99-202Council File # — 1� � � �� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Green Sheet # G 3 516 33 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application submitted by Brian T. Gore (License ID No. 79506) is hereby approved on condition that the licensee have no fiirther criminal violations during the license period. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the January 28, 1999 Notice of violation letter to the licensee, the Raznsey County Court Records, the Ramsey County Sherif's report CN 97-25462, the February 7, 19991etter from the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: �/ � - ./L �Z /�i� Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy BY: �; � � .�Jv�-+�--.� Approved by Ma Date /'�/�(�f/[ 7(��� By: Form Approved by City Attorne BY: � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounCil sy: Adopted by Council: Date lJ \\M�- .�. � 1 q9 -aa�. DEPARTMEN7/OFFICElCOUNCIL CnrElNttwTED LIEP Feb. 18, 1999 GREEN SHEET No 63516 CONTACT PERSON 8 PFiONE InM91Deb NMW Wate Robert Ressler , p ,.,�„ Ki MUST BE ON CIXINCIL AGQ�H:+A BV (OAi� AESIGM March 3, 1999 — Public Hearing �� on�rroafr an,c�uc aamxc �� wuw�a¢avcFSax wuxa�cmmucrc ❑ r^vortl��s.vsrartl ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7m Approving the Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application by Brian T. Gore, 537 Topping Street. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) a Rejed (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONiitACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWSNG QUESiSONS: 1. Has fh5 perSOM�m ever xarked under a wntract for this department? PLANNINGCOMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever bem a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this peisonfirtn pqssess a sidll no[ iartnallypossessetl by any curtent city employee't YES NO 4. Is this pe�wNfirm a targe[etl ventloR YES NO F�pisin all yes ar5vieers on separate sheM antl ariach to prcen shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WM, What, When, WhHe. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED . DISADVAM'AGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION S CAST/RhYENUE BUO6ETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION (IXPWN) qq .so� UNCONTESTED LtCENSE HEARlNG Licensee IVame: Brian T. Gore Address: 537 Topping Street Council Hearing Date: March 3, 1999 Violation: Date of Violation: Conviction for Possession of Tear Gas St. Paui Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) September 23, 1997 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Approval of Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License on Condition That Licensee Not Have Any Further Criminal Violations During the License Period Attachments: 1. Proposed resotution 2. Letter of Licensee 3. Notice of Violation 4. Ramsey County Court Record of Violation 5. Ramsey County Sherif s Report 6. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY A7 Clarton M Robinson. Jr.. Crry•A�tonre�� 99-a�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayo� Cirrl Dirision A40 Ciry Hal! IS if'es� Kellogg Blyd Sainr Pau1, .Minnesata 5510? 7'e[ephone: 651 ?66-87/0 Facsimile' 6.i7 ?98-i679 February 12, 1999 NOTICE OF COiTNCIL IiEARING ^^i�O�T),1y� 'l�?' _ _ .. �ill SU�: : i��._.. Mr. Brian T. Gore 537 Topping Street ��� � r ��'�� Saint Paul, Minnesota» 103 Re: Renewal License Application for Taxicab Driver's�License Our File Number: G99-0038 = Dear Mr. Gore: Please take notice that a hearing conceming your license renewal application for a TaYicab Driver's License has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 3,1999, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul Ciry Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning your conviction for possession of tear gas have been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be that your Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application be approved on condition that you have no further criminal violations during the license period. If you have any questions, please cali me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Y/ih�ti'�-�J �.! czl��-c 1 U VirginiaD. Paimer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Giibertson, LIEP � ao 1- {���`S l�ii �c,�r�rz� -- :�----- -/�---� ---� � ` ( �l �l 1 - -- - - ///� // r �/ � � �l L�� �� ��`��� �l � � �� �� / �\ � � r /� / �!C y- /�/ � C�G � � L Z�l s� -7� �G't� fc��?c/ / L,�/ � ; .!/�C ���/lo�i�✓� �62 Ct> S S . � J , / G'vr' �� ?� /�� C /�G v, �-�y � 7�j�� !�, j �Lk S� . D��_ l <, � �� ��,- �-, '� �� ��� �..-/ � ,. : , � � �'.✓ �l ��1 �/oSSi ��_ �o✓c-��/iE�-�:�. . r% '� .• - - -- --- - - - - - ----- - - -- ------- ---------- - ---����%�>---- -- - � , % - ��� ------- - , �. . G�,� � , �i SS/�3 � � /�/S� OFF10E- OF THE CiTY ATTOR\El" ('lavr»x 'ubuvson. Jr. ( iri .fuu�n� r CITY OF SAINT P �UL Sorni Co%e» �mt 11a1 ot c,,,i U,,;r,�„ J00Cip Ha77 )5 !1'est Kellogg Bhd. Smx! Poed. 1fim�eso�a ?= 10? ctc� _'a.o 1- Telephone b?l 'G6-8�10 Fats+m+le. b57?98-?G79 January 28, 1999 �OTICE OF PROPOSED DE\IAL A4r. Brian Gore 537 Topping Street Saint Paul. ?�4innesota» 10� Re: Rene��al Application for Taxicab Dri� er's License Our File I�TUmber: G99-0038 Dear Mr. Gore: The Office of License, Inspections and En� ironmental Protection is recommending denial of }�our renewal application for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the follou�ing: On or about April 17,199$, }•ou ��ere sentenced for Possession of Tear Gas. The above conduct is a felony violarion of law, and constitutes grounds under Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Le� slative Code for denial of your license application. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a felony conviction w�ithin the past five years. Section 310.06 of the Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such matters indicate a lack of good moral chazacter or fimess to engage in the licensed activity. Under state law, Minn. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inforxn you of certain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. These grounds and reasons are set forth above. Second, any complaints or �rievances that you may have will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Le��islati� e Code. Tl�ese procedures are substantiall�� similar to those required b� the state admir ati�'e procedures act. '�1inn. Stat. � y 1• '-.69. al9 -�'°s- Third. the earliest date on ��.hidi � ou ma} reappl� for a tasi dri� er's license �i ill be one ; ear from the latzr of the folio�i ing t�� o dates ( I) the date of � our successful completion of supen ised probation, ���ith a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents sho��,�ing compliance �aith all terms and conditions of probation; or (2) the date, pursuant to section 310.02 of the LeQislati�-e Code, }our licznse is drnied bc the City of Saint Paul. Future reception of a re- application does not guazantee that there �� ill be sufficient e� idence of rehabilitation, nor that a license u ill be issued at that time. Fourth, if }°ou reappl}�, the City of Saint Paul «ill consider all competent e� idence of rehabilitation that } ou �iish to present. E�;amples of the tt pe of evidence that will be considered are set forth in section 36-�.03 of the state la«-. Since the proposed denial of } our rene�aal application for a license is an ad��erse action, � ou are entitled to the hearing procedures establiched in sections 310.0� and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislati��e Code. You or } our attome}' «�ll ha� e to mal:e a«Titten request for a hearing if }'ou �a ish to contest the denial of ; our rene« al application. Hearing Procedures: If you contest the facts stated abo��e in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heazd before an adnunistrative law judge, whose findings and recommendations wili be given to the St. Paul City Council for a final deternunation. If pou choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection «ill also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold t}�pe, but wish to proceed with the license applicarion process and continue to operate as a taxicab driver v,ith licensure by the City of St. Paul, you will need to admit in w•riting to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter w�ill then be scheduled for hearing before the St. Paul City Council for a final determination regazding the status of your taxicab driver's license. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type and do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab driver within the City of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab driver s license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal application. Page 2 Please contact ine or Peter ��gborn. at '66-8710. �� itliin ten (10) � s fran ti�e date of this ]etter as to ��hether � ou admit or dem' the lii�hlighted facts stated abo� e_ and ��,hether } ou �i ish to ha� e an administrati� e hearing on those facts. .�s stated abo� e, if } ou choose to proceed �cith an administrati�e hearin�, � ou ��ill need to make that request in «riting. � ,,fi '}— _ 1 _ d"' Very truly ��ours, � ��/Lti� � �� 'J � ���.,�� J Virsinia D. Palmer Assistant City Attome}� cc: Robert Kessler. Director. LIEP Christine Rozek. LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 qq -2�D �- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COTR3TY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on January 29, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the £ollowing named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an er_velope addressed as follows: Mr. Brian Gore 537 Topping Street St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th da� Ja ary 1999. / /� � / / , /� � ^~• � Notary Publi ` r.eyCa P.PAN�BOAN S16UC - M�t,`:SC _."' �ires �a;, ..L 20� q q -ao a- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COtTNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEM�NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 9, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Brian Gore 537 Topping St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day�f Fe�ua��)1999. Notary � PETER P.PANGBORN Y PUBLIC MINNE50T � Fxpirg8 Jan. 31. 2C Criminal Case 5ummary SD1008.0/990111:14401576 62 K6 97 003103 Felonv Date filed: 09/25/1997 Name: GORE, BRIAN TODD, [9-23 Alias: �q��� DOB: 09/06/1968 Race: White Dfnt Attrny: P. AREANNA COALE Dfnt Status: Own Recog Status Case Status CLOSED Offens Location: 1 Continuances: CCT Plea Charge 001 GUILTY FEL POSS 002 FEL POSS Date Last O5/11/1998 Pending l0/17/2001 Sex: Male Soc Sec # Date: e Date: Trial TEAR GAS jP DANG WEAPON Activity Time Pd in Full 12:20 Archive Type: Public Def O5/11/1998 Bail Amount: 09/23/1997 Warrant Date: Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District Chap/Sect/SUbd GoC UoC Verdict 624.731 3B N W1603 Convicted 609.66 1G1 N W1699 Dismissed Judge CRTRM Disposition Date Next FC_ 04 06 08 10 `l`t-aos-. TAI648 SD1034.1/990127:15362553 Name Index Display 1 of ? Name: GORE, BRIAN. . . . . . GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:04/14/1989 Unlaw Det 62-CO-89-4072 Cit ;: Youth #� Archived GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /HEBERT, WELCH, HUMPHREYS & GRINDBE(PLN) Defendant FLD:12/15/1993 Trans Judg DOB 62-C7-93-13601 Cit �: Youth ,�: Judgment GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /GOLDBERG BONDING COMPANY(PINj Defendant FLD:06/29/1994 Trans Judg DOB 62-C9-94-6773 Cit #: Youth #: Judgment GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:02/17/1994 Concil 62-SX-94-884 Cit �: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . - / FLD:04/11/1994 Concil 62-SO-94-2062 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:O8/09/1993 Concil 62-56-93-61820 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./ Defendant FLD:04/13/1990 Paternity 62-FO-90-50281 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./ FLD:O8/17/1993 Dom Abuse 62-F3-93-2255 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD, [9-23-97] . . . . Defendant FLD:09/25/1997 Felony 62-K6-97-3103 Cit #: RID #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . Defendant FLD:12/23/1998 Concil 62-SX-98-9190 Cit #: Archived Archived DOB X Judgment Archived . . /The State of Minnesota(PLN) FEL POSS TEAR GAS [PROH] DOB 09/06/1968 Youth #: SA Closed DISP: Convicted . ./E.S.W.,INC.(PLN) Youth #: DOB X Open GORE, BRZAI3 TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PIN) FLD:08/15/1996 Mvnq Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62^TX-96-42086 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:12/28/1995 Mvng Petty IMPROPER LANE USE DOB 09/06/1968 62-TO-95-61459 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:12/28/1993 Mvng Misd DAS DOB 09/06/1968 62-T1-93-39711 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:08/09/1996 Misdemeanr DOC DOB 09/06/1968 62-T1-96-41098 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GORE, BRIAt3 TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) � � FLD:05/23/1997 Parking EXPIRED METER 62-T3-97-33367 Cit n: Youth n: Archived �ORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . .jState of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:09/25/1997 NMvg Petty STOP SIGN VIOL [73.50] DOB 09/06/1968 62-T4-97-66572 Cit T: Youth n: SA Archived Paging: [n = Page number, <> = Change direction, IrLast Page] Function code: Codes available: 12 A$Z TAI648 Name Index Display Name: GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °t9 -��-- SD1034.1/990127:15373749 2 of 2 GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:10/07/1993 Mvng Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/�6/1968 62-T5-93-28761 Cit ,'�',: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:11/21/1989 Misdemeanr FIFTH DEGREE ASSAULT 62-T6-91-6127'7 Cit ;: Youth ,�: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:09/14/1995 5 Deg Aslt No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T7-95-43671 Cit #� Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:06/20/1995 Mvng Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T7-95-615385 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . ./State o£ Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/16/1990 Misdemeanr No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T9-91-61273 Cit #: Youth �: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/14/1997 Mvng Petty DISOBEY SEMAPHORE DOB 09/06/1968 62-T9-97-5976 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names are "sound alikes "for GORE GEROY, BRIAN KEITA . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:10/11/1993 Mvng Misd NO PROOF INSURANCE DOB 04/12/1961 62-T9-93-309512 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GREER, BRIAN SCOTT . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/13/1998 Parkinq EXPIRED METER DOB 09j12/1443 62-T6-98-601475 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GREWE, BRIAN LEVERN . . . . . . . . . / FLD:08/20/1991 Pers Injry 62-C7-91-10242 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GUERRERO, BRIAN ANDREW . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:08/04/1998 NMvg Petty No Convictions on Case DOB 09/28/1978 62-T7-98-627924 Cit #: Xouth �: Archived ��� GENERAL SECURITY SERVICES C�RPORATION" 9110 \Ir:ido���� �e��� Ro.tct '..Iinne:lpoli�. \I\ »-S2> (612) 859->-iSl • (613) R5S-5aS_' 1-500-25�-2155 E�[ ll�.patr!t F:i� (612) S�8-�o�9 °� �COUNT NAbiE 1![;�Gv_.r C� (,i,..'�-�.� C. C� i. �., '�C� w. K�_ � ic��. ( tz�c,Po��� b��v Ic'! ,c�.t� i LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE ° R°POR7ING OrFI ASSISTING OFFiCcR lZ�,c,� `7�0 �5� I�_ 4�c��� DISPOSITION �� ARflcST ❑ ADVfSED ❑ CLARED '; NOTIFY OTHER AGENCY Q PcN01NG �, ' ❑ REPORTING PARTV ��) NAME (LAST, RFST, M:DOLE) D03 Q VICTIM ❑ WITNESS ADDRESS PHONE ❑ REPORTING PARN �2� NAME (L4ST, FIRST, MIDDLE) DOB ❑ VICTIM L7 WtTNESS ADDRESS PHONE � REPORTING PARTY �3) NAME (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE) � DOB ❑ VICTIM Q WITNESS AD4RESS PHONE (7) SVSPECT(LAST,FIRST,���� � `, �� � DOB � � �� R� SEX HAIR EYES M a v�., � ADDRESS CLOTHING/ADDITIONALINFO VEHICLE UCENSE x O SUSPEC7 O ViGTIM ,_ q9'� � INCIDENT REPORT bLdwes: ?zVOI orv:s�on TYPE OF REPORT IR = � ?�P.SON PRO?ER7Y � =� iv=o ca�r�e � csuJt >. 3(�. DATElTIhiZ RE?O.1TcD ` PAGc' � OF � Q d � � � DATcOCCURR'eD i^J'tOCCUaRED I Gi'�''J ! l, � ' I o=�as�iwcio�h� I i�� AGE I RACE I SEX � HAIFi I EVES HT WT BLD FACIAL HAIR LIC S7ATE I VEH YR ADDRESS YES ❑ NO PHONE # OC� 1�' R. Q� [�S"� ,�-. .t�� r�: Q<1..'-�r �h%C�.Ct � �nr� F DISTRIBUTION SIGNATURE V BADGE# EMPLOYEEu ❑ CLIENT ❑ IR O ACCOUNT ❑ OFFICER ��� ) �Q�J '� J a b �"1 ZG, Z � X= Unknown Leave box blank il not app��cahle WHITE - CLIENT COPY YELLOW - ACCOUNT FILE COPV PINK- PEFiSONNEL FILE �.�i=i�`T �.•:.r��: �-��---�--, CONTINUATION REPORT GENERAL SEGURITY SERVIGES CORPORATION " )ll0 >I�:ido��� ie�� Ro:td \Iinnea��oli+. \I\ 55i?5 O=Fe�:s=; incio_n�r (G72) S�8-i��l • (612) fiiti-.-;;? ]-�(1Q-?5�-?1�5 tSL n15�GC�1 DA E'TIM P:t� c61z� s>n- G�— a qg'a°'� i FLC::es: Pzvo' I �R C �? Ic-�:�;1 � IPAvE �033� S � G � L cr � Cli��.i �G;%�( V J SC< � oof „ � a ' m � ^ _ � � < 3 � � Y z V � � Y 1 . A W W 6 6 U � � � � W S O S �❑ n t � 6 � O = a o ° � W� � x o u 3 iJ < N Q � o ¶ J p J Q O J W V 'Y u U � l�. 