88-794 WMITE - CITV GLERK PINK �INANCE (jITY OF AI�TT YAUL Council G SANAR' EPARTMENT File NO• `�� � � � BLUE �AVOR O/ W f�L n Ce Ordinance N 0.. � `��� ,,j r Presented By Refer d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1 An ordinance amending hapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to provide for an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fe s that will more accurately reflect the cost of inspect'ons; and, to reflect the administrative merger of th Certificate of Occupancy inspections programs from t e Building Official in the Department of Community Ser ices to the Fire Marshal in the Department of Fire and Safety Services. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec ion 1 . That Chapter 33, Sect 'on 33. 02 entitled "Minnesota State Building Code - Adop ion" be amended by adding a subdivision, wherein: 33 . 02 . Minnesota Sta e Building Code - Adoption. Subd. (d) . Section 3 7 of the Uniform Buildin Code, a art of the Minneso a State Buildin Code in Minnesota Rule 1300. 1200 is ame ded for the Cit of Saint Paul to read as follows: Sec. 307. (a) USE 0 OCCUPANCY. Pdo building or .� structure of Group , E, I, H, B, or R, Division 1 Occupancy, shall be used or occupied, and no change in the existing occ pancy classification of a building or structu e or portion '�hereof shall be made until the b ��d��g-e�€�e�a� fire marshal has issued a Certif ' cate of Occupancy therefore as provided herein. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman s�n.�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form proved y Cit n Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to ou il By By � � � . . � �� � � , � (���-79� � 2 �2�Rq (b) CHANGE IN USE. C anges in the character or use of a building shall ot be made except as specified in Section 502 of th s code. (c) CERTIFICATE ISSU D. After final inspection by the o when it is found that the building or stru ture complies with the proviaions of this code and other laws which are enforced by the code enforce ent agency, the bnt�dtxq-eff4ete� fire marshal sha 1 issue a Certificate of Occupancy which shall cont in the following: l. The bns�d r�g-perja#t �ertificate of Occupanc� number. 2. The addres of the building. 3. The name a d address of the owner. 4. A descrip ion of that portion of the building for which he Certificate is issued, if not o te trebu dn . 5. A stateme t that the described portion of the building omplies with the requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. 6. The name f the bns�dtng-eff�e�a� fire ma s al r 's h desi n ted a ent. , (d) TEMPORARY CERTI ICATE. If the building official finds that no stantial hazard will result from the occupancy f any buildinq or portion thereof before the sam is completed, he/she may isBUe a temporary Cert ficate of Occupancy for the use of a portion or po ions of a building or structure prior to the c mpletion of the entire buildinq or structure. a o i c e Uc u an al rema in orce a d ef e fo a eriod not to xceed welve months unless e ' e n e t u' i ins e tion and a dete ination o n d. (e) POSTING. The ertificate of Occupancy shall be posted on the remises and ahall not be removed except by the n#�d�r►g-eff#e#e� fire marshal. � � ' , . � � � � � � ����79� 3 /755 q (f) REVOCATION. The �4�d�rg-eff#e#e� fire marshal may, in writing, uspend or revoke a Certificate of Occupancy issued der the provisions of this code whenever the Cert' ficate was issued in error, or on the basis of inc rect information supplied, or when it is dete ined that the building or structure or por ion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or re lation or any provision of this code. Subd. fd} � The city c erk shall mark and keep on file in the office of the city cl rk one copy pf said regulations for use and examination b the public and shall furnish a copy of this section at c st to any person upon request. ection 2. That Chapter 33, Sec fon 33.05 entitled "Certificate of Occupancy" is amended by eleting the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place �Lhereof, the followinq: Sec. 33 . 