88-757 WHITE - GITY CLERK PINK - FINANC�E GITY OF AINT PAUL Council (�/.,�/� CANqRV - DEPAR�TMEN7 FIlE NO. �+�+ �� BLU� - MAVOR � Council esolution _ ���' . _ �� � � Presen d By �� Referred To �'4►�lm� / +' JS Committee: Date �«`�� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council o the City of Saint Paul hereby pledges to hold harmless and defe d any claims brought against the management of Bandana Square nd its cooperating tenants by par�icipants in the Division o Parks and Recreation ' s "Big Wheel Rally" , an event involving ricycle races and events for the City ' s youngsters, in ret rn for Bandana Square offering space for the event to be held on July 14, 1988. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DimOnd Nays � Goswitz In Favor COMM SE S Long � Rettman � Against Scheibel �ertrreYY-- Wi13on JUN - g 1986 Form Ap ve by it tor Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas C ncil S a BY gy, y J� . 4 ��88 Approv by M for ission to Council A►ppr ve Mavor: By "��' ~ ���{�p �u i� 1. 81988. CommurLity Services DEPART ENT Ng 3757 Ron Fl�utfi`� � ,CONTA� ,(J�-�i �-7 t/� 292-7400 PHONE � � AQril 13, 1988 DATE e r �Q ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Lo ations for Si nature : a'Department Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Mana nt Services Director � City Clerk ....��2�6udget Director �� � ` yCity Attorney 5 Ron Hauth -Parks & Recreation � � �� �� 1� � WNAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTYON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ d1(�.,U'��� Rationale) : '4 The Division of Parks and Recreation will be able to use the parking lot at Bandana Square for its "Big Wheel Rally" . ������� ����a ch Center RECE11/Ep �ttC��t�ED (��y 0 6 9�� APR 2 2 1988 A�P R � i; i 9�$ canm�nit�r serv;ces COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS NTICIPATED: i�lAl'G��'� (���t�E No direct cost. T�ere will be a oene i� of Bandana Square ass7sting the City i n publ i city fov� �hi s cve¢��;.. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHA GED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: NA Activity Number: RECEIVED ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : ppR z 5 1988 City of St . Paul Council Res�lution BUDGETOFFICE DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW XYes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INS RUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � >:r _ �� , - � _ -z.,ri�- :�- s�.,, ��.�-�.�`'' �,,,� �-�'� _ _ : }-- ��r��= A�ter�e��s: . ��'7''Y �B` �.�3�TT �AZ7L Jar�cae F�ettman.chair . ,.2 . �111�1r1so� : .t��Qs . CITF t�E#"�'i+�. . , $Gb�g - . : C�s: .�ae 2�, 1 ;. , _ ..�� ,�� �tB'F'�l�� ` . : _�w�' ���'���`.,. .� . . - � _ ., . . - � ��` �. . _.. _ . . �Ot: $c31C� �''dlll Clfi�` .�,�0� '�' __ - : �ra� ; �omcrrunity �nc� S�ri� �t��tm��� _ ��� F���f ' - . : - , The meeting af the Commnunitg and H Seaevfccs Co�sfCtee was held on Weclnesday, Juae l, 1488. _ The €ollowfng wsre ia atteadaaces J ice �stta�sn� Chsir b LoaB., Cauatil�ar .. S 1i Wt2son, Couacfisemb�r .� . g�r Gosw3tz, Couacflmrsber ": . ki Soanea, Cauaci�er �. T rry Sullivate, Cfeq Attarneg'a Of f 3ae� " P l $yrne, Citp Attorneg•a Office - J Coliins, Legislative Aids � J Murphp, Program Analpat ara Bensoa Secreta . _, , _ 1. .Git���t�iY ASe�a :�7"Y-8�. It�at i3o. �s�.,.r�1,u��t1► - ����"�.:,; ' , . '�1ed . _ , $�R&.,. , � clai�eais b�toaght:��� � . {� � .. - �r;�e byr p rttct , � . . , r �� g,t�+��. Ra21p ,.b� �$` ta �be �iv��;.o�'� „ „ f eI8 Ju1p i4, 1988. : - . _ _ . „� � _ . �.. . , , . _ ;;. . , . -� .. � , � .. . . _ . .:, : 2. C#ty Cauncil A$enda �/24/88,` Itsa o. 38: �teaolution - �8�-825 — � Approving application for Oae Time Gambling permit (raffle) applied for by the St. Paul Area Board af Real ora located at Z2Q0 Larganteur Avenne on .Tuly 25, 1988 betw�en 6:00 p.s�. anck 9:00 p.m. Recommendec� approval. on 3-2 vote. � � , 3. Ctty Council Agenda 3/19/88, Item N , 3: First Reading - 88-780 - An ordinance amending Section 409.03(b of the Legislative Code limiting the issusnce of off-sale intoxicati g liquor licenses as it pextains to general food stores. Withdrawn by author. CfTY HALL ROOM NO. �04 SAINT AU4 MiNNESOTA SS 102 61Z/39�5239 : s