88-758 WHITE - CiTV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPAi7TMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. -� - Council Resolution `� ��; Presente By Referred To �'� U �$ Committee: Date ���� Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLYED, that the City of Saint Pa enter into Ageement No. 64535 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Tran tion far the fdiowing p�rpose to wit: pu�suant to Minnesata Statute 16A.15, to pr 'de far payment, es6mated to be �$����►'�6 , . , by the State to the Cit�► of the tate's share of the Payne Arcade Easi Sewer Sep�ration Project performed by the ity on Trunk Hlghway No. 61 (Arcade Street) within the ca�porate C'rty lim" under State Project No. 6221-34 (T.H. 61=102j BE IT FURTHER RESOLYED, that the C�y cers are hereby authorized and �ected to execute such ageement. , `��, l/Jd� �� 1�cV��.t�Q ;,�5 S�are � �`� Cc>1n�}rt�c�� �pS'�. To �/��� /G6. �l,� �►G`� Kc��Gba( ��� �� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays v�mond Puk�liC Wox'kS (DJD� 4^22^88 Lo�g [n Favor . � Goswitz � Rettman (� �he1�� _ Against BY Ssw.�. �Ison Ju� � �y � Form App ed b City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yas- ounc.il S ret By By �„ _ - 1Aav r. ate _ ' a Approved Mayor r S missi to Council � '1`�-� 1�,..,. P11Bl1SHE0 J U N 2 5 1988 ,_._ /�� �T�+, � , o�,t a�nu► aae caw�eTe� �/' ..���� . r,� �#�EE� �#��'� �:O C��3��� � . - , , . � . � oEP�rr�r o�c�oA 5 wvon�«+;�srMm. � �a�s�s o�croa (ar a.�c � 1Nl1A8E FOR �. � �� . p OR�i�R' em�rrow�v � _ _ <. Resolution ta enter into an agre�m nt tween the �Kinnesota Departmei�t o� Transpartation (MnDOT� and the eit of Saint Paul'�to share constructxon costs far the Payne-Arcade East Sewer Se aration Project. L a �r �A7lOM�(Jlpprove 4�>or Refect(A)) REPCIR7': Y . . . rLMMldf3(�M118810N . CNIL BERVICE COMMI3310N . DATE IN � DATE 01lT �ANALY3T � - YFIONE NO. � ��� �.��.�„� .6'� S" 6 ��/ �� ��� �� ,�,..�._ �,�� _ _Pon�oot r�o. . _p��eoic* o�erw�T oou+c� *Ex�u _ au�aers w�a�c�x�crn�z R���►l 1C(�` • �. • . Nor�e Coun�it Research ent AP� � � i9�8 RECEIVED MAY 09,�95 �Fr]CE OF THE Dl,?�CTp�P 2.7 . �PAR��E� OF FIIVANC� � �9S$ . , �d�t SERVt : � `:`. � ..�rn�wa�eM.��v�+rn�wno.wna,wnn,:wn«�.w►�rf: . B�cause Arcade Str�t is both a Ci Street ztr�d designate� State �runk Highway No. 61 the sewer, and ro�d�. improve ts will benefit the C �jB Sa�x�t Paui and � the $t�te o� Minne�o�a. �here�ore, b��h gover`i�tent er�j,��,ies �uli3 sl'rare t�e : con�.truction, cost� f�r_the se�rer road �mprr���ments, D�, M,q y ���88 _ �3�.S OF� ,. ��.�a�c.o.�:r�w►: � . : The State will con�ribute Yfi� ($18 ,444.03� to�va�d the estimated tota�=' � construction cost o� $1,163,16z. 95 or tY�e Payne-Arcade E t Sewer ;��ration - Project. � . �Q, 1tJ�J�1��c�- A.�- �t' ��.+� �3�- � �� ��`�"'�+�) o,�,� �"� � �,�v�, ,�t,vf�,e, F�cc� ° � ,. _ . ��+�i.R.ra�o wna„�: _ . � : , KlpMiN�t QOqiS Not a�prove agreement none The City pays full � . ,. -. - .. ,��-, cos� fe�r t�e praject. �t�pnut�e�rrs: _ ,Good cooperation Y�etween the 'City of Saint Pa�ul .and the' State of i�i�.nnesota with grevious construction agreement . . , �u.�: _ , . . . NQne '''� ', �: `�; �'f �,�`�'�'r�� ;t:�:. �_��..