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W : a �- C: _ � F � F� � t .� � � , Z - ` � 9 o v_' -' J � � J u / �� ` � � � V '1 J :� � y l u ' r � �_ C� n C` ( G / �✓ ` i` y � ,! � ° � d % ' :� ` ! l' _ �` t c ' ' L � , ?� � �- � u � i. /• � ' / �` / '�"' r ��; J :l L y G ^' I / i � + � � `� � � t f `� � G � j L� / / �� rl J I ' , .� i �I� � .1� 1�- RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION �ate of Application: Dec 31, 1998 Received From: 79960000032 BRIAN GORE BRIAN T GORE 537 TOPPING ST ST PAUL MN 55103 In application for: Taxicab Driver (New) (1 ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND EM/IRONMENTAL PROTEC7ION 350 SL Pela-51. Sulta.3W $arnf Pau( Mmnesofe S5f02 (651J 266-➢090 ler: (651) 2QQ-D]24 � � a°� -� Eft Date: Jan 72, 7998 - Ezp Date: Jan 12, 2000 Lic Fee: $21.00 Amount Paid: $21.00 Total Due on this application 82�.00 Other Fees Owed 50.00 Account Total Amount Due $21.00 Amount Paid 521.00 Date Received Dec 31, 1998 Outstanding Account Balance Due 50.00 Contacts: ProjectFaciiitator: ROZEKCHRISTINE (651)266-9708 Inspector(s): GILBERTSON, TROY License (651) 266-9101 Conditions: 1. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGAR LICENSE, G-600-098-799-G94. 2. ST PAUL CAB DRIVERS LICENSE ISSUED SUBJECT TO OUTCOME OF FELONY CHARGE FOR POSSESSI Requirements: Record Check ��F�y� �� .� ��� � �`� � This is not a License to operate � ��. �,'� ,� ���� .� , Page 1 of 1 __ _ /` � Taxi Driver Ci� oF sn�NT � A�L j Office of License, Inspcct�ons Renewal Form and Environmental Protzr.ion 1� y 3�ou.,�.us�,�xo nG,_r— Smt A�I, M�aa SSt02 �` (612).'66909� �, License T.D. {{ � � � Name �7 �/v�� � DOB � � C � � �nt � Middle Lnat Manih ! Day ( Ycar 5�3� ' i�np,��� S� S-�� ��v� �2, ss�o� Home Address — SVeU eddrt�aa Ciry Suie 7�p Home Phone .��'s �l �� � �' � �" � `�Name of company applicant is driving for � � �/ G '�' �'�= �.,v ��� o�xr Driver's License Number ( ��]' ( 9�'� � ��7� - � ��"�� � Expiration Date / ' � � I hereby state that I have answered all of the above questions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. � Sign r of appl' Please return this form with your ren al payment to: City of St. Paul - Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter St:eet 11300 St. Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norzn Coleman, Mayor OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ^ O ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (.t� - d Roeen Kessler. pireclor LOWRYPROFESSlONALBUILDIN6 ielephcne612-2669090 SuRe 300 Facvmtle 612-266-SOS3 350 SL Pefer SVre! 6t2-2669124 Samf Pau( M"mnewta 55f0245t0 I agree to the following conditions being placed on the following license(s): License #: Type of Business: Applied for by: 19980000032 = BRIAN GORE Doing Business As: BRIAN T GORE at: 22 DELLWOOD LAN LANDFALL MN 55128 Conditions are as follows: 1. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGARDING HIS DRIVERS LICENSE, G-600-098-799-694. 2. ST PAUL CAB DRIVERS LICENSE ISSUED SUBJECT TO OUTCOME OF FELONY CHARGE FOR POSSESSION OF TEAR GAS. , � � __�� ic see ) l2 � D te alq 79506 2.CE=?'i FOZ LICINSE AaPLICATION Anplicantr: 79506 BRIAN C-O?2E B�?AN CdRE 22 D ;i,I,WOpD L�ANE LAI�iDrAI,L M[v 55128 pnone: (612)578 City oi Saint Pau1 Office oi License, Inspections And Environ�ntal Protection 350 St. Peter St. Suite 300 Saint Pau1, Ninnesota 55102 _._ .._ , Date of Application : 12/30/97 License effective fram 12/30/97 to 12/30/98 License 2305 TA}�CA3 LICIIVSE D�SVE',R (NEW) Total Fee: � ��y� o 0000 � z n�,��,s State Tax ID#f: N/A Paia rn, s� 12 RECORD Q3E',CK--LK--LIC � `���� t� e� ��� Your licerLSe to do business will Le mailed uFon receipt of rec�ired approvals. If you have any questions regarding your license, please call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COP�INSATION COVERAGE PERSUANT TO NIII�IIVFSOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certi£y that I, or my ca�npany, am in c�npliance with the workers' c�npensation ins urance coverage requirem�nts of Minnesota statute 176.182, subdivision 2. S also understand tl provision of false infor,nation in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action aga.inst a11 licenses held, including revocation and sus if said licenses. Name of Insurance C�npany : Coverage fr�n : L� Units Fee 1 $66.00 $66.00 ��� �a�� ��� PoLicy 1Vtunber : I have no e�loyees covered under vaorkers' ca�pensation insurance. Signature of licensee Business Na� Date i Taxicab Driver License Application CITY OF SAINT PAUL 011ice of Licensq In:pections and Environmentnl Pmtection 350S�.Par*S�-AtA,AP+W.M:i SSIO: � (61�:b69090 fu:(6I�]6691ba qq- LICEYSE I�N Ifoc o`.`.ice nse only) Applicant Name: Home Address: 2-Z sbre< �y L�-, city staGe zlp Home Phone #:( � � � � C ' � Z Business Phone #:( ) Date of Birth �/ G /�-� P1ace of Birth: S� •��" i Are you a citizen of the United States? � Native Naturalized **If you are not a U.S. resident, you must provide proo£ of work authorization from the U.S. Immigration and Natura2ization Service.*• Driver's License � G' � 7 l"�I -�r, 17 Exp. Date Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for � ' �`� Do you own or lease the cab you drive? ���' What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab7 ��� I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above guestions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also hereby state that I have read and uaderstaad the rules aad zegulations set £orth in Chapter 376.16 (Taxica}�Driver's License o£ the Saint Paul Legislative Code). � „ � � � Subscribed and sworn before me this day of Notary Public, My commission expires 19 County, MN Applicant +*PROOF OF VALID DRIV£R'S LICENSE HILL SE REQIIIRED AT THE TIHE OF APPLICATSON** i .2 3° �'� Dat Council File # — 1� � � �� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Green Sheet # G 3 516 33 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application submitted by Brian T. Gore (License ID No. 79506) is hereby approved on condition that the licensee have no fiirther criminal violations during the license period. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the January 28, 1999 Notice of violation letter to the licensee, the Raznsey County Court Records, the Ramsey County Sherif's report CN 97-25462, the February 7, 19991etter from the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: �/ � - ./L �Z /�i� Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy BY: �; � � .�Jv�-+�--.� Approved by Ma Date /'�/�(�f/[ 7(��� By: Form Approved by City Attorne BY: � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounCil sy: Adopted by Council: Date lJ \\M�- .�. � 1 q9 -aa�. DEPARTMEN7/OFFICElCOUNCIL CnrElNttwTED LIEP Feb. 18, 1999 GREEN SHEET No 63516 CONTACT PERSON 8 PFiONE InM91Deb NMW Wate Robert Ressler , p ,.,�„ Ki MUST BE ON CIXINCIL AGQ�H:+A BV (OAi� AESIGM March 3, 1999 — Public Hearing �� on�rroafr an,c�uc aamxc �� wuw�a¢avcFSax wuxa�cmmucrc ❑ r^vortl��s.vsrartl ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7m Approving the Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application by Brian T. Gore, 537 Topping Street. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) a Rejed (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONiitACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWSNG QUESiSONS: 1. Has fh5 perSOM�m ever xarked under a wntract for this department? PLANNINGCOMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever bem a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this peisonfirtn pqssess a sidll no[ iartnallypossessetl by any curtent city employee't YES NO 4. Is this pe�wNfirm a targe[etl ventloR YES NO F�pisin all yes ar5vieers on separate sheM antl ariach to prcen shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WM, What, When, WhHe. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED . DISADVAM'AGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION S CAST/RhYENUE BUO6ETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION (IXPWN) qq .so� UNCONTESTED LtCENSE HEARlNG Licensee IVame: Brian T. Gore Address: 537 Topping Street Council Hearing Date: March 3, 1999 Violation: Date of Violation: Conviction for Possession of Tear Gas St. Paui Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) September 23, 1997 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Approval of Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License on Condition That Licensee Not Have Any Further Criminal Violations During the License Period Attachments: 1. Proposed resotution 2. Letter of Licensee 3. Notice of Violation 4. Ramsey County Court Record of Violation 5. Ramsey County Sherif s Report 6. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY A7 Clarton M Robinson. Jr.. Crry•A�tonre�� 99-a�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayo� Cirrl Dirision A40 Ciry Hal! IS if'es� Kellogg Blyd Sainr Pau1, .Minnesata 5510? 7'e[ephone: 651 ?66-87/0 Facsimile' 6.i7 ?98-i679 February 12, 1999 NOTICE OF COiTNCIL IiEARING ^^i�O�T),1y� 'l�?' _ _ .. �ill SU�: : i��._.. Mr. Brian T. Gore 537 Topping Street ��� � r ��'�� Saint Paul, Minnesota» 103 Re: Renewal License Application for Taxicab Driver's�License Our File Number: G99-0038 = Dear Mr. Gore: Please take notice that a hearing conceming your license renewal application for a TaYicab Driver's License has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 3,1999, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul Ciry Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning your conviction for possession of tear gas have been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be that your Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application be approved on condition that you have no further criminal violations during the license period. If you have any questions, please cali me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Y/ih�ti'�-�J �.! czl��-c 1 U VirginiaD. Paimer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Giibertson, LIEP � ao 1- {���`S l�ii �c,�r�rz� -- :�----- -/�---� ---� � ` ( �l �l 1 - -- - - ///� // r �/ � � �l L�� �� ��`��� �l � � �� �� / �\ � � r /� / �!C y- /�/ � C�G � � L Z�l s� -7� �G't� fc��?c/ / L,�/ � ; .!/�C ���/lo�i�✓� �62 Ct> S S . � J , / G'vr' �� ?� /�� C /�G v, �-�y � 7�j�� !�, j �Lk S� . D��_ l <, � �� ��,- �-, '� �� ��� �..-/ � ,. : , � � �'.✓ �l ��1 �/oSSi ��_ �o✓c-��/iE�-�:�. . r% '� .• - - -- --- - - - - - ----- - - -- ------- ---------- - ---����%�>---- -- - � , % - ��� ------- - , �. . G�,� � , �i SS/�3 � � /�/S� OFF10E- OF THE CiTY ATTOR\El" ('lavr»x 'ubuvson. Jr. ( iri .fuu�n� r CITY OF SAINT P �UL Sorni Co%e» �mt 11a1 ot c,,,i U,,;r,�„ J00Cip Ha77 )5 !1'est Kellogg Bhd. Smx! Poed. 1fim�eso�a ?= 10? ctc� _'a.o 1- Telephone b?l 'G6-8�10 Fats+m+le. b57?98-?G79 January 28, 1999 �OTICE OF PROPOSED DE\IAL A4r. Brian Gore 537 Topping Street Saint Paul. ?�4innesota» 10� Re: Rene��al Application for Taxicab Dri� er's License Our File I�TUmber: G99-0038 Dear Mr. Gore: The Office of License, Inspections and En� ironmental Protection is recommending denial of }�our renewal application for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the follou�ing: On or about April 17,199$, }•ou ��ere sentenced for Possession of Tear Gas. The above conduct is a felony violarion of law, and constitutes grounds under Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Le� slative Code for denial of your license application. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a felony conviction w�ithin the past five years. Section 310.06 of the Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such matters indicate a lack of good moral chazacter or fimess to engage in the licensed activity. Under state law, Minn. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inforxn you of certain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. These grounds and reasons are set forth above. Second, any complaints or �rievances that you may have will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Le��islati� e Code. Tl�ese procedures are substantiall�� similar to those required b� the state admir ati�'e procedures act. '�1inn. Stat. � y 1• '-.69. al9 -�'°s- Third. the earliest date on ��.hidi � ou ma} reappl� for a tasi dri� er's license �i ill be one ; ear from the latzr of the folio�i ing t�� o dates ( I) the date of � our successful completion of supen ised probation, ���ith a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents sho��,�ing compliance �aith all terms and conditions of probation; or (2) the date, pursuant to section 310.02 of the LeQislati�-e Code, }our licznse is drnied bc the City of Saint Paul. Future reception of a re- application does not guazantee that there �� ill be sufficient e� idence of rehabilitation, nor that a license u ill be issued at that time. Fourth, if }°ou reappl}�, the City of Saint Paul «ill consider all competent e� idence of rehabilitation that } ou �iish to present. E�;amples of the tt pe of evidence that will be considered are set forth in section 36-�.03 of the state la«-. Since the proposed denial of } our rene�aal application for a license is an ad��erse action, � ou are entitled to the hearing procedures establiched in sections 310.0� and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislati��e Code. You or } our attome}' «�ll ha� e to mal:e a«Titten request for a hearing if }'ou �a ish to contest the denial of ; our rene« al application. Hearing Procedures: If you contest the facts stated abo��e in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heazd before an adnunistrative law judge, whose findings and recommendations wili be given to the St. Paul City Council for a final deternunation. If pou choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection «ill also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold t}�pe, but wish to proceed with the license applicarion process and continue to operate as a taxicab driver v,ith licensure by the City of St. Paul, you will need to admit in w•riting to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter w�ill then be scheduled for hearing before the St. Paul City Council for a final determination regazding the status of your taxicab driver's license. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type and do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab driver within the City of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab driver s license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal application. Page 2 Please contact ine or Peter ��gborn. at '66-8710. �� itliin ten (10) � s fran ti�e date of this ]etter as to ��hether � ou admit or dem' the lii�hlighted facts stated abo� e_ and ��,hether } ou �i ish to ha� e an administrati� e hearing on those facts. .�s stated abo� e, if } ou choose to proceed �cith an administrati�e hearin�, � ou ��ill need to make that request in «riting. � ,,fi '}— _ 1 _ d"' Very truly ��ours, � ��/Lti� � �� 'J � ���.,�� J Virsinia D. Palmer Assistant City Attome}� cc: Robert Kessler. Director. LIEP Christine Rozek. LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 qq -2�D �- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COTR3TY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on January 29, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the £ollowing named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an er_velope addressed as follows: Mr. Brian Gore 537 Topping Street St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th da� Ja ary 1999. / /� � / / , /� � ^~• � Notary Publi ` r.eyCa P.PAN�BOAN S16UC - M�t,`:SC _."' �ires �a;, ..L 20� q q -ao a- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COtTNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEM�NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 9, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Brian Gore 537 Topping St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day�f Fe�ua��)1999. Notary � PETER P.PANGBORN Y PUBLIC MINNE50T � Fxpirg8 Jan. 31. 2C Criminal Case 5ummary SD1008.0/990111:14401576 62 K6 97 003103 Felonv Date filed: 09/25/1997 Name: GORE, BRIAN TODD, [9-23 Alias: �q��� DOB: 09/06/1968 Race: White Dfnt Attrny: P. AREANNA COALE Dfnt Status: Own Recog Status Case Status CLOSED Offens Location: 1 Continuances: CCT Plea Charge 001 GUILTY FEL POSS 002 FEL POSS Date Last O5/11/1998 Pending l0/17/2001 Sex: Male Soc Sec # Date: e Date: Trial TEAR GAS jP DANG WEAPON Activity Time Pd in Full 12:20 Archive Type: Public Def O5/11/1998 Bail Amount: 09/23/1997 Warrant Date: Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District Chap/Sect/SUbd GoC UoC Verdict 624.731 3B N W1603 Convicted 609.66 1G1 N W1699 Dismissed Judge CRTRM Disposition Date Next FC_ 04 06 08 10 `l`t-aos-. TAI648 SD1034.1/990127:15362553 Name Index Display 1 of ? Name: GORE, BRIAN. . . . . . GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:04/14/1989 Unlaw Det 62-CO-89-4072 Cit ;: Youth #� Archived GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /HEBERT, WELCH, HUMPHREYS & GRINDBE(PLN) Defendant FLD:12/15/1993 Trans Judg DOB 62-C7-93-13601 Cit �: Youth ,�: Judgment GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /GOLDBERG BONDING COMPANY(PINj Defendant FLD:06/29/1994 Trans Judg DOB 62-C9-94-6773 Cit #: Youth #: Judgment GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:02/17/1994 Concil 62-SX-94-884 Cit �: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . - / FLD:04/11/1994 Concil 62-SO-94-2062 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:O8/09/1993 Concil 62-56-93-61820 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./ Defendant FLD:04/13/1990 Paternity 62-FO-90-50281 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./ FLD:O8/17/1993 Dom Abuse 62-F3-93-2255 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD, [9-23-97] . . . . Defendant FLD:09/25/1997 Felony 62-K6-97-3103 Cit #: RID #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . Defendant FLD:12/23/1998 Concil 62-SX-98-9190 Cit #: Archived Archived DOB X Judgment Archived . . /The State of Minnesota(PLN) FEL POSS TEAR GAS [PROH] DOB 09/06/1968 Youth #: SA Closed DISP: Convicted . ./E.S.W.,INC.