88-750 Wh11TE - CITV CLEHK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L Council n�. � CANARV - OEPARTMENT J���7,[J� ' BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Q�� d�J�'� ' CITY CLERK CQU cil Resolution i Presented By i Referred To Committee: Date i Out of Committee By Date � f I � ! An administrat ve Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules oncerning reallocation. � Resolved, that the Civil Se ice Rules be amended in Section 8, Filling � ' Vacancies, so that Subsection 8.A 2 shall read as follows: ; i 8.A.2 Employees whose ositi ns have been reclassified in accordance with Section 25.0 of these ules shall have reference in certification to ' their ositions from t e romotional list irres ective of their standin i on the list. The dire tor may authorize an appointing authority to . � promote an incumbent w thout further competitive examination to a classified position wh ch has been reallocated to a different I classification because of changes in 3ob duties and responsibilities, � which are not the resu t of planned management action. This authorization i may occur only if the cumbent has performed the critical dutiefi of the � higher position for one year or more, meets the minimum qualifications, � has promotion rights, a d has demonstrated satisfactory performance in � his/her position. If m re than one em lo ee is reallocated to the same I classification on the s e date, the seniorit date for such em lo ees ; will be the date of the reallocation. The order of seniorit will be in ; order of the a ointmen date in the title from which the have been � reallocated. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depariment of: nimond PER �oe In Fav r Goswitz Rettman ��t� A gai n s t By - Soonen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By- r . Councii Research C��� ��'"� _ �. - � . , . MAR 25 � N°_. 01:3288 � Personnel Office ggp�� . Shervi T.P CONTACT � , ,,. 422t -PHONE � Mareh 9� 19RR DA'1'E I�S�GN NI]1�IBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See everse aide.) � � Department Diractor 3 Mayor (or Assistant) 3� �y I ��—_ _ Finance artd ZSanagement Services Di ctor 4. City Cl�erk- _ Budget Director �5 Civil Se ice�e mm'asion � City Attorney TOTAL NDMBLR OF SIGNATURE PAGES: Clip all locations �or signature.) � C ? (Purposa/Rationale) This resolution will am2nd the Civil Se vice Rules to re-establish a portion of 8.A that was inadvertently deleted in December o 1987. The second modification is the addition of a clause specifying how seniority wi 1 be determined in cases of reallocation. There is currently no rule specifqing how sen ority will be determined. R�C�)�rc� �;7AR � �1 198� N Y AND P S E A C P D: ����OR�v� O�'�'1CF' There is no financial impact connected ith this resolution. The resolution will provide for C�►e following: 1 . Decrease unnecessary testing on reclassification situations. 2. Establish an objective method f r determining seniority in reallocation cases. This in turn will provide secur'ty for employees and will decrease the liklihood bf rievances. ' 0 C AC IVI GED 0 T (Mayor's signature not required if unde $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: Activity Number: Funding Source: ATTAGHMENTS: (List snd number all atta hments.� REC EIVED 1 . Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk MAR 111988 ADidINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P cedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or t etable attached? DEPAitTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY.REVIL�'�,1 x Yes �No Council resolution requ edP Resolution required? _Yes _No �Yes X_No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes X No Insurance attached� ' - V' �� k7 v May 5, 1988 . X ! = �=� `-�. �Nso+ut i�,n r�rov i d i nq th�t tt�e May�r prn`�se an �ni?r��mµr�l' Cv the E���t3�?*.. ld i er,Ci�r and ��ther pro- V!5 ivf1S CG im�irove trlQ C?U" �72C ��t?