-10'
L- — r � � � ( } �t } __ _ —{
Scale 1"= 10'
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_- __. ,,, g ��_
:A�i,N _ Brothers �
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' ''`�''' 1171 Wes Larpenteur 488-7258 """`
Ros ville, Minnesota 55113