05. Certificate f Occupancy (A) USE OR OCCUPANC . No building or structure in Groups A, E, I, H, B, B-4, or R-1 occupancies shall b� used o occupied, and no change in the existing occupa cy classification of a buildir►g or structure or po tion thereof shall be made until the bn#�d�r►q-ef te�e� �ire marshal has issued a Certificate of ccupancy therefore as provid�d herein. (B) CHANGE IN USE. Chanqes in the character or use of a building sha 1 not be made without the approval of the buildin official �d the fire marshai, and the building m y be occupied for purposes in other groups provide the new or proposed use is less hazardous, bas d on life and fire risk, than the existing uae. (C) CERTIFICATE IS UED. After final inspection by the b i ic 1, when it is found that the building or st cture compliea with the provisions of this code, e btt��d#r�g-efftete� fire marshal shall issue a ertificate of Occupancy. ��, � � � �. � • . . • � `J /,��S T � � �'' / � . � ���-�9� 4 (D) EXISTING BUILDI GS . 6d��l��r� a �easesab�e ��rxe as ���e�. b�r a ��.� ex e�de� e� ��.e �.��a�s�e�. e� �.exs�ag axd b�.� ���.g ee�.e e�.�e�ee�e�.�; exe�� Every building xcept �roups R-3 and M occupan- cies heretofore erected shall have a Certificate of Occupancy is ued by the division of fire prevention and osted on the premise�ore suc a Certific te can be issued, such buildings shall be inspec ed by the division and found to conform to the equirements of the building code at the time of construction or at the time of conversion to ' ts present use and to the pro- visions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code ; except that en rgy efficient standards in rental d�aellin s and multiple dwellings shall be enforced on complaint basis only. No building which is requi ed to have a Certificate of Occu- pancy shall co tinue to be occupied without such Certificate a€ e� �ke ���e €}�e�. abe�e kas e�agse�.. (E) R��PtSF�6��APt NEWAL REQUIRED. An annual inspec- tion shall be a e y the division of all buildings of Group A, E, I , H, and B occupancies which have light a Certificate f Occupancy. excepting ______ _ --- " hazard �e-s �ohich hall be ins ecte ever two ears, Inspections sh 11 be required of the division on �ccupancy a two �k�ee ye r cycle for all buildings of R-1 occupancy whic have a Certificate of Occupancy. If it is found that such buildings do not conform to the applica le requirements , the Certificate of Occupancy may e revoked and the building shall not be occupied un il such time as the building is again brought 'nto compliance with such require- ments . (F) FEES FOR CERT ICATE OF OCCUPANCY. (1) ORIGIN L ISSUE, NEW BUILDINGS . There shall e no fee charged for an issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for new buildi gs at the completion of their constr ction covered by a building permit {�� 8���'£� 6 R-� 966HFAPI6��S- �9-8A ge� �es�de ��s.� t�.�.��; �}���xFx �ee ���-AA; xia���t� �ee ��.�A-AA- . � � . � S �r�s T i T��:.', . � � � ���-79� ��S�'1 s (2) RENEWAL EE FOR R-1 OCCUPANCIES . $9 . 00 er resi entia unit, minimum ee . 0, maximum ee �3} E��S�'�P1G BH��B�P�6S 9F A; E; �; H AA�B B A66HFAPI6 E8- ��-9A ge� �,A9A sqt�a�e €ee�; �}r��x�t� �ee ���-AA; �xax�Fat� �ee ���A-AB- (3) RENEWAL EE FOR AR,E,_-�, H, AND B OCCUPANCIES . r , s uare ee, minimum ee 7 . 00, aximum ee 250`. 00. (4) REINSPE TION FEE. The Renewal I'ee estab- i s e n , , an a ove s a provide or one ins ection and one reins e tion or t e renewa o t e Certi i ate o Occu anc . A reinspec- tion e o 0 o t e renewa ee s all e evi or eac a itiona reins ection re ulre o non-con ormlri occupancles . T e max mum reins ection ee s a not excee o o t e renewa ee. (5) PARTIAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEF. Notwith tanding (1) of this subdivision, a fee o $100 . 00 will be charged for each partial Certificate of Occupancy requested. The iss ance of a partial Certificate of Occupan y is at the discretion of the st�ge��a�se� e� eede e��e�eex�e�.� buildin offici 1 and the portion of the ui ing covere by the Certificate must be legally comple ed and ready to occupy along with all ot er life �nd safety requirements . (G) EXCEPTIONS . e fees for the Certificate of Occupancy and ar��.t�a� in pection are provided in Section 33 . 