88-777 r
� �
� Council esolution `
� p � .,
Presente By
�rn����L.�'�'� � �f
�-( LC I� - k
Referred To �Q �m � "� �'��� � s Committee: Date �'������
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#1522 ) for a Bingo Hall License renewal
by, Joseph J. Perkovich DBA deal Hall at 1494 North Dale Street
be and the same is hereby g anted with the restriction that no
more than seven bingo occas ons permitted to be conducted on
the premises in any week.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas DimOnd Nays �
Long [n Favor
Rettmat�`�^ By
Scheibel Against
WilsOn JUN _ 1g Form Approv by ity torney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Pa,s Cou cil Sec ry BY
A►pproved iNavor: � Approved y ayor for Submission to Council
p1I�lISHED �ui�� 1 8198 _
, �-� �� �
. . _
� . � �„��,,,,� �„��. . .�if������i" '�o.0a�28� -
Jose h F. Carc,hedi •
C�* oE�Rar�r ou�croa ►Mxon con�srurr�
Kris Schweinler � �Fo � �.��� 3 arycx.�
e F Manage- � +�'�� � �� 2 Council Reses�ch
ment Services '°a�° � ��,��
Renewal of a Uingo hall license presently he d by Joseph Perkovich DBA Ideal Hall at
1494 North Dale S�reet. There presen����s�� .��t�gia��an:�p��iaitti�tg:y�2y�9e�rsn''�7�
binga occasions a �reek.
u►oo�w.w o►►+�.«tA►► ocwwo�. n�o�rr:
au�.MCa cowresari cnn�s�r+vw�c�isswN o��w on,�our awuvsr q+o�►a.
aa+�+o oorwsa�► reo pss actao�eo�ao
p sr�rs a�a�oo�ssioN �s �oot�o.aoo�* �ro To conr�r co�emu�r
�, _ _ _Pon�ooL.�o. _r�me,►ac�oom»
o�erwc,�r caxcn, *owurwna+:
et�vPanrs w�w cou�cw oe�crrv�z �
wRMt#19►�Oralb weuR aMOI�nMtr Nna.waar.wne�,,wnsns.wn�:
In addition to his renewal application, Mr. erkovich has also submitted a letter xeqteesting
council approval to add two additional bingo sessions a week.
�e+�noM tc,�.ue.�.�..�•�+a�.�e>: , :
If Mr. Perkovich's renewal application, as w 11 as his request for two (2) additional
_ sessions is approved, Mr. Perkovieh will be llowed to have nine (9) bingo occasions a
week. , •
. .. . ;�YMrR Wlwn.end To WFiom): .
If Mr. Perkovich's rene�val application is ap oved but not his request for t�►v (2) '
additional bingo occasions, Mx. Pexkovich wi continue to have seven (7) bingo
occasions a week: :
;�rararnes:. . cc�s
Routi�e Administrative Woxk _
, . .
. . _ ' � . ,77� ,/
. � ��
Lic Enf Aud
Applicant � �� �J� Home Address a..�j 'j `�rncvu.c-�..
Rusiness Na e ��n Q ��,�� Home Phone
Business Address _ 1�-�-�(� ��-, .�Q �{, . Type of License(s) �� � �
Business Phone
Public Hearing Date �. � � License I.D. 4� �� a a�
at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers,
3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �C S 6�� �`�'�5 �
llate Notice Sen ;� � / Dealer 4� '� '!�
to Applicant j(o�, , /g �S � �
Pederal Fi_rearms 4�
Public Hearing
A roved Not roved
Bldg I & D �
Health Divn. '
� ' � � �
Fire Dept. !
Police Dept.
t ( 1..� I ��
License Divn. ��� ,
�� �
City Attorney �
�2\ ►7 �
Date Received:
Site Plan (�,I4 4�,vc.�
To Council Research �Z� �S 1��
Lease or Letter � Date
from Landlord � (k
Current Corporation Name: New �orporation Name:
Current DBA: New DBA:
Current Officers: Insurance:
Workers Compensation:
New Officers:
� � � � � , , �,��= a��
; ,�.*.a, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL
• w
�` ,��� Room 203, City Hall
. Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 J
George Latimer
November 30, 1987 �--
. ...�.
