88-754 wHITE - CiTr CLERK COQI1C11 (�//�/!' `�f PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL �/� �(�] �ANAR`.' OEPAitTMENT File NO. �+� -�'v � BLUE �! MAVOR o nci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Lu�EiEREAS the City Council's adoption of Budget Goals and Policies" will allow the Council to begin to focus our vision fo City service delivery priorities within the constraints of available revenues and r asonable taxing policies; and, WE�REAS the City Council, as part of it strategic planning process determined that it wanted to "establish long-term prioriti ed goals and objectives for all capital and operating budgets, as well as regular nitoring of property management, purchasing, assessments, valuations, treasury, and e Civic Center. The result would be to insure greater City accountability to taxpayer , and closer policy direction by the Council of the City's financial goals"; and, Wf�RF,AS the City Council, in consultati n with the Mayor's Budget Office, has determined that a biennial budget proce s would best serve the City's interests, and, Wf�REAS the City Council would like to more proactive in setting policy direction for guiding the annual preparation of e City's operating budget; and, WEIEREAS the City Council would like to pend more time focusing on future needs for service level changes and analyzing the Mayor's Proposed Budget before having to adopt the 1989 budget; and, WHEREAS the City Council would like to xplore all opportunities for improving the City's budget decision making process a ter they have experienced their new comnittee structure, hired new research staff, an obtained recommendations for improvements by the Mayor, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor propose y May 31, 1988 an amenchnent to the Budget Calendar ordinance to change the budget adoption deadline from October 1 to October 27 so as to be consistent with the state 1 w which provides that tax levies be certified by October 27; and, be it also Page 1 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B �be1be� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Yassed by Council Secretary BY � gy, Approved by Mavor: Date Appr d by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY WMITE - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council /��-(//� QANARV - DEPARTMENT �C Q � BLUE � MAVOR File NO. �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Mayor reca�nend to Charter Catranission and the City Council, appropriate language to modernize Secti 10 of the City Charter; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Budget Director prep re both a multi-year revenue projection and a 1987 status report for the General Fund and General Debt Service Fund for review by the Cabinet, Mayor and City Council so that the most current financial data is available for guiding budget policy discussion an adoption; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Mayor is requested t propose to the City Council "Budget Goals and Policies" to guide the preparation of e 1989 operating budget; and, be it also RESOLVED, that it is City Council's int nt to adopt both "Budget Goals and Policies" and a budget resolution which will iden ify their intent to set spending and taxing limits for 1989; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Proposed Cap'tal I�rovement Budget document include an estimate of the total impact on future ears operating budgets for all projects now under construction and those recommende for funding in 1989; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Mayor and operating partments are requested to provide general budget projections for 1990 at the tim the 1989 proposed budgets are submitted to the Council; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Budget Office's dra t report on "Opportunities for Improving How Budget Decisions are Made" be submitte to the Cabinet, Mayor and City Council by May 15, so that identified options can be analyzed as the current budget process is experienced this year; and, be it also Page 2 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Fav r Goswitz Rettman B �hQ1�� A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr d by City At orne Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Yassed by Council Secretary By � � By, t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Appro d by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK CO11�1CII PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L FANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE � MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that it is Cit Council's inte t to create a biennial bud et rocess and hereb re ests that the Ma or recorranend to e Council the a ro riate chan es, Charter and other, to i lement a bienni 1 budget for fiscal ears 1990 and 1991; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts e attached Budget Calendar for the 1988 process for determining the 1989 budget; and be it finally RESOLVED, that the Finance Comnittee wil meet as a Committee-of-the Whole for consideration of the 1989 Bud et durin e riod August 16 - October 15, 1988. Approval Recommended: �P'� Bud t 'rector Page 3 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng T In Favor Goswitz � Rettman ��.o:�� A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson MAY 19 1�8 Form App ved by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya.se ouncil Sec �a ry BY �r�� � By, � �,. ��� J �%��..��. /Approv d y iNavor: Date �-MAY 1 91 ApP� ed by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PilQIISNEO M AY 2 8198 � � . , . � . � C���s"� ITY OF SAINT PAUL CALENDAR FOR CURRENT DECISION ING PROCESS FOR ANN[JAL OPERATING BUDGET 1987 PROCESS FOR 1988 BUDGET AND 1988 PROCESS FOR 1989 BUDGET IN 1987 IN 1988 TASK . FOR 1988 BUDGET : FOR 1989 BUDGET : -------------------------------------- : ------------------- : -------------------- : 1. Departments Begin Budget Planning . . . Based on Their Assessment of Needs . January - April 15 . January - April 15 . SPEC. Council Requests Amenchnent to Modernize . . . City Charter . N.A. . April 5 . SPEC. Council Hires New Research 9taff . N.A. . March - April . SPEC. Council Amends Budget Calendar . . . Ordinance for October lOth Adoption . N.A. . May 31 . 2. Review of Multi-Year Revenue Projection . . . And Prior Year Financial Data: . . . Cabinet and Mayor . February 9 . March . City Council . No . April . 3. Cabinet Recommends Budget Guidelines to . . . Mayor . N.A. . March 24 . . . 4. Mayor's Guidelines for Preparing . . . Budget Requests to Departments . April 14 . April 7 . 5. Cabinet Recammends "Budget Goals And . . . ' Policies" to Mayor . April 1 . April 15 . 6. Mayor Reco�nends "Budget Goals and . . . Policies" to City Council . May 1 . May 1 . SPEC. Mayor and Cabinet Meet With Finance . . . Chair To Discuss Budget Issues . N.A. . May . 7. Council Adopts "Budget Goals & Policie " : No . May 31 . and Budget Resolution(s) . . . 8. Budget Director Reviews Department . . . Budget Performance, Spending and . . . Financing Plan Requests With Council . . . Research Staff Participating In Review . June 2-17 . June 1-17 . 9. Cabinet's Budget Recammendations to . . . Mayor . July 2 . July 1 . 10. Mayor Proposes Budgets to . . . City Council . August 13 . August 11 . BR/FS/405/OLD123/PERT2/04-28-88 � . , ,� ��j�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CALENI�,R FOR CURRENT DECISION MAKING PROCESS FOR ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 1987 PROCESS FOR 1988 BUDG , AND 1988 PROCESS FOR 1989 BUDGET IN 1987 IN 1988 TASK . FOR 1988 BUDGET : FOR 1989 BUDGET : -------------------------------------- - : ------------------- : -------------------- : .11. Council Reviews Mayor's Proposed . . . Budget with Departments and Budget . . . Director : August 25-Sept. 17 : August 16-Sept. 27 : 12. Council Holds Public Hearing on . . . Budget . September 17 . Cambine to #15 . 13. Council Holds Neighborhood Public . . . Hearing on Budget . September 24 . September . 14. Council Holds Public Hearing on . . . Budget And Assessment Rates . September 29 . Combine to #15 . 15. Council Holds Combined Public . . . Hearing for Budget & Assessment . . . Rates . N.A. . September . 16. Council Adopts Budget, Certifies . . . Tax Levies and Sets Street Maintenance . . . Assessments by . October 1 . October 27 . 17. Council Finalizes Water Rates By . . . Ordinance . November . November . 18. Council Finalizes Sewer Rates By . . , Resolution After Final MV�CC Bill . December . December . SPEC. Cabinet Recommends Ttao-Year Budget . . . Planning Process to Mayor . N.A. . October . SPDC. Mayor Recommends Ttao-Year Budget . . . Planning Process to Council . N.A. . November . SPEC. Council Decides on Structure of . . . T�vo-Year Budget Planning Process . N.A. . December . 19. Formalized ��aluation of Program : Select: Watergate . . Performance . Oxford Pool . January, 1989 . 