04(H) (4) (c) and pa agraph (F) of this section shall be required on b ildings owned and occupied by any governmental gency, including county and state a�� �e�.e�a� g vernmental agencies . Th�ity of Saint Paul , a d an other a encies s ecificallv exem ted from suc ees un er state aw s a e exempt rom p yment o suc ees . � uJ3 S T'/ �7-� WH�TE - ^yITV CLERK COURCll /G� PINK � FINANCE CAN,ARV4DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. ��/ -79 BLUE - MAVOR Or ndnce Ordinance N O. i7.��9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6 Section 3 . This ordinance is de med a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shal be incorporated therein at the time of the next revi ion of the Legislative Code. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force thirty (30) days af er its passage , approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � ��g � In Favor .� Rectman �be;�� � Against BY Sonnen �se- ��T � � 1�8 Form Ap by Atto Adopted by Council: Date ,� Certified P s d C uncil S a BY By Approve y Mayor: Date 4�eT i = 1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY �;3 � � _ Y Z,�"19$$ Pt�_ ' - �s���t , ; COMMITTEE REPORT Community and Human Services Committee September 22, 1988 Page Two Substitute resolution submitted. Reco ended for approval on 4-0 vote. Ci�y Ca�±�`��nda ��"�,' Ite� "�c�-: ` F3rst -�ad�n,� y"�--���`'�t����e.. a�ending ��ter 33.02 of the Legi��ati e Code and provid�ng an i.ncrease in the ,.h. C�ttificate of Occupancy fees aitc� to re leCt the admini���t3ve merger of 'the Certifi.cate� �f Oc�upancy inspections pr gram from the Degartment of Community Services-Building to the Department o� irQ and, Safety Serv�l.css-Fire Marsha]:1. (For Steve Zaccard's report.) (Laid ov r until August 3, 196$ �`or Gene Sch3.11er to xeview wi�� Steve Zaccard.). {New i ormation has been received. I.aid over to �g�,17,''''Y'��8 to review information.) (Laid over to August 31, 1988 for ��:¢�.�at1�'to prqcuie co�pa�rt�tive d� a.) (Laid ove�•�X'�'+��ili�''°'!�'��88 at 8p�r.•��s ��quest.) Substitute resolution submitted. Page , No. 5, deleted. Paul McCloskey and Steve Zaccard will submit to the City lerk and the Chair language stating two- year cycle on. Recommended for approval, as amended, on 4-0 vote. 7. City Council Agenda 8/23/88, Item No. First Reading - 88-1384 - An ordinance repealing Chapter 58 of the Legislativ •Code in its entirety and reenacting a new Chapter 58 which provides for the esta lishment of a program dealing with the installation and monitoring of hard wi ed smoke detectors in single family dwellings. (FOR REFERRAL TO TAE CO ITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 8. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 3: Resolution - 88-1343 - Affirming the City Council's intent to conduct a Co unity Standards Survey and directing the Mayor to execute the appropriate fund ransfer. � (Laid over to September 21, 1988 at Bob Long's request.) Recomu►ended for approval on 3-1 vote. 9. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 7: Resolution - 88-1347 - Adopting the Child Care Policy for the City of Sai t Paul. (Continued discussion on September 21, 1988.) Laid over to October 5, 1988 for Jerr Segal to work with Committee staff. cc: Ed Starr A1 Olson . G..� ���, Members: � � �''••,, Janice Rettman, chair -E` GITY OF SAINT PAUL •f=���,s,u;, Bill Wilson ,:: • ,`i;,;* r►..u . - . OFFIC� OF TFIE CITY COIINCIL Bob Long � Date: September 22, 1988 JANICE RETTMAN �un�7�r�� Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee - Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, September 21, 1988, at 1:00 p.m. , 1. City Council Agenda 8/23/88, Item No. 13: Resolution - 88-1385 - Approving the appointment by the Mayor of Arlend Wilson to serve as a member of the Mayor's Ad Hoc Traffic Safety Committee, term to expire March 31, 1989. (FOR REFERRAL ' TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agenda 9/6/88, Item No. 11: Resolution - 88-1452 - Establishing the Food and Nutrition Commission as an ongoing commission and appointing members tp the Commission as designated by the Director of Community Services. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE COMMUNITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 3. Request from Joy Donovan, a lobbyist for animal rights, to make presentation to the City Council regarding Pound adoption policies. Laid over to October 5, 1988 at Joy Donovan's request. 