88-782 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI1RC11 BLUERV - MAYORTMENT GITY F SAINT PALTL File NO• �- ��� � Coun il olution --�, - � �� Presente By --�' . —' Referred To ��S�� � �' '" G° '~`�' Committee: Date � ` ���� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, ma�y private an public development activities will be under- taken over the next three to ive years in Planning Districts 4 (Dayton's Biuff) and 5 (Payne-Phalen) , inciuding conversion of St. John's Hospitai to a Metropolitan State llniversi y Administrative and Student Service Center, Urban Revitalization Action P ogram and_Neighborhood Partnership Program projects, potentiat designati n of an historic district, re-use of vacant commercial structures along E st Seventh Street and Payne Avenue, and expansion of ma,�or businesses, and WHEREAS, there is an imm diate need to develop a framework that coord- inates the type, timing and g neral direction of these activities, with input from East Side residents, pro erty owners, cortmunity organizations and major institutions and businesses; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVED, that the City Council requests the Administration to conduct a s udy for a portion of Districts 4 and 5 that identifies near-term developm nt activities planned for the study area; addresses coordination betwee the projects in terms of timing, direction and type of activity; ensures that the projects taken as a whole work towards neighborhood improvem nt; and proposes, if necessary, changes in the activities, the district lans, the comprehensive plan and/or zoning so that they are consistent and efiect the neighborhood's and city's vision for the study area; and BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, hat the study be conducted under the auspices of the Ptanning Commission wo king through a special task force of repre- sentatives from the study are , inciuding residents, businesses, non-profit residential and commercial or anizations, social service agencfes and educa- tional institutions; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, hat the Planning Commission review the study and recommend to the City Cou cil a ne9ghborhood improvement strategy, to be adopted as official city licy for the study area. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman f➢ .�;� Again t BY Sonnen Wilson MAY 1 9 8 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe �i�nci�re BY By, i1k /�pproved avor: Date �AY ��p(7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By P�USHED M AY 2 8198 . . � " , Council Research Center � �`� � � . . .,. . . f APR 131g$g S�� �° 013564 , PED DEPARTME - � Lnev! Th�mpaon CONTACT m � 228-3370 PHONE April 11, 1988 DATE /�SIGN NIJZIBER FOR SOOTING ORDER: (See reverse sida.) ����°2" � Department Director �yor (or Assistant) Finence and Msnagement Services Di ector ✓ City Clerk _ Budget Director _ _ City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) , V B 0 H TER A P (Purpose/Rationale) Study for portions of District C uncil areas 4 and 5 to coincide with major �' development activities sueh as M tro State, URAP, and NPP. Study will result from Planning ommission staff working with affected neigh- : borhood representatives. Timing guidelines, etc. , will be developed COS B N U G T Y D ERS I CTS 3 PED personnel -- 1/3 time, est -, NANC G S E U V BER C 0 E (Mayor's signature not required if und r $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTA�HMENTS: (List and nwnber all att chments.) � REsolution ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulatioas, rocedures, or Budget Amendment requir�d? _Yes _No I£ yes, are they or imetable attached? � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _No Conncil resolution req red? Resolution required? �Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? iYes _No �Yes _No Insurance attached? � Members: f ,- ,,,� � Bifl Wiison, chair . : n=> : . C�ITY F SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond � �.i��z� ;��� 4.+ ( - OFFICE F '1`I3E CITY COUNCIL Kiki Sonnen Date: May 11, 1 88 ��—` �� WIL.LIAM �. w�LSO m { RECEtVED ' �� 111ILLC�� RCipO! L MARK V�ERDWG Ci011riCllnl�lII � Legislative Aide MAY 12 1988 To: Saint Paul City Cou ci! ClTY CLERK From : Housing and Ec nomic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chai 1. Resolution supporting the develo ment of a Jobs Ir.�pact Statement .in cases of direct City participation in dev lopment activities and requesting the Administration to review and co ent on the draft "Economic Development . and Displaced Workers Policy Sta ement." COi�i1ITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 2. R��:�q�e.sting Administra ion to conduct a study for a portion of Districts 4 and 5 that identifie near-term development activities planned for that study are�at, the st dy be conducted under the auspices of the Planning Commiss,�on warkiag Chro gh a task force to include representatives of the areas being studied, and hat the Planning Commission review the study and recom�"`end to the Couri� 1 a neighborhood improvement strategy. CaMtiifITTEE"RECOMMEND�D Ai�PROVAL. 3. .Report on St. Paul Rental Erergy Efficiency Enforcement program. (SPREEE) CO:S�i1ITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO WEEK L YOVER 4. Ordinance amending C.F. 84-1143 dopted October 23, I984, by enlarging the boundaries of the Downtown D velopment District. COr1MITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 5. Resolution approving the issuanc by the Minneapolis/St. Pau1 Housing Finance Board of its $4,400,0a0 nergy Loan Revenue Note Series 198$A and giving approval to the conti uation of the Energy Loan Program. C0�IITTEE RECOrIl`1ENDED APPROVAL 6. Resolution endorsing University venue as the City's preferred alignment for the Light Rail Transit betwe n St. Paul and Minneapolis, requesting the Ramsey County Regional. Rail uthority to establish the same endorse- ment and to proceed preliminary ngineering to resolve issues, and offering to the Regional Rail Authority s pport, participation and appropriate resources to complete the develo ment of the LRT. COi��i'IITTEE RECO2Ti�fENDED INDEFINITE LAYOVER FOR PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TO CONDUCT HEARINGS AND REFER BACK 0� THIS COMMITTEE CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 552Q2 6I21298-4b46 g.�<s ._. �_,.w...� ..,....�...�-,.._ _ _. ._. ,.._ .,..,�-_.:. . . . ... ....... ..i- ,. _ � .,.�:,� .