�C i 5 ipfl pi'GC°55: af�tl �rc�uuse�� amendment. Approved as 2�neAded tUriqindl rESOiution ref red fr�m Council A�rii 21) ! .'LU 5. kzview of ex�sting bud.ye ctoal5 and �licies. ^1�te: Ryenda order is tentaTive a d may be cnanged by the committee if circumstances ciictate. A_ye da times are provided as a rouqh Estimate so city staff involved in presentazions can plan their � wurk schedule to minimize t e time spent waiting for their � agencia item. The committee may telepnone any scheduled presentor and ask them to advance th�ir present�tion if the committee is r�unning ahead of scheduie. � Note: The next Finance, M,�nagemen and Personnei Committee meeting w► 11 be May 9th at 1 :30 �.m. in ti�e Ciry Cc�unci� Chamber:_ Ad "��u't�i.��IM�3�t,g Srection 8��€� tl�e Civi.l Service Rules �e�:�rri�����arri�. .8s �����. r�, ' � CITY OF SAINT PA17'L i!{ii"ii:I' � � ' OB'F'IG'� OF TH� CITY�COUNCIL � Commi�tee� Regort . � � � �'.�ce. �ana�ement, ,� Person 1 �ommittee., v r�y �, s9aa :_ , . 1 . Aporova i of m i n��te� of Ao�i 1 2HCh me�t i ng. -p,�rpv� FINANCE � BUDGET 1 :U i1 Z. keso I u*_i or� amend i ny t he !988 t�udget by a��i ng �1 ,5UU to the Financing ond Spenciing Piars for Police !� Card Uep�sit. Approved tReferred From Gouncil April 2!) 1 :US 3_ Resolution .amending the 198$ budget by acding . �9../UU to the Finanring and SpendinU Plans for . Confisc8ted and Unclaimed Monies. Approved (►teferred t=rom COUrtCi 1 A(�►'i ! 2!) 1 : lU 4, kesolution distributing•equalty to each Council- member a portion o� City Council budget in object _ c��des UZUO and 0300 to be used as the der�ands for committees and communities require and d�recting the Director of Council Research to review Council budget and make recommend�tion to reflec� this change for final approvdl by City Counci': within � 3U d�ys of passage; and proposed amendme��t. Approved as amended (Ur•iginal Nesoi�tion referred fr�rn Counc� i February ?..j, iaid ovNr Apris 1$1 (r��n-i nued) . _ _. _. . . --- _ . .__.... � .�........__...>_,__ s,._ i:.iTY �-L.ALL c^.^_i.*-r-= z-..^v .. . ., _ .. .._....__--_. __._. _..,.�,�.�.-.� __ - ; : -. _; ., �._ =- � � .. .,.. _, nr�ITE - GITY CIEJ�K ( `�`��J�"�"^��� OINK � FINI�NCE > gLUERr�MAVppTMENT GITY O SAINT PAUL Fleci N0. --�� Cvunc 'l Resolution -7 � Present y Referred To �� �� � ' Committee: Date ���r Out of Committee By Date An administrati e Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules c nceraing reallocation. Resolved, that the Civil Se ice Rules be amended in Section 8, Filliag Vacancies, so that Subsection 8.A. shall read as follows:_ 8.A.2 Employees whose positio s have been reclassified in accordance with Section 25.0 of these R les shall have reference in certification to their ositions from th romotional list irres ective of their standin on the list. The direc or may authorize an appointing authority to promote an incumbent wi hout further competitive examination to a classified position whi h has been reallocated to a different classification because f changes in job duties and responsibilities, which are not the resul of planned management action. This authorizatioa may occur only if the i cumbent has performed the critical dutias of the higher position for one year or more, meets the minimum qualifications, has promotion rights, a d has demonstrated satisfactory performance in his/her position. I h o e s 1 t c s ' a n e a , se ' at be of oc o . r nio t o en at e ro h h 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested 6y Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond PER Lo�g [n Fa or Gosvia s�h�nei Again t By • Sonnen Wilson Form pproved b Cit orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P�ssed by Council Secretary BY ' 8� ` ag2roved by Mavor: Date Approv d y Mayor for Sub 'ssi t ouncil �Y �� ` �- �.� 7��J -°"""^��� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL -_:;�'t' , `w,, t�; �`" �.i �; ';_,�� ,� 1� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 's e �?a. `�� /l ;a j 1'� �� �� � ;,,+� °<<'G: ,I� � ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,; _ �� a��q1mR!`c��'� 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-4231 GEORGE LAT�MER MAYOR `/� � � � X May 18, 1988 �� "(�^� Civil Service Commission Room 265, City Hall Dear Commission Members: I herewith submit for your conside ation the attached resolution(s) amending the Civil Service Rules opted at today's City Council meeting: C.F. 88-750 Very truly yours, �,��t� +C�J, C C' G�%�`%ti' Albert B. Olson �� City Clerk ABO:th