NOI)y^�a,���,,,, -, <.,,,,����
T0: Lt. Bailey
�sst os noN
tor�5 ��ur4i��� ��,���� �ys
FROM: Kris Schweinlerd{� ' 3�IlOd jO 1N3W1�t/d30
RE: Record Clieck NO :#DU�,T �RRfST REC�RD
!N �A,�1�EY tOUNTY
� _�.
In connection with a Bingo Hall itene al Lic�nse at 1494 North Dale, a police
record clieck is xequested on tfie fol owing person:
Josevh J. Pexkovich
297 Maria
Birthdate: 1/7/18
_ � ' _,:..: � � . �c-�-�77
- '��"' °��°�> - CITY OF SAINT PAUL
, _=•• �,,, ;�;� .
-• ' ..,_; � ;` . . ;�. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY
.� ;
� ������������ ; : . -- - -
� :,r•�'��. n. 4 -
"" ' '`"���'r �C1 LT• " 64J Cit� Nail. Saint Paul.Minnesota 5510?
'.�.::,;. <-: � � 1.�� .
GEORGE LATIMER �Ci���i"' � 612-298-5121
May 3 , 1988
�ouncilmember James Scheibel
716 City Hall
Saint Paul , MN 55102
Dear Mr. Scheibel :
I recommend that the Licens Inspector and Council proceed to
process the applications for 1 ) renewal of the Ideal Hall bingo
hall license, and (2) allow'ng two additional bingo games to
be played in the said Hall .
The allegation of unlawful g mbling activity in the Ideal Hall
on April 11 , 1987 , has been t oroughly investigated by the Saint
Paul Police Department, and tatements taken from all available
witnesses , including members and officers of the I�tinnesota
Association of Structure Fish rmen who arranged for tre event.
No criminal charges were brou ht. It appears from the investi-
gation and statements of wi nesses that there is . no evidence
. that the licensee knew that t e gambling •activities were illegal ,
or that the licensee particip ted in or affirmatively contributed
� to the gambling. The spons rs of the event had advised both
. ' the licensee and an off dut police officer hired ta provide �
security for the event that hey had checked with "sameone at
.. City Hall" who . told them tha no permit was needed for a closed
gathering, a private social e ent. There is no informa�ion from
which to ' learn the identity f that unknown person. �here are
� no additional facts from whic a judge or hearing examiner might
infer that the licensee knew of the faulty informatien relied
upon by b�th the organizers f the event and the police officer
: working as a security guard. ,
' I do not see that a public he ring on the facts presently avail-
• able to me would result in y action adverse to the licensee,
nor are there any additional investigations or steps that might
be taken. This appears to be an isolated incident which on these
.. - � � � . � ���-y�7
Councilmember James Scheibel
Page Two
May 3, 1988
facts probably will not reoc ur. My recommendation is in part
based on the belief that goin through the motions on this would
damage the City' s credibility in future cases where the evidence
might be marginal but still pr bative.
I would be glad to discuss thi with you at your convenience.
� Very truly yours ,
. . � .
Assistant City Attorney
PBB: jr -
cc : Council Members �
Mayor Latimer .
License Inspector '
. . ��-�1�
�,�����== o, r � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
o�. ..°
'0 ,��� Room 203, City Hall
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
George Latimer
January 14, 1988
City of Saint Paul Council Membe s
7th Floor, City Hall and Courtho se
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Dear Councilmembers:
Mr. Perkovich`s Bingo Hall Licen e at 1494 North Dale Street contains
a restriction on the number of w ekly bingo occasions that will be
permitted. At the time the Coun il placed this restriction on the
license, the Council agreed to r consider the limitation at a later
Mr. Perkovich has requested that the Council now reconsider this
limitation, so as to now allow h m to permit up to 9 weekly bingo
occasions at his bingo hall.
Attached to this letter is a cop of Mr. Perkovich's request, copy of
previous Council resolution, and the report of the Saint Paul Police
Department regarding complaints hich the department had recorded at
1494 North Dale during the prece ing year.
Please notify me when the Counci would be willing to meet and hear
Mr. Perkovich's request, and I w 11 notify Mr. Perkovich and the
affected District Council
Very truly yours,
�� .
Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
cc: Mr. Perkovich
Jerry Segal - City Attorney s Office
A1 Olson - City Clerk
John Sturner - Council Rese rch
, . , //� y 1'�7/ �
. �` � � �
� �
2 �
� ��
� ��
� T<
Navanber 19, 1987 -� �°
� �
�� ��
N .°—c
N �
Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
Rocm 203 City Hall
Saint Paul, NIl�T 55102
Dear Mr. Carchedi:
I aan requesting that the Saint Paul City Council modify the
restriction presently placing ].imit of seven we�kly bingo
sessions at my hall at 1494 No Dale to ni:ne.
I have met all of the City's nditions and feel that I am
an accepted business in the n 'ghborhood.
Since the original issuance of my bingo hall license, although
the hall incca�e has sayted lev , my experLSes have risen dras-
tically due to the increases ' my property taxes, assessnents,
utilities, and wages.
Thank you for y�ur pra�t cons deration on my request.
��, � �� c
_;;-1�.`r2-�h �:J ,����-v h
:., _. - � .5 esvcu�zv��
. . . � ,��-.. _ . G'pl(?2CZ�
°�� _ , . - _
� �x �
..'."__y�' , • . .
�r�� Committee: Date
.' .,Rele�red Tn � .
Out o! Con�mittee Sy Date _
� ' . : :' . _'. � �
wI�:REAS, The Saint" Paul C ty Couricil deni ed � the� • r�u� t ,
o� Joseph Perkovich d/b/a Ideal all for a waiver from the 'St�'�`t�;
limitation of renting his prem ses for more than four � r�e}�� .
, bingo sessions, and Mr. Perkov ch has commenced an action �:�
Districl: Court �for the • purpose of . compelling the City _ Ca�r,c�'1 '
to approve his request for sev n weekly bingo sessions at;.t2��;
locatioz�; and � . . . . •
• m
wHF:P.EAS, Mr. Perkovich has offered to dismiss his Distric��
Court action on condition that the Council approve the—waive:° • .
for seven weekly bingo sessions , and that the Co�.:nci 1 wiTl amen�3 �
his binc�o hall license so as to 1 'mit the maximum number of �weekl�,�
bingo sessions at the hall to sev n sessions subject to the optio<�
�after ttiaelve months� of making app ication to the Council t� modif;,� •
the weekly game limitation in th event Mr. Perkovich cou�d cor,-��
vince t:ie Council that it would n t be detrimental to the adj�cen•�
. communi;;y and to �the City to so m dify the restrictions�- an3
.,� '
. . WHF:REAS , The. Council ' s ac eptance of this settlement o;�
• the Distric� Court ac�ion will n no way impair or restric� th :�
rights of the residents of the community to ob j ect to �he cor.•-
� tinued existence of the ..recepti n hall and bingo hall operate��
ar:d conducted by Mr. Perkovich; n w, therefore, be it -
REaOLVED, That �he Council of the City of Saint �aLl c�oe�
• hereby approve the settlement o the District Court ac�ion, as
set forth in the attached Stip lation for Dismissal , ��d the : �
'_ , City Attorney . is hereby author ' zed to . approve the Stipu3a�io:a ~
.t on beha'�f of the City of Sainti Pa 1 ; and, be it �
., •-_ ' • . :... •
� , FtJF3?HER RESOLVEa, •� That con itioned upon the execution oF .
.the Stipulation � and . on behalf f Mr. Perkovich, and approva?
COUNCILMEN �� ' . Re���st�d by p��,rt�+�nc ot: ' '
eas . �� Nays �
^1°`°"' � [n Favor �
R�rtrnan .
' ScA�ibd • _ , ' • B . .. • .
so��►.� . � .... • :Against . . - Y .
T�d.sm �:_•• . ._ , , . .i�i'.y � . `.• , ' _ . . ' .
.. . Wilson �..., ' . . . � .. .��-.• .—y• .n.;::. . ,• . .-•�-.•.,.:... .. . _. . .
. _•- ... ' .. �. ,,-c;�' .� Forin Approved by City Attorney . .. ' � ,
dopted by Couneil:._.. Date ' - ,,_. � . .. • : .- . . . . .. .
erli[ird Pa�sed by Couneil Seeretary ... . •�._ .-. . . By . ' _ _ , .