20. Mayor Controls Implemsntation of Dept. � . . Work Programs Within Spending Limits . . Authorized by the Budget Ongoing . Ongoing . BR/FS/405/OLD123/PERT2/05-12-88 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BIUE - MAYOR File NO• Counci Resolution �ended 4-28-88 Presented By.s a � Referred Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date Wf�REAS the City Co cil's adoption of " dget Goals and Folicies" will allow the Council to begin to f us our vision for ity service delivery priorities within the constraints of availabl revenues and re onable taxing policies; and, WHERFA.S the City Council, a part of its strategic planning process determined that it wanted to "establish long-te prioritiz goals and objectives for all capital and operating budgets, as well as �gular mo itoring of property management, purchasing, assessments, valuations, treasur� and e Civic Center. The result would be to insure greater City accountability to tax�yers, and closer policy direction by the Council of the City's financial goals"; and, `., � WHEREAS the Cit Council, in consultatiq with the Ma or's Budget Office, has determined that a biennial bud et roces� would best serve the Cit 's interests, and, i WHEREAS the City Council would like to m�e proactive in setting policy direction for guiding the annual preparation of th Cit�r,'s operating budget; and, � WHEREAS the City Council would like to s nd mor� time focusing on future needs for service level changes and analyzing the ayor's P�iposed Budget before having to adopt the 1989 budget; and, a.A WHERF'�AS the City Council would like to e plore all oppQrtunities for improving the City's budget decision making process af er they have e�perienced their new comnittee structure, hired new research staff, and obtained recomme�dations for improvements by the Mayor, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor propose b Msp-�z-�988 Ma 31;-.1988 an amendment to the Budget Calendar ordinance to change e budget adoption de , line from October 1 to October 10 so as to be consistent with e state law which provi�des that tax levies be certified by October 10; and, be it also Page 1 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B scneibe� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr v d by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date .-L�� Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By � Appr�vedl.�y Mayor for Submission to Council � tapproved by Mavor: Date � By _ BY WNITE - C�TY CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL - Council - GANARY - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. Counci Resolution Presented By Refe d To Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date RESOLVED, That e Mayor recon¢nend to th Charter Commission and the City Council, appropriate lang ge to modernize Sectio 10 of the City Charter; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the B dget Director prepa e both a multi-year revenue projection and a 1987 status report fo the General Fund d General Debt Service Fund for review by the Cabinet, Mayor and City ouncil so that e most current financial data is available for guiding budget polic discussion and adoption; and, be it also � RESOLVED, that the Mayor is quested to propose to the City Council "Budget Goals and Policies" to guide the prepara ion of th 1989 operating budget; and, be it also RESOLVED, that it is City Council inte t to adopt both "Budget Goals and Policies" and a budget resolution which will°�dentify their intent to set spending and taxing limits for 1989; and, be it also `�,, � RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Proposed Cap al Improvement Budget document include an estimate of the total impact on future rs operating budgets for all projects now under construction and those recommend f funding in 1989; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Mayor and operating parti�ents are requested to provide general budget projections for 1990 at the time the 19� proposed budgets are submitted to the Council; and, be it also � k, RESOLVED, that the Budget Office's draf report on�"Opportunities for Improving How Budget Decisions are Made" be submitted to the Cabin�t, Mayor and City Council by May 15, so that identified options can analyzed as°�.the current budget process is experienced this year; and, be it also w� :, � Page 2 of 3 ,;, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��s In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�he;ne� __ Against BY Sonnen �Ison Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �� By t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By BY F� WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counc� Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ,� Out of Committee By � Date � RESOLVED, that it is City uncil's int nt to create a biennial bud et rocess and hereb re ests that the Ma ' r recammen to the Council the a ro riate chan es, Charter and other, to i leme a bienn'al budget for fiscal ears 1990 and 1991; and, be it further .,� RESOLVED, that the City Council ac'cepts the attached Budget Calendar for the 1988 process for determining the 1989 budget; and be it finally RESOLVED, that the Finance Conanittee �' 1 meet as a Committee-of-the-Whole for consideration of the 1989 Bud et durin e riod August 16 - September 17, 1988. . � ,, �. Appro al Reco�nended: : �l;s ��� �� �1� /� udget Director Page 3 of 3 .; �� �.. ,, COUNCIL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman B scheibe� __ A ga i n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Seccetary BY By� t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY � � �-Zs-�� � _ : CITY OF SAINT PAUL CALENDAR FOR CURRENT DECISION MAKING PROCESS FOR ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 1987 PRfJCESS FC�R 1988 BUDG , AND 1988 PROCESS FOR 1989 BUDGET IN 1987 IN 1988 TASK . FOR 1988 BUDGET : FOR 1989 BUDGET : -------------------------------=+---- - . -------------------- . -------------------- . 11. Council Reviews Mayor's Proposed . . • Budget with Departments and Budget `' . . • Director '��, : August 25-Sept. 17 . August 16-Sept. 27 . 12. Council Holds Public Hearing on ���: . • Budget i`, September 17 . Combine to #15 . , �`�,. . . 13. Council Holds Neighborhood Public . ''�, . • Hearing on Budget . `.,September 24 . September . 14. Council Holds Public Hearing on . . • Budget And Assessment Rates . Sep`�ember 29 . Cambine to #15 . 15. Council Holds Combined Public . . • Hearing for Budget & Assessment . . • Rates . N.A.�� . September . . � . • 16. Council P,dopts Budget, Certifies . `5 . • Tax Levies and Sets Street Maintenance . . - Assessments by . October 1 '`` . October 10 . 17. Council Finalizes Water Rates By . . • Ordinance . November . November . 18. Council Finalizes Sewer Rates By . • Resolution After Final MWCC Bill . December : December . ' ' ; � . . , • SPEC. Cabinet Recommends TWo-Year Budget . . - Planning Process to Mayor . N.A. . October . SPEC. Mayor Recomnends 'Itao-Year Budget . . • Planning Process to Council . N.A. . ` November . SPEC. Council Decides on Structure of . . • 'Itao-Year Budget Planning Process . N.A. . December . 19. Forntalized Evaluation of Program : Select: Watergate . . Performance . Oxford Pool . January, 1989 . 20. Mayor Controls Implementation of Dept. . . • Work Programs Within Spending Limits . . • Authorized by the Budget . Ongoing . Ongoing . RENSHAW/SWANSON/405/PERT2/04-25-88 S��- WNITE - YITV CLERK S PINK - ��INANCE GITY OF AINT �AUL Council C.�.N AFV - I��E4�AR TMEN r BIUE - MAVOR File N . Council Resolution �ended 4-28-88 Presented E3y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WEIEREAS the City Counci�'s adoption of "Bu get Goals and Policies" will allow the Council to begin to focu� our vision for C'ty service delivery priorities within the constraints of available revenues and reas nable taxing policies; and, WHERFAS the City Council, as part of its s rategic planning process determined that it wanted to "establish long-terni pr�oritized goals and objectives for all capital and operating budgets, as well as regular m�ni oring of property management, purchasing, assessments, valuations, treasury, and the Civic Center. The result would be to insure greater City accountability to taxpayers, d closer policy direction by the Council of the City's financial goals"; and, WHEREAS the Cit Council, in consultation ith the Ma or's Budget Office, has detezmined that a biennial et rocess ould best serve the Cit 's interests, and, WE�RF,AS the City Council would like to be re proactive in setting policy direction for guiding the annual preparation of the ity's operating budget; and, WHEFtEAS the City Council would like to spe d more time focusing on future needs for service level changes and analyzing the M or's Proposed Budget before having to adopt the 1989 budget; and, ��7f-IEREAS the City Council would like to ex lore all opportunities for improving the City's budget decision making process aft r they have ex�oerienced their new corrunittee structure, hired new research staff, and tained reco�nendations for improver,ients by the i�tayor, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor propose by ap-�;-�988 M� 31, 1988 an amenci�nent to the Budget Calendar ordinance to change budget adoption deadline from October 1 to October � o as to be consistent with th state law which provides that tax levies be certified� October �^ and, be it also � � a� Pa ge 1 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: ` y�s Nays Dimund [.ong [n Favor `�, Coswitz �� Rettman B sche��et _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr v d by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date r-L�r� Certified Passed b}' Council Secretary BY B� —-- � Appr�✓ed,6y Mayor for Submission to Council Appr�>cc�:a b�� Uta�:or: Date — �—�----- — I?