4. City Council Agenda 7/28/88, Item No. 56: Resolution - 88-1253 - Suspending On Sale Intoxicating Liquor, Sunday On Sale and other licenses held by Arnold Kampa, dba Patrick's Lounge, located at 1318 West Larpenteur Avenue. (Not contested.) (At the request of the attorney representing Patrick's Lounge, the item was laid over to September 21, 1988 so that we may have all alleged violations heard at the same time.) No resolution has been drafted. Resolution to be drafted and signed by Committee Chair: License suspension for eleven (11) days. This action recommended on 4-0 vote. 5. City Council Agenda 6/30/88, Item No. 5: First Reading - 88-1071 - An ordinance amending Section 310.03 of the Legislative Code pertaining to Uniform License Procedures for investigation and review of new applications for BCA and FBI checks of Class III licenses. (Laid over to August 17, 1988 so that Jerry Segal may review author's potential amendments.) (Laid over from August 17, 1988 so that Ms. Sonnen may address the issue.) (Laid over to September 21, 1988 so that Ms. Sonnen may be present at the Committee meeting.) CITY HALL ROOM NO. 718 SAINT PAU4 MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 f+�a 46 Fire ar�d S�£ety_ Serv�ces -1 ' DEPARTME T �� 1�N0 3489 Steve Zaccard•, Fire Marshal CONTACT 228-6230 PHONE DATE 1 e�� Q Q ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All ' s for Si nature) : 1 Department Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Dir�l�rQ 19$$ 5 City Clerk � 2 Budget Director 6 City Council �� - � City Attorney MAYOR' OFFICE {� WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) • 1) To amend the Legislative Code to r flect in administrative changes made in the transfer of the Certificate of Occ pancy inspection and enforcement from the Building Official to the Fire Mars al; and, 2) Institute a late payment fee for Certificate of Occupancy fee; nd 3) To institute a "reinspection fee" for repeated reinspections; and, 4) To provide a 100� increase in the current Certificate of Occupancy fee sched le and to relate a variable fee structure with the Fire Prevention budget. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL INIPACTS AN7ICIPATED: - No costs or personnel impacts. At pr� sent, Certi-ficate of Occupancy fees result in a 66$ deficit of fees to costs. ,F e increase and a variable fee schedule will more accurately reflect service cost's (although a 33� deficit will remain) . A new "Reinspection Fee" will create evenue for additional services rendered, and as a result, may improve complian e. Council Research Center MaY 13 ��s� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER C ARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: 0 - quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 0 Activity Number: 0 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) 1) Proposed Ordinance. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REYIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: 4 (SEE REVERSE SIDE FO INSTRUCTIONS) ' Revised 12/84 � � . �� . .� � :�. .. � _ . ���-- ��� . . ..0= CITY F SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM April 29, 1988 TO: Steve Conroy, Fire Chief Gary Trudeau, Assi tant Fire Chief FROM: Steve Zaccard, Fir Marshal RE: Revised Certificat of Occupancy Fee Increase Ordinance Attached is my draft of a ordinance that will raise the Certificate of Occupancy ees 100� as proposed. Since the fee schedule is ordained 'n Chapter 33 of the Legislative Code, which is the buildi g code section, I propose we take this opportunity to chang the code to reflect that the fire marshal issues the Certif'cates of Occupancy, not the building official any mor . Therefore, I have simultaneously drafted la guage to reflect the Certificate of occupancy merger. A list of the changes pro osed includes: l. Amendments to the St te Building Code for the use in Saint Paul that d'ire s t�'i�t�'�i�e mnr���� tc i�te Cert�'�ficat�e of Occu ncy, not the building official. (UBC Sec. 307a) 2. Amendment to the Sta Building Code providing that the fira marahal i�sues rtificates of Occupancy on new construction, only a er final inap�ction by the building official. ( BC Sec. 307c) 3 . A T�►ora�y Certific e of Occupancy, duly issued by the building official, shall sunset in 12 months. (UBC Sec. 307d) 4. Along with the State uilding Code as it applies to Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to reflect that the ! re ffiarehal issues Certificates d�f Occupancy, not the bu'ldinq official. (Leg. Code Sec. 33. 