88-781 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK .- FINANCE COl1TIC11 � '°�I'/ I E'ANARV -OEPARTMENT CITY O SAINT PAUL " �� / BIUE =MAVOR � Fll@ NO. City Attny/PBB . 0 in�nce Ordinance N 0. 17� �� Presented By � ,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinan e to limit the issuance of off-sal intoxicating liquor licenses . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409. 03(b) of t e Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as f llows : "(b) Off-sale lic nses shall be granted subject to the ap roval of the liquor control comr,iissio er only to the pro- prietors of ��t�� �s�es; �e�.e�a� �eed s�e�es a�.d exclus 've liquor stores , and but one such lice se shall be issued for every five th usand (5 ,000) inhab- itants in the cit . " Section 2 This ordinance shall n t be applied retroactively to any drug store or general food tore now having an. off-sale license, nor shall this ordinance pr hibit the annual renewal , person-to- person transfer or stock tr nsfer of the off-sale license of any such drug store or general ood store so long as such store remains in the same locatio ; provided, however, that the licenses of such drug stores and gen ral food stores shall continue to be subject to all other requir ments of charter, statutes and ordinances COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �os In Fav r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Agains By Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ved b�+ Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ' L��3'� By ' Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By , WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 C:iNARV �DEPARTMENT CITY O SAINT PALTL '� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� � � 0 inance Ocdinance N 0. /��b Presented By -�-+- ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -Z- as may be applicable. In th event the buildin� or structure in which. the licensed busine s is located is destroyed or substantially damaged by fir or natural disaster, or is acquired by a public body ha ing the power of eminent domain, such licensee shall be entit ed to transfer its off-sale intoxicating liquor license o the new location of its grocery or drug store busine s and thereafter be renewed or permitted person-to-perso n t ansfers for that new location. Section 3 This ordinance shall ta e effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its pass ge, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas � Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � In Favor Goswitz Rettman'j B Scheiber Against Y Sonnen ��iRleew Adopted by Council: Date �N L J �� Form Approved by_City Atto ney Certified P s d by Council Secretary BY � � ����� By , Approved b Mayo�c: JUN 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PII�USNEO JU�. - � �ssa oR101ru► , .� , �� ,eo a�.e cowri.ereo . " � Ri�Ber Goswitz • ', , 'S�l �gg � �R�� CJ��� NO. ���04 ncr v�neoN , iCathy GeTao _ o�P,►anx�rrr ox�cron �,uwn ta„�Nm ��7� NUM R FOR _ Flna�a wuNOe�rt 9�s o�cron ��cm C�rrc , . vtw�No. euoc�r o�noR �Cit Councit° 298-447S � — ���o� Amendment_ to Section 4.09.03(b) o� the St. Fau2 Le�islative Code granting new off-sale laquor licenses to .�xelu ive: liquar s�ores oniy. . Orc�inance would not .. be retroactive to any drug store r general €ood stare presently holding an aff- ' sale license or prohibit an annua. renewal. `�'�oni:t�voron V►)a Aysc�cR)) aESwacx nErarr: . . rt�rNwc;oo�wxseioN cnrK seAV�cowxa�oN a►�w on� ,v� �ra. _ �� : ����� -� � -���f� y/.