� _ __- �� --- � F;�r ----- __ — -- I f'� � wHITE - C�TV CLEtiK PINK - FINANGE COUIIC11 BLUERr - MqypqTMENT CITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. Council Resolution . . Presented By Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Mayor rec end to the Charter Conanission and the City Council, appropriate language to moderni Section 10 of the City Charter; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Budget Director��repar both a multi year revenue projection and a 1987 status report for the General F�,d d General Debt Service Fund for review by the Cabinet, Mayor and City Council so tha�-;, e most current financial data is available for guiding budget policy discussion and``� option; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Mayor is requested to r�pose to the City Council "Budget Goals and Policies" to guide the preparation of the 198�;operating budget; and, be it also RESOLVED, that it is City Council's inten to ad�pt both "Budget Goals and Policies" and a budget resolution which will identi their intent to set spending and taxing limits for 1989; and, be it also ` - RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Proposed Capit 1 Improvement .Budget document include an estimate of the total impact on future ye rs operating budgets ior all nrojects now under construction and those recommended r funding in 1989; and, be it also RESOLV�D, that the �Iayor and operating De artments are requested to provide general budget projections for 1990 at the time 1989 proposed budg2ts are submitted to the Council; and, he it also RESOLVED, that the Budget Office's draft oort on "Opportunities for Improving How � Budget Decisions are Made" be submitted t the Cabinet, Mayor and City Council by May 15, so that identified options can be analyzed as the currenL budget process is experienced this year; and, be it also k"4, � `�, Page 2�f 3 COUNCIL MEIvIBERS Requested by Department of: y�5 Nays Dimund [.o�g [n Favor Gosa�itz Rettman B �h���� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��� Certified f'assed by Council Secretary BY 13; -------- Approved Mayor for Submission to Council A��t;n�,,, „{ b�� 11:��.'��r. U:it�' -- ----�------- ,. i3y — -- ------ -- — -- �-,, _ __ __---- ------ j ---- - �� wMITE - C�TV CLEAK - . PINK - FIN4NCE C��](](�`1� CANA-RV - DEP4RTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File �0. � Council Resolution � Presented E3y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date �'` ,: RESOLVED, that it is City Counci�'s inten to create a biennial budget rocess and hereb re ests that the Ma or rec nd o the Council the a ro riate cha es, Charter and other, to i lement a bibnnia budget for fiscal ears 1990 and 1991; and, be it further '�, RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts � attached Budget Calendar for the 1988 process for determining the 1989 budget; �.,be it finally - `., - - . RESOLVED, that the Finance CaYmittee will t a C�mittee-of-the�lhole for consideration of the 1989 Budget during peri A st 16 - 1988. �e, Gx'�i�De Y l�' ,� � : Appro al Reco�nended: , �o��J' SC''� Y�/�,� udget DirecLOr Page 3 of 3 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimund ��g In Favor cas�icZ Rettman B Scheibel _ Against y Sunnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted by Council: Date Cerlified Patised by Council Secretary BY �� --- Af>pru�c�d h� `�la�or: Date __ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . , i' �y ?3y _ .___---- _---- --—— -- . -------- � — __— i• CITY OF SAINT PAUL CALENDAR FOR CURRENT DECISION ING PROCESS FOR ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 1987 PROCESS E`OR 1988 BUDG , AND 1988 PROCESS FOR 1989 BUDGET IN 1987 IN 1988 TASK . FOR 1988 BUDGET : FOR 1989 BUDGET : ------------------------------------- : -------------------- : -------------------- : 1. Departments Begin Budget Planning . . - Based on Their Assessment of Needs . January - April 15 . January - April 15 . ' SPEC. Council Requests Amendment to Modernize . . • City Charter . N.A. . April 5 . SPEC. Council Hires New Research Staff . N.A. . March - April . ' SPEC. Council Amends Budget Calendar . -. . Ordinance for October lOth Adoption . N.A. . May 31 . 