88-780 , . � '. � 7 . WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 PINK - FINANCE � CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY O� S INT PAUL BIUE -MAVOR File NO. �^ ��� City Attny/PBB , Ordan IZ P. - ' Ordinance NO. . �, �� � Presente By � u� c Referred To �Omm• r' M`-'�1Pr� �J . '�- Committee: Date � � '' � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance to li it the issuance of off-sale intoxi ating liquor � licenses . /� , THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDA . � Sec ion 1 � �� � Section 409 . 03(b) of the Sa nt Paul Le islative Code is c �� hereby amended to read as follow : j o , � � "(b) Off-sale licenses shall granted �� subject to the approva of t liquor control commissioner onl to t e pr rietors of drug stores; ge�.e��ee� s e�e and exclusive liquor stores , and but o such license shall be issued for every fi thousand (5 , 000) ' inhabitants in the cit . " Se tion 2 This ordinance shall t be applied retroactively to any general food store now ha ng an off-sale license, nor shall this ordinance prohibit e annu 1 renewal of the off-sale license of any such ge ral food store; provided, however, tlzat the licenses of ch genera food stores shall continue to be subject to all ther requi ements of charter, statutes and ordinances as m be applica le. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B Sc6eibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Ap roved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �• `5� ���� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �Y WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council //}} ���JJJ/}0 CANARV -DEPARTMENT y '�y BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Q �� Ordin nce Ordinance N0. � - .� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Section 3 This ordinance shall take e fect and be in force thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ��� � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ` . ��' "" !� " oA1c�INATa# , . , � • o�tE wmueo a„e� �* {� Riki $onnen, Councilmember 5/11/88 S/11/88 ��c�� �����' �.�Q���O� RCt�Reo" oEV�rrw�r aAecroR r�►roa p��Nm 1188KiN � �y��c�s+r aeMCES o� —�crrv c�wc Moll b' au e �r�+ _ . • pOUTINti euoo�r ou�croA — . Cit CtauACi� =, ,. 298- .$:_ . ORDER` crr�r�rro�r � : , Eliminate gll but existing grocery stares as utlets for off-sale intoxicating liquor. . _ NEC61M�A710116e(Mq'ow(Al a R�j�t(R)) C011qq.. REPORT: .. .. PLANMNO OOA�A�ON � � � GVIL SERVICE COA�MNSSION DA7E M -� ��oaTE oUT � .. MNLYSr � - PMONE M0. � � � . . DOl11lp OOAMAIBBION . �^ISD 826 SCM001.BQIWD.. � . � � - � . . � . � . . . STIIFF. � � � . .�..CMAATER-OOAiMA18810N.. . � OOIAPLETEAS 3 . ..AOD'I�NiRO;ADOED'� . � AETD7Q GCNf/Y�f;_ �OONSff►tI6Nf � � .. . - . . . - . . - _. � . . _POR AD6L�O. _fEEDQM;R��{DpEb* . 016IA�CT Oq1NCL � . . ' . � . . - *F�'L/1W�TION: � . � . . �� .&1PPOKB WHlqf f)OUNCL OsJECnVE7��. . . . . . . : . . � .. . . . . MMlN10�IIU�L,Er,NYIR, 'U�►ORT17lYTY(iMw.YYA�1.VNIB11.WIIN�.Why}: _ _ There is some concern that grocery stores and onvenience stores will start s�lling off-sale intoxicafiing liquor to th�e det�riment' 'f the surroudning neigttborhoods. _ `�+ue'!l1�A7l01t 1(�eWa�rJ�Mb AfN.nMpe.RewNS): .. _ .. E11min$tion of general food stores as off-sale intoxicating ,liq�or will a11ow for fewer locations in St. Paul and better city regulati ns. , �(W1w.:wWN+.w+e To Myhamk , - ; : Less sites will be availahle for off-sale ir�to icating liquor. N.r�� . . , . v� . - c� . . Status quo Kes s nw�e .sttee open Increases po�ential work . ` for iatoxicatfng iiquox for city staff. sal +�ssoar�e�s: State 1aW eaclzrdes sale of o_ff-sale intoxicati liquvr 3.n all cities, exCept those vf t�e 1st ela�s. � : u�s�t�sues: - Unknown : % . . ' A � /V l\\�Uti ' � ' • • `/ W _>=>�°��T=`�`:� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �4° �:o ;; ��. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATfORNEY l;� ����"�'i1�� :,' <� . �:- EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY `'�a,,,���•'fi.��'`� 647 City Hall, Saim Paul, Minnesota 5510: 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR May 11 , 1988 To: Molly 0'Rourke From: Phil Byrne�j Re: License Amendments This morning you requested on be alf of Councilperson Sonnen an ordinance to bar grocery stores rom having off-sale intoxicating, liquor licenses, but desire to e empt or grandfather existing licensees . The ordinance is attached. Plea e let me know if this seems to do what you want , or if you want changes. Enc. cc: Ed Starr Joanne Rettner . . . . „ _ ,�n� _ _ � _ . - _ � %- � .: . - . � � -_ �-�' ��..�:.�� -'� �:; .�-O r'�-.. r c���a� 4. ... �s,,. L'� �C4' ��° _'-�' � . '' .. '�._ ...T-: y. � , . . �._ ... -e�*2`i _ "S � . � . : „ "�. ;s. ..t`../' S. ., _ . . . �'�F .. . ... . , . .. ..� • `��V �.r � �� ' : n' V I�� Q"� �.$► �� ��.��i ". .�'�'R�fl1e�'!,�� , • . _ �3111 iM�A , : .a►��o�� ac��aa�a�r� �,� _ : _ _ : t7ede: ��ni 2: �9�8 .. : - jAI�CB AE'T'l�id� � . �. * ,y��. ' � � ��� � � - �Q: �t'� �1� �C�/ �QEJ� - . - : ,��2 � FCt� : �i►�'�'�1�'�1U111'�/ c�� ��i�f'''' S �t'1'��+���'�"E�i . .�"1�C� ���C'��, fv' �` ; . : The meeting of the Commuai.tg aad Huntan Servfces ComitC�e .was it�tld an Wedsesday, Juaa 1, Ig88. �,�., , The fo�Zow�ng were fn atteadaucset J�tn ce Retttrm, Chafr . . Bob� Zong, Caua�il�e�er �.. : BiI Wilsast, Couuci2a�ar Bog r Goawtt�t, Councf�lm� : Rik Sanaea. Counci�er . Te Sullivaa: Gity Attorae�r's 0ff#cr� ;� ` �. P'h Byrne, City Attoraey•a Office - - _ - Jae Collins, Legfslatfve Aide .� � Jim Murphy, Program Analyst Bar ara Beasoa, <Secretary 1: City Couacil Agenda S/17/88, Ite�a a. 16: Reso2ut#oa � 88-7'ST - , Pledging :to hold has�te�ra and def e3.ai�s braught ag,aiast the �oaaag�t, vf Bandana Sqnar� bq �ra tictpaats ia the Divi�icn of Parl�e ' �`'s ,.,. a�d Recr��t#.on's Big wh+�1 Rally t be hel+d July 14, 3988. , �� , ;.� . . . . . .„: _ . . '=� ` -: � '�'� < Recam�e�ded approval t�at �-0 vote. ° � f �'� ., n,�, , ,�,�. ., #: , . . �„r . ' .I . � � .. .. . ... � �:. F. . .. ,, - ;��.,. . . _ . . -" nsA„ .. �.. � � . ., :�: � .. :. . -;fi,;�. 3. City Cou�c3� Agenda 5�34��88, Itam o. 3$: R�solutfa�a - 88-$ZS - ' Approv3ng agglication for Oae Tft� 6amb�.ing Pes�it (raffla} applt�d for by the St. Paul Area Hoard of 8ea ors Yocated at 2200 Larpentaur Ave�e _ oa July 25, I988 betwean b:UO g.m. and 9:00 p.m. Recommended aPFroval on 3 2 vot�. , ., , ����+ �w��u . . . . : . .; �ge�da "'S�1�/8S, :Tt°+� o, �? First Read3ag - �5�--�T=;-.d!a o�df�t�t�a;�as�ading Section 40k9.4� ) of t�+e Legislati��, Cede lim�t#�g "��e i,�suanaa��e►�°+r�f�-�ale.3atwG,i,�.a ing liquor licenses as it pertains :to �aent+�.��:A;'L'�w��to re s. t�'�Ch�`�y�''��u�or. _ CfTY HALG ROOM NO. 104 SA NT PAU4 MiNNESO'TA SS l02 612/2F&-3ZE9� . • .s