� CITY f SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART ENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Councilmember Thomas Dimo d Councilmember Roger Goswitz Councilmember Robert Long RECEIVED Councilmember Janice Rettma Councilmember James Scheib I Councilmember Kiki Sonnen MAY 131988 Councilmember William Wilson CITY CLERK From: Dick Rohland �- � Public Works Department 292-7502 Date: May 12, 1988 Re: Council Resolution 88-758 pert ining to an agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Minn sota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) to share construction costs for t e Payne-Arcade East Sewer Separation Project Attached is a copy of Council Resolutio No. 88-758 scheduled for the May 17, 1988, council agenda. Engineers have deter ined that MnDOT should contribute an additional $1 ,825.00 to their share of the cost of # e Payne-Arcade East sewer construction. I have crossed out the original estimate on the attached copies of the Green Sheet and Council Resolution and written in the new total stimate for MnDOT's share of the construction cost. The percentage noted on the Gre n Sheet of MnDOTs share of the construction cost does not change appreciably with t e additional $1,825.00 contributed by MnDOT. A revised cost sharing agreement betw en the City of Saint Paul and MnDOT is being prepared to show this change. Dan Du ford requests that Council Resolution No. 88-758 be laid over indefinitely on the council a enda until the Public Works Department receives the revised agreement. /m bg cc: Dan Dunford Chris Nicosia City Clertcs Office .► , w,�irE - c�.� c�.ewK � Co�ncil ('i(i�'%iJ'S �.��� _ � �,��;�„Me�. (J I "I'�" O I' �:� I \'1' ���\ LT I, File N0. j U / C��.wnr -- Ul lf l.V 1: — r..n.O�+ Council �Zesc�lution Prc��cncecl L3v _ _ __ Referred To (:ommittee: Date _ Date Oul o( Commiltce (3y _ BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint P ul enter into ac�'t°ment No. 64535 with ihe State of Minnesota, Deoartment of Transp ation for �the following purpose to wit: pursuant to �rlinnesota Statute 16A.15, to ovide for payment, estimated to be �,��� by the State to the City of the State's sh��re of the Payne Arcade East � Sewer Sepa►"ation Project performed by the City on Trunk Hlghway No. 61 (,�rcade Str'eet) within the corporate City li its under State Project No. 6221-34 (T.H. 61=102) BE 1T FURTHER RcSOI.VED, that the City Officers ar�e hereby autha'ized and directed to execute such ac�reement. C'OU�CIL \'1C:Mf31=RS Requested by Departinent o(: Y�:�, n�:�Y, (DJD) 4-22-88 n����„���� Public Works _-- �.,,,,� -- In Favor cus„ir,. itcii���;��� __ Against �Y - — ti��i���i,�•� -- ti�������•„ ��•�i.���� }�orm ApproveJ by City Attorney /�du��tcd b�• C�c>uncil: D:ilc -------- - Ci�rti(ii•d I';i�•:i�ii b�' Cuuni il 5rcrel:ir�� E3 y .—. - — � ------------- -- ----- I � ; -----__..------------- -- - iApproved hy MaYOr (or Submission to Council A����r���c�� l�� ',I:���or. D:ilr ---------------.._ ...---------_ Ilti _.-------- ---- --------- dy -- - , -------�— (�l—�'� �✓ u �O'::°�nATOR , � OATE INITIAt U (DaTE CC6tPtETED ��y++y�^�� ��R�'�� NO. G V�� � � C� .�. . .. � - ' L.V y..�� 1 � -Ilanatd_.� �N�.c�aa�d_' _-� la-- �_ -- ------- -- COriTaCT " ON �n+.m:;.�''" _1 ce�.�v+r���Nr oir_c�nta �j r.t.nvoN ifjR AFii"T � � • ASSIGN - � FiP:.:NCE a ti���::�c[n.