�/ �,� ��.�_ � ,��S _,�ti�.�� �,��,� � ��. , _�„�,.�. -�«,�_ ���� �: Clearly defines licensing policy. �pV�C�� R�SeaCCh Centef : MAY 131�$S �en�rerw.r�o.i.��.a.o�ur►�r�w�w.wn�,nm.�.-,nn,�..�rr. , , Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association Inc. (on-sale $ off-sale deal�rs} requested this ciarificatio� .of-�linnesota State S�atue 340�t.405 which give_:o£f�sale licenses to-exeluaiae� liqu�r stores, except: i� cities o£ the. . irst class(St. Paui):. Would limit number af aff-sale � liquor stores` that� would be issued upon passage of this ordinance. Any drug store or general food store currently with an off=sale l cense wouid be grandfathered in und�r this ordinance. , . �us�wcntwN�coW�e«»a..�aw�.:�►: ,, , . . - �lill cor[trol:.and elarifjr_�granting off-s le.:liquor licenses in Sti. Paul. WxF�.>provide_�c�re c6ntrnl.:fox the _City and the Council to issue off-sale licenses. co�o��r.wn�.�,a ro wn�,�x _ : . . Would not allow drug stores and genera� foo� stores.to ap�ly and acqutxe ne+��o£f-sa3e_ Tiquor ].icens�s..._ . _._.. ._. . __ . . ��aw►rn� � r�os cc�s The current Minnesota>State Statue and Only exclusive liquo.r st res Drug s'tores and gener C.ity Ordinance woul� resr�in;_in ,ef£ect. would be able to apply would a�.so be e2igibl . . for off-saie iiquor lice ses. for of�-sale licens�s �t�r�s: _ _ Minnesata St,ate S�atue..�09,:43(h� has g ven cities .of the first class the power to issue off-sale liquor licenses ta liquors sto es, drt�g stores and general, food stores. _ . ��ssues: Unknown .. . . . �j��„ _ l_a -d' � WHITE - CITV CLERK �� ` �� PINK - FINANCE COIlIICIl CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY O -- INT PAUL BLUE -MAVOR File NO. City Attny/PB . ��Z/� 0 , dnce Ordinance 1��. Presented By , ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinan e to limit the issuance of off-sal intoxicating liquor icenses . THE COUNCIL OF THE TY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 Section 409. 03(b) of th Saint Paul Legislative Code i_s hereby amended to read as o lows : " (b) Off-sale lice ses shall be granted subject to the app val of the liquor control commission r onl to the pro- prietors of d�t�g s e� s; ge�.e�a� �ee�. s�e�es a�.�. exclusi e 1 quor stores , and but one such licen e sh 11 be issued for every five tho sand 5 , 000) inhab- itants in the city " Section This ordinance shall no be applie retroactively to any drug store or general food s ore now hav ng an off-sale license, nor shall this ordinance pro ibit the ann al renewal of the off- sale license of any such dru store or gen ral food store so long as such store shall remain i. the same loca ion; provided, however, that the licenses of such dr � stores and g eral food stores shall continue to be subject to al other requirem ts of charter, statutes and ordinances as m y be applicable . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor c,��;tZ Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ` 2 �j By �� Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to�Council gy By WMITE - GITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAUL Council � - GANARV -DEPARTMENT /G� BLUE -MAVOR File �O. �/. �� 1 O indnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ,�; �` -2- �� � Section 3 This ordinance shall a e effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, pproval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department o • Dimond �� [n Favor co�cZ Rettman � s�beine� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney, Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' """ � �r � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �, ' � � . ., . ., �st . ..