05 A,C,D) 5. At the time the Certi icate of Occugancy requirements were made in the 197� s, bufldinge that were existing at that time without ertificates were given a "raasonable time" to alify. Since these circumstances no long r exist and these requirements no longer apply, they sh uld be deleted. (Leg. Code Sec. 33.05 D) , , • ' T . ^ , ; , � �,�, �� � . , _ . .. , . Page two April 29, 1988 RE: Revised Certificate f Occupancy Fee Increase Ordinance 6• "�ac�#�ng� F� (for hose buildings existing when the Certificate of Occup cy requirements for existing buildings were established) � rep�ac�d vith " �' �� ��, which ars �o�tb t�s gois- las�t �etnbli�l�ed 'fn 1981 or 1982. �e f s would now be $7.00 pex 1,� square feet, or $9.00 for eaah apartment wi�.h a minimum fee of $75.00 and a ximum fee of $250.00. (Leg. Code Sections 33.05 F, 2, ) �. (I have deleted my ea lier suggestion to assess a higher fee for high-h zard occupancies to help defray the additional costs f the right-to-know laws pertaining to hazardo s materials. ) s. A 13�t �i� �i��. +��. t,� �.�„� ahiet t�D �tually rai.se t�ie Cert����cate o� �c�p�ncy fee rates in p�portion to t�e inc ease in fire prevention's budget by a eimpl• m+�ao Co e city alerk. Thi� f.a ��t1� 2�c+w. it is dcne Eor ii enee Pes rat�s. '�he city council will not have to pass a new ordinance or resolution. (Leg. Code Sec. 33.05 F, 5) 9. A ne� pRai�s�p�tion F aN- is proposed that w�.�i a�dd an additional 10� to the °Renewal Fee° for eaat� extra r�irtsge�ion we have o �ake. (Leg. Code Sec. 33.05 F 6) 10. The federal governmen , or other specially exempted agencies (such as the Metropolitan Transit Commission) , are exempted from the Certificate of Occupancy fees. (Leg. Code Sec. 33.05 G) This is the finished ordin nce. SZ/clm Attachment cc: Russ Polansky Kathy Reyes Tom Cran � , . , '.i lst��; 'o� =�/ �' _� 2nd �� ��'��S , 3�d �!� '`�`� Adopted �!�-//�1' Yeas Nays IMOND U`�a� �Q" WITZ ��`�` / LONG � MAN EN ILSON � �ki. �?r�ES DEi��� SCHEIB�L _� , , �; � ' . • ��,,- 5°II-88 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council ry/� n CANARV - DEPAR7MENT File NO• u" _• • � BLUE - MAVOR • indnce Ordinance N 0. Presented y � � � eferred To �' Committee: Date �''�� ��� Out f Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legi lative Code to provid for an increase in the Certi ' cate of Occupancy f es that will more accurately reflect the cost of inspec ions; and, to reflect the administ tive merger of t e Certificate of Occupancy inspection programs from he Building Official in the Department Community Se vices to the Fire Marshal in the Departmen of Fire and Safety Services. THE COUNCIL OF E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ection l . That Chapter 33, ect on 33 . 02 entitled "Minnesota State Building Code - A op ion" be amended by adding a subdivision, wherein: 33. 02 . Minnesota Sta Building Code - Adoption. Subd. (d) . Section 07 f the Uniform Buildin Code, a art of the Minneso a S te Buildin Code in Minnesota Rule 1300. 1200 is ame ded r the Cit of Saint Paul to read as follows: Sec. 307 . (a) USE R OCCUPA CY. No building or structure of Group , E, I , H, B or R, Division 1 Occupancy, shall be used or oc pied, and no change in the existing occu ancy classi ication of a building or structur or portion thereof shall be made until the bt�' �eltr�g-e���e� fire marshal has issued a Certifi ate of Occupa y therefore as provided herein. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmen�.of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia [n Favor — Rettman S`ne�bei Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . � �., . � � , �. . . ���-�9� 2 (b) CHANGE IN USE. Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be made except as specified in Section 502 of t is code. (c�. CERTIFICATE ISSU D. After final inspection by the ildin of ici when it is found that the b ilding or stru ture complies with the provisions of`• his code and other laws which are enforced by the ode enforce ent agency, the bat�d�ng-eff�e�e� f e rs a sha 1 issue a Certificate of Occupancy which all cont in the following: 1. Th bnt�d� g-peria#t Certificate of Occupancy numb . 