2. Review of Multi-Year Revenue Projection . . . And Prior Year Financial Data: . . • Cabinet and Mayor . February 9 . March . City Council . No . April . 3. Cabinet Recommends Budget Guidelines to . . • Mayor . N,A. . March 24 . 4. Mayor's Guidelines for Preparing . . • Budget Requests to Departments . April ,fj� . April 7 . 5. Cabinet Recommends "Budget Goals l�nd . . • Policies" to Mayor . April 1 . April 15 . ' . ,� . . 6. Mayor Recorr¢�►ends "Budget Goals and . . . Policies" to City Council . May 1 °;� May 1 . . .� - SPEC. Mayor and Cabinet Meet With Einance . • Chair To Discuss Budget Issues . N.A. : �� May . . . � . 7. Council Adopts "Budget Goals & Policies ' : No . `, May 31 . and Budqet Resolution(s) : : � : 8. Budget Director Reviews Department . . � • Budget Performance, Spending and . . � • Financing Plan Requests With Council . . - Research Staff Participating In Review . June 2-17 . June -17 . . . � . 9. Cabinet's Budget Recommendations to . . � • Mayor . July 2 . July �l . 10. Mayor Proposes Budgets to . . - City Council � . August 13 . August 11 . BR/ES/405/OLD123/PERT2/04-28-88 . :�_ �_zs -�� . . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL CALENDAR FOR CURRENT DECISION ING PROCESS FOR ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 1987 PROCESS E'OR 1988 BUDG , AND 1988 PROCESS FOR 1989 BUDGET IN 1987 IN 1988 TASK . FOR 1988 BUDGET : FOR 1989 BUDGET : 11. Council Reviews Mayor's Proposed . • • Budget with Departments and Budget . • • Director . August 25-Sept. 17 : August 16-Sept. 27 . 12. Council Holds Public Hearing on . • • Budget . September 17 . Combine to #15 . 13: � Council Holds Neighborhood Public . • • Hearing on Budget . September 24 . September . 14. Council Holds Public Hearing on . • - Budget And Assessment Rates . September 29 . Combine to #15 . 15. Council Holds C�mbined Public . • • Hearing for Budget & Assessment . • • Rates . . N.A. . September . . � . 16. Council Adopts Budget, Certifies . �°k� �/ • T� Levies and Sets Street Maintenance . ; � ~ • t � Assessznents by . Oct'�ber �� � . October •�8 . 17. Council Finalizes Water Rates By . `.. • - Ordinance . November . November . 18. Council Finalizes Sewer Rates By • • • Resolution After Final MWCC Bill . December . December . SPEC. Cabinet Recoirnnends �ao-Year Budget . • • Planning Process to Mayor . N.A. . October . . w ' SPEC. Mayor Recommends 'Itvo-Year Budget . • • Planning Process to Council . N.A. . November . SPEC. Council Decides on Structure of . • • 'It�vo-Year Budget Planning Process . N.A. . December . 19. Formalized Evaluation of Program : Select: Watergate . `�, - Performance . Oxford Pool . January, 1989 . � � �1 . 20. Mayor Controls Implementation of Dept. . • � • �dork Programs Within Spending Limits . • • Authorized by the Budget . Ongoing . Ongoing . RENSHAW/SWANSON/405/PERT2/04-25-88 !` � , ' " . �<;r �' ' WHITE - C�TV CLERK C�unCll PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - OEPATZTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR��.,,` File NO. ��v�� - Counci ResQlution .�;-�����-�.� ;.� : Present d By � Referred To Committee: Date �T� °l�~ g� 9 Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS the City Council's option of " udget C-,oals and Policies" will allow the Council to begin to focus our vision r City s ice delivery priorities within the constraints of available revenues and reas able ta ing policies; and, WHEREAS the City Council, as part its strategic planning process determined that it wanted to "establish long-term prio 'tiz goals and objectives for all capital and operating budgets, as well as regular itoring of property management, purchasing, assessments, valuations, treasury, and e Civic Center. The result would be to insure greater City accountability to taxpayers and closer policy direction by the Council of the City's financial goals"; and, � � WHERF,AS the City Council would like to moi� proactive in setting policy direction for guiding the annual preparation of the Ci y's �erating budget; and, `� WHEREAS the City Council would like to s nd mpre� tims focusing on future needs for service level changes and analyzing the yor's PY�posed Budget before having to adopt the 1989 