`J�'/-r'1 � � . +% 2r.t? G � 9�'�� Y��� 3ra �" I�'�� �tea �- � / — �� Yeas �YS nr D ��— 7�� � GOS ITZ / 7� �� G RE MAN SON EN � WIL N � MR. PRESID T� SCHEIBEL _��...._------____ . �___..,-.�-�.R.,.--e_-____._-�._._.._ ,_ .,-.-.�.._.. - �/ . , - . , • _ ' • j`, , , . �. , r,' V, WMITE - CITV CI..ERK PINK - F�NANCE GITY O SAINT PAiTL COLLRCll (j CANARV - DEPARTMENT J� BIUE -MAVOR File NO. � �[-� / City Attny/PSB • 0 indnce Ordinance N 0. 4� Present By - � -- L.,l� � �,�S ReferredTo ���'1m• "� �'�14 � �S '� Committee: Date �'��� �`�� Out of Committee By Date An ordinan e to limit the is uance of off-sal intoxicating 1' uor licenses . '�HE COUNCIL OF HE CITY OF AINT PAUL D S ORDAIN: Sectio 1 Section 409 . 03( of t e Sain Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to rea as f llow . "(b) Off-sale ic se shall be granted subject to the p ro al of the liquor control commissi e only to the pro- prietors of �.�t�� e�es; ge�.e�a� �ee�. s�e�es a�.d exclus ' e liquor stores , and but one such lic s shall be issued for every five o s nd (5 ,000) inhab- itants in the it . " Sect on 2 This ordinance shall no be app ied retroactively to any drug store or gene al food s ore now aving an off-sale license , nor shall this or inance pro ibit the nnual renewaT of the of�- sale license of ny such dr store or eneral food store; provided, howev r, that the icenses of uch drug stores and general food s ores shall co tinue to be ubject to all other requirements f charter, sta utes and ordi ances as may be applicable. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depa tment of: Dimond ��g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ' � // � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � �' ^ . � � ' ' . � �.f ,1 — . . . . � � � .. . �. -.. � . '. a � � WMITE r CITV GLERK �. ,.. . . .. COIlI1C11 �` .. � .PINK � ��-�YNANCE;;. . . � i . .__. .�. r• x a '... CANARV-OEPARTMENT + � BCUE ���-MAVOR � - GITY O � SAINT PAUL F;le NO. �� �/'',� � � �.�, �''r� Or indnce . Urdinance N 0. R , .,.----� . ,_ �,, " Presented By ='• � °��� '%' �� �-1 �, � . . .� :. ' - .. - , ,. ,�; -- ,, ;. ? Referred To `- ` ''' ' � r'` � '� ��� ' • Committee: Date = �`` t ; � Out of Committee By Date � !I� t�o 13ait t� . of oi�f�a intoadaeat.3� I � .,�;_,. Ii�s. t � TRS Cdt�CIL Cl"!T•!�! PATiL : ;f.k ` , �''p�.�.�_ k . 3 . � S+�s 449.03 of �r�'isL#�� tk� i,s � � a�re�ad t� a� l�rs -�-��..._,- .:�� pf#-�ale i s �t , � � sabja�t bo t�r � 1�� '' �2 �ias t+� t�t .. p�iste�s a! ,� �r�ee� �� s�r ,�d aa�l� qw� �t.as�s, � . ____ �t �e w�h li rr�all brr i.sse�d . fo�r � fi�+e► � C�.Of�t)� ia�ab- ' _� \ iCan�s � �l�t . � ��' � � � �; �c 2 � -� Tl�is �sRdia�ae � a�p r��os��►1 �o am�► . d�g stvr�r �oar now � +�ff�i� Ife�, �o�r sbsll tbia t #�s ra� o� �:arlf- sale 1� �af st.,�ca oz ge�od s�: p�i�ad tha t�� Qf h dre� s � a� '��� . gene�rai �`a�ti s1�a1'� � ta bi ,��aett �o sI et�e�r ,: �eq�rir�ts . � aad ar as be � � ,�tgpli�esbls. COUNC�I, MEiWIBERS `� . a: � Y� N� Requested by Departcnent of: Dimond '� ��� r In Favor ,�. coswjtz s�6e�n�a A gai ns t B3' i sonnen Wilson � Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney , _ , _ Certifi�� Passed by Council Secretary BY _ , - By _ , Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � . By • , By w . . . __ . _ .. _ '�: ., � .�• �� �" � � ���ae��- r �� � , • .�P •.,.e. ' � ' ��. .. . � . . . � ,��� .