2. The ad es of the building. 3 . The name d address of the owner. 4. A descripti of that portion of the building for which t Certificate is issued, if not or t e ent're bu 1 . 5. A statement that the described portion of the building co plies with the requirements of this code f r the roup and division of occupancy a d the u e for which the proposed occupancy i classif ed. 6. The name of the bn#�d# -eff#e#Q� f re mars or s h r a e t. (d) TEMPORARY CERTIFI TE. If the b ilding official finds that no sub tantial hazard ill result from the occupancy of ny building or p rtion thereof before the same i completed, he/sh may issue a temporary Certifi ate of Occupancy f r the use of a portion or portio of a building or tructure prior to the compl tion of the entire uilding or structure. Such a tem ora Certific t of Occu anc sha 1 re in 'n for e and effe t a eriod not to exce d twelve mo ths un es otherwise desi nat d b the buildin o fi al u on ins ection and a d termination of need. (e) POSTING. The Cert ficate of Occupancy shall e posted on the prem ses and shall not be remove except by the b�et� tng-effte�e� fire marshal. � �, . ��, . � , �. . . � �-��� 3 (f) REVOCATION. Th b�t�d#nq-eff#e�a� fire marshal may, in writinq, suspend or revoke a Certificate of Occupancy issued under the provisiona of this code whenever the Cer ificate was issued in error, or on , the basis of inc rrect information supplied, or when it is dete ined that the building or structure or por ion thereof is in violation of any dinance or re lation or any provision of this c e. Subd. fd} � he city c erk shall mark and keep on file in the office of th city cl rk one copy of said regulations for use and exami ation b the public and shall furnish a copy of this secti at c st to any person upon request. ection 2. That Chapter 33, S ion 33.05 entitled "Certificate of Occupancy�� is amended by eleting the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu nd in place thereof, the following: Sec. 33. 05. Certificate o cupancy (A) USE OR OCCUPANCY N building or structure in Groups A, E, I, , B, -4, or R-1 occupancies shall be used or occup d, and no change in the existing occupan y clas ification of a building or structure or por ion the eof shall be made until the bn��d�ng-eff e�n� fi ma s 1 has issued a Certificate of O cupancy t ,erefore as provided herein. ';, (B) CHANGE IN USE. hanges in tY�e character or use of a buildinq 8ha11 not be made ` thout the approval of the building fficial and t e fire marshal, and the building may e occupied fofc purposes in other groups provided e new or proposed use is less hazardous, based on life and fire` risk, than the existing use. �L (C) CERTIFICATE ISSUE . After final in�ection by the building official when it is found hat the building or struc ure complies with t�e provisions of this code, the bn��d#ng-eff#a#e� fiYe marshal shall issue a Cer ificate of Occupancy. ` � , ; � • ���-��7 4 -- (D) EXISTING BUILD GS. W#th#n-e-reeeereb�e-t#me-ee f#xed-bY-a-�rr4� er�-erder-ef-the-dtY#e�en-ef hensfag-end-bn# dtnq-eede-eafereemer�tT-eYerr Everv building except groups R-3 and M occupancies heretofore erec ed shall have a Certificate of Occupancy iasue by the divieion of f re prevention and osted on the premises. Before uch a Certific te can be issued, such buildings s all be inspec ed by the division and found to co orm to the equirements of the building code at e time of onstruction or at the time of conve sion to i s present use and to the provis ons of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code; except at ene gy efficiency standards in rental dwelling and m ltiple dwellings shall be enforced on compla t ba is only. No buildinq which is required t hav a Certificate of Occupancy shall continue to e ccupied without such Certificate after-�he-t# - �xed-abeve-hee-e�epr�ed. (E) RH�NB�H2�P�AN EWAL REQUIRED. An annual inspection shal be made by the division of all buildings of Gr A, E, I, Ii and B occupancies which have a Ce i icate of Occupancy. Inspections sha 1 required of the division on a three-year cycl fo all buildings of R-1 occupancy which ave Certificate of Occupancy. If it is found at s h buildings do not conform to the applicabl requ ements, the Certificate of Occupancy