�cN�secw:c_s oi�+eCroa 6 Cirv a_ax ��( ��J �d,L�11Ili�C1___ ---- NU`dE3ER FOR . -- ,. . �E'T CONTA�7 Pt1UM1c NO . HOUTING �-�"BLC..oT-DiaceTQR r'���'_ �— ���—�� '-'tibl_ic ti�Tork�� �292-6750 ORDER: `� �iTV,.,7o,�,=_� . ` � '� . �'�; �'-� ' SUL?JECT/pcSCRlP'fION UF PROJcCT/flECUEST: �' Resolution ro enter into an agre�me t �EtW��i1 the Minnesota De��ZY'tlTl�ilt Of �r'�� Trar_sportat:ion (NInDOT) and the City of Sair.t Paul to share construci.i.orl c.asts for the Payne-Arcade East Sewer Sep ration Project. t,: � ,�;r RECObIMENDA710nS:;a�p;���..(A)or Rajzct(fi)) COUNCIt fl SEARCM R£POGiT: _�_... ==�VN!NG CC.`:�`=�S�::�++ C�VIL SERViCE COMbIi$S�ON DATE IV DATE OUT ANAIVST � ~aHaYc'.U. . /I /7 /►/ �r � zo�:;:vc ce+,+��:ss�e�a . �s�ezs scrroo�oo�RO �? �� f� ��� !'�✓'-ci'.�'� --- f��� / CHAFlTcFl CO`dMi55104 . � LETE AS IS ADO'L wf0. cD�� Rc7'D 7p CONTACi C�Y:i'.ITUEtiT 5���� � � _FOitADO'lINFO.� __FctUkL1CKAU0ED'" "^G�S��CT COL•r�Ct!� . �G%?4�NATI N: . . ' . . . . � . — . , �r`:�r'�, .__. . . >Ui?GRT$WH:CH COUNGL OBJ'cCTIVE? ' - � - } ' ' � � , tio�� Cc�;rc;! Res?arch ente , � - ����iV��:i� � . ._, U J 7w�� . � � �( pQ �1a [j nn,. r " - ^ I..�rJV � � l�1�� .. . � r�(1 �i.� ;,: , � -..;:��r.R 2 7 Q . . � .. . � �r�� ��I.�iv:�GL_��rr��_ i'- , :J` i , . .. �. � ' . . -�- JLFi'✓i-,� t�,��. L INffIATING PROB�EM,ISSUE,OPPOH7UNITY�(Who.N/hat,bVhen,Where,Why): - � � - . ���� � . � ` ��� � . . B�cause Arcade .Street is both a Cit Street and designated ,State Trunk Iiighway No. 61 the sewer and road improveme ts will benefit � the City_�o_f Saint Paul and the State of_ Minnesota. Ther2fore , both government ent�ities "sYioul.d sharc the construction costs for the sewer an road improvements . _ _ �;- . . JUSTIFSCATION(Ccsii3•:nefits,Advsnta�es,Nesul[s): �. � . . / $��� �o �� U,�� ' �- - � . . .. . � ° � � � � . � . - � The State will contzibute l60 ( . j toward the estimated tota� - cor.struction cost of $1�, 163 , 162;. 95 . or. the Payne-Arcade East Sewer , Separ�."ion � U r o j e c t. �4 . ��,t.�'1� c,� -!'f— ���.::v�f.�„C� .Y�•� /�.�-'�2'�,.2.� ��:-v,.=�i.. � /�il�-� c;�-�"y �c-,..�ij �S�-�.+� ' �' `" r U U ) � . � , t;;, . G,.,..,.,t ��J :L�.�'-. ��;,i.'�C-�. r�-G1.�r�`'.. �.�H.G�, . . ' � CONSEOUENCES(V�iha;,'vVhen,and To Whom): � . .- .- � � � . � � � � . �- . - �� . � � , � � - . �LTERNATIVES: � � ROS ' � CO�FS ; � Not approve agreement none The City pays full � � cost for the project.: ..HiSTORYiPRECEDENTS:� � ` � � �� . - c;ood cooperation between the City of Saint Paul and the State of Minnesota �,:�}n previous construction agreement . �,aL i3suES: --- - - ----- ^��'.� _ , ' ti: . . ���� Members: 4 t �� ��`; CITY O � SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair -'.�,�,�;�,,�„ Janice Rettman �.Ie�uA������ ON'la'ICI�7 O Z`NH: C1TY COUNCli. Tom Dimond � �� Date: June 8, 1988 RECEIVED Com ittee Report JUN 0 81988 ,�To: Saint Paul City Coun il CITY CLERK From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee � � Roger J. Goswitz, hair The Public Works Committee at its meeting of June 8, 1988 took the „ following action: Hearing Date 1. 6/23/88 VACATION: Petitio of the H.R.A. and West Bridge Townhomes Association for the vacation of an encroachment into an easement in vacate DELOS STREET. , Recommended approv 1 on 3-0 vote. 2. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: Co demning and taking a 55-foot permanent sewer easement b tween the easterly line of LAFAYETTE AVENUE and the W sterly line of the permanent easement taken for Trout Br ok Sewer construction. Also, the north line of said perm nent easement being the north line of BRUNO STREET as pl tted and its easterly extension sub�ect to easements of ecord and existing structures for the purpose of constru ting and maintaining �a public sewer on, under and across Bruno Street. (In connection with the Trout Brook Outlet Easement Phase B Pro�ect) . Recommended approv 1 on 3-0 vote. 3. w RESOI�tF�� ;�,,�3c!'.e i�' �'��'►�"�agr�ment be�ee�' Mirtt�esota�--=: ��, �'Y'i�`an portaTt"�ta (MNDOT) and �p .S.t,, �,Pau�., ?�,,, u ... fi«� t�a sha�e truc ion costs �t`nr PAYNE/ �""`�R S�PA1�'TION P�tOJL�i' R,�con���`' ' 1'on 3-0 vote. 4. 6/21/88 RATIFICATION OF SSESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary sewer in FORESTER STREET from Canton Street to Bay Street. (Laid er from May 25, 1988) . Laid over in Committee to June 22, 1988. CI'TY HALL SEVENTI-I PLU It SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .4e . • �-�-�5� 5. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: I stallation of the WABASHA STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLAN on Wabasha from Kellogg Blvd. to llth Street and on 5 h and 6th Streets from Wabasha to St. Peter Street. Im rovements to include the following: New decorative lighti g to accommodate banners, flower baskets �4, and other speci 1' trims; information kiosks containing lists of stores a d events, maps, telephones, news boxes and trash recepta les. (Laid over from May 25, 1988) . . Recommended appro al on 2-1 vote - Dimond voting "NO": 6. 6/14/88 FINAL ORDER: Th operation of the Above Standard Street Lighting System or the WABASHA-STH-6TH AREA for the year 1988 for the fol owing streets: Both sides of Wabasha Street from Kell gg Blvd. to llth Street; Both sides of ,. 5th Street and 6t Street from St. Peter Street to Wabasha Street. (Laid ove from May 25, 1988) . � Recommended appro al on 3-0 vote. 7. RESOLUTION - 88- 33 - Amending the 1984, 1985 & 1986 Capital Improvem nt Budget by adding $205,232.56 to COMO AVENUE OVERLAY-CA ITAL HTS. COMO PARK from activities as listed. Recommended appro al on 3-0 vote. � 8. ORDINANCE - 88- 27 - Amending Chapter 87 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the Water Code and Water Service Connectio s. Recommended appro al on 3-0 vote. 9. REQUEST of Wayne ardes for consideration of approval of a Registered Land Survey to simplify existing legal descriptions for roperty located at LONDIN LANE and LOWER AFTON ROAD. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. 10. RESOLUTION: Recy ling contract for 100' funding, $379,542, from Ramsey Coun y. Recommended appr val on 3-0 vote. . , , �6 73� 11. ORDINANCE - 88-89 - Amending the Legislative Code so as to provide penalti s for unlawful removal of materials set out for recycling ollection. ��,,,, Recommended approv 1 on 3-0 vote with amendment to include the word "alleysi e" on page 2, paragraph .04 - to read "Ownership of recy lable materials set out for the purpose of particpating in curbside or alleyside recycling . programs. . . . " 12. ORDINANCE - 88-8 7 - Amending Chapter 126 of the Legislative Code ertaining to surfacing between curb and sidewalk. r Recommended approv 1 on 3-0 vote. 13. ORDINANCE - 88-8 8 - Amending Chapter 160 of the Legislative Code p rtaining to parking meter zones. Recommended appro al on 3-0 vote with the amendment to limit it to day c e facilities in the downtown district.