• . �4�� • • . .. . ' \�►ri.• .• . . . . . . • , •
. • , • • � • •
H�� . . ..«. � . . " '."i :;:. . . . .
pproved by 1Aav,or• Date �- �� Approved by Mayoc for Submissio� to Council • •
B} - � ' � �. BY _
a �
File P1 U. "
.. � � � - � � , �� � � Counci - .R eso lution �
� � �- ����
. .
6rred To Commiit�t: Date . . .
• ��„t of Committee By � • � • . . . .• _
Date . -
� � I . .. .. . ..L � . � . �
thereof by the. �District � Cour , the Council hereby approved
application by � Joseph; Perkovi h at 1<94 North Dale Street, ga nt `�'
Paul , Minnesota for seven week bingo occasions at this location; . ��.��' .
and, be it � . . .
. . -. . . . .. .
• +N . . •
FURTHER 1�E50LVED, That b sed up�on the Stipulation between.
Joseph Perkovich and the Ci of Saint Paul , there � is hereby
made a condition upoa rthe ' st+ng bingo hall license for 1.�94 �
North Dale Street, Saint• Paul•, -•Mirinesota, the following restric- •
tion on .the maximum number o weekly bingo sessions. which� may -
be performed at this location-, provided, however, that �. licen- �� -
see may, at his option, and n earlier than twelve months from
the date of this Resolution� equest the City Council to modify
this restriction in the event he licensee convinces the Co�;��l
that to modify.:�the restrictio will not be detrimental to the
. adjacent community and to the C ty: . .
"This bingo hall �licen e is issued .with the _ � '
, express condition tha no more than seven ' "
�� � `:� .�ingo occasions will e permitted to be �
. conducted on .the.prem'ses in any week. '�
. . - _. . . . . . .
. , � .'_. -. - ,,::' . . . _, . . . '
. ".;� _• . . . . � �. . " . . . ,.
• r . . ,� . � � . � � • � � .. — - . —
�� • � � ' � •�. . • - � . . . . ' � , . '
�.f...._... • ' _ i . . .
.� . • . - . - "•..' : . . . �
Yeas D..w r(aYs ' . � . Requested by Departmeat of: , ' . .�
N;�� � _- In Favor_.. . _ .. . _ .. . . . • . . . . _
. R�ttn►in . . ..j.� . � . � -
Sch�ib�l �- • .. . ,;: • . . . . . . . .
sonr+.n . —.�' � _ . _ �� .:. :r:�AgaiASt. . . -: -•By . . . . . ...
T.d.seo�-. .:.:. ' - ::�' �--• -'•�=ir�:.:'::.: �•` . • . . � . .
' Wilson -�'.�..�.'. . ' . '=�:..:�:►'. G�y�S�.�::�:�ir•:_-'_=:r°.a:` ._ .. . -��'w�. , .. . ' . r`. .' , • .. � _. .
- � , . � �.. '��• '. . . . . . . ' _. ' � . ... . � . . ... '�.
A � � -_. • • _ -� •�:.-•:��:•`'� .t-::�=::-� •Focm Approved by City Attorney ��:.- , . ,. ' � �.. "
dopt Couneil: . Qate' � '�^°' , , , . ---�.. ''""�
� .. . r. . . . ' . � _. . . • - -
:ertifi�d Passed by Council Secretary� : _ -=:-''�'�^'.: _ - - By . ' - ' � . .
BS � . • .. ''�''q"•'�:'` - • � , . .. .Z _ , . .-_ ,- I "." : .
.. '�• . . ' . �' ':� �� •.�`�. .''r . .
� � �''.''�� . Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cous�cil� •
pp oved by Mayor: �ate . . .
By - • ' - - BY • - .. . . . ,
: � .