may b revoke and the building shall not be occupied ntil su h time as the buildinq is again brought in o compli nce with such requirements. (F) FEES FOR CERTIFI TE OF OC ANCY. (1) ORIGINAL I SUE, NEW BUIL INGS. There shall be no fee c arged for an ssuance of the Certificate of Occupancy f r new buildinqs at the complet on of their con�truction covered by a buildi g permit. y (2) B�f�8��N6 RE EWA FOR R-1 CCUPANCIES. $9.00 per r sidential unit, mi mum fee $75.00, max mwa fee $250.00. (3) B�f�B�P�N6 RE EWAL FEE OR BUILDIN OF A, E, I, H AND B CCUPANCIES. $7.00 per ,000 square feet, minimum fee $75.00, ma imum fee $2so.00. . . .. ���-�� 5 � IN REAS S. Eff ctive on J ua 1 of ach e dar e r a 1 fe s sha n ea b h e centa e cr ase in the d e or the iv s on of fire revention of he De a of i e nd Safet Se ces. Prio to ovember 1 of each ear the �`'�� director f the e rtment shall le w h , the lerk not'ce of he c t �;,` increase 'n fees if an . f4} REINS ECTION FEE. 9re-he�f-the-ertg�r�e� e-esteb tshed-bY-f�}-end-f�}-ebeYe-Mtth-Q m# #mez�n-f e-ef-$4A:9A-nnd-e-mex#m�m-fee-ef $�� r99: he r new fe establ s 'n 3 d 4 a ove sh 1 rovide or e s tio and ne ins cti n. reins cti n fee of 0 o the re ewa f e sh 1 v d e ch additio e s e re i of non- on n b ild re s . m 'm s ect n fee sha 1 t excee 0 of the e ew f f5} �6� PARTI L ERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE. Nothwithst nd nq (1) of this subdivision, a fee of $10 .00�;will be charged for each partial Ce if��ate of Occupancy requested. The issuan e of �a partial Certificate of Occupancy s at the discretion of the snperv#eer ef-eede-enfereemert buildinq official a d the portion of the building covered by the Certificate must be legally completed nd ready to occupy along with all other life and safety requirements. (G) EXCEPTIONS. The fees for the Certificate of Occupancy and an ual inspection are provided in Section 33.04 (H) 4) (c) and paragraph (F) of this section shall be required on buildings owned and occupied by any overnmental agency, including county and state and-federa� governmental agencies. The City of Sain Paul: and any other agencies s eci all exe ted from suc fees u s t law shall be exe pt from payment of such feea. . - � � � ���-7�� 4 (D) EXISTING BUILD NGS. Wtl:k�r�-e-reeeer�eb�e-t#me-es f�xed-bY-e-�,rr� ten-erder-ef-tke-d�v#s�en-ef hene#ng-end-btt �d#nq-eede-enferaemer�t;-eYer�* Everv building excep groups R-3 and M occupancies heret�fore ere ted shall have a Certificate of Occupartcy issu d by the division o re nreventio�n and posted on the premises. Before such a Ce�tifi ate can be issued, such buildings shall be in�pe ed by the division and found to conform to t�e equirements of the building code at the time o�� onstruction or at the time of conversion to � s present use and to the provisions of t '� Saint Paul Legislative Code; except that ene g�� efficiency standards in rental dwellings and m lt�le dwellings shall be enforced on complaint ba is �ly. No building which is required to hav a C �tificate of Occupancy shall continue to be ccupie'd without such Certificate efter-the-t�me- #xed-eb�Ye-kae-e�epeed. v5k 4. (E) RE�NB�BB�P�9N RE WAL REQU��2ED. An annual inspection shall be made bj�,, the division of all buildings of Gro p A, E, I, `�ii, and 8 occupancies which have a Cer ificate of d�upancy. Inspections shal be required i the division on a three-year cycle for all buildi�ags of R-1 occupancy which ave a Certifica'�e of Occupancy. If it is found t at such building� do not conform to the applicabl requirements, th� Certificate of Occupancy may be revoked and the bu�,lding shall not be occupied til such time as t�e building is again brought int compliance with su� requirements. �. (F) FEES FOR CERTIFI TE OF OCCUPANCY. '�'�, (1) ORIGINAL ISS E, NEW BUILDINGS. There'=�shall be no fe� ch rged for an issuance of tY�°e Certificate f Occupancy for new buildir�gs at the completi n of their construction cov�'red by a buildin permit. f�}-���s��xs-R-� eee�r�r�xe��s:--�9:ee-per restder�t�e�-� tt;-m�a�meun-fee-$�5:98=-mex#me��.. fee-$�5Ar99: 2 RENEWAL FEE O R-1 O CUP CIES. 9.00 e residential u it minimum fe 7 00 ma ' m '`; fee 5250.00. f 3}-H3£�6��N8-BH�i� �N68-9i�'-h;-B;-�;-H;-14NB-B eeet���xe��s.-- �r99-pe�-�;9A9-eqt�ere-fee�,- ��ntmt�n-fee-$ 5:A8;-uextut�-fee-$�5A:9A: � . � � � � ���-�9� � 5 OR A H D . 