budget; and, WHEREAS ttze City Council would like to e plore all opp�artunities for improving the City's budget decision making process after the have experien�ed their new committee structure, hired new research staff, and obtained r eomnendations foz improvements by the Mayor, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor propose b May 1, 1988 an amet3dment to the Budget Calendar ordinance to change the budget adoption eadline from October 1 to October 10 so as to be consistent with the state law which prov'des that tax levies be certified by October 10; and, be it also RESOLVED, 'I4�at the Mayor recomnend to th Charter Carrsnission and the City Council, appropriate language to mpdernize Sectio 10 of the City Charter; and, be it also Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond '� � �ng [n Favor � Gosw;tz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen �Ison Form rove by Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By By WHITE — C�TV CIERK COU�1C11 PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL ����'� CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAVOR File NO• Counci Resolution �, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that the Budget Directo prep e both a multi-year revenue projection and a 1987 status report for the General d d General Debt Service Fund for review by the Cabinet, Mayor and City Council at the most current financial data is available for guiding budget policy di ssion and adoption; and, be it also RESOLVED, that the Mayor is requested to p pose to the City Council "Budget Goals and Policies" to guide the preparation of th 1 9 operating budget; and, be it also RESOLVED, that it is City Council's inte t to a�pt both "Budget Goals and Policies" and a budget resolution which will ident'fy thei�intent to set spending and taxing limits for 1989; and, be it also '� °� RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Proposed Capi al Improveme�t Budget document include an estimate of the total impact on future y ars operating �udgets for all projects now under construction and those recommended for funding in `�989; and, be it i `e RESOLVED, that the Mayor and operating partments are requ�sted to provide general budget projections for 1990 at the time e 1989 proposed bu`d�ets are submitted to the Counci 1; and, be it '�< ,`e F[7R!'HER RESOLVED, that the Budget Office s draft report on "Oppoirtunities for Improving How Budget Decisions are Made" be submitted to the Cabi�fet, Mayor and City Council by May 1, so that identified c�t ons can be analyzed as the��,current budget process is experienced this year; and, it �M FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council ccepts the attached Budget Cal�ndar for the 1988 process for determining the 1989 bu et. �' Approval Recomme�ded: � � �� � Budge Di ctor Page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimond Lona In Favor Goswitz Rettman scne;ne� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form by City ttor e Adopted by Council: Date �, Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY � ,� . � . . . . ��--7�.� � ' ITY OF SAINT PAUL CALEND,AR FOR CURRENT DECISION ING PROCESS FOR ALQNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 1987 PROCESS FOR 1988 BUDGET AND 1988 PROCESS FOR 1989 BUDGET IN 1987 IN 1988 TASK . FOR 1988 BUDGET : FOR 1989 BUDGET : ---------------------�------------------ . ------------------- . ------------------- . 1. Departments Begin Budge�,�Planning . . . Based on Their Assessment`'�qf Needs . January - April 15 . January - April 15 . �,: SPEC. Council Requests Amendment to"�Iodernize . . . City Charter . N.A. . April 5 . '��� . . . SPEC. Council Hires New Research Staff ' . N.A. . March - April . `" . . . SPEC. Council Amends Budget Calendar �`'`�� . . . x • Ordinance for October lOth Adoption N.A. . April - May . `� . . 2. Review of Multi-Year Revenue Projections : `,� . - And Prior Year Financial Data: . `� . • Cabinet and Mayor . �`'�. February 9 . March . City Council . '�:,� No . April . , . �- . . 3. Cabinet Recamnends Budget Guidelines to . �=�R . • Mayor . I��A. . March 24 . , <� . . 4. Mayor's Guidelines for Preparing . `�� . • Budget Requests to Departments . April � . April 7 . , 5. Cabinet Recamnends "Budget Goals And . ' . • Policies" to Mayor . April 1 . April 15 . 6. Mayor Recommends "Budget Goals and . p``� : • Policies" to City Council . May 1 '°:,: • May 1 . . : . SPEC. Mayor and Cabinet Meet With Finance . . • Chair To Discuss Budget Issues . N.A. . May . 