- . . ���-���
_ .<<=.e�, , . • � C1TY OF SAINT PAUL
: �=�i� a� �
,��� Room 203, Ciry Hall
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
George Latitner
January 14, 1988 JAN 2 01988
City of Saint Pau1 Council Memb s
7th Floor, City Hall and Courth se
Saiat Paul, MN 55IO2
Dear Councilmembers:
Mr. Perkovich's Bingo Hall Lice e at 1494 North Dale Street contains
a restriction on the number of ekly bingo occasions that will be
permitted. At the time the Cou il placed this restriction on the
� license, the Council agreed to r consider the Iimitation at a later
Mr. Perkovich has requested that the Council now reconsider this
limitation, so as to now allow to permit up to 9 weekly bingo
occasions at his bingo hall.
Attached to this letter is a cop of Mr. Perkovich's request, copy of
previous Council resolution, and the report of the Saint Paul Police
Department regarding complaints hich the department had recorded at
1494 North Dale during the prece ing year.
Please notifq me when the Counci would be willing to meet and hear
Mr. Perkovich`s request, and I 'll notifq Mr. Perkovich and the
affected District Council
Very truly yours,
�� .
Joseph F. Carchedi
License Inspector
cc: Mr. Perkovich
Jerry Sega1 — City Attorneq s Office
� Olson — City Clerk
John Sturner — Council Rese rch
. � � �.r�' +,s,-� T- - �»sr•�
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Y' � .' . �, . ' . --u 3'l a a j�+' 1C�.Ye4rl7y,� _' �
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v:� , .� . . :`n x..:� . � .y;,� .- �..
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, , Me��:
� . _ , . ��1'�icnaet,d'+�ir
C i'� �?B' $ NT �,�►.€JL 8it1#!lt�ise�
� .��►�+�r cr�c�r. :� � . - - .
.: " �"� t�er: :�une 2, 1988 - -
J14i�1� RB'��Al+i ` ` :
- Cowa'�w+r!e�r- �� ��
. . - <� - : . , .
�"Q: S�� �� � �c�U�'i�Ci� ���2'�
�rv�rt : Co��t�rtuni�j� a� !-� S�nric� C�rtt����� -
��e�ei��, 'r
The $eetina of the Coaisawity and Huu Sex�vic�s Coaaittee waa he�d an
Hsds�ts�ay, Juaa I, 1488.
The fo11ow3ug We�re iA atte�cer J ice �ettman� Chair .
Bo Loug. Cot�at�r'
. Bi I Titlsou, Couacfl�s .
- Ra er Gos�rttz, Council�bsz
Ki f Sonaea, Cauncilme�ber
_ Te Sullivaa, Citp .A�torn�ey's Offi�de
_ _ Ph Bgzne, Cit�r Attoraep's Offfce
_ .I Callins: L�gisl.ative'Aide .
J Murghp, Frogram Analpst
Sa bara Bensan, Secretary
2. City Co�ucil Agenda 5/17/88,. Ite� o. 16: Resolution - 88-757 -
Fl�dgiag' ta hold haralasa and def d clatms brongkt agaiast tha
saaagesrat of Baadaua 5�eares by p tic3pants ia the Divisioa of P:rlt�
aud Becrestiion's Big �ea� Rs12y t be held 3u�y ��, 1988. ,_�. ,
Becom�a� approval. �on- 3-0 vote.
�: . ::,: ...
Z. Cfty Ga�mcil Ageacta S/26✓88, Item o. 38: �esolution i 88-825 - . .
Approvtag applfcatiou far 0ne Ti�e Gsmbling Pes�it (raffle� applied for
: by 'the 3t. Pau2 Area Board of Real ors locatsd at 2200 Larpenteur A�e�se
on July 25, 1988 betw�en 6:00 p.m. sn� 9:06 p.t�.
Recommend�d apgroval on 3-2 vote.
3. City Council Agenda 3/1�/88', Item o. 3: First Readiag - 8$=790 - An
ordinance s�ending Section 409.03( } of the Legislatine Code iimiting
the issuance of off-sale intoxicat ag liquor licenses as it pertains to
general food stores.
withdrawn by author.
`', s � :
� .� � . .. ..�� . ., . . . .. ' . . . .. � .. . �. . . . . . �
- �- -_ Y�.° � � �-'�",",�=��°"`�'�:���. ��. _
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, . . :�VVYrw�ki�it A��..�r� .. .. . � - . � . . . .. . . ..., �.. + _ ..