7 0 r 0 �.� f 4}- �NB�e� 6N-�yH�--9r�e-ha�f-the-er#gfr�n�-fee es �e►k d-bY-f�}-nnd-f 3}-ebeYe-M#tl�t-n mfa e�-f e-ef-$46:6A-nnd-e-mnx#me�e-fee-ef $��5 8: 4 T . T w s o e for o e C 0 c ona ein ct r o on- e s e xce h e e . 5 I S. ffe ve e 1 ee e e - ,.}�' t v s n ve t :+'�i�;='J t o F a t .�r,f o � to o e rt e s w e t c ot c o ee . f5} � pARTI CERTIFICATE OF CCUPANCY FEE. Nothwithsta dinq (1) of this ubdiviBion, a fee of $100 00 will be charqe for each partial Ce ificate of Occupan y reque�ted. The iesuanc of a partial Certi icate of Occupancy i at the diacretion the s�parv#aer- f-eede-enfereement official an the portion of the b ilding covered by he Certificate must be'�legally completed a d ready to occupy alonq�with all other life nd safety requirements. �� � � �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE � G I TY OF SA I NT YA U L Council y�+�� �7�� BIUERr- MAVORTMENT File NO. �I � O/ in�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By , � s.. Referred To �' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6 (G) EXCEPTION The fees for the Certificate of Occupancy a an ual inspection are provided in Section 3 04 H) (4) (c) and paragraph (F) of this sectio hall be required on buildings owned and occupi d by any governmental agency, including county d state ar�d-€eele�a� governmental agencies. The C' ty of Saint Paul, and any other a encies s ecificall exem ted from such fees under state law s all e exempt from payment of such fees. Sec ion 3 . This ordinance is dee ed a part the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorpora ed therein at the time of the next revis 'on of the Leg' slative Code. This ordinance shall ake effect and e in full force thirty (30) days after its assage, approval nd publication. ;\ `�. . ,� ,� COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Drew Nicosia in Favor — Rettman s�n.�bei Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Form A y Cit A ney Adopted by Council: Date /� — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � C4�� . By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By 3 COMMITTEE REPORT ��J� l� Community and Human Services Committee September 22, 1988 Page Two Substitute resolution submitted. Rec ended for approval on 4-0 vote. . City Council Agenda 5/24/88, Item No. 2: First Reading - 88-794 - An ordinance amending Chapter 33.02 of the Legisla ive Code and providing an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fees and to eflect the administrative merger of the Certificate of Occupancy inspections rogram from the Department of Community Services-Building to the Department o Fire and Safety Services-Fire Marshall. (For Steve Zaccard's report.) (Laid er until August 3, 1988 for Gene Schiller to review with Steve Zaccard.) (New ' formation has been received. Laid over to August 17, 1988 to review information.) (Laid over to August 31, 1988 for Steve Zaccard to procure comparative �.ta.) (Laid over to September 21, 1988 at Bob Long's request.) Substitute resolution submitted. Pag 5, No. 5, deleted. Paul McCloskey and Steve Zaccard will submit to the City Clerk and the Chair language stating two- year cycle of inspection. Recommende for approval, as amended, on 4-0 vote. 7. City Council Agenda 8/23/88, Item No. 6: First Reading - 88-1384 - An ordinance repealing Chapter 58 of the Legislati e Code in its entirety and reenacting a new Chapter 58 which provides for the est blishment of a program dealing with the installation and monitoring of hard w'red smoke detectors in single family dwellings. (FOR REFERRAL TO THE CO ITY AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE.) Recommended for approval on 4-0 vote. 8. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 23: Resolution - 88-1343 - Affirming the City Council's intent to conduct a Co unity Standards Survey and directing the Mayor to execute the appropriate fund transfer. (Laid over to September 21, 1988 at Bob Long's request.) Recommended for approval on 3-1 vote. 9. City Council Agenda 8/16/88, Item No. 27: Resolution - 88-1347 - Adopting the �p Child Care Policy for the City of Sai t Paul. (Continued discussion on September 21, 1988.) Laid over to October 5, 1988 for Jerr Segal to work with Committee staff. cc: Ed Starr A1 Olson