7. Council Adopts "Budget Goals & Policies" : No . May . 8. Budget Director Reviews Department . . . Budget Performance, Spending and . . • Financing Plan Requests With Council . . • '� Research Staff Participating In Review . June 2-17 . Jun� 1-17 . . . , , 9. Cabinet's Budget Reco�anendations to . . • Mayor . July 2 . Jul� 1 . 10. Mayor Proposes Budgets to . . • ; City Council . August 13 . August 11 . v • , � . . , d'�"7� . �,�. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL �Ar.FNDAR FOR CURRENT DECISION ING PROCESS FOR ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET 1987 PROCESS FOR 1988 BUDG , AND 1988 PROCESS FOR 1989 BUDGET IN 1987 IN 1988 TASK . FOR 1988 BUDGET : FOR 1989 BUDGET : 11. Council Reviews Mayor's Propo�ed . . . Budget with Departments and Budi�t . . . Director : August 25-Sept. 17 : August 16-Sept. 27 . ��� . . . 12. Council Holds Public Hearing on �`•� . . . Budget �' September 17 . Cambine to #15 . 13. Council Holds Neighborhood Public �`� . . Hearing on Budget . '�4 September 24 . September . �, 14. Council Holds Public Hearing on . � . . Budget And Assessment Rates . S�tember 29 . Cambine to #15 . . '"� . . 15. Council Holds Co�nbined Public . �, . . , Hearing for Budget & Assessment �� . . Rates N.Ay, . September . 16. Council Adopts Budget, Certifies �'°�,, . . Tax Levies and Sets Street Maintenance . . Assessments by October 1 �` . October 10 . 17. Council Finalizes Water Rates By ' . . Ordinance November November . `: . 18. Council Finalizes Sewer Rates By . . Resolution After Final MWCC Bill December . December . SPEC. Cabinet Recottttiends 'l�vo-Year Budget . . Planning Process to Mayor N.A. . October . SPEC. Mayor Recommends Ztao-Year Budget . . Planning Process to Council N.A. . November . SPEC. Council Decides on Structure of . . 'Itivo-Year Budget Planning Process N.A. . December . 19. Formalized Evaluation of Program Select: Watergate . . Performance ` Oxford Pool . January, 1989 . 20. Mayor Controls Implementation of Dept. . . Work Programs Within Spending Limits . �_E, . Authorized by the Budget Ongoing . Ongoing . RENSHAW/405/PERT2/04-07-88 � � � . � . .:� May 5, 1988 _ �/ ! : ` N.Ngr�.�ut i�n prCV i tfi n� that th? Mayar prp�x�se an !� ' :�n�e.n�nµnl ±:,� the E���csu?*_, la��n ar and Uther pro— v ' ' • • Co i mprov� the but!!�et dec i s i on �+racps s: � � Kv': z�� am?ndment. Approv�.;;ag:,� , re�so l ut i on ref'erreci f ro� Counc i I Apr i f 21) ! :'Lt� b. �ev i ew vf �x i st i ng bud.yet goa s and �I i c i es. N�te: Aypnda or�er is tentaTive and y be cnanged by the committee if circumstances dictate. Ayenda imes are provided as a rough Estimate so city staff invoived in pr-esentations can Rtan their wurk schedule to minimize the ti e spent aaiting for their � agenda it�rt�. The committee may elephone any scheduled presentor and ask them to advance their pr 5entation if the cor�nittee is r�unn�r�g ahead of schedu I e. � Note: The next Finance, Manaqement and Personnel Committee meeting w► 11 bE May 9th at 1 :30 �_m. in i�r CiCY Ccruncil Chambers. Additional item Resolution amending Section 8 of the Civil Service Rules concerning reallocation. Approved as amendedti , � , ., . i � � � r � � . . � . . . ' � . �' - . CITY OF S.A,INT P�UL • ��u�.. • ` ;i � m. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY�COUNCZL � Cammlttee� Re��r� - _ � �inance, l�an.a�ement, � Persannel �ammittee. r�y 5, l�as 1. App�ova I of m i n��t�� o� Ao�i 1 2�th me°t i na. �rp�� F I NANCE b Bt10GET . ! :U�1 'L. keso I u*_i on amend i ng t he !9Li8 budget by ac+�i ng �! .5UU to �he F i nanc i ng and Spenci i ng P i ar:s for Po) ice !� Card Ue�osit. Approved (Flefer�ed From Gour.cii April 21) 1 :U5 3. Re�olution .amendina the i988 budget by �c�ing _ $y, IUU to the Financing and Spendiny Plan� for ' . Confiscated and Unctaimed Monies. Approved (Keferrect firom Counci 1 Apri i 'L l ? 1 : !U 4. kesolution distributing•equal {y to each Council- member a portion of City Council budget in object _ . codes U2U0 and 0300 to be used as the derands for committees and communities require and d�recting the Oirector of Council Research to revi�w Ca�nci � budget and make recammend�tion to reflec� this change for final appr�vai by City Counci� within � 3U days of pdssage; and proposed amendme��t. Approved as amended (t�r•i g i na 1 Keso 1 ut i nn referrN�i from Co�nr� 1 Fct�ruary • 13, �ai�� pvr�r A�ri t 1$} (rqn-i nt�?d 1 CITYLI.ALL c-_�-.-�-�.�. z-..-.o ,.. .....,. ___ ..�..---- ---� _... �.�_, ,..-+�'"Y�-"'"'�n�+.,+s��tm�r;n�.�+�.��e�,.�ssfr:-^e�-�a�..s..� ., ,.