C+G�Wtti�t3► � glii�li $@lY�ClS ��Ct�
,,ltlA� 2 s ���
�'8$C �T0 °� . � `'
,".., , ' ;
, � . , ,
4. Cfty C�f� Agaandm �/3��1�. �t �b« �: �3ss�L �i� � �*� � �t -
a�cdias�e a�endf�g Secti� �4M3,t1� b� +�� thrr I.��s2+►*�v: Go�da l�itt�
th� :iss�i►c� a# off-sa�� �t�t� i� Iiqaar �#c�► ss ��' pe�rtaiaa
,: -
to arug acasea e�d g�.ta,t fcc�d +�sn. � .�,.�^��� .
Recom�eadsd apFroval, a� aau�nde�, mt 5-4 vots. :(Graadfatbarf,ug in , . ; �
, alsuse-�r Iang as eats�►23��nt t�ys� �t sa�e addr,u�s.�. ` �
. .�..
r#.•z.`� : .
: .
S. Citg Counci2 IRgenda 5/3/88�, It� Q. 16: Thir+d Bes�ing - 88-540 - �ian -
ord3�aca assnding CLapter 409.2i b) of the L�gislat#ve Cc�e pertsiu#.ag
to pulltabs and tipbo�rds ia bara by daleting the referencrs to
charitsble orgaaizatioas thst s rt yon�th athletic acti�ities.
(Co�tinity aad Human S�rvices C tte$ reco�e�ads: appraval.) (Sent
back pes request by Ms:. Sonnen ia regard to aationsl associatioa� hav�:rg ,
. . - ptil�.t8b$w 3 � .. � � . � � �.. � . .. ��:� r.� ,t�?'.�' w�'_
. . : . . ���'�
� � ��� ., ��.� �:..
Laid over unt�l Juue 1S, 1988 C ty a� B1ms�r Sa�cvic�s Cosittae - :<.;
�eetiag for Ft�if B}�rae tc suthar tential:a�dmeats. .
, ,.:
. .
,� ;,.
6• :. .�.i,1f�'"��I ;�►ge����. Zt��`. ��i:'� xesalut�+�"'s�`88-7tT - . ' �
.,._ . ...
- - APP�eaewai of Bi�o 1�.� teuse hp Jos+eph J. Perkavich d�a _
'���,1 � ' .aL 1444 N. D�r1s with z s�r3ction that no �tre thaaa s�ven (7) .
.�, .
'_�,�� . ans be pgrm3,tted to b conduct+ad. oa t�� pzem�ses in any
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City Cou�acfl Agenda 5/27/$�, Itea �To. 45: Resolutfoa - 88-778 - �t,>;°�, -
APProving/danyiug the requeesL bp os�gh J. Perk�o�vich dba _Ides1 H�11 . '= `
u , ;
for t�o addittoasl gambJ,i�eg se�# p�r Week far the lacatioa sC �, �°
1494 N. D�te. ;�.,> .,.
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,.::� ,.. , �b. � � •�
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cc: ��I Olson, C3tq Clerk . ,:
Ed Starr, City Attvrneq '
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��ill'1 L ��..V L I�'Y C O UiV G I�
.. �� IlY � Ly O �Z�� RECEIVED
:. �ity C1eTHa11
. � A PI�Z�A'�ZaN J�N 191988
� 3s6 c�ty �
� �'��'' NO. LPERKO
. �
Renewal application or a bingo hall license and a request
PUR_POSE for two (2) addition 1 bingo occasions a week
�Pp�i�2�fi Joseph Perkovich DBA Ideal Hall
�0��7*-�-a� 1494 North Dale Stre t
January 28, 198 9:00 a.s.
T"" �—R-�C Cit-� C�uncil. Ca ' ezs, 3rd Lloor Cit7 Hall - Cou�� House
3y License and P �ic Division, Devartaeac oz :=�aca �d
�0���. S��*T* �iaaagemeat Serri es, 2aom 203 C�t� Hall. - Court aouse,
Saiat Paul, w�n soca
� This date may be c:�an�ed without �e consent and/or knoGrledge ot the
License and Pe�it Division. rt 's sugoested t:��t you c�1L t:�e CitJ
Cler:' s Of�:c� at 298-�23I if you c�r s� con�__�.at=on..