(PLN) Youth #: DOB X Open GORE, BRZAI3 TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PIN) FLD:08/15/1996 Mvnq Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62^TX-96-42086 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:12/28/1995 Mvng Petty IMPROPER LANE USE DOB 09/06/1968 62-TO-95-61459 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:12/28/1993 Mvng Misd DAS DOB 09/06/1968 62-T1-93-39711 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:08/09/1996 Misdemeanr DOC DOB 09/06/1968 62-T1-96-41098 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GORE, BRIAt3 TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) � � FLD:05/23/1997 Parking EXPIRED METER 62-T3-97-33367 Cit n: Youth n: Archived �ORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . .jState of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:09/25/1997 NMvg Petty STOP SIGN VIOL [73.50] DOB 09/06/1968 62-T4-97-66572 Cit T: Youth n: SA Archived Paging: [n = Page number, <> = Change direction, IrLast Page] Function code: Codes available: 12 A$Z TAI648 Name Index Display Name: GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °t9 -��-- SD1034.1/990127:15373749 2 of 2 GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:10/07/1993 Mvng Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/�6/1968 62-T5-93-28761 Cit ,'�',: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:11/21/1989 Misdemeanr FIFTH DEGREE ASSAULT 62-T6-91-6127'7 Cit ;: Youth ,�: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:09/14/1995 5 Deg Aslt No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T7-95-43671 Cit #� Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:06/20/1995 Mvng Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T7-95-615385 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . ./State o£ Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/16/1990 Misdemeanr No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T9-91-61273 Cit #: Youth �: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/14/1997 Mvng Petty DISOBEY SEMAPHORE DOB 09/06/1968 62-T9-97-5976 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names are "sound alikes "for GORE GEROY, BRIAN KEITA . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:10/11/1993 Mvng Misd NO PROOF INSURANCE DOB 04/12/1961 62-T9-93-309512 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GREER, BRIAN SCOTT . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/13/1998 Parkinq EXPIRED METER DOB 09j12/1443 62-T6-98-601475 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GREWE, BRIAN LEVERN . . . . . . . . . / FLD:08/20/1991 Pers Injry 62-C7-91-10242 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GUERRERO, BRIAN ANDREW . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:08/04/1998 NMvg Petty No Convictions on Case DOB 09/28/1978 62-T7-98-627924 Cit #: Xouth �: Archived ��� GENERAL SECURITY SERVICES C�RPORATION" 9110 \Ir:ido���� �e��� Ro.tct '..Iinne:lpoli�. \I\ »-S2> (612) 859->-iSl • (613) R5S-5aS_' 1-500-25�-2155 E�[ ll�.patr!t F:i� (612) S�8-�o�9 °� �COUNT NAbiE 1![;�Gv_.r C� (,i,..'�-�.� C. C� i. �., '�C� w. K�_ � ic��. ( tz�c,Po��� b��v Ic'! ,c�.t� i LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE ° R°POR7ING OrFI ASSISTING OFFiCcR lZ�,c,� `7�0 �5� I�_ 4�c��� DISPOSITION �� ARflcST ❑ ADVfSED ❑ CLARED '; NOTIFY OTHER AGENCY Q PcN01NG �, ' ❑ REPORTING PARTV ��) NAME (LAST, RFST, M:DOLE) D03 Q VICTIM ❑ WITNESS ADDRESS PHONE ❑ REPORTING PARN �2� NAME (L4ST, FIRST, MIDDLE) DOB ❑ VICTIM L7 WtTNESS ADDRESS PHONE � REPORTING PARTY �3) NAME (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE) � DOB ❑ VICTIM Q WITNESS AD4RESS PHONE (7) SVSPECT(LAST,FIRST,���� � `, �� � DOB � � �� R� SEX HAIR EYES M a v�., � ADDRESS CLOTHING/ADDITIONALINFO VEHICLE UCENSE x O SUSPEC7 O ViGTIM ,_ q9'� � INCIDENT REPORT bLdwes: ?zVOI orv:s�on TYPE OF REPORT IR = � ?�P.SON PRO?ER7Y � =� iv=o ca�r�e � csuJt >. 3(�. DATElTIhiZ RE?O.1TcD ` PAGc' � OF � Q d � � � DATcOCCURR'eD i^J'tOCCUaRED I Gi'�''J ! l, � ' I o=�as�iwcio�h� I i�� AGE I RACE I SEX � HAIFi I EVES HT WT BLD FACIAL HAIR LIC S7ATE I VEH YR ADDRESS YES ❑ NO PHONE # OC� 1�' R. Q� [�S"� ,�-. .t�� r�: Q<1..'-�r �h%C�.Ct � �nr� F DISTRIBUTION SIGNATURE V BADGE# EMPLOYEEu ❑ CLIENT ❑ IR O ACCOUNT ❑ OFFICER ��� ) �Q�J '� J a b �"1 ZG, Z � X= Unknown Leave box blank il not app��cahle WHITE - CLIENT COPY YELLOW - ACCOUNT FILE COPV PINK- PEFiSONNEL FILE �.�i=i�`T �.•:.r��: �-��---�--, CONTINUATION REPORT GENERAL SEGURITY SERVIGES CORPORATION " )ll0 >I�:ido��� ie�� Ro:td \Iinnea��oli+. \I\ 55i?5 O=Fe�:s=; incio_n�r (G72) S�8-i��l • (612) fiiti-.-;;? ]-�(1Q-?5�-?1�5 tSL n15�GC�1 DA E'TIM P:t� c61z� s>n- G�— a qg'a°'� i FLC::es: Pzvo' I �R C �? Ic-�:�;1 � IPAvE �033� S � G � L cr � Cli��.i �G;%�( V J SC< � oof „ � a ' m � ^ _ � � < 3 � � Y z V � � Y 1 . A W W 6 6 U � � � � W S O S �❑ n t � 6 � O = a o ° � W� � x o u 3 iJ < N Q � o ¶ J p J Q O J W V 'Y u U � l�. 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J � .� � � `/ :; E _ i -' '`;''>' 1 Q � :�; � � � � �': % i a ` � ":: � � L � a- � '' � _ � 7 � U� _ F = c . _ � r ' � � N � < /./, � �"' [O _ N : C � J (� � �1 , '. I � '` � .�.5 �, r; � r i ' /� L' u �/ L '� / _ / S ^/ � !/ % �, v y � � . ❑ ,/ ,-� � z �I �"`. -� � a ' ^ i a V } _ n � : �� � � l� C = ^ � = :� i" � „ ,, _ ; v ` _ � � t ^ ,.n c J � � ` i a � ` � -- LI ` � � � � : � 4 � I = �, , I � J � � �1 v � %, , �� � � 9' "i � c _ �� y a Y , � � � d � . �,. , y " .e� �- �/` � C L! ' � ` a � .. �. � .� � � � L t- w � - �n �T � :� O � d J d ' w X I ,�1 � ' a y � ¢ a r j g� u. � � � : . Q , ` _ �_ ' `, .. W : a �- C: _ � F � F� � t .� � � , Z - ` � 9 o v_' -' J � � J u / �� ` � � � V '1 J :� � y l u ' r � �_ C� n C` ( G / �✓ ` i` y � ,! � ° � d % ' :� ` ! l' _ �` t c ' ' L � , ?� � �- � u � i. /• � ' / �` / '�"' r ��; J :l L y G ^' I / i � + � � `� � � t f `� � G � j L� / / �� rl J I ' , .� i �I� � .1� 1�- RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION �ate of Application: Dec 31, 1998 Received From: 79960000032 BRIAN GORE BRIAN T GORE 537 TOPPING ST ST PAUL MN 55103 In application for: Taxicab Driver (New) (1 ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND EM/IRONMENTAL PROTEC7ION 350 SL Pela-51. Sulta.3W $arnf Pau( Mmnesofe S5f02 (651J 266-➢090 ler: (651) 2QQ-D]24 � � a°� -� Eft Date: Jan 72, 7998 - Ezp Date: Jan 12, 2000 Lic Fee: $21.00 Amount Paid: $21.00 Total Due on this application 82�.00 Other Fees Owed 50.00 Account Total Amount Due $21.00 Amount Paid 521.00 Date Received Dec 31, 1998 Outstanding Account Balance Due 50.00 Contacts: ProjectFaciiitator: ROZEKCHRISTINE (651)266-9708 Inspector(s): GILBERTSON, TROY License (651) 266-9101 Conditions: 1. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGAR LICENSE, G-600-098-799-G94. 2. ST PAUL CAB DRIVERS LICENSE ISSUED SUBJECT TO OUTCOME OF FELONY CHARGE FOR POSSESSI Requirements: Record Check ��F�y� �� .� ��� � �`� � This is not a License to operate � ��. �,'� ,� ���� .� , Page 1 of 1 __ _ /` � Taxi Driver Ci� oF sn�NT � A�L j Office of License, Inspcct�ons Renewal Form and Environmental Protzr.ion 1� y 3�ou.,�.us�,�xo nG,_r— Smt A�I, M�aa SSt02 �` (612).'66909� �, License T.D. {{ � � � Name �7 �/v�� � DOB � � C � � �nt � Middle Lnat Manih ! Day ( Ycar 5�3� ' i�np,��� S� S-�� ��v� �2, ss�o� Home Address — SVeU eddrt�aa Ciry Suie 7�p Home Phone .��'s �l �� � �' � �" � `�Name of company applicant is driving for � � �/ G '�' �'�= �.,v ��� o�xr Driver's License Number ( ��]' ( 9�'� � ��7� - � ��"�� � Expiration Date / ' � � I hereby state that I have answered all of the above questions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. � Sign r of appl' Please return this form with your ren al payment to: City of St. Paul - Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter St:eet 11300 St. Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norzn Coleman, Mayor OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ^ O ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (.t� - d Roeen Kessler. pireclor LOWRYPROFESSlONALBUILDIN6 ielephcne612-2669090 SuRe 300 Facvmtle 612-266-SOS3 350 SL Pefer SVre! 6t2-2669124 Samf Pau( M"mnewta 55f0245t0 I agree to the following conditions being placed on the following license(s): License #: Type of Business: Applied for by: 19980000032 = BRIAN GORE Doing Business As: BRIAN T GORE at: 22 DELLWOOD LAN LANDFALL MN 55128 Conditions are as follows: 1. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGARDING HIS DRIVERS LICENSE, G-600-098-799-694. 2. ST PAUL CAB DRIVERS LICENSE ISSUED SUBJECT TO OUTCOME OF FELONY CHARGE FOR POSSESSION OF TEAR GAS. , � � __�� ic see ) l2 � D te alq 79506 2.CE=?'i FOZ LICINSE AaPLICATION Anplicantr: 79506 BRIAN C-O?2E B�?AN CdRE 22 D ;i,I,WOpD L�ANE LAI�iDrAI,L M[v 55128 pnone: (612)578 City oi Saint Pau1 Office oi License, Inspections And Environ�ntal Protection 350 St. Peter St. Suite 300 Saint Pau1, Ninnesota 55102 _._ .._ , Date of Application : 12/30/97 License effective fram 12/30/97 to 12/30/98 License 2305 TA}�CA3 LICIIVSE D�SVE',R (NEW) Total Fee: � ��y� o 0000 � z n�,��,s State Tax ID#f: N/A Paia rn, s� 12 RECORD Q3E',CK--LK--LIC � `���� t� e� ��� Your licerLSe to do business will Le mailed uFon receipt of rec�ired approvals. If you have any questions regarding your license, please call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COP�INSATION COVERAGE PERSUANT TO NIII�IIVFSOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certi£y that I, or my ca�npany, am in c�npliance with the workers' c�npensation ins urance coverage requirem�nts of Minnesota statute 176.182, subdivision 2. S also understand tl provision of false infor,nation in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action aga.inst a11 licenses held, including revocation and sus if said licenses. Name of Insurance C�npany : Coverage fr�n : L� Units Fee 1 $66.00 $66.00 ��� �a�� ��� PoLicy 1Vtunber : I have no e�loyees covered under vaorkers' ca�pensation insurance. Signature of licensee Business Na� Date i Taxicab Driver License Application CITY OF SAINT PAUL 011ice of Licensq In:pections and Environmentnl Pmtection 350S�.Par*S�-AtA,AP+W.M:i SSIO: � (61�:b69090 fu:(6I�]6691ba qq- LICEYSE I�N Ifoc o`.`.ice nse only) Applicant Name: Home Address: 2-Z sbre< �y L�-, city staGe zlp Home Phone #:( � � � � C ' � Z Business Phone #:( ) Date of Birth �/ G /�-� P1ace of Birth: S� •��" i Are you a citizen of the United States? � Native Naturalized **If you are not a U.S. resident, you must provide proo£ of work authorization from the U.S. Immigration and Natura2ization Service.*• Driver's License � G' � 7 l"�I -�r, 17 Exp. Date Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for � ' �`� Do you own or lease the cab you drive? ���' What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab7 ��� I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above guestions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also hereby state that I have read and uaderstaad the rules aad zegulations set £orth in Chapter 376.16 (Taxica}�Driver's License o£ the Saint Paul Legislative Code). � „ � � � Subscribed and sworn before me this day of Notary Public, My commission expires 19 County, MN Applicant +*PROOF OF VALID DRIV£R'S LICENSE HILL SE REQIIIRED AT THE TIHE OF APPLICATSON** i .2 3° �'� Dat Council File # — 1� � � �� ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Green Sheet # G 3 516 33 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application submitted by Brian T. Gore (License ID No. 79506) is hereby approved on condition that the licensee have no fiirther criminal violations during the license period. This resolution and the action of the Council in this matter are based upon the facts contained in the January 28, 1999 Notice of violation letter to the licensee, the Raznsey County Court Records, the Ramsey County Sherif's report CN 97-25462, the February 7, 19991etter from the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: �/ � - ./L �Z /�i� Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy BY: �; � � .�Jv�-+�--.� Approved by Ma Date /'�/�(�f/[ 7(��� By: Form Approved by City Attorne BY: � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounCil sy: Adopted by Council: Date lJ \\M�- .�. � 1 q9 -aa�. DEPARTMEN7/OFFICElCOUNCIL CnrElNttwTED LIEP Feb. 18, 1999 GREEN SHEET No 63516 CONTACT PERSON 8 PFiONE InM91Deb NMW Wate Robert Ressler , p ,.,�„ Ki MUST BE ON CIXINCIL AGQ�H:+A BV (OAi� AESIGM March 3, 1999 — Public Hearing �� on�rroafr an,c�uc aamxc �� wuw�a¢avcFSax wuxa�cmmucrc ❑ r^vortl��s.vsrartl ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUES7m Approving the Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application by Brian T. Gore, 537 Topping Street. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) a Rejed (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONiitACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWSNG QUESiSONS: 1. Has fh5 perSOM�m ever xarked under a wntract for this department? PLANNINGCOMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever bem a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this peisonfirtn pqssess a sidll no[ iartnallypossessetl by any curtent city employee't YES NO 4. Is this pe�wNfirm a targe[etl ventloR YES NO F�pisin all yes ar5vieers on separate sheM antl ariach to prcen shee[ INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WM, What, When, WhHe. Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED . DISADVAM'AGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION S CAST/RhYENUE BUO6ETm (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION (IXPWN) qq .so� UNCONTESTED LtCENSE HEARlNG Licensee IVame: Brian T. Gore Address: 537 Topping Street Council Hearing Date: March 3, 1999 Violation: Date of Violation: Conviction for Possession of Tear Gas St. Paui Legislative Code § 376.16(e)(4) September 23, 1997 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Approval of Renewal Application for Taxicab Driver's License on Condition That Licensee Not Have Any Further Criminal Violations During the License Period Attachments: 1. Proposed resotution 2. Letter of Licensee 3. Notice of Violation 4. Ramsey County Court Record of Violation 5. Ramsey County Sherif s Report 6. License information OFFICE OF THE CITY A7 Clarton M Robinson. Jr.. Crry•A�tonre�� 99-a�a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayo� Cirrl Dirision A40 Ciry Hal! IS if'es� Kellogg Blyd Sainr Pau1, .Minnesata 5510? 7'e[ephone: 651 ?66-87/0 Facsimile' 6.i7 ?98-i679 February 12, 1999 NOTICE OF COiTNCIL IiEARING ^^i�O�T),1y� 'l�?' _ _ .. �ill SU�: : i��._.. Mr. Brian T. Gore 537 Topping Street ��� � r ��'�� Saint Paul, Minnesota» 103 Re: Renewal License Application for Taxicab Driver's�License Our File Number: G99-0038 = Dear Mr. Gore: Please take notice that a hearing conceming your license renewal application for a TaYicab Driver's License has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 3,1999, in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul Ciry Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning your conviction for possession of tear gas have been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remazks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be that your Taxicab Driver's License Renewal Application be approved on condition that you have no further criminal violations during the license period. If you have any questions, please cali me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Y/ih�ti'�-�J �.! czl��-c 1 U VirginiaD. Paimer Assistant City Attomey cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Troy Giibertson, LIEP � ao 1- {���`S l�ii �c,�r�rz� -- :�----- -/�---� ---� � ` ( �l �l 1 - -- - - ///� // r �/ � � �l L�� �� ��`��� �l � � �� �� / �\ � � r /� / �!C y- /�/ � C�G � � L Z�l s� -7� �G't� fc��?c/ / L,�/ � ; .!/�C ���/lo�i�✓� �62 Ct> S S . � J , / G'vr' �� ?� /�� C /�G v, �-�y � 7�j�� !�, j �Lk S� . D��_ l <, � �� ��,- �-, '� �� ��� �..-/ � ,. : , � � �'.✓ �l ��1 �/oSSi ��_ �o✓c-��/iE�-�:�. . r% '� .• - - -- --- - - - - - ----- - - -- ------- ---------- - ---����%�>---- -- - � , % - ��� ------- - , �. . G�,� � , �i SS/�3 � � /�/S� OFF10E- OF THE CiTY ATTOR\El" ('lavr»x 'ubuvson. Jr. ( iri .fuu�n� r CITY OF SAINT P �UL Sorni Co%e» �mt 11a1 ot c,,,i U,,;r,�„ J00Cip Ha77 )5 !1'est Kellogg Bhd. Smx! Poed. 1fim�eso�a ?= 10? ctc� _'a.o 1- Telephone b?l 'G6-8�10 Fats+m+le. b57?98-?G79 January 28, 1999 �OTICE OF PROPOSED DE\IAL A4r. Brian Gore 537 Topping Street Saint Paul. ?