88-756 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council �/ CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 Q��.'7/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. _i� `� y�� - C ci esolution ��� Presented By �'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul ity Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Jack A. Meggitt to serve on the Youth Athletic Sports Fund Boar . He fills the vacancy created by the resignation of Kathy Crea, who resi ned due to illness. He will represent Ward 5 as an Adult Representative. This term expires December 31, 1988. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman sc6e;be� �� Against BY - Sonnen Wilson MAY 1 7 198 Form Approve 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Yasse y ncil S cr y B3' gy. N`^`� Approved Mavor: Date �° �-wY � Appr by Mayor f i si n o our�cil By �{� M AY 2 198_. � J� �� � ��� . sO'� CI Y OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA TMENTAL MEMORANDUM April 22, 1988 TO: Council President J mes Scheibel Members of the Sain Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson Assistant to the Ma r RE: YOUTH ATHLETIC SPORT FUND BOARD--APPOINTMENT The attached resolution appo nts Jack A. Meggitt to serve on the Youth Athletic Sports Fu d Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation o Kathy Crea. Kathy Crea resigned due to illness. He will be he Adult Representative from . Ward 5. A copy of Mr. Meggi 's application is enclosed. Mayor Latimex requests your c nsideration and approval of this appointment. If you have any questions, feel free to call. OLP/dY'm cc: Howard Bell, Committee S aff Council Research ������� ���' z:+'��I`'� '�'� .--,.--- , , ���r • � . � N° 013594 , Mayor's Of f ice �$P�� . . " - - Ora Lee .Patterson ¢ONTACT N 298-4323 PHONE � April 22, 1988 1�ATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORD�R: (See everse �ide.) _ Department Director 1 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and l�tanagement Se�Cvices Di ctor 4 City Clerk Budget Director 3 Cit Councilmsmber 2 .City Attorney ', _ n/Ir_ _ �,'OTAL NIII�BER OF SIGNATURE PAG�S: 1 Clip all locations for signature.) � W Y TAKINfG TH A P (Purpose/Rationale) _ ; � Jack �1. Megg#tt apgointed to ',serve on outh Athletic Sports Fund Board, replacing � Kathy Crea (who resigned due 'to illnes ). He will serve as an Adult Representative of Ward 5. His term expires December 1, 1988. C�ufl�il �e���rch Con�or MAY 0 619a8 0 B II G Y AND E C D: N/A CING 0 CE D BU V R G D C DIT D: (Mayor's signature not requireld if unde $10,000.) Total Amount of Trat�s�ctionr N/A Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and numbe� sll atta hments.) ' 1 Cou til Resolution ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regul;ations, P ocedure�, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are '�,they or t metable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW A Yes �No Council resoluj�Gion requ red? Resolution required? X Yes _No _Yes x No Insurance reqw'ired? Insurance sufficient? �Yes �No Yes +No Insurance attaiched?