�:� . ' -..: •� • ,. . . � . . . .. .:��w�i. .. . .� . � , ... :.. � iY� ' .:.. . `Janic:e R,�ttm�n,� _ . . G�a� a ���e P'�.vL - .O�ri�a ��t cY3�t7��L BiU WiiSOn . �r �������/ �ate: .�.: �. �.9 �� �� . .� �.�.- � + �����q���. .. � �� �. �� �t�: ,.�'fc�. !1"'�t �`c�i.i� �il� �� ,�0�'� : Frarrrt : ��rnur� ar�rct ��ic�e►s �a���l��'� : Jar�ic� Ret��i • , _ _ _ _ The meeting of the C�fty �tct -Hu�a Services Co�#teee �r�s held a�c Wednesday, June 1, 2988. . The fallo�tag were in atte�da�c� .�sai�E 8etta�, C�sir Bob I.ot�g, Cowtcil�a�r Bill �lilsos, Couaci3se�ber : _ Roger Goa+�#.tz. Cau�ci2,a�ber 1Cfki Sot�uea, Councilmeaber Terry SuZlivan. City Attoruay's Off3ce Phil Bqrite, Gitg ACtaraeg`s Office , Joe Col2ins, Leg#,slat�ve Aide � , ' ' Jim Murphy, Program Analyst Barbara BensoII, Secretary : I. City Co�ueci,l Age�tda 5/17/88,. Item No. 16: 8esolution - 88-757 - Pledg3ng to hcld harn�t�as a defe�d claims� brought againat the manag�sat of Baadaa�r Sqv�sere hq part�cfpaats ia the Division af Pa�ts : and Recreatioa's �fg,�hee� IIy ta be held Julq 14, 1988. Recom�e�ded agprova2 .� 3-t? ate. . . - . . . � �. . . � � .. .. . . . . . `:�yr f�f . ::s 2. City Canact� A�end� 5i2b/88, Item No. 38: Besalution - 88-8�25 - '� Approving applfcatioa:for On Tim� Gamblfng Permi[ (raffle) applied for by the St. Pau1 Area Boar� o Bealtars located st 2200 Larpenteur /lvenne : ott July 25, 1988 between 6:0 p.m. aad 9:�0 g.n. Recom�aended approval on 3-2 ot�. 3. City Counei3 Agenda 5/19/88, Item No. 3: First Reading - 88-780 - An ardinance smending Section 4 9.03(b) of the Legislative Code liaiting the issuance of off-sale int icating liquor licenses as it pertains to general food stores. . Wfthdrawn by author. - C1TY HALL ROOM N0. 70+1• SAINT PAU4 M[NNESOTA SS102 612/�98-5?.�9 s.�r« ��: . _. � . � _ . . . . ��-�� .r . � - � � ( � _. .. . `jQ�irtQB.��� �. . � . . . . � �.. - . ' .. . � . .� .:'; �:' . � �ity snd Hm�an Sesvtces C ttee_ Juas 2, 2988 Yage Twa - _ � ; � r ..Y. ' , ' . :. - ,. ,. . ... ,".:4�� _ . . . Y ���'' . ` . � �.��. , .. . ' ��� ,."������'!� � M ���„ . i�� Sl��+p�t .��t}:��t11�h ;�`�� � �' 1i�.�.����' a� t=" �i��� �- �i� t �d g� f t�oras. . : :�. _.�,; rrnral i* �C� i�. as' - ��� ���� ,ess). r��;- --�� S. Citq Couaci2 Agencta 5/3f 88,- tem No:. lb: Third Re�ding - �8-50Q - Iltt �: - ordinaacf �e�diag Ch�pter� �i 9.Z1(b) of ths Legfs].ativa Code parta�nt� xo pulltabs a� tipboarda in bars by deleting Che references ta sharitab2a �rrganizatiaas tha su�ppo�ct yotsth atlYl.etfc activities. (Com�uait3r aad Aumsa Serv3ce Ca�ittes reco�ads appFOVal.) (Seat back peY request bq Ms. Sona n in reg$r@ tc natioaal easociaetaas i�avf�tg gulltabs.) �� b �� .�� � ` Lafd over uat#1 3une l.S, 196 Cc�unity aad Ruasn Sarvfces Commfttea �etfng for Pt�f�. Byraa to au har pot�ntisl amas►dme�ts. � �. : a��.: 5. City Counc3l Agenda 5/Y�/88, Item� No. 44: R�soiutiaa - 88-777 - ��'� �` Approving reneval of Biago 8 lt Licenae by Joaeph J. Perkovich dba Ideal Hall at 1494 N. Dale w th restrfction that ao sore than sevea (7} bingo occasiona be pessftte� to be conducted oa tbe premisea tn an� week. ' <:. � � � 4_;. City Connc3l Agenda 5/17/88, Itea No. 4S: Resolatioa - 88-778 - h � � ' Approvinglde�yiag; the Y�u�s bF �� 3. Pmrkovich dba Idesl HaLt, ��`�t�y *�`; ' �or two additional Sawb���8 ' per Weak far t1�e location at -:;��.•, I494 N. Dgl�. yLL��.��-�• � ' ♦ ' . . . . ' . Y�. • : COm�itC+Oe Cqo�C ri0 aCtfOa. . # �:. . . ������. ���. cc: Vt�t Olsoa, City Clerk Ed Starr, City Attorneg