�4innesota» 10� Re: Rene��al Application for Taxicab Dri� er's License Our File I�TUmber: G99-0038 Dear Mr. Gore: The Office of License, Inspections and En� ironmental Protection is recommending denial of }�our renewal application for taxicab driver's license. This action is based on the follou�ing: On or about April 17,199$, }•ou ��ere sentenced for Possession of Tear Gas. The above conduct is a felony violarion of law, and constitutes grounds under Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Le� slative Code for denial of your license application. Section 376.16(e)(4) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code does not permit the issuance of a license to a person having a felony conviction w�ithin the past five years. Section 310.06 of the Legislative Code also allows denial of a license when such matters indicate a lack of good moral chazacter or fimess to engage in the licensed activity. Under state law, Minn. Stat. ch. 364, the City of Saint Paul must inforxn you of certain matters: First, the grounds and reasons for the denial of the license. These grounds and reasons are set forth above. Second, any complaints or �rievances that you may have will be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 310.05 of the Saint Paul Le��islati� e Code. Tl�ese procedures are substantiall�� similar to those required b� the state admir ati�'e procedures act. '�1inn. Stat. � y 1• '-.69. al9 -�'°s- Third. the earliest date on ��.hidi � ou ma} reappl� for a tasi dri� er's license �i ill be one ; ear from the latzr of the folio�i ing t�� o dates ( I) the date of � our successful completion of supen ised probation, ���ith a copy of the department of corrections discharge order and other documents sho��,�ing compliance �aith all terms and conditions of probation; or (2) the date, pursuant to section 310.02 of the LeQislati�-e Code, }our licznse is drnied bc the City of Saint Paul. Future reception of a re- application does not guazantee that there �� ill be sufficient e� idence of rehabilitation, nor that a license u ill be issued at that time. Fourth, if }°ou reappl}�, the City of Saint Paul «ill consider all competent e� idence of rehabilitation that } ou �iish to present. E�;amples of the tt pe of evidence that will be considered are set forth in section 36-�.03 of the state la«-. Since the proposed denial of } our rene�aal application for a license is an ad��erse action, � ou are entitled to the hearing procedures establiched in sections 310.0� and 310.06 of the Saint Paul Legislati��e Code. You or } our attome}' «�ll ha� e to mal:e a«Titten request for a hearing if }'ou �a ish to contest the denial of ; our rene« al application. Hearing Procedures: If you contest the facts stated abo��e in bold type, a hearing on the facts will be heazd before an adnunistrative law judge, whose findings and recommendations wili be given to the St. Paul City Council for a final deternunation. If pou choose to exercise your right to an administrative hearing, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection «ill also submit a recommendation to the judge to recover the cost of the hearing. You may then be held responsible for the cost of the administrative hearing. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold t}�pe, but wish to proceed with the license applicarion process and continue to operate as a taxicab driver v,ith licensure by the City of St. Paul, you will need to admit in w•riting to the facts stated above in bold type. The matter w�ill then be scheduled for hearing before the St. Paul City Council for a final determination regazding the status of your taxicab driver's license. If you do not wish to contest the facts stated above in bold type and do not wish to continue to operate as a taxicab driver within the City of St. Paul, you may surrender your taxicab driver s license to the license division and request to withdraw your renewal application. Page 2 Please contact ine or Peter ��gborn. at '66-8710. �� itliin ten (10) � s fran ti�e date of this ]etter as to ��hether � ou admit or dem' the lii�hlighted facts stated abo� e_ and ��,hether } ou �i ish to ha� e an administrati� e hearing on those facts. .�s stated abo� e, if } ou choose to proceed �cith an administrati�e hearin�, � ou ��ill need to make that request in «riting. � ,,fi '}— _ 1 _ d"' Very truly ��ours, � ��/Lti� � �� 'J � ���.,�� J Virsinia D. Palmer Assistant City Attome}� cc: Robert Kessler. Director. LIEP Christine Rozek. LIEP Troy Gilbertson, LIEP Page 3 qq -2�D �- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COTR3TY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on January 29, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the £ollowing named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an er_velope addressed as follows: Mr. Brian Gore 537 Topping Street St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th da� Ja ary 1999. / /� � / / , /� � ^~• � Notary Publi ` r.eyCa P.PAN�BOAN S16UC - M�t,`:SC _."' �ires �a;, ..L 20� q q -ao a- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COtTNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEM�NTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on February 9, 1999, she served the attached NOTICE OF PROPOSED DENIAL on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Brian Gore 537 Topping St. Paul, MN. 55103 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day�f Fe�ua��)1999. Notary � PETER P.PANGBORN Y PUBLIC MINNE50T � Fxpirg8 Jan. 31. 2C Criminal Case 5ummary SD1008.0/990111:14401576 62 K6 97 003103 Felonv Date filed: 09/25/1997 Name: GORE, BRIAN TODD, [9-23 Alias: �q��� DOB: 09/06/1968 Race: White Dfnt Attrny: P. AREANNA COALE Dfnt Status: Own Recog Status Case Status CLOSED Offens Location: 1 Continuances: CCT Plea Charge 001 GUILTY FEL POSS 002 FEL POSS Date Last O5/11/1998 Pending l0/17/2001 Sex: Male Soc Sec # Date: e Date: Trial TEAR GAS jP DANG WEAPON Activity Time Pd in Full 12:20 Archive Type: Public Def O5/11/1998 Bail Amount: 09/23/1997 Warrant Date: Type: JURY Jurisdiction: District Chap/Sect/SUbd GoC UoC Verdict 624.731 3B N W1603 Convicted 609.66 1G1 N W1699 Dismissed Judge CRTRM Disposition Date Next FC_ 04 06 08 10 `l`t-aos-. TAI648 SD1034.1/990127:15362553 Name Index Display 1 of ? Name: GORE, BRIAN. . . . . . GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:04/14/1989 Unlaw Det 62-CO-89-4072 Cit ;: Youth #� Archived GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /HEBERT, WELCH, HUMPHREYS & GRINDBE(PLN) Defendant FLD:12/15/1993 Trans Judg DOB 62-C7-93-13601 Cit �: Youth ,�: Judgment GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /GOLDBERG BONDING COMPANY(PINj Defendant FLD:06/29/1994 Trans Judg DOB 62-C9-94-6773 Cit #: Youth #: Judgment GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:02/17/1994 Concil 62-SX-94-884 Cit �: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . - / FLD:04/11/1994 Concil 62-SO-94-2062 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . / FLD:O8/09/1993 Concil 62-56-93-61820 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./ Defendant FLD:04/13/1990 Paternity 62-FO-90-50281 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./ FLD:O8/17/1993 Dom Abuse 62-F3-93-2255 Cit #: Youth #: GORE, BRIAN TODD, [9-23-97] . . . . Defendant FLD:09/25/1997 Felony 62-K6-97-3103 Cit #: RID #: GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . Defendant FLD:12/23/1998 Concil 62-SX-98-9190 Cit #: Archived Archived DOB X Judgment Archived . . /The State of Minnesota(PLN) FEL POSS TEAR GAS [PROH] DOB 09/06/1968 Youth #: SA Closed DISP: Convicted . ./E.S.W.,INC.(PLN) Youth #: DOB X Open GORE, BRZAI3 TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PIN) FLD:08/15/1996 Mvnq Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62^TX-96-42086 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:12/28/1995 Mvng Petty IMPROPER LANE USE DOB 09/06/1968 62-TO-95-61459 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:12/28/1993 Mvng Misd DAS DOB 09/06/1968 62-T1-93-39711 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:08/09/1996 Misdemeanr DOC DOB 09/06/1968 62-T1-96-41098 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GORE, BRIAt3 TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) � � FLD:05/23/1997 Parking EXPIRED METER 62-T3-97-33367 Cit n: Youth n: Archived �ORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . .jState of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:09/25/1997 NMvg Petty STOP SIGN VIOL [73.50] DOB 09/06/1968 62-T4-97-66572 Cit T: Youth n: SA Archived Paging: [n = Page number, <> = Change direction, IrLast Page] Function code: Codes available: 12 A$Z TAI648 Name Index Display Name: GORE, BRIAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °t9 -��-- SD1034.1/990127:15373749 2 of 2 GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:10/07/1993 Mvng Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/�6/1968 62-T5-93-28761 Cit ,'�',: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:11/21/1989 Misdemeanr FIFTH DEGREE ASSAULT 62-T6-91-6127'7 Cit ;: Youth ,�: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:09/14/1995 5 Deg Aslt No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T7-95-43671 Cit #� Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:06/20/1995 Mvng Misd No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T7-95-615385 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . ./State o£ Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/16/1990 Misdemeanr No Convictions on Case DOB 09/06/1968 62-T9-91-61273 Cit #: Youth �: Archived GORE, BRIAN TODD . . . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/14/1997 Mvng Petty DISOBEY SEMAPHORE DOB 09/06/1968 62-T9-97-5976 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following names are "sound alikes "for GORE GEROY, BRIAN KEITA . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:10/11/1993 Mvng Misd NO PROOF INSURANCE DOB 04/12/1961 62-T9-93-309512 Cit #: Youth #: SA Archived GREER, BRIAN SCOTT . . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:O1/13/1998 Parkinq EXPIRED METER DOB 09j12/1443 62-T6-98-601475 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GREWE, BRIAN LEVERN . . . . . . . . . / FLD:08/20/1991 Pers Injry 62-C7-91-10242 Cit #: Youth #: Archived GUERRERO, BRIAN ANDREW . . . . . . . . ./State of Minnesota (PLN) FLD:08/04/1998 NMvg Petty No Convictions on Case DOB 09/28/1978 62-T7-98-627924 Cit #: Xouth �: Archived ��� GENERAL SECURITY SERVICES C�RPORATION" 9110 \Ir:ido���� �e��� Ro.tct '..Iinne:lpoli�. \I\ »-S2> (612) 859->-iSl • (613) R5S-5aS_' 1-500-25�-2155 E�[ ll�.patr!t F:i� (612) S�8-�o�9 °� �COUNT NAbiE 1![;�Gv_.r C� (,i,..'�-�.� C. C� i. �., '�C� w. K�_ � ic��. ( tz�c,Po��� b��v Ic'! ,c�.t� i LOCATION OF OCCURRENCE ° R°POR7ING OrFI ASSISTING OFFiCcR lZ�,c,� `7�0 �5� I�_ 4�c��� DISPOSITION �� ARflcST ❑ ADVfSED ❑ CLARED '; NOTIFY OTHER AGENCY Q PcN01NG �, ' ❑ REPORTING PARTV ��) NAME (LAST, RFST, M:DOLE) D03 Q VICTIM ❑ WITNESS ADDRESS PHONE ❑ REPORTING PARN �2� NAME (L4ST, FIRST, MIDDLE) DOB ❑ VICTIM L7 WtTNESS ADDRESS PHONE � REPORTING PARTY �3) NAME (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE) � DOB ❑ VICTIM Q WITNESS AD4RESS PHONE (7) SVSPECT(LAST,FIRST,���� � `, �� � DOB � � �� R� SEX HAIR EYES M a v�., � ADDRESS CLOTHING/ADDITIONALINFO VEHICLE UCENSE x O SUSPEC7 O ViGTIM ,_ q9'� � INCIDENT REPORT bLdwes: ?zVOI orv:s�on TYPE OF REPORT IR = � ?�P.SON PRO?ER7Y � =� iv=o ca�r�e � csuJt >. 3(�. DATElTIhiZ RE?O.1TcD ` PAGc' � OF � Q d � � � DATcOCCURR'eD i^J'tOCCUaRED I Gi'�''J ! l, � ' I o=�as�iwcio�h� I i�� AGE I RACE I SEX � HAIFi I EVES HT WT BLD FACIAL HAIR LIC S7ATE I VEH YR ADDRESS YES ❑ NO PHONE # OC� 1�' R. 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W : a �- C: _ � F � F� � t .� � � , Z - ` � 9 o v_' -' J � � J u / �� ` � � � V '1 J :� � y l u ' r � �_ C� n C` ( G / �✓ ` i` y � ,! � ° � d % ' :� ` ! l' _ �` t c ' ' L � , ?� � �- � u � i. /• � ' / �` / '�"' r ��; J :l L y G ^' I / i � + � � `� � � t f `� � G � j L� / / �� rl J I ' , .� i �I� � .1� 1�- RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION �ate of Application: Dec 31, 1998 Received From: 79960000032 BRIAN GORE BRIAN T GORE 537 TOPPING ST ST PAUL MN 55103 In application for: Taxicab Driver (New) (1 ) CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND EM/IRONMENTAL PROTEC7ION 350 SL Pela-51. Sulta.3W $arnf Pau( Mmnesofe S5f02 (651J 266-➢090 ler: (651) 2QQ-D]24 � � a°� -� Eft Date: Jan 72, 7998 - Ezp Date: Jan 12, 2000 Lic Fee: $21.00 Amount Paid: $21.00 Total Due on this application 82�.00 Other Fees Owed 50.00 Account Total Amount Due $21.00 Amount Paid 521.00 Date Received Dec 31, 1998 Outstanding Account Balance Due 50.00 Contacts: ProjectFaciiitator: ROZEKCHRISTINE (651)266-9708 Inspector(s): GILBERTSON, TROY License (651) 266-9101 Conditions: 1. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGAR LICENSE, G-600-098-799-G94. 2. ST PAUL CAB DRIVERS LICENSE ISSUED SUBJECT TO OUTCOME OF FELONY CHARGE FOR POSSESSI Requirements: Record Check ��F�y� �� .� ��� � �`� � This is not a License to operate � ��. �,'� ,� ���� .� , Page 1 of 1 __ _ /` � Taxi Driver Ci� oF sn�NT � A�L j Office of License, Inspcct�ons Renewal Form and Environmental Protzr.ion 1� y 3�ou.,�.us�,�xo nG,_r— Smt A�I, M�aa SSt02 �` (612).'66909� �, License T.D. {{ � � � Name �7 �/v�� � DOB � � C � � �nt � Middle Lnat Manih ! Day ( Ycar 5�3� ' i�np,��� S� S-�� ��v� �2, ss�o� Home Address — SVeU eddrt�aa Ciry Suie 7�p Home Phone .��'s �l �� � �' � �" � `�Name of company applicant is driving for � � �/ G '�' �'�= �.,v ��� o�xr Driver's License Number ( ��]' ( 9�'� � ��7� - � ��"�� � Expiration Date / ' � � I hereby state that I have answered all of the above questions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. � Sign r of appl' Please return this form with your ren al payment to: City of St. Paul - Office of LIEP 350 St. Peter St:eet 11300 St. Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norzn Coleman, Mayor OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ^ O ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (.t� - d Roeen Kessler. pireclor LOWRYPROFESSlONALBUILDIN6 ielephcne612-2669090 SuRe 300 Facvmtle 612-266-SOS3 350 SL Pefer SVre! 6t2-2669124 Samf Pau( M"mnewta 55f0245t0 I agree to the following conditions being placed on the following license(s): License #: Type of Business: Applied for by: 19980000032 = BRIAN GORE Doing Business As: BRIAN T GORE at: 22 DELLWOOD LAN LANDFALL MN 55128 Conditions are as follows: 1. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REGARDING HIS DRIVERS LICENSE, G-600-098-799-694. 2. ST PAUL CAB DRIVERS LICENSE ISSUED SUBJECT TO OUTCOME OF FELONY CHARGE FOR POSSESSION OF TEAR GAS. , � � __�� ic see ) l2 � D te alq 79506 2.CE=?'i FOZ LICINSE AaPLICATION Anplicantr: 79506 BRIAN C-O?2E B�?AN CdRE 22 D ;i,I,WOpD L�ANE LAI�iDrAI,L M[v 55128 pnone: (612)578 City oi Saint Pau1 Office oi License, Inspections And Environ�ntal Protection 350 St. Peter St. Suite 300 Saint Pau1, Ninnesota 55102 _._ .._ , Date of Application : 12/30/97 License effective fram 12/30/97 to 12/30/98 License 2305 TA}�CA3 LICIIVSE D�SVE',R (NEW) Total Fee: � ��y� o 0000 � z n�,��,s State Tax ID#f: N/A Paia rn, s� 12 RECORD Q3E',CK--LK--LIC � `���� t� e� ��� Your licerLSe to do business will Le mailed uFon receipt of rec�ired approvals. If you have any questions regarding your license, please call ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COP�INSATION COVERAGE PERSUANT TO NIII�IIVFSOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certi£y that I, or my ca�npany, am in c�npliance with the workers' c�npensation ins urance coverage requirem�nts of Minnesota statute 176.182, subdivision 2. S also understand tl provision of false infor,nation in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action aga.inst a11 licenses held, including revocation and sus if said licenses. Name of Insurance C�npany : Coverage fr�n : L� Units Fee 1 $66.00 $66.00 ��� �a�� ��� PoLicy 1Vtunber : I have no e�loyees covered under vaorkers' ca�pensation insurance. Signature of licensee Business Na� Date i Taxicab Driver License Application CITY OF SAINT PAUL 011ice of Licensq In:pections and Environmentnl Pmtection 350S�.Par*S�-AtA,AP+W.M:i SSIO: � (61�:b69090 fu:(6I�]6691ba qq- LICEYSE I�N Ifoc o`.`.ice nse only) Applicant Name: Home Address: 2-Z sbre< �y L�-, city staGe zlp Home Phone #:( � � � � C ' � Z Business Phone #:( ) Date of Birth �/ G /�-� P1ace of Birth: S� •��" i Are you a citizen of the United States? � Native Naturalized **If you are not a U.S. resident, you must provide proo£ of work authorization from the U.S. Immigration and Natura2ization Service.*• Driver's License � G' � 7 l"�I -�r, 17 Exp. Date Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for � ' �`� Do you own or lease the cab you drive? ���' What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab7 ��� I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above guestions and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also hereby state that I have read and uaderstaad the rules aad zegulations set £orth in Chapter 376.16 (Taxica}�Driver's License o£ the Saint Paul Legislative Code). � „ � � � Subscribed and sworn before me this day of Notary Public, My commission expires 19 County, MN Applicant +*PROOF OF VALID DRIV£R'S LICENSE HILL SE REQIIIRED AT THE TIHE